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AU 1029 Daily Ideas 12/19/2012   Random notes, brainstorming, and other ideas…..
-What if we taught a class and trained the trainers. I could lead it and then video type it. We could then post it online for other trainers to see. We could even let our customers see it so that they could train their staff or other companies.
-On elements of time – allow people to assign a task to a user and then have it show up until it is done or marked off. This is somewhat of a reminder type thing.
-On elements of time – add a temp span or color block and id if an end date or time is known. Instead of full color blocks taking up the entire cell, just use a little piece that says, I’m a “blocked in” or “scheduled” piece.
-On eCommerce – our first go at it may be only existing customers, web pricing, and only go to the quote or order level. No payments, no inventory, tweaks, etc.
-On the orders or quotes (eCommerce) – maybe set the invoice classification to “online order” and then make all normal quotes without the invoice classification (or a default) so we can tell what is what. It would also be cool to be able to sort or pull back data according to the classification. It may be cool to track the classifications as difference windows or date ranges, one-to-many.
-Yesterday, 12/18/12, I went in to town to run some errands and spread some love for Learn to Freeride (an interactive CD-ROM that shows freestyle tricks and moves.) As part of my day I went by the technical college where my dad works. I chatted with him for a good half an hour and he pointe me in a good direction. We talked about a bunch of things and here are the cliff notes or shortened version.
o Take a few steps back
o Make a plan
o Show the current tools in the shed
o Teach and show
o Use the product to show the product
o Get ready to expand “as is”
o Let people know what we are doing
o Work smart
o Offer classes, use technology, trade out we work for class time (there at the college)
o Take yourself out of the pivot point
These may not be his exact words, but this is what I took out of it.
-Since then, yesterday, I have added a few more key points that I think need to play in to the mix:
o The mix or blend may be what we are looking for. There is a time for each scenario. Order, disorder, speed, slow and steady, work and rest, new and old, etc.
o I still need to keep promises made and work to be done.
o Play as a team!
-Where are we headed? Do I know? Am I okay with that? What would I like to change? I have so many questions and my head is in competition for which emotion to follow. It is kind of weird; I’m at peace yet anxious, scared yet excited, overwhelmed yet driven, doubting yet confident. It is really hard to pin down my thoughts. I can be focused like a laser beam and in no time flat, be as random and spread out as a light hitting a rough, yet reflective surface. I feel in control yet desperately grasping for stability. I keep seeing life lessons being played out before me. I’m part of them, then watching from the outside, then back inside.
-Random change of events – one minute I am writing the above message, the next minute Steve calls and we talk for an hour. Then later today, I go on a walk in the snow with my dad and now I am super pumped up and ready to make things happen.
-We may end up using the content server as a second adilas data server. Build with major growth in mind.
-We need to under promise and over deliver.
-Build up the education and self-help sections.
Create some points marketing and really put it out there.
-Show the vision – make a lot of it public knowledge.
-Dream the dream and then live it!
-Any outside report – pull the in under the main adilas wing, that way when we expand, they already exist inside the main core or application files.
-What if we built things out so adding a new server was as easy as adding a new corporation. Automate database creation, settings, starting values, etc.
-Eventually we will need to the ability to talk back and forth between servers and share data via web services. It may be good to start laying that foundation.
-We may want to spread things out (servers and services) just to protect ourselves. Think of the saints when they came to Utah, once they got set-up, almost immediately they sent other parties out to settle other areas. That way it was harder for someone to come in and shut everything down. It also created mini bases and strong holds. I’d like to do something similar.
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AU 3826 Daily Tasks 5/7/2015   • Went in to Logan to work at the office. Worked with a developer on adding the Green Bridge as a merchant processing gateway option.
• We spent a couple of hours going over flow and direction of how the cart checkout process works.
• I worked with a developer on project management stuff and billing. He, Steve, a consultant from Colorado, and myself were on a conference call going over database flow on sub inventory and cost control (packaging) stuff. We spent over an hour and a half working on a spreadsheet to nail down the anticipated flow and relationships. Great session.
• We introduced a new self-referencing id number to help show subs of subs.
• I then spent about an hour working with some developers on concepts of 3D world building, burning platforms, re-building models, and running things (data & values) through time and space. Kind of out there a bit but a fun conversation. As a side note, sometimes it takes a problem or breaking something in order to stimulate change. It also sometimes takes weeks, months, and years to understand and apply certain concepts. Line upon line, precept upon precept. Slow and steady wins the race. 30 miles.
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Shop 548 Phone call with Calvin 1/23/2016   On a phone call with Calvin. We went over a couple different projects. We talked about his database field settings project and his SQL viewer app. Most of the time was spent going over the database field settings project and what is needed. We talked database fields, defaults, special needs, etc.

We also talked about using the table to hold the fallback defaults for all corps. That way, if they have custom settings we use them, if not, we use the settings we store in the database.

We also talked about how some of these new projects are pioneering projects and may have longer timelines and multiple unknowns. We need to keep open communication to help make them as smooth as possible. Slow and steady wins the race.
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Shop 1566 Russell time 7/11/2016   Got to the shop about 12:30 pm. We didn't have internet for awhile. I worked on some code for sub inventory. I met with Russell from about 1:30 pm to about 5:15 pm. Most of what we were talking about was budgets, vision, and people. Who can do what and where would we like to put people? Lots of discussion about the shop, direction, and use of time, personnel, and other resources.

Russell and I went over some pros and cons for keeping the Adilas Shop (renting some office space) and/or working from home and saving time and money. Tons of good dialog here. We also had a full sheet of paper with things written on it and somewhat organized into sections (pros for home, cons for home, pros for the shop, cons for the shop). Good conversations. We may need to look deeper into this and explore some of the other options.

Here are some other small notes from the day:
- Slow and steady - let things drop off
- Maybe stop doing custom stuff right now (this is from me)
- We are somewhat in a catch 22 type scenario
- I mentioned to Russell that I feel kinda trapped - We talked about a bunch of different things - Russell also feels kinda trapped in some ways.
- Russell needs to earn some money
- It get heavy carrying a dream by yourself
- We are way under full market value - costs for the system - this may be why we have a problem - the supply and demand are not equalized.
- We may still need a hybrid shop that does both hourly, bid, quote, and per job payment structures.
- Russell has some dreams of his own and really wants to play with what we have - make it better and better
- Things like adilas ecommerce packages, adilas world, adilas market, adilas university, adilas project manager, and even making an adilas app.
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Shop 1650 API 7/13/2016   On a GoToMeeting session with Bryan. We were going more over the in-line discounts and dollars off project. Lots of twists and turns. Bryan is doing a great job of trying to document things and then also following as many pieces of the puzzle as he can. We are making progress and he has a number of scenarios to test against and run things. Slow and steady.
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Shop 2047 Adilas Time 12/12/2016   On a GoToMeeting session with Steve. We talked about direction and where we want to head in the coming months. We also looked over the adilas YouTube media/content player, we setup a cannabis specific site (just the folders and rough structure), and we also talked about training events.

Steve would like us to strip off the code from the page and start being able to collect monies to help with daily training events. We also talked about how my dad volunteered to find us venues for our training classes.

Shannon got on the call. We talked about some progress on the videos that she, Dave Forbis, Russell, and Chris Johnnie. Shannon showed us the link to the current google drive videos.

We talked about the difference between in-person vs. webinar (web based training). We are seeing the need for the live sessions (they enjoy the connection with the people). Who, where, when? We need to offer the live events, even if they aren't fully attended.

Build out the adilas university video library and the user guide. Make it easy to use and help train the trainers there. One of the unknown values is how do you help someone to stay on and keep going. Shannon mentioned Dave Forbis and Shari O. as up and coming helpers for tech support stuff. Also, Nick and Alan (both developers do have some great teaching skills). I could also be more a consultant and trainer type person.

One of the major challenged is how fast things change. We shoot a video or write a help file and then things change. How do you keep up? What a good question...

We have some great users... that is good and bad. We also don't have any standard certifications and/or train the trainer type stuff. Some of these people have some major skills but might be liabilities on the other hand.

What about the adilas marketplace and the adilas university? We may be going too fast for our own good. What would happen if we totally slowed down and sell what we have? We build and build but are somewhat unable to slow down and tell people what we have to offer. What is the master plan? Do we already have it written down but just need to follow it or do we need to redefine it?

We are seeing a change in the way that the system flows... We are getting more API socket calls, we are getting shortcuts, we are seeing more black box stuff, more developer specific code. We need to tell Shannon and Shari O. Who is going to do this new training? We may need to recruit who made it to help do the training. Make that part of the process. Slow things down a bit.

The developer's notebook is kinda splitting now as well. We have elements of time in adilas university, adilas, and in the adilas shop section. How are we going to bring all of that together. We have things fracturing and splitting all around us. That is part of the game, we need to allow and accept that. How are we going to deal with that?

Sustainable pace - slow and steady wins the race. Maybe keep looking at the process and judge the pace and needs accordingly. People have the potential to let you down. The only person we can truly trust is God. We can then give trust to other people. Make him your main stable anchor and then extend to others. If all else fails, then the sure anchor will still hold fast.

I would rather be a trusting person and then be betrayed vs. not being a trusting person from the get go. Quote from Shannon who got it from an apostle (lightly tweaked). We are looking for a loyalty and commitment level of sorts. We do have to be picky. It comes down to a balance and a relationship. Take your time and start to build from there. Relationships take time. That is ok, build it everyday. We make the choices and strengthen and exercise those choices everyday.
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Shop 2130 Adilas Time 1/5/2017   On a GoToMeeting session with Steve, Alan, and Nick. We started out the day talking about an upcoming meeting with the server guys and trying to schedule a group meeting to talk about world building (database stuff and code stuff on our end) and backend technologies such as servers and data center stuff.

We then broke into individual work sessions. I was working on the Beaver Mountain horizontal time view page for scheduling ski school lessons. That page is pretty deep and pulls data from multiple places and shows it all in a nice horizontal time view.

Later on, Steve and I had a meeting to talk about plans and ideas. Here are some of the ideas from the meeting.
- fast track to help people get to their magic number - kinda like a reverse snowball to build people. Normal snowballs go toward solving debt, a reverse snowball would be building up dependables
- keep putting more tools in the shed
- offer different services including basic web sites
- if is easier to sell a full package vs. every possible module or special service
- as more and more technology comes to pass, we could roll more and more features together
- skate where the puck will be or is going to be
- working towards an unlimited model - what do you want and need - it is all included
- model of a base starting point and then charge for storage, processing, and bandwidth - fee based usage
- get some percentage things in place with our inner adilas family members
- as more and more clients use our services, we could even drop our prices.
- we need to head to more mobile
- Steve and I were playing with some numbers and projects - that is fun to play with some of the numbers - maybe look more into this and keep pushing and forecasting - make it more of a plan/possibilities
- the footprint - what impact are you on the company's earnings
- there are tons of other possible services such as storage, migration, cold storage, custom code, consulting, training, setup, ecommerce, usage, bandwidth, etc.
- allow clients to virtually manage and/or drive their own systems - what do they want, what do they want to call it, how much, how many, how long, how much data, what other needs and/or wiring?
- keep building on a generic model. we can then add skins, templates, and themes to help customize for different verticals
- gps tracking and other 3rd party options. white labeling and other options.
- keep building - piece by piece - slow and steady wins the race
- sometimes it comes back to permissions, settings, and relationships
- there may end up being more and more API socket connections - plan for that and help sew things together.
- remember training and helping others see the vision of what is going on and the potential that is out there
- keep building towards full world building pieces and concepts
- mini conversions, sub inventory, sub part categories, qr codes, etc. Technology keeps going, we need to keep playing and trying to advance the ball.
- Try to take things more and more to the dynamic level. Settings, permissions, database stuff, and underlying backend structure.
- other project coming down the pipe line - tiered pricing matrix stuff, sub inventory options for ecommerce, more balance sheet stuff (watchers and feeders), more stuff with elements of time (rentals, reservations, gps, rfid tag, sub payroll, sub "any" assignments).
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Shop 4097 Meeting with Shannon 10/16/2018  

Light report by Shannon on her tasks. She showed me the current profile for Smart POS from Svend (hardware guy). We talked about maybe using a small mini interview and helping to get some of these guys and gals to get their info out to the public. Sometimes that is hard to come up with on the fly. We also talked about who is going to pay for the support on the hardware side? Also, what are the lines (rules of the game), obviously we can't pay for never-ending support, especially on hardware issues. The other question was how do we track those leads and/or referrals back and forth? Great questions.

What are the lines between tech support (basic) and actual training (hand-holding or extended time with the client)? Who pays for what? More questions about expectations and budgets.

Tons of older content that was pushed up by Shannon into the Adilas University site. See this entry: - 27+ Word Documents dealing with user guide content.

Where are we going next on this... We setup some time to work on the user guide project. We will keep building things and do things step by step. Slow and steady wins the race.

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Shop 4275 Adilas Time 1/28/2019  

On the morning meeting with Steve, Alan, Wayne, and Dustin. Checking up and getting caught up with what happened over the weekend.

Notes from Wayne about server stability and processes

Infrastructure - We have greatly increased this portion. We would like to fix how we deploy code to the servers. Currently we are just using FTP and are able to push code as needed to different servers.

Code - The last couple server issues have been code related (bugs, poorly written code and queries, or loose code). These code problems are currently affecting our servers as much or more than the infrastructure process.

See attached for a small proposal from Wayne about how to configure our environment. Wayne would like to look into Lucee vs ColdFusion. I put tons of notes on that physical PDF upload.

We talked about some costs and also options going forward. We talked about DNS (domain name servers - where are things pointed), SSL's (secure socket layers - https stuff), emails and texts, etc. We can virtually push some of the logging into the AWS CloudWatch services. Amazon also has some other servers that we could harness and/or use. Some of the other services are AWS Cost Explorer, AWS Budgets, AWS Cost and Usage Report, and Amazon Route 53.

Steve was asking questions about how we could make an adilas user group (power users - adilas community) that could be linked and/or joined to different companies or different adilas clients. Almost an extension of the adilas reps and consultants - who wants my skills, I have a power user account, and that could be tied in to anyone's account (based on permission and access). All secure, but also very mobile. Basically a way to separate users and clients.

We also talked about splitting up the databases (world building) into corp-specific databases (smaller single databases) and then working on the mixed or cross-corp queries. In the background it could be tons of different services and even computers, but in the frontend, the presentation seems singular and very streamlined and smooth. This also opens up more revenue options for our developers to help code cross corp or consolidated reports and such.

Some talks about future white labeling options and how we could setup adilas as a platform and then allow them to pay the AWS bills and they pay us for usage of the code.

The rest of the talks circled back around to the code and how we create and deploy our code. Lots of talks about automated testing and getting all of that stuff super stable. Being able to up-scale to handle bigger and bigger loads. Alan popped in and also brought in the possible option of down scaling as well. No one likes to talk about this, but we need to think about both side of the coin. If we are on a dynamic environment, we could virtually scale up and/or down. Once again, it comes back to a two-part puzzle... you have both code and infrastructure.

Alan was talking about how to encourage our developers to run more of a test driven code structure. This will be a cultural switch. If we make it so that the system becomes the bad guy, we could help to change that culture. We've done this before, when we first introduced permissions and such. We talked about training, tooling, and guidelines to help some of these developers. Most of the talks today have dealt with changes to infrastructure - we also know that there is possibly a bigger conversation about the code development side of things.

Where are we going and/or heading? Eventually, some of the adilas functions and features will become components and virtual standalone pieces (modules of sorts). We need the flexibility of a Legos type scenario... multi interlocking blocks that could be mixed and blended as needed.

From Steve - I'm seeing lots of our wish list boxes being checked with these new proposed changes.

From Alan - This seems great for scaling. Hardware is one of the hardest ways to scale. If we could turn it into a service, it becomes easier to manage. Alan was also talking about scaling up and scaling down. Make sure you can go in both directions. How much weight are forced to carry... being able to absorb or extend as needed.

We can make the whole presentation more seamless. Currently, we send clients to data 10, data 11, etc. If we go more in this direction, it just runs more seamless and we scale things in the background as needed. In the background, we almost need a platform babysitter that helps us know what is going on and/or what is available.

Our clients tend to like - our pricing, our possible functionality options, and how easily we can customize things.

Dealing with timelines... We are seeing this transition between 6 months to a year. Maybe even more. We will start on it immediately, but it still may take some time to roll these things out. Also, we can only see so deep, there may be some unknowns that hit us as we get into things. Alan was saying some of the fun development sayings such as the last 10% takes 90% of the time and other things like that. It always gets crazy. Slow and steady wins the race. Lots of good things on the horizon.

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Shop 6001 Meeting with Steve 2/20/2020  

Steve and I were going to be meeting with Kelly, but she ended up getting delayed while traveling and security in the airport. We ended up having our own little meeting. Good stuff. Here are a few of the notes from what we were talking about:

- Businesses need all of the deep functionality, they just want it as hidden as possible. Smooth and pretty just feels better, even if it does do as much.

- What if we keep flipping our model? What we mean here is... as a client or a rep keeps asking for more and more, what if we help direct them in such a way that we can get it done? This could be done by meeting with them, planning out what needs to be changed, offering solutions, listening, and taking down notes. Lots of possible options and then we gain from the source vs being pushed away from the source.

- Steve and I talked about the concepts that we are built on vs the code we are built on. Straight up, the concepts that we have built on are 100 times more valuable than the code that we have built on. Our code set is 1 of 1,000's of possible solutions. However, the main core concepts, those will need to be used every single time that someone does what we are doing. Even though you can touch some of the concepts, there is huge value there.

- We were talking about ways to get funding and the down sides to that. We talked about getting overextended and having huge amounts of debt. That is no fun either. Other talks about possible funding sources such as: grants, selling our services, getting partners, investors, loans, venture capital, donations, and leveraging other assets.

- MVP - minimal viable plan (the p could be plan, product, etc.) - I like the plan option for what we are doing and working on.

- What about the adilas marketplace (adilas world)? Lots of options out there as well.

- Everything that we see is fracturing into smaller and smaller pieces. Development process, permissions, settings, servers, API sockets, single tools vs bulk tools, tracking needs, etc. Fracture is the key word. Kinda like "Legos". We may need some blue ones, red ones, and some yellow ones. It just keeps going and breaking down into smaller and smaller pieces.

- Business management and who will take care of what

- Pain and virtual bleeding sometimes help to drive us towards change

- Somewhat of an open source type model

- What is our direction and our pace? Pick a direction and then let it grow. In some ways, it feels like we pick a direction and then plant the seeds, then in a day or so, we dig it up to see how it is doing. I think we need to pick a direction and let it grow a bit.

- Our model has always been slow and steady...

- We are only able to move forward as we get funding - we get funding from...
>> Reoccurring revenue
>> One time services
>> Seed money
>> Donations and other sources

- We are stable currently

- 3 things...
>> Look at what we have - deep, deep
>> We are building daily - progression
>> We help you by bringing value - multiple ways
-->> Low cost for what you want
-->> You are able to move the system in the way that you want it - allow custom

- Maybe make it known what we are spending on new functionality and R&D

- This is who we are... we are who we are and we plan on maintaining that

- We need to take things with a grain of salt

- Our current direction is directing projects over to one main source (Cory) and then diving things out from there - a director of development operations - Steve and I have decided that we will let this play out for awhile before making a major change or shift.

- Walls and helping to sterilizing things - getting some separation

- Like an essay - tell them what you are going to tell them (prep), then tell them (main content), and tell them what you told them (conclusion)

- You can do that? or You can do that! - We love it!

- We have a team that helps and supports us... that is huge

- We, as a company, need to have our clients get in line. Sometimes we give preferences and special treatment. We need to help standardize things.

- As a skill, we have people saying that they are proficient in adilas as a skill set. Pretty cool.

- Constant development and pushing the ball forward. We are building and refining every day. Keep it going!

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Shop 6356 Projects 5/26/2020  

Got on a meeting with Russell just to get him some server log files. He is going to be parsing them and building a tool to pull the log files apart (one of his class projects for school).

Anyways, as we were downloading logs and what not, we ended up striking up a conversation about the adilas model and how things were working. I took a whole other page of notes, see attached. Lots of good stuff. No immediate answers, but openly talking about things and where we want things to go. Steve ended up joining us once we got part way through our meeting. Totally impromptu type meeting, but some good things.

Part way through the meeting, I merged in some code for Steve. We also talked a lot about managing starts and stops (transitions on code projects). That is tough to manage some times. Here are some of the other notes.

Good things...

- Lots of projects coming in with funding
- People want what we are doing

- Limited number of devs
- Some don't like mmj projects
- 2 guys that are designers
- Few project managers

- We don't need more normal developers... we need more mmj developers (currently)

- Smart enough to work on their own but be able to understand

- Project manager and product manager on mmj side
Steve, Dustin, Eric, Spencer, Danny, Bryan, Jonathan Wells

- Here's our problem... how can we get people in and working on those projects quickly
- Not shooting for the best model... but enough to help it work and function

- We are looking for people who are willing to play how we need them to play
- There is a different team that is working on r & d and new code

- Laser focused training to get them up to speed.
- Training for existing developers (already trained but just switching syntax)

- The core system needs to be separate from the business verticals that are built on that core

- Every business vertical needs its own team/manager to really help it play together

- Lift where you stand... take care of your space

- If you get teams that just deal with specific verticals... they become productive in their space - cover your zone

- Trying to keep developers in their flow... the transitions (starts and stops) kill and drain the energy

- Working overtime vs more people working part time - Steve used to do this in the car business

- Managing those resources and making sure we are paying for our guys

- Priorities

- We are looking for developers that know other code... and it only takes 10-20 hours to get them up to speed vs months and months or years and years. We can't train from the ground up.

- Behind the funding game... robbing peter to pay paul

- Making those hard decisions... who is critical?

- Take care of the assets that help the ship keep running

- Budgetting and setting priorities - working within those budgets - what about your family? Looking for the best bang for the buck

- High level decisions and then trickle down to what is needed

- We get enough smaller jobs... the little things start to sink the ship

- Steve's idea... work on what is being asked for and help make it look better while we are in there - bring the designers back inside to help with the current projects

- Constant process of refinement... less clicks, looks better, more automation, looking for the easy button

- Where are things headed... as a question?

- Things keep changing... because we are in a system, you get cause and effect

- If we don't redo or rework some of the pieces... this ship will sink

- We need take care of the customers but we also need to say no at times.

- We build and build and build - we may need new architecture - things have changed over the course and we need to build and/or adapt - we are not what we started out to be and/or were developed to be

- Analogy - cleaning the house... move everything out and do a deep clean or just clean one area at a time

- What is the vision of where we are going... ok, once we know, let's start moving towards that new model - how do you help spread that vision and direction?

- Breaking and pulling out the logic into their own functions (api sockets, function, objects, etc.) - the key is to isolate logic from the view of the page

- Following the processes and procedures to get to the end goal

- Where is the puck going to be... dream it up, and then trim it down if needed

- Improving from where we are at - ok, where are we going... we need to have a master vision

- By small and simple things, great things are brought to pass - little drops in a bucket, over time, they will add up

- Thinking and considering the choice of languages along the way

- Slow and steady wins the race

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Shop 7023 Adilas Time 11/17/2020  

Pretty quiet meeting this morning. A couple guys jumped on and then off on their way. Just Steve and I were left on the meeting. We were mostly working on our own stuff. Towards the end, we started talking about different things that are happening all around us. Here are a couple of notes.

Transition between independent consultant and dependables for us. Bringing people into the business. Internal teams that play well together and help advance the ball. We used to pass off countless accounts to the outside independent consultants. That is going away and we are trying to get things setup to service those clients using adilas dependables. Good stuff.

The length of time it takes is amazing. Most people want things pretty fast... In adilas, it takes years and years some times. Lots of slow cooking and simmering. That is very frustrating for certain persons and/or personalities. Slow and steady wins the race. That is a mindset.

Being able to share responsibilities and being willing to delegate. You've got to have a team. One alone can not do this. Lessons that we are learning and also watching some of our independent consultants go through the same things.

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Shop 7112 General 11/17/2020  

I got a call from Calvin and he wanted to show me some new code dealing with a web version of the adilas label builder. He had subbed out some code to come up with a custom grid/layout piece. He gave me a demo and talked about options. This project has been a long time coming. We are really excited to get the adilas label builder fully on the web. Currently, there is a Windows software app that Calvin created and it ties into the web display and usage of the PDF custom labels. We've done a lot of work on this project over the years. This next phase will be to replace the Windows app and make the full thing fully web ready and part of the adilas site. Taking steps, little by little, but making great progress. Once again, slow and steady wins the race.

Emails and recording notes to wrap up the day.

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Shop 7425 Meeting with Russell 2/9/2021  

"Only run as fast as you are able." - We need to keep going, but find that pace that is sustainable - slow and steady wins the race.

Russell was showing me some new help file systems stuff that he was working on. Nice little demo. He is trying to make it as easy as he can for the developers in order to control the help file outputs and content. We are looking at adding just in time help options. We are working on setting up the groundwork for these things. We are also dealing with client-side validation.

I asked Russell to help setup some videos and training files for some developer training.

Some times we end up spending time that wasn't planned. Often we are doing things for the first time and that, unplanned time, just happens.

We ended our meeting talking about documentation and the value of that documentation.

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Shop 9384 Recording notes 9/5/2022  

Recording notes from my meeting with Wayne this morning. Lots of refinements and memory management stuff going on. Small tweaks every day. Slow and steady.

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Shop 9927 Adilas Time 3/9/2023  

Sean and I started out the morning talking about deployment and how we need to keep offering that as a service. Certain clients are so busy, they really don't have time to deploy or devote time to training and setup. It's not that they don't need or want it, they are just spread too thin. Sean was talking about a current deployment that he is working on and I told him a story of us going into a kitchen ware store and helping to set them up. It took a couple of weeks with a few of us onsite to make it happen. At one point, the lady in charge of the kitchen store said, "If it wasn't for you guys helping us out, we never would have been able to make this transition." That is totally true.

Anyways, I wrote down in my notes that part of the fracture project that we are planning has to take into consideration training, deployment, setup, and other marketable services. We need the support staff to help support what we are trying to do, build, and accomplish. Taking the time to get it done and make sure that the parties that be are in the know and can function on their own. They need to know how to get help, but ideally, they have been trained sufficiently for the task(s) at hand. Another plug for the concept of "education mode" as a setting for helping people to get started.

Steve was on some phone calls and somewhat listening in the background. Sean and Shari O. were talking about merchant processing and where we want to go with that. I mentioned the company Datacap and let them know that we may want to look into doing a 3r party integration and solution with them, as it would open up a number possible merchant processing options. We can do merchant processing right now, but we have to spend time and resources integrating with each gateway, merchant, and/or device. We could really use something to help speed up that process.

As the meeting ended, I was doing emails and other small to do list tasks. I was thinking about small nursery rhymes and how we have used some of those same analogies and stories in our own story. Things like stone soup, the little ren hen, and many others. Kinda fun. We are daily building and hoping that someone will catch the vision and help us along the journey. Like the tortoise and the hair, slow and steady wins the race.

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Shop 10228 Meeting with Bryan 6/14/2023  

Went over to Bryan's house and we had a brainstorming session on his new upstairs patio. Beautiful view and good times. It rained on us but we were protected from most of it. See attached for a scan of my notes. Lots of ideas for fracture or adilas lite.

Here are a few notes:

- Mobile first - plan accordingly. Allow for mobile and desktop settings (show/hide for fields).

- Be able to setup your own data assembly line - based on what you care about. We will try to provide the pieces and modules and you can put it together how you want it and/or need it.

- Lots of talk about API sockets and small microservices.

- Lite or simple apps - for each layer - if you want more, just choose the next pieces. Play with aggregates (sums, counts, averages, maxes, mins, etc.) unless you need more details. If yes, just keep peeling back the layers.

- We have a friend that was pitching us on Deductr a long time ago (back in 2015 ish). It was a quick mobile app for simple expense tracking, simple mileage tracking, and simple categories and reports. Adilas can do so much more but we need to present it in a way that feels easy like Deductr (aka Hurdlr).

- Choose your own adventure or choose your own business process - similar concept. When I was a kid, I used to love reading the choose your own adventure books. As I grow up, what if I could do the same thing and put together my own business adventure (map it out based on needs, wants, and decisions).

- Talking about free versions of our software/web apps. We could also have or offer upgrades. If someone really wanted to play the reoccurring revenue game with us, we could allow them to sponsor and/or fund certain modules or sub modules and then pay them a reoccurring commission on clients who use those pieces. Bryan and I were talking about possible ideas and how that might work. Fun stuff!

- We talked about growth, slow and steady, and natural (organic) growth.

- At what point does the scale start tipping? What feature or add-on will really make it go? Or do we need to pull back some of the complexity and make it even more simple. If you want deeper, you just ask for it (layers) and then you get what you want vs having to have the whole thing every time.

- Lots of talk about pain points and how that tends to help with growth and being willing to pay for a solution to those pain points. If someone pays for an enhancement or feature, we tend to roll it into the mix. Kinda a piggy backing type system where one person pays for something, everyone gains (piggy backs) and then next person pays for the next enhancement. It has worked great for us. Sometimes we call it idea farming.

- Creativity is a chance - there is a possibility of failure with creative stuff - that doesn't mean don't do it - you just have to know there is a chance involved.

- It may be ok to use older code, if needed. Keep rolling forward and revamp, refactor, and rewrite as needed.

- Bryan and I also talked about API socket connections, simple website builders, easy payment solutions, dashboards, widgets, advanced reporting, and simple timeclocks. Tons of fun topics. See the attached notes for some other ideas.