Adilas Lite - Value Add-On Core Model


Adilas Value Add-On Core Model - Every world needs a transactional core - Then you build value by adding layers Imagine your business as a world or a planet. Imagine looking at a cross section of that world (your business). What is at the core of what you do? How well is that working? What other layers would make things run smoother? The core is the critical, essential base or center that allows the world, or business, to exist and thrive.

Adilas is a fully operating web application based on a transactional core. The transactional core is a term we use to describe the way application players and pieces of the system interact to capture and record all the daily operations and subsequent accounting for a business. Without getting too deep, application players are things like customers, invoices, quotes, deposits, expenses, inventory items, etc. We have 12 main application players that interconnect and all work together.

The word "transactional" means - details or individual transactions. If you catch every penny in and out, every invoice, every PO, every inventory item usage, every expense, you start getting transactions or data history. Multi-relational data stored over time. The transactional core is that part of the system - all of the underlying details and histories. All of them. The core has take over 20+ years in the making. It's super powerful!

We see that our robust transactional core will improve by developing and adding on these new levels of specificity and value.

We propose these value add-on levels to be:
  1. Transactional core level - the current Adilas system
  2. Industry specific skins level
  3. Custom code level
  4. Business intelligence level
  5. Enterprise level
For further information look into the specific levels for more ideas and plans.
So, we used to have this joke... People would ask us, what does adilas do? We would respond... Did you pack a lunch?

Here is a quick elevator type pitch of what we do:

"High-end software as a service (SaaS) company. Anything dealing with operations and accounting. We have a standard package that we use and then we customize on top of that."

Very simple, but has a lot of loaded statements.

1. High-end software as a service (SaaS) company - This is the whole package without saying it. Monthly, service package, and full business platform.

2. Anything dealing with operations and accounting - This is another whole package type statement dealing with the range that we try to cover. Most people understand different operations and accounting pieces and even know where they have needs and/or struggles. Easy foot in the door, yet very diverse.

3. We have a standard package that we use and then we customize on top of that - This says that it is somewhat ready right out of the box and with different settings you can configure almost anything... Plus, we do custom on top of a standard piece or process. The sky is the limit. You dream it up, we'll help you wire it up!

If you want more, here is a 50 slide pitch of what we do... have fun... we call this the presentation gallery.
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