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Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 12/5/2016 1:05 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 2047
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Adilas Time
Start Date/Time: 12/12/2016 9:00 am
End Date/Time: 12/12/2016 12:00 pm
Main Status: Active

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On a GoToMeeting session with Steve. We talked about direction and where we want to head in the coming months. We also looked over the adilas YouTube media/content player, we setup a cannabis specific site (just the folders and rough structure), and we also talked about training events.

Steve would like us to strip off the code from the page and start being able to collect monies to help with daily training events. We also talked about how my dad volunteered to find us venues for our training classes.

Shannon got on the call. We talked about some progress on the videos that she, Dave Forbis, Russell, and Chris Johnnie. Shannon showed us the link to the current google drive videos.

We talked about the difference between in-person vs. webinar (web based training). We are seeing the need for the live sessions (they enjoy the connection with the people). Who, where, when? We need to offer the live events, even if they aren't fully attended.

Build out the adilas university video library and the user guide. Make it easy to use and help train the trainers there. One of the unknown values is how do you help someone to stay on and keep going. Shannon mentioned Dave Forbis and Shari O. as up and coming helpers for tech support stuff. Also, Nick and Alan (both developers do have some great teaching skills). I could also be more a consultant and trainer type person.

One of the major challenged is how fast things change. We shoot a video or write a help file and then things change. How do you keep up? What a good question...

We have some great users... that is good and bad. We also don't have any standard certifications and/or train the trainer type stuff. Some of these people have some major skills but might be liabilities on the other hand.

What about the adilas marketplace and the adilas university? We may be going too fast for our own good. What would happen if we totally slowed down and sell what we have? We build and build but are somewhat unable to slow down and tell people what we have to offer. What is the master plan? Do we already have it written down but just need to follow it or do we need to redefine it?

We are seeing a change in the way that the system flows... We are getting more API socket calls, we are getting shortcuts, we are seeing more black box stuff, more developer specific code. We need to tell Shannon and Shari O. Who is going to do this new training? We may need to recruit who made it to help do the training. Make that part of the process. Slow things down a bit.

The developer's notebook is kinda splitting now as well. We have elements of time in adilas university, adilas, and in the adilas shop section. How are we going to bring all of that together. We have things fracturing and splitting all around us. That is part of the game, we need to allow and accept that. How are we going to deal with that?

Sustainable pace - slow and steady wins the race. Maybe keep looking at the process and judge the pace and needs accordingly. People have the potential to let you down. The only person we can truly trust is God. We can then give trust to other people. Make him your main stable anchor and then extend to others. If all else fails, then the sure anchor will still hold fast.

I would rather be a trusting person and then be betrayed vs. not being a trusting person from the get go. Quote from Shannon who got it from an apostle (lightly tweaked). We are looking for a loyalty and commitment level of sorts. We do have to be picky. It comes down to a balance and a relationship. Take your time and start to build from there. Relationships take time. That is ok, build it everyday. We make the choices and strengthen and exercise those choices everyday.