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Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 12/29/2016 10:54 am
Action Status: Completed
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 2130
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Adilas Time
Start Date/Time: 1/5/2017 9:00 am
End Date/Time: 1/5/2017 1:00 pm
Main Status: Active

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On a GoToMeeting session with Steve, Alan, and Nick. We started out the day talking about an upcoming meeting with the server guys and trying to schedule a group meeting to talk about world building (database stuff and code stuff on our end) and backend technologies such as servers and data center stuff.

We then broke into individual work sessions. I was working on the Beaver Mountain horizontal time view page for scheduling ski school lessons. That page is pretty deep and pulls data from multiple places and shows it all in a nice horizontal time view.

Later on, Steve and I had a meeting to talk about plans and ideas. Here are some of the ideas from the meeting.
- fast track to help people get to their magic number - kinda like a reverse snowball to build people. Normal snowballs go toward solving debt, a reverse snowball would be building up dependables
- keep putting more tools in the shed
- offer different services including basic web sites
- if is easier to sell a full package vs. every possible module or special service
- as more and more technology comes to pass, we could roll more and more features together
- skate where the puck will be or is going to be
- working towards an unlimited model - what do you want and need - it is all included
- model of a base starting point and then charge for storage, processing, and bandwidth - fee based usage
- get some percentage things in place with our inner adilas family members
- as more and more clients use our services, we could even drop our prices.
- we need to head to more mobile
- Steve and I were playing with some numbers and projects - that is fun to play with some of the numbers - maybe look more into this and keep pushing and forecasting - make it more of a plan/possibilities
- the footprint - what impact are you on the company's earnings
- there are tons of other possible services such as storage, migration, cold storage, custom code, consulting, training, setup, ecommerce, usage, bandwidth, etc.
- allow clients to virtually manage and/or drive their own systems - what do they want, what do they want to call it, how much, how many, how long, how much data, what other needs and/or wiring?
- keep building on a generic model. we can then add skins, templates, and themes to help customize for different verticals
- gps tracking and other 3rd party options. white labeling and other options.
- keep building - piece by piece - slow and steady wins the race
- sometimes it comes back to permissions, settings, and relationships
- there may end up being more and more API socket connections - plan for that and help sew things together.
- remember training and helping others see the vision of what is going on and the potential that is out there
- keep building towards full world building pieces and concepts
- mini conversions, sub inventory, sub part categories, qr codes, etc. Technology keeps going, we need to keep playing and trying to advance the ball.
- Try to take things more and more to the dynamic level. Settings, permissions, database stuff, and underlying backend structure.
- other project coming down the pipe line - tiered pricing matrix stuff, sub inventory options for ecommerce, more balance sheet stuff (watchers and feeders), more stuff with elements of time (rentals, reservations, gps, rfid tag, sub payroll, sub "any" assignments).