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Shop 11779 Meeting with Hamid 2/13/2025  

Recording notes. Hamid jumped on and we started building a mock-up for field mappings on a CSV file upload for parts/items. We can already do this, upload parts and items, but we have to hardcode each upload to fit the current corporation or company. They are all different. This new process will be a multi-step process that asks how many fields are needed, then shows mapping options, then eventually does the upload and imports the data. We didn't get to the upload part yet (we'll copy some of our other code when ready), but spent most of our session this time on the mapping stuff. I'll get to that other part later (next week).

Kinda a good learning and training process for him to watch me build something from the ground up, somewhat on the fly. We were able to chat about things before we built it, we would then make it, test it, and move on to the next part of the process. I was having fun and I think that he enjoyed it as well.

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Shop 11793 Meeting with Cory 2/13/2025  

Meeting with Cory and going over needs and projects. We talked about the new Texas 130-U form (title and registration stuff for Texas stock/units and trailers), getting a report of gift cards and current values, using the classic homepage as a click through (behind the scenes) option, and other needs. We spent a little bit of time looking into a possible disconnect on the advanced time search form. We may have to go in and look a little bit deeper.

The other thing that we talked about was PO backorders and partially receiving PO line items vs receiving the whole PO. This is a request from a client that is doing a lot of just in time manufacturing and needs to know what is still on the incoming side of the backorders. Cory and I will be doing some planning and prep stuff next week to line out this project and give them a quote/estimate.

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Shop 11772 Meeting with Shannon 2/13/2025  

Meeting with Shannon. Talking about being overwhelmed and how to manage that. She recommended that doing some exercising of self-compassion can really help. Often, we beat ourselves up, quite a bit. She also likes to think, I'm not alone, we all have to go through this. Talking about life and lessons being learned, as we go.

For our main work session, we went over the bullet points on both the business functions and the core concepts, in the presentation gallery. Trying to make sure that we are pitching and selling what we really have (sales stuff - prep work).

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Shop 11777 Meeting with Cody 2/12/2025  

Meeting with Cody. Spent the whole time going over the adilas database. He is mapping things out and had a number of questions. We were looking in code, looking up tables, checking relationships, primary keys, foreign keys, lists, dynamics, etc. Good work session. As we went through things, he is also starting a list of suggestions and ideas on how we can restructure things to help make it more efficient and flow better. I was encouraging him in those efforts. We also briefly talked about where we are headed and some of the overarching goals of the adilas system. One of the upcoming needs will be graphical homepages with quick stats, summaries, graphs, and charts. I have a bunch of other notes on graphical homepages (over the year) by clicking here.

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Shop 11792 Recording Notes 2/11/2025  

Quick meeting with Steve to go over things. We talked about the Canada deal, where that is at, what we have learned, and what are plans are. We also talked about ecommerce needs and little tweaks that we can make there. We keep refining things every day. That's part of what we do.

Recording notes from 2/10/25 to 2/11/25.

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Shop 11788 Recipe flow with Grand Peaks 2/11/2025  

Still on with Bryan, but we switched over to some questions on recipe/builds and how to get your items all lined up. A client had some questions. Jumped on a Zoom session with Amy and Bob Tippetts from Grand Peaks Prime Meats, up in Idaho Falls. We spent some time trying to help them be willing to go in and play around and try things (use the system). We want them to write down their questions and then we will help them out. Hopefully they enjoyed the small training session.

Side note, it is crazy to see how much training can either make or break a deal. Often the system can do it, but they (the users) don't know how or what to do. It then becomes our job to help train them and help them know what to do and how best to run or deal with things. It's fun, but it does take time.

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Shop 11756 Adilas B ChatGPT 2/11/2025  

Intro to ChatGPT with Bryan. Trying to login and get setup. Their security code (2-Factor authentication stuff) to my email inbox kept timing out. Anyways, Bryan was showing me around using his account. It can really help with thinking outside the box. Bryan showed me a couple of usages that he does with ChatGPT. Things like: revising emails and email helps, summarizing data, code hints, itineraries, building business plans, sales stuff, notes and journaling, and asking it questions. Prompt it to keep refining it into what you really want. Start somewhere, then refine it. Sometimes, it (AI or ChatGPT) is great to help generate ideas that you may not think of. Asking it to change and/or alter the flavor as needed (once again, adding in the prompts). Good session.

I'm kinda slow on the AI adoption process (I'm resisting it). I know that I could use it and save time, I just haven't done it yet. This was a good intro for me.

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Shop 11773 Meeting with Shannon 2/11/2025  

Emails, light tech support, and meeting with Shannon. Also working with Wayne (briefly) and looking over some automatic email code. He jumped on the GoToMeeting session with Shannon and I for a bit. Once we were done, Shannon and I went back to working on things. We made a plan for Thursday. Light tech support and changing some settings for Suzi.

Light plan for working on the presentation gallery. We have 4 main topics, about 50 slides (pages), and we want to work on each section, one thing at a time to make sure that the site seems cohesive and works as a group.

Presentation Gallery
link -

Business Functions
- Solid bullets - Make sure that the bullet points are good and solid
- Top Level Modals - Make sure that every page has a top level popup modal description
- Sub Level Modals - When ready, make sure that each bullet point has its own popup modal description and images (or videos)
- Images and Refine - Go back through things and make it look really nice, tight, and fine-tooth combing of the data and content.

Application Players
- Solid bullets - See above
- Top Level Modals
- Sub Level Modals
- Images and Refine

- Solid bullets - See above
- Top Level Modals
- Sub Level Modals
- Images and Refine

Core Concepts
- Solid bullets - See above
- Top Level Modals
- Sub Level Modals
- Images and Refine

Starting on Thursday we want to go back through each one at the top level. Review the bullets we have done (business functions and core concepts) and look to what needs to happen for the Attributes and Application Players.

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Shop 11789 Yogen Fruz Meeting 2/11/2025  

Meeting with Yogen Fruz about the website and POS system. Six of us on the call together, talking about where we are at, and how to do things. Josh, Steve, and I were on the meeting from adilas. Light talks and small frustrations, both sides. This has gone on quite a while (over five months). Trying to figure out the next steps. We kept going back and forth between the POS and the website. They are somewhat tied together (projects as a whole). It seems like timing and figuring out comfort levels is the next logical step. Still in the waiting game a bit. I showed them a quick view of the new Knox report.

As a side note, when we were talking about the website... we are proposing a combo of a fully integrated POS system, CMS (content management system), and eCommerce. That's a pretty powerful combo, when you mix all of those pieces together. Other companies either do one or the other or have one or more plug-ins to connect with the other pieces. If any outside changes are needed, they have to be directly involved, meaning the outside vendors or companies. This happens over and over again (with other companies) vs a CMS that lets the users control things from an integrated system like adilas.

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Shop 11791 Building part of the Knox report 2/10/2025  

Back working on the custom sales breakdown report. Spent some time on the math percentages stuff. Building out a small function.

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Shop 11790 Various meetings 2/10/2025  

Phone call with Bryan. He has a customer that is requesting ecommerce functions with a standard item (parent item) and then being able to just pick a size or a color. We do that with sub inventory, but need to make it easier for customer facing ecommerce functionality. Those two things are super common (sizes and colors).

Paying bills and going through emails. Jumped on a GoToMeeting session with Steve to go over some updates and look at a database update question for the inventory snapshot stuff.

Working on the custom sales breakdown stuff for Phillip. Small little tweaks and starting to work on the math stuff (percentages).

Bryan jumped on with Steve and I and had a bunch of questions about recipe/builds and how to convert a bottle (item marked as an each) into ounces in order to use certain products in bulk. We showed him some new stuff and how to do advanced adds on PO line items.

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Shop 11776 Meeting with Cody 2/10/2025  

Working with Cody. Going over his UML diagrams (using drawio - an online drawing tool) to map out the adilas database. We then flipped over to the latest build of the adilas label builder and did some code review. We merged in some files. He then helped me with some CSS debugging on one of my projects.

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Shop 11784 Recording Notes 2/8/2025  

Emails and recording notes from 2/3/25 to 2/6/25.

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Shop 11764 Meeting with Hamid 2/6/2025  

Work session with Hamid. He finished up the 12 business functions and the see more features modals and bulleted lists. See below for a list of link (see the section titled see more features per page). We also checked and pushed up a bunch of the smaller PDF's that show the business functions in a printable format. Good work session.

Sales, Inventory & POS System
Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
Calendaring & Scheduling
Accounting & Backend Office
Expense Tracking
Payroll & Time Cards
Reports & Histories
Business Intelligence (BI)
Data Relationships
Content Management System (CMS)
Big Data

Going forward, he is going to be working on some training in CSS and JavaScript until Shannon and I can get him some new content for the presentation gallery site.

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Shop 11783 Working on a custom sales report 2/6/2025  

 Working on the Yogen Fruz special report page for Phillip. Working on really building out the page. Tied in the new form, the comparison, and started showing output values. Good work session.

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Shop 11771 Meeting with Shannon 2/6/2025  

Meeting with Shannon. Doing some light catch-up. It has been a while since I have worked with Shannon. Talking about patience and waiting on the Lord (His timing). I reported on my trip up to Canada and how things went up there. We talked about working on the presentation gallery, chipping away, at that big project. We talked about other content needs and how we can push the ball forward. I would like Shannon's help on plans, outlines, and helping me to make new content. She has been great on those levels. Super excited to get back to work with her. We also talked about letting go and not trying to micro control everything to a super tight level (obsessed with details or perfectionism). Let's just get it out there.

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Shop 11778 Meeting with Steve 2/5/2025  

Working with Steve. Working with the inventory snapshot code/database and back figuring the data. We are planning on harnessing user clicks to help with catching up the rolling part/item quantity. We worked on adding in a threshold value and a quantity check to help us watch and monitor which items have been updated. Multi-hour building and work session.

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Shop 11770 data setup 2/5/2025  

Meeting with Bryan to go over some planning and building out a demo site with both flex attributes and flex grid tie-in (building forms and drop-downs). Spent the session actually building it out.

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Shop 11638 Meeting with Russell 2/5/2025  

Clock in/out issue that Cory sent to me. Quick backend database change. Texted cory that it was fixed.

Meeting with Russell. Working with Russell to bring in small pieces of the layout that we made in Adobe XD. Building the form, the toggle to show hide the other part of the form, and working on custom CSS (cascading style sheets - layout and view code stuff).

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Shop 11769 Meeting with Cody 2/5/2025  

Talking about making some UML diagrams for the adilas database. We spent a bunch of time talking about databases and all of the interconnected relationship (just for parts, PO's, invoices, and sub inventory). For me, send Cody all of my old database docs (take the time to get him the correct info - ended up finding a few back from 2016 and 2017 - they had been uploaded into the adilas shop media/content folder - do a description search by database and set the dates back to 2016 to 2017).

We also spent some time talking about banking hours and how that works (paid time off or future payout options). We then got into working on permissions inside of the label builder. We went through a bunch of stuff and added some light permissions to the label builder home page. Good work session.

Cody is wanting to help me get some of the older projects done that have been on my tick list for years and years. I'm excited about that.

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Shop 11761 Meeting with Gene and Taylor 2/4/2025  

They were busy doing some customer integration stuff so we will have to reschedule. Texting back and forth.

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Shop 11782 General 2/4/2025  

Emails, paying bills, internal tech support, and merged in some code for Bryan. Small change on the QuickBooks API stuff that he is working on. Pushed up files to all servers.

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Shop 11762 Meeting with Wayne and Alan 2/4/2025  

Meeting with Wayne and Alan to go over options for database configuration options (code words... datasource project or bus to motorcycle or world building project). Light catch-up. Wayne was going over options for running a base service to figure out the corp and datasource (what database to use). The old datasource is the default.

Talking about efficiency and combining corporations and servers. Going over scenarios. The idea is to make the code and the schema unaware (more open - able to connect to any database). For me, I have a bunch of older notes under clustering, solar systems, and galaxies (all kinds of cross-schema options).

For us, internally, database updates may get more crazy, especially for our developers. Talking about possible load balancing stuff. We were talking about master databases, sub databases, and efficiency questions.

- Wayne was recommending a more company related approach (which businesses are connected or have a relationship) vs corp related (single worlds, all by themselves). Widen it out a bit.

- Wayne's branch... WLA/DynamicDSN

- Alan was talking about a wish list to help update things from one spot (one page or one server) vs logging into each server to run it on each server (current process).

- Wayne already uses a script (test script) to run his database updates. He doesn't like to do things over and over again. He would rather build a script or make a tool to do that.

- Wayne wants Alan and I to help pitch it to Steve and Cory.

- We may need to look at and check the edge cases (on the datasource look-up project). They were talking about some known caching issues.

- Places that we need to check... (list of us, internally)
>> shop folder - there is some session stuff but it is different then the top_secret stuff.
>> web folder - API's - most pass in a corp key that we can figure out a corp id number from.
>> public folder - hardcoded per page or FORM or URL scoped controlled.
>> temp folder - hardcoded per page or FORM or URL scoped controlled.
>> database_updates folder - may need to query (get all known datasources), then loop and do updates per schema. basically, layer and nest things vs just plain doing a single update.
>> check the process to create a new corp - some questions there (we are currently using the main datasource and building tables and inputting values based on our create new corp routines).
>> caching - check the daos, services, and cfc's - make sure we do what we need to here to make this still function correctly.
>> search for corp_id IN (? whatever the list or arguments are) - multi corp queries. Maybe be able to set a temporary master/primary corp id where needed.

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Shop 11781 Meeting with Bryan 2/3/2025  

Working with Bryan. He was trying to setup flex grid and flex attributes for an upcoming demo. We did some planning and looking at the different pieces and what would need to go where. We were using simple notes, outlines, and even got into some table/data simulations in Microsoft Excel. Sometimes that really helps to show how the data will look and how it will be related, connected, and stored. You can even see how you would query and filter things as well. Great planning and mock-up tool.

Spent the last 15 minutes doing emails and cleaning up.

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Shop 11780 Working with Cody 2/3/2025  

Emails. Quick meeting with Cody to look at his code. Ended up debugging a small database update to total up the sub date/times for all existing records. We pushed up the code and then talked about some of the next steps.

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Shop 11759 Meeting with Cody 2/3/2025  

Meeting with Cody. Trying to figure out the next phase or part of the label builder project. We recorded some notes and plan on doing some security stuff on Wednesday morning. We talked about using the buddy system to get through certain projects and help with motivation. I sent him over a whole bunch of my little todo list items. I helped him get some small bugs fixed, that I knew how to fix (based on older files and custom includes). Small work session.

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Shop 11767 Recording Notes 2/1/2025  

Recording notes from 1/29/25 to 2/1/25.

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Shop 11766 Working with Steve 2/1/2025  

Saturday morning meeting with Steve. He and I going over the inventory snapshot project. Lots of drawing and going over ideas and concepts. This is basically a mini aggregate (sum or count) of the parts and items per item and per location. We then started to code our own version of the inventory snapshot. We were putting new code on some of our internal components where we were updating item quantities.

As we were working, we started talking about machine learning and all of the new AI stuff. We have so much data... that is huge. We have to deal with both machines and people. Wach one may need different sets of data. We briefly talked about banks and getting transactions as they happen (in the field and at certain locations) and how to make that stuff hit our database (expenses and deposits automatically hitting the adilas system per corp as setup).

The rest of the session was building out the code and then testing and debugging. We merged the new changes into the master branch and it will auto deploy tomorrow morning.

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Shop 11742 Meeting with Hamid 1/30/2025  

Work session on breaking down the big PDF's into smaller pieces. Hamid was working on web modals in the business functions of the presentation gallery, and I was physically adding links and footers to the smaller PDF files. Good little work session. Pushed up files into the master branch. See attached for the 12 business function PDF's (mini versions).

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Shop 11765 General 1/30/2025  

Emails, paying bills, phone calls, texts, going through things. Small to do list stuff.

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Shop 11639 Meeting with Russell 1/29/2025  

Meeting with both Russell and Chuck. They were recommending sub districts (maybe for enterprise level grouping) for multiple locations (corporations). Good work session with both guys. That wasn't the original plan, but it worked out pretty well. We spent some time going over the pdf dashboard mock-up from Chuck for Yogen Fruz (see attached).

After Chuck left, I was talking with Russell about showing and selling subs out in ecommerce land. We may have to reverse out the structure. He also recommended that we abstract the process to use the same code for each option (show and sell parents, show parents and sell subs, show subs and sell subs). Ideally, we will setup the ecommerce so that it can use any of these selling types, and the data all gets passed to the cart correctly. Basically, format it all to go down one pipe... with possible branching logic. Russell did some fun drawings that helped me see what he was pitching (see image).

We then jumped into Affinity Photo and played around with some of the tools. Kind of a show and tell lesson on some of his favorite tools. Recorded some notes and pushed up the supporting files to document things.

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Shop 11747 Meeting with Cody 1/29/2025  

Meeting with Cody. Looking over his new database queries (lots of left joins) on some of stock/unit queries. We then looked at the bug we were working on Monday. He got it fixed. It was a case sensitive thing with JavaScript. Pushed up a bunch of code. Then, Cody, helped me fix a bunch of other small JavaScript errors. One of the ones was dealing with a bounding box issue (imposed margin of sorts on a page). You could see it (a form control piece) but couldn't interact with it. We got that fixed and a couple of other small issues. Small work session.

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Shop 11758 New tax year forms 1/28/2025  

Working on populating new code for 2024 tax year 1099's and W-2's. Spent a bunch of time in Adobe Acrobat editing forms, creating form fields, testing tab orders, alignment, and previewing data and data overlays. Also went into some of the backend logic and did some small tweaks and updates. Pushed up new code and new forms to all servers. Let Shari O. and Cory know that new forms were up and live.

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Shop 11738 Lunch with Bryan 1/28/2025  

Bryan and I met for lunch. We were talking about adilas, sales, clients, research, and using ChatGPT to help us look over all our notes and help us make some plans and summaries. Bryan is going to help me with that.

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Shop 11755 Label builder dream 1/28/2025  

A couple of days ago, I had a small dream about using the adilas label builder to help people market and sell their products. Nothing too special, but I wanted to record that I was dreaming about it. We are currently on version 3, made by Cody Apedaile. The code is live but we haven't really had people go in and start working on it yet (testing and playing with it). The new label builder is pretty cool and has tons of potential. I'm hoping that we will have people in playing with things and building labels within a few weeks. It is currently at a MVP type level. We have a number of other things we really want to do with it, but it is coming.

Just for the record: The adilas label builder - version 1 was done by Calvin Chipman. It was a standalone Windows app that connected to the backend adilas database through an API. Really good product but it was limited to Windows.

The adilas label builder - version 2 was also done by Calvin Chipman. We wanted a more open web version. He subbed some of the development out in order to make a JavaScript or web version of his original product. It ended up costing quite a bit and we basically ran out of funding. It only got part way done. We were planning a revamp of that code - version 2. After looking into it, we decided to take what we liked, and build a whole new version.

The adilas label builder - version 3 incorporates a new label homepage, a build new interface that is super flexible and powerful. It can handle static text, dynamic text, rectangles, circles, images, barcodes, QR codes, layering, stacking, and other cool dynamics. This is probably way too big, but here was an internal demo that we did back in December of last year (12/2024) to show off the label builder. Anyways, it is looking really good. I can't wait to help people use it and market their stuff, items, and products.

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Shop 11757 Recording Notes 1/28/2025  

A bunch of random things... paying bills. recording notes from yesterday, recorded a note about a dream using the adilas label builder, and doing emails.

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Shop 11754 Pushing up code for a bug fix 1/27/2025  

Checking and merging in the ListFind function changes. Our code used to have a lot of list contains functions. Changed out over 150 pages to a list find function. It is much tighter and should help with searches and matching things up better.

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Shop 11753 Grabbing new tax forms 1/27/2025  

Working on 1099's and W-2's for tax year 2024. Kind of a late start on this. We'll do better next year.

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Shop 11752 General 1/27/2025  

Meeting with Steve to go over ecommerce stuff. Trying to debug some code on sub inventory attributes. Got stuck on some checkboxes that wouldn't work or were having issues. Trying lots of stuff. Multiple attempts. We'll have to come back to that.

Phone call with Dave Forbis. He was asking a number of questions. Lots of questions about social media connections and API's, on demand print stuff, and banks that we have integrated with (for pulling back deposits and expenses to help with bank reconciliation stuff). We also talked about old projects for campaign tracking and GPS tracking. He was looking around and trying to get things lined up. Good call.

Emails and reviewing tons of PDF files from Hamid, for the business functions, on the presentation gallery.

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Shop 11736 Meeting with Cody 1/27/2025  

Meeting with Cody. Going over progress. We were going to send out an email asking for feedback on the new label builder (to our internal crew). As we were typing up the email, we ended up looking into a small bug that I had found. That sent us off on a tangent and we are going to be refactoring some code before we ask for feedback. The error was dealing with the main save button on the label builder. It was really saving things, but it was showing an error. We were having issues with the CDN (content delivery network) and browser caching issues. We could change the actual JavaScript file and then have the server pull it in, but it wasn't being fully pulled into the other areas. Some light struggles there. We even tried a few work arounds. We ended up that Cody will look at it deeper and we'll get back together, once we have a plan in place or working.

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Shop 11745 Recording Notes 1/23/2025  

Recording notes from the day.

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Shop 11723 Meeting with Hamid 1/23/2025  

Working with Hamid. He had done some splitting up of a huge PDF file into a number of smaller PDFs. We started working on the sales gallery (presentation gallery) and he will be adding in additional information inside of modal popups for the business functions. His work will show up on the see more features section per business function.

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Shop 11744 Bug fix with Steve 1/23/2025  

Quick meeting with Steve to look into an ecommerce bug. We found some poorly placed div tags (HTML code) and got it working again.

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Shop 11731 Meeting with a prospective client 1/23/2025  

Zoom meeting with Sean, Bryan, and Steve from the adilas team. We were meeting with Cody from Alliance - a civil engineering division out of northern Utah. Going over project time tracking and invoicing. Permission templates.

Small idea from Cody - be able to flip flop subs of time from the main elements of time to other elements of time. For example, say your guys are clocking in/out on a certain project. They make a mistake and it, the timecard, should have been on a different project. Currently, you have to make that record inactive and copy/paste the info to the correct spot. They would like it if you could just change the main time id (project id) for the sub and then it virtually gets moved to the correct spot. I made some notes on my to do list, on my computer. Great idea!

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Shop 11729 YF Website Meeting 1/23/2025  

Yogen Fruz website meeting - There were 9 of us on the call. They had questions about the main YF website for Chuck. We talked about online orders, merch (small items or merchandise), there will be a test with new hardware from us and another competitor. We spent some time talking about hardware. They were talking about needs and wants for their website. There were some questions about quality control and who does what on the hardware setup. Talking about content and showing videos on their menu boards. Currently the company that does their menu boards change both the video and content. They are also responsible for changes to prices, based on Excel spreadsheets, per location/region. She, Moran, wants to get the videos that they use on the menu board on their social media accounts. They want to control the full backend. They currently don't own the content. More talking about hardware, media, and controlling the backend content. Good meeting.

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Shop 11743 Bug fix - list contains vs list find 1/23/2025  

Emails. Then flipped over to the branch that Cody did to flip the list find and list contains functions. We are trying to use the list find functions, as they are tighter and produce more controllable output. Going page by page and looking at code and files in his branch. Adding modified logs and doing light clean-up. Did three different sessions on this bug fix today. Spent from 9:30 am to 11:30 am, 3:30 pm to 4:45 pm, and 6:15 pm to 7 pm. 4 hours total.

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Shop 11741 Recording Notes 1/22/2025  

Recording notes from yesterday and today.

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Shop 11737 Sioux Education data flow 1/22/2025  

From Bryan - Talk about the Sioux Tribe and the education data flow, if they were to use adilas

Meeting up with Bryan. Lots of talk and looking into the flex grid usage and setting things up. Making plans for the 30 custom fields and how you want to use them. You can get pretty creative with those fields. Got into what is going on behind the scenes with counting the length of the columns to determine what to show and what to hide, based on usage of the columns.

Talking about security. Here is a link to an older security flyer for adilas. Then we switched over to looking at invoice and quote flex attributes (passing things through the shopping cart). We got into the save quote logic and found where the new code needs to go to help make things happen to save those flex attributes.

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Shop 11637 Meeting with Russell 1/22/2025  

Working with Russell. Doing some planning. We had to break a bigger document into smaller pieces (categories and sub categories). He was getting me into using notion and some of the cool things that you can do with that program - robust web tools. Light planning on the custom sales breakdown report for Phillip. Working in Adobe XD and doing some layout stuff. Steve joined us and we got into a small bug out in ecommerce land. Russell had to go, but it was good to get Steve on there with Russell again. It's been awhile since those two have met up and talked.

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Shop 11728 Meeting with Cody 1/22/2025  

Meeting with Cody. Going over the PDF reader code that he wrote (parsing and stripping out data values for tax withholdings). We then jumped over and started looking for a new project for Cody. He ran a global find and replace for the list contains vs the list find functions. I need to check that out and get it all merged into the system or the master branch.

After that, we switched over and he will be working on the total time for sub dates and times. I showed him some existing payroll stuff and we spent a bit of time looking around and finding the different pieces of the puzzle. His project will be in the sub dates and time, not in payroll, but they are similar (calculating total time). We also did some just in time project management (our specialty) and planning. This project was started by Steve and Eric last March of 2024, and it is already 3/4 of the way done but it needs some light detail work. I'm hoping that Cody will be able to follow things along and help make it just a little bit tighter, which will allow us to fully use it better.

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Shop 11734 Working on payroll updates 1/21/2025  

Payroll updates. Got a digital file from Cody Apedaile. Took the values and started working with them. The goal is to take a PDF file (from the pub-15 from the IRS), convert the PDF table data into a CSV (Cody did that), then use that CSV file to build database update scripts. Spent lots of time prepping the excel file and moving data around.

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Shop 11733 Phone calls 1/21/2025  

Phone call with Shari O. going over MMLLC ownership and new member options. Phone call with Cory to talk about orders and PO based back-orders (inbound order status stuff). Light research on MMLLC's (multi member LLC's) and options for gifting percent ownership.

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Shop 11732 Formatting a comparison document 1/21/2025  

Fixing a comparison document thing for Josh. He sent me both an email and a PDF that needed a little bit of tweaking. Converted the PDF into a Microsoft Word document and did some formatting. Sent it back to Josh.

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Shop 11730 General 1/20/2025  

Emails and playing with percentage ownership changes (Microsoft Excel stuff). Paying bills. Two phone calls with Steve to go over percentages. Going over Yogen Fruz stuff. Talking about software and hardware integrations. Even talking about possible middleware application for a print queue or print log. Maybe tying in the print log to Windows or Android specific middleware or software. After that, spent some time talking to Heather (my wife) about updates on different subjects. Recording notes.

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Shop 11719 Meeting with Cody 1/20/2025  

Working with Cody. He asked for and needs a focus. We went over some of my todo list stuff. Custom PDF's, paperwork, payroll stuff, parsing text documents, etc. Talking about percentages and inviting Cody into the adilas MMLLC (multi-member LLC) co-owner family. We over what that means and how it works for taxes. General stuff.

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Shop 11726 Recording Notes 1/16/2025  

Recording notes from 1/15/25 to 1/16/25. Busy day for meetings today.

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Shop 11712 Meeting with Hamid 1/16/2025  

Working with Hamid. We haven't met up since before Thanksgiving. We jumped back into it. We spent some time going over the sales presentation gallery and what is needed there. Hamid may help me get some new content up and moving along. Getting him back into that process. One of his first tasks is going to be splitting up a huge 50 page PDF file into 12 smaller files for the adilas business functions.

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Shop 11722 Meeting with Bryan 1/16/2025  

Working with Bryan on swapping out the vendors and part numbers for a client. It got deep into a bulk find and replace tool with looping logic. The tool is just on Brandon's machine, not part of the master branch. It was built to help this client. If it is needed again, we may have to lightly tweak it.

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Shop 11721 Meeting with Cory 1/16/2025  

Meeting with Cory over a Zoom session. There are two reports that are giving different information. Looking deeper into the reports and which items are not matching up. Lots of deep diving and looking under the covers. We were running raw queries against servers and databases. Really trying to figure out dates and values. We have to circle back around and re-write some logic on the sub inventory reports.

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Shop 11720 Cove PO cleanup 1/16/2025  

Cove PO cleanup - Working with Bryan on switching out vendors and parts on a bunch of PO's. Deep find and replace in bulk. We got part way done and then thought about another part of the puzzle that needed to be acknowledged. We couldn't finish it in the amount of time that we had. We just made some quick notes and setup a time for later in the afternoon to get back to it.

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Shop 11725 Reviewing Code and Options 1/15/2025  

Checking out assets and code samples in the project CSS theme. Playing around with different pieces. Visual research stuff.

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Shop 11635 Meeting with Russell 1/15/2025  

Meeting with Russell. Working in Adobe XD and playing with report mock-ups. Russell likes to do just enough to get going (don't overdo it on XD). We spent most of the time in XD building a report mock-up. I was driving and he was telling me what to do (design backseat driving). Fun session.

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Shop 11724 Helping others - build out their platforms 1/15/2025  

Just a thought... We are trying to build our own application and system (platform). What if we helped out either our competition or another company that wants to do what we are doing? Combine our efforts. We don't have to be the name (main player). We could be like the Intel chip (or any other AMD type chip set). We help power things. Powered by adilas!

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Shop 11709 Meeting with Cody 1/15/2025  

Quick meeting with Cody to touch base and setup another meeting. He is working on the infinite scroll stuff.

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Shop 11718 Fixing flex attribute data for a client 1/14/2025  

Fixing some flex attributes and their data for a company on data 10. They have six corps, and all need the fix. Basically, they setup a flex attribute as a text value, now they want to convert that to a date/time stamp (physical database change). Built a custom tool and ran it on all corps that needed to be flipped (converted between the different data types). Let Cory know that we got it done.

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Shop 11715 Digital upload for a client - 25K customer records plus loyalty points 1/14/2025  

Working on a digital upload of customer data for a client. Over 25,000 records with basic customer info plus loyalty points from a previous system. Spent time combing the data and breaking it into smaller pieces. My upload tool can only handle about 1,000 records at a time, so that we don't overwhelm the server. Pushed up records and let client know via email.

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Shop 11711 check and push QB API code 1/14/2025  

Meeting with Bryan to go over questions and code. We talked about using a tablet or a phone to browse inventory for customers (on site in a show room or warehouse floor). Including the ability to link to PDF's or other information packets per inventory item. We talked about options, including QR codes and web links and buttons. We then switched and talked about quote and invoice (cart) flex attributes. Went through a few questions and I made a few suggestions. Next, we flipped over to some on account stuff for QuickBooks API for one of the clients. We pushed up some code and he was doing some testing and running through scenarios.

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Shop 11710 Meetings 1/13/2025  

On a Zoom session with Cory. Fixing some deposits for a client. Emails. Meeting with John Maestas (old adilas developer). We were talking about the state of the union type discussion. Basically, where are things at and who is doing what, inside of adilas. Just catching up a bit. After that, more emails and recording notes from 1/8/25 to 1/13/25.

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Shop 11707 Lucky Puppy planning 1/13/2025  

Meeting with Bryan to do some planning for the Lucky Puppy folks. Going over notes (see EOT # 11333). He went through my notes and bolded some pieces. We then did some budgeting and rough planning on stuff.

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Shop 11714 Emails and Recording Notes 1/13/2025  

Emails and recording notes. A quick phone call with Suzi to talk about POS cashdrawers and settings.

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Shop 11687 Meeting with Cody 1/13/2025  

Meeting with Cody. Going over the infinite scroll stuff. He was showing me some of his code. Doing some code review on the label builder. Working on new help files for the label builder. Making plans for our next steps.

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Shop 11713 Meeting with Steve and Chuck 1/11/2025  

Working with Steve and Chuck. Going over reports. Working on and building the dream - that's what we are pitching and selling. Talking about showing them the mock-ups. Helping to put a visual with the pitch. Steve has been kissing a lot of frogs (potential investors and venture capital stuff). He's hoping to find the one (just being silly... like a fairytale). Sell the sizzle...

Switched over to the website proposal and series of questions. I took a bunch of notes here:

- Need for website to be tied into the inventory management system.

- They want a CMS (content management system). They want to control all of the pieces and be able to make the changes. Steve was pitching our own mini CMS type system. Chuck was pitching WordPress with some plugins.

- Talking about running all of the services (one-place shop) for the client. We are your dev team.

- We have so many pieces that are close... they just aren't fully done.

- We may have to help them with a mashup right now. Then, later on, we may be able to build out all of the pieces for them (internally). Chuck is worried about the time to really build it out (right now).

- The power of mock-ups. If you have 14 different plugins... to install, configure, and manage, it can get messy. If WordPress goes down, it makes us look bad.

- Maybe pitch two options... one for WordPress and plugins route - the other, just adilas, we build it all and keep it all up for you.

- If we build it, things take time. real time is needed for planning, building, and we need real budgets, etc.

- We really need to control all of the pieces. They want full control and speed to market. If we build it internally, we have assets that we can throw at it. Basically, fully outsource it to us and we will run with it. We are your one stop dev shop.

- Maintenance fees to keep things going.

- Back to selling them the dream.

- We will save you so much time and effort by systemizing things.

- Talking about social media... that (social media posts and such) becomes the changeable web content, the main website is more of the backend stable piece, that's where you order and interact with the actual products and inventory.

- Talking about real native "mini" apps that tie into the adilas system backend. Keep them small, open or create the doorways, we will go from there. Basically, just a mini portal into their world. Mobile first approach.

Chuck had to take off. Steve and I were talking about inventory thresholds. We were also talking about the future of where things are heading. Lots of mobile stuff. Everybody wants efficiency. Josh is really helping to push on things. That is huge.

Small side note - Brandon was riding snowboards with Aaron Hill, on Friday 1/10/25, up at Beaver Mountain. They were talking about ways to make their clients sticky. When they had to go their different directions, for the day. Here is what Aaron said to Brandon - "Really make those clients sticky! Win that battle! Make it good!". Great advice!

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Shop 11706 Meetings 1/9/2025  

Various meetings, throughout the day.

On a Zoom meeting with Cory. Looking over some gram control settings.

On a meeting with Cody. He got a few things tweaked for the check write stuff. Looking at pagination on the label builder. He was also showing me some work that he was doing on the infinite scroll (scroll, get more results, scroll, get more results, repeat until finished).

Working with Steve. Debugging things. Found problem with list contains vs list find functions. Pushed up the new file.

Emails and reading over a response from Chuck about a custom website.

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Shop 11705 check and push code 1/8/2025  

Meeting with Bryan. Working with packaging and production stuff. Fixed a merge conflict and then pushed up code for testing. We then went over a few other automation questions. Bryan has a need to be able to build a CSV upload for some of his clients. We talked about making sure that we get everything standardized before we just build upload pages. We want the data to be good and tight.

After the meeting, I had to pay a credit card bill for adilas. Other to do list items.

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Shop 11614 Meeting with Russell 1/8/2025  

Meeting with Russell. I was showing him where I was going with a new report. He had lots of questions and such. We did some consulting and talking about options. Lots of drawings and playing around with ideas. I wrote down a few notes. It was good to talk things over with him.

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Shop 11704 Working on a custom sales report 1/7/2025  

Back on the custom high-level sales breakdown report. As I was working this afternoon, I kept thinking about "help with operations". The accounting will follow, in time. Good long work session. Mapping data points to fields. Tightening up my todo list items for the report. Almost done with the data portion of the report.

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Shop 11703 Working on a custom sales report 1/7/2025  

Emails and recording notes. Switched over and started working more on the Yogen Fruz custom reports. Spent a bunch of time listing out columns. I attached a text document with the columns all listed out to the main client log, inside of adilas.

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Shop 11702 Meeting with Cory 1/6/2025  

Meeting with Cory over a Zoom session. Light tech support. She was helping another client with some Metrc issues. Touching base on other projects. Flex attribute questions. Tips and accounting for tips. Then lastly, we talked about a client's need for some automated emails and reports. She is going to send me some emails with the different needs and projects, so that we can track things and get them done. Nothing was hugely on fire, just some - it would be nice - updates and changes.

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Shop 11698 Quotes for Grand Peaks 1/6/2025  

Meeting with Bryan. First time, we went over flex grid settings to help with a school and behavior tracking app. The second time we jumped on, we were going over special functionality for quotes vs invoices and how to use or not use sub inventory. Checked out some code and pushed it up live on data 0 for some testing.

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Shop 11688 Meeting with Cody 1/6/2025  

Paying bills. Meeting with Cody and Chuck. Light introductions and then some back and forth. Cody was showing Chuck some of the label builder pieces. We also showed Chuck some of Cody's other projects that he has been working on. Towards the end of the meeting, we got into some Yogen Fruz tools and needs. We even talked about bigger dashboard, visualization tools, and prediction type stuff. Chuck likes to build out a list of requirements and then make a plan. He wants me to send some things his way.

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Shop 11689 Grand Peaks planning 1/2/2025  

Meeting with Bryan and Sean. Going over recipe/builds and internal build PO's. They are dealing with a single inbound ingredient and multiple possible outputs. They were looking for help with math and automating things. Lots of back and forth between all of us. Good conversations. They are going to go play with the different pieces, settings, and existing tools to figure out options, work arounds, and needs. They will be meeting with Steve tomorrow to go deeper into some of the pieces.

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Shop 11697 Payroll Updates for 2025 1/2/2025  

Working on new federal withholdings for 2025.

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Shop 11696 Payroll Updates for 2025 1/2/2025  

Working on year end payroll stuff. Downloaded new publication 15 (two of them) from the IRS website. Reading over things and making adjustments. Printed off a number of pages. I will go through each page and update database records.

Also had a couple of phone calls with Bryan to go over things. Both he and Sean were on a client training session.

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Shop 11695 Added a new report filter 1/2/2025  

Adding a part category filter to the global parts mark-up and price changing page. Light testing and then pushed up new code to all servers.

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Shop 11691 Tech support 1/1/2025  

Conference call with Sean and Bryan, going over scenarios for a client. They have a need to be able to sell items before they get them in. We talked about options for selling parent items. Then, later on, they need to be able to flip it to subs (sub inventory) easily, either just in time or after the fact.

Paying some bills.

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Shop 11690 Working with Bryan 1/1/2025  

Phone calls with Bryan and then jumping on a GoToMeeting session. Doing some quotes and sample carts. Going over request PO's, special PO's, and tweaking inventory items (values). Internal training on PO's, quotes, internal builds, etc. He is working with a client that has a number of special needs for their inventory. It's not just straight retail, they are almost doing just in time mini manufacturing of sorts.

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Shop 11683 Meeting with Cody 1/1/2025  

Working with Cody. Shooting for MVP (minimal viable product). Talking about what that will take. We spent most of the whole session working on pagination and going over organization stuff (where to put things). Trying to eliminate technical debt and make things as painless as possible. We also setup some more meetings for next week. We have a plan. Our next goal is to follow that plan and keep pushing forward.

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Shop 11686 Updating new tax tables 12/31/2024  

Updating the payroll tax table copier page and ran it on all servers.

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Shop 11685 Phone call with Bryan 12/30/2024  

Phone call with Bryan. Going over global price mark-ups. We turned on some permissions and when over how to use the global mark-up tool. I then got another call from Bryan with questions on adding a credit card fee for the whole cart (say 3% of the cart total). We went over those tools. We also talked about automation options, if needed.

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Shop 11684 Emails and paying bills 12/30/2024  

Emails and paying bills.

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Shop 11682 Meeting with Cody 12/30/2024  

Working with Cody. Our main goal today was to get in and look at the pagination stuff on the label builder app. We got in there and started to add small search and filter options to some of the search fields. We then took those values and were starting to cascade them throughout the actual searches (method calls and results). Good little work session. Cody is going to run with it for a bit and we'll check back in again on Wednesday.

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Shop 11680 Checking on a server bug 12/27/2024  

Looking into a bug on data 3 for pulling inventory reports. It appeared to be a memory issue on that server. We passed some emails back and forth and hopefully Wayne will be able to look at it. He's the master there.

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Shop 11676 Working on a custom sales report 12/26/2024  

Back working on the custom sales breakdown report. Working on grabbing new payment totals for things like cash, Amex, Discover, MasterCard, Visa, gift cards, loyalty points (rewards), discounts, etc. Working on bringing in new numbers for loyalty points, rewards, and gift cards to the custom sales breakdown report. Lots of building and light testing.

Quick meeting with Bryan to look at his code for pushing up on account invoices. Pushed up some code to try the code live, against real data.

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Shop 11675 Working with Bryan 12/24/2024  

Meeting with Bryan to look at and push up some code changes. Still chasing down some issues between adilas data and the QuickBooks API for invoices on account (in-store credit). We will get back together after Christmas to do another push.

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Shop 11674 Working on a custom sales report 12/24/2024  

Working on the custom sales report. Cleaning up some of the todo lists and pulling some new queries.

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Shop 11671 Working with Bryan 12/24/2024  

Custom data import for a client. Cleaning up records and then custom mapping of the data. Both Sean and Bryan were on the meeting with me to watch the process. We physically went through the data file, then the code to do the upload, and physically ran the update. We had to stop a couple of time for internet connection stuff and a couple of small issues, but we got it all done and into the system. Good session.

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Shop 11673 General 12/23/2024  

Emails and sending out a video link. Cutting checks and paying bills. More emails, tech support, and looking at data for a custom inventory upload. Spent some time reviewing sample sales data and a custom report that was requested by a potential client. Sent out some emails with questions and such. Included a small screenshot that I mocked up with data, questions, and some callout boxes. Recording notes from 12/21/24 to 12/23/24. Paying other bills and filing annual reports.

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Shop 11670 Meeting with Steve 12/23/2024  

Switched to Yogen Fruz stuff. Getting into custom reports and cash flows. Talking about daily closeouts - sweeping the floor. Steve was saying, let's help them so that certain things never happen (helping us/them stay within the lines). We also talked about being able to help them with their inventory (body shop line - bath and hair products - different company). Steve and Josh are setting things up to create some budgets and then work through those things (list of tasks, projects, and estimates). I spent some time and pushed up a video of part of our conversation. See attached.

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Shop 11611 Meeting with Cody 12/23/2024  

Meeting with Steve and Cody. We were talking about current needs for the adilas system. Here are some of my notes:

- Going over forms, accordions, modals (popup windows), client-side validation, ease of use, dashboards, custom homepages, buttons, containers, canvases and pallets (like an artist with paint - a pallet or possible colors and tools), asynchronous loading, preset pages that load certain things, sizing things, moving things around, etc.

- New custom homes... Imagine using the new drag and drop interface (what Cody is working on) and then be able to swap out our homepages (existing homepages) with new custom home pages (built by the users or as an industry specific skin or white label). Eventually you could do lower-level pages as well. Think full custom... for the whole system.

- Getting Chuck involved, right off the bat. Chuck is the frontend designer. Responsive design (phones, tablets, and other devices).

- Where we are heading... not just a new label builder, we are building packaging, designs, full layouts, etc. Steve was saying that if we offer a custom and internal solution, we could potentially help with overcoming minimums on custom design layouts and print projects. Almost like a print shop. Making dynamic graphics. Making packaging with the correct information right on it, just making as many as needed. Basically, you could skip the full packaging and then adding a label on top of that. If people want to print other things... then let's talk about it. This could be making gift cards, employee cards, custom packaging, 3D printing, etc. Not just for labels, it could be for more.

- Light looking at sheets and sheet labels. We want to launch an MVP (minimal viable product) and then sort of tease them (our clients) going forward. help them catch and see the vision. If you can give our clients a vision of one, they can see the possibilities of doing thousands.

- It's all about efficiency, ease of use, helping them get into the correct direction. We talked about galleries and ways to add the data (whatever that is) to the different things or places. Almost a bunch of options and pick and choose what you want and how you want to organize your data.

- I will have the responsibility of hooking up both Chuck and Cody. Letting them get together to go over some gui (ui/ux) stuff (graphical user interface or user experience stuff).

- Steve was talking about how so many people have tons and tons of photos and helping them organize them (in bulk). This was just an idea. It's just data and some management type things. Maybe some bulk galleries with notes, flags, tags, and ways to organize things. It's all just data... print it, organize it, share it, etc. More talk on flagging and tagging items.

I thought that it was a great meeting. Steve and Cody were having fun and doing some great brainstorming stuff. I was chiming in every once in a while, but it was mostly Steve and Cody. Super fun!

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Shop 11672 Working on a custom sales report 12/21/2024  

Working on the sales breakdown report. Was getting lost in the weeds (math stuff and data mapping). Made a bunch of todo list notes to get back to.

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Shop 11667 Recording Notes 12/21/2024  

Emails and tech support on setting up check write settings. Recording some notes from 12/19/24.

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Shop 11641 Lucky Puppy planning 12/19/2024  

Meeting and working with Bryan on the vertical time view (showing time slots per person on a vertical axis vs a horizontal axis). I added a screenshot from a branch that Chuck was working on. It shows a nice view of where we are headed (rough idea). We were also talking about my old notes on element of time # 11333. This was dealing with some planning for the Lucky Puppy folks (potential client).

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Shop 11613 Meeting with Alan and Cody 12/19/2024  

Meeting with Cody and Alan over a GoToMeeting session. Alan had to join us by phone. We were talking about teams, budgets, and vision. Here are some of my notes:

- Frankenstein computer project. Mixing and blending different styles and such.

- Specialists and filling in the gaps (in our teams). The ideal would be working in Parrell vs just one person on a single project.

- We would love having a known frontend designer. We do have a guy, Chuck and Piper, but both are only doing less than 10 hours a week. We need someone full time.

- Small teams of two

- We spent some time talking about timing, when to push and when to chill.

- A real need for direction (a goal and vision). All going together towards that goal.

- Eye candy, graphs, charts, buttons, containers, widgets, and such. Helping people to get more info graphs and quick summary information (dashboards).

- Sometimes, cool isn't useful... to certain people. Cool can help sell things.

- Cody was talking about adding graphs and charts to the custom homepage builder. That would be super cool.

- Finding out what would be beneficial to our users. Fill in the gaps. Ease of use to help train people. Seeing information, counts, and summaries quickly.

- Talking about visual homepages for all of the main players.

- From Alan - eventually using web sockets to show real time data and changes.

- Ideas on new homepages... we could take all of the old ones and turn them into an old or basic home, add new graphical homes, and maybe the last 15 entries of the data for some super simple home pages.

- Focusing on manager type tools. Top paying customers, group counts, bestselling products, busiest times, etc.

- There always seems to be some stress over money and budgets.

- Cody was grateful for the time to meet with Alan.

Alan had to drop off, we (Cody and I) then switched over to the adilas label builder and talking about direction and eye candy options. We are going to try to help focus on some tools and visuals for manager's and help them save time or feel like adilas gives them some time savers... One of our main goals is helping people out.

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Shop 11666 Recording Notes 12/19/2024  

Recording some notes. Downloading Affinity Photo (graphics program). Testing and playing with some export options in Affinity Photo. Trying to get better.

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Shop 11665 Playing with Affinity Designer 12/18/2024  

Playing with Affinity Designer (graphics program). Added a number of new images that I got from Abby up to the teaching photo gallery page. See attached for some of the new images.

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Shop 11644 QuickBooks code check 12/18/2024  

Meeting with Bryan. Going over new API changes. Pushed up some changes. He is going to rework some stuff and we'll try again. It's getting better but he was looking for a certain function to run and it wasn't running. Bryan made some changes and got back with me. We pushed up the next level of code.

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Shop 11593 TechSmith SnagIt - Webinar 12/18/2024  

TechSmith Snagit webinar - screen casting options - sharing and communication options right in the screen casting section - super cool - reviewing tools and such - simplifying to help with general content and concepts vs super detailed pieces - huge following and lots of feature requests and lots of grateful people (just watching the Zoom chat, Q&A, and emojis or reactions). Pretty cool to watch. At some future point, I would love to have a big Adilas webinar. There were people from all over the country.

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Shop 11643 Small bug fix 12/17/2024  

Fixing a small bug on the flex attribute search results page. Pushed up new code and sent out an email with some information. Recording notes for the day.

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Shop 11609 Lucky Puppy planning/Herbo code 12/17/2024  

Meeting with Bryan and Suzi. Dealing with Lucky Puppy stuff (planning and figuring out where we are at). They really want options for docking (virtual copy and paste board for their appointments), drag-and-drop, multiple relationships (owner to pets, pets to rooms, pets to other assistants), popups and rollovers (showing sub details), splitting tips, etc. Suzi showed us some log info under the customer log that she had added. I was really glad that she did that. I had forgotten a few things. She had log notes, screenshots, files, documents, and other stuff. Bryan and I will get together and do some planning and then we will circle back around after the first of the year.

Talking with Bryan - I was asked what are our most popular business functions - these are my top three functions - where I think people like to use our products - POS & inventory tracking, CRM (customer relationship management), and scheduling. Here are some fun links: POS, CRM, and Scheduling.

Switched over to the QuickBooks API stuff. We kept getting an error and didn't know why. We had to make some live edits and then do some live testing. We found some large negative numbers and it looks like the client is maybe using some values and tools in the wrong way (updating inventory counts using huge negative invoices vs using an update inventory count PO - normal way). It sounds like a training issue. We will get with the rep and show him so that the client can do it correctly. Hopefully that will fix the API issue.

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Shop 11642 Phone call with Cory 12/17/2024  

Phone call with Cory. We need to do the end of year payroll stuff. We talked about some other projects. Touching base and making some plans. I then spent some time looking into an error with PO flex attributes. Cory sent me over a small bug report and I started to look at it.

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Shop 11640 Working on a custom sales report 12/17/2024  

Working on a custom report to help Phillip and the Yogen Fruz team. Basically a sales and breakdown report of sales, discounts, loyalty points, gift cards, payments, taxes, etc. Took a bit to get back into the project. Working on new summary queries for date ranges and locations.

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Shop 11612 Recording Notes 12/16/2024  

Recording notes from the day. General clean-up stuff. Ordered a Dymo label printer and some labels for Cody to help do some testing. Emails out to Alan about meeting with Cody and I to go over things.

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Shop 11608 planning 12/16/2024  

From Bryan: Action Strategy - Tribal Student Evaluation

Paying some bills, before Bryan joined the meeting. Once he jumped on, we went over some of the older school services stuff from one of the old demo sites. Back in the day (2013/2014 ish) we helped a school track all kinds of custom data and key data points. Things like core data, log notes, follow-ups, custom data points, behavior tracking, etc. We jumped into a play site and added a bunch of new data and just played around. I was mostly talking and showing things and Bryan was watching and getting ideas. Bryan has a need for something similar for a potential client.

Switched over to the QuickBooks API stuff. Trying to do some light debugging. Then into the puppy palace notes and an older client meeting and video with the ladies from the puppy palace. See element of time # 11333 for notes on the meeting from back in August of 2024.

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Shop 11594 Meeting with Cody 12/16/2024  

Meeting with Cody. We spent the whole session looking over the label builder and figuring out a tick list of where we are heading next. Lots of planning and talking about getting organized into teams. See attached notes for some tick list items and priorities.

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Shop 11607 Tech support 12/13/2024  

Phone call with Josh about ecommerce. Emails and light tech support. Looking into a new fix from Cody on the check write system. Pushed up new files.

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Shop 11606 Emails and tech support 12/13/2024  

Emails and looking into what AI can do for note taking. Pretty cool. See attached for a screenshot of the notes. The AI notes have links back out to the online meeting recording. Other emails, tech support, and reading over an NDA (nondisclosure agreement).

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Shop 11605 Working with Bryan 12/12/2024  

Meeting with Bryan to go over some API socket errors and trying to match up data via the QuickBooks API. We talked about checking things out, if possible, update things, if not, just let the client know that we tried x, y, and z and certain data pieces did not get passed across. We can only match up what we have data for (external mapping). Instead of saying "Error", we need to change it and just give them some information back. All it means is that something didn't have the supporting data tied in on both sides. They, the client, most likely just need to make a manual entry (say for old data that we don't have in our system). Anyways, making progress.

We jumped off the meeting, and then back on again. He made some changes and then we got back together to push up the new changes. Talking about strategies to help limit the testing and logic vs bigger global loops with too many variables. Being able to predict what you are looking for (change wise).

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Shop 11604 Back working on the sales breakdown report 12/12/2024  

Working on a special sales breakdown report for Phillip and the Yogen Fruz folks. Back on that project, after some time doing some other things. Looking into code to limit which items (normal or hardcoded items) to pull on the reports. Some of the items have special payroll settings and/or special handling (normal revenue, COGS, expenses, etc.).

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Shop 11603 Uploading receipts 12/12/2024  

Finishing up some expense/receipts from the Canada trip. Uploading images, scans, and receipts.

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Shop 11600 Tech support 12/12/2024  

Emails and recording notes. Looking into a small sub inventory error. Sent off some versioning information to a client that is getting audited. Fixing a series of small errors and bugs. Cory and Sean were sending me things and I was fixing them. Pushed up new changes and sent out emails to update Sean and Cory.

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Shop 11599 General 12/11/2024  

Uploading a video from an earlier meeting, paying bills, emails, and recording notes for the day.

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Shop 11591 Project - show and tell session 12/11/2024  

Fun new tools and toys demo. We had Cody, Shari O., Bryan, and I on the meeting. We went through the new check write settings first. After that, we got into the other main projects that Cody is working on. We spent some good time going over the new adilas label builder (v3) and the new custom homepage layout tool (fracture/adilas lite stuff). Check out the attached video, if you want to see things. It's about 52 minutes.

After the meeting, Cody and I pushed up some new changes and did some light testing.

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Shop 11588 Meeting with Cody 12/11/2024  

Meeting with Cody. Went over a small bug on the check write settings. We then spent the whole time on the label builder. We pushed up some new code and did some prep work for the demo this afternoon. We are inviting some of our team members to see what we are working on - Cody's projects - check write settings, custom label builder (v3), and custom homepages and customer interfaces. Should be a good meeting.

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Shop 11598 General 12/10/2024  

Phone call with Steve, doing some follow-up from our exploratory meeting, I sent out some emails. Meeting with Bryan and pushing up some code, small bug fix for his cost plus stuff. Reading some on the presentation gallery outline document.

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Shop 11589 Meeting with Steve 12/10/2024   Steve and I were on an exploratory meeting with Beacon software investors ( We met with a guy by the name Lee. We talked about all kinds of stuff. One thing of interest to them is possibly monetizing credit card transactions (working out a deal to get a super small kickback percentage). We also talked about being able to help consolidate systems. Steve was pitching some enterprise level options (what we offer). We are pretty deep and have a bunch of functionality.
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Shop 11597 Meeting with Bryan 12/10/2024  

Phone call and then jumped on the GoToMeeting session with Bryan. Small bug with the new cart as a whole cost plus model. We just need to add a new variable to a couple of pages. Pretty simple fix.

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Shop 11596 Tech support 12/10/2024  

Looking at bank check print settings for a client. Phone call with a client. Jumped on a quick Zoom meeting with Cory to go over some payroll questions for Stone's Trailers.

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Shop 11595 General 12/10/2024  

Emails and recording expenses. Phone call with Steve to go over things. Sharing updates back and forth. Lots of talk about merchant processing and transactional models. We would love to get into a position where we could gain or capitalize on either the number of transactions and/or a super small percentage of what we send across for processing. We also talked about a few clients that are wanting custom code and how to plan and deliver that. We talked about outbound back orders (already done) and also what it would look like for inbound back orders (partial delivery or partial receiving certain items through PO's). Steve and I will get together and come up with a plan.

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Shop 11592 Emails and paying bills 12/9/2024  

Emails. Recording expenses from the Canada trip, tons of them.

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Shop 11584 check and push code 12/9/2024  

Meeting with Bryan and looking at his cost plus code for adding items to the cart. Following logic and making some small changes. Did some code review and deeper checking on certain pages. Merged in new code and ran database updates on all servers.

Small preview of some of the other projects that we are working on. Showed him some of Cody's stuff (drag and drop, build new, create custom labels, check printing layouts, and custom homepages). I also showed him a few new settings for the mini scan cart. We also talked about ways of creating quick preset settings to help configure applications without all of the training on how to do it (settings - but done with speed and in bulk).

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Shop 11577 Meeting with Cody 12/9/2024  

Meeting with Cody. We spent the whole time going over small tweaks and testing the check write and check printing settings and features. Small tweaks. Most of it was pretty tight. Great little session. We pushed up the new changes to all servers.

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Shop 11590 Testing code 12/6/2024  

Light testing for Cody. Looking into some formatting for prices, cots, and quantities for labels. It gets pretty deep. Playing with new check write features.

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Shop 11586 Code Review 12/6/2024  

Prepping code to help merge stuff in for Cody. Looking at database updates for the label builder (v3 or version 3) and the new check write app. Running database updates on all servers. Recording some notes.

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Shop 11585 Meeting with Bryan 12/6/2024  

Phone call with Bryan going over scenarios for cost plus models and how to act/what to do per scenario.

We then jumped on a GoToMeeting session. We went back and forth for a bit. We then decided to add some logic and help explain what is going on vs just doing or undoing a bunch of cart line items. Hopefully that helps.

Phone call with Sean to go over some emails and questions. He is prepping some stuff for a demo.

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Shop 11578 Meeting with Cody 12/6/2024  

Meeting with Cody. Went over the check write application - new code and changes. Light debugging and testing. We then switched over to the label stuff. We were going back through those pieces and working on small to do list items and doing some code review. Great little session.

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Shop 11581 General 12/5/2024  

Emails. Take adilas and accurately distill it down... keep it super simple, even if the tech is quite complex. Just for fun, I sent a simple elevator pitch to an email contact. Just playing around. I spent some time updating help files and web page id's on other servers. Recording notes from 12/4/24 to 12/5/24.

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Shop 11580 Phone call with Steve 12/5/2024  

Phone call with Steve. Touching base. He has been out and gone for a few weeks. We touched base on progress with Yogen Fruz, hardware stuff, requests, reports, other investor type talks and communications. We have a few things starting to mix (on different levels). Not sure how it will all play out, but we have a CPA firm looking at us (wanting to invest with a future dream in mind), some private equity investors (just starting to poke around a bit), a bigger client with multiple franchises, plus just normal stuff. It will be interesting to see what happens and where things go.

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Shop 11570 Meeting with Cody 12/4/2024  

Meeting with Cody. He was showing me his custom home page builder. Super cool drag and drop interface stuff. We then talked about copying things - private and public options - for buttons and interfaces. Lastly, we spent some time looking into the default homepages and how we could use these new custom homepages directly inside of the choose interface page.

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Shop 11576 Meeting with Bryan 12/3/2024  

Jumped on a meeting with Bryan to look at the cost plus models. Following logic paths through the cart and adding items to the open shopping cart. Recording notes for the day.

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Shop 11575 Working on custom sales reports 12/3/2024  

Building custom reports for Phillip and the Yogen Fruz folks. Getting back into the new custom reports and numbers. Pulling in data and logic from other sales reports. Things get tricky with hardcoded parts, payroll settings, and non-revenue items. Mixing costs, prices, discounts, loyalty points, gift cards, payment types, etc.

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Shop 11574 Listening to a Podcast on SEO and video 12/3/2024  

Looking at SEO and video and how they tie in together. Click here to listen to the podcast. Here are some of my notes:

- Using AI assistants and prompts to help you get things out of your content.

- Mixing both video and text. Start from either side... text or video. Repurpose things (different mediums).

- Being found for certain things (SEO - search engine optimization).

- Who is the ideal reader/client - what would they be searching for?

- Keyword research to help with matching terms.

- Look at who is already ranking based on certain keywords. Looking at your competitor's content, structure, and general flavor.

- Titles are important on new blogs or videos.

- Making people curious and helping to draw them in. The first 10% of the content is really important.

- Giving the user what they are looking for when or while searching. Building with SEO in mind. Being conscience of that content and is it hitting the mark?

- Jump in and start learning along the way. Build the content and then start getting it dialed in. Get the content out there first, if possible.

- Build trust and repour (working relationships) with your audience.

- Explaining things visually using video.

- There is a human side that people want, especially in video.

- Having a real conversation and that helps to create a connection.

- Build your online brand universe (the whole scope). Having multiple channels in play and add that into the mix. Build out your presence.

- Keep repurposing your content (see ideas from Harry on EOT # 10130 in the shop).

- Creating a full community.

- Take action, even if unready. Perfectionism is and can be a blocker. Things can be improved over time.

- Don't be intimidated by SEO - Your expertise will set you apart. Let your expertise shine through. Keep learning.

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Shop 11573 Custom data import 12/3/2024  

Recording notes. Importing customer data for Josh Hanks. He is playing with adilas (one of my friends). Small fix on some links to the old customer homepage. Quick phone call with Bryan. Finished uploading all of Josh's customer contacts into the system for him. Light custom work on the import.

There is a training need... you can almost feel it - Bryan had some training questions and even needs some possible training in Spanish. We aren't there yet. People like what we do but then they need training. We really need to circle back around and try to focus here. This is a note for me, to circle back around. We have hundreds of videos on YouTube (adiasbiz channel), but nobody has spent the time to catalog them or put any text or verbiage with them. That could take a while but it could be super cool.

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Shop 11572 Data clean-up 12/2/2024  

Emails and trying to figure out some stuff on an old laptop. Setup an appointment with Best Buy to get a full factory reset on the laptop that we bought while up in Canada. While waiting on hold, did some work combing the data file to get it ready for import.

Meeting with Bryan and going over the cost plus stuff. We got deeper and started following logic on the update cart page, bulk apply discount pages, etc.

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Shop 11568 check code 12/2/2024  

Combing data for a customer data import for a fried/client.

Meeting with Bryan. Going over some options and ideas for the cost plus pricing structure. We spent some time looking around and checking session values. We were looking for a good handrail to follow for the cart as a whole discount and then use that to implement the cart as a whole cost plus model.

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Shop 11567 Started working on some custom reports 11/29/2024  

Working on some custom reports for a client. Looking at some sample Microsoft Excel files to see what columns and values are wanted and needed. Got out some paper and started writing things down. Just trying to get some ideas. There were like 50 columns and I wasn't sure about all of them.

Light brainstorming. Sent an email out to get some more information. Started building the new report and backend logic. Created a new backend component for the sales breakdown numbers.

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Shop 11566 Small bug fix - customer search 11/29/2024  

Paying a bill. Working on new settings for the customer quick search. Added a new setting source value so that I could tell where the settings are coming from. Working on an update script to add in the customer business name search field setting, if needed, for companies. The old defaults were just first name and last name. I added in the business name as a default and went through any saved settings and did some updating (behind the scenes).

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Shop 11565 Recording Notes 11/28/2024  

Recording notes from 11/24/24 to 11/28/24. Lots of things happening.

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Shop 11564 Recording Notes 11/27/2024  

Recording notes from 11/22/24 to 11/23/24. Also, adding some client logs into the adilas system.

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Shop 11563 Working on settings and defaults 11/26/2024  

Back on new settings and defaults. Left off there last night. Working towards checking default customer fields and defaults. Phone call with Bryan to go over leads. Spent a bunch of time going over the redo add corp method (adding new worlds). Finished up a small round of settings and pushed up files. Light testing.

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Shop 11547 Client Meeting 11/26/2024  

Meeting over Google meet with some of the guys from SimLiv ( SimLiv is short for Simultaneous Living. They cater to gated communities, HOA's (homeowner associations), and other important security access venues.

My friend, Gene Spaulding, former banker and private equity investor, help to setup the meeting. The goal was to see if there were any common ground between what adilas does and what SimLiv does. Great meeting. There were four of us on the virtual meeting. We all live in the same area, in Northern Utah, and will most likely get together in person in the next couple of weeks. Here are some of my notes.

- Those where there: Taylor James from SimLiv, Tim Greenfield from SimLiv, Gene Spaulding, and myself.

- We talked about startups and accruing technical debt (old or unorganized code - anything like that).

- We went over what SimLiv does and where they are heading. See link above to view their website. They are very focused on a specific vertical and have big plans and more phases to do in the future. They were giving me some good advice as well.

- They had questions about adilas and what we do and where we came from. I gave them a small history overview and we chatted about all kinds of things. That was really fun for me. (history and investment options for adilas - small summary - see different sections on this page)

- We talked about SaaS (software as a service) and how that reoccurring revenue model is going and working. They highly recommended that we look into the transactional reoccurring revenue model as well. Something along the lines of payments, processing, small percentages of sales, per transaction fees, etc. This is what Tim said - "We are seeing that the transactional model is potentially bigger than the actual SaaS model." They were talking about multiples (raw numbers times a multiplier). I thought that was pretty cool.

- They were recommending that we either focus on making adilas a lifestyle business or change the focus and put an exit strategy in place. Basically, if we keep going, the way we are, we will have to keep working for years and years to come. That becomes a lifestyle, even if we don't have to do as much work. We basically maintain control and just grow things slowly over time (natural or organic growth). If the focus is more on exiting or getting bought out, then you play the game differently. Just some talks back and forth.

- All of the guys chimed in and asked questions and good dialog. I really enjoyed some of Tim's questions. They were deep and he wanted to know about certain aspects of things both technically and logistically. I thought that it was fun.

- Gene asked Tim, "What are your thoughts?" - I won't quote him, but Tim was basically like - If someone came to me, with a big dream, a plan and was saying the things that I was saying (just about adilas and what we are doing), he's not sure if he would believe it. Mixing operations and accounting and doing all of the things that we do is lot. That is super complex and may sound good on paper, but he just wasn't sure if he would believe it. He then said, if you were on the other side of that huge divide (meaning having done and/or doing everything that you had pitched or proposed) then that would change everything.

- We've put in the hours... We started back in 2001 and put in time, money (millions and millions), and have built it out. We have a working proof of concept, a working prototype, and have proved the model. Not only have we proved the model, but we've also made millions of dollars along the way. Way more than just a dream or vaporware. That's pretty cool!

- They recommended that we find a niche and follow that all the way. I told them that we are a general business package or generic on purpose and that our future goals include both white labeling options and industry specific skins (on top of the main adilas core). We would do that directly and/or allow for API socket usage and adaptation. Tons of options.

- How to make our customers "sticky"? I mentioned that we use the same term and sometimes do custom code to help those customers become more sticky (wanting to stay with us or stay around, while using our products and features). We played with some fun ideas, back and forth.

- Lots of talk about custom code and how to manage some of that. We ended up talking a lot about permissions and settings (some of the foundation pieces).

- They wanted to know the ratio between SaaS reoccurring revenue and other professional services (data entry, setup, training, marketing, custom code, design, consulting, etc.). I told them that currently, we are 70% SaaS model and the other 30% is other professional services. This brought on more conversations about multipliers and either focusing on SaaS multipliers or transactional multipliers.

- The more we talked, the more my head was going towards API sockets, API integrations, white labels, and other possible industry specific levels. That would help with marketing, development, training, etc. I love it!

- One thing that caught my ear was that they, SimLiv, are hardware agnostic (not tied to specific hardware). They also tout that they can interface with any other existing hardware, used in their industry, based on their current model. I would love to see what they have and/or are doing. We, at adilas, could really use that. We just barely got done with a very painful attempt to use some super old proprietary hardware for a company doing POS (point of sale) stuff. It would be super cool if we had a middleware type thing (some sort of software) that we could put on an older device and then be able to make a web, middleware, hardware bridge of sorts. We would really love that.

After the meeting, Gene gave me a call and we chatted for a bit. I recorded some notes and sent out some texts. I really enjoyed the meeting. It was fun.

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