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Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Cory Warden
Created Date/Time: 7/1/2022 12:54 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 9175
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Brandon projects
Start Date/Time: 7/11/2022 10:00 am
End Date/Time: 7/11/2022 11:00 am
Main Status: Active

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Meeting with Cory. Talking about new settings and being able to get those new settings fully tested. We talked about getting some of our clients to help with some of the testing (things that they had asked for). We covered a number of other topics in our meeting as well. Here is a short list.

- Slow pages and how the inventory quantity/count snapshot (mini aggregate) should really help with some of those pages.

- Looking into possible negative loyalty points. We ended up finding that there was a gap between when we did a face lift on the add cart payment page and when the bug was reported. The actual bug got fixed very quickly, but there was a couple of months that it went undetected. The bug was not showing an error, but was not running the full validation on the loyalty payments and amounts. During that time period, the system would not run the validation routine on the submit cart buttons (either enable/disable) based on the logic. The bug happened due to us adding a new button, for connivence, but the underlying JavaScript would no longer work because there were two buttons now, both with the same name/id. All of the logic up to that point was fine, it was just the final check before submitting the cart that had broken. Anyways, there are ways of manually adjusting things, it is just unfortunate that the hole was open for so long. We will also be building a new report that shows sums per person to help find possible problems.

- Cory and I were talking about the change in the adilas corporation structure. We have been going more towards an MMLLC (multi member LLC). We talked about the options of having both the MMLLC and normal 1099ers and possible employer/employees. We may end up with a hybrid type model. Along with this topic, we were also discussing possible liabilities that may be coming, based on different scenarios and decisions. Some of the pieces of this topic can get very sticky and emotions can run deep (pros and cons - for and against - certain models and structures).

- We also spent some time talking about picking our battles and how to best help users, owners, clients, etc. - while still keeping things moving and within budgets.