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Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 5/24/2017 9:37 am
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 2679
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Adilas Time
Start Date/Time: 6/1/2017 9:00 am
End Date/Time: 6/1/2017 1:15 pm
Main Status: Active

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Uploaded Media/Content & Other Files (2)
Media Name   File Type Date Description
meeting_with_russell_on_direction_for_afb.txt   Doc/Text 6/8/2017 This was the brainstorming notes on a starting conversation between Russell from AFB (adilas for business) and Steve and Brandon from adilas. Tons of good ideas and the starting point for conversation on how to bring things together.
talking_with_steve_and_russell_about_afb.jpg   Image/JPEG 6/8/2017 Small image that started a conversation about how AFB (adilas for business) and adilas want to work together. The pitch was - are we combining and merging forces or are we separating and creating bigger divider lines.

The drawing also included some other possible models and how they may play into things. There was a simple rep or consultant model as well as an AFB or hub type model. Just ideas and conversation pieces.

On the morning GoToMeeting session. The first two hours were working on mini conversions. This was Steve, Eric, and myself all working and talking together. We were planning out database pieces and running through ideas and scenarios. We ended this section by giving Steve a small assignment to work on the mini conversion template level - first two database tables. he was going to be working on some ideas and concepts over the weekend.

The second couple of hours were with working with Steve and Russell and I talking about things and where they are at. This got into a fairly deep conversation. We started out by setting up a light agenda... The first four main points were: our efforts (AFB and adilas), mini conversions and related items, other projects coming down the pipeline, and level of clearance. As we got into it, we only touched on the first topic and spent the whole there.

See attached for some of the notes. There is also a small graphic that started the conversation out and where we could go. The graphic pitched the ideas of how AFB and adilas could either start the merge process and/or create a more distinct separation between the two entities. Basically, Russell and Chris Johnnie have been making enough waves that they are getting noticed. That was their goal. They have virtually tapped into some key elements including controlling the look and feel, ecommerce, new settings, the adilas market, and small taps into the adilas university area or space. We talked about the current state and how that could be altered. As we pitched the ideas, Russell played back and I took notes.

To start off with, Steve mostly listened as Russell and I laid out some different plans and options. We were both laying out pros, cons, and virtual wish lists on how we could merge and blend things together. Topics ranged from goals, to buyout options, to who will take care of what. See attached for more details. Russell was very open and virtually laid out some of his ideas and strategy on where he was headed and why. After all of that, Steve started talking more and we have tons of notes from what he was saying. The gist of it was that adilas would like to restructure things into more of an overarching trust type option and then roll forward from there. Steve was pitching ideas on how we could come together as a single stronger entity.

We talked numbers, financials, and options. Super fun talk. We ended the meeting by Russell and Steve saying let's meet and talk again tomorrow. Russell would like a certain level of power or influence over certain subjects. It was fun to see how certain things were playing out and seeing options where we could go. All parties left the meeting excited about more similar talks tomorrow.