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Sort Value: Developer's Notebook Report - 6/1/2017 to 6/30/2017 - (104)
Time Id Color Title/Caption Start Date   Notes
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Shop 2679 Adilas Time 6/1/2017   On the morning GoToMeeting session. The first two hours were working on mini conversions. This was Steve, Eric, and myself all working and talking together. We were planning out database pieces and running through ideas and scenarios. We ended this section by giving Steve a small assignment to work on the mini conversion template level - first two database tables. he was going to be working on some ideas and concepts over the weekend.

The second couple of hours were with working with Steve and Russell and I talking about things and where they are at. This got into a fairly deep conversation. We started out by setting up a light agenda... The first four main points were: our efforts (AFB and adilas), mini conversions and related items, other projects coming down the pipeline, and level of clearance. As we got into it, we only touched on the first topic and spent the whole there.

See attached for some of the notes. There is also a small graphic that started the conversation out and where we could go. The graphic pitched the ideas of how AFB and adilas could either start the merge process and/or create a more distinct separation between the two entities. Basically, Russell and Chris Johnnie have been making enough waves that they are getting noticed. That was their goal. They have virtually tapped into some key elements including controlling the look and feel, ecommerce, new settings, the adilas market, and small taps into the adilas university area or space. We talked about the current state and how that could be altered. As we pitched the ideas, Russell played back and I took notes.

To start off with, Steve mostly listened as Russell and I laid out some different plans and options. We were both laying out pros, cons, and virtual wish lists on how we could merge and blend things together. Topics ranged from goals, to buyout options, to who will take care of what. See attached for more details. Russell was very open and virtually laid out some of his ideas and strategy on where he was headed and why. After all of that, Steve started talking more and we have tons of notes from what he was saying. The gist of it was that adilas would like to restructure things into more of an overarching trust type option and then roll forward from there. Steve was pitching ideas on how we could come together as a single stronger entity.

We talked numbers, financials, and options. Super fun talk. We ended the meeting by Russell and Steve saying let's meet and talk again tomorrow. Russell would like a certain level of power or influence over certain subjects. It was fun to see how certain things were playing out and seeing options where we could go. All parties left the meeting excited about more similar talks tomorrow.
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Shop 2680 Lunch 6/1/2017  
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Shop 2698 Campaign Rise 6/1/2017   On a GoToMeeting session with Bryan. We went over some small questions and looked into a graphic problem. I remade the graphic and sent it to him.
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Shop 2684 Russell time 6/1/2017   On a Zoom session with Russell. We spent the entire time adding in a new photo admin permission. This allows a user to override and update/replace a photo even if they weren't the original owner/photographer. The old way was tied to the original payee/user. Only they could edit the photos. This new permission allows an admin user to update the photos at will. As part of the new permission, we do record histories and do give credit to the new admin person for the photo. This feature has been asked for numerous times over the years. It was created and added today. We cascaded the new code and permission stuff to all 12 main system players. The new code was merged in and pushed to all servers.
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Shop 2681 Brandon's Custom Projects 6/1/2017   Ended up helping Russell get some code work done.
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Shop 2682 Brandon out of the office all day 6/2/2017  
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Shop 2734 General 6/2/2017   Emails and light clean-up.
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Shop 2732 Meeting with Russell 6/2/2017   On a GoToMeeting session with Steve and Russell. This was a round 2 discussion on how to restructure adilas and bring AFB and adilas together. The previous notes and ideas were on 6/1/17. See that date for more notes about the starting of the discussions.

This meeting started out with a light recap of yesterday's meeting. We then let Russell take the flow and talk through some options and proposals. As he was talking, I was taking notes and helping to facilitate things. We ended up talking more about Steve's ideas of the managing trust type model for adilas. We drew some pictures and talked about more options. The trust type model was somewhat based off of the original ideas of the adilas shop. Basically, an overarching umbrella that helps control the different entities. Inside and under the main trust umbrella would be different sections or departments. These would be things like sales, marketing, training, customer code, design, consulting, HR, internal, tech support, and other manager and admin type roles.

We then talked about how those roles and/or virtual sections or departments could be staffed and manned by dependables and internal family members. We could basically divide the pie however we saw fit and what would fit the budget. Then as needed, we could pull from a separate pool of independents or other family (business family) members. As part of this drawing, we also put some rough numbers on the page to show who had virtually paid in and/or invested monies and time into the bigger adilas picture. The goal here was to show Russell and Chris that their pieces count and that we are taking those things into account as good will and real time and monies.

We looked at our expenses and pulled out the major pieces and big ticket items. We did this to show Russell where things are spent and to help him get some ideas on rough budgets and such. Lots of talk about what we could cut and where we want to focus. Russell really wants to help control the budgets and some of the other assets.

Steve had some really good points and we took a bunch more notes. Lots of talk about combining forces, upping prices, and changing how things flow and trickle down. Some great ideas and concepts, they just need a little bit more refining and implementation. Tons of options and even more are being harvested, cultivated, and given to us all the time. Adilas is a giant idea farm... We just need to keep going and harvest those ideas.

See attached for more notes and screen shots (small drawings). Lots of good stuff there.
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Shop 2733 Tax things inside the cart 6/2/2017   Working with Russell on maintaining the original tax setting for items that are with tax included if using the convert parent to child inventory page. Working through the logic and seeing what was needed. We didn't launch the code due to an error out in ecommerce but the internal pieces were good to go. The new internal tweaks got pushed on 6/5/17. The ecommerce errors and bugs were fixed on 6/12/17 and 6/14/17.
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Shop 2740 Adilas Time 6/5/2017   On the morning GoToMeeting session with Steve and Eric. Steve and I stared talking mini conversions and then rolled into other possible business models with a trust, a market place, etc. Here are some rough notes from the first part of the day.

- When adding things to the balance sheet (for the new round). We need to talk and create a difference between monies paid in and time attributed. There is a difference but they both pull a weight. When real monies come in, we would pay them back the principal plus simple interest (say 10% per month off of the principal).

- We could even set some rules that says we can push monies toward adilas and we'll pay interest on that. We may even need to set some rules on how long monies could be held and stored. For example, a max number of years before it gets paid back.

- We need to work on some basic structure and virtual by-laws or rules for the game. The goal is working on creating the perfect business model (perfect for us).

- Eric came on and we talked a little bit about QuickBook integration. We did some light models and drawings. We talked about some numbers and at least 1/3 of our clients are on the older traditional double entry accounting model. Eric may build this out as a 3rd party solution. There may be some special mapping and/or a virtual model view controller type piece that is needed. There be a bunch of this mapping and needs that are custom per client.

- We are seeing more and more needs for parent item attributes or parent attributes. Currently, we only have sub attributes tied to part categories. This may end up helping with sub part categories. A new parent attribute section may help us get more away from leaning on the flex grid tie-ins as much. Let the flex grid tie-in pieces do a different job. Simplify and streamline where possible.

The whole last half of the meeting was used in more planning on the mini conversion project. We spent quite a bit of time working on the database table planning document in MS Excel. We added in some sort fields, changed some verbage to include a base unit of measure and a conversion unit of measure. We also got more into the invoice and full checkout process of what happens for activity and such. We ran multiple scenarios with different pieces to see how they would play through. I really enjoying playing with things and testing before we ever go to code. That helps us work out the kinks before it gets super technical. Good session.

See attached for a couple of small drawings, scratch paper, and the Excel file with the table layouts.
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Shop 2744 Lunch 6/5/2017  
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Shop 2685 Russell time 6/5/2017   On a Zoom session with Russell. We started out and merged in some code and what not. The new code had some new icons on the headers to help with switching corps, the mini calendar, and getting to the users profile and personal settings more easily.

After that, we started into tracking down a bug with ecommerce and auto applying a discount. We figured out that it needed to recalc the taxes both before and after. See attached for some light notes. We also created a new branch called BWM-27 and pushed it up to bit bucket.
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Shop 2703 Alan Time 6/5/2017   On a GoToMeeting session with Alan. We did a little bit of catch-up and talked about some of the current projects. We then jumped into Campaign Rise stuff and started going over questions and such. Dave Forbis called in and we spent almost an hour talking with him and asking him questions about the inbox, the campaigns, the events, the paid events, the updates, etc. Lots of questions about flow and mappings. After that, Alan and I went in and talked about differences between internal photo galleries vs. options for media/content pieces. We got pretty deep and looked at pros, cons, database values, and existing code for both types of external files. Good session.
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Shop 2741 Adilas Time 6/6/2017   On the morning GoToMeeting session with Steve and Eric. As part of the meeting, Eric was talking about De-normalizing data and where to use and set things. He was talking about query tuning, indexing, and other performance tuning concepts. Most of this was dealing with database administrator things.

- What about watchers and feeders - What if we moved away from transactional data and more into preset aggregates and daily totals per category and per location.

- You can replicate and index the id's but you don't want to replicate all of the other features. That is where you join tables and look things back up when searching and displaying the data.

- Eric volunteered to be the adilas DBA (database administrator)... :)

- Often you have to feel the pain first and then you start going in and fixing things.

- Some of the aggregates and roll-ups are for the user who wants to see all of the data in the entire database. This is often done in data warehousing for system-wide or global analytics.

We spent most of the meeting talking about the mini conversion project. We made some more progress and added a number of new notes and even tweaked out our database planning spreadsheet. See attached for more info. As a side note, we talked quite a bit today about prices and the pricing model. We also talked a little bit about sub part categories and how they play into the mix. See the scratch page for more info.
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Shop 2745 Lunch 6/6/2017  
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Shop 2737 Campaign Rise 6/6/2017   On a GoToMeeting session with Bryan. We started out talking about a custom report for Blum. They are wanting an custom inventory report that shows inventory items, total costs, total revenue, profit, margins, and aging. I worked with Bryan on where to get some of the formulas and what each section meant. We also talked quite a bit about sub inventory and how the aging, cost, and price pieces need to break into sub details and/or data drill-down type logic. It is too hard to put those values into a single number unless you were doing averages or something like that. Lots of drawing and explaining.

After that, we switched projects and worked on an edit user profile image problem. The browser was caching the images and displaying the older one even after an update. We added a force refresh and then worked on a couple of other small questions and such.
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Shop 2701 E-commerce projects 6/6/2017   On a Zoom meeting with Russell. We were talking about how to get sub inventory out to the ecommerce level. Here are some rough ideas and notes:

- There will be some settings dealing with selling parent items, sell parents tied to subs, and sell individual subs.

- We still need to allow selling of parents and then convert from parent to child within the system.

- We are seeing new needs on the sub attributes. We need a show on the web setting and a search by on web setting. We are also seeing a possible need for a flag called filter by purchase. The filter by purchase values may be a virtual list of requirements for being able to buy and/or add the item to the cart. Think of a requirement of - I have to have a color and a size before I will let you purchase this item. Or I need X, Y, and Z in order to checkout (think requirements and/or list of needed info). These could be simple checkboxes or whatever. This is at the sub inventory attribute level.

- There will be ecommerce settings that say, allow sub inventory attributes on the web and allow searching sub inventory attributes. This is different than the settings on the sub inventory template (tied to part category) and individual sub attributes. Think of the main settings as a master switch vs. the smaller individual controls on the sub attributes.

- We currently allow for defaults on sub attributes. We may need to build that out a bit more internally and be able to expose that externally out in ecommerce land. This could help with searches, filters, and even leading the buyers to what you think that they want. This could get a little bit crazy.

- If showing the sub attributes... We could allow a filter by drop-down option or an actual picture of the different pieces.

- We need to be able to add in photos for sub inventory. This could be a specific flag on the photos table or a whole new table to hold the sub photos. As a side note, we may need to allow a single photo to be used for multiple sub packages. Think of a pink or green phone.... We may end up having tons of sub packages that are pink or green phones. I don't want to have to upload a new photo over and over again. Maybe allow some key words, flags, or attributes to the photos.

- When adding a sub inventory item to the cart, we may need to show the sub attributes on the view web cart page. We do this already internally, but we may need this to happen out in ecommerce land.

- They are talking about tags and search options for parent items. They are also talking about using those tags for SEO (search engine optimization).

-------- different project - mini conversions and parent tags and parent attributes out in ecommerce ---------

- The parent tags or parent attributes are mostly for ecommerce and being able to search things without getting clear down to the sub attribute level. Think of parent tags or parent attributes.

- They are looking at making some top level parent attributes and main sections. Then within that section, they could select a number of options from within that main category. For example (see attached): A parent attribute called "Genetics". Then underneath that, items or options such as Sativa, Indica, Hybrid, CBD. Or a main parent attribute called "Forms". Then underneath that, items or options such as cured flower, shake, pre-rolls. Another option might be a parent attribute called "Symptoms". Then under that, pain relief, anit-anxiety, appetite stimulant, nausea suppressant, neurological, etc.

- As a note, the parent tag or parent attribute of "forms" brought on a whole other side discussion on the mini conversion project and how it ties into ecommerce. See attached for another drawing.

- We talked about how internally, we need to track parent/child relationships. The child pieces could then be broken down into the mini conversion pieces. We drew a model that showed one-to-many relationships going vertical (stacked). We also talked about the older or current way of creating multiple parents with slight differences or minor changes. This takes the model and makes it go horizontal (side to side) or virtually blows up the general inventory pool.

- There is a way to create like, similar, or related items. That is awesome and could play into certain industries. However, when you get into form or units of measure, that is not the best answer. It just makes a mess.

- We talked about how if you were ordering pancakes, you see an awesome glossy menu with options and prices. You then make the order and the waitress writes it down (collects the choices and options). The short order cook in the back has to fulfill the order and chooses what ingredients and/or pre-made pieces to use. It is then delivered. We are seeing ecommerce similar to that in a way. We need to visually display things, show the options, collect the choices and decisions, and then allow for the items to be put through a pick-up or fulfillment type scenario.

- Along with that option on collecting some additional sub details and data, we talked about a possible new table that could be tied to quote or invoice line items that could collect and hold different decision or choices from the user. For example: Say a quote or order out in ecommerce land. Say the person wants a blue, extra large, t-shirt, with a certain graphic. We could either show what we have or collect the data and then let the clerk or salesperson fulfill the order based on the choices. The new table could hold some JSON values or objects and hold things like the size, the color, the desired unit of measure (form), the price, etc. We could then show that info back to the person filling the order. They would then do the actual tie-ins to sub inventory, mini conversions, etc. Kinda like the existing convert parent to child inventory page that exists for quotes going into invoices.

- On the conversion rules table... what about some ecommerce settings such as show on the web, web or customer aliases, etc.?

- What about auto pulling in the main or base unit of measure into the conversion rules. For example: grams to grams. Maybe we will let them choose and if they want, they can do it themselves, that way it wouldn't be a forced option.

- What about allowing the words "unit of measure" being a corp-wide setting. This could be the full name or the abbreviation. For example: unit of measure, U of M, forms, sizes, output, etc. Basically, let the different companies name that and have it be at a setting level. That opens things up a bit.

- When showing options back to a user and/or a customer, we may need to summarize and group things based off of the show conversion unit of measure. For example: Say we have gallons. We could sum things up and say we have x number of gallons - even through behind the scenes we have y sub packages with z number of gallons each. Kind of a quick summary of sorts based off of the show or conversion unit of measure. Let the details sit a little bit lower.

- Another random idea... What about doing summary invoices. Say we had 13 gallons that needed to be showing on an invoice. However, 5 gallons came from sub inventory package such and such, and 3 gallons came from another, the other 5 gallons came from yet another. Behind the scenes, we would need 3 separate line items to help catch all of the details. If we wanted, we could set those items to hidden and then we could either add a forth line item that showed a generic line for 13 gallons at a specific price or something like that. Another idea is to keep things as they are... show all three specific line items, and then have the invoice do some smoke and mirrors by looking for similar parts, similar prices, and similar units of measure. Then the invoice would just combine them as a different view or different display mode. The real invoices would have all of the nuts and bolts, but the customer display of the invoice would be more friendly looking. As a side note, there is a small summary invoice that was created for a company called mile high suckers that does something similar. I believe that the path is something like top_secret/custom/custom_mountain_high_invoice.cfm - it groups things together and then shows the invoice based on the groupings vs. the actual data. Something similar to that might work awesome.

After the meeting between Russell and I was over, I spent some more time writing up some specs and notes from the meeting. They are listed above.
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Shop 2749 Brandon's Custom Projects 6/6/2017   Paying bills, recording notes, and uploading images and photos.
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Shop 2751 Digital item upload for a client 6/7/2017   Uploaded 600+ items to two different corporations. The file was provided by the client and I did the upload. The client was invoiced and notified about the upload.
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Shop 2742 Adilas Time 6/7/2017   Steve and I were on the morning GoToMeeting session. We started out and did some emails, paying bills, and recording some notes. We then jumped in and spent the rest of the session working on the ecommerce side of the mini conversion project. We reread element of time # 2701 in the shop from a meeting be Brandon and Russell yesterday afternoon. We talked about the notes and expanded a few things. We spent the bulk of the time going over the ideas and concepts and pushing them out a little bit further. Steve was having fun and brainstorming on where we sees things going and how things will converge. At the end of the session, we just worked on our own projects. I was doing emails and research on the mini conversion project and Steve was doing phone calls and working with reps.

See attached for a copy of the digital scratch paper on the mini conversion project.
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Shop 2746 Lunch 6/7/2017  
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Shop 2738 Campaign Rise 6/7/2017   On a GoToMeeting session with Bryan. We were looking into how to upload photos and then redirect without showing any progress back to the user. This is for a custom page outside in the public realm. We then worked on a small API socket bug for a new API socket that Bryan was building. Light debugging and testing.
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Shop 2686 Russell time 6/7/2017   On a Zoom session with Russell. We were talking about visual displays out in ecommerce land. We talked about options for selling parent items and having it check to see if that item was already in the cart. If yes, just update the quantity and price and taxes. If it is a different item, just add it normally. This makes the cart line items look smaller. The quantity is increased but the line items are smaller. This will have problems when we get out to the sub inventory level.

As a possible work around: - We could keep all of the data and just display a summary (customer friendly view) or we could add in a sub array and hold more info behind the scenes. When we get to subs and mini conversion, we do need that extra level of detail. By way of a note, the summary needs to check for the part id's, the units of measure, and price. If it is all the same, we could technically show it in the summary view. If anything else is different, we need a new visual line.

Another project that Russell and Alan are working on is called real reviews. This is tied into elements of time and sub comments. Russell is looking to add an additional field to the sub comments. He wants to connect them out to customers (customer id's) and a possible value or rating field. Think of a review or blog post... It might be nice if we could rate things (5 stars, 9 out of 10, good, poor, excellent... etc.). We may also want to put a show/hide on the web setting for sub comments.

The deeper we go, the more we are seeing the need for sub notifications, sub communications, sub updates, sub sign-offs, and even deeper push type technology. Pretty cool to see how multiple different things end up needing the same type sub functions.

On related items... Russell is thinking that he will add a new ecommerce option for parts that will allow for list of id numbers. This will be similar to the long description. We are looking at additional items (virtual add-on's or packages) as well as the related items. For example: The additional items are similar to a build and sell recipe (a pre-set group or kit). The related items are like cousins, aunts, and uncle type items... One set is really tight (part of the main package) and the other ones are just similar and/or good companion type items. As a future note, we would love to get the build and sell recipes out into ecommerce land.

As a fun side note... Russell was using video recording of the project scope as part of the documentation and planning for the project. That way we doesn't have to go over it again and again for the different parties who will be playing things. Do it once and then use it over and over again. Good old one-to-many relationships. Good stuff.

On Russell's project called "tags" we would like to add the option to help the users be able to call it whatever they want (think naming and settings). We are leaning toward parent attributes and then attribute values. This could be called tags and tag values or whatever. We are seeing this as a way to expand the parent inventory table. It helps with searches, SEO (search engine optimization), filters, ecommerce stuff, drill-down criteria, etc. We could call it parent attribute groupings, parent attribute values, flags, tags, types, categories, etc. Think super generic or as a generic tool. As a side note, we may need some web and ecommerce type settings to go along with these values. Just because we have it and it has a value, do we really want to show/hide it outside in ecommerce. We may need some settings dealing with where it shows up (internally and externally) as well as do it have a color, a sort, an icon, etc.

What about parent attribute data types? This is more of a question than anything else. In sub attributes, we allow for text, data/times, and numeric. What about similar things for parent attributes? What about other data types such as yes/no (1's and 0's or Boolean values), long text or html compatible fields, etc. That could be really cool.

Russell was talking about how the parent attributes will play. Basically, they are tied to items and items are tied to part categories and sub part categories. Basically, he doesn't want to show everything... He wants to look under a certain main part category or sub part category and then pull back options from there. Basically, instead of just showing all parent attributes, we want the ecommerce pages to show the correct (lightly filtered) view to the users. That keeps everything relevant to what is being shown. There may be times that we need to show more options but we can figure that out.
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Shop 2704 Alan Time 6/7/2017   On a GoToMeeting session with Alan. We did some light catch-up and then spent the rest of the session going over the ins and outs for the Campaign Rise wire job and custom code projects. See the media/content section for a couple of small drawings on what is going on and how we will be mixing elements of time, flex grid, other elements of time, subs of time, customers, users, vendors, parts, PO's, and po/invoice line items. We only got to a certain level and then ran out of time. There is more, it just wasn't discussed in this session.
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Shop 2743 Adilas Time 6/8/2017   On the morning GoToMeeting with Steve and Shari O. We started out the day looking at the sales tax differences. We talked about a virtual dust pan for catching any rounding errors on tax calcs.

Our options might be:
- We extend the original percentage spot - where the percentage is held (on the locations). We could go with say a 5 decimal level of accuracy.

- We could use a small bucket or dust pan for tax calcs. This could be called the rounding error for the tax calcs.

- We could rework the math on the tax calc function (this is the main function that is used over and over again to calc the taxes). Check for possible bad rounding errors.

- We could show a flag on the invoice line items reports where a tax is off (say a color or an icon or something - say red...)

- We could show the full extended math on the edit invoice line items page... this could include the extended price * the tax % - no rounding - and then the rounded value.

- The biggest complaints are on the grand totals per tax category... This is just a sum of the details. We can't really adjust that number... it is just math. We can however get tighter on the individual sums or individual line items.

- Drew some graphics on possible disconnects between calculating the taxes based on line items vs. invoice totals. We were talking about the disconnects on line items vs. grand totals. We came up with a number of possible options...

- What if we calculated and stored the line item calculations at 5 decimals. We hold what it really is...

- On the main invoices - we could add a number of new buckets to the main invoices... the only problem here is how much of a load this is... The ideas is: new buckets like: sub total, taxable total, tax total, all taxes (state, county, city, other 1-5, out of area), and a new one to help with tax calc diffs (rounding error or catch all bucket).

- What if we ran things in a paired type solution where we have a total per tax section and the total taxes collected for that total. That way we could show a total and the calculation based off of that.

- We will want to run each major report off of these new totals.

*** new idea - this could be super cool *** what if... we did this summing and virtual bucket stuff on a daily basis... that would save tons of storage space. This is what we are hoping to call watchers, feeders, and even standalone declarations. We have been looking at things like this clear since 2010.

- As a side note, we could propose a solution that taxed and calculated out to 5 decimals. Then at the very very end we could round it to real numbers. Steve would really like to take this proposal back to the state sales office to show them the problems and possible solution options.

- We spent quite a bit of time talking about watchers, feeders, and standalone declarations. We made a number of small drawings and had a great meeting dealing with the vision of these concepts. See attached for some of the drawings. We talked about the 3D calendar and how things could play in if we caught things per day, per location, and per category (these are revenue, cost of goods sold, expenses, assets, liabilities, and equity). We also talked about possible options and how that could even be fed into a virtual video or play-by-play on the full financials of the company and how that plays out over time. Pretty cool futuristic ideas and concepts.

- There is more information on these graphics in the media/content section. Additional explanations on watchers, feeders, standalone declarations, and 3D calendars. See attached and the descriptions for more details.
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Shop 2747 Lunch 6/8/2017  
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Shop 2739 Recording notes 6/8/2017   Spent the hour recording notes and updating media/content for different appointments and meetings.
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Shop 2702 E-commerce projects 6/8/2017   On a Zoom session with Russell. We were going over the parent inventory attributes and how that would work...

Kelly came on and we had to switch to help her with an upload.

On the phone with Bryan

Talking with Russell more about parent inventory attributes and possible ways we could take it. We talked small, medium, and large.

Passive budgets - rolling things going forward.
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Shop 2750 Brandon's Custom Projects 6/8/2017   Working with Bryan on some debugging on a new API socket piece. We also spent some time talking about custom barcode labels and how to help the users get what they want. I know we have a custom label project coming up... it is still out a ways.

One thing we could do to help is to split up the barcode value on the mini internal barcode generator. Currently, the barcode and the text beneath it show the same values. It would be cool if we could separate them into two values. That would allow more customer mappings and options without going clear to a full on custom label. Also, if we did that, we could even allow users to create their own mappings to the different field locations and such.
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Shop 2758 Data upload for a client 6/8/2017   Did a re-upload of some items for two different corps. I got a call earlier today from Kelly with some new changes and instructions. I re-uploaded the changes. About 600+ items per corp. Invoiced the client.
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Shop 2748 Brandon out of the office all day 6/9/2017  
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Shop 2759 Adilas Time 6/12/2017   On the morning GoToMeeting session. Steve and I were in there for the first 1.5 hours talking about some current projects. We then jumped into some research on the mini conversion project. We spent quite a bit of time back in the mid 2010 time frame (October 2010 was pretty hot). Lots of things were mounting and building at that time. We went over existing questions and lightly brainstormed on ideas and options.

Eric came on around 10:30 am and we switched to talking about imports and exports for QuickBooks. Eric is looking into building some possible tools as a 3rd party solution for QuickBooks integration. We went over a couple of questions and tried to point him in a good direction. We also talked about taxes and how to collect them. We already have tax settings by customer, in the cart, on the items, and by locations. It gets pretty deep pretty quick. We need to map out which values affect what pieces.

After Eric left, Steve and I went back to more research on mini conversions. We went through some notes from 2010 to 2014. This sent us off on some side trips to talk about inventory thresholds, pricing engine stuff, smart group buttons, multi-layered rules for pricing tiers, and other ways of showing the mini conversions and custom pricing. We were able to talk about and pull out some good gems today (see other attached notes dealing with pricing engines and inventory thresholds).
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Adi 1469 Mini conversion for sub inventory 6/12/2017  

Currently you can this and create grandchildren, and sell at different prices. Data not stored in database. 

Need to build out round 3 of sub inventory prior to this buildout.

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Shop 2760 Lunch 6/12/2017  
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Shop 2793 Virtual Post-It Note 6/12/2017   We had an issue with a corp id being passed to the adilas API sockets that was padded with zeros... This caused an error. I am wondering if we should go through the API socket pages and add some code to help with id numbers and forcing them to an integer (trim off the leading zeros). This would help with database table names, searches, etc. Just an idea.

Here is an example where the leading zeros could be a problem:
a corp-specific table such as customer_queue_0828 vs. the real customer_queue_828 (the extra 0 causes a problem)

or an SLQ statement like: Where corp_id = 0828 vs. Where corp_id = 828.

All of this could be fixed with an Int() function wrapping the id numbers.
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Shop 2754 Campaign Rise 6/12/2017   On a GoToMeeting session with Bryan. We were working on two differnet projects. One was Campaign Rise, and tying in users to customers using flex grid tie-ins. The other was the add to queue API socket for Inyo and Full Circle. This is a new 3rd party API socket that Bryan is working on.
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Shop 2687 Russell time 6/12/2017   On a Zoom session with Russell. We spent the whole time tracking down a possible error in ecommerce that deals with how the in-line discounts are calculated and showed inside the external shopping cart (ecommerce land). We made some notes and started into some testing scenarios. The branch is BWM-27. See attached for some simple notes we were working off of.
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Shop 2705 Alan Time 6/12/2017   On a GoToMeeting session with Alan. We talked about the custom wire job for Campaign Rise and how things need to tie-in to make things happen. Alan and Bryan are working on this project and doing the custom wire job. They are really making some good progress. It is empowering when you start to be able wire things up and thread things together to get a desired outcome. I'm excited for these guys.
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Shop 2792 General 6/12/2017   Emails, recording notes, paying bills, and going back over the day's meetings and filling in more details and uploading docs.
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Shop 2770 Adilas Time 6/13/2017   On the morning GoToMeeting session with Steve. I worked on adding some new code to help strip off the extra 0's on the adilas API sockets. We had a problem with a person submitting a number of zero padded id numbers. That was causing problems. While Steve and I were working on some of these simpler projects, we talked a lot about what we like and don't like inside of adilas. It has been quite the ride.

After that, we talked about automating things and helping with some new tax calculations. We went over some new ways to limit a tax calc based off of a customer type. See attached for some ideas. Basically, we would add a new one-to-many filter option on the location and tax setting page. We would then make sure that we had a matching part category and matching customer type before applying the tax.

At the end of the session, we had a client join us and show us a small rounding error on the quotes and the line items within a quote. We took some notes and told her we would look into it. The error seemed to be that we weren't recording the extended total (out to only 2 decimals). All of our math on the sub totals was still out at the 5 decimal places (quantity times price) and that was causing a small rounding error. See attached for a screen shot.
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Shop 2781 Lunch 6/13/2017  
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Shop 2755 Campaign Rise 6/13/2017   On a GoToMeeting session with Bryan and Seth Johnson from Full Circle. We were talking with Seth about embedding Full Circle inside of adilas. This may go beyond just the iframe type model but we will start there. It might be more a full on 3rd party build out using internal controls and API sockets (when we get to that level).

- Some questions from Seth were: Who gets to see that send message button? What are the user permissions and settings that are needed?

- What about the sign-up process? How can we automate things?

- On the activation process, how does this all tie in? What about checking windows and doors on the adilas side as well as a piece passed back so that we know that all pieces are good to go.

- We talked about maybe a back and forth sync date - we could then key off of that sync date as a valid setup option. We told Seth that we have 10 custom fields if we need to store more data.

- We talked about a number of different CSS options. If we did the iframe model, we could pass the theme to them through the URL or web address. They would then have a hash file to match up the CSS with the theme stuff and which classes to use and what resource files to pull.

- We also showed Seth where he could get to the generic CSS classes on

- Bryan and Seth talked about exposing that add to customer queue API socket to other outside parties. We talked about a naming convention and how to expose it to more companies and clients.

After that, Bryan and I went lightly over a custom report and I showed him a couple of files that did similar type display and calculations.
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Shop 2764 Brandon's Custom Projects 6/13/2017   General catch-up, emails, and phone calls. I called and talked with Nick Vaughn (independent adilas developer) about moving more over to custom stuff. I Talked with Calvin a bit about some changes to some of the API sockets that they were doing for a mobile app project. After that, I spent some time recording notes and figuring out what is next.
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Shop 2794 Working on a quote sub total bug 6/13/2017   We had a client show us a rounding error today on quote line items and sub totals for the quote. It was doing the math clear out at the 5 decimal level vs. the normal 2 decimal level for line totals and sub totals. If you added all of the 5 decimal values together, it would change the rounding by a penny. We added some new code and pushed it up to all servers.
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Shop 2795 Working on the 3rd party solution page 6/13/2017   Adding a new graphic to the adilas 3rd party solutions page for a company called Green Stock. I changed up some verbage, web links, and sent them a screen shot of the page. The were originally called AFB Branding or Adilas Branding, but we wanted to create a little bit more distance between the brands and who was part of what party. Other small tweaks and changes.
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Shop 2771 Adilas Time 6/14/2017   On the morning GoToMeeting session with Steve. Wayne from Portugal came on and asked a couple of questions and we got him all set. Steve and I then took most of the rest of the session and talked about budgets, commissions, expenses, and other internal things. Here are a couple of notes from the meeting:

- To do: Change the max commission rate to 20% vs. the up to 40% for tons of accounts. This is on the adilas career & job opportunities flyer. We haven't had anybody get up to the 40% rate as of yet.

- Help people pay online if they owe us money... let them know and give them a login (virtual or real)... let them pay for things online.

- We ran some light budgets and came up with some benchmark goals. If we could get to 50K per month we could keep all of our current players in play and happy (minimum). If we got up to 200K per month, we could hit some special caps and magic numbers for the different players. See attached for a small file that we were playing with for some numbers.

- As of July 1st, 2017 - We will start charging the developers for time with Brandon or Steve. We need to lightly cut the strings. We are thinking of 1 hour a week free per developer. Then $50/hour for other time working with Brandon or Steve.

- We really need to get to a level where we charge for data storage, bandwidth, and files (media/content and photos). Currently our pricing model is somewhat of a guess or stab in the dark. We need to base it more off of what we are doing for the clients.

- We may want to increase the amount of adilas time that we dedicate and put on the schedule. We are thinking of claiming 5 hours a day vs. the current 3 hours a day. That will help push the ball forward more.

- On taxes and tax calculations... we may want to go up to 10 custom tax fields. We currently have 5 custom tax fields. We want to increase it a bit and expand the number of decimal points as needed. There seems to be a small bubble that is rising in the sales tax area... We need to look into that.

Overall a great meeting. We got a bunch of things done and felt good about the progress and discussions. Good stuff.
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Shop 2782 Lunch 6/14/2017  
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Shop 2756 Campaign Rise 6/14/2017   On a GoToMeeting session with Bryan. We spent the whole time looking into queries and logic for a custom inventory sales and profit margin report for a client. Lots of cleaning up things and simplifying the underlying queries.
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Shop 2688 Russell time 6/14/2017   On a Zoom session with Russell. We spent the whole session out in ecommerce land working on auto apply discounts and making sure that the in-line discounts were added and entered correctly in the database. Lots of working through things and such. Also, as a side note, I did show Russell some of the percentages and projections that Steve and I were working on this morning. We didn't really have time to get in very deep as both of us had other meetings to go to.
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Shop 2706 Alan Time 6/14/2017   On a GoToMeeting session with Alan. We met at first and went over some questions. I had some questions about checking merchant id's in ecommerce land and he had some questions about getting a valid login in a custom project. We chatted for a bit and then rolled into a work session. I worked more on the in-line discounts in ecommerce land and he was working on debugging the main custom login for a custom client/user portal.
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Shop 2772 Adilas Time 6/15/2017   On the morning GoToMeeting session. Steve and I chatted and talked about options for taxes and such. That seems to be heating up pretty quickly. We did some prep for a meeting with Emerald Fields. Lots of checking and planning on what we could do with the taxes and what not. Lots of changes coming down the pipeline.

On taxes, we will be adding custom tax values 6 - 10. We already have custom tax values 1 - 5. Also, we are seeing both part category and customer type playing into taxes and tax calculations. This is a question related to those two filters... On prices and price matrixes, how do those same pieces play in? On our smart group buttons we already allow for a limit based on the customer type. What if we expanded that and allowed it to be a one-to-many? Currently it is only a single customer type filter. I could see that needing to go to a list and be a possible one-to-many relationship and/or filter.

Eric popped in part way through and we talked about taxes and calculating things based off of both part category and customer types. We did some drawing and went over some ideas. After Eric left, Steve and finished up doing some prep for the other conference call.

We go on a new GoToMeeting session with the guys at Emerald Fields. They had 4-5 and adilas has 3 of us on the call. We had Steve, Shari O., and myself. We did a small presentation on how we could help fix the taxes and such. We pitched going out to 5 decimal places, adding a number of new custom fields, and then cascading the stuff throughout the system. I also pitched the idea of watchers and feeders but they didn't really like it. They didn't have a problem with it, but they couldn't see the bigger picture of what we were trying to do and how it would help them... Anyways, I know they would love it, they just can't see it right now.

The meeting went for about an hour and they were pushing on us pretty hard. I was drawing, showing calculations, and trying explain our plan. I think it went well, over all. Sometimes people just want what will fix the issue and how quick can it be done... I think that it is interesting that they are making millions and millions off of using our product but they are somewhat complaining about an uncontrollable rounding error piece that is like dust and shavings from doing a wood cutting project. Kinda interesting. Anyways, we have a small plan and will be starting into that here very soon. Good stuff.
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Adi 1441 Finish up the sales tax version 5 project 6/15/2017  

Close to 100 pages that need to be merged in and tested. Coding is completed.

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Shop 2783 Lunch 6/15/2017  
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Shop 2757 Campaign Rise 6/15/2017   Quick meeting with Bryan. He had a couple of questions and we finished up and then just chatted.
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Shop 2798 General 6/15/2017   Emails, paying bills, and small phone calls.
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Shop 2796 Uploading cart tax fixes 6/15/2017   On a Zoom session with Russell. We fixed some small CSS and then pushed up about 9 files dealing with showing and calculating in-line discounts in ecommerce land. Small tweaks. After that, I recorded notes and checked emails.
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Shop 2765 Brandon's Custom Projects 6/15/2017   On a GoToMeeting session with Steve. We started going over the new updates to help with the sales tax expansion project. We are adding new customer type filters as well as going from 5 custom tax fields (sets of fields) to 10 custom tax fields (sets). We are also pushing things out to 5 decimals for accuracy and storage. That should help us get closer to real values.

We started into the database scripting page and then into a brainstorming doc to help with known places that need help. It was somewhat rushed, but we are just barely starting the process. We are hoping to get this all done within the next couple of weeks. This could be pretty tight.

See attached for the brainstorming doc on the sales tax calcs expansion project. Also, the branch name is BWM-28.
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Shop 2761 Brandon out of the office all day 6/16/2017  
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Shop 2799 checking into a hack on data 2 6/18/2017   Spent some time working with the server farm on a possible hack of one of the 8 data servers. We got a number of calls yesterday about 404 errors. This is where the server can't find the page that it is requesting (file not found error). Shannon, Shari O., and Steve took care of it and had the server guys reset things. Today, around the same time, we started getting calls from our clients on the same box that it happened again. This time I called the server guys and ordered a full lock down on FTP and RDP to that server. They are going to be changing the usernames and passwords. I went in and fixed the problems that I could see and then manually went folder by folder looking for new modification dates and possible problems. The hacks were simple renaming of key files and folders, nothing major, just enough so that the server couldn't find it. Very interesting.

I know that Steve and I will be talking about this more tomorrow and making a plan accordingly. It is no fun to get hacked but maybe it is a blessing and will help us make things more secure and help us to tighten things up.
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Shop 2773 Adilas Time 6/19/2017   On the morning GoToMeeting session with Steve and Alan. We started out the day talking about a small hack that happened on the data 2 server over the weekend. We made a plan and sent in a ticket to the server team to make some changes.

After we did that, we spent the rest of the time planning and brainstorming on the tax calc extension project. Like most other projects, this one is growing like a weed and sprouting new little twists and turns like crazy. We got in to topics like balance sheet, P&L, chart of accounts, and other financials.

We got into topics of dynamics and allowing the special filters for all pieces are parts dealing with the tax calcs. We talked about two random fields that we use to have in the store location table and how we could rename them and use them for other specific needs. We talked about how to connect the watchers and feeders and how to catch the data per day, per location, and per category. The per category topic broke into multiple pieces. That was really good and will help us get a better idea on the mappings that are needed. See the screen shots and attached notes for more information.

On the watchers and feeders, we talked about the need to catch the base numbers (transactions and underlying details), we also need to catch the values for what was caught, what should be the numbers, and what would be the difference between them. We also talked about how on the per category section, that we might need table names, column names, main id's, and even 1-5 special fields to hold special flags and such.

See the two graphics and new notes in the scratch page for more details.
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Shop 2784 Lunch 6/19/2017  
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Shop 2800 Emails 6/19/2017   Emails and general stuff.
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Shop 2689 Russell time 6/19/2017   On a Zoom session with Russell. We went over a few questions and then a little bit of show and tell on what Russell is working on. Good stuff. After that, we talked briefly about finances and monies. Russell is trying to make sure that I don't get super stressed out and keep a good balance. I appreciate his concern.
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Shop 2707 Alan Time 6/19/2017   Entering some bills and prepping for a meeting with Alan.

Alan joined me in a GoToMeeting session at 3:30 pm. We went until about 4:45 pm. We covered a number of small projects and where things are at. We spent some time looking into the budgets on the Campaign Rise project. We did some light calculations and made some projections.

After that, we spent quite a bit of time talking about sub inventory out in ecommerce land. We talked logic, flow, round two vs. round three changes (still being planned), and how sub attributes play into things. We talked about sub colors, sub sizes, and sub barcodes (new proposed fields for subs) and how they play into sub inventory. We drew out some small database models and such to show the relationships between part categories, parent items, sub inventory, sub attributes, custom dates, customer numerics, and custom text values. See attached for a quick drawing.

We then talked quite a bit about how the existing sub inventory values play and what is coming through mini conversions as well as some of the changes out in ecommerce land. We talked about the options of showing parent items, showing parent items with sub attributes but still making them buy the parent but recording the sub details. We also talked about selling real subs and having things track all the way through. As a side note, we talked about the middle one (smoke and mirrors showing parents and subs but still selling parents until it was restored to cart internally). We talked about an optional extra line item storage database for collecting the desired sub attributes and their values without actually committing to a specific sub. Think of a short order cook and a person making an order based off of a menu or whatever the waitress writes down.

At the end of the session, we went over some wire job options and possibly using some of the code that I did for the adilas community funded projects. That deals with elements of time, light budgeting, invoices, line items, payments, and flex grid tie-ins. Alan needs similar logic for part of the Campaign Rise project and people signing up for paid events based off of the campaigns. Good session.
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Shop 2774 Adilas Time 6/20/2017   On the morning GoToMeeting session. Wayne Andersen popped in and we talked about the goal and vision of the company. We rolled through a ton of ideas about corp-wide settings, dynamic naming, custom code, special wire jobs, real in-line extensions for database tables, flex grid tie-ins, static vs. dynamic, etc. We then talked about some financial pieces and such. About that time, Eric popped in and Wayne and Eric were talking about things.

After that, Steve and I moved into a session to work on the tax expansion project and sales tax re-write. Getting organized and re-reading the notes and making the plan more solid.
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Shop 2785 Lunch 6/20/2017  
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Shop 2766 Brandon's Custom Projects 6/20/2017   On a GoToMeeting session with Steve. We were working and talking about this and that. The main focus was a work session on the sales tax changes that are coming down the pipeline. Good stuff. We were looking into database changes and re-writing some of the script stuff. Most of it was more detail work and rearranging things. As a fun side note, Steve and I were talking funding and finances as we were working... There is some good stuff going on and it is fun to talk about some of the lessons learned and mini successes.
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Shop 2775 Adilas Time 6/21/2017   On the morning GoToMeeting session with Steve. We stated out talking about some funding options and how we want things to play out. Here are some small notes.

- We need to find out and set some general rules in place for active working and the different levels (1-5 hrs, 5-10 hrs, 10-20 hrs, 20+ hrs), hurt or unable to work, retired, death, and even being kicking out. How does the group act and/or vote?

- What about selling shares? What about trading shares? What do we call it? Are there really shares?

- Steve doesn't want any one person to own Adilas... We want people to be part of adilas.

- What about minimum numbers, maximum numbers, dynamic percentages, and fixed percentages. Are there limits and/or other rules? We need to look at both ends - high end numbers (max) and low end numbers (mins).

- How do we record the time and effort put in? Money is pretty easy to track. Steve thinks that we don't need to record the time and effort pieces. We just act and feel as a group if the person is pulling their weight.

- We will need to get feedback from others. Turn it into a try storming process.

After that, Steve and I worked the rest of the morning on the sales tax expansion project. We go the main store/location table all dialed in and even started working and brainstorming on the quote and invoice line item tables. Lots of planning and running through scenarios. We also decided that we would use an older corp-wide setting to help control the view of the mini conversions in carts, quotes, and invoices. See attached for a small graphic to help with showing the mini conversions (smoke and mirrors) or the real/normal view.
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Shop 2786 Lunch 6/21/2017  
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Shop 2690 Adilas Time 6/21/2017   Back on the GoToMeeting session with Steve. We are both working on the sales tax expansion project. Steve is coding the add/edit store/location page and I'm working on documentation and database update stuff.
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Shop 2708 Alan Time 6/21/2017   On a GoToMeeting session with Alan. We were working through a number of different projects. We spent quite a bit of time talking about some sub inventory projects out in ecommerce land. We started out by talking about how to filter items based on sub attributes. We looked at some ideas and code concepts that Alan was working on. They had a lot of sub queries and union clauses. We then looked at some existing options and how those worked (advanced sub PO line search and results). We came up with a way of doing smaller filter queries and then doing some union intersect queries to get some good matches. We then use the matching results and join everything back up. It might sound technical, but it was making sense while we were talking about it.

Next we jumped into the topic of adding some special flags and sections to the parts and item photos. We went round and round on some options. We ended up coming back to the actual photos and adding 5 or so new fields to help us create virtual mini sub photo groups. The five custom flags and sections were: main photo, all, sub inventory packages, sub attributes (bigger JSON object), and options for mini conversions. There will be some rules and options to help set things up and maybe some builders, but the goal is to catch the options and then show the photos back to the users based on what they are looking at. See attached for a small drawing of some of the concepts.

After that, we jumped into a discussion on selling parents, selling parents using sub attributes (requires a convert to child later on), or selling plain children. Some good discussion on that. We did reference time id # 2701 for some earlier ideas. Good stuff.
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Shop 2776 Adilas Time 6/22/2017   On the morning GoToMeeting session with Steve. We started out and did a little bit of catch up work. I was recording notes and ideas and Steve was working on the add/edit store/location and sales tax settings page.

This is a funny quote by Steve - "If we were to rename our company... we should just call it 'Fracture'." I thought that was kinda funny, but very true. We are seeing everything break into deeper and deeper one-to-many relationships. Everything we build keeps fracturing into smaller and smaller pieces. Welcome to sub zone!

Shannon called in and we worked on some corp-wide settings for a client. Somehow they had some funky characters stored in the database. After we got that fixed, we talked about some printer issues. The Adilas Market Place is starting to pick up. As well as using existing computer guys to help with setup and hardware stuff.

The rest of the meeting was used working on the sales tax expansion project. Steve was working more on his part of it and I was still doing database updates and testing.
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Shop 2787 Lunch 6/22/2017  
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Shop 2802 Virtual Post-It Note 6/22/2017   We keep getting more and more requests for simple phone apps that tie into core adilas functionality. One of them is for employee clock in/out and project clock in/out type features. Just recording the notes and ideas.
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Shop 2767 Brandon's Custom Projects 6/22/2017   On a GoToMeeting with Steve. Aspen, my daughter was down stairs working on stuff. She was asking Steve and I some business questions and we were trying to answer her questions. We worked a little bit on the sales tax expansion project and what not. I also did a vendor migration for a company. We had to spit out the city, states, and zip codes from the address data that they gave to us. I was working on the vendor migration while Steve was prepping code on the add/edit store/location pages for the tax stuff.
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Shop 2797 Campaign Rise 6/22/2017   No meeting happened. I was just working on other stuff.
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Shop 2762 Brandon out of the office all day 6/23/2017  
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Shop 2816 Meeting to work on Campaign Rise 6/23/2017   On a GoToMeeting session with Bryan and Alan and Dave. Alan and Dave were at my house and Bryan was connected remotely. Once we got started, Alan went over a good sized email to talk about the different pieces that are needed, planned, and finished. He had gone into pretty good depth on the email notes. See attached for a copy of what it looked like.

- They are still planning to connect with Facebook and Twitter for social media stuff.

- They are going to be keeping the campaigns and the following of friends on different tabs.

- They were talking about videos and getting the video streaming to be smoother. Lots of media/content type options and questions.

- We talked about the different options on the media/content server. There are three ways that media/content may be connected. They are local (on their computer), remote reference (web link or URL based), and physical upload (actual file uploaded to our servers). We are thinking that the video options might work best if we use the remote reference option.

- On the paid events - Alan will not worry about pictures per items but will worry about the donation amount.

We finished up the meeting and got some of the guys paid. I'm really happy for what they are doing. This will be a big learning project for all of those who are involved. Kinda like their first major wire job using customers, vendors, parts, elements of time, PO's, invoices, and flex grid tie-ins. Pretty cool.
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Shop 2801 Meeting with Russell and Steve 6/23/2017   On a GoToMeeting session with Steve and Russell. We spent the first part talking about selling parents and subs out in ecommerce. Tons of ideas and a small screen shot and drawing. See attached. We also talked about external and internal worlds, monitoring shopping carts, quotes, invoices, mini conversions, and using the convert parent to child tools for helping to track things through the process.

- Russell would like to distance himself from the MMJ industry. He feels like he is too close.

- Small history of Russell and how he got converted to the Lord and trying to listen to his heart and feelings.

- Steve wants to move to different verticals as well. We talked about the 13 million different kinds of businesses. There are tons of options in which we can go.

- We need to keep things balanced - kinda like a tree - Keep the top and roots balanced and equal. That will help us be more stable.

- As a company, we are hoping to switch the focus towards other industries.

- Steve and I are working internally to build out generic tools that may be used and consumed by all kinds of different clients. Maybe all 3 of us (Russell, Steve, and I) will focus more on the core pieces (plumbing, functionality, look and feel, features, training, education, and sales).

- We can either be pulled in a direction or we can choose a direction that we want to go.

- We need to do some research and then search out these other industries. We then check to see if we fit and then develop and deploy an actual campaign. Cycle through different industries, research, build, deploy, launch, circle back around. Repeat the process.

- Russell was talking about some sales options. The subject turned to monies that need to flow in and out to help that process take place.

- We then talked about being focused vs. being all spread out - We would love to focus and create a game plan to make this happen. As a side idea... if we do a focused approach it needs to go deep from setup to training to implementation to sustaining the project to full engagement and buy in.

- One of the coolest and most simple pieces could be employee timecard tracking, simple payroll features, clocking in/out, project clocking in/out, etc. A lot of that is already done and could be finished up pretty quick.

- Russell wants to do some research to see where we fit the best and what vertical is the easiest (as far as industry) to get into. Basically, what is the low hanging fruit and what does it taste like? Basically, look around and see what we could scoop up easily and how to then support that industry.

- We went to be proactive and actually target an industry vs. being reactive and being pulled into different waters.

- As a side note... education and training could be a different flip that we could make at any time.

- There is normal planning and secondary planning. You shoot for goals but you also have to make the rubber hit the road. Good stuff.
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Shop 2777 Adilas Time 6/26/2017   On the morning GoToMeeting session with Steve. We got caught up from the weekend and made a few fixes. Lots of email and small tweaks on things. We looked into a page that had been overwritten with some older code and got it back up to speed. We then talked some about taxes, discounts, and special exclusions. We took some notes and added them to our scratch paper that holds most of our notes.

Part way through the session, Steve showed me the progress he is making on the add/edit store/location page and all of the new tax fields and options. We then talked about a few improvements we could make and what the next steps are.
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Shop 2788 Lunch 6/26/2017  
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Shop 2810 Campaign Rise 6/26/2017   On a GoToMeeting session with Bryan. We were looking into a custom report for Blum. The questions that Bryan had were dealing with a drill-down type function and what query filters to add.
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Shop 2691 Russell time 6/26/2017   On a Zoom session with Russell. We spent the session looking into a couple different questions that he had. We were scheduled for 2 hours but only took an hour. Filled in some of the other time working on emails and such.
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Shop 2709 Alan Time 6/26/2017   On a GoToMeeting session with Alan. One of our main topics was dealing with flex grid tie-ins and the need to have a time id per PO/invoice line item. We found some code samples and Alan will be adding that section as part of his project. More work on emails and paying bills.
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Shop 2820 Working with Steve 6/27/2017   Started the morning meeting early. We looked at some of Steve's code and then fixed an error on the custom settings for adding and editing customer settings. We then re-pushed the code to the live servers.
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Shop 2778 Adilas Time 6/27/2017   More work on the sales tax expansion project. Steve was on the add/edit pages and I was pushing on the database updates. Work session.
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Shop 2789 Lunch 6/27/2017  
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Shop 2811 Campaign Rise 6/27/2017   On a GoToMeeting with Steve and Bryan. He had some questions on how to condition the page to show a table in the snow owl theme with the data tables. Steve helped Bryan and I chimed in here and there. Most of the help came from Steve. That was pretty cool.
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Shop 2768 Brandon's Custom Projects 6/27/2017   On a GoToMeeting session with Steve. We were working more on the sales tax expansion project. I spent most of the day working on the invoice line items and coding the updates for them. Tons of updates with pagination and looping over corporations to handle corp-specific updates and tables.

One break through for the day was adding two columns instead of just one for the sub reference id and the sub reference id list. One is a real id and allows us to join tables and do quick look-ups. The other is a string or varchar field and allows us to insert a list of id values if needed (small one-to-many relationship vs. a straight one-to-one relationship). Anyways, we decided to do the same thing with the time id and the time id list. This allows for both one-to-one's and one-to-many's. This may be pretty cool.
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Shop 2779 Adilas Time 6/28/2017   Steve and I were on the GoToMeeting session early to work on the sales tax expansion project. We finished up the invoice line item migration stuff just in time before Calvin got on. After doing some math, we are figuring that there would be close to 5,000 clicks per server to do all of the updates and data migration for this project. We will have Calvin Chipman build us an auto process that rolls it into 10-12 internal updates. These would be updates we would run on the different servers behind the scenes.

Calvin came on the call around 8:30 am. I showed him where things are at and what we have planned. Talk about wet paint... We then went through the database update section by section and he took some notes. He will take our code and logic and build us the updates using a special Windows tool that he created. We'll then run the new updates through his database auto process tool. That will really help us automate the process and limit the number of clicks that are needed. That is worth a ton, in and of itself.

After we made that database update handoff to Calvin, Steve and I started working on his code. He has been prepping files for the last couple of days. He sent me the files and I started going in and doing comparisons and pulling in the new code and doing some light detail work on things. Most of it is directly Steve's code and we are just pulling things in. Great team effort and lots of prep work done by Steve.
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Shop 2790 Lunch 6/28/2017  
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Shop 2829 Virtual Post-It Note 6/28/2017   We have gotten a few requests to be able to search invoice line items based off of a customer type. That wouldn't be too hard to add and would be a cool little feature. Great idea.
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Shop 2812 General 6/28/2017   Working on the action page for the add/edit store/location page for the new tax settings.
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Shop 2692 Russell time 6/28/2017   On a Zoom session with Russell. We worked on some custom ecommerce stuff. He had a couple of questions about auto applying shipping, sub customer queues out in ecommerce land, and how to setup and display parts with sub attributes. We also briefly talked about the need for parent attributes and some new custom carts. Mostly just dreaming.
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Shop 2710 General 6/28/2017   More work on the action page for the add/edit store/location and new sales tax settings.
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Shop 2780 Adilas Time 6/29/2017   On the GoToMeeting session. Today was just a work day. I was going over to do list items for the sales tax expansion project. Lots of work on the add/edit store action page, working on the methods, and testing builders and such.
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Shop 2791 Lunch 6/29/2017  
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Shop 2813 Campaign Rise 6/29/2017   On a GoToMeeting session with Bryan. We looked into a couple of bugs on his custom reports. One of them dealt with an if statement that just needed to wrap a full section vs. a smaller standalone if statement higher on the page. Basically, making sure that the logic and database portion matched the output and display portion and were talking the same language. Also looked at a couple of other small things.
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Shop 2769 Brandon's Custom Projects 6/29/2017   Working on adding histories to the add/edit store/location page. I ended up using the 3rd party error logs and holding the whole arguments scope and storing it as a JSON object. That way we can tell what changed and who was doing the updates. The store/location page also deals with tons of sales tax settings.

After that, I started working on the addCorp method. This is the method that helps us start a new world or new corporation. We had to cascade a bunch of new fields and settings for taxes as well as PO/invoice line items. I may end up breaking that method into two parts to make sure we don't go over the size limit for functions and methods.
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Shop 2830 Meeting with Russell 6/29/2017   On a Zoom session with Russell. We spent the hour talking about the parent attributes and how that project would play out. Russell is going to have Calvin help build it and Russell is going to be the project manager. That is awesome. Russell showed me a number of graphics, a small spreadsheet with instructions, and we went over the different components and details. Russell is doing the project management, Calvin and Alan are going to do the code, and I was more of a consultant on the project. Kinda fun.
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Shop 2831 General 6/29/2017   Working on the addCorp method and splitting it into two different methods. The original was getting too big and needed to be split. Light clean-up and testing.
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Shop 2832 General 6/30/2017   On a GoToMeeting with Steve. We started out the day working on bug due to updates and newly uploaded files. The problem was with the main Application.cfm pages. These pages contain server-specific code. Each one needs to be unique per server. As a side note, it might be worth our time to virtually include a separate file or re-code things to pull from the database vs. the individual files. Data changes all the time... maybe treat the upper server settings and config stuff like data and run it through the database. That might be the best choice.

- Steve was talking about when Shannon and Russell and I were out in Colorado for a team meeting. Shannon saw a quote in Steve's restroom that said something like - "We work on things everyday and keep making it better" - anyways, that is what we have to offer and what we do. We keep working on our projects day after day and try to make things better.

- We reviewed the progress on the sales tax expansion project. It keeps getting deeper and deeper. We are thinking about pulling in an update on discounts into the project.

- We have a good team and the diversity will help us win - keep building people.

- Sometimes we have to pay for those Rhinos to poke holes in the wall - we have to spend the time and money to get in there to help us eventually figure things out. It doesn't just come the first time or from a casual effort. Sometimes we spend time and money, only to have to circle back around even years later to pick up the pieces. It is part of the process. Very interesting.

- Did some more emails and light tech support stuff.
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Shop 2763 Brandon out of the office all day 6/30/2017   Back in doing some planning on the sales tax expansion project. Trying to make the rubber meet the road and actually using the new tax pieces. I spent the first little while trying to merge in the master branch with my code. I saw that Alan had done a number of new updates and pushed some new code to master. That took a bit and I had to do a little bit of research on how to do that.

After that, I prepped a shopping cart page to hold a bunch of new cart line item fields. I pushed it to master and uploaded it. That way, the carts and sessions could start using the new values without it hurting anything. My next goal is to start in and start coding the tax changes and in-line dollars off discounts. Here we go. It is now about 12 pm (noon).

The next thing we worked on was the allow discounts and allow price recalcs (changes) in the shopping cart per item. Once we cascaded that through, we are now ready to work on the actual cart or add to cart process.
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Shop 2833 General 6/30/2017   Working on adding new items to the cart and pulling in a number of new session line item values including new sales tax calcs, in-line dollars off discounts, and other settings. Cascading new settings around to different pages. Started with the item_to_cart_source setting to help record where items come from and how they got into the cart.