Everyone knows that training and education are valuable, possibly even more valuable then the product itself. Both education and training are about helping people to be successful utilizing the Adilas application. We see education as one of the legs of a three legged stool. The three legs would be, one - the system and it's features, two - the clients and the users, and three - the education and the training to make the system usable for the clients.
Adilas has spent immense amounts of time building new pieces and features and can do a ton of different things. It is amazing what the system can do! However, there has been a lack of building out the education and training to match. Training does exist but has mainly been accomplished by independent reps working with clients to help them use the system. In order for the Adilas application to become more usable we need to start focusing on this education and training aspect of the three legged stool.
The Adilas University project will end up covering both internal and external training options to fit the growing needs and wants of the Adilas community. Our plan is to create this Adilas University website as the standard place to come for all training needs. There we will simplify ways and processes to get to training such as: organize and categorize topics, have focused video tutorials on specific tasks, offer virtual events, help to coordinate live training offerings, give industry specific help, store and share SOPs (standard operating procedures), and more. This is just a sample of what this project will contain because it has so much potential and depth. We may not even scratch the surface here. This will be super cool!