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Sort Value: Developer's Notebook Report - 1/1/2013 to 1/31/2013 - (43)
Time Id Color Title/Caption Start Date   Notes
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AU 1036 Daily Tasks 1/1/2013   • A New Year is upon us, time to play!
• Full database back up.
• Recording hours in the master notebook.
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AU 1037 Daily Tasks 1/2/2013   • On the phone with Steve. We talked about three main subjects:
One was smoke and mirrors and custom views for invoices. We basically have a customer who wants to build an invoice with tons of pieces and then show just a total dollar summary of it to the customer. For example say there are 10 line items plus labor plus tax. They just want to show the customer one line that says certain verbiage and then hid all of the details and just show the total. We’ll just create a summary invoice to get the job done.
Another subject was on interface options for a small deli. We talked a lot about build and sell recipes and putting a face life on that part of the application. This would be more buttons and less text-based options. It may also include a special homepage for build and sell recipes as buttons and then a more touch screen type interface to do the build prep.
The third subject was dealing with auto populating the barcode field. We talked about maybe using the keyword “auto” and then having the system replace auto with the part id number. Crazy, crazy, the ideas just keep coming! If only we had more time and money!
• Light tech support for payroll.
• On the phone with Steve talking about using the interactive map to help sell adilas and breaking parts of it down into categories or groups. For example, these parts are for CRM, these parts are for the POs side, these parts are for payroll, etc. We also talked about doing scenarios – tons of them.
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AU 1062 Daily Ideas 1/2/2013   -Scenarios – tons of them. Define it, do it, review it.
-Use the system to sell the system. Show tons of different scenarios and how things work together.
-Use the interactive map on the main homepage or site. Break things into groups and categories. Treat the map like a department store and help educate people about what we have.
-Do some comparisons on what it costs to get a retail POs system, stations, network, licenses, etc. As compared with adilas; any computer, add any hardware you want and no contract.
-Going back to scenarios – show the diversity – think about how stores and shopping centers get you to buy their products. Piggy back on their marketing efforts; show case your products!
-Education is starting to hold and bear more and more weight. Good education may, in fact, be better than super awesome code.
-With the adilas product – it starts as a base monthly fee. You are then able to mix, blend, pick, choose, add to, permission, or customize your usage. It could be as slim as a phone or tablet or it could be multi stations with barcode scanners, credit card swipers, digital scales, label printers, receipt printers, document scanners, different printers for reports and check and whatever. It could be a laptop, a desktop and old dinosaur (old computer). You could use multiple monitors, touchscreen, exports to PDF or MS Excel and the list goes on.
-Because we use the web and a browser (teach browser concepts) – we automatically get a ton of cool features and options. That in itself is like riding on the shoulders of a giant. Browsers are cool and make our product look good.
-Pros and cons of old cash registers. Hand tickets vs. computer systems. High-end retail compared with grocery stores, compared with cash registers, compared with web and eCommerce, compared with old DOS based systems. What a wide range of options. It might be kind of fun to compare price tags, speed, accuracy, functionality and ease of use.
-We have lots of tools and solutions, we just need to show them off and help educate our customers about what and how they work.
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AU 1038 Daily Tasks 1/3/2013   • Working on a summary invoice that doesn’t show any line items. Decided to change the navigation on the printable invoice to a more visual interface layout. Kind of an experiment of sorts. The only other pages that have this type of interface are the three main default homepages.
• Phone calls and tech support.
• Finished up the first round of visual navigation for the printable invoice page. Posted files online.
• On the phone with my sister going over progress on the “developer’s notebook. She is helping me type up and record my notes and ideas. I read through her first draft from September 2012 and sent her an email with comments.
• Spent time reviewing some ideas for a new website facelift for the main site.
• Renewing PCI compliance stuff.
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AU 1063 Daily Ideas 1/3/2013   -On pages with thumbnails, show a border around the thumbnail and match it to the link color. Sometimes the photos blend in. This little outline will help them show up better.
-We started a concept website in January 2010 for adilas. It could really be cool if we went in that direction. Basically, the site has a number of links and menus at the top. It would then show a number of features and counters for things like invoices, customers, parts, checks, elements of time, customer logs, flex grid tie-ins, vendors, expense/receipts, deposits, time cards, logins, etc.
-Some of the menus for the concept are:
The adilas system Training and education
o Tools & features -Video tutorials
o Our approach -How to’s
o Faq’s -Scenarios
o What’s new -Old school vs. new school
o Pricing -Adilas university
o Permissions
o FREE web tools
o Get the vision

Sales and marketing Customer service
o Flyers -About us
o Testimonials -Get a quote
o Other services -Schedule a live demo
o Pricing -Contact us
o Opportunity

Login Search web inventory
With a little loving, some of these subjects would really help us sell our services. This may need some tweaking (the menus) but it as a great start.
-Add the mini calendar to the free online tools.
-Tell the inside story of what, why and how things happen; what goes on internally to help with flow and efficiency.
-My daughter was having fun with the word believe and said – If you are to be live, believe.
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AU 1039 Daily Tasks 1/5/2013   • On the phone with Steve going over interface and navigation options. We talked about allowing users to enter their own navigation options. (links, icons or buttons). Spent some time and recorded the ideas.
• Updating tax options for 2013. Social security percentage increase and settings.
• Added a couple more buttons to the top of the printable invoice page to help with page glow.
• On the phone with Steve going over new updates and talking about direction. We talked a lot about interface options and where we are going.
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AU 1064 Daily Ideas 1/5/2013   -Just finished with a two hour planning meeting for church. I’ve always heard the phrase – planning with a purpose. In the past, I would do this by filling in the known pieces and then trying to fit a purpose with what we planned. I watched a man today start with a list of purposes or goals. We plugged in the purposes to the calendar and then went back to plan an activity that accomplished that purpose. I’ve never done it way. Assuming that you could control most of the variables that was an awesome way to do it. However, if you can’t control the variables, it would be very frustrating. Either way, I really enjoyed watching a goal oriented person work a calendar to match purposes, interesting.
-On the phone with Steve talking about interface and custom options. We talked about page specific settings. We also talked about options for buttons, icons and basic links. These seem to be different visual elements that we are using to link or help the user get around.
-On custom user links, button and icons – it would be cool if when a user presses the show/hide menu we show the standard page menus and then break and show the custom settings for the user.
-A great way to show a story with minimal words – the Disney move “UP” has a section that shows the main character growing up by showing different events over time. The section tells the entire story “key building points” without using any words. The adilas story has been unfolding for years; maybe we could help tell a number of different stories by using a similar concept.
-What if we took each main piece or application player type and ran it through time. Almost a slide show or info-picture-time-line.
-This is way more technical, but we actually have a full change log (what we did) for each page in the site. It might be kind of fun to show the progress and changes that were made and how it helps build the whole.
-Along with showing the progression of each section, it might be cool to show underlying plans and brainstorming sheets or notebook pages (drawings, ideas, planning) dealing with changes that happened, almost scrapbook style.
-Tell the story – not only about adilas but help our users tell the story about what is going on. The story may be more important than the numbers.
-We just keep taking the next logical steps…
-When laying out the steps – use a story board type approach. This is kind of like a map or visual journey.
-Show me – don’t tell me!
-On elements of time – what if we used three dots “…” to show a blocked in area or a time span. For example these spans or blocked in time slots would only show up if the end time was known. If not, it would just show up as a single line item and wouldn’t show any spans or blocked in areas.
-Time and date spans need to be checked in both directions to make sure that we get the data that plays into that time slot and/or date in time. What starts before the known range and plays in? What starts in the known or unknown range and plays out or past?
-On elements of time calendar view – be able to hide all other links and verbiage.
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AU 1040 Daily Tasks 1/7/2013   • Tax withholding tables. Checking for new withholding tables for different states.
• On the phone with my dad and his associate talking about a light history and background of the system.
• Phone calls and tech support.
• Brainstorming and talking with my wife about the connection between teaching, learning, history and mixing and blending ideas and concepts.
• Writing and recording ideas.
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AU 1065 Daily Ideas 1/7/2013   -Speak their language!
-Find a need or see a need - fill it! There is a movie called “Robots”, the main character is named Rodney. He keeps sating throughout the movie – “See a need, fill a need.” Great advice!
-This is somewhat to our own condemnation or blessing, but we have tried not to pigeon hole ourselves into a specific industry; that we have done. The other side of that coin is the requirements and training to run the wonderfully flexible tools and functions we have created. Those learning and education requirements have almost pigeon holed us by toing not to be pigeon holed. Very interesting!
-Focus on what we do well! Help people use those tools! Some tools and processes create a byproduct. Think of a chainsaw – it does a great job at what it does. Possible byproducts are sawdust, noise, danger, loss of detail, oil, messy, space, protection, storage, maintenance, etc. What about when, who, how and where? The tool or usage of the tool actually creates these byproducts and someone has to make a decision – handsaw or chainsaw? Both?
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AU 1041 Daily Tasks 1/8/2013   • Emails, phone calls and tech support.
• Went into town to help with the Beaver Mountain Ski School classes and orientation. I gave out a number of LTF CD’s and gave a live demo. (20 miles)
• Recording ideas and recording hours in the mater notebook.
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AU 1066 Daily Ideas 1/8/2013   -Two of our byproducts are flexibility and education on choices and proper training.
-Steve said that he likes to refer to adilas as an education in progress. You start in kindergarten and work up to High School and college. We can let people know what grade they are in and help them progress.
-Focus on the basics! These are the building blocks like PO’s, invoices, deposits, and expense/receipts.
-People are in business to make money. One of the reasons adilas is so valuable is, if they learn and complete every step, they know the health and status of their endeavors. We just need to continue to find those people that want to know the truth.
-Idea for more settings – corp-wide settings for tax categories, customer log types, invoice types and payment types would be awesome. Let each company choose which ones they wanted and/or create their own – more flexibility.
-On elements of time – we need the ability to add and manage reoccurring events.
-Ideas for showing our main players (see sketches on page 65 of Blue Notebook).
-New buzz words – “UC” = Unified Communications and “BI” = Business Intelligence.
-On 1/5/13 I had a dream about remembering parts of the adilas journey. It went on and off all night long. It was kind of in a movie or story form, here is what I remember:
o Do an intro and lead into the story. This is a quick 2-3 minutes to quickly touch on things.
o Then roll into where we started from (paper tickets, batching, mailing, faxing, spreadsheets, minimal internal communications). Cover each year and the highlights and concepts that happened as a response to a need.
o Responding to a need and taking steps in that direction is very important.
o Maybe spend 2-3 minutes per year.
o End as of January 2013, shoot for 20-30 minutes total.
o End with vision and future development potential.
o At the end invite to action.
o End with the logo being a mix and blend of tons of things.
o The journey continues.
-Think of a needs based history report or a need based journey.
-Principle based learning. Empower the users. Help them look and find principles and then apply those principles everywhere they can.
-We have a data driver product.
-Sometimes we purposely brake or interrupt the flow, links, relationships and automation. Often this is due to time, control or other variables (choices and decisions). When we do this, it is very important to come back around and fix as needed. For example: setting the main value to zero and then coming back to it.
-Sometimes we purposely move away from automation for certain things. This helps to force a decision or a cause and effect relationship. With proper education, this decision making can really help people to learn.
-What are the differences between a one-to-many relationship and a flat file? There are tons, here are a few:
1-many (One-to-many) vs. Flat file
o Different containers - Same container
o Add as needed - Full load every time
o Dynamic - Static unless you increase the load for all
o Permission able - Non permission able
o Expandable - All or none
o Light weight
o Very searchable
-Use the analogy of a vehicle moving over time. The different compartments for storing things are the passengers, the trunk, under the hood, etc. Another, simpler analogy might be a divided Tupperware container with different sections.
-In church we have a simple one page document that has what we call the 13 articles of faith. Maybe do something like this for adilas on the doctrine, core, principles or concept level.
-On the upper player level (also called main application types) we already have 13 main players picked out. Maybe break those pieces into who, what, when, where and why.
-On dealing and interacting with inters and employees – we could use elements of time to give out projects and show updates about what they (or we) are working on. We might need to make a few tweaks but it (elements of time) could totally work to assign and communicate between inters and/or employees.
-When going to the college or University – start on the operations and business side. In the past, I’ve attempted to go right to the accounting department and show them, but if truth be known, we are an operations program that is able to go to the accounting level (as a bonus) not as the main project. Remember the cart and the horse.
-On the object lessons for classes, bring real flagging material so that the students can practice flagging and asking objects to tell their story. Flags could be for key points, status changes and or problems.
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AU 1042 Daily Tasks 1/9/2013   • Working on a PDF form of the Colorado Application for Title. The old one is out dates and needs to be upgraded.
• Went in to town to help with the Wednesday Beaver Mountain ski and snowboard class. Helped with the class and did an LTF demo. Gave away a number of LTF CD’s. 20 miles.
• Phone calls, tech support.
• Working on the Colorado Application for title. Posted files online.
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AU 1067 Daily Ideas 1/9/2013   My sister had my notebook from 1/9/13 to 1/26/13. The entries between these dates were recorded on loose leaf papers and then transferred back in on 1/28/13.
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AU 1043 Daily Tasks 1/10/2013   • On the phone with a client talking about generic inventory items and the find and replace functions.
• New logo for a company.
• Tech support and emails.
• Bank work.
• On the phone with Steve going over new accounts and ideas for the training course.
• Answering emails and writing how-to's for depreciation expenses and creating generic inventory items. Long emails.
• Went into town to help with the Thursday Beaver Mountain ski and snowboard classes. Did an LTF demo and gave out product. Also went over to the instructional technology department at USU and gave out product and did a demo. 20 miles.
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AU 1044 Daily Tasks 1/11/2013   • Went in to town and did two Beaver Mountain ski school classes. Gave out LTF products and did two differ3ent demos. 20 miles.
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AU 2269 Drawings - Ideas for Teaching & Training 1/11/2013   (Sketches & ideas for teaching & training – See scans in photo gallery 1/11/13)
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AU 1045 Daily Tasks 1/12/2013   • Emails and tech support.
• On the phone with a client going over shopping cart issues and talking about point and click interface options. We talked about different memory options for saving variables and how things interact on a web platform. We also talked about future options to help limit the back and forth traffic for their industry. We also talked about adding quantity buttons for build and sell recipes and the advanced grid for my cart favorites. These would be simple “+” (plus) or “-“(minus) buttons that would control the quantities.
• On the phone with Steve going over growing pains. I’m becoming one of the major bottlenecks. I need to be willing to open things up and allow other people to help me. This includes being able to upload files, logos and make smaller changes.
• Brainstorming on a to do list and prioritizing what needs to be done first.
• Creating a new upload page for Steve. This is a small backdoor for Steve to upload new custom homepages.
• New logo for a company.
• Working on 1099’s and W-2’s for tax year 2012.
• Working on the W-2 PDF form.
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AU 2270 Brainstorming - Using My Time & To-Do's 1/12/2013   - Different layers
o Check & stamp if good
o Where does it start & how do we manage the flow?
- If you can’t carve it up
o Managing & overseeing
- Hire somebody else to do the tech support
My wife’s idea:
- Limit who we are trying to go after as far as clients
How do I spend my day?
- Emails
- Phone calls
- Tech support
- Training
- Writing & recording
- Bank stuff
- Worrying
- Transitioning between things
- Development
- Fixes & upgrades
- New projects
- Logos & images – colors
- Checking other people’s code
- Drawing & concepts
- Data uploads
o Customers
o Parts
- Brainstorming & daydreaming
- Browsing & checking pages
- Eating
- Sleeping
- Family & children
- Wife
- Personal study (scriptures)
- House work (normal meal-time stuff, sweeping, etc.)
- Other house work (snow, wood, yard, fires, etc.)
- Recreation & exercise
- Pride & built in responses (head & body responses)
- Distractions
To Do List:
- New upload page for Steve
- Validation things from a client
o Duplicate salesperson (back fix)
o Credit card payment edits
o Report salesperson sales sortable column
- 1099’s
- W-2’s
- New tax & withholding settings
o Alabama
o Arkansas
o Colorado
o Georgia
o Louisiana
o Virginia
o Federal
o DC
- New files for sub-contractor for user & vendor exports
- Flyer for training course
- Java Script buttons to up & down quantity fields
- Interface changes or checking Steve’s code
- Renew PCI Compliance stuff
- Barcode tweak “auto” keyword
- Other barcode tweaks for auto
- Migrate outside reports into adilas
o App status
o Monitor images
o Test page history
- First round of eCommerce – admin (hidden) corp-wide settings
- My cart favorites & recipe/builds. If 1, go right to the build prep maybe add a var to the search to let it know to advance the ball.
- Take a flyer for the class to a contact
- Clean & dust my office
- Take a flyer up to USU campus
- Flyer to some other contacts
- Take off the “go” button on the classic homepage
- Break each section into what it is, has, holds or can do… Define the tools & how they work. For example: Customers – logs, contacts, history – they are assigned to ______ etc., etc.
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AU 1046 Daily Tasks 1/14/2013   • Research, brainstorming and browsing the old notebooks (way back).
• On the phone with Steve going over his new upload page. Recording a small visual about running objects and data over time and how tradition or old school thoughts can literally be like hitting a wall. An interesting comment was – “it almost has to be new from start to finish.”
• Working on W-2’s and making the PDF.
• Also changed a payroll withholding default from subtract before taxes to subtract after taxes. Minor tweak.
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AU 1068 Daily Ideas 1/14/2013   Graphic ideas:
- A brick wall
- Time line for phones and communication… face to face, letter, smoke, pony express, telegraph, phonograph, telephone, mobile phone, satellite phone, cell phone, smart phone….
-When showing objects and data over time – compare things to just in time inventory. Linear flow, hand offs, teams, processes, minimal stockpiling, economy of time and effort, touch once, etc.
-One of the possible down falls is getting things moving and then letting tradition come back in and mess things up. It almost has to be new from start to finish.
-For example – say you had an object moving over time, with 1-many (one-to-many) relationships, flags, dates, etc.
-Good: flag & date over time, map back as needed, keep things together and flowing until the end of the life cycle.
-Bad: start good but… , hit a brick wall called “tradition”, start moving things around in old school T-accounts and accounting... you lose it! You kill it!
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AU 1047 Daily Tasks 1/15/2013   • Invoicing and billing issues.
• PCI Compliance questionnaire; called and talked to tech support.
• Working on tax tables – Federal.
• On the phone with Steve going over things. Talked about labeling and helping Steve get started with more custom code.
• Working on Federal tax tables, had to reset the ColdFusion services.
• Phone calls, billing and tech support.
• Finished up the Federal tax tables.
• Worked on the barcode tweak for the keyword “auto”.
• Did a small face lift on the recipe/build homepage and build prep page. Added some Java Script buttons to help increment the quantity fields.
• Added some Java Script buttons for the quantity fields on build prep and my cart favorites (advanced grid).
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AU 1048 Daily Tasks 1/16/2013   • Changed how a numeric recipe search works. Instead of going to the printable recipe/build, it will go right to the build prep for that recipe.
• Sent an update email out to Steve with info about the keyword “auto” and all of the new buttons and tweaks to the recipe/build section.
• Adding a part status filter to the printable parts list report. Also added the part status as a filter for the update inventory count section.
• Working on the update inventory count section. Posted the files online and updated the help files.
• Populating 1099’s with live data.
• Small demo and training for my sister.
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AU 1049 Daily Tasks 1/17/2013   • Populating the 1099’s with live data.
• Populating the W-2’s with live data. Step one, the W-2 prep form.
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AU 1050 Daily Tasks 1/18/2013   • Populating the W-2 form with live data.
• Wrapping up the 1099’s and W-2’s.
• Finishing up 1099 and W-2 stuff. Posted files online.
• Customer migration for a company.
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AU 1069 Daily Ideas 1/18/2013   -On LTF, it would be super fun and cool to be able to go around to different ski schools, do a demo, leave some product and do a fun clinic with the different riders from the different mountains. Make it personal rather than just saying, here is product, have fun.
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AU 1051 Daily Tasks 1/19/2013   • Went up to Beaver Mountain and gave out LTF stuff. Did a couple of small demos and tried to get stuff into the rental shop. I’d like to get a video player and give them a bunch of slims with a small sign that says “take one” or something like that. 60 miles.
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AU 1052 Daily Tasks 1/21/2013   • Bills and bank work.
• Getting files for our sub-contractor, he wants to work on an exportable list for vendors and employee users.
• On the phone with Steve. We talked about a number of different projects and needs. We talked about security, we talked about our current code set and how much we wanted to give to our sub-contracted help. We have a need for outside developers but that requires code, time and possible security stuff. We talked about open source code and where we want to go with adilas. We also talked about future options for API codes and platform options. We talked a lot about education and training, we talked about YouTube videos, training sessions and using simple object lessons. We also talked about projects and needs, first round of eCommerce and more search options for image/scans are coming soon.
• Recording notes.
• Getting files for our sub-contractor.
• Parked files online.
• Waiting on email to sub-contractor about the export vendor/payees and employees/users to Microsoft Excel.
• Brainstorming ideas on the training flyer.
• Working on verbage for the flyer for the training course.
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AU 2271 Brainstorming - Time & Date 1/21/2013   Time & Date
- Spans
- Must have a known end date (and time)
- Maybe combine things: where (start date < (plain) known start date and end date >= known start date) or (start date between known start date and normal known end date)) and the end date is used and known
- Need a pre & end within (pre only)
- Need a pre & end without (both sides or pass through)
- Need a start within & end within (local within) normal
- Need a start within & end without (post only) don’t worry about this
- What plays within a certain time block?
- What plays a part of that piece of time?
- What about spans for different reports & views?
o Calendar
o Time slot
o Groups details
o Advanced
o Subs – not as worried right now
- Maybe think about a show/hide span option
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AU 1053 Daily Tasks 1/22/2013   • Working on a graphic for the main website.
• Worked on a final copy of the “Bring the Lunch” training flyer. Get ready to post it online.
• Posting new graphics and “Bring the Lunch” training flyer. Sent a quick email to Steve.
• On the phone with our sub-contractor going over W-2’s, exports to excel and other needs.
• Emails and tech support.
• Working on the bulk move PO’s page.
• Small tweaks to the training flyer. Added the room number.
• On the phone with Steve going over the new flyer and progress on the bulk move PO tool.
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AU 1054 Daily Tasks 1/23/2013   • Working on the bulk move tool for PO’s. Finished up the project and posted files online. Updated the new help file.
• Working on a retail dashboard for retail sales and shopping costs.
• Working on clock in/out features and adding links to a new my settings page.
• New logo for a company. Posted logo online.
• Light emails and tech support.
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AU 1070 Daily Ideas 1/23/2013   -Another possible personal setting is expense payment type (money type).
-Another possible personal setting is the default bank.
-Default department for clock in/out.
-For LTF - it might be fun to allow specific branding of the product to get additional buy-in. For example, resort specific footage, commercials, etc. Maybe allow up to 10 minutes of custom footage to brand or highlight a product, brand or service. Basically help or scratch other people’s back so that they will help push our education product.
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AU 1055 Daily Tasks 1/24/2013   • Brainstorming on ideas for teaching adilas. Some of the ideas were using the students to populate and setup a fake company and giving them different assignments. Use the product to show the product. Have the people divide and work in groups (peer learning), give assignments and then have them report. Use the term “C-W” to help show what the corp-wide settings are and where they show up.
• Working on the retail dashboard and accompanying pieces for personal settings and defaults.
• Personal defaults and settings.
• Emails and phone call with Steve to go over some brief questions.
• Added a new user permission and session scope variable for the expense/receipt payment money type.
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AU 1071 Daily Ideas 1/24/2013   -Idea for training – setup a fake corp and have the students play part in the setup. Have them set themselves up as users, give them assignments and then check in front of the calcs. Assignments could be, do a number of PO’s, do x # of quotes, do x # of deposits, etc. Or it could be create x # of customers, vendors, recipes, etc.
-In real life we would be using the application to teach and show the application. This could really make it real.
-Another idea is have the people divide up into groups and five the group an assignment. Have them work together to get the tasks done.
-When talking concepts – it may be cool to have a discussion about needs, jobs, friends, flow, and exceptions. This deals with the objects and what they do, for example: an invoice – we need to sell things, record monies, record customers, track inventory, their job is to hold things together, mini contract, provide a written record for the customer, hold sales and costs and profit. Their friends are customers, line items, parts, stock/units, special line items, deposits, receivables, recipes, my cart favorites buttons, etc. Their flow is …. Exceptions are: ________
-“C-W” (short for corp-wide). Use the value “C-W Customer”, “C-W Location”, “C-W Item”, “C-W Rep”, etc. This will help show where the corp-wide settings show up inside the system.
-Procedure change – concepts remain.
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AU 1056 Daily Tasks 1/25/2013   • New logo for a company. Posted file online and updated colors.
• Writing an email to the head of team Utah and AASI about doing some instructional video for snowboarding. CCed email.
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AU 1057 Daily Tasks 1/26/2013   • Emails and tech support.
• Working on the verbage for the main homepage. Explaining concepts of data mapping and roll call accounting. Came to the realization that mapping backwards allows for math to be done on the fly. That actually helps us not use as many adjustments. All of the data is being viewed all of the time and thus we just track things as they have been entered. It allows for great flexibility. I’m also seeing the need for the “ice-down” date to be implemented into the system. The other key piece is the visual roll call page for each data item or object. This page will show how things play together and what happens due to cause and effect relations. I keep learning more and more… I wonder how our users feel? It’s got to be both frustrating and exciting to be chasing a moving target.
• Recording concepts and writing an email to Steve and others about static vs. dynamic and teaching people concepts and principles.
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AU 1072 Daily Ideas 1/26/2013   -For LTF – maybe get some new video footage of Team Utah guys doing the same tricks we are trying to teach. This might get them tied into the project. We could then show a progression from true beginner to a competition level rider.
-Static vs. dynamic – two ideas – spreadsheets (cells and formulas) and arrows and targets (Does that change the game? Which pieces are moving?) On a spreadsheet we use static numbers and then create a formula to show a calculated value. As the static numbers are changed the calculated value reflects the change. That is kind of like a roll call or just in time calculations.
-Let’s take arrows and targets. As one or more pieces move, it changes the game and what we call it. If both the shooter and the target are still, we call that target practice static. Once either piece moves, it changes the game and the shooter needs to responds and play differently. If both pieces are moving and are independent, target practice turns to hunting and you have cause and effect relations on both sides.
-Often, planning and research are done on semi-static levels. Life is constantly playing in a dynamic level. How is your game?
-Teach people where to find things. This will help our users better use the system. Example: I know that I have such and such data, where is it stored and how can I get to that?
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AU 1058 Daily Tasks 1/28/2013   • Emails to head of Team Utah about possible LTF projects. Reviewed an old binder that had our original LTF business plan in it, kind of fun.
• Transferring notes from a temporary virtual notebook back into my real notebook. My sister had it and she has been helping me document and record notes, data and information. While in the process of reviewing, I got the idea to contact some of the people at the university. I scanned a page from my notebook and sent it to a contact associated with the Shingo Prize. I then called and chatted with him on the phone. Pretty excited.
• On the phone with Steve going over 1099’s and W-2’s and options to print and record data overlays for pre-printed forms. We also talked about trade shows and how we are entering a realm of just in time calculations. We talked a lot about the Shingo Prize Conference coming up in May and how we are following similar lines as just in time manufacturing with how we track data and just in time show information back to the user.
• Quick verbage switch for payroll. Also thinking and brainstorming about just in time calculations – a new way to look at your data…
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AU 1073 Daily Ideas 1/28/2013   -On training – start at the paper level…. then go to the spreadsheet level… then go to the database level… then go to the software level… then go to the network level… then go the web or cloud level… then go to the adilas level… (Needs and responses – creates cause and effect.)
-It might be really cool to create a needs and response chart and how things happened…
Needs Response
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
-You’ve heard of just in time manufacturing and just in time operations… Have you ever heard of just in time calculations and reporting?
-We are a data tracking and reporting company. Think about the new banner we put together for the training flyer. “Your data, you cache and retrieve it, we secure it!”
- Sales and Inventory tracking
- POS (Point of Sale)
- CRM....
- CMS ….
- BI …
- Backend Office Accounting
-Be your own style!
-What if for adilas demos we created an interactive app (like a mini LTF) that we could flip between any piece we wanted. Then put that online so that our reps could use it as well. I could see this at a trade show or something like that.
-Focus on what we do best – details, data tracking and custom usage of the toolset.
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AU 1059 Daily Tasks 1/29/2013   • New logo for a company. Lots of photo editing and clean-up
• Emails and tech support.
• Working on personal settings and defaults.
• Changed some button verbage. Research on new servers and versions of software we are using. Trying to stay up to date. Working on personal settings and defaults.
• On the phone with Steve. We talked about upgrading servers and software. We talked about content server, eCommerce and user interfaces. We also talked about other client needs.
• Working on the personal settings and recording the data.
• Credit card tech support.
• Finished up the personal settings and posted files online. Light testing and updated a help file.
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AU 1060 Daily Tasks 1/30/2013   • Emails, tech support and brainstorming. Working on links to the grouped invoice sales report for customer totals.
• Added a new customer sales total link to seven different pages. It basically uses a grouped invoice total and shows counts, totals and amount owed.
• Emails and tech support. Pointing some clients to the flex grid for some of their employee needs.
• On the phone with our sub-contractor going over a number of things. We talked a lot about the flex grid and what it can and does do. We ended up spinning off into a number of other subjects including payroll, invoice numbering and custom reports.
• Adding more beginner notes to the add new flex grid tie-in page.
• Brainstorming and recording ideas.
• Added a bunch of new verbage to the add new flex grid page.
• Updating help files.
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AU 1074 Daily Ideas 1/30/2013   -I got an email back from our sub-contractor and he couldn’t figure out how to do and set-up the flex grid. Maybe I need to help that out. He is pretty tech savvy and if he can’t do it, maybe I need to dummy it way down.
-What do the users want? Interface and feeds. A client said, “Adilas is very good at giving me what I ask for. It isn’t very good at telling me what I need.” What is the user’s point of view? Push vs. pull technology.
-If the server is under a huge load, some of our next “n” loops may be compromised. This is especially true when adding new main id numbers. We got a report from our tech contractor that one invoice got line items from two different stores. Basically, the main invoice number was duplicated or set to the same number. (The solution could be to go back to an auto number.)
-Leave enough time to wrap things up… very important.
-Push vs. Pull Technology – on the sub home pages… it might be cool to provide quick links to pre-determined reports and views. Once a user lands on those subpages, they could then refine the search. Instead of making them search for everything (you would need some search experience) help them get to the data quickly and then refine to get what they want. For example: Invoices, show a button for the advanced search, the basic search, last 10, 20, 50, 100, daily, yesterday, weekly, monthly, ytd. Show options for groups, totals and such. Basically, from one spot, visually help the users get at their data. Help guide and hold their hand. Then page could easily have 20-30 icons, links and buttons. Or create a dashboard for each homepage or main application type. (First page fold options – only pull options. Dashboard both push and pull options.)
-From post-it note: Be your own style… this includes even shutting things down from time to time to do upgrades and tweaks. Let the people know what is going on and think service…
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AU 1061 Daily Tasks 1/31/2013   • Added the payables link to the deposit homepage. Added the not yet deposited payments (invoice payments) to the running bank balance page.
• Emails and tech support. It looks like we will need to do a new Texas 130-U PDF form.
• On the phone with Steve, we talked about the ice-down date.
• Working on some minor tweaks for the flex grid tie-ins.
• Simplified verbage and links.
• Updating help files for the flex grid.
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AU 1075 Daily Ideas 1/31/2013   -Be willing to test and experiment. This deals with functions, concepts, flow and education.
-What if while you were teaching – you asked the students what analogies they wanted to hear.