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Shop 11286 Working on the discount engine project 7/26/2024  

Working on the discount homepage and discount search output. Lots of testing and light logic for showing filters in the output.

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Shop 11285 Meeting with Bryan 7/26/2024  

Jumped on the GoToMeeting session and then onto Zoom. Ended up on a phone call. Bouncing all around. Helping Bryan push up some small changes to the QuickBooks API stuff. Light refinement and testing with live settings. Trying it over and over. Kept getting a 400 bad request error message. Our testing stuff was working but we couldn't figure out what was wrong with the live environment.

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Shop 11283 Meeting with Cody 7/26/2024  

Meeting with Cody to see his progress on the adilas label builder. He can now dynamically replace things (text with database values), change images on the fly, and show one or more canvases for printing. Making some great progress. He was stuck there a couple of days ago.

He ended up making a super small scratch file to work on some fetch stuff for JavaScript URLs (web or directory paths). That little scratch file was huge and opened up a door for him to include the things that he was learning and doing into the bigger application. That is awesome. We chatted about the value of those little self-contained scratch files and how much they help in the learning process. If you build everything, all together, you can get lost by all of surrounding pieces. Sometimes that small focus is so important.

Towards the end of the meeting we talked about next steps. I got him app type id's for the 12 main player groups and we talked about making labels specific for each of the main 12 player groups. We will start with customers and parts for the first two player groups that get the new labels.

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Shop 11282 Working on the discount engine project 7/26/2024  

Working on the discount homepage for the discount engine project. Switching branches and brainstorming about a testing page for the discounts. Working on showing the discount search results on the discount homepage interface.

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Shop 11281 Recording Notes 7/26/2024  

Recording notes from 7/25/24. Lots of meetings.

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Shop 11277 Meeting with Chuck 7/25/2024  

Working with Chuck. Talking about preparedness stuff. Looking at the subs of time advanced search report and all of the exports. He needed some directions, where to turn things on/off, settings, and how to load in the data. We bounced through a few of them (different sub reports) and got things going in a good direction. He will go back and fix the pieces that he didn't know how to get to, and we'll go from there. Good stuff.

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Shop 11264 Meeting with Hamid 7/25/2024  

Checking in with Hamid on his budget project. He sent me a small wireframe via text message, and we talked about some of his notes. He has 4 pages of handwritten notes on what he wants to do. Not a lot to show today but he is working on it. We'll hit it again next week.

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Shop 11280 Meeting with Bryan 7/25/2024  

Meeting with Bryan to look over his QuickBooks API code. He did some refactoring and got it a little bit smoother. We did a little bit of clean-up on the branch and got it ready to go. Merged in his branch and pushed it up to data 9 for some live testing. We had to turn some permissions on to get at the special custom error messages and special system history stuff (3rd party error logs).

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Shop 11278 Meeting with Cody 7/25/2024  

Meeting with Cody on label printing. He was running into some cross site scripting stuff. Having issues with graphics, barcodes, and QR codes being able to be re-rendered by sending things to another page for printing. We looked around and then I ended up sending him some older existing files that are currently being used to help with the label builder process. One of them was 33,000 lines of code long. That's a super long file. The other ones were only around 1,000 lines long (pretty normal).

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Shop 11276 check code 7/25/2024  

Meeting with Bryan. Going over the QuickBooks API setup. Going over auth keys and tokens - lots of them. Looking over Bryan's code. He is going to fix a few things and then get back with me.

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Shop 11272 Working on the discount engine project 7/23/2024  

Working on the discount engine project. Added in the show all discounts at a glance display on the discount homepage. Started working through the ability to search discounts from the main discount homepage as well.

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Shop 11271 Emails 7/23/2024  

Emails and tech support. Simple cart stuff, new cart ideas, button settings, and label requests. Suzi was passing along some notes from a meeting that she was in with a client. Also did some adilas API socket settings for a trailer dealer with some samples.

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Shop 11199 Meeting with Shannon and Abby 7/23/2024  

Working with Shannon. Going over new developments and some reminders. When we talk with other people, it sometimes drives home some of the concepts that we are trying to catch and use in our development and marketing. That is exciting to see validation and people asking for the same things that we are working on. Shannon sent me a 4-page document and then she bailed out to work on the other business functions that still needed some help. Just for fun, check the media/content for Shannon's new 5-page document with the other 3 business functions finished. See attached.

I added in a new graphic that Abby made dealing with how adilas bridges the gap between operations and accounting (see attached). I then switched over to working on the slides for the 12 business functions in the presentation gallery. With the information that I got from Shannon, I started doing some coding for the other 9 out of 12 that have content. Only got through two of them (sales & inventory and CRM - customer relationship management). I'll push them up as a group, when I get the other ones done. Otherwise, it will look a little weird or different (layouts and style).

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Shop 11270 Small mini scan cart tweak 7/22/2024  

Small tweaks to the mini scan cart. Tightened up the checkout process. Not allowing checkout for quotes. Not allowing checkout for overage on sub inventory (overselling a sub). Added some new logic to loop over and check subs and quantity on hand. Pushed up new file for testing on data 0.

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Shop 11269 Meeting with Bryan 7/22/2024  

Looking over multiple system mappings between adilas and QuickBooks (adilas part categories to service items inside of QuickBooks). Bryan is working on the API sockets between the two. We looked at an existing adilas table for cross corp mappings that we use for invoices to PO's and got some ideas. We also went in and looked at what was being passed along from their old system. Quite the learning curve. Wishful thinking on my part, but I wish that they would look at adilas and say, well, it's all right here... why send it off to QuickBooks? I could just do it all here. :)

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Shop 11268 General 7/22/2024  

Emails and recording notes. Writing checks and paying bills. Wayne is working on a new server configuration. Light emails back and forth.

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Shop 11267 Meeting with Bryan 7/22/2024  

Working with Bryan on sending taxes over to QuickBooks via an API socket call. We looked over some of his code and talked through the processes, what we can see or know. He may reach out to see if he can get some help directly from the QuickBooks folks.

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Shop 11266 Working on the discount engine project 7/19/2024  

Working on a new homepage for the discount engine. Reviewed my notes and plans. Started to build a new page, from the ground up. Started with a new discount homepage. I may use code from other discount engine projects, but my goal is to standardize things so that we can build on top of that foundation. Making progress.

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Shop 11262 Meeting with Steve and Suzi 7/19/2024  

Zoom meeting with the Yogen Fruz folks from Canada. Suzi and Steve were leading out on the meeting. Here are some of my notes... kinda random:

- They (the Yogen Fruz folks) want one stable platform used among all of their brands. Something that will lead them into the future. Reports in real-time, real-time analysis, data mining, deeper and deeper down the rabbit hole (big data wants and needs).

- They want to get a better picture and more control on the inventory control level.

- Accounting and operations (mixed) - they need to track flavors, add-in's, waste, accurate food costs, etc.

- Breaking things down into smaller and smaller pieces - more control and knowing where they are at financially. Basically, empower the users to see what is really happening.

- Being able to pull the data out of the system and support people.

- They had Phillip, Josh, and George on the meeting. Another lady was on for a bit but had to jump off.

- They wanted to see the fruits of their labors - they had given us some instructions and wanted to see where they (we) are at. Phillip was mostly leading the charge and asking the questions. He seemed very sharp and fun.

- They wanted to know about the clover payment integration system - progress, rates, and cash back amounts. Steve was talking about tokenized transactions vs raw data transactions. Also, they were talking about the need for breaking and re-establishing connections every couple of hours (automation stuff). Light history and evolution on some of the old and new payment options (merchant processing).

- Switched over to bulk product labels. They were worried about permission levels. They wanted to possibly have special labels that would dissolve in water. They may look at normal options if the cost is too high or only a certain label printer is able to handle that kind of label.

- They turned the meeting over to Suzi for a bit. She was showing them new settings within the cart. Went over a bunch of new things.

- Taking ideas that work for others and then using those ideas - shameless borrowing of ideas.

- Fulfilment options - fill in based on settings - timing - etc. Steve chimed in and had lots of info. He has helped and built a couple versions of the fulfillment homepage within adilas. That was pretty cool!

- Print and label settings from the cart - speeding things up. We may need to add some more settings to help with less clicks and automation options.

- Reporting - They are really looking for real-time data - top 5 products, top 10 products sold, etc. All at the click of a button.

- BI stuff (business intelligence) - projections and real-time data - even multi corp - enterprise level needs

- Steve was talking about paperless options and pitching other adilas backend office features.

- Steve built a special report for them while they were on the demo. He was talking about favorites and custom reports. So much power already exists.

- Limited time offers - LTO's - they want to track some of those things. It was important to them. We don't fully know what those are but they seemed to think that some of our existing functionality would work great for them. Somewhat unknown to us...

- The searchability of adilas - so many options to help you get a good flavor and taste of what is really going on.

- I got to show a few things - multi-level reporting. I jumped into some existing accounts and did a quick demo of a few things.

- Small talks about hardware and converting things from one system to another - switching things over

- Towards the end, they were talking about next steps - other meetings, changes, live testing on hardware, and SOP's (standard operating procedures).

- After the main meeting, Steve and I were going over some code stuff. Small tech talk stuff. Light re-camp and team meeting with the adilas folks. Suzi and Josh stayed on for a bit after everybody else left. Great meeting.

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Shop 11242 Meeting with Hamid 7/18/2024  

Emails and light tech support. Meeting with Hamid. Got his local setup for his new budgeting project. He already started playing with a small database for his project. We setup the ColdFusion datasource and made a new page to make sure that everything works. He will be doing more planning and will present the plan next week. Just getting started on this new project.

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Shop 11263 Data Clean-Up 7/18/2024  

Data clean-up for Sean and Cory. We originally bulk populated the inventory levels (quick setup for a company). Well, we did that and now they are wanting to roll some (not all) of the pieces back. Light data clean-up. Built a small page to help with missing part or item descriptions. Fixed some data live on the data 9 server.

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Shop 11210 Meeting with Cody 7/18/2024  

Meeting with Cody to look at his progress on the adilas label builder. He can show the image (label) on a different page now. We ended up working on the different submit buttons (view label, save, save and exit, and just plain exit). We made a few changes and then started to look into what it will take to make the labels dynamic (data driven) vs static (as they are built). We made some small plans and played with doing some string replacements (dynamics). Cody is going to work on it and see what happens. Basically, using an existing saved label or saved content, we will change the content, re-render the label (image) and then show the new label with changes. In theory... it will work.

As a note, the adilas label builder already exists. This is just a whole new take on it to add a bunch of functionality and change the interface. It should be pretty cool once we finish things up a bit more.

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Shop 11200 Meeting with Shannon and Abby 7/18/2024  

Quick meeting with Shannon and Abby. We decided to just do a work session today. We split up and each worked on different projects. I added a new image of different worlds to the photo gallery page. Abby made the new graphic and it has some fun colors. Ended up spending an hour or so working on the photo and teaching gallery. Replaced a few images and took some new screenshots. See attached.

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Shop 11261 Recording Notes 7/17/2024  

Recording notes for today (7/17/24). Recording some log notes about potential clients inside of adilas.

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Shop 11260 Meeting with Cody 7/17/2024  

Meeting up with Cody to go over his progress on the label builder. He is doing awesome. Today he was showing me how he integrated it with Adobe ColdFusion and all through custom tags. Super cool. We talked about next steps and what else is needed. He will start working on basic CRUD stuff for the database actions (create, read, update, and delete). We will also be building out navigation between a label homepage and the add/edit label builder page. We spent some time and went over how adilas normally handles the add/edit processes in existing pages (passing modes and id numbers). Good stuff and making progress.

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Shop 11259 Data clean-up for a client 7/17/2024  

Small data clean-up project for Cory. She sent me an email with detailed instructions. Gave her a call to confirm and then started working on it. Had to unroll some sub inventory and changed some unlimited items to normal parents vs sub inventory items. Lots of backend database work and clean-up (query and sub query stuff). Sent them an email once everything was finished.

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Shop 11254 Helping Steve with labels 7/17/2024  

Meeting with Steve and Suzi and going over the changes in the cart. I showed them both the touch popup for changing the line item quantity in the cart. We also looked into Steve's new drink level PDF labels (what goes in what drink - for the frozen yogurt company). We talked about some other ideas and ways to take steps off of the current process (refinement process). Suzi is sending emails, screenshots, and communicating with the client what things have changed and been updated/altered. Fun to see all of the changes.

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Shop 11255 Recording Notes 7/17/2024  

Recording notes from yesterday (7/16/24). Small to do list items. Light research on pdf forms and dynamically creating those forms.

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Shop 11258 Phone call with Steve 7/16/2024  

Phone call with Steve to talk about ecommerce options. We have an existing ecommerce platform. We also allow for black box takeovers of any pages or deep level API socket stuff. We talked pros and cons and recommending that they start with what we have for free and then go from there. We also talked about the FlyHi company that did an awesome job on the API socket build up process. They have been the best so far, of what I've seen.

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Shop 11239 Meeting with RSM in Logan 7/16/2024  

Went into town to meet with the folks at RSM (restaurant supply place) in Logan. Good meeting. They had a bunch of questions, and we talked some scenarios for a bit. They had owners, finance people, operations, accounting people, and salespeople there to ask questions. We mostly talked. Towards the end (last 20-30 minutes) we jumped on the computer, and I bounced around. They were firing off questions and I was jumping and literally bouncing around (all over the place). I think that they would like to think about pros and cons and get an actual demo as the next steps. 30 miles.

These are some other notes:

- Mike, one of the owners, was asking the other people what they want, need, have to have, and what they are afraid of. He did a great job, and it was fun to watch him ask those questions, even the hard ones. Good response from his people.

- One small request was an ecommerce option where we could show all items that a customer has ever bought before, no prices, and just let them select how much or how many to order (like an online order or quote). No monies, just take the order and fill it out later on (including the pricing stuff). I thought that was interesting.

- They had lots of questions about their data. How to get it back out (exports), and how to load in some of their older data (they want some of the back story). I kept telling them that they could download or export their data at any time.

- There is a growing need for doing the data warehousing and building out the business intelligence (BI) level. We need to move from the transactional core to the aggregated data or the data warehousing functionality. It's all there (the date, the relationships, and the date/time stamps), it just needs to be taken to that next step.

- I lightly introduced some world building concepts and data assembly line pieces. Trying to help them both learn and understand what is possible and where we are heading.

- Really trying to encourage them to think about distributing the load and getting people to do things as they happen vs batching things - moving more to permissions, settings, and real-time transactions.

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Shop 11256 Meeting with Bryan 7/16/2024  

Meeting with Bryan and showing him the progress on the upload options for stock/units. I finished that up last night. We talked about a client and helping them learn but not get too frustrated (learning curve stuff). We will circle back around and check on them next week.

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Shop 11204 Meeting with Shannon and Abby 7/16/2024  

Meeting with Shannon. Going over some of the latest happenings. Doing some catching up and deciding that today would be a good work session day (individually). We jumped off the meeting to keep working on our sub projects. Shannon is working on the business functions section of the presentation gallery (new bullet points). She is basing her efforts off of a 50-page document that we did awhile back - presentation gallery - outline.

Recording notes from yesterday (7/15/24).

Got a call from Abby and we jumped on the GoToMeeting session. Working with Abby to show her some concepts of object carrying their own luggage (their own data, relationships, sub details, and history). Lots of drawings and demos. She showed me a new graphic that she was working on of some worlds and such.

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Shop 11253 Meeting with Bryan 7/15/2024  

Got a text from Bryan about getting stock/units into inventory for a company. Looking at data and helping to get things into inventory for Liberty Machine Works. They have about 100 stock/units that need to be entered into the system. They can do it manually, but that's a lot of work. Working with Bryan to add some new default stock/unit colors, new makes, new models and prep an upload stock/unit page. I spent time building the new upload stock/units page to help with digital uploads and migration. Bryan was doing stuff, and I was building out some code. Sort of a tag team work session. Finished up the first round of the upload page. Light testing.

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Shop 11252 Revamping the discount engine pages 7/15/2024  

Revamping the discount engine to fit into normal adilas page flow process. Made changes to the database update script. Trying to help standardize things to make it more normalized. There used to be 13 different types of discounts. Simplified it down to 9 different types (everyday, all 7 days of the week, and customer date/time ranges). Certain older discounts didn't have any date/time elements assigned to them. All discounts now have options of a valid date/time ranges. Trying to make everything more consistent.

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Shop 11251 General 7/15/2024  

Emails, recording notes, printing checks, and checking on bill pay options through our bank (spoke with Kasi or Casey at PB&T). Checking out Cody's label stuff on GitHub. Pulled down a local copy to play with.

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Shop 11250 Emails 7/12/2024  

Emails and communicating with the team about Boris (aka the hacker). Trying to get things solved and plans made. Looking into some new Java libraries to help with barcodes and QR codes.

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Shop 11248 Recording Notes 7/12/2024  

Emails, bitbucket and GitHub stuff. Recording notes from 7/9/24 to 7/12/24.

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Shop 11193 Meeting with Hamid 7/11/2024  

Meeting with Hamid. He's learning and going through some ColdFuison training stuff. I gave him a small mini project to work on. I'm going to have him work on a small budgeting tool. Really simple. I also sent an email to Calvin requesting a version of his MySQL Editor for Hamid. See attached for some notes on the budget project.

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Shop 11247 Meeting with Cody 7/11/2024  

Meeting with Cody over GoToMeeting. He got the rotation done and the transform stuff for the label maker. Just for fun, he was showing me some of the computer graphic level math and game design stuff that is playing into the label maker project. Pretty cool!

Maybe working on saving things next. Sent him the existing database table schemas and we talked about different columns. He would like me to setup a GitHub account so that I could get access to his project and source files. He would also love to get more hours if possible.

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Shop 11203 Meetings and phone calls 7/11/2024  

Meeting with Shannon. Talking about happenings (catching up on things) and making some plans.

Got a phone call from Wayne. We were talking about what we know dealing with the hack attempts on data 0. One of our plans is going to be moving to a new version of ColdFusion (2023). Trying to close every door possible. Wayne has some outbound logs from the server that we need to review. We may need to get a lawyer involved, if needed. I told Wayne that I would give Steve a call and figure out a plan on that side. We talked about maintenance and how we have to put out fires and grease the squeaky wheels. Some of the other stuff stays undone. There is too much to keep it all up. All part of the game. We also noted that Hostek (the hosting company) is being a little slower on their responses. Looking ahead, we know that we need to fix and work on some labels stuff, need to fix older barcode and QR code libraries, Wayne has a new solution in mind, replace the older BBQ and iText (java libraries). When ready, we will be pulling reports with dates/times, corps, customers that may have been affected by the hack attempt on the data 0 server.

Phone call with Steve. Going over hack attempts and course of action. Steve was telling me about hacks on huge companies like Netflix, Target, Apple, etc - everybody is being compromised. Dealing with credit card transactions, we are heading more and more towards a tokenization approach of data transmissions vs real data being passed back and forth. Steve said that a bank person (person in charge of fraud at a bank he goes to) said that they, the bank, re-issue 90-150 new credit cards a month, due to fraud. This was a small local bank. It's happening all over the place (hack attempts). We will work with Wayne and see what the window of time is that is in question. It's only on data 0. Our plan is to only notify those people/clients that may have been compromised (data stuff). I will get with Shari O. and get her involved to help send a note out. I'm also supposed to get some info from Wayne (tech stuff) about what we know and what that window looks like.

For me - Shannon and I were talking about a book called "Rhinoceros Success" by Scott Alexander. Taking small bits of wisdom from the rhino book - keep charging - damn the torpedoes! As a side note, one of the chapters in the book is called "Damn The Torpedoes" meaning that people are going to be shooting torpedoes at you all the time. Grow some thick skin and keep charging!

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Shop 11246 General 7/10/2024  

Emails and recording notes. Reviewing a video from Cory about some vendor stuff. The items in question were missing some item descriptions (these came from a bulk data import - original data was missing some info). Quick phone call with Cory to go over a small plan. Small phone call with Bryan. He was asking questions about doing a data import for stock/units. We talked about the need to match up makes and models to help with the import. They may end up doing the import manually as they only have about 100 stock/units. Recording notes from the last few days.

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Shop 11245 Phone calls 7/10/2024  

Phone calls with Steve and Bryan. Talked with Steve about some manufacturing stuff and new default vendors and default customer settings. We talked about options and ways to help take out steps and automate things. More and more settings. We also talked about other deployments and clients and upcoming projects. Light talks about staff and even a new guy (Cody - developer) and Piper (designer working with Chuck). Trying to make things happen.

Bryan had some questions about more QuickBooks API stuff and other projects that he is working on. He's got a lot of stuff going on as well.

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Shop 11244 Meeting with Bryan 7/10/2024  

Meeting with Bryan and going over progress on the QuickBooks API stuff. We chatted about a rollout plan and other possible things that might be needed.

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Shop 11180 Meeting with Mike Guthrie 7/10/2024  

Went into town to meet with Mike Guthrie at the bank. We chatted and talked about adilas stuff. He is an entrepreneur and is a partner in a local business that supplies restaurants with food and supplies. We went over his current processes and what they want to do. I explained a little bit of our story and we talked about his processes and current pain points. I gave him the concept of a data assembly line and auto mapping the accounting to the correct spots based on the operational flow of things. We had a great little chat.

Mike has a good overview picture of his business. You could see the wheels turning in his head as we talked. That is awesome. He also has a number of great contacts that could really help play in at some point.

Here are a few requests that he had... just dreaming

- eChecks out in ecommerce for paying big customer bills. He was worried about the credit card fees getting too big.

- He would love to see a commission report that shows a relationship (even a reverse relationship) between commissions paid and bad debt (commissions paid on invoices that never got paid). Interesting.

- He would love to see a year over year breakdown of revenue, cost of goods, profit margins, etc. Along with this, he would like to see all of the values as a percentage of revenue. He would also love to see things year over year, month over month, week over week, and even day over day (Mondays compared with other Mondays or Thursdays compared with other Thursdays). Basically, different ways to look at the data to see trends and evaluate performance. Tons of aggregation of data and viewing things in different ways. Real business intelligence (BI).

- He would love to figure things out, work out the kinks, and then show it to his contacts so that it could help them. He likes helping people.

- He would love to see auto reconciliation of the bank statements.

- Other automations - those can come over time and as needs arise.

- For me, I printed him off a few small graphics. They were pixelated and not super professional. I'd love to get more printable items for advertising.

All in all, a great meeting. I have a return appointment for next week.

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Shop 11235 Help with shop page flow 7/9/2024  

New payment type for EBT (electronic benefit transfer - modern-day government food stamps). Added it to data 0 and then cascaded it to other servers. Meeting with Eric to help with ecommerce gift card payments and other money types (payment types). We did some local testing and resolved a code conflict. After working with Eric, went back to updating servers with new money types. Let Sean and Cory know that the new payment type was up and live.

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Shop 11198 Meeting with Shannon and Abby 7/9/2024  

Work session with Shannon and Abby. I showed them the new touchscreen quantity modifier piece (new code for the mini scan cart). We worked on the attributes section inside the presentation gallery. Shannon bailed out and just Abby and I finished out the session. We added worked on the data over time page - new icons and sub text.

At the end, we, Abby and I, stopped our timecards and spent some time talking about life and the journey that we are all on. We talked about being in the present and finding success along the journey. We talked about dreams and ways that we either want to help others or ways that we are being helped. Fun stuff. See attached for a cute Family Circus about gaining small victories. Good stuff.

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Shop 11238 Merging in new code 7/8/2024  

Testing some of the new touchscreen quantity update stuff. Merged in new code. Pushed it up to data 0 and got some errors (not my code - from a different project). Reached out to a developer and we got it fixed. It, the new error, only happened if you had some of the new merchant processing code and settings setup. All older accounts were unaffected.

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Shop 11237 New touchscreen change quantity tool 7/8/2024  

Working on a new touchscreen update quantity popup. Built a new layout, altering settings, and doing a bunch of testing. Most of this work session was spent on the new touchscreen quantity changer for the cart line items.

Quick meeting with Bryan to go over his QuickBooks API stuff. We talked about doing a progressive type approach where we start with manual or hardcoded, jump into multiples (still hard coded or manual), and then moving into automated nightly pushes. 

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Shop 11236 New touchscreen change quantity tool 7/8/2024  

Paying bills and a couple of phone calls with Cory. She needs a new touchscreen ready interface for changing cart quantities. We had switched things out from an open entry field to a drop-down menu (imagine a list from 1 to whatever number - say 1-20 or whatever) but they need even more touch friendly options. The plan is to build a new setting to allow a touch quantity modal popup to help with quantity changes. It should look pretty good. She also needs some barcode updates for items that were entered wrong from a digital upload.

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Shop 11234 Plans to revamp the discount engine 7/6/2024  

Two different sessions doing some planning and brainstorming on revamping the discount engine. See EOT # 2550 inside of adilas. Also, see attached for some scans of some notes.

Recording notes. Back looking over code on the discount engine. Got denied again. Started running into more errors. Sat down and started writing out some ideas, questions, and specs. Decided that we should revamp the discount engine code. More brainstorming notes and plans.

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Shop 11233 Meeting with Eric 7/5/2024  

Meeting with Eric. We looked at some code and did a small merge to help him upload gift card data for a client in bulk. That went pretty smooth. We then looked at some code to use gift cards out in ecommerce. We had to refactor that a bit, add some security, and redo a little bit of the look and feel stuff (CSS). Got that code merged in and checked as well.

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Shop 11232 Meeting with Bryan 7/5/2024  

I met with Bryan and we looked over his code on the QuickBooks API socket connections. We tried a few things, did some research, and tried a few more things. That is going pretty slow.

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Shop 11230 Meeting with Cody 7/5/2024  

Meeting with Cody. Looking into label builder changes that he has been making. He is working on rotation (for boxes, images, and text fields) and QR codes. He also added in some alpha transparency options. Making progress.

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Shop 11229 Meeting to setup CardPointe Services for a client 7/5/2024  

Meeting with Dustin, Alan, Bryan Dayton, and Brian Mowris to go over the CardPointe merchant processing integration stuff. We chatted, got caught up, and ended up doing some tech support and code changes to the services. We changed ULR's (web addresses), help files, etc. It really helped to have all of the guys on the call to get the coders, the deployment persons, and the outside rep to make it all happen.

Just making a note about the need for good communication and good documentation (help and developer help). We spent hours today, not our fault, chasing assumptions from emails back in March. Finally, we got everyone connected and on the same page (ish) and we are making progress. We didn't get the help that we needed, nor the direction (from the outside party). We thought that we were done and all of the sudden, they want us to do a bunch of other pieces and validation testing (sub process). It took our guys, a new live account, and the outside rep to bring this all together. The test account was working perfectly. However, the transition between test and live got a little bit bumpy. No problem, we'll get it all fixed up. Just making a note on what we are learning.

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Shop 11231 Testing the discount engine 7/3/2024  

Testing settings on the old discount engine (dates and time). Looking over the local save and edit process. Looking under the covers.

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Shop 11228 Code changes 7/3/2024  

Small tweaks to some different pages (code tweaks). Changed some validation for the add/edit merchant processing page. Also pushed up the corp folder name look-up tool on the developer's homepage, inside the system.

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Shop 11225 Meeting with Bryan 7/3/2024   Phone calls with Bryan and texts back and forth with Eric. Building a small page to help generate the corp folder names for a company (small developer tool). Meeting with Bryan over the GoToMeeting session. Checking out the CardPointe Services - merchant processing info. Ended up getting Brian Mowris (different Brian - from FineTech) on the meeting to go over credentials with us and look at the integration.
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Shop 11227 Phone calls 7/3/2024  

Quick fix for Cory on a bulk tool. Fixed while on the phone with her. Bryan called and had questions about stock units and how to apply internal repairs and outside repairs. We did a quick into to those pieces over the phone.

Just an observation: People (our clients and our reps and helpers) have a need for helpful training, quick access for questions, and also a need to be able to turn fields on/off and rename them as needed (speak their language). As a side note, we added a field called "external_alternate_id" to all 12 of the main player groups. We may want to expose that field for use. We knew that we were going to need it, added it to the database, but haven't fully gone through the system to expose it yet. It may be time.

The other thing that seems to be needed is the ability to turn fields on/off (show/hide) and be able to do custom naming on certain fields. We have this on a few things... We need it on all things, if possible. Help the company speak their language. That makes them more productive and better able to use the system for their needs.

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Shop 11226 Working on the discount engine project 7/2/2024  

Recording notes. Doing some testing on the discount engine changes. Lots of testing on the dates and how those play through. There seemed to be some discrepancies there (a little too loose on the validation stuff). Checking things out.

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Shop 11224 Meeting with Cody 7/2/2024  

Meeting with Cody to go over progress on the label builder. He has got a text box with wrapping text, an option for images, normal rectangle boxes, normal text, and the ability to stack (layers) and organize the content. Making progress. Next, he will be working on rotation and barcodes and QR codes. I also gave him some links to different documents where we have some brainstorming notes on what we want for requirements for an MVP on the label builder.

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Shop 11202 Meeting with Abby 7/2/2024  

Working with Abby. We did some new icons and altered sub navigation and modals on 25 different pages inside the presentation gallery. We took all of the sub text in the application players pages and turned it into modals. That really helped clean things up a bit.

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Shop 11223 Working on the discount engine project 7/1/2024  

Reading over the code on the old discount engine page. Small changes to the JavaScript selectors and logic to use new values (strings - days of the week) vs older numerics (1-7). The old code use to just allow for a single day of the week. Prepping things so that we can have multiple days of the week tied to each discount, if needed. It sounds easy but the old code was imbedded pretty deep. Towards the end of the work session, started looking into the action page where things get set in the database.

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Shop 11222 Special Account Transactions Bug Fix 7/1/2024  

Meeting with Eric. Checking on merchant processing stuff for a client. We spent some time talking about transactions that have upstream and downstream dependent relationships. We then flipped over and did some work on voiding out special account transactions. Checked some code and merged it into the master branch. New changes will roll out tomorrow morning.

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Shop 11221 Working on the discount engine project 7/1/2024  

Recording notes and doing emails. Back working on the discount engine project. Reading over the older discount engine code page.

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Shop 11220 Working on the discount engine project 6/29/2024  

Looking at the discount engine project. Trying to get back into it. some of the code is pretty rough. I've got a current project that needs a tweak to the program but I will have to do some clean-up before going too far down the road. This was done by an independent developer, years ago. We need it to go to the next level so we may need to invest in refactoring and fixing it up (from the inside).

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Shop 11219 Working on small fixes 6/28/2024  

Recording notes from yesterday. Working on a special create sub inventory tool for Cory. Building the logic and doing some testing. Sent an email out to Cory and Sean to let them know that the new tool exists.

Added in some clean-up for the main PO's amount for the new bulk tool for Cory. Did some testing and pushed up new code. Phone call with Cory to go over the new tool. She also had me look at a small bug on quotes and removing line items from a quote (after a restore to cart function).

Spent some time looking into an error message for updating saved quotes. The bug was dealing with the new line sorting and grouping. It was only returning valid line items. If something had been removed, it was not updating that when it went to the database. The cart was showing it correctly, it was just the save to database function that needed some help.

Other small fixes. Added line item level groupings to the review cart page (we had missed that one - back when we were doing the cart line grouping stuff). Also, small fix on the history homepage and the historical reports. Some of the links were blending in with the report header (same color). Small change to make it look better and show the drill-down links.

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Shop 11218 Working on the presentation gallery 6/27/2024  

Working on sub nav for the presentation gallery pages. 

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Shop 11174 Meeting with Cody 6/27/2024  

Quick meeting with Cody to go over progress on the label builder. Printing a quick check for Cody. Quick phone call with Hamid, touching base. He is doing some ColdFusion training. We are going to re-meet up after the 4th of July.

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Shop 11217 Meeting with Bryan 6/27/2024  

Going over QuickBooks API sockets and small overview with Bryan. he is making progress. Currently, he has all of the calls running from the same page. Eventually, he needs to be able to save things and split things up into new pages (page flow).

Working on sub nav on the presentation gallery.

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Shop 11216 General 6/27/2024  

Emails. Installing TechSmith Snagit and Camtasia - new versions. Light research. Text messages, back copying and pasting presentation gallery sub menus.

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Shop 11093 Meeting with Shannon and Abby 6/27/2024  

Meeting with Shannon and Abby. Made a number of changes on the presentation gallery - working on the core concepts. We also modified the main sub menu for navigation within the presentation. Left off copying and pasting sub menus.

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Shop 11190 Small expense/receipt - posting fix 6/26/2024  

Got a text from Craig saying that he needed an expense/receipt fixed. I fixed it and also added some code to help it not happen again. Basically, the expense got posted (final approval) before it was verified (seen by the bank). Added new code to help not let it get out of order when using bulk verify and bulk posting tools.

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Shop 11189 Recording Notes 6/26/2024  

Recording notes from today. Fixed a bunch of custom email addresses for Shari O. and client out of Colorado.

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Shop 11173 Meeting with Cody 6/26/2024  

Meeting with Cody. He is playing around with some concepts for the adilas label builder. He has made some major changes since yesterday. He can do both boxes and simple text fields. He can move them around (drag and drop) and nudge them (little arrow keys to change the x and y coordinates). Each new element creates its own inputs (form fields). Those inputs stack up and create an accordion type interface (visual display). He can remove elements, change their stacking (front to back), etc. It's looking good. Still just in scratch (play) mode.

I also showed him the existing database (for labels), how we are storing things, a small intro into the 12 main player groups, and how eventually, we will need this label builder to be able to create dynamic or data driven labels. I hope that I didn't overdo it (overwhelming him), but I wanted to show him where it was heading and going.

As of right now, he is going to play with straight JavaScript until we run into a need for other technologies. Sounds like a good plan to me.

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Shop 11188 Code review 6/26/2024  

Code review for Bryan and his new trashcan icon for removing a line item out of the cart. Got into the code and fixed a few things. I did some code review and merged in the files and made changes to the master branch. Pushed up new code to data 0 for testing.

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Shop 11181 planning 6/26/2024  

Bryan wanted to go over the API connections to the QuickBooks API interface. Tons of authorization codes, realm id's, tokens, OAuth stuff, secrets, refresh tokens, etc. Lots of moving pieces. Certain things expire every hour, some have a couple of days, and others are fixed. Also, some of their tokens are 800+ characters long. Seems like a huge overkill.

After meeting with Bryan, I spent some time trying to get ahold of tech support at Hostek. Sent two new chat messages and an email to an older support email address. We are trying to reach someone who will talk with us.

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Shop 11187 Recording Notes 6/25/2024  

Recording notes from 6/24/24 to 6/25/24.

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Shop 11172 Meeting with Cody 6/25/2024  

Meeting with Cody to check out his progress on the adilas label builder. He is playing with a JavaScript Canvas and getting interactions to show back and forth on a small webpage. He is mostly going to be playing with the JavaScript side and I will help with the backend connections. I sent him some video references on the adilas label builder. I spent a little bit of time looking over the videos that we have on file for the label builder. I thought that this one was a fun one, showing where we are heading (video link - 5 minutes - promo video for the adilas label builder - next steps).

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Shop 11186 Meetings and prep work 6/25/2024  

Bryan had some questions on the QuickBooks API connections. Just looking around a bit. Lots of OAuth stuff. Back and forth, back and forth. Small graphic fix for Shari O. and the adilas internal email stuff. Emails and follow-up. Non-compete for Cody Apedaile. Prep work on the adilas label builder app.

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Shop 11098 Meeting with Shannon and Abby 6/25/2024  

Meeting with Shannon and Abby. We did some new icons, new sub text, and some new bullet points on the presentation gallery pages. We worked on the following pages in the core concepts: systems, vision & future, maintenance, and data over time.

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Shop 11185 Recording Notes 6/24/2024  

Recording notes from 6/20/24 to 6/23/24.

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Shop 11170 Meeting with Cody 6/24/2024  

Meeting with Cody. I set him up as a user inside adilas and inside of the adilas shop. We briefly started into looking at JavaScript canvas stuff with the intent to build a label builder. We have been through multiple versions already. We are hoping to make it simpler and more interactive and easy to use. Those are big requests... :)

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Shop 11184 Tech support 6/24/2024  

Emails and tech support. Sent a bunch of chat messages through the chat bot on Hostek's website. I copied down a bunch of the info that was sent to them. Trying to document everything.

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Shop 11169 planning 6/24/2024  

Meeting with Bryan. Restaurant stuff. We went over some ideas and wish list stuff for a new restaurant interface. Color changes for states and status and different flow options. Scenarios, tables (multi), rooms and sub locations (multi), item countdowns (inventory controls), send off items to the kitchen (possible hardware connections - auto print or different monitors), items level modifiers (forced and unforced), and split check (split ticket) options. We also talked about tips and how that will also be important. We already have some stuff there, but we need to refine it. We would also like to come up with ways of holding things in a side queue of sorts to pull them back and forth into the carts. Possible need for level 2 and 3 cart line groupings. Level 1 is finished.

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Shop 11183 Phone call with Shari O. 6/24/2024  

Phone call with Shari O. - touching base on life. Going over emails, need for logos and other graphics, and settings. Multiple topics.

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Shop 11182 Working with Bryan 6/24/2024  

Small fix with Bryan on some session variables out in pdf land. Changed them to normal look-ups of the settings vs pulling from session scope. Worked with Wayne to track down a potential hacker. I took a bunch of notes. I did add them to the media/content section, just not tied to this element of time.

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Shop 11179 Building a new tool for Cory 6/23/2024  

Building the helper tool for sub inventory for Cory. Ox in the mire (early morning on Sunday). She needs it later today and I didn't get it done. Going through the build logic - PO's, items, PO line items, and sub inventory stuff. I didn't quite get it done so I texted her. Come to find out, the project is going live next week, not later today or tomorrow. My bad.

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Shop 11178 New tool for Cory 6/21/2024  

New code for Cory and being able to auto add a sub (child inventory package) to an existing item in the database. Building a small helper tool to populate the data.

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Shop 11177 Domain Name Stuff 6/21/2024  

Fixing payments methods on our domain names. The old credit card on file had expired.

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Shop 11176 Phone call with Steve 6/21/2024  

Phone call with Steve. Went over a bunch of things that are happening. We talked about projects, code, staff, and both current and future development. We also talked about investors and some possible options there. Good catch-up session.

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Shop 11175 Code review with Bryan 6/21/2024  

Emails. Meeting with Bryan to go over new bulk tools. Code sign-off on flagging main items as main items for cart groupings. Small work session to fix a few small things. Merged and pushed code. Also looked at his new code to remove a line item via a garbage icon.

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Shop 11163 Meeting with Cody 6/20/2024  

Meeting with Cody to see his progress on his website project. He is building a small story book website for a practice project. His code and ColdFusion is looking good. He is getting it. We then talked a little bit about jQuery, AJAX, and how to cross JavaScript with ColdFusion. I showed him a few examples and hopefully got him on his way. I would really like to use him on our adilas label builder project, if Steve will allow it.

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Shop 11162 Meeting with Cory 6/20/2024  

Meeting with Cory on importing inventory for a client. They are wanting a bulk tool to help with adding subs - only active items that are normal parts (not the unlimited ones). The plan is to make it into a small migration tool for Cory so that we can use it for other corporations. Email tech support with Wayne.

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Shop 11161 check and push code 6/20/2024  

Code review with Bryan. Looking over his mark items as main items code. If yes, we mark things as bold in the cart, quotes, and invoices. This project included some new bulk tools, single update/edit pages, and lots of display changes. Going page by page and doing review, testing, and making small tweaks.

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Shop 11152 Meeting with Russell 6/20/2024  

Russell got tied up today. We weren't able to make this happen.

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Shop 11167 General 6/20/2024  

Merging in code for Eric. It was a quick USAePay gateway fix. Recording notes from 6/17/24 to 6/19/24.

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Shop 11097 Meeting with Shannon and Abby 6/20/2024  

Meeting with Shannon. Going over current projects and challenges (helping people, maintenance, security, etc.). Easy to see solutions, tricky to solve... tons of requests, minimal time, lots of needs, helping with training and planning. Overcoming barriers and implementing solutions really takes a lot of time and effort. Shannon and I worked on the permissions and settings page in the presentation gallery today.

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Shop 11138 Meeting with Mike Guthrie 6/19/2024  

Went into town to meet with Mike but the bank was closed. It was Juneteenth (federal holiday). I totally forgot about that. Mike and I will reschedule. I called and left him a voicemail and sent him a text message as well. 30 miles.

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Shop 11155 Meeting with Suzi and Sean 6/19/2024  

Meeting with Suzi and Sean over a GoToMeeting session. We were going over the adilas label builder. We have an existing piece but it needs some major upgrading. Here are some of my notes... It sounds like it's pretty painful from the user side.

- In the current label builder - on step 2... help show the width and height on the label drop-down. Also use smaller decimal.

- On step 4, the label is so small... they would love to see it bigger (zoom to scale)

- When editing, the top 5 fields need to be editable. These are the name of the field, the height, width, the _x and _y positions (where on the canvas the fields starts).

- Be able to see it while you are doing it, be able to save it while you are doing it. Currently, you have to make an edit, switch modes, then save it, then go back.

- When going from page to page, it isn't saving the new changes. You have to almost make a change, go save it, make a change, go save it. If you try to have it do too much at a time, it gets lost.

- She (Suzi) has to go back, go back, go back... very frustrating.

- She is recommending that people don't even use it. The current label creation tool is that bad. They (she and Sean) are building out the labels, showing the people, and not showing them the actual tool. They are taking on the hard part in order to save frustration.

- She has seen some demos that have really nice label building tools.

- I have a bunch of notes from past brainstorming sessions - dealing with wish lists for the adilas label builder. I also have some document on my local computer from some brainstorming sessions with Cory, talking about next steps on the label builder.

- She has also seen other tools that are really hard to work with for label building (other products). You really need a way to connect the database to the label builders.

- They are wanting full colors, static text, dynamic text, QR codes, barcodes, horizontal text, vertical text, graphics, data driven value, etc.

- Snap to grid... both yes and no options. Along with that... a nudge (using arrow keys) would be super helpful.

- Suzi was talking about how at another company, they used Adobe Illustrator (full on graphics program) to do super custom layouts.

- They need ability to do super small text (font size)

- They may even need round labels, not just square or rectangle labels.

- The current decimal level is way out there... like 10 or 20 decimal points. We just need to format things, for a visual for the end user.

- Some of our competition has some really fancy label builders. No idea on the price tag, but there are some sweet label builders out there.

- Not just simple labels... they are looking for super fancy labels... full color, full gloss, full layout options, etc.

- Suzi has a number of samples of fancy labels, if we need them as samples.

- Sean and Suzi were talking about the cost of labels - pros and cons of going with preprinted logos. It depends on what things change and how often you need the label options.

- Both Sean and Suzi have used it (the current label creation tool) but it is painful.

- The work has to stick... every time. It's way to fidgety.

- Be able to zoom in and out.

- Add a save button on the show grid layout step.

- They want to combine step 4 and 5 - do it all on one page.

- They want to be able to add a custom label size... be able to enter perfect width and height. Currently, you can pick from a bunch of single labels (presets) or a huge list of Avery sheet labels. They would like options to enter custom labels (sizes and dimensions).

- Be able to switch between inches and centimeters.

- Be able to align elements, copy elements, paste elements, etc. Easier for the end users.

- The barcode text needs to be able to scale (font size of the bars) - we need to be able to fit a 24 character barcode on a 2" label.

- Instruction and education (writing and on video) on where to access the labels - for each type - customers, invoices, PO's, and items.

- Be able to work easier with subs (parts) and sub packages (parent/child inventory).

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Shop 11160 check and push code 6/19/2024  

Meeting with Bryan. Looking over the new code to plug in the main item flags for the auto number and grouping stuff. He is still working on some pagination stuff. We went over his questions and did a little bit of light tweaking to make things run a little bit smoother.

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Shop 11164 Server - Tech Support 6/18/2024  

Working with Wayne - server-side tech support - checking into some random files on the data 0 box. Working with both Wayne and Alan and trying to check out logs and access points. A few different meetings over Google meet. Wayne decided to save a copy, then nuke the files, and then redeploy a new image. Eric joined and we talked about merchant processing, tips, and surcharges. Wayne and I were talking about upgrading security and updating Adobe ColdFusion to newer levels. No fun to be on a security call but it was good to touch base with some of the guys.

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Shop 11099 Meeting with Shannon and Abby 6/18/2024  

Meeting with Shannon and Abby. Going over what it takes to code things... small overview (5 languages - HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Adobe ColdFusion, and SQL for database interactions). Shannon bailed out to do some work on her own. Abby and I spent the rest of the time doing sub text and new icons in the presentation gallery. We made changes on 10 different pages in the presentation gallery. Pushed up files.

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Shop 11151 check and push code 6/17/2024  

Meeting with Bryan. Going over the grouping and showing main line items with bold formatting. Light code review and gave him a couple more pages to look into. Getting closer.

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Shop 11158 Research on MVP plans 6/17/2024  

Looking into a short MVP list for ship A. See element of time # 9934 in the shop for more details and a smaller list. Here is an abbreviated version...

- in-store credits - $10K

- coupons - internal and ecommerce - $15K

- adilas label builder - round 2 - $40K

- standardize merchant processing - $20K (in progress)

- revamp shopping cart - $40K (in progress)

- time and scheduling - vertical time view - internal and ecommerce ready - $40K

- discount engine - $20K (in progress)

- smart cart engine & logic - $30K

- rework sub inventory - $40K

- planning & flex - $30K

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Shop 11157 Domain Name Stuff 6/17/2024  

Domain name stuff. On with tech support. Trying to get the main contact email address changed for our domain names. The old contact email address is no longer used or accessible.

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Shop 11156 Meeting with Bryan 6/17/2024  

Meeting with Bryan. Going over some of his code for marking items as main items (bolding things in the cart based on groupings). I tried to point him to the main methods vs doing code internally for each quote and invoice style (different quote and invoice formats - printable, mini, pdf, etc.). He is going to work on things and then we'll get back together later today.

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Shop 11154 Meeting with Cody 6/15/2024  

Went into Logan to meet with Cody. He showed me what he has been working on this week. I gave him some training on Adobe ColdFusion and MySQL to look into. He is much more advanced than some of our other recruits (new developers). I got him paid and lightly lined out on the next steps for a mini project using his skills. 30 miles.

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Shop 11153 General 6/15/2024  

General stuff. 20 minute phone call with Bryan going over direction on marking parts as main items for auto numbering and grouping. That is his current project. 5 minute call with Eric to talk about USAePay transactions and automated payments. Printing out a check for Shannon. See EOT # 11048 in the shop.

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Shop 11150 Emails 6/13/2024  

Emails and light tech support. We had a request to redo the sub inventory API sockets from a client's developer. They, the end users, want it all in one call vs multiple calls for subs, sub attributes, parent attributes, etc. I sent an email back to the developer that we match his feelings and would love to refactor that part of the API sockets. Basically, a rework on the sub inventory part of the system.

Also did some recording notes inside of adilas and linking up shop and main adilas records.

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Shop 11131 Meeting with Russell 6/13/2024  

Meeting with Russell. AJAX and error handling - server errors and processing errors. Ideally you get into standards and reusing code. Reducing complexity by creating the site standards. It would also be more usable if we were using an internal API socket and returning JSON objects vs raw HTML code.

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Shop 11149 Recording Notes 6/13/2024  

Recording notes from 6/11/24 to 6/13/24.

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Shop 11096 Meeting with Shannon and Abby 6/13/2024  

Meeting with Shannon and Abby. We did some work on the icons on some pages. Working on goals, cause and effects, and accountability pages. These are all pages on the presentation gallery.

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Adi 2516 Clover Integration 6/12/2024  

EOT for the Clover Integration for Aaron and Yogen Fruz

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Shop 11148 Data import 6/12/2024  

Prep work for Sean and being able to do a client upload for parts and items on data 9.

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Shop 11147 Helping Cody 6/12/2024  

Helping Cody Apedaile get his local ColdFusion and MySQL environment setup and going.

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Shop 11146 Looking into the discount engine 6/11/2024  

Light research and started looking into the discount engine project. This is an older project that never got all the way finished.

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Shop 11145 General 6/11/2024  

Quick meeting with Bryan to look at progress. He had some questions on the snow owl data tables. I then jumped over and did a quick review of the teaching gallery (photos and images). Added a new graphic for the converging cart needs. See attached.

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Shop 11141 Meeting with Cory 6/11/2024  

It was going to be a meeting with Wayne and Cory but Wayne wasn't able to make it. Going over a number of needed projects. Bulk find and replace on items and vendors. Also being able to merge customer records. Small update on mini scan cart. Small show and tell to show Cory some of the new features. We are looking forward to the discount engine (next major project).

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Shop 11095 Meeting with Shannon and Abby 6/11/2024  

Meeting with Shannon and Abby. We spent the first hour or so going over where we are at and how we got there. It's helping the girls get some perspective on the timelines and history of what has already gone on and where we want to go. We talked about rejecting certain business principles and how those actions trickle down and affects the team. We also talked about seeing patterns and how to achieve an MVP (minimal viable product, plan, or person).

We then jumped into a work session and spent the rest of the time working on the presentation gallery. We worked on the relationships page and challenges (trouble or problems) page. We also did some icon work.

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Shop 11143 New settings 6/10/2024  

Back working on the button sizes for the mini scan cart. Turning the button size (small, medium, or large) into a setting. Merged and pushed up code to bit bucket. Recording notes for the day.

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Shop 11139 Meeting with Bryan 6/10/2024  

Meeting with Bryan. He is working on being able to set an item as a main item to help with cart line item level grouping (special cart stuff). This will help Suzi with some of her clients. We tweaked the logic and did a little bit of looking around. Small work session to cascade code and logic. We also made a list of to do list items for this project. Anything in the cart quickly multiplies to a handful of pages.

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Shop 11142 New settings 6/10/2024  

Working on default button sizes for the shopping cart and other pages. New mini scan cart setting. Trying to help for users with touchscreen vs a mouse (clicks).

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Shop 11140 General 6/10/2024  

Paying and recording bills. Emails. Calling and setting up a meeting with a local banker. Quick meeting with Bryan to see where he is at with stuff (our checklist of priorities). Setup a meeting for later this afternoon.

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Shop 11137 Working on the mini scan cart 6/7/2024  

New cart updates. Small spelling change and doing some split cart button clean-up. Added a new up button for the my cart favorite buttons. This allows a user in the split cart to go up the button chain (groups and button stacking). Phone call with Eric to help him get a USAePay sandbox setup for his local environment. Back working throughout the day on the up button. Merged in new code and tested on data 0.

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Shop 11136 Reviewing a resume of a developer 6/7/2024  

Reviewing a resume for Cody Apedaile. He just graduated from USU with a degree in computer science. Spent half an hour chatting with Cody over the phone. Sent him an email with a small training proposal. Ship B stuff.

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Shop 11135 Time Tracker Project List 6/6/2024  

Recording notes. Got on a meeting with Eric. He had an issue with a DAO (database access object) for elements of time and it not returning the correct record set. We could run the exact same query using raw SQL prompts or inside code but not as part of a component that runs things through the DAO. We did what we could. He may need to consult with Wayne, for a deeper database master to take a look at it. Recording notes from the week thus far (6/3/24 to 6/6/24).

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Shop 11094 Meeting with Shannon and Abby 6/6/2024  

Meeting with Shannon and Abby. Catching up and showing each other what we are working on. Abby was showing us some of her graphic ideas and sketches. She is hoping to use images to really show how each thing (concept) relates to real life. She had a number of images to show us. I'd like to get copies of them from her. She is catching the vision.

Shannon is working on summing things up (summaries) and working on flow and flavor for the presentation gallery. We then jumped into a small work session and fixed a couple of pages based off of Shannon's notes. We were working on core concepts and did some work on characters and relationships pages.

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Shop 11133 General 6/5/2024  

Emails and reading over a letter of intent from Kindcard, Inc. Recording notes.

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Shop 11123 Meeting with Russell 6/5/2024  

Recording notes. Working with Russell on AJAX stuff and playing with loaders (see sample code in the extras folder - ajax_loader_sample_view_cart_mini_scan_cart.cfm - dated 6/5/24). Good work session.

We also spent some time talking about time management. Things like bounds, limitations, priorities, etc. From Russell - If we don't manage our schedule, it will manage us. He was very kind and was drawing and making some analogies. One of them was a guy holding up a bag and multiple people adding things to the bag. Each person didn't see their load as too big, just a couple of hours here and there, but what they couldn't see was multiple people doing the same things (all small loads but multiplied by the number of people and transitions and switching back and forth).

At some point, we either learn or get taught (schooled). Learning to manage it. I really liked this... from Russell, "You have power to choose some of these things. Only bite off as much as you can chew and swallow.".

After that, we spent some time looking at CSS loaders.

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Shop 11130 Bulk labels with Steve 6/5/2024  

Working with Steve on the bulk print summary labels for the cart line groupings. Small work session and doing some custom code.

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Shop 11128 Meeting with Bryan 6/4/2024  

Meeting with Bryan to work on the new edit main cart options. Small work session. We then did some planning on being able to flag the parts as main items. This will help with auto numbering in the cart.

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Shop 11129 e-Commerce Gift Card Payments 6/4/2024  

Meeting with Eric and going over using gift cards out in ecommerce. He wanted to know where to put things and what pages did what. We touched based on some key pages and logic areas. We looked at code, recorded a few notes, and got him going in a good direction.

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Shop 11126 Demo with Cory 6/4/2024  

Phone call with Shari O. She had some questions and spent time going over merchant processing stuff. Meeting with Cory and Bryan (over an hour) doing a mini scan cart demo and walking through the different settings. We didn't cover all of the settings, but we did walk through a bunch of them. Cory had some great questions. This was the first time she had seen some of the new pieces.

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Shop 11092 Code review 6/4/2024  

Looking over Bryan's new code changes for updating and editing the main mini scan cart values. A bunch of new settings and then a popup modal to make the changes.

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Shop 11134 Meeting with Bryan 6/3/2024  

Another meeting with Bryan. Small work session on the main cart edit or update main cart options. We are probably about 80% there. Just a few more changes, layout tweaks, and some verbiage stuff. He is going to push up code and then I'm going to do some detail work on it.

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Shop 11125 Meeting with Bryan 6/3/2024  

Emails and recording notes. Quick meeting with Bryan to look at his progress on the edit main cart details modal popup with settings. Looking good. We may make a few small changes, but looking really good.

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Shop 11127 Phone calls 6/3/2024  

Phone calls with Bryan and Steve. Talking with Bryan about options for updating the main cart inside the mini scan cart (subset of the main cart). Later on, talking with Steve about priorities, projects, and needs.

We may circle back and work on the discount engine and build in one-to-many rules and assignments. That would be pretty cool. We may end up making part of it (the discount engine) into the smart cart logic or overarching cart engine. We are seeing more and more needs for discounts and logic such as buy one, get one, and 2 for x or 1 for y (dollars). As well as other combo type discounts and logic. We may need to look into this deeper to really get our heads around it.

Our last topic of the call was talking about investments and possible next steps.

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Shop 11124 Working on cart line items and summary groups 5/31/2024  

Working on the show cart line item groupings page. This page shows the line summaries based on the groupings. Built the logic, did some testing, and pushed up the files to data 0 for some live testing. Sent an email to Steve, Suzi, and Bryan letting them know with some more information on where things are at (development wise). Other small cart changes.

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Shop 11122 General 5/31/2024  

Phone call with Eric. Texts back and forth with Steve (small update). Merged in some code for Chuck and his snow owl changes for the add/edit payee and permissions pages. Switching branches and pushing up some database updates for Eric. Ran updates on all servers for cross-corp gift card rules. Recording some notes from the day.

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Shop 11117 Meeting with Steve 5/31/2024  

Meeting with Steve and Jeffrey Schultz. Jeff is a payment gateway guy. He knows the payment processor space very well. Here are some of my notes:

- He helped early on with the RedFin payment stuff and network (POS - point of sale system). He also mentioned Kindcard. I haven't really looked into those pieces yet.

- He is interested in fintech solutions that he wants to cross-pollinate (make things mutually beneficial) to join efforts.

- Talking about relationships where the services can be supported.

- Jeff was talking about Switch commerce (atm solutions). He feels like he has some key components and key relationships that he can bring to the table.

- There were some talks on cannabis and non-cannabis solutions (both are totally valid). Most of the cannabis solution are tied in with a regulatory system per state. Along those lines, dealing with cannabis, there is a super deep level that is required for cultivation. Not many other products are trying to fill that need right now. There may be a sweet spot there.

- Lots of talk about different levels for PCI compliance.

- Integrating core payment platforms (core pay). This is Jeff's space. He loves this. Lots of talks about payment processing. Jeff sees a huge opportunity for a POS system or platform that could be integrated with existing hardware or create our own hardware package. This could and would include menu boards, kiosks, the whole package.

- Deb payment package (processing and loading the wallet).

- Looking for mutually beneficial relationships between the companies.

- Lots of talk about making things simple for our clients. Basically, here's the processing and here's the POS and inventory control solution - everything as turnkey solutions or turnkey package.

- We talked about chains (multiple stores) and how some of the POS units (from other companies) don't have the inventory control or accounting features.

- If you can make money on the processing, you can lower the price on the software.

- We have tons of pieces and features. We don't really have the hardware side, the full merchant processing pieces (we do it, we just don't own it and control those pieces), and the sales engine.

- Jeff wants to create a software and processing division within their company. They would like to bring adilas under the Kindcard parent company. I need to look into that further.

- Steve was saying that we've had offers of over $10 million for adilas.

- We've spent lots of money on development. It is important to have a team who focuses on the whole (integrating things). Otherwise, it just becomes a bunch of disconnected stuff.

- Jeff has a publicly trading company with over 2 million shares. He's taken some companies public before. Some light talks along those lines.

- Steve would like to see a step by step on how this can (could) roll out.

- We were talking about Jeff and his team learning all about adilas. Steve was saying that we use to offer 3-4 day classes just to show the new stuff. He said it could take two weeks with one person to really show you everything that the software can do.

- We would like to see a term sheet from their internal legal department. Jeff was saying, we would still be controlling it, meaning adilas as a company. We would just figure out how the two companies could be mutually beneficial. Interesting meeting.

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Shop 11121 Working on line item grouping 5/31/2024  

Working on the get cart line item level groupings logic. This is in preparation for doing some special cart labels based on the line item level groupings.

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Shop 11118 Meeting with Chuck 5/30/2024  

Meeting with Chuck. Code review and going over a number of to do list items on the add/edit payees and permissions page. Small work session.

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Shop 11062 Meeting with Hamid 5/30/2024  

Meeting with Hamid. Sent him over some older developer resources and training materials. Setup a time to meet in a couple of weeks. His current plan is to go through some ColdFusion videos and do some tutorials and training to get ready. We will then figure out a project and have him go for it (another small paid project). Right now, he is just banking some of the hours in the ship B (adilas shop) area.

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Shop 11115 Meeting with Bryan 5/30/2024  

Working on grouped output for carts based on the line item level groupings. Meeting with Bryan. We did some code review and pushed up two different branches. Looking into the next things on our priority list. Getting Bryan lined out on the next project. After that, I went back to working on the line item level groupings and output function.

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Shop 11043 Tech support 5/30/2024  

Tech support and checking on data 20 and my cart favorites. Finished up the API socket changes. Did some testing on it and pushed up code. Sent an email to a developer to try the API connection again.

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Shop 11120 API socket fix 5/30/2024  

Fixing an API socket for getting parent attributes. Parent attributes can have multiple different data types (what they do or what they hold). Originally, the API socket was only able to get numeric data back. The new changes allow for text, select, number, toggle, number select, dates.

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Shop 11116 Working on the scan cart 5/29/2024  

Emails and recording notes. Back on the mini scan cart and cascading code to all of the printable forms and invoice versions. Reading over the Aprio proposal. Testing the new line item groupings code live on data 0.

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Shop 11100 Meeting with Russell 5/29/2024  

Meeting with Russell. Working on some AJAX stuff for the line item level groupings. Debugging and testing things. Had to add an event listener and override some form action defaults (like using the enter key to submit the form). Code is not quite ready, just pushed it up to the branch that we are working on.

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Shop 11113 Meeting with Bryan 5/29/2024  

Emails. Meeting with Bryan. We pushed up some code for the new my cart favorites and being able to stack and multi assign buttons to different groups. Super cool and it will help out Suzi and the frozen yogurt demo site. Being able to reuse a single button or button group in multiple places. We then talked about next steps. Went over some of our priorities. Started to line out some of the other projects. We will meet up tomorrow and see where we are at.

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Shop 11090 Meeting with Bryan 5/28/2024  

Meeting with Bryan. Going over some of his logic on the multi button assignments. Small work session and redid the add/edit logic on the button assignments. We also moved the assignment filter up higher and made it into a single pass vs a double pass (more logic changes). Making progress.

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