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Shop 11762 Meeting with Wayne and Alan 2/4/2025  

Meeting with Wayne and Alan to go over options for database configuration options (code words... datasource project or bus to motorcycle or world building project). Light catch-up. Wayne was going over options for running a base service to figure out the corp and datasource (what database to use). The old datasource is the default.

Talking about efficiency and combining corporations and servers. Going over scenarios. The idea is to make the code and the schema unaware (more open - able to connect to any database). For me, I have a bunch of older notes under clustering, solar systems, and galaxies (all kinds of cross-schema options).

For us, internally, database updates may get more crazy, especially for our developers. Talking about possible load balancing stuff. We were talking about master databases, sub databases, and efficiency questions.

- Wayne was recommending a more company related approach (which businesses are connected or have a relationship) vs corp related (single worlds, all by themselves). Widen it out a bit.

- Wayne's branch... WLA/DynamicDSN

- Alan was talking about a wish list to help update things from one spot (one page or one server) vs logging into each server to run it on each server (current process).

- Wayne already uses a script (test script) to run his database updates. He doesn't like to do things over and over again. He would rather build a script or make a tool to do that.

- Wayne wants Alan and I to help pitch it to Steve and Cory.

- We may need to look at and check the edge cases (on the datasource look-up project). They were talking about some known caching issues.

- Places that we need to check... (list of us, internally)
>> shop folder - there is some session stuff but it is different then the top_secret stuff.
>> web folder - API's - most pass in a corp key that we can figure out a corp id number from.
>> public folder - hardcoded per page or FORM or URL scoped controlled.
>> temp folder - hardcoded per page or FORM or URL scoped controlled.
>> database_updates folder - may need to query (get all known datasources), then loop and do updates per schema. basically, layer and nest things vs just plain doing a single update.
>> check the process to create a new corp - some questions there (we are currently using the main datasource and building tables and inputting values based on our create new corp routines).
>> caching - check the daos, services, and cfc's - make sure we do what we need to here to make this still function correctly.
>> search for corp_id IN (? whatever the list or arguments are) - multi corp queries. Maybe be able to set a temporary master/primary corp id where needed.

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Shop 9796 Bulk update parent attribtues 1/18/2023  

Working with Steve on logic for updating and adding parent attribute values in bulk. Steve is working on a few new pages that have some new bulk attribute tools. After that, we flipped over and had to do a small data update for a client on the data 10 server.

Eric joined the meeting and was asking questions about the item catalog and enterprise level systems. He and Alan are working on those pieces. Anyways, he was asking about logic and flow from the main enterprise system out to the transactional corporations. We talked about flow and then got into training and user experiences (UX/UI) and user interfaces. That lead to a discussion about education and even certification for certain aspects of the system. Another option for compliance and good data outcome is a form of oversight or mentoring for our clients. This would be an additional service.

If you keep following the path of the data and the needs. We can see things at the world level (low level), the solar system level (linked corporations or worlds), and on up the chain to the universe level (everybody who plays into the system both directly and indirectly). Eventually things will need to get clear out to the API socket level where anything could talk to anything else. There was even some talk about subscribing to other high level vendor product catalogs. Basically, a way to make the data entry and updates quick and easy.

For fun, we got into some space analogies with universe, clusters, solar systems, worlds, etc. Eric was also using some construction and cooking analogies. Lots of people understand things at that simpler level. Thinking big picture and then being able to pull it back down into the smaller details. Data is king! Having the foresight and vision to see what else if needed and wanted. That's a challenge at times. We were talking about business logic, flow, aggregates, and other data level needs. Our goal is to keep revamping things as we go. Both logic and look and feel. That's about all we can do.

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Shop 8446 Server meeting 11/9/2021  

Server meeting between Wayne, John, and I. Going over a number of different topics. We talked about special websites that branch off of the main root or master branch. Ideally, if they are needed, we'll put them under public from now on. We decided that we may make a retired code repo (code repository) for things that are no longer in use or that are old. That was Wayne's idea and I think that it is awesome. I tend to just leave things where they are and work around them. He is trying to streamline things and help to standardize where possible.

Wayne is making big steps on the conversion between Application.cfm and Application.cfc's (overarching application and security structure of the main application pieces). Things are going well and he is ready to push them up to the dev server for testing. That is awesome. That project is a prep step for bigger corp-wide settings projects and simplifying some of the settings. We have two tables that are really big, and both of them hold settings. We need to change the format so that we are prepped for more growth in those areas.

We spent some time talking about the cost of storing content and files off of the main data servers. That is one of the pieces that is holding us up from clustering servers. Anyways, we are looking in to it and starting to chip away at that project as well. The goal would be to get all of the content in one place (photos, images, content, media, files, temp uploads, etc.) That one place may be a variable (change it per corporation or per server box or per cluster) but a special spot where all of the extra files that are not part of the master code branch go. Currently, they are stored on the data boxes in special folders. They, other files, are stored on the content server. This little project came up because we are having to up the storage on the content server. Lots of companies are using it. Eventually, we may have multiple content servers and be able to dynamically assign them. Good stuff.

Some of the other topics for discussion were dealing with the datasource project (smaller databases per corp or per solar system - linked companies). Timezones on the servers and making them all the same. We also spent some time looking into possible cost savings by switching from Adobe ColdFusion to Lucee (free and open source cfml - still ColdFusion but a different engine). If we were to switch, it would save us thousands and thousands year over year. Worth checking out.

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Shop 8244 Work with Shannon 11/4/2021  

Working on content and verbage for an article we are writing (Shannon and I) dealing with the origins of the adilas core concepts. See attached for where we are at. Shannon and I were exploring on where, why, and how some of those core concepts came to life. We weren't planning on getting into all of this stuff like super deep custom business software and theory, but... The core concepts sort of just fell into our laps. We just picked them up and mixed them together... We didn't come up with them, but we sure have been grateful for them. The results are the lessons that we have learned and where we are trying to go and head.

Gratefully, the core concepts have been one of our best guiding lights and we are very vested in them. He/She who masters the concepts, masters much. They are kind of guiding us along this path and journey. I personally love learning and really enjoy talking about, teaching, and brainstorming on the different topics and subjects. I've been in and through many of these situations, scenarios, concepts, and topics. I've lived it, to some extent. I'm still learning, but loving it. I love talking about world building concepts, 3D data assembly lines ideas and ways to implement things. I've also really enjoyed brainstorming on other 3D business world building ideas. Shannon and I were talking universe level, galaxy level, cluster level, solar system level, word level, locations, groups, individuals, data, and running all of these different levels over time. So many different levels.

Fun stuff like 3D data levels (x=time, y=resources and money, and y=space and depth (layering, stacking, details, relationships, etc.). Good stuff.

As part of our research today, we were talking about more world building stuff and how all of that (those concepts) came to be. Once again, we didn't come up with them, but we for sure will help be a spokesman for the subject and topic. We love it! We were discussing the idea of learning and then protecting things through sharing of intellectual property (IP) stuff. That feels like one of our roles. We learn it, then we share it. If we just keep it to ourselves, no one else will gain from it. We really want to share and protect these pieces. Here is an article (developer's notebook entry) on intellectual property and ways of sharing to protect things. I feel driven to help educate, demonstrate, and protect some of the main core concepts and ideas that we, adilas, are founded upon. It give me purpose to try to play a role with these things. Good stuff.

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Shop 8381 Adilas Time 11/3/2021  

Talking about some marketing and ideas. Danny, Sean, and I were on the meeting to begin with. We were talking about the use of the blue dog avatar and where we are trying to go, marketing wise. Lots of good and open conversations. We talked about a few different ideas and just kicked the ball around. John joined and we asked him a little bit about his experience and questions that he has been asked and/or had to explain. Good conversation.

After Sean and Danny left, John and I went over some stuff for the content server. I showed him some old graphics and drawings of our world building concepts and how we were going to structure data servers, content servers, databases, and corporations within those databases. Click here to see some of the other analogies and explanations for universe level, galaxies or galaxy level, clusters, solar systems, worlds, etc.

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Shop 7578 Weekly Server Meeting 4/6/2021  

Server meeting with Wayne. John and Steve were on as well. Mostly we were talking about and making plans for the new website. Chuck, Danny, Marisa, and John have been working on the new site for a couple of months. Well, that is getting ready to launch and so Wayne and I are making plans on how to roll things out and get it fully deployed. As a fun side note, the new site is up in beta mode for some of our guys and gals to test and play around with. That is awesome.

Anyways, I pitched a plan and then we came up with a modified version of that plan. Brandon has some notes on his local computer about some of the plans.

Towards the end of the meeting, we switched gears and talked about the usage on the content server. Eventually, we would like the content server to hold all of the files, images, CSV files, PDF's, Word, Excel, and other media/content files. Currently, the system is setup to hold and store certain files locally (per box or per server) and then all of the bigger media/content pieces up on the content server. We would like to get all of the pieces in one general place. That would help with future projects on clustering servers and what not.

We also talked about breaking up and adding more content servers as needed. This gets into world building, universe level stuff, galaxies, clustering, solar systems, and stacking of servers and technology. See this help file for more info on world building.

Wayne is also pushing hard on some test driven design stuff. He is out pioneering some concepts that he wants us to use in our normal development processes. After that, Steve needed some help with some logic and wanted to get a number of sample files for uploading CSV files to the server. He has a new project that he is working on for a client.

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Shop 5923 Meeting With Alan 4/1/2020  

Going over a big spreadsheet with Alan on the splitting up the database (world building) project. We went through things on his spreadsheet line by line and talked about scope, depth, and what each step would take. Some great conversations. We talked about testing, changing things, and cascading new changes. Some of our talks were going clear out to the universe, galaxy, cluster, and solar system levels. See attached for an older drawing of the universe levels.

Eventually we'll get things fully dialed in at those upper levels and we'll get back to world level (corporations) and location level (locations within a world) stuff. We also talked a lot about temporary steps for master corporations and sub corporations within their different solar systems (database stuff and who is connected to what).

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Shop 5315 Adilas Time 1/23/2020  

Steve and I had a good session talking about options of creating a true solar system level system (using the world build and space analogy). We did some drawings, took a few notes, and looked at some older drawings and graphics. Here is a good reference for some older world building graphics - click here.

- Ice-down dates - We had a good conversation about this. What if we pull a general aggregate for revenue, cost of goods, expenses, assets, liabilities, and equity - then when they pull it, they can then push it. These aggregate totals would be on a per day per location and per category basis. At this point, when they pull these totals, we could allow them (the users) to lock things down on that day (the date could a date back in time, depending on when they pull the data). Basically, each day could virtually get a lock-down or ice-down date. If needed, they could unlock things and then lock them back down. Just ideas and we still need to figure out the particulars, but these were some more ideas from today.

- Parent/child >> in the solar system level - We have had a very good experience talking with people about parent/child relationships and how that plays into the mix dealing with inventory items and other stacked relationships. If you go far enough, eventually it gets out into grandparents, great grandparents, etc. Normal parent/child relationships exist all over the place.

- Solar system >> planets (transactional worlds) and the sun (enterprise or aggregate system). We were talking about what terminology works best for our solar system analogy. The solar system is made up of different worlds that are closely related and somehow interconnected either through the database or through a relationship (parent/child or brother/sister or something like that).

- In inventory, we have vendors & customers (high level), PO's & invoices (medium level), items (small level), parent/child items and relationships (smaller), mini conversions (even smaller or micro)... in the universe analogy we have solar systems, suns (controller world), planets (transactional worlds), locations, groups, individuals, data, etc. Almost everything goes from big to medium to small levels, depending on how things are grouped and/or shown.

- Top level mappings - corps, locations, vendors, part categories, expense types, deposit types, etc.

- Enterprise solutions >> who is your buddy and how is everything setup (structure)? We had some brief talks about how to set this up. For now, we will just hard code things and then introduce variables a little bit later on down the road. Eventually, there may be database records and even one-to-many relationships with what corp type (world style or world type setting), who are the players (buddy list), and which way does the data flow (up, down, bi-directional, etc.). More planning is needed.

See attached for some drawings

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Shop 5049 Adilas Time 10/28/2019  

It must be Monday. We had a pretty busy morning meeting. Dustin checked in. Alan joined in and reported on some of his projects. He set up some times to meet with Steve. We also talked quite a bit about data tables and creating more aggregated data and pushing the transactional data deeper into the system. That will definitely be an upcoming project. It is gaining momentum and heat. Eric joined in and we chatted about special accounts, new rounds on customer loyalty points, implementing new rules, and other projects that he is interested in. Steve assigned him to two new projects from the community funded projects list.

In between the different reports and sub meetings, I did a code merge for Bryan, uploaded a new video, and recorded some expenses.

Steve and I got into a discussion about world building and enterprise system (consolidated data for multiple corps). We talked about world bulding levels such as: universe, galaxy, cluster, solar system, and clear down into worlds and/or corporations or entities. See attached for an older drawing of how those levels play together.

Steve and I also did a small code session on some of the recipe/build stuff that he is working on. We talked about putting in flow and validation pieces to help him get the desired records and data. Small analogy of building a road and putting in water bars and drains (engineering where you want things to go and flow). The last part of the session was spent going over the internal flow of the adilas API sockets and how those pieces work and flow. Steve is planning on starting in on that and using the internal API to gather and record daily sales data from aggregated or consolidated corporations (worlds). He is getting dangerous in his knowledge and willingness to learn and grow. Super exciting stuff.

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Shop 5040 Meeting with Wayne about VPS servers 10/14/2019  

Steve, Wayne, and I were talking about serves and direction. We were talking about getting things going with Newtek with the new VPS and clustering options. We are somewhat putting AWS stuff on hold. We have been over there for six plus months and still having some issues and running into small little barriers of sorts. We have had great success with Newtek and want to keep that ball moving forward.

One of the main topics of the day was the data 0 box. It is currently our oldest box and plays a pivotal role. It is somewhat of the gateway for the rest of the system. We are going to be trying to change that and get all of the normal companies that need production level capacity to other servers. Basically, we are going to be splitting up the corporations (worlds or business entities) on that server into a couple of new spots. It should help things go faster and lessen the load on the actual gateway that data 0 plays (as far as a redirect or doorway type application).

Here are some of our other notes. Lots of good chats and talks.

- Lewis and Clark expeditions and mapping things out and figuring out what to do and where to go next. This is part of our explorations that are needed in the digital realm.

- Splitting up databases in to different datasources (where are things pointed) and also the structure of the data. We talked about certain tables that are independent, certain tables that need to stay as shared or master data, and other tables that are for sure corp-specific or based on a per world level. Interesting conversation. Going back to the older world building ideas - cluster database vs solar system databases.

- Wayne was mentioning that he would like to work with Alan on splitting things up between the database and different datasources. That could be really cool. Wayne was also mentioning about using the DAO's (data access objects) and having that be part of splitting up the databases. As a side note, if we create new databases and datasources for each company, we would potentially be duplicating a lot of data. It may be faster, but we need to look at what that extra duplication would cost as far as connections, storage, and even eventual clean-up. In short, moving to the DAO model vs duplicating existing databases.

- We are really trying to move more towards the adilas community funded projects... similar to how the open source software and community operate and flow. If someone really wants something big, they need to make some resources available (time, money, ideas, people, etc.).

- We talked about selling the data storage and processing services. In a way, we could say, our system or software is free, you just pay for the services that you need to support that. Those could be setup, hosting, storage, processing, custom code, marketing, training, consulting, design, etc.

- We briefly talked about owning our own hardware cluster there at Newtek. It was on Steve's list to talk about. Wayne chimed in and recommended that we not go in that direction. He explained that if we stay on Newtek's hardware clusters, they have a reason to keep upgrading and maintaining those clusters. If we ride on top of what they are doing (their products and services) we gain from all of their advancements. If we are on our own, we have to provide all of those upgrades and maintenance pieces. Great point and something to think about. Ideally, if we gain enough, we would be better off riding on top of these other products and services.

- We spent some time talking about the refresh rate and the replacement rage of hardware and who manages that.

- Stress testing on the servers - Finding server level breakpoints and stress and load testing on servers. We pointed Wayne to a number of bigger reports and processes. He will simulate those loads on some test data to see if we can find any stress points, breakpoints, and other info we can gain by load testing things. Wayne would like to work with some of the reps and consultants to find the pain points and going the daily grid and what works and what needs some more loving.

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Shop 4976 Working with Eric 9/24/2019  

Eric popped in and asked some questions about transitional invoices and how all of that works. We ended up talking about putting those requests into our community funded project list. Steve and I want to help to funnel the users and their requests into our project management options. Steve and I are going to be trying to focus on core vs custom and trying to figure out how maybe the custom could be core with settings (how to make it happen and/or play through).

3D calendar and time management. We are seeing people wanting to get into smaller and smaller time periods just as hours, minutes, seconds. Most of our stuff is currently on the day or single day type environment. 3D calendars deal with years, quarters, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, and seconds. Our users may even want to determine what their unit of measure (date specific) is... that way they could choose what level they want to play on (days, hours, minutes, etc.). - help file for world building and showing the layering options - small drawing on how the upper levels of world building may be configured and such.

Steve and I are seeing our way through the multiple databases per server type option. Those are technically the cluster and solar system levels in the world building pieces.

After Steve and I got done speaking, I jumped back on the special accounts project (rewards, customer loyalty points, gift cards, etc.).

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Shop 4167 Adilas universe and galaxy levels 11/14/2018  

While I was looking through some older papers, I saw this graphic. I'm not sure if it was ever pushed up online. It has a date of 1/11/17 and deals with adilas world building concepts. These are things like: 1. Adilas Universe Level (all adilas systems), 2. Galaxy Level (linked servers), 3. Cluster Level (individual boxes & servers), 4. Solar System Level (databases inside of the boxes or clusters), 5. World Level (corporations and/or companies inside of a database), 6. Location Level (sub areas within a corporation or company), 7. Group Level (any of the 12 main system player groups), 8. Individual Level (actual players or individual items within a group), 9. Data Level (how and where things are stored and what relationships exist between the pieces), 10. Run all levels over time (foundation concepts of time, space, and money (resources) that make up 3D world building).

The attached image is of the first few levels (universe, galaxy, cluster, solar system, world).

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Shop 2529 Alan Time 5/22/2017   On a GoToMeeting session with Alan. We were going over the existing progress for the World Building project. This was dealing with cluster level stuff (level 3), solar system level (level 4) and even world building (new corporations or level 5 stuff). He showed me a giant update query (tons of SQL statements) to help get the current database all up to date with the new changes we are planning. We took a little break in the middle so that Alan could go pick up his son from school. When we came back, we went over more database questions and looked up a few things in code and in the database itself.
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Shop 2347 Alan Time 3/15/2017   On a GoToMeeting session with Alan. We started out and talked with Dave Forbis about some of his projects. We then setup some testing for a new merchant account type. After that, we spent the rest of the session talking about database tables and what they do. We decided to remove a couple of the old un-used tables and define some others.

As a fun note, part of our session was in the cluster level database tables. We spent some time and did some drawings to figure out the cluster level login process. We took some older tables that have not yet been used and chopped them down a bit. We then tried to run through some scenarios on how the login would work. See attached for a rough scratch drawing of how the process works. The attached media/content also has some verbage that goes along with the drawing.

After the meeting, I spent some time and recorded some notes and did some email stuff.

Key words that might be searched: cluster_payee_id, cluster payee id, home planet corp id, home_planet_corp_id, cluster, solar system
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Shop 2335 Alan Time 2/27/2017   On a GoToMeeting session with Alan. We were brainstorming on the world building database project. We talked about the available option on the solar system table. That might be where we go in and prep a server and setup a number of shell databases (blank databases) and also ColdFusion datasources to go along with the shell databases. We then check to see what ones are available and virtually claim them as needed. That way we could prep and virtually stock the shelves on the servers so that things would be ready to go.

Alan is going to look into cross database options. That could be good and it could be bad. We are going to check into it. Maybe even make a pros and cons list of options. During our session, Alan was playing around and doing some cross joins with multiple MySQL tables from different databases.

Pros Traditional (new datasource per):
- Meant to be done this way.
- Just change the datasource and all existing queries would remain the same.
- Easier for future developers.
- We do all of the switching and lifting behind the scenes.
- Faster processing and development time.
- Less errors likely - if done in a traditional way.
- We could use a developer to set things up and then make tools that a middle ware developer could use at a point and click level.
- We could see the size of their data and the total footprint better.
- If we need to move and/or load balance something, we could grab the whole database and just move it. We would have to worry about other dependent pieces. Self contained.

Cons Traditional (new datasource per):
- Lots of duplicate tables and records (look-up tables, or standard tables)
- Updates on the existing tables would be harder.
- There might be errors and places where things get out of sync.
- It does take a developer to set things up (originally).
- You could max out the number of registered datasources. We saw a forum entry that a person was having problems when they got up into the 800 (ish) level for number of single databases and datasources per ColdFusion box (CF administrator stuff).


Pros Single Datasource (shared datasource but separate databases):
- Nice for a hosting type environment.
- We wouldn't have to setup any new datasources.

Cons Single Datasource (shared datasource but separate databases):
- Hard to understand and/or explain.
- It feels like a small hole and/or backdoor approach. Possible security problem.
- This would give access to all databases from one single master datasource.
- If someone figures out what master datasource is... they virtually have a key to the entire house.
- We would have to define and code each query to flip flop and use clustrer controller tables and database specific tables. Lots of aliases and virtual pointers.
- This could slow down the development time.
- It would require more database knowledge from our developers. Mixing databases within a single query.
- We would need to totally revisit permission on the user levels, the database levels, etc. This may take some research and implementation.
- What about bottle necks, threading issues, locking issues, etc. This comes down to performance.

One of our next steps will be to look at the database and see what will be cluster level vs. solar system level.
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Shop 2333 Alan Time 2/21/2017   Alan came over to my house and we looked into the database world building project. This is where we will be splitting up databases and changing the underlying structure of what and how we store the data. We talked about a number of key things. Here is a small list as a reminder:

- We started with some history and how in 2010, we started to map out the system. As we did that, we found that we were missing a huge date/time type component.

- We lightly went over the interactive map graphic and the GPS core graphics and how they play in. Basically, as we get deeper, we are starting to see where things are going.

- We talked about the current model and how the serves are setup with one shared database and one set of code. The new model will have a controller database and then smaller solar system (smaller groups of corporations). We still want the one-to-many relationship between one set of code and multiple databases.

- We started talking about the ideal (a full and complete rewrite) vs. a smaller database only focus. Lots of good discussion there. We came up with some smaller barriers to the full and/or complete rewrite. They were:

- >>> Time - time to finish, how long it will or could take.
- >>> Framework (language) and technology to use.
- >>> Talent and training for a project of this size.
- >>> Multiple unknowns - scale, goals, funding, new and changing features.
- >>> Multiple people that are doing the code.
- >>> Lack of leadership/organization.
- >>> API socket stuff (what we use and what they use).
- >>> Everything ties to time.

- We also covered some history on how we built and then broke model after model. We talked about how our current model has been built upon for the last 10+ years. We talked about how it is breaking in some places, fracturing in others, and general state of the platform.

- We talked about going clear back to the login level to get things dialed in for the new database changes. This will tie into a corp key that starts the login process. We still need to buff this section out and get a better detailed plan. The concept is there, but the details are still kinda fuzzy.

- Alan and I talked about database storage, optimization, and even I/O reads and writes and how to get better benefit out of the database models. We got kinda techy and even talked about changes, new indexes, and such.

- Part of the discussion was talking about how adilas is somewhat of an add-on type product. We have a core or base and then add and virtually bolt on new features, changes, patches, etc. As we build and break things, we then start with what we have as the new core. It builds and builds as we go.

- The last part of the conversation was dealing with existing code, pages, prep work, and where and how to find that. I will include a couple of word docs that we started (back a couple of years ago August/September of 2014). They are dealing with the database and what the different tables are and what the different fields do, hold, and how they interconnect.

- One of our next goals is to get organized and look more into the cluster controller databases and what is needed. there.

- As a side note, we talked about finishing up the first round using normal web code and then have Calvin translate that logic into his auto process (database to database) software tool. Here are some files that have been started as part of this project.

- >>> top_secret/secure/master_corp_home.cfm - starting page for setting up the other cluster and solar system levels.
- >>> top_secret/secure/create_new_cluster.cfm - create new cluster (domain or box level database - level 3)
- >>> top_secret/secure/create_new_solar_system.cfm - create new solar system (database within a cluster - level 4)
- >>> top_secret/secure/create_new_solar_system_part_2.cfm - migrate data from older shared database to new solar system database.
- >>> There are also tons of cfc's that have been started to help with this process. They are top_secret/cfc/admin.cfc, admin_2, 3, 4, 5, A2B, C, D2I, J2O, P, Q2R, S, T, U2Z (all of these files have top_secret/cfc/admin_[whatever].cfc.
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Shop 1631 Adilas time 9/20/2016   On a GoToMeeting session with Alan. Trying to show him around the databases and how the application is being used currently. We looked at some corp stats, inactive and dead data, as well as the goal and vision of the world building project and such (getting people onto their own individual databases - galaxies, clusters, solar systems, and worlds). We bounced between servers, looked at data tables, looked at the GPS core graphic, help files, and even jumped from server to server to look around. Good session on concepts and where things are currently at.

As a side note, I really get excited when I can show some vision and where we are headed. It is also fun to show how far along the journey we have come. Both sides are fun and bring me joy. :)
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Shop 1805 Working with Russell 9/9/2016   On a Zoom meeting with Russell. He started out by making some proposals about doing a couple rounds on an Affiliate Program of sorts. The interesting twist was using the second salesperson slot on the invoice as a quick fix and almost instant tie-in (just some minor tweaks). We then talked about how we may need both payee/user pieces as well as customer/client pieces. His idea to start on the payee/user side might actually be very helpful in some ways. That might allow for a number of pre-built pieces to be used rather quickly because all existing code is based off of payee/users vs. customer/clients.

Eventually, we'll need lots of customer stuff, invoice stuff, parts and general item stuff, promotion codes, special discounts, and even points and redemption type stuff. This could tie into expense/receipts and other special reports. I see the flex grid tie-ins section written all over this particular project as well as other main key players.

Russell also proposed that we start into the black box project on the main secure site and allow for themes and templates just like in the ecommerce land. Russell has done a great job in ecommerce and is looking to make similar type moves inside the system for the main secured environment. He really wants to make some mobile ready pages and apps. Good stuff and fun direction.

I had to help on a tech support call for about 20+ minutes to help Shari O. of adilas with inter corp settings between physical boxes (clusters and solar systems). We got it all figured out and got her going on her way.

After that Russell and I worked on some stock/unit settings for ecommerce. We are trying to make it so that users can modify and setup default photos for sub types, new aliases, and special web descriptions for stock/units. Good meeting.
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Shop 703 Bryan Dayton 3/29/2016   Working with Bryan to find old pieces of the world building project. This one has some roots and branches. We started going over some database stuff and spent some time looking for older files that deal with defining the adilas database and what database tables are on the cluster level (level 3) or on the solar system level (level 4) tables. Trying to get back on track on this project.
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AU 3927 Daily Ideas 7/7/2015   -Put up a new PDF flyer and new help file dealing with the concepts of the data assembly line. See entries in September and October 2014 for more details.
See sketches on scans in photo gallery 7/7/2015 of:
- Static
- Dynamic
- Dynamic with time, checkpoints, & permissions
- X = Time, Y = $, Z = Space
- 3D Assembly Line for data – include objects & data over time, resource tracking, & spatial elements (space)

-Put up a new PDF flyer and new help file talking about expanding the concepts of world building, systems, and different levels and how they interact and play… Universe, galaxies, clusters, solar systems, worlds, locations, groups, individuals, data level, and run all levels over time and through space.
-“We teach people how to treat us.” – My sister. This could be good and bad, abusive and helpful, pushy and firm, etc. Very interesting concept. She and I were talking on the way down to Salt Lake City about clients, relationships, and expectations.
-I hate to say it, but we have trained a number of our clients to push and demand the moon for pennies or almost nothing. We have jumped almost every time. It turns into an abusive type relationship. Nobody likes that. This is just me confessing about adilas and some of our clients. Adilas has just taken it on the chops, time and time again. We’ve got to put our foot down. This is for me personally as well. I barely make it from check to check with no wiggle room.
-My sister and the Project Manager are going to help make some safety nets (processes & procedures) for our development team. Virtual safety nets for our development team.
-See notes on 7/29/15 for an expanded view of this graphic.
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AU 3619 Daily Tasks 3/5/2015   • Emails and three new logos for different companies.
• On the phone with Steve catching up on new changes.
• Small logo changes for a company out of Arizona.
• Went in to Bridgerland to work with my guys. I helped an intern get started on copying look-up tables in the solar system. He is doing great. Met with another intern and went over round 2 for eCommerce. We determined that round 2 will include black boxes, JSON object settings, internal API socket calls, templates, new css options, etc. We also determined to add 3 more black boxes. The new ones are… navigations, side bar left, and side bar right. 30 miles.
• Worked with an intern on his mini project for gift cards. We were working on the add process and flow for pages. Another intern and I had a conference call with a consultant about a custom report that one of her clients needed.
• I then spent most of the afternoon working with Dave doing project management stuff. We met with two interns on a custom project for a client. Dave and I then sat down and went over the request for proposal for the Bridgerland Custom Fit database project. We ran some first round numbers and talked through things. Dave is going to be helping more with things as we go forward.
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AU 3618 Daily Tasks 3/4/2015   • Paying bills. Emails and recording notes from yesterday.
• On the phone with a software developer and independent computer consultant. He has worked for WordPerfect, Avery Labels, and other companies. WE had a good chat and talk. He may want to do some projects for us.
• Went into Bridgerland to work with the interns. An intern and I spent almost the entire day working on the solar system – level 4 databases. Great session and lots of progress today. Two interns were working on adilas API sockets.
• We took a break for an hour today to teach the guys some accounting basics. We used up an entire whiteboard and I had a blast showing how different things interact through cause and effect relationships. We talked about old school debits and credits (1494 A.D.), T-accounts, chart of accounts, P&L, balance sheet, adjustments, journal entries, ledgers, etc. We also talked about new school accounting, and 3D World Building. We talked about time, space, resources, money, flow, data assembly line, the story behind the numbers, checkpoints, flex, and roll call principles. Super fun… : ) Here is a small rendition of what the white board looked like…
• See notes from 10/14/14 for more info on the progression and how we got to 3D Accounting and 3D World Building. Went through the whole progression: (Please see sketch on scan in photo gallery): (Includes: horse, cart & horse, Operations & Accounting flex bubble, Old school accounting and operations batching missing time (gap of time),T-accounts, 3D assembly line for data, 3D World Building (x = time, y = resources, z = space).
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AU 3600 Daily Tasks 2/17/2015   • Writing and email and light proposal on breaking things into subs and doing some custom work.
• Went in to Bridgerland to work with interns. Started out by helping an intern get an adilas system setup. We took about 2 hours and went over three main concepts. We covered permissions, settings, and time. I really enjoyed that session. It helps me see how each of those sections are part of the foundation. An interesting piece of that foundation is that all three parts move and change or may be changed.
• I then worked with an intern on two different projects. We did a lot of white boarding and talked about the web/API socket project and new adilas black boxes for all eCommerce pages. We planned out the admin page for virtually opening and closing API socket doors and windows. This is part of the API socket project and starting to expose those pieces to the outside public. I
• I then worked with two interns on World Building and splitting out the databases. We drew out the 10 levels of World Building and how the solar system level (databases) needed some help to become a one-to-many relationship so that each company could have its own database. After the brainstorming session, we put an intern on a small database copy project.
• I worked with another intern on his mini project and we spent a lot of time working on validation and page flow. He has been doing good and well. Another intern was also there today and he was working with another intern. Very good day. 30 miles.
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AU 2833 Daily Tasks 9/20/2014  
  • Planning and prepping files and projects for the new developer. Started to implement a light version or version-ing system. Added light documentation for versions 1-9. See element of time # 873 in adilas and #2777 in the adilas university site.
  • Burning copies of files for the new developer. Talking with him to let him know where we are headed and what his current project will be.
  • Helping the new developer get set up with a new and updated copy of adilas files. We ran updates, installed databases, and got him lined out on his new project. He will be working on building the new solar systems.
  • Working on pagination (next n) stuff for migrating data between servers. Helping the new developer out with code questions and light ColdFusion training.
  • Working on new code to transfer zip codes. This was the first, bigger table that needed a multi-step process to make the migration go smoothly. Working with pagination to keep the user in a loop or process until they were done with the migration task at hand. This was a lot of prep work for other tables like invoice, parts, customers, expense/receipts, etc. Fairly simple process to migrate thousands of records at a time.
  • Working on the create new solar system page. Breaking up the process into bite sized chunks of data. Working on the tables with letters A to B.
  • Finished up the create tables and dummy record inserts for the solar system tables letters A to B.
  • Starting on solar system tables for letter C.
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AU 3715 Tech - Database Project & Solar System Tables 9/20/2014   Planning stuff with a developer to help with the big database project:
- Nondisclosure
- Files & database
- Documentation – pdf file
- Prep – his project will be creating the new solar systems
- Burn special copy – give it to developer
- Help him get setup with a working copy with all up dates
- Pattern after the create new cluster section
- Creates & dummy inserts – prepped text files
- Build on what you have
- Work as if for years
- Maybe add a version to the general table
- Put the updates together and add the version #
- It is okay to look-up versions on hand written paper for now
- 5 step creation process for new solar systems. This is just for the database creation and dummy inserts:

Maybe More:
- A – B
- C
- D – H
- I – N
- P
- Q – S
- T
- U – Z

Maybe More:
1. Universe
2. Galaxy (linked servers)
3. Cluster (box or domain)
4. Solar system (database)
5. World

List of Solar System Level Tables – A-B:
Column Headings:
- Table name
- Create
- Select
- Insert
- Dummy
- Populate
- Update
- Disconnected

Table Name:
1. Additional customer types
2. Additional customers
3. Adjustment POS
4. Allinv
5. Allinv ages
6. Allinv asset types
7. Allinv final numbers
8. Allinv floorplan
9. Allinv history
10. Allinv internet status
11. Allinv payments
12. Allinv status
13. Allinv sub types
14. Allinv subs
15. App types
16. Balance sheet history
17. Balance sheet items
18. Balance sheet photos
19. Balance sheet subs
20. Bank check specs
21. Banks

Key Indexes for the Main allinv Table:
- Stock id
- Status
- Title account id
- Model id
- Store id
- Purchase by type id
- Sales invoice number
- Corp id
- Allinv asset type id
- Purchase by id
- Salesperson id
- Stock
- Other salesperson id
- Payroll status id
- Internet status
- Stock paid
- Floorplan id
- Floorplan paid
- Web price setting id
- Date in
- Date sold
- Date floored
- Pay period from
- Pay period to
- Pay date
- Date paid commission
- Stock paid date
- Floorplan paid date
- First stock
- Month sold
- Year sold
- Show on web
- External alternate id
- Customer id

List of Solar System Level Tables C:
- Table name
- Create
- Select
- Insert
- Dummy
- Populate
- Update
- Document

Table Name:
1. Chart favorite categories
2. Chart of account type
3. Chart of accounts
4. Check request types
5. Check types
6. CMS media file types
7. CMS media history
8. CMS media history
9. CMS media references
10. Colors
11. Common features
12. Condition types
13. Contact types
14. Corp to inventory types
15. Corporations
16. Country
17. Customer contacts
18. Customer credit types
19. Customer history
20. Customer log
21. Customer photos
22. Customer queue
23. Customer queue types
24. Customer types
25. Customers

Key Indexes for the Main Customer Table:
- Customer id
- Corp id
- Customer type id
- Credit type id
- Tax category id
- Customer status
- Salesperson id 1
- Customer start date
- Customer end date
- Period start date
- Period end date
- Customer birth date
- Use end date
- Use period start
- User period end
- Use customer birth date
- Salesperson id 2
- External alternate id
- Customer birth numeric
- Opt out text
- Opt out email
- Last date modified
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AU 3714 Tech - Cluster Level Tables 9/18/2014   List of Cluster Level Tables:
Table Name:
1. App status history
2. Cluster app types
3. Cluster corporations
4. Cluster history flags
5. Cluster payee
6. Cluster payee to corp to permission
7. Cluster store location
8. Custom docs to corps
9. Custom documents
10. Fed state allowances
11. Federal tax tables
12. General table
13. Help files
14. Master corporation list
15. Master stock list
16. Photo upload history
17. Solar system names
18. State tax tables
19. Testing
20. Web page comments
21. Web page history
22. Web page modified log
23. Web page parameters
24. Web page results
25. Web page samples
26. Web page sub results
27. Web pages
28. Zip codes

Column Headings:
- Table Name
- Create
- Select insert
- Dummy
- Populate
- Update
- Documented

Cluster level tables:
Cluster corporations table:
- Cluster corp id
- Corp id
- Corp initials
- Corp name
- Corp status
- Solar system name id
- Corp key alias
o Create
o Select
o Insert
o Update
o Document
Solar system names table:
- Solar system name id
- Solar system name
- Solar system notes
- Solar system start date
- Solar system end date
- Solar system available
- Solar system status
o Create
o Select
o Insert
o Update
o Document

- When migrating data… it might be nice to see how many original ones there are, where we are at, and how many pieces have actually been migrated.
- Use buttons when possible. Disable once clicked, show results to help the user know the status.

Build on what you have!
- As a note, the field solar system name will hold the database connection string per corp.
- More than one corporation may share a solar system.
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AU 2830 Daily Tasks 9/17/2014  
  • At the table planning out new login procedures, new database tables, flow, and requirements. Good session. Got a few new pages of notes. We are going to use cluster payee id's, home planets for users.
  • Emails and tech support stuff. Light brainstorming on using the parts reference field to help with sub grouping and classifications. See further notes for details.
  • On the phone with Steve going over new and upcoming projects. We also talked about using project managers to help with bigger projects. The other main subject was developers and how to help them develop from API's or internal, using templates and skins. We are getting more and more people who want to ride on our platform and charge for custom code that fits on top of or inside the normal adilas system.
  • Helping an intern with his icon menus and some light code stuff. Sitting at the table doing some planning. Spent quite a bit of time documenting the inter-workings of the system. I know that all of that documentation could be used against us (showing the whole map) but we gain tons from it. I think it is exciting to see all of the pieces come together. Yee haw! Here we go!
  • Writing code for new cluster tables. Trying to prep things for clusters and multiple solar systems (new database levels).
  • An intern came over and we worked on his customer migration project. Lots of training on the fly and trying to help him understand what is going on. He is doing a good job.
  • Documenting adilas database tables and field names. Working in Microsoft word going table by table.
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AU 3713 Brainstorming - Database Copy & Solar System Notes 9/17/2014   - Do we want to go to int(11) or stay at int(10)?
- All normal dates need to be indexed
- When adding a new corporation (world) we need to decide if the new world is part of an existing solar system or a standalone new solar system. We have to make a decision…
- Once we have the corporation (world) setup in either a new or existing solar system, we can then copy from old world to new world or just let them (the corporation) start from scratch

Database Copy & Solar System Stuff:
- I am seeing a need for a cluster controller database and a blank master solar system database that will help populate and feed all other solar systems. Basically, we need a controller and a template to copy.
- Once the new copy is made, the system will leave the blank template alone. The blank solar system template will only be used when creating a new solar system. No one will actually interact with that database except for admin during scripted updates.
- Once we have a good cluster controller database and a blank solar system template database, we need to put copies on all servers. Those will end up becoming templates for all other pieces.
o Data 0
o Data 1
o Data 2
o Archive & storage
- The goal is to be able to create a new standalone solar system before we worry about copying from the bus (existing shared environment) to the new motorcycle or vehicle.
- The copy process is very important but I want to stop selling tickets on the bus so that I can drain the pond. We have to stop the inflow in order to get things cleaned up. I learned that from an old farmer! : )
- Part of the project is documentation. Take the time to get it done and do things right. This includes the Microsoft Word document with table names & descriptions.
- On the solar system copy and migrate part. Break things down by letter of each table A-Z. If a letter doesn’t have any tables, still show it, just disable that option. That way, we could always enable it later on if needed.

Changes to Make:
- Payee table – solar system level
o Add a new column
o Cluster payee id
o Int(10) for the old bus – new, old, documented
- Payee login history table – solar system level
o Corp id
o Cluster payee id
o Int(10) for the old bus – new, old, documented

Small Check List:
- Check application scope vars
- Login 1 corp
- Login multi corp
- Exceed logins
- Logout
- Look-up username & corps
- Switch crop
- Record login history
- Any payee to any corp
- Adding a new user
- Editing a user
- Admin user edit and reset – cascade down to sub databases
- View login history – make corp specific allow for unknowns
- Add new corp (standalone)
- Add new corp (already existing – solar system)

Other notes:
- If a user switches corporations (worlds) we need to catch those actions. This will be recorded on the payee login history table. In order to do this, the choose corporation page will have to play a bigger role in the system. It will have to log someone out virtually and re log them in to the new corporation. This will create a foot print of who went where and for how long. If the user logs out, they also get that recorded. Basically, this table will end up being the world the world switching table and history. Any corp that gets visited will be logged – this includes ever brief window shopping.
- The store/locations will need to be moved to the session scope. Currently they are recorded in the application scope. The other options is stay with the application scope and put a cluster level list of locations together. Either way.

New Cluster Level Tables:
Cluster Payee Table:
- Cluster payee id
- Payee id
- Payee type id
- Payee first name
- Payee last name
- Payee status
- Payee username
- Payee password
- Home planet corp id
o Create
o Select
o Insert
o Update
o Documented
- As a special note… reserve the first 100 cluster payee id’s
- We may need some customer code to populate Brandon’s & Steve’s id numbers – mini admin function

Cluster payee to corp to permissions table:
- Payee corp permission id
- Corp id
- Payee id
- Cluster payee id
- Payee permission id
- Payee corp permission status
o Create
o Select
o Insert
o Update
o Documented
- On any payee to any corp… update both the cluster level and the solar system and world levels

- They must exist in a home planet (corp)
- At that point, they will be assigned a cluster payee id
- That new cluster id will then be recorded at the solar system level to help with a backward look-up
- Usernames & passwords will only be able to be changed from the home planet
- Payee admin will use the cluster payee table as it’s source
- If a home planet is changed - It needs to be recorded on the cluster level
- If a payee gets bridged between planes, he or she keeps the home planet id. They virtually become a guest or visitor at that point.

Cluster store location table:
- Cluster store id
- Store id
- Corp id
- Store initials
- Store name
- Store status
- Store percentage
o Create
o Select
o Insert
o Update
o Documented
- This new cluster store location table will help us keep track of all locations per box or domain
- We will use application variables to hold and store all locations for quick look-up

Things to do…
- Put a new mini method on the top of each CFC page. This will help do a look-up on the corp id and the solar system datasource. Name each method according to the page name. For example:
o Cart cfc
o “Cluster look up cart”
o Amin 1 cfc
o “Cluster look up admin 1”
- Check every datasource = “___” to make sure it is pointing to the correct solar system, cluster, or correct database
- Every method (function within a cfc) needs a call to the look-up function to help dynamically flip the datasource name
- We need to check every instance of “applicaton.” ____ or “#application.”
- Make sure and record all changes in modified logs and files to upload lists

Application Scope Values & Variables:
- Main DSN = “ “ fill in the blank
- Test & live indicators – from the general table
- Cfc paths – “top secret cfc – xyz”
- Script path – “top secret secure”
- http address – “”
- https address – “”
- Main root folder – “/”
- Root folder – top secret
- Pdf path – top secret pdf
- Back up webservice address – (old) – inventory web components adilas
- Use webservice root path – (old) – inventory
- Use content server address –
- Content root folder – top secret
- Allow corporation creation – “yes” or “no”
- Master SSL web address – “”
- Master normal web address – “”
- App mode = “test” or “live”
- Qry system defaults = CSS colors & stuff from corp 1
- Qry adilas defaults = CSS colors & stuff from adilas corp
- Qry store locations = corp id, store initials, store name, store id, store status, store percentage
- Qry time card reasons = qry condition types, qry money types
- This one might need some help with new solar systems
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AU 2829 Daily Tasks 9/16/2014  
  • Emails and posting new default invoice views as corp-wide settings. There are six different views to choose from as the default when a shopping cart is converted to an invoice. The new ones are: 3” format – no line descriptions, 3” format – summary, and 8 ½ x 11 summary.
  • Prepping files for an intern for more icon menus. Working on parts and general inventory pages.
  • Creating icons for parts and general inventory pages and new buttons and icon menus.
  • Emails and tech support stuff.
  • New logos for clients.
  • Research and tracing the existing login procedure. Tying to get insight as to how the new cluster and solar system login procedure will happen and take place. We need to make some changes due to the new and upcoming database structure.
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AU 3712 Planning - Pages for Building New Corps/Worlds 9/16/2014   From a Post-it Note: (9/16/14)
- Universe
- Galaxy
- Cluster
- Solar System
- World
- Payees
- Usernames could be unique
- Solar System payee status

Planning out pages for building new corps, worlds, solar systems, and clusters:
Tracking the current login process:
Top secret index cfm:
Corp key id (passed or entered) – alias or traditional XYZ-0014:
- If on the master cluster check the master corporation list
- Else check the corporations table
Top secret login action cfm:
- Currently only username and password are pass in
o Payee and time zone check
- Check the number of corps
o Single payee id number check
o Corp & permission check
o Looking for one or more matching corporations
- If single corp assignment
o Do another payee to corp to permission check
o Grab quick search options
o Grab corp and tax category settings
- If single corp assignment
o Grab all personal settings including default homepage
o Set session vars
- If multi corp assignment
o Set generic session vars & send to the corp chooser page
- Record the login history for the user

Extra Page:
- Top secret look up corp key cfm
o Username look up
o Payee check
o Corp & permission check
o Currently assumes a single payee id but possible multi match on corps and permissions
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AU 2828 Daily Tasks 9/15/2014  
  • Back working on the database copy and deep database surgery. This is also known as the solar system level. This project was started in mid August of this year. Spent the morning checking different computers for files and progress on the database copy. Reread all of my notes in this notebook from 8/12/14 to 9/12/14. Lots of crazy things happening. The notebook review really helped me remember what is going on and where we are headed.
  • Touching pages that are part of the big database copy project. Light work on the in-line discount code. Trying to make sure existing code will work going forward.
  • Emails and tech support stuff.
  • On the phone with a consultant talking about tax settings and mini invoice options and settings. See notes below. Small code changes for him and his client.
  • Small tweak to the mini invoice and corp-wide settings to only show the mini invoice with the items and not the descriptions.
  • The guy helping with marketing and project management came over to meet with me about marketing ideas and how to get more developers online and in the trenches. Great meeting! Lots of vision and concepts. I showed him some pieces of the new teacher/student interface and we talked some potential.
  • An intern came over and we worked on a customer upload from a digital file. Light database work and combing an Excel file.
  • Working on database design and layout at the upper cluster (box or domain) level. Making some decisions about cluster corporations and cluster payee/users. Those two are kind of the crux tables.
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AU 3704 Brainstorming - Clusters & Solar Systems 9/15/2014   Sketches - See scan in photo gallery
Cluster (box or domain) – code
New Solar Systems
• Corporations
• Payee table
Cluster Controller Database – it has a master list of all corps on the box & all the employee/user/payees on the box
Older bus or shared environment legacy code. This used to be the whole database that we had.

Round 1 – 200 Create Table
Round 2 – Random
Round 3 – Select, Insert – date, times, date/times, & decimals

Tables that are needed on both levels... Clusters & Solar Systems
Solar System Level 4
- App type
- Corporations
- History flags
- Payee
Cluster Level 3
- Cluster app types – same as solar system
- Cluster corporations – mini version
- Cluster history flags – same as solar system
- Cluster payee – mini version
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AU 2806 Daily Tasks 8/29/2014  
  • Emails and recording notes from post-it notes.
  • Checking out digital files for a client that wants us to upload their data. Wrote an email back to the rep with quotes, prices, and questions.
  • On the phone with Steve giving him an update as to where we are at with the database surgery,copy, and duplication process. We also talked about other projects, timing, and direction. Good stuff.
  • My sister came over and we did a multi-hour session on defining the database tables. We went table by table and wrote a small blurb or paragraph for each table. What does it do, how is it connected, and what are its uses. Anyway, a great session.
  • Writing an update email on the database split and copy project. Asked for another two weeks to get it done. It may even be longer than that. I compared the existing adilas shared environment to a bus. Virtually, adilas has been selling seats on this bus. With the new database and solar system changes adilas will be able to sell individual vehicles and/or motorcycles to our clients. They will have an independent instance or mini adilas engine to run and operate on. That is exciting. Good stuff!
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AU 2804 Daily Tasks 8/27/2014  
  • Emails and tech support. More API socket connection requests
  • Going through table by table and checking code for populating the new database structures for both clusters (level 3) and solar systems (level 4). Went through all of the A tables and started in the B's. Finished up the B tables and started into the C's.
  • Our client, the school teacher, came over to talk about the adilas teacher/student interface. She needs a behavior tracking system. We will use elements of time and a custom wrapper on it. We talked about options and I made some sketches about what she is looking for.
  • More work on the “C” tables. Getting things ready for doing database copies.
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AU 2803 Daily Tasks 8/26/2014  
  • New logos for a client.
  • On the phone with a client. We went over tons of different scenarios on the balance sheet. Including distributions, loans, paid in capital, outside funding, etc Good little session.
  • Small changes to a client contract. Added new credit hours and posted the changes online. No charge.
  • More logo work for a client. Emails and follow-up.
  • Jumping back into the full database copy and scripting all of the tables out. Started on the populate process. This pulls data from a master database and pushes new records to a new solar system. Both my sister and my wife were prepping files.
  • Reviewing brainstorming notes for the full database copy project. Lots of loose pages with notes clear back from December of 2013 about different levels and pieces that are needed. Good review. A developer was over tonight helping with copying and posting code. Good stuff.
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AU 3703 Brainstorming - Developers & Remote Installs 8/26/2014   - Corp id’s are huge
- User or payee ids exist at a level 4 (solar system) level.
- What about inter-world id #’s & outer-world id #’s for users.
- It would be cool to be able to remotely update any look-up table via API/web service connections. Just thinking about developers & remote installs.
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AU 2802 Daily Tasks 8/25/2014  
  • Working with both my wife and sister on database updates and SQL update statements. More prep work for doing full database copies. Also working on adding database indexes to all sort orders and field status values. This will help when doing database queries.
  • Working on database code for new clusters. A cluster is a box, server, or domain level structure. It goes:
    -Level 1 – Universe,
    -Level 2 – Galaxies (linked servers),
    -Level 3 – Clusters (individual servers, boxes, or domains),
    -Level 4 – Solar Systems (databases inside of a cluster or box),
    -Level 5 – Individual Worlds (corporations inside of a database or solar system). The levels go all the way to 10 but we only needed the top 5 for this entry.
  • On the phone with Steve going over things. We talked about options for dynamic css (cascading style sheets), 3rd party skins, and interface pieces. We also talked about upcoming projects, progress on the database project, and the use of API socket connections in the near future. We are seeing a large shift towards full API requests and access to backend data pieces.
  • Planning, paying bills, and recording notes.
  • Making decisions on where to put certain tables that play both at the cluster level and at the solar system level. Did some research on existing table structure and layout. Checking for dependencies between tables for certain joins on tables.
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Adi 866 Intellectual Property Workshop 8/21/2014   Brandon Moore, Wayne Moore, Cheryl Moore, Shannon Moore, and Dave Forbis attended a workshop on intellectual property in Logan, UT. The workshop was put on by the Small Business Development Center, Cooperative Extension of USU. The presenters were a law firm that dealt with patents, trademarks, copyrights, etc. See attached for my notes.

What I got out of the workshop was basic information, timelines, ball park figures, and what is required. My favorite part of the workshop was dealing with how patents, trademarks, and copyrights can be denied and/or rejected.

This might sound random, but I think that our goal is not to secure a patent on every little feature. Our goal is to defend patents being put on to core concepts. We need the model to be open and free. If not, it will swing power potentially in the wrong direction. So, in a nutshell, by us talking about things, publishing things, teaching, instructing, and building with openness in mind, we are helping to keep the patents out of the core of the ideas and concepts. Let people patent smaller pieces of the puzzle, that is no problem. However, we need to protect and educate people on the core of what we are doing.

I have said this in private before, but I would bet that the core concepts that is built on are 100 times more valuable than the code that we have written over the years. There could be thousands of possible code angles on these same concepts. That is well and fine and a known fact. The important piece is protecting the core concepts and principles of what we are doing. We kinda fell into this... this wasn't our original goal. However, I do feel that we have some super important things that we are developing such as:
  1. 12 Main Application Player Groups - Customers, invoices, quotes, vendors, PO's, items or parts, stock/units, deposits, expense/receipts, employee/users, user-maintained balance sheet items, and elements of time.
  2. We have photo galleries for each of the 12 main application player groups. Each gallery can hold 100 images per item or individual in the group.
  3. We also have a full blown content management and digital file catalog and/or archive system for each of the 12 main application player groups. We also go further and allow files and documents to be stored and cataloged at the system level (as a whole), at the group level (by any of the 12 main application player groups), or by individuals within the different groups.
  4. Another huge piece that we are doing is business world building concepts. This includes all 10 levels that we currently know about. They are: 1. Universe Level (the internet and all adilas pieces), 2. Galaxy Level (linked servers - both data and content servers), 3. Cluster Level (individual boxes, domains, or servers), 4. Solar Systems (databases within a cluster - could be one or more per box), 5. World Level (corporations, entities, and companies within a single solar system or database), 6. Location Level (stores, departments, or physical or virtual sub dividers of a corporation or business), 7. Group Level (see the main 12 application player groups listed above), 8. Individual Level (items, objects, and entities inside of a group. for example: customer 111, invoice 345, deposit 222, po 474, etc.), 9. Data Level (how and where are things stored in the database? what relationships exists? what is the story?, 10. Run all levels over "Time" (time is the current bottom level structure that we play in, on, and through. this same statement could be re-written as objects and data wrapped in time)
  5. Operation lead accounting over time. Our use of time and how it plays into the whole story of what is going on. It allows for characters, relationships, overcoming trouble or problems, decisions and choices, cause and effect consequences, accountability, etc. That is where you get the whole story or being able to capture the pieces of the story. In short, we call it roll-call accounting. The system is able to go backwards and forwards over time to tell what the relationships were, are, and may be. This helps show how things were/are connected or accounted for over time. It is awesome!
  6. We have taken a traditional model or business model and created a fully integrated system. You no longer have to have 4-10 different pieces of software to run your business. You can use the full system or platform to run your business. You have access to all of the pieces, any time, under one roof. It works because it is a system.
  7. We have built the entire foundation on two main concepts. They are: permissions & settings. You can do almost anything with those two pieces. Permissions are who has access and what can they do? Settings are the how, when, how much, how many, and what to call it. This could also include show/hide, open/close, limit, defaults, etc. Settings and permissions may be applied on multiple levels. Technically, a person could add both permissions and settings on all 10 business world building concepts listed above (universe, galaxy, cluster, solar system, world, location, group, individual, data, and wrapped in time). That is a huge piece of the puzzle.
  8. One last thing that really needs to be there is the ability to be flexible. No two things are the same. People and businesses want access to features, functions, data, and processes from different angles and in different ways. This means that you have to 1. Be able to catch the data. 2. Can you get at the data that you caught? This also includes options for editing or changing the data. 3. Can you show it back to the user in the way that they want it? This goes out to custom levels and deals with interface, API socket connections, webservices, feeds, imports, exports, data trafficking, flow, controls, etc. What are you looking for? What is your goal? This is the results and/or interface of the application.

Anyways, those are some of the pieces that I see that we are doing and developing that could potentially be patented and/or copyrighted. They are listed here to start the process.
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AU 2774 Intellectual Property Workshop 8/21/2014   Brandon Moore, Wayne Moore, Cheryl Moore, Shannon Moore, and Dave Forbis attended a workshop on intellectual property in Logan, UT. The workshop was put on by the Small Business Development Center, Cooperative Extension of USU. The presenters were a law firm that dealt with patents, trademarks, copyrights, etc. See attached for my notes.

What I got out of the workshop was basic information, timelines, ball park figures, and what is required. My favorite part of the workshop was dealing with how patents, trademarks, and copyrights can be denied and/or rejected.

This might sound random, but I think that our goal is not to secure a patent on every little feature. Our goal is to defend patents being put on to core concepts. We need the model to be open and free. If not, it will swing power potentially in the wrong direction. So, in a nutshell, by us talking about things, publishing things, teaching, instructing, and building with openness in mind, we are helping to keep the patents out of the core ideas and concepts. Let people patent smaller pieces of the puzzle, that is no problem. However, we need to protect and educate people on the core of what we are doing.

I have said this in private before, but I would bet that the core concepts that is built on are 100 times more valuable than the code that we have written over the years. There could be thousands of possible code angles on these same concepts. That is well and fine and a known fact. The important piece is protecting the core concepts and principles of what we are doing. We kinda fell into this... this wasn't our original goal. However, I do feel that we have some super important things that we are developing such as:
  1. 12 Main Application Player Groups - Customers, invoices, quotes, vendors, PO's, items or parts, stock/units, deposits, expense/receipts, employee/users, user-maintained balance sheet items, and elements of time.
  2. We have photo galleries for each of the 12 main application player groups. Each gallery can hold 100 images per item or individual in the group.
  3. We also have a full blown content management and digital file catalog and/or archive system for each of the 12 main application player groups. We also go further and allow files and documents to be stored and cataloged at the system level (as a whole), at the group level (by any of the 12 main application player groups), or by individuals within the different groups.
  4. Another huge piece that we are doing is business world building concepts. This includes all 10 levels that we currently know about. They are: 1. Universe Level (the internet and all adilas pieces), 2. Galaxy Level (linked servers - both data and content servers), 3. Cluster Level (individual boxes, domains, or servers), 4. Solar Systems (databases within a cluster - could be one or more per box), 5. World Level (corporations, entities, and companies within a single solar system or database), 6. Location Level (stores, departments, or physical or virtual sub dividers of a corporation or business), 7. Group Level (see the main 12 application player groups listed above), 8. Individual Level (items, objects, and entities inside of a group. for example: customer 111, invoice 345, deposit 222, po 474, etc.), 9. Data Level (how and where are things stored in the database? what relationships exists? what is the story?, 10. Run all levels over "Time" (time is the current bottom level structure that we play in, on, and through, this same statement could be re-written as objects and data wrapped in time)
  5. Operation led accounting over time. Our use of time and how it plays into the whole story of what is going on. It allows for characters, relationships, overcoming trouble or problems, decisions and choices, cause and effect consequences, accountability, etc. That is where you get the whole story or being able to capture the pieces of the story. In short, we call it roll-call accounting. The system is able to go backwards and forwards over time to tell what the relationships were, are, and may be. This helps show how things were/are connected or accounted for over time. It is awesome!
  6. We have taken a traditional model or business model and created a fully integrated system. You no longer have to have 4-10 different pieces of software to run your business. You can use the full system or platform to run your business. You have access to all of the pieces, any time, under one roof. It works because it is a system.
  7. We have built the entire foundation on two main concepts. They are: permissions & settings. You can do almost anything with those two pieces. Permissions are who has access and what can they do? Settings are the how, when, how much, how many, and what to call it. This could also include show/hide, open/close, limit, defaults, etc. Settings and permissions may be applied on multiple levels. Technically, a person could add both permissions and settings on all 10 business world building concepts listed above (universe, galaxy, cluster, solar system, world, location, group, individual, data, and wrapped in time). That is a huge piece of the puzzle.
  8. One last thing that really needs to be there is the ability to be flexible. No two things are the same. People and businesses want access to features, functions, data, and processes from different angles and in different ways. This means that you have to 1. Be able to catch the data. 2. Can you get at the data that you caught? This also includes options for editing or changing the data. 3. Can you show it back to the user in the way that they want it? This goes out to custom levels and deals with interface, API socket connections, webservices, feeds, imports, exports, data trafficking, flow, controls, etc. What are you looking for? What is your goal? This is the results and/or interface of the application.

Anyway, those are some of the pieces that I see that we are doing and developing that could potentially be patented and/or copyrighted. They are listed here to start the process.
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AU 2798 Daily Tasks 8/20/2014  
  • Moving prepped table creation statements into live code to help create new mini adilas databases. We are calling this, level 4 or creating a new solar system.
  • Moving pieces, clean-up, prep, and planning next phases.
  • Tech support calls on complicated pricing matrix and mix-n-match selling to get to a standard price. We talked my cart favorites, advanced grids, and then recipe/builds
  • More work on the new databases.
  • On the phone with Steve talking about pros and cons to the system charges we are making. This is a huge step for us in going to the next level. Some of the benefits are speed, mobility, options, balancing, storage, and even deleting and removing waste. That is awesome.
  • New logo for a client out of Salida, CO.
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AU 2811 Daily Ideas 8/20/2014   -Idea from my sister: As we start making adilas more and more a self-serve model, include the reps and consultants as the next level of automation and permissions. Let them get in and setup things. It is already headed in that direction, help feed things that way.
-Maybe allow a request from a cluster to the upper galaxy and universe levels. That might be a cool option. Think of going up and down the chain of command.
-On this new database copy project... Level 4 database or create new solar system project... Maybe use the analogy of a bus (older shared table structure) as compared with a motorcycle (newer, smaller, quicker table structure). Another one might be a raft vs. a kayak or a space ship vs. a smaller speeder or something. We are hoping that it will make that big of a difference. That would be cool!
-”Teach them correct principles and let them govern themselves.” -Joseph Smith. Great council and advice.
-We had a request to record shopping cart history. This is virtual memory. I can see a need for start, stop, save, create invoice (checkout), or clear. All other actions get into a micro management issue. It has got to come back to good principles...
-When ready, we need to index main dates to numeric values. We also need to push date/time stamps out to hours, minutes, and seconds. Once we start to index that, it will be awesome! As a note, look-up numeric dates on adilas university for more info including numeric day of the week values.
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AU 2797 Daily Tasks 8/19/2014  
  • Prepping more SQL and database files. Finished some of the prep and started into detailed table creation. Going line by line checking defaults, indexes, and formatting. Fine tooth combing.
  • Adding fully scripted tables to the create new solar system (level 4 database structure) method.
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AU 2796 Daily Tasks 8/18/2014  
  • Working on a digital file conversion and update. We got a digital text file with barcodes and quantities. We had to load the text file, group it, do the math, look-up products and barcodes, check quantities, and update the system if there was a problem, etc. Got the update pushed to a live server and emailed all parties involved.
  • Posting a news and update page with the highlight on the expanded chooser page (choose your custom interface).
  • On the phone with Steve doing a quick update and touching base on current projects.
  • Prepping SQL (database) stuff for the full solar system copy.
  • Got a call from a client. I ran the inventory update for them this morning. Well, they forgot to tell me that it happened a couple days ago, so the update that I did had the wrong numbers. Anyway, we voided out the old update and ran it again with some different dates. Hopefully that fixed everything and corrected the inventory according to a date in the past. Kind of crazy...
  • Emails and updates.
  • Prepping files for copying the database. I had both my wife and sister working on different copy and paste formatting projects.
  • Emails and light tech support.
  • Prepping more database files.
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AU 2795 Daily Tasks 8/16/2014  
  • A developer came over to help me with a database migration project. We chatted and did some catch-up on things. I started prepping files and step-by-step plans for the database copy procedure. The developer started on the create new solar system (aka database) page and I started going through each table and defining what we need to copy and what will be added by the system.
  • More work on database tables. Going through things table by table. Lots of memories back to past projects. Manual work but kind of fun.
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AU 2794 Daily Tasks 8/15/2014  
  • Emails and updates.
  • Updating some help files. Recorded some notes on the help file for the adilas GPS core layout (help id = 479). This includes the list of all 10 levels in the world building concepts. See elements of time id #1914, 1905, & 1969 for other entries on these 10 world building levels. These id numbers are in the adilas university site. I also added some graphics to element of time #2773 for a small visual history of graphics and concepts for the adilas Dream it Up – your data, your world, your way slogan.
  • Small tech support fix on a partially voided PO. Part was voided but two line items still had values. Not sure why that happened unless it was multiple users and/or multiple windows being used at the same time.
  • Recording notes about doing full database copies. Basically cloning solar systems and inter galactic moving and copying.
  • Working on the in-line discount project. It sounds like a discount thing, and it is. However, the real problem behind the scenes is sales tax and keeping things straight that way. Spent quite a bit of time at the table planning out what is needed. Pages of notes and calculations and database planning.
  • Started coding new database tables for the in-line discount project.
  • Worked on an update script for all existing tables for each corporation to include the in-line discount fields.
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AU 2810 Daily Ideas 8/15/2014   -On the adilas GPS core layout, when the very center hub is clicked, show all of the different homepages with links to each homepage. Maybe set it up like the expanded chooser page with icons for the different homepages. (Or maybe it shows the map when the center hub is clicked.)
-When we circle back around on help files, it might be nice to put a graphic of each page as part of the help file. A good example is the help file for the teacher/student interface (help id = 435).

Notes on making full database copies:
-We need to make a choice – add to an existing database or create a new standalone database. Our world building concept for databases is “solar systems” inside a “cluster” (box or domain name).
-We need to be able to go both ways – new solar system or add to an existing solar system?
-When copying, we need a master. A copy only works from a shared environment to a new environment. A copy may fail, due to id conflicts, from a shared environment to another shared environment. For this first round, shared to shared copies won't be allowed. Only shared to new will work for round one.
-When checking between a master and a new solar system, do a query, check id's, and either insert or update depending on what we need.
-Make it reusable for other corps.
-I can see a future need for copying and moving from an existing shared environment to another shared environment. I wanted to avoid this crazy mapping and relationship stuff, but we may have to do it. Bummer!

-We had a request to use the default invoice setting (print options) on quotes. Basically, the people want to go right to the mini quote once a shopping cart is saved.
-On all new solar systems (new databases and database copies), add date indexing to all dates. This should really help with query speed.
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AU 2792 Daily Tasks 8/13/2014  
  • Reading emails and planning out my day. Just got a request to do a full database copy for a client. That will be a huge project.
  • Prep, emails, and light code changes for PO's.
  • On the phone with Steve going over direction for existing pieces and projects. We talked about some known holes, fixes and how to copy and duplicate the system. We decided that we would do a full and independent copy of the adilas database. This will be a step towards our universe and world building concepts that we are trying to do. As a recap we have level one – universe level, level two – galaxies (linked servers), level three – clusters (independent servers or boxes), and level four – solar systems (databases within a single box or server). This will be our first attempt at the solar system level. That is exciting. For more details on the world building concepts, see clear back in late 2013. Lots of work done on this part of planning back in December of 2013. See entries on 12/20/13 for the first mention of the solar system level. Prior to that it was just called the database level.
  • Planning, prep, and research back in my notebooks. It was fun going back to see entries from late last year on world building concepts. This is the next step.
  • Creating an invoice and email for the full database copy.
  • Emails and schedules for upcoming project and full database copy.
  • Reworking the IFTA page that reads the CSV file in. Changed from a load data in file command to a method that reads the file into memory and then loops over it line by line with validation and error handling. Canceled a tech support ticket, random phone calls, and emails. Kind of crazy.
  • Working on a simple API connection between adilas and an ATM type of kiosk called Cash 4 Ever.
  • On a conference call between Cash 4 Ever developers and myself. They wanted a demo on the eCommerce section and how we could integrate between the two systems. I showed them a simple interface, the shopping cart, eCommerce, mini receipt stuff, quotes, and restore to cart features.
  • Phone calls, emails, and paying bills.
  • Prep work for the developer for the Armored car stuff – banks, customers, deposits, and flex grid stuff.
  • On the phone with the Colorado developer going over IFTA stuff and also an intro to flex grid to help him set things up for the Armored Car Playsite.
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AU 3681 Brainstorming - Adilas Business Functions/Features 3/20/2014   This is a brainstorming document that was done from 3/20/14 to 3/27/14. It covers all 12 of the major business functions that adilas provides. The goal here is to focus more on the “sizzle” vs. the steak. The brainstorming was done by Brandon, Shannon, Dave, Cheryl, & others.

Goal/Objective: Show & tell all 12 Business Functions/Features – here is what this can do. Brief definition – this is what this is.
- What functionality – per business features – what, what, what – show me WHAT it can do. WHAT features does it have….
- From start to finish – follow this path all the way through – start to finish & review it

1. Sales, Inventory Tracking, & POS (Point of Sale):
- Serialized inventory
- Consignment inventory
- Hide/show line items (hidden line items)
- Advanced add to cart items
- Barcoding
- Package tracking
- RFID Tracking
- Custom labels
- Paperwork – custom
- Content Management
- Photos/Images
- Shopping carts
- Duplicating
- Vendor specific items
- Generic items
- Service items
- Tiered pricing structure
- Interface options
- Dynamic cart interface
- Quote – save as
- Discounts
- Contract pricing – using flex grid
- Adjustable invoice styles
- My Cart Favorites – Buttons
- Recipe/Builds
- Adjustable tax settings
- Multiple customers per invoice/quote
- Mixed tickets
- eCommerce – Point of Sale options
- Merchant Processing – credit cards
- Customer queue
- Item usages
- Flex Grid
- Transfers between locations
- Update inventory count options – shrinkage/loss
- Returns/refunds/exchanges
- Tie directly to customer PO’s – dynamic fields
- Custom search options
- Sell anything!
- Editable after the fact
- Record notes – printable & non-printing
- Searchable notes – searchable data

2. CRM (Customer Relationship Management)
- Unlimited logs
- Unlimited follow-ups
- Calendar
- Appointments
- Bill for time
- Track special data – customize your database
- Additional contacts
- Custom data fields
- Paperwork
- Photos/scans/images
- Content Management
- Export to Excel
- Email/text message
- Tie to specific sales associates
- Current receivables – past history
- Backend eCommerce login
- Pay portals
- Statements
- Apply payments
- Purchase history / statistics
- Link to any other application piece
- Custom search options
- Trending & marketing

3. CMS (Content Management System)
- Photos, scans, images
- Reference any file – local, remote, physical upload
- Unlimited & searchable reference library
- Documentation
- Custom documents
- Paperwork
- Contracts
- Custom mappings
- Direct to eCommerce
- Your data, your system, your world, your way!
- ??? – Something more…
- Custom search options
- Virtual World Building
- Look & feel
- What do you want? We’ll serve it up!
- Mix & blend
- Point & click interface

4. Online Expense Tracking
- Reimbursements
- Expense accounts
- Payments on account
- Payables
- Access from anywhere
- Enter data from anywhere
- Print checks from anywhere
- Bank reconciliation
- Automatically cascades to P&L
- Check requests
- Check printing
- Multiple payments
- Documentation
- Split between location
- Aging, due dates
- Dynamic reporting
- Exporting to Excel
- Bulk verify
- Unlimited banks
- Payroll
- Custom search options
- Photos, scans
- Digital filing
- Paperless office
- Automated…. ???
- ACH & EFT’s – wiring money

5. Payroll & Timecards
- Digital time clock – clock in/out
- Admin time cards
- Admin time clocks
- Commissions
- Salary
- Overtime
- Split deals
- Hourly
- Year to date summaries
- Unlimited departments
- Auto calculate federal & state withholdings
- Summary reports
- View/print my pay stubs
- Bulk timecard options
- Check writing
- 1099’s
- W-2’s
- Automatic annual updates
- Custom search options
- HR management
- Needed piece for every business – employees are used in other pieces of the puzzle – common denominator – wrap that up and present that well – potentially, on our side, take a day and create a few custom interfaces (that you could even flip to a mobile app) and just have this as an entrance (or get your foot in the door piece)
- Compensation
- Holiday pay/hours
- Vacation pay/hours
- Sick pay

6. Calendar & Scheduling
- How do you use time?
- Appointments
- Calendaring
- Scheduling
- Reservations
- To-do lists
- Projects – track subs and totals for projects
- Servicing
- Project management
- Pools
- Rentals
- Dispatching
- Bill for time
- Reminders
- Follow-ups
- Notices
- Dynamic naming
- Create & name your own time templates
- Scans, photos, images
- Content uploads
- 4 different report types/view: calendar, time slot, groups, & details
- Advance searching
- Add subs
- Tie to customer, vendors, locations
- Queue things to be invoiced
- Project status – what needs to be done or what status is it at
- Color code
- Unlimited notes, entries, sub dates & times
- Block out time spans
- Packaging
- GPS tracking
- RFID tag tracking
- Customer checkpoints
- Document processes over time, with time
- Customer facing calendar
- Registration
- Adding time to invoices & quotes
- The underlying concept – ALL things run over time

7. Create Data Relationships Between System Players
- Natural relationships
- System maintained relationships
- User maintained relationships
- Special relationships – connections
- Flex Grid Tie Ins
- Custom fields
- Customizable databases
- Unlimited notes
- Unlimited connections
- Customizable reports
- Relationship builder
- Virtual buddy system
- Process & flow relationships
- Roll call – anytime
o Who
o What
o When
o Where
o How many
o How much
o Who else – other connections
o Why
- Systems thinking
- Cause & effects
- Telling the story
- Records all processes
- Histories – system recorded histories – when/who did this?
- User recorded histories
- Linking within system groups
- Core concepts
- Accountability
- World Building – creating realistic & logical relationships
- Objects – objects & data over time
- Multiple access points – multiple entry points
- Visual organization & structure in data relationships

8. Backend Office & Accounting Functions
- Automated Balance Sheet
- Automated Profit & Loss Statement
- User maintained Balance Sheet flexibility
- Automates 75%+ of your financials
- Live feedback
- Live financial report for any data – even historical
- Searchable
- Editable
- Build in audit trail
- Tells the story
- Tax reports
- Automated cause & effects
- Banks
- Inventories
- Receivables
- Payables
- Floorplan
- Checkbooks
- Check-writing
- Payroll
- Commissions
- Withholdings – taxes
- Shrinkage, loss
- Documentation
- Photos, scans
- Content
- Forms – standard forms
- 1099’s, W-2’s
- Operation led & accounting automated – horse before the cart
- Simulate traditional accounting using modern technology
- Business mapping data over time & data relationships
- Entries are objects & portions of information progress/flow forward
- HR management

9. Histories & Reports
- ALL Data Is Live And Searchable (& retrievable)
- Data in – data out
- Usages
- Histories
o Financial
o Effectual
o Historical
- System history for every action
- Quick search
- Advanced searches
- Exports to Excel
- Save as pdf
- Print reports
- Dynamic filtering & searching
- Wild card searches
- Drill-down to multiple layers of data
- Any data in – is retrievable!
- Build your own reports
- Date sensitive reports
- Pre-set criteria
- Custom reports
- Search & retrieve ALL data!
- Know the data source – where is that information stored
- Just in time reporting – live, flexible reports
- Retrieve information for marketing, HR, sales, inventories, financials, trending, usages

10. BI (Business Intelligence)
- Def: The pulse – what is happening in your business, who/what is involved, how does this play, they want to know the story – all of this is done with data, using data to tell the story, analytics, what does this mean, interpreting, marketing, trending, etc.
- Provide the History & Reports ***
- Usage
- Interfaces – dashboard level
- Return & report
- Track usage, data, interactions, history, etc.:
o Customers
o Invoices
o Stock/Units
o Items/Parts, Inventory
o Deposits
o Expense/Receipts
o PO’s
o Vendors
o Employees/Users
o Quotes
o Elements of Time
o Balance Sheet Items
- Relational data interactions
- Dynamic data levels – unlimited – one to many to many relationships
- Thank you adilas for making our lives easier!
- Spend time analyzing & tracking data instead of building
- Cutting edge – fastest browsers, new technology
- Graphs, charts, visual representation for data
- Data projections
- Anytime roll call – return & report
- Cascading, flexible, dynamic
- Just in time – reports, history, recall, financials – what do I want to look at right now
- Cloud based – centralized data – access anytime, anywhere
- World Building:
o Universe level
o Galaxies
o Clusters
o Solar System
o World
o Location
o Groups
o Individuals
o Data
o Run All Levels Over Time
- B2B or business to business interactions
- Technology advances – memory, storage, processing power
- Playing to where things are going
- Future vision – anticipating, trending
- The tools to reach future vision
- Adaptability
- Make appropriate changes according to your data
- The data & reports to make your business decisions – research, marketing, trends, etc.
- Affordable
- Enterprise toolset for small to medium businesses
- Cutting edge system for the right price
- Grows with your company – reflects your
- Time efficiency ***
- Quick access & accountability for business functions
- Business stimulating ideas
- Project management – managing business
- Entrepreneurial idea type system vs. more rigid/fixed systems
- Multi-accessible, editable, adaptable flow vs. linear, rigid flow
- A living tool

11. Web Presence & eCommerce
- Online elements of time & calendaring options – scheduling, appointments, rentals, reservations, class seats, projects, timelines, check-off processes, etc., etc. (not exposed yet)
- Online quotes/orders
- eCommerce – cart to payment to shipping functionality
- Continual updates & releases
- Adjustable settings & eCommerce options
- PayPal
- Multiple Merchant Gateways –, Maxx Merchants, Merchant One, USAePay, First Data
- Shipping API’s
- Merchant Gateway API’s
- Marketing/messaging API’s
- Promotion codes
- Special web pricing
- Marketing – sales
- Futuristically… smart menu – that helps track & calculate time according to the tasks you choose
- Downloadable products – E-products
- Customer login options
- View user history, view your quotes, your invoices, your accounts
- Online bill pay
- Assign monthly rates for varying levels of customer use
- Specify features for different customer types
- What do you want your site to do? Dream it up! We’ll wire it up!
- Full integration with your adilas system
- Real time inventory counts & tracking
- Free canned version with adilas subscription – custom upgrade to whatever level you want to play
- Photo management
- Descriptions
- Categorization
- Settings
- Customizable look & feel
- Connect the adilas engine to your already functioning website
- Educate your users – CMS
- Custom contract, disclaimers, agreements, paperwork
- Link to external sources, upload additional content
- Videos
- Connect with social media – Facebook, twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, etc.
- The entire adilas engine
- Interconnected
- Free
- Ready to go
- eCommerce ready to go POS system
- affordable eCommerce packages
- Show/hide things on the web instantly from within your adilas: locations, items, stock/units, contact information, etc.
- Permissioned & protected inside adilas – then eCommerce – separate but fully integrated customer facing side
- SEO automatically functioning: photo management, descriptions, your content (maximize for your company’s name) – to incredible levels
- Contact us links
- Future: mix & blend eBay & adilas & other big markets
- Phone, call-in, mail order, - for web presence
- Emailing invoices
- Direct logins
- Customer pay portals
- Touch screen eCommerce – drag & drop
- Multi functionality
- Recipe/building

12. Virtual Data Portal (Big Data)
- Archive data
- The entire adilas package
- Data sphere – data world
- ANY data, ALL data
- All file types
- POS, eCommerce, scheduling, expense tracking, all of the 12 business functions here in one nifty little package
- All Data Is Live And Searchable
- Manageable data
- Affordable data system
- User friendly system
- E-Business buffet – what do you want???
- Your business, your way!
- World Building Concepts:
- Cache, secure & retrieve data
- Cross-company data sharing: vendor to supplier, or vice versa, to retailer, to …
- Fun
- Understand relationships – cause & effect
- Systems thinking – systems working
- Collect data as it’s happening – filter as needed, retrieve as desired
- Searches data, crunches data
- Data in bulk
- Customer reports, returns
- Unlimited data – mess volumes
- Dream it up!
- Work with the whole or filter down to smaller sections
- Start to finish on processes
- Plan it out – accomplish it in the system
- Centralize the data
- Follow the entire process through the data
- View the entire history
- Tell the story
- Visualize it your way – graphs, tables, charts, rows & columns
- Educate on big data – make it less intimidating
- Making big data consumable
- Normal operations create the big data – the sum of your normal operations create the whole – your big data
- Creates all the connections & links from normal flow
- Making informed decisions – make the best decision by having the best data
- Making choices based on actual data
- The whole, complete, inter-connected package
- Build your world, create your interactions, populate your world, create your own processes, view any piece at any time
- ADILAS – ALL Data Is Live And Searchable
- It comes line upon line, piece by piece – normal operations –big data
- The adilas formula is: Results = Mix(Functions, Players, & Concepts)
- Tech, tools, & maintenance
- Needs – trouble motivates action
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AU 1969 Daily Ideas 2/1/2014   -We need to create a graphic to help see the vision and features and potential. This deals with world building concepts.
1. Universe Level
2. Galaxies
3. Clusters
4. Solar Systems
5. Worlds
6. Locations
7. Groups
8. Individuals
9. Data
10. Run all levels over time

-On locations and tax settings, add a new file that will allow taxes to be applied only to specific part categories. We are thinking a small text field and a comma separated list of categories. We would also like to link to a list of part categories to make it easy to get the id numbers.
-Login idea – Currently, we require a login every time. Steve thought that it would be cool to help save some of those settings if a user registers a specific device or IP address. That might help speed things up, but it may also open up a possible security hole. Maybe store cookies or an actual database lookup.
-On the hardcoded part number “verbage”, we need to change the price to $0 instead of $1. Idea came from a client.
-Steve would like us to put a list of adilas clients online. This would be advertising for companies and might help with Google search results. This would be corporation name, address, city, state, zip, and maybe logo. As a note, we may need to allow corporation to show/hide this information.
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AU 3667 Tech - Duplicating Servers - Round 1 & 2 1/14/2014   Duplicating Servers – Round One:
- Start from the beginning
o Create corp
o Create user
o Build assignments between corps based on permissions
- Changes to logins
- Timeline for new changes
- Communication to other users
- Going from current model – to – round one (please see sketches on scan in photo gallery)
Round Two:
1. Universe
2. Galaxies
3. Clusters
4. Solar Systems
5. Worlds (are within solar systems)
Duplicating Servers – Round One (Continued):
- Application.cfm has a number of key pieces. (There are 3 application.cfm files – root, shop, top secret). Currently that file works as a config file of sorts. For right now, that file could be server specific until we could come up with a more dynamic way of controlling code.
o Controlling variables:
• Allow New Corps = “yes” or “no”
• If yes, use key word next or a physical number,
• If next, figure it out
• If number, check for it first, then add it
- How do we report back to the master?
- When creating a new corporation, I’d like to look at a master list.
- Between corporations and clusters it feels like the old debate between which comes first – the chicken or the egg? You kind of need both. Let’s say that we have created a chicken and now we want to get one or more eggs.
- On some of the webservices… Depending on the cluster configurations. They, the webservices, may need to go out and then back in or update using local connections.
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AU 1905 Daily Tasks 12/20/2013   • Adding new output options to the advanced invoice line items report. These are values that are stored on the parts table but may be needed as pass through values. Part reference number, part weight, barcode number, and the RFID tag number. Posted files online and sent a couple emails out. Also did some research on graphical user interfaces. See notes on next page (below).
• An intern came over and we had a fully day of brainstorming on the master controller application for the adilas universe level. We hashed out database tables on paper. Talked about flow, structure, and organization. Great session. WE came up with world terms for all the of the adilas structures. They are:
1. Universe
2. Galaxies – one or more domains connected to a content server
3. Clusters – domains or data servers
4. Solar systems – databases
5. Worlds – corporations (most people will only be dealing with worlds and corporations)
• Helping another intern migrate the media/content project from scratch pages to real adilas files. More work with the other inter on planning and brainstorming. We also talked quite a bit about source control and putting adilas files out on a code source control server. We also talked a lot about using web services to push things back and forth.
• Emails and light tech support.
• Recording notes from today’s sessions.
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AU 3653 Brainstorming: New Server Structure 12/20/2013   Brainstorming with an intern on new server structures:
- New databases get corp id – they don’t generate them they get assigned
- Master controller – Mother ship
o Cluster Controller – Master Corp id’s
• World Controller – Master User id’s
- Corp key id – set a default to 3 alpha-numeric. But let them change it. Alias must be unique
- On vendors & payees – we need to allow vendors & payees at will. However the payee id.
- Inter world id #s & outer world id #s – just for users

Master Controller – Universe Level
Master Corporations:
- Corp id
- Corp name
- Corp key id
- Corp key id alias
- Cluster id
- Corp status
- Corp admin
- Corp address 1, 2
- City
- State
- Zip
- Phone
- Web address
- Corp email

Master corporation history:
- Corp history id
- Corp history date
- Corp history change

Cluster Controller: Domain on server level
- Cluster corporation
- Same as master table
- Minus to increments on corp id
- Minus cluster id
- Plus data source id

Master User:
- User id
- User first name
- User last name
- Corp id
- Status

Master User Corp:
- Id
- Corp id
- User id
- Status

User request:
- User id
- Corp key id
- Status

Cluster datasource:
- Id
- Datasource name
- Notes
- Start date
- End date
- Status

Cluster user:
- Same as master user
- User login id

Master Clusters:
- Cluster id
- Cluster name
- Cluster alias
- Domain
- Cluster notes
- Cluster start date
- End data
- Status
- Cluster version

User History:

Master User Corp History:

Cluster User Corp:

Table to hold login records.
World Controller – database level – if more than one world per database it becomes a virtual solar system.

- Corp key id
- New column
- Alias disable auto increment on corp id

- User id

World Controller Continued…
- Where can people switch worlds (modify) (as well as login page)
- Change datasource id
- Change payee id
- Record who accesses which corps
- Super user login
o Web services
o User info
o Reporting service

Master Controller: (cont)
- New corp
- Update corp
- New user
- Update user
- Password change
- Request access to world
- Accept/deny request
- User request applications
- Help file access
- Retrieve update
- Record update
- Modify structure – see records
- Run reports

Clusters Controller: (cont)
- Reporting web services

System to move or extract someone to a new location

Brandon & intern – Brainstorming on table design for universe and cluster level tables and database stuff. (See scans in photo gallery)
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AU 1914 Daily Ideas 12/5/2013   -On sub locations and sub classifications (previously known as invoice classifications)… These classifications may need a tie to an actual location even if it is “all” or one (unassigned). Basically, I’m thinking about combining the two sections. A sub location could be a sub classification tied to a main location. Currently this section doesn’t exist. Anyway, maybe think about combining sub locations and sub classifications vs. an invoice classification deals with opening it up more to be able to play with any of the main system player groups. Such as expense/receipts, deposits, stock/units, PO’s, etc.
-Check the multiplier on the build and hold recipes. There may be a multiplier problem. Maybe rework and check math.
-On the server and data structure model. It could also be expanded to include: Groups, individuals, data, and time. Without indenting it might look like this:
1. Internet
2. Adilas Admin – Universe Level
3. Media/Content Server – optional
4. Domain or App Server – Data Server
5. Database – Cluster Level ---- Note: as of 12/13/13 The Cluster Level will be on the database level. It started on the media/content level, then the server level, and now the database level. ---- On 12/20/13 it changed again – Universe, Galaxies, Clusters, Solar systems.
6. Corporations – World Level
7. Locations – (prior page numbering)
8. Sub Locations – optional – (prior page numbering)
9. System Player Groups – (prior page numbering)
10. Departments – optional sub of users – (prior page numbering)
**New numbering – Basically, below the world level, things really blow up and get into the details, relationships, etc.
6. Corporations – World Level
7. Locations
a. Sub Locations – optional
8. System Player Groups
a. 12 Main Player Groups
i. Customers
1. Customer Types – user defined – dynamic list
ii. Invoices
1. Invoice Types
iii. Quotes
– (Etc., etc., etc. – it just keeps going and going – deeper and deeper) – as another note… this is where sub classifications would come in to play, possibly for each main player group.
iv. Parts – General Inventory Items
v. Stock/Units – Serialized Inventory
vi. Elements of Time – Calendaring & Scheduling
vii. Employee/Users
viii. Vendors
ix. PO’s or Purchase Orders
x. Expense/Receipts
xi. Deposits
xii. Balance Sheet Items
– As a note, each one of these 12 main player groups could have tons of subs, types, and special functions ---- this gets pretty deep!
9. Individuals – Unlimited number with a huge variety. These are objects and are tied to the 12 main groups.
10. Data Level – these relate back to tables in the database or what bucket to store the date in.
a. Main
b. Line Items
c. Payments
d. System History
e. Flex Grid Tie-Ins
f. Special Subs & Relationships
g. Photos & Scans
h. Custom Documents
i. Other Content
11. Dates & Time – Run all levels over “Time”
a. Years
b. Months
c. Weeks
d. Days
e. Hours
f. Minutes
g. Seconds
-We watched an awesome video on Facebook and how they track and store huge amounts of data. Very inspiring. Their goal is to be big and huge. They have huge data centers with tons of servers. Our goal is to be super small and nimble vs. huge and at a single giant datacenter. I want to be in datacenters all over the world. We could take up a small corner or a couple of bays on a server rack and be totally happy. Zero overhead. Spread out. Be all about tools, service, and customization options. We could potentially live anywhere - US, foreign, web, cloud, Intranets – behind company firewalls, and even on personal computers and devices.
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AU 1803 Daily Ideas 9/28/2013   Random notes – Woke up 3:30am and couldn’t sleep:

- Use graphic mock-ups and layouts. No code is required and a picture tells a thousand words. Super-fast and it creates a model or goal to build towards.

- Make graphic flow of different pieces. This could even be simple flow charts.

- Use existing pages as default icons.

- Get notebooks to my sister and get caught up on what is in the notebooks.

- Help Steve push the adilas world to a real usable level.

- Maybe think of small trial periods for approved persons.

- I need to do more teaching and training. This could be in ColdFusion, adilas, or adilas sales and service.

- Check out the operations seminar at USU. What a great resource.

- I need to play as a team instead of just doing things all by myself.

- Contact my brother and work with him on some of his commercial ideas and what not.

- Get creative on funding and money flow.

- Figure out new projects, scopes, and budgets.

- Go back and review notes from 12/24/12 (December of 2012). Lots of good notes and ideas.

- Figure out what is promised as far as tools and features.

- Schedule the next training event.

- Post the first round of the user guide.

- Recruit internally.

- Put Shari on task with the user guide.

- Adilas university may end up being a non-profit. Until then, go ahead and just run it as it. We can transition later.

- Get the database ready to be duplicated.

- Finish up tools and features for eCommerce.

- Get the content server up and online by end of 4th quarter 2013.

- Organized and prepare the next whole level. Take adilas to the platform level. This is us dreaming to a super high level. Reach and stretch a bit. As a note, plan that this next level or model, at some future point, will also break and become a stepping stone. Include: custom css, layout, design, destinations, flow, tables, code, choices, in-line custom code, API options, pre-built templates, pattern after elements of time with build your own types and apply functions as needed. Be able to create your own flow and check points. Think of holding areas, checkpoints, permissions, and flow. We also need to add correct data mapping back to states and status and holding areas. Track the full life cycle of the items and transactions.

- You dream it up – we’ll wire it up!

- Show flow charts. This could be recommended flow, options, and special circumstances.

- Use other people’s money to fund the projects.

- We bring experience and vision to the table.

- We will build on what we have.

- The new platform level may need steps, phases, and different levels.

- We at adilas need to follow our own advice and dream it up!

- Document it, sketch it out, draw it up, and go to it.

- Make visual homepages with icons and sections.

- Get the notebook caught up… It takes extra effort to do things twice. Writing and sketching and then rewriting.

- We have been planning this upgrade or next level for years. This doesn’t just come out of nowhere.

- Think “platform”! Think “world building”! Think “in-line custom code”!

- Make things consumable!

- Plan the education and training from the get go or right from the start. This can’t be an afterthought. You almost plan it from the beginning and let it lead development. Then it truly becomes marketing.

- The project for the developer’s notebook is very important. We have to share and communicate what is going on. This notebook is a huge part of our communication and direction.

- Plan it out, seek help, use other people’s money to fund the projects.

- Our plan is to share and seek protection out in the open by sharing. We also want to focus on the abundance model. Not only is there enough to go around, this model deals with more than money and business. My sister said the other day, this model also deals with people, skills, ideas, talents, drive, etc. Her saying that really helped my open my mind and think differently.

-Start with education and an open API (application programming interface) or open source code. Those are two huge keys that we currently have shadows of but are lacking the full implantation of those features.

- In order to get where we are going… You have to have some time in the game.

- Education needs to be brought up to the marketing level.

-We may end up leap frogging ourselves. That would be kind of fun.

- Build to eliminate bottle necks in flow, processes, code, education, marketing, people, and other pivotal points.

- We want to get marketing involved from the ground floor level.

- On a personal note, I’ve done a number of projects and tried to market after the fact. That process is pretty tough. We need to see the vision and fund the projects with the vision. Self-funding is very difficult.

- Plan for mobile and new technology!

- Plan for data production and duplication!

- Plan for snap-on and bolt-on additional features. It would be super cool if some of the code and features already anticipated external connections. Think application flex grid level.

- Depending on our goals… we might need to start a whole new company or at least another arm of the current company.

- Talking about new or extending business can be scary. It feels big! But, we’ve done this before and , most likely, we’ll do it again.

- What about timing for this? That is still kind of a big unknown.

- I am sad now. Sitting here thinking about the size of the project that we are currently in and thinking how big this current proposal is. In order to build, the weight, load, and wealth must be spread out. And then I start thinking... Build on what you have! And, the mode softens. I need to remember that saying.

- Use adilas' existing base and experience to market the next level of growth. Again, build on what you have!

- As an idea... I know of a company with a dream and they are daily building towards it. Would you like to hear more or become a part of that vision and dream? The company is called "". Come and check it out!

- The taboo word is not "break" or "break it". The real taboo word is "eventually". This came from a small conversation during one of the lunch breaks during the Logan September adilas training course.

- Choose your flavors (like an ice cream shop).

- Pick your tools (like a tool shed or toolbox).

- Skin your engine (like a vehicle).

- Build your world (like worlds of a solar system).

- This might be a fun part of the adilas formula flyer. Maybe replace the results section of the flyer.

- Sample sketch of this idea (see photo gallery, sketch includes: Choose your flavor (ice cream treats), Pick your tools (tools for building), Skin your engine (different vehicles), Build your world (different worlds and planets), adilas logo in the middle.
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AU 2180 Brainstorming - Goals for the Interactive Map/Touch 12/23/2010   Spanning from December 23, 2010 – August 8, 2011


1. Visual layout and virtual navigation tool
(Color code permissions – very simple: -green means go, -red means no go or stop)
2. Not all items are physical. I may need to assign a room or area that can hold or maintain a concept.
3. I want to put like pieces together. Eventually, I want to use it to help teach flow and concepts (theory).
4. I want it very open (show all p9eces) yet limited as far as access. Permissions.
5. I want it to look appealing (simple yet classy). It needs to do lots of things but maybe some of the pieces will need to be a layer deeper than the surface – say a sub set or item sub set.
6. When I click a sub, lock all main buttons, show the subs (with permissions) and options.
7. I’m not worried about eh back button or holding a sub menu. However, it might be cool if we could pass things back and forth to help with “where am I” and sub of sub navigation. Say subs on the invoice homepage (reports, searches, new, etc.) or even subs on the actual invoice (main, edit, printable, history, verify). (Main map, top level nav, sub level nav. Map: main, sub, item)
8. I’m actually hoping that this flash app will help lower the overall system needs and bandwidth. I’m trying to simplify things not make them more complicated or harder to understand. I want it to be very logical and easy to learn.
(Map Sketches: see photo gallery)
Don’t worry about the outside shape until the end. “Things don’t have to be square”
What about?
- Maintenance
- Favorites
- Locations
- Departments
- Permissions
- Other reports
- Recipe/builds
- Forms/paperwork
- System basics
- Quick search
- Help videos
- Tutorials
- Photos & scans
- Taxes & collected items
- Corp-wide settings
- eCommerce
- Check requests
- Quick search
- Reoccurring invoices
- Rentals, reservations, scheduling: (person, place or thing) – this is not done yet but would be very cool. This could help users see another component called time management.
- Maybe put time and waiting room in the middle of the diagram. Maybe include some different rooms or levels.
- Some additional items have been added in case we want to use the map as a navigation tool.

9. Show a crumb trail or GPS locator of where you are at any given times… “Where am I at?” (this might go right in the header or footer with vars like the help file for main, sub & item levels.)
10. I need to be able to handle corp-wide setting and naming conventions. This means that button names may need to be dynamic. Colors also need to be dynamic. This will help with consistency.
11. Easy on the reading… (less is more), try to show things visually without going super icon happy.
12. I know that people will be using this with phones and touch screens, make it friendly…
13. Not everything needs to be forced into this visual nav and orientation concept. Most people (right now) will be using a mouse not their fingers.
14. Plan for future growth… It will be coming… For sure!
15. How much data is needed for the player?
o Date
o Corp-wide settings (verbage)
o Permissions – (only active)
o Small item details and values (mapping to subs)
o Colors
16. Maybe a status bar-type feature to talk to the users… (see ARA flash app or MDI homepage app)
17. Be consistent… I have over 100+ permissions (& growing), I have 500+ pages (& growing). I need to combine all of these pieces into a single application that is simple and easy to use.
18. Audience… casual browser (just looking around), Managers (using multiple & different sections at a high level), Admin (using all areas on a casual level), users (every day, all day, 50-100 times a day), hardcore/power users (every section at super high levels, with high frequency), Accountants/Bookkeepers (specialized usage).
19. We will need personal settings to help with how to show the main homepage. I would like to replace the current homepage with the map touch. However, I know some folks are very fast with the classic html version. Maybe have some options.
o Classic only
o Map only
o Both w/map on top– maybe just these two
o Both w/classic on top – maybe just these two
o My favorite button links – this is a third option and is similar to the my cart favorites but for system navigation and page flow.
20. I’d like to use a building metaphor (rooms and doors and hallways). However the real application is more like a solar system with start clusters and orbits… (sphere)
21. Coming back to the audience… Most of our current users are 16-60 years old. I would love to get it to the level 10-80 years old. Make it super simple. We can always add more features later on if needed. Eventually I would like to get this in to schools and teach an upcoming generation…
22. Looking ahead… Most people are using desktop units and monitors or standard laptops. More and more people are going to smaller and smaller devices with more and more interactivity and “richness” (user interface). Where are we headed?
23. If I have all of the basics right in front of a user… this might be a great place to help educate and show how things interact… This could be right on top of the map and show audio and small presentations of flow, options, and theory… We really need this!
24. Every morning ask the user what they want to see. Then store that value in the session scope. Have a link to reset or change interface.
o Interactive platform (Flash)
o Classic web interface
o My Quick buttons
25. On the pages that have multiple options or search forms, provide options to only show requested forms (virtual page filter). This would work great on advanced searches, payroll homepage, etc.
26. Be able to filter existing results. Basically, make the data very easy to get at and then allow specific forms to filter the data.
27. Maybe the choice for the different skins could be on the bottom of the page as small thumbnails.
28. We may need to add in order to simplify. Add page filters, new drill-down options, etc. Break pieces in to smaller bit size pieces.
29. On the ideas and sharing (button) section. Provide an idea center type interface along with updates, tips, and community. Maybe a small forum-type deal at some point. This is where we can help the users steer the ship. Allow for comments to be submitted (maybe not shown until approved).
30. Concepts, theory, basics, dreams… show small analogies, ideas, direction, vision. Business data sphere, 1-many, client server, relationships, flow, data mapping, etc. Cause and effect, different levels, permissions, history, future.
31. It is okay to have holes… play the game (think golf).
32. Back on #25 maybe we could use buttons to help the users. Say they wanted to search invoices… maybe show something like this: (see sketch in photo gallery)
o Search main invoice details – Search invoice line items – Search invoice payments – Show all search forms (3)
o Just an idea… help the users know what they are looking for.
o Maybe use an image map or graphic for the navigation
33. When landing on a main homepage… maybe add a similar graphic to help educate uses as to what is available. Maybe links or buttons that show:
Maybe don’t even show any records right off the bat… have them tell us what they want…
Or maybe run a couple of groups and use those as part of the main home page
o Buttons with icons & light verbage (maybe make the buttons longer…)
o Reports
o Basic search
o Add new
o Advanced search
o Basic search
o Last record
o Last 25
o Last 50
o Last 100
o All
o Today
o Yesterday
o Tomorrow
o This week
o Last week
o This month
o Last month
o Ytd
o When using icons allow them to be standard for flash, html, images, etc.
o Maybe check for flash on pages… if they have it use it… if not, have a back-up option
34. The main homepage searches may need to be buried one level deeper. Or we need to look at how to get the biggest bang for the buck without hurting the server. Quick groups with drill-downs may be our best option. Move searches to a page called basic search or something.
35. Dreamweaver has an editor tool to help with image maps.
36. As of 6/9/11... the goal has switched to just show where we are going until we can get it all done. We have to buy some time to get the other pieces in to play.
37. Add a standalone homepage for every section (in the interactive map) this will help with favorite button links.
38. On the top of each page… add a visual crumb trail of, you are here… (map) (invoices, edit main)
39. The graphics may be simple if we could use a mini version of the page or section where we are headed to. Basically, instead of spending tons and tons of time developing hundreds of new icons, use the mini page version. It may add consistency without tons of extra work. Also put numbers out to the side to help with tech support. Then again it might get touch with dynamics and permissions. Maybe number everything and show a red light or green light for permissions.
o Basic Search (green)
o Advanced Search (green)
o Add/Edit Sub Type (red)
o Spacing – Quick & brief description
40. Related to the above idea… the graphic should be around 100X60(ish) and there should also be different help options. Quick help – getting started – step by step – more help. Not sure on wording but help to educate your users.
41. When showing sub menus and options… make sure and remember the custom code directory, the web services stuff, and other hidden tools that may be needed on a one-by-one basis. The reason for this note is these are some pages and tools that are hidden but still serve a purpose. We may need to increase the page count so that each section has a good landing spot (a sub home page or base).
42. What if we took the permissions to a graphical interface as well. That might make it more intuitive and easier to give and assign permissions.