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Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 6/19/2017 2:26 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 2801
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Meeting with Russell and Steve
Start Date/Time: 6/23/2017 11:00 am
End Date/Time: 6/23/2017 1:00 pm
Main Status: Active

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Media Name   File Type Date Description
talking_about_the_disconnects_between_ecom_and_internal.jpg   Image/JPEG 6/23/2017 This was a drawing of the possible disconnects that happen between an onsite sale vs. an ecommerce sale. The left side of the graphic shows the time delays and differences that happen out in ecommerce land. The right side of the photo deals with the onsite sale.

The left side shows a small timeline at the bottom. This is one of the biggest differences (how long does it take to fulfill the order) between online and in-store orders and processing. In-store orders always take precedence - the person is right there in front of you.

Here is some other explainations about the graphic. The bottom left has an m (made the sale or requested something), an f (filled or fulfilled the order - actually put it together), and a p (when was it actually picked up and/or delivered to the client). The goal was to talk about the different pieces and how they play into the whole picture and actually fill in the actual values, actual payments, and actual removal from inventory. The left side shows how an ecommerce quote or order could become an invoice.

The right side shows challenges that a retail (in-store) sales environment has and then you complicate it with an ecommerce order. The drawing shows a single product X. It has a number of subs or sub packages. Depending on who is claiming what and how many packages are open, it is really tough to determine who actually gets what piece. It gets more complicated as you add multiple checkout lines with people wanting the same thing.

Anyways, this was part of the discussion to show the current disconnects between in-store sales and online or ecommerce sales. Good discussion.

On a GoToMeeting session with Steve and Russell. We spent the first part talking about selling parents and subs out in ecommerce. Tons of ideas and a small screen shot and drawing. See attached. We also talked about external and internal worlds, monitoring shopping carts, quotes, invoices, mini conversions, and using the convert parent to child tools for helping to track things through the process.

- Russell would like to distance himself from the MMJ industry. He feels like he is too close.

- Small history of Russell and how he got converted to the Lord and trying to listen to his heart and feelings.

- Steve wants to move to different verticals as well. We talked about the 13 million different kinds of businesses. There are tons of options in which we can go.

- We need to keep things balanced - kinda like a tree - Keep the top and roots balanced and equal. That will help us be more stable.

- As a company, we are hoping to switch the focus towards other industries.

- Steve and I are working internally to build out generic tools that may be used and consumed by all kinds of different clients. Maybe all 3 of us (Russell, Steve, and I) will focus more on the core pieces (plumbing, functionality, look and feel, features, training, education, and sales).

- We can either be pulled in a direction or we can choose a direction that we want to go.

- We need to do some research and then search out these other industries. We then check to see if we fit and then develop and deploy an actual campaign. Cycle through different industries, research, build, deploy, launch, circle back around. Repeat the process.

- Russell was talking about some sales options. The subject turned to monies that need to flow in and out to help that process take place.

- We then talked about being focused vs. being all spread out - We would love to focus and create a game plan to make this happen. As a side idea... if we do a focused approach it needs to go deep from setup to training to implementation to sustaining the project to full engagement and buy in.

- One of the coolest and most simple pieces could be employee timecard tracking, simple payroll features, clocking in/out, project clocking in/out, etc. A lot of that is already done and could be finished up pretty quick.

- Russell wants to do some research to see where we fit the best and what vertical is the easiest (as far as industry) to get into. Basically, what is the low hanging fruit and what does it taste like? Basically, look around and see what we could scoop up easily and how to then support that industry.

- We went to be proactive and actually target an industry vs. being reactive and being pulled into different waters.

- As a side note... education and training could be a different flip that we could make at any time.

- There is normal planning and secondary planning. You shoot for goals but you also have to make the rubber hit the road. Good stuff.