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Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 3/1/2023 9:38 am
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 9927
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Adilas Time
Start Date/Time: 3/9/2023 9:00 am
End Date/Time: 3/9/2023 10:00 am
Main Status: Active

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Sean and I started out the morning talking about deployment and how we need to keep offering that as a service. Certain clients are so busy, they really don't have time to deploy or devote time to training and setup. It's not that they don't need or want it, they are just spread too thin. Sean was talking about a current deployment that he is working on and I told him a story of us going into a kitchen ware store and helping to set them up. It took a couple of weeks with a few of us onsite to make it happen. At one point, the lady in charge of the kitchen store said, "If it wasn't for you guys helping us out, we never would have been able to make this transition." That is totally true.

Anyways, I wrote down in my notes that part of the fracture project that we are planning has to take into consideration training, deployment, setup, and other marketable services. We need the support staff to help support what we are trying to do, build, and accomplish. Taking the time to get it done and make sure that the parties that be are in the know and can function on their own. They need to know how to get help, but ideally, they have been trained sufficiently for the task(s) at hand. Another plug for the concept of "education mode" as a setting for helping people to get started.

Steve was on some phone calls and somewhat listening in the background. Sean and Shari O. were talking about merchant processing and where we want to go with that. I mentioned the company Datacap and let them know that we may want to look into doing a 3r party integration and solution with them, as it would open up a number possible merchant processing options. We can do merchant processing right now, but we have to spend time and resources integrating with each gateway, merchant, and/or device. We could really use something to help speed up that process.

As the meeting ended, I was doing emails and other small to do list tasks. I was thinking about small nursery rhymes and how we have used some of those same analogies and stories in our own story. Things like stone soup, the little ren hen, and many others. Kinda fun. We are daily building and hoping that someone will catch the vision and help us along the journey. Like the tortoise and the hair, slow and steady wins the race.