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Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 6/1/2017 1:09 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 2732
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Meeting with Russell
Start Date/Time: 6/2/2017 1:00 pm
End Date/Time: 6/2/2017 3:00 pm
Main Status: Active

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Uploaded Media/Content & Other Files (3)
Media Name   File Type Date Description
meeting_with_russell_on_direction_for_afb.txt   Doc/Text 6/8/2017 Tons of notes and brainstorming ideas on how the adilas trust and/or hub type model could work. This was a two-day brainstorming session between Steve, Russell, and Brandon. Lots of fun ideas and notes.
rough_budget_and_expenses.jpg   Image/JPEG 6/8/2017 This is a small graphic that shows our primary expenses for the first 5 months of the year. This was part of a session on budgeting and where we could cut/focus our efforts.
adilas_hub_shop_and_trust_model.jpg   Image/JPEG 6/8/2017 This is a drawing of what the adilas trust and/or hub type model could look like.

On a GoToMeeting session with Steve and Russell. This was a round 2 discussion on how to restructure adilas and bring AFB and adilas together. The previous notes and ideas were on 6/1/17. See that date for more notes about the starting of the discussions.

This meeting started out with a light recap of yesterday's meeting. We then let Russell take the flow and talk through some options and proposals. As he was talking, I was taking notes and helping to facilitate things. We ended up talking more about Steve's ideas of the managing trust type model for adilas. We drew some pictures and talked about more options. The trust type model was somewhat based off of the original ideas of the adilas shop. Basically, an overarching umbrella that helps control the different entities. Inside and under the main trust umbrella would be different sections or departments. These would be things like sales, marketing, training, customer code, design, consulting, HR, internal, tech support, and other manager and admin type roles.

We then talked about how those roles and/or virtual sections or departments could be staffed and manned by dependables and internal family members. We could basically divide the pie however we saw fit and what would fit the budget. Then as needed, we could pull from a separate pool of independents or other family (business family) members. As part of this drawing, we also put some rough numbers on the page to show who had virtually paid in and/or invested monies and time into the bigger adilas picture. The goal here was to show Russell and Chris that their pieces count and that we are taking those things into account as good will and real time and monies.

We looked at our expenses and pulled out the major pieces and big ticket items. We did this to show Russell where things are spent and to help him get some ideas on rough budgets and such. Lots of talk about what we could cut and where we want to focus. Russell really wants to help control the budgets and some of the other assets.

Steve had some really good points and we took a bunch more notes. Lots of talk about combining forces, upping prices, and changing how things flow and trickle down. Some great ideas and concepts, they just need a little bit more refining and implementation. Tons of options and even more are being harvested, cultivated, and given to us all the time. Adilas is a giant idea farm... We just need to keep going and harvest those ideas.

See attached for more notes and screen shots (small drawings). Lots of good stuff there.