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Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Russell A Moore
Created By: Russell A Moore
Created Date/Time: 5/29/2017 1:47 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 2701
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: E-commerce projects
Start Date/Time: 6/6/2017 1:30 pm
End Date/Time: 6/6/2017 5:15 pm
Main Status: Active

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Uploaded Media/Content & Other Files (2)
Media Name   File Type Date Description
expanded_mini_conversions_out_in_ecommerce.jpg   Image/JPEG 6/6/2017 This screen shot was from a discussion between Russell and Brandon on what the mini conversions were and how that played into the ecommerce world.
screen_shot_working_with_russell_on_parent_tags.jpg   Image/JPEG 6/6/2017 Screen shot with some ideas on parent attributes and parent tags and how those may play into the mix. This image is MMJ specific but does have some good ideas. See notes on this element of time for a further breakdown.

On a Zoom meeting with Russell. We were talking about how to get sub inventory out to the ecommerce level. Here are some rough ideas and notes:

- There will be some settings dealing with selling parent items, sell parents tied to subs, and sell individual subs.

- We still need to allow selling of parents and then convert from parent to child within the system.

- We are seeing new needs on the sub attributes. We need a show on the web setting and a search by on web setting. We are also seeing a possible need for a flag called filter by purchase. The filter by purchase values may be a virtual list of requirements for being able to buy and/or add the item to the cart. Think of a requirement of - I have to have a color and a size before I will let you purchase this item. Or I need X, Y, and Z in order to checkout (think requirements and/or list of needed info). These could be simple checkboxes or whatever. This is at the sub inventory attribute level.

- There will be ecommerce settings that say, allow sub inventory attributes on the web and allow searching sub inventory attributes. This is different than the settings on the sub inventory template (tied to part category) and individual sub attributes. Think of the main settings as a master switch vs. the smaller individual controls on the sub attributes.

- We currently allow for defaults on sub attributes. We may need to build that out a bit more internally and be able to expose that externally out in ecommerce land. This could help with searches, filters, and even leading the buyers to what you think that they want. This could get a little bit crazy.

- If showing the sub attributes... We could allow a filter by drop-down option or an actual picture of the different pieces.

- We need to be able to add in photos for sub inventory. This could be a specific flag on the photos table or a whole new table to hold the sub photos. As a side note, we may need to allow a single photo to be used for multiple sub packages. Think of a pink or green phone.... We may end up having tons of sub packages that are pink or green phones. I don't want to have to upload a new photo over and over again. Maybe allow some key words, flags, or attributes to the photos.

- When adding a sub inventory item to the cart, we may need to show the sub attributes on the view web cart page. We do this already internally, but we may need this to happen out in ecommerce land.

- They are talking about tags and search options for parent items. They are also talking about using those tags for SEO (search engine optimization).

-------- different project - mini conversions and parent tags and parent attributes out in ecommerce ---------

- The parent tags or parent attributes are mostly for ecommerce and being able to search things without getting clear down to the sub attribute level. Think of parent tags or parent attributes.

- They are looking at making some top level parent attributes and main sections. Then within that section, they could select a number of options from within that main category. For example (see attached): A parent attribute called "Genetics". Then underneath that, items or options such as Sativa, Indica, Hybrid, CBD. Or a main parent attribute called "Forms". Then underneath that, items or options such as cured flower, shake, pre-rolls. Another option might be a parent attribute called "Symptoms". Then under that, pain relief, anit-anxiety, appetite stimulant, nausea suppressant, neurological, etc.

- As a note, the parent tag or parent attribute of "forms" brought on a whole other side discussion on the mini conversion project and how it ties into ecommerce. See attached for another drawing.

- We talked about how internally, we need to track parent/child relationships. The child pieces could then be broken down into the mini conversion pieces. We drew a model that showed one-to-many relationships going vertical (stacked). We also talked about the older or current way of creating multiple parents with slight differences or minor changes. This takes the model and makes it go horizontal (side to side) or virtually blows up the general inventory pool.

- There is a way to create like, similar, or related items. That is awesome and could play into certain industries. However, when you get into form or units of measure, that is not the best answer. It just makes a mess.

- We talked about how if you were ordering pancakes, you see an awesome glossy menu with options and prices. You then make the order and the waitress writes it down (collects the choices and options). The short order cook in the back has to fulfill the order and chooses what ingredients and/or pre-made pieces to use. It is then delivered. We are seeing ecommerce similar to that in a way. We need to visually display things, show the options, collect the choices and decisions, and then allow for the items to be put through a pick-up or fulfillment type scenario.

- Along with that option on collecting some additional sub details and data, we talked about a possible new table that could be tied to quote or invoice line items that could collect and hold different decision or choices from the user. For example: Say a quote or order out in ecommerce land. Say the person wants a blue, extra large, t-shirt, with a certain graphic. We could either show what we have or collect the data and then let the clerk or salesperson fulfill the order based on the choices. The new table could hold some JSON values or objects and hold things like the size, the color, the desired unit of measure (form), the price, etc. We could then show that info back to the person filling the order. They would then do the actual tie-ins to sub inventory, mini conversions, etc. Kinda like the existing convert parent to child inventory page that exists for quotes going into invoices.

- On the conversion rules table... what about some ecommerce settings such as show on the web, web or customer aliases, etc.?

- What about auto pulling in the main or base unit of measure into the conversion rules. For example: grams to grams. Maybe we will let them choose and if they want, they can do it themselves, that way it wouldn't be a forced option.

- What about allowing the words "unit of measure" being a corp-wide setting. This could be the full name or the abbreviation. For example: unit of measure, U of M, forms, sizes, output, etc. Basically, let the different companies name that and have it be at a setting level. That opens things up a bit.

- When showing options back to a user and/or a customer, we may need to summarize and group things based off of the show conversion unit of measure. For example: Say we have gallons. We could sum things up and say we have x number of gallons - even through behind the scenes we have y sub packages with z number of gallons each. Kind of a quick summary of sorts based off of the show or conversion unit of measure. Let the details sit a little bit lower.

- Another random idea... What about doing summary invoices. Say we had 13 gallons that needed to be showing on an invoice. However, 5 gallons came from sub inventory package such and such, and 3 gallons came from another, the other 5 gallons came from yet another. Behind the scenes, we would need 3 separate line items to help catch all of the details. If we wanted, we could set those items to hidden and then we could either add a forth line item that showed a generic line for 13 gallons at a specific price or something like that. Another idea is to keep things as they are... show all three specific line items, and then have the invoice do some smoke and mirrors by looking for similar parts, similar prices, and similar units of measure. Then the invoice would just combine them as a different view or different display mode. The real invoices would have all of the nuts and bolts, but the customer display of the invoice would be more friendly looking. As a side note, there is a small summary invoice that was created for a company called mile high suckers that does something similar. I believe that the path is something like top_secret/custom/custom_mountain_high_invoice.cfm - it groups things together and then shows the invoice based on the groupings vs. the actual data. Something similar to that might work awesome.

After the meeting between Russell and I was over, I spent some more time writing up some specs and notes from the meeting. They are listed above.