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Media Name | File Type | Date | Description | |
OverviewAdilasOtherBusinessPlans.docx | Doc/Text | 3/19/2024 | Overview and notes for the Other Business Plans section. We tried to tie this in to the bigger picture and help extend an invitation for people to come and participate at the level they can/want. | |
OverviewAdilasLiteFracture.docx | Doc/Text | 3/19/2024 | Our overview and notes for the Adilas Lite and Fracture plans. We have a bunch of additional notes below the overview we created but wanted to get this uploaded so we can push it to the website. |
Working with Shannon. We finished up the adilas lite (fracture) project overviews. We then pushed up the overviews to the correct pages. That is awesome, we've been working hard on some of these overviews. Here's a list of projects. They are not done yet (as of right now) but we are making progress and getting things planned out. Adilas Lite - Main Homepage |