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Sort Value: Developer's Notebook Report - 7/1/2022 to 7/31/2022 - (43)
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Shop 9179 Emails 7/4/2022  

Emails and phone calls. Talking with Steve about Marisa and what our possible plans with her might be. Good stuff. I then sent her an email with some thoughts.

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Shop 9180 Changes to a custom data export 7/4/2022  

New upload with some code changes for 710 Labs and Hoodie Analytics. Small re-work and changed the logic on 4 fields for sub inventory. Pushed up new files and sent emails to both Wayne and the client.

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Adi 2204 Add TS OPE Dealer to black box for TSF 7/6/2022  
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Shop 9170 Bi monthly Budget Meeting 7/7/2022  
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Shop 9130 Adilas Time 7/11/2022  

Paying bills and going through tons of emails, after being out of the office for a week. Got a request from Shari O. to add in a custom email address for the High Valley Bike Shuttle. Went in and added that email address and hardcoded it as an option in the backend code. Pushed up new files.

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Shop 9175 Brandon projects 7/11/2022  

Meeting with Cory. Talking about new settings and being able to get those new settings fully tested. We talked about getting some of our clients to help with some of the testing (things that they had asked for). We covered a number of other topics in our meeting as well. Here is a short list.

- Slow pages and how the inventory quantity/count snapshot (mini aggregate) should really help with some of those pages.

- Looking into possible negative loyalty points. We ended up finding that there was a gap between when we did a face lift on the add cart payment page and when the bug was reported. The actual bug got fixed very quickly, but there was a couple of months that it went undetected. The bug was not showing an error, but was not running the full validation on the loyalty payments and amounts. During that time period, the system would not run the validation routine on the submit cart buttons (either enable/disable) based on the logic. The bug happened due to us adding a new button, for connivence, but the underlying JavaScript would no longer work because there were two buttons now, both with the same name/id. All of the logic up to that point was fine, it was just the final check before submitting the cart that had broken. Anyways, there are ways of manually adjusting things, it is just unfortunate that the hole was open for so long. We will also be building a new report that shows sums per person to help find possible problems.

- Cory and I were talking about the change in the adilas corporation structure. We have been going more towards an MMLLC (multi member LLC). We talked about the options of having both the MMLLC and normal 1099ers and possible employer/employees. We may end up with a hybrid type model. Along with this topic, we were also discussing possible liabilities that may be coming, based on different scenarios and decisions. Some of the pieces of this topic can get very sticky and emotions can run deep (pros and cons - for and against - certain models and structures).

- We also spent some time talking about picking our battles and how to best help users, owners, clients, etc. - while still keeping things moving and within budgets.

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Shop 9176 Review Bowling spec sheet project 7/11/2022  

Sean, Chuck, Cory, Shari O., and I were on a meeting. Shari O. came in a little bit later after the rest of us had started. The goal was to talk about and look at options for creating some industry specific tables and logic to hold bowling ball drilling specs (important pieces for the bowling industry). I was taking notes and the others were chiming in with questions, feedback, and ideas. Good little brainstorming meeting.

Here are a couple of topics of discussion:

- We have some really old screenshots of some bowling specific software that looks like it was developed in the 1980's or 1990's - looks like old windows stuff.

- Talking about options by using flex attributes - (real in-line database extensions). Those are fairly new and are unlimited, but they are only currently developed as a one-to-one relationship (you only get one set of unlimited data points) vs a one-to-many relationship where you could have one customer and they could have many balls or different drill patterns. We would also have to go in and setup these flex attributes per corporation. We went over some other pros and cons there.

- We could use flex grid tie-ins or even limited flex grid tie-ins, but we cap out at 30 custom fields. They can be used as one-to-many relationships and already have a ton of flexibility and features built in. Possible option.

- Currently, one of our bowling customers is using an old school paper type model. They print out a form, fill it in, and then scan and upload and attach it to a specific customer. They can upload as many new images as needed. They could also use PDF, Word docs, Excel files, etc. - using media/content vs photo uploads. These options exist right now at no additional cost, just some training. The downside here is that each photo or scan is not searchable. It exists but you can't search for patterns or combine things.

- We talked about a budget of between $2,000 and $4,000 ish to get a custom project up and running. This would include onsite research, planning, designing, development, and even some reporting. Just guessing without more info at this point.

- We have a number of resources (people in the bowling industry) that could help and guide us. That is huge. We just haven't really tapped into it yet.

- Chuck had some great questions about other service type industries and how they track their repairs and custom jobs - ski shops, bike shops, etc. Maybe look at what it would take to do and/or extend things out to other industries. Good insight.

We closed the meeting and both Cory and Sean are going to poke around with some of our contacts and see what we come up with. As it develops, we may setup other meetings to keep pushing the project forward.

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Shop 9181 Working with Shari O. 7/11/2022  

Working with Shari O. on some custom email stuff. We found a small typo and got it fixed for a client. After that we spent some time talking and listening to each other. Sometimes you need a shoulder to cry on and/or an ear to bend (light venting and verbalizing frustrations). Good stuff. As a side note, Mrs. Shari O. helped save me, numerous times, when I was so overwhelmed that I didn't know what to do and where to turn. She was able to see my pleas and virtually read through the lines. That is a great skill to have. Shari O. is feeling some weight right now with the state of Colorado and unemployment type stuff. Some of this comes back to how adilas is organized and how we are claiming certain relationships with our guys/gals (co-owners, 1099ers, or employees). There is some debate on the subject and it is affecting Mrs. Shari O. I'm really glad that she cares and wants to do the right things. I'm a big fan of Shari O. and what she does, for everyone on the team. She's a huge asset and it hurts to see her under a big stress load.

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Shop 9178 check and push code 7/11/2022  

Meeting with Bryan. Looking at some custom code for Trailer Solutions. They have some special custom flex grid tie-ins that have been coded into their process (all custom code stuff). Bryan was pushing that even further. We merged and pushed up some new code.

Spent some time talking about new and old settings for automating the invoice due dates and automating emails. All part of the invoice due date project that finally got launched a month or so ago. It is amazing how many steps and iterations each project takes to get it fully down the road.

Towards the end of the meeting, Bryan was showing me some work that his brother does for marketing, videos, and sales campaigns. Just throwing around ideas and Bryan giving me a small pitch to see if Adilas would like to do something like that. I told him that we would have to check out the return on investment (ROI), costs, timelines, and market research. Bryan may be pitching something similar to Steve and the sales team.

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Shop 9182 Recording Notes 7/11/2022  

Recording notes from the day. I have been out of town for family stuff, all last week. Trying to stay caught up with things. Lots of moving pieces. More email stuff.

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Adi 2206 Loyalty points summary report 7/13/2022  

Will have a single look back date ie 7/1/22. Pull all records for loyalty points. 

Customer name with sum, need to drill down to to their transactions. Also need data table so it can be exported.
Add link to 



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Adi 2207 Fixing the random error on DAO instantiation 7/14/2022  
I created a new branch today (WLA/Caching) and have implemented a method within the ClassFactoryService object that will instantiate and cache the DAOS on application start and then  return them on request.

You can see how it works by looking at the line of code in the Service and Object classes that set the DAO for the class.

It works well and I believe that it has a very good shot at making this error go away as well as having somewhat of a positive impact on server memory usage.

The DAOs are a perfect candidate for this kind of thing since they are general and essentially static, we may find an even better use for this if it works the way that I believe that it will.

Wayne added this in to the Setting Service update and merged it to Herbo and data 16. We tested and have the green light to upload to all servers Tuesday, July 19th
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Shop 9132 Adilas Time 7/19/2022  

Back after a week off for my daughter's wedding. Everything went well and we had a good time.

I joined the morning meeting and Sean was the only one on there. We chatted for a bit and he gave me a small overview of some of the happenings. Good stuff. After that, John joined and we chatted about things as well. John would really like us to be more internally transparent and have some meetings to update everybody as to new accounts, lost accounts, plans, budgets, and just general update. I told him that both Steve and I have been out of pocket for about two weeks due to family stuff, weddings, and summer vacations. We'll get back to it and see if we can schedule something.

After we were done talking, I jumped into my email stuff. I had over 150+ new emails to go through. That always takes some time.

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Shop 9183 Weekly server meeting 7/19/2022  

Reporting on the new AFB services and settings. Wayne has been working on a number of big setting projects dealing with corp-wide settings, AFB (adilas for business) settings, and other big database tables. Cory has been very grateful for other servers and being able to stage and work through the deployment processes on these new changes. Basically, getting a staging and testing server type approach in place and working.

Another big thing that Cory was happy about was the ability to include some of our customers and clients in the testing process. This is great for custom code and special usage on certain pages (logic and flow). It does take a little bit longer, but we get good results and less tech support and client care issues.

As part of the server meeting, Wayne, Cory, John, and I were talking about different things that are going on with the servers. For the most part, things are going quite well. That is awesome. We talked about memory management, backend garbage collection routines, code management, and other server related things.

Wayne reported on his DAO (data or database access objects) project and using the on application start functionality for global variables and fixed data structures. Wayne requested that we send him a list of developers and their email addresses. He wants to create an email group for us to use for internal communications. We also talked about making sure that all of the instructions and information is listed in the adilas docs.

Developer's make tools - that is what they do. Being able to harness some of those tools to help each other. We also talked a bunch about standardizing flow and code. We talked about security issues and who has access to what and where things (data and info) are stored. We actually have two sets of docs - the server docs (major backend stuff) and the normal adilas docs (open to all of our developers). Right now, only certain persons have access to the server docs, for security purposes.

We talked about new corp-wide server settings and getting that info into the docs. Wayne has revised that process and created new database tables to help with future expansion. As a side note, there are multiple different levels for settings. We are currently seeing corp-wide settings (way up at the world level), group-wide settings (setting for all of the 12 main player groups), page level settings (mostly custom JSON objects and settings), and user level settings (settings on a per person or per user basis).

Our next major topic was manual testing vs automated testing. Talking about bug tracking and moving into a more standardized way of tracking and doing things. Every team goes through different phases and levels. They are forming, storming, norming, and performing. I can feel a big push to help normalize and standardize things. It feels like our team is going through that part of the team development cycle. The environment keeps changing and we feel like we are never getting to the performing (well-oiled machine) level. Kinda interesting.

More topics of discussion: What are our processes? The true costs of testing? Should we make a more rigid code sign-off process? and What about running automated testing and requirements there? Some good topics and good discussions. Who gets to merge things into master? Who is going to enforce and teach the different things (requirements and best practices)? Lots of questions.

Along with the discussions on testing, we talked about making and spending the time to help teach our guys and gals how to write good tests. The real value of testing comes in the form of virtual insurance... if things change, does it still work in multiple different situations. We tend to test quite well for the basic conditions and scenarios. It's those darn edge cases and variations (one-off's). Implementing automated testing has an upfront cost but pays out over time. Wayne would like us to look at the broader picture and bigger scope vs just the projects that are before us.

Towards the end of the meeting, Cory was pushing other projects forward and trying to nail down some scheduling and key steppingstones. She is doing a great job trying to organize and help us all out. Along the way, Wayne was suggesting that we take some of what is working really well and make it into our standard default. Whether it was dealing with testing, deployment, staging, or timing of new rollouts and releases.

One of our biggest variables is how many variables there are to look at and take into consideration. We have different people, different companies, different industries, and all of them run and do things slightly different. That is both a pro and a con. We also need to look at user data - some is small, minimal, or tons, full, and even bulging at the seams. That too creates more variables. Settings and permissions are how we manage these parts, pieces, processes, and logic.

Wayne and John are going to be working together to get some training accomplished on doing automated tests and what we want all of the other developers to do. Trying to get on the same page for testing and other processes and standards. Making progress. Good meeting.

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Shop 9192 General 7/19/2022  

Paying bills, going though tons of emails, recording notes from earlier today, and trying to clear off my plate from being gone for a daughter's wedding. Everything keeps going, with or without you... run fast, and try to keep up...

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Shop 9129 Adilas Time 7/20/2022  

Sean and were on the morning meeting and talking about Bridgerland (BTech) Technical College and options that exist there. They, asked for a demo and Sean was asking for some feedback and some insight. We did some demos for them 2-3 years ago. They have been great to us (as a company) and we would love to help them with tracking their data and business needs. We chatted for over 45 minutes. Eventually, I jumped into adilas and added a whole bunch of client log notes on ideas, connections, known needs, and possible future options. That was really fun.

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Shop 9153 Meeting with Chuck 7/20/2022  

Small work session with Chuck. The primary topic was code review, testing, and deploying the subs of time page. That is the latest page that Chuck has been working on. We made a few small tweaks and pushed the new file up to all servers.

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Shop 9187 Trailer Solutions Research 7/20/2022  

Working with Eric on a custom API data solution. He is working with the client almost in a technical data consultant type roll. Kinda of interesting. We spent quite a bit of time talking about possible API data solutions. We already have a bunch of the needed pieces, we may have to add a few small custom ones but it is already close to what is needed.

Just for fun - here are a few of the features that they are needing for their custom API socket solution. Add/edit and search main customers, add/edit and search customer contacts (subs of the main customer), add/edit and search flex grid tie-ins, and add/edit media/content. Lots of moving pieces.

After that, we were talking briefly talking about the inventory snapshot project (inventory quantity mini aggregate project).

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Shop 9194 Date and time pickers with Chuck 7/20/2022  

Met with Chuck to go over options for a new date picker and time picker. We made a small plan and then started to work through splitting things up into different pages (smaller include files). We did some light testing and then started working through the process. Good little work session. Chuck has all of the new code on his computer.

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Shop 9193 check and push code 7/20/2022  

Looking at code with Bryan for a change on the email history report. We pushed up some code that worked locally. We then had to back pedal and roll it back because it wouldn't work on the live production servers. We will have to redo it and try it again later. We have to figure out the different between the test and live environments (could be data or code or both). Anyways, we got it back to a stable level and will do another pass on it.

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Shop 9128 Adilas Time 7/21/2022  

Steve and Sean were checking in on sales and what not. They were making plans and talking about people (those who are pushing on sales and making contacts). Sean was asking Steve about changing their sales focus to more of the production, manufacturing, and cultivation type models. There is tons of competition in the POS (point of sale) space. We can do it, and do a lot of cart type stuff, but we are much deeper than just a POS. We are trying to find our niche and where we are best suited. Some of these cultivations and manufacturing companies need deep water and have lots of moving pieces and intertwined relationships. The deeper the better.

Cory and Sean were going over gram control scenarios and showing some potential issues with Steve. He has been the primary developer on the gram control project. Lots of talk about vendors not supplying product weights and levels. There are some data syncing problems (multiple parties all trying to be synced up - adilas, outside vendors, and state compliance systems). Some of it deals with a lack of data (from the vendors) and some of it relates to user error or other missing pieces (logic and code). It gets kind of crazy. Cory was also showing us some other tech support issues. We are constantly trying to refine things.

Small talk about a reverse discount (aka a mark-up or a price plus %) based on a customer type (higher level). Either negative discounts or adding in a switch - normal discount (lower the price by a %), mark-up over cost (add the % over and above the current cost), or mark-up over price (increased price based on a %). Just playing with ideas. Steve is going to play around with some of these ideas and concepts. As part of the process, I warned him that it would affect the cart, invoices, quotes, ecommerce, and other after the fact type actions. Along with these pieces, there needs to be reports and ways to get back at the data transactions and the data aggregates (sums, counts, and averages).

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Shop 9196 Working on bulk flex grid tools 7/21/2022  

Emails and other small to do list items. Flipped over and started working on the bulk edit flex grid tools for the bike shuttle company. Working on building out the dynamic sub flex options and drop-down menus for the flex fields. It's pretty deep. Trying to map things out before jumping. Mostly prep work and small changes.

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Shop 9197 Up the character limit on searching for customers - while starting a new cart 7/21/2022  

We had a request to up the max character count for the customer search - when creating a new invoice. I wrote back (to Michael Webber of McCorvey's) about the advanced search and the quick search. Those exist right now, maybe we could up the max to 10 or 12 and it would help out. Just a thought! We have had other requests to do the same thing. People feel limited by the 4 character limit.

Here is what I wrote in the email back to Michael:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the note and the request. Please see the attached image and screenshot. I added some notes to help you out. The answer may be a slight retraining of your guys and gals. There is an option, right below the existing one, that has all of the power that you are requesting. You only fill out the info that you want, leave the rest blank. Both the simple and the advanced searched go to the exact same search results place.

Please try that out and see how that works. Another free option is to use the quick search. There is no limit using the quick search. The only thing that it can't do is blend first and last names. For example: You could totally search for "Webber" or "Michael" and it would find you. However, if you tried "Michael Webber" it won't be able to match that up with a database record because both Michael and Webber are stored in different database fields. I hope that make sense.

The quick search is super powerful and has tons of options that you may or may not know about. Here is a quick and simple help file with some tips and tricks for using the quick search.


Small update on 7/27/22 - Michael wrote me back via email and requested that we remove the limit. We decided that it was a good idea and took off all of the 4-character limits on the fields for both customer searches and vendor/payee searches. New code and changes were made and pushed up to all servers today on 7/27/22.

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Shop 9199 Back on the bulk flex grid tools 7/21/2022  

Working on bulk flex grid tie-in tools for doing bulk edits for the bike shuttle company. This is custom code but may end up being part of the whole. Working through some of the dynamics. Small work session.

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Shop 9188 Brandon, Steve and Cory discuss projects 7/21/2022  

Long meeting between Steve, Cory, and I. Cory was reporting on tons of different projects and getting our input and suggestions. We covered tons of different topics. Here are some of my notes (from 10 pages of post-it notes - didn't know it/we would cover so much). The original meeting was only setup for an hour. It went a wee bit over... :)

- Talking about tons of custom label options. More talks about what to do with Calvin's custom label builder. We've spent a lot of money there and want to really get a return on that investment.

- We talked about bringing projects more internally with our guys and breaking things into smaller and smaller pieces.

- On labels, we had a request to be able to do serialized labels (up or modify counts and counters based on batches or packages).

- Using tons of our existing tools and refining those pieces. We have a ton of tools in the shed (virtually).

- Lots and lots of talks about breaking up the bigger projects into multiple smaller pieces. Along with that, we need to be able to charge money for bigger estimates. Everything takes time and effort. Either that or be able to recoup the amount within the bid or estimate.

- If we are doing real custom work, we need to charge for that. Often, we end up taking a hit.

- The trend seems to be (globally) transactions and details going into aggregates and summaries. We have had so many 3rd party analytical companies wanting to use our API sockets to harvest and use our great data sets. We would like to do a bunch of that analytical work inhouse vs farming it out to a 3rd party. All of these 3rd parties are just working for individual companies, but you can see the trend happening. Our clients are really wanting to get to the business intelligence level (BI) for viewing their data, snapshots, counts, summaries, and other aggregated data or stats.

- We went over some pros and cons of using the adilas API sockets. Back and forth on monetizing those channels and also making sure that they don't get abused or flooded.

- Lots of talks about the item catalog and the image catalog. As we use more and more API sockets, we could really use bigger and bigger bulk tools to help with data standardization and speed of deployment. Lots of positives. We, as a company, could also sell more systems if we brought in the enterprise level (way up - cascading info down to lower systems). Good stuff.

- More bulk standard tools. This just adds to the votes for building out the value add-on core model with different levels. Just as a recap - the value add-on core model deals with 5 known levels. They are: 1. Transaction core (current adilas system), 2. Industry specific skin, tools, and features. 3. Any custom code on top of the main system. 4. BI - Business Intelligence levels (stats, sums, counts, averages, mins, maxes, aggregates), and 5. Enterprise levels - connecting multiple worlds in a hierarchical type system (roll ups, roll downs, transaction corps/worlds, aggregates and sum corps/worlds - also dealing with permissions and access). We really want this type of a system for our future fracture project. We already have a number of pieces to this project (all kinds of prototypes spread all around the system), it just isn't all put together. That would be so awesome, clean, powerful, and hopefully pretty!

- We spent some time talking about our clients. Sometimes they get pretty creative. That is both good and bad. If they get creative, and find errors or break things, we just fix them and keep going. Other times, they totally use certain tools in ways we never would have imagined and/or foreseen. That can get interesting.

- There have been some requests for bulk tools for updating sub attributes and bulk sub inventory tools.

- Cory kept asking - Who are we? We tend to build generally but then we have all of these industry specific demands that keep coming at us. It makes it really hard to know where to focus. We really need to decide who we are and then hopefully that or those choices will help guide us.

- Dealing with Metrc (state compliance systems), we've had the request to build out more individual user type functions. This is dealing with more employee/user type permissions and settings. Currently, most of our Metrc transactions are done on a corporation or world level. The new requests are to do the exact same things but break it down on a per person basis. That sounds awesome, but that could be hundreds of thousands of dollars in development. We would have to create the one-to-many relationship, make sure that they were valid, then sync up users and permissions between systems in order to play. Then, to further make it kinda crazy, you would have to check user permissions (remotely) then attempt the connection, then if it failed, figure out if there was a global (higher up) option that you could do so that it wouldn't break all of our code and processes. It could be a huge project. Lots of unknowns. As part of this project, we would also have to add more history tables, who did what, who changed what, who has permission to do what, and making sure that each individual keeps their keys and tokens updated. It sounds like a small nightmare.

- We seem to build in general and then use it specifically as needed. Custom code on top of our own standard package, tool, or feature.

- Going over the cost of building and building. One you have to build it, then you have to maintain it, and upgrade and support it. The costs keep increasing. This topic lead us back to questions about who are we and where should we be focusing?

- There is a growing need to use asynchronous type loading like AJAX or some way of breaking huge datasets into smaller pieces. It is totally common for us to need to show or export 10,000+ or even 100,000+ records at a time. The current process tries to take that whole thing as a single bite or single attempt. It's just too large and slows things down.

- Some time was spent talking about loyalty points and keeping track of the total liability. More talk about other reports that show sums, grouped values, look-back capable reports, and using ACV (actual cash value) for recording loyalty points. We do a bunch of that, just refining the process and making it even smoother.

- Need for messaging or using the message marketing features that we have already built. There is a growing need for push notification and two-way communications outside of the main app or website. The client portal is growing in needs and options. More mobile ready or full mobile pieces are going to be coming down the pipeline. Everything seems to be trending in that direction.

- Question - do we fill in the gaps on functionality or try to update the look and feel? It sure would be awesome if we could virtually turn things on/off based on the UI (user interface) and settings. We would love to set things up super simply and then let the users add on or take away from our smaller base level. A new mini version of the shopping cart is in great need of these fracture type level settings. Start small and simple and then let the users build on or configure things as needed. Hide anything that we can unless asked for. Then when it is done (using the tool or feature), it can be hidden again. Every page needs show/hide options on a per page or per section level. Totally customized.

- Along with the show/hide options talked about above, it would be so cool to show all of the options and then say - what do you want? You tell us. More fracture stuff (where we are headed). Mountains and iceberg analogy stuff (it still needs to be there, but what is shown and/or exposed).

- We talked about extra costs and prices for some of the other add-on tools and functions. Some of our stuff (tools and features) takes a major amount of work and effort. We would love to sell more training, consulting, automation, and other professional services.

- News and updates and the importance of keeping our users up to date and informed. This seems to be a constant need and keeps evolving. Content and making and creating new content (creation and maintenance).

- Lots of talks about prioritizing efforts for different persons (parties). Diving out responsibilities and sharing info across departments and across people (users).

- Using videos - the value of education and training. Selling our other services. Scheduling and setting up ongoing training efforts. We would love to make lots of polished smaller videos. Laying it all out for our clients (on demand education or just in time education). We could really use our website to toot our stuff for different business verticals. For example: Revamping our manufacturing site and pages. We can handle... (fill in the blank) for manufacturing or whatever. That is a deep pool (manufacturing and production type businesses). The trend seems to be leading us more in that direction.

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Shop 9184 Steve, Cory, Brandon-Catch up on projects and updates 7/25/2022  

Meeting with Cory. We were talking about projects for Eric. We also want to get back to Calvin's label builder (review and make a plan). Other tech support stuff.

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Shop 9135 Adilas Time 7/26/2022  

Steve, Sean, Shari O., John, and I were all on the meeting. We were touching base on a number of different subjects. Towards the end, I had some Internet issues and got kicked off.

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Shop 9189 Weekly server meeting 7/26/2022  

Wayne and Cory were touching base on servers and schedules for server updates and changes. They are planning on going live with a number of different things and projects. John and Wayne were touching base on server config files. Wayne was showing us some of his new setting stuff and talking about the need for more automated testing.

At the end, John was giving us an update on the discount engine and progress there. We talked a little bit about the want and need to get into graphs, data analytics, and other aggregates. That seems to be a growing trend that we are seeing. Get me the data quick and pretty and then I'll be on my way...

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Shop 9287 Helping Chuck 7/26/2022  

Helping Chuck with his local development environment. Light debugging. He ended up having a setting on his local database too tight, dealing with group by limitations. We didn't get it all solved, but got him going in a good direction.

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Shop 9201 check and push code 7/26/2022  

Working with Bryan on his email history reports and changes.

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Shop 9198 Demo with a client 7/26/2022  

Zoom meeting with BTech (Bridgerland Technical College). Sean, Steve, John, and I were on from the adilas side. They had a couple of rooms with folks from the BTech side. Good back and forth - virtually a Q and A session mixed with a small demo of certain things. Questions ranged from products, services, cafe, meat lab, bookstore, corporations, locations, worlds, label printing, custom POS buttons, layering interfaces and options, shopping carts, and possible custom solutions. We also talked about flex grid and being able to tie in sponsors to students and tracking certain items that are on the sponsor (paid for) list.

Originally the demo was just going to be an hour. It went for over 2 hours. Lots of Q and A. Steve and Sean will get back with them and work out quote details. Good meeting.

As a side note, we are going in and fixing certain pages and systems. One that really needs some loving (on our end) is the shopping cart interface. It is super powerful, but it doesn't look the greatest or have a simple feel to it. We need to smooth that out a bit. We have known this for quite some time, it is just a huge $10K+ project to fully make the whole things configurable and super dynamic while still keeping the functionality. Keep going and we'll fill in the gaps as we go... build on what we have! - That is for me... :)

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Shop 9288 Helping Eric push up some code 7/26/2022  

Merging in some code for Eric. I had to physically make a small change and push it live to all servers.

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Shop 9289 Pushing up code with Bryan 7/26/2022  

Pushing up code with Bryan. We had to do it after hours and do a small tag team process to make it work. We merged in code, pushed it to a single server, ran some database updates, flushed application variables, and synced up some database tables. Kind of a 1, 2, 3 step dance. These changes were dealing with the email history and automated email project. Late night.

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Shop 9131 Adilas Time 7/27/2022  

Eric was checking in and asking about how to use Steve's new time clock report. We went over a few expectations and talked for a bit. After that, John and I chatted for a bit about where things are at and where we are headed as a company.

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Shop 9154 Meeting with Chuck 7/27/2022  

Chuck and I spent some time checking code and merging in the first round of code for a new date-picker and new time-pickers. Good stuff. We pushed up just shy of 30 new files with more to go in the next few rounds.

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Shop 9285 Going over projects 7/27/2022  

Chuck, John, and I chatting and going over upcoming projects. After Chuck left, just John and I spent some time talking about projects (current and up coming) and certain code choices that we are making.

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Shop 9286 Clean-up and to do list stuff 7/27/2022  

Two different projects. One was expanding the max character length for customer and vendor searches. Took off the old max of 4 characters for the searches and opened up the fields to allow for unlimited characters, in the search field. Pushed up code and let Michael Webber from McCorvey's Pro Shop (bowling supplies) know about the new change. He had requested an increase there on those pages.

Fixing some data for Cory. 710 Labs had one sub inventory item that got double booked. Made a backend data change for the client. This took about 45 minutes to find it, change it, and make sure everything was good to go.

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Shop 9202 Brandon and Cory review label maker 7/27/2022  

Work session on Calvin's custom label builder. I took a bunch of notes. Cory and I were doing a virtual tool beat-up drill and pushing on the adilas label builder - prototype. John was in the background working on his own projects. At the end, he and I talked a little bit about the code and what kind of backend needs will come into play as we dive in deeper on this project. We have spent over $20,000 on this project but it still needs a little bit more. Trying to figure out what it does and what we want it to do. Good session.

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Shop 9134 Adilas Time 7/28/2022  

Steve wanted all of us that were on the demo yesterday to record our time. He is wanting to keep track of time that it takes to land a client. Sean had a couple of bugs that he wanted to show us. We watched and then directed him to talk with different developers who may know more about what is going on for the different sections. One was dealing with emails and custom links. The other one was dealing with accounts receivable (A/R's) and invoice due dates and aging.

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Shop 9270 check and push code 7/28/2022  

Emails and research. Then working with Bryan on some table column spans and alignment issues. He showed me a number of scenarios and how things were looking and lining up. This was all dealing with invoice sub totals, taxes, and grand totals. The main switch was whether or not a line item and/or invoice had sub inventory and sub attributes being displayed. The code was looking good, so we merge it into the master code branch. Pushed it up to all servers.

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Shop 9177 Budget Meeting 7/28/2022  

Budget meeting with the admin team. We have Steve, Cory, Shari O., and myself. We went over numbers, spreadsheets, revenue, expenses, forecasting, and other budget stuff. I took a bunch of notes and sent them out after the meeting. Hopefully we are getting into a performing groove and making progress. Sometimes it is hard to tell, but we are making progress and things seem to be smoothing out.

On sales, they (the sales team) are switching from group meetings to individual meetings to help the guys and gals focus directly on what they are doing and are good at. That is a change. There was also quite a bit of talk about future development and direction that we are wanting to go. We will continue to keep seeking outside funding on much of that enterprise and higher-level stuff. There seems to be a number of folks and companies that are looking for those bigger bulk or enterprise level tools.

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Shop 9276 Emails 7/29/2022  

Emails and follow-ups.

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Shop 9277 More emails 7/29/2022  

Email out to BTech (Bridgerland) with some local contact for companies that use