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Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 7/21/2022 1:19 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Time Id: 9197
Template/Type: Ideas & Special Notes
Title/Caption: Up the character limit on searching for customers - while starting a new cart
Start Date: 7/21/2022
Main Status: Active

click to enlarge - photo by: Brandon Moore - Quick screenshot to show a basic and advanced customer search options for starting new shopping carts. As a side note, this is still in the older or classic style vs the newer look and feel. The layout is different in the newer look and feel.

Uploaded Media/Content & Other Files (1)
Media Name   File Type Date Description
customer_search_options_expanded.jpg   Image/JPEG 7/21/2022 Full sized image and screenshot for searching for customers when assigning a customer to the shopping cart. This screenshot is in the older classic mode.


We had a request to up the max character count for the customer search - when creating a new invoice. I wrote back (to Michael Webber of McCorvey's) about the advanced search and the quick search. Those exist right now, maybe we could up the max to 10 or 12 and it would help out. Just a thought! We have had other requests to do the same thing. People feel limited by the 4 character limit.

Here is what I wrote in the email back to Michael:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the note and the request. Please see the attached image and screenshot. I added some notes to help you out. The answer may be a slight retraining of your guys and gals. There is an option, right below the existing one, that has all of the power that you are requesting. You only fill out the info that you want, leave the rest blank. Both the simple and the advanced searched go to the exact same search results place.

Please try that out and see how that works. Another free option is to use the quick search. There is no limit using the quick search. The only thing that it can't do is blend first and last names. For example: You could totally search for "Webber" or "Michael" and it would find you. However, if you tried "Michael Webber" it won't be able to match that up with a database record because both Michael and Webber are stored in different database fields. I hope that make sense.

The quick search is super powerful and has tons of options that you may or may not know about. Here is a quick and simple help file with some tips and tricks for using the quick search.


Small update on 7/27/22 - Michael wrote me back via email and requested that we remove the limit. We decided that it was a good idea and took off all of the 4-character limits on the fields for both customer searches and vendor/payee searches. New code and changes were made and pushed up to all servers today on 7/27/22.