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Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 1/30/2025 2:47 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 11762
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Meeting with Wayne and Alan
Start Date/Time: 2/4/2025 10:00 am
End Date/Time: 2/4/2025 11:30 am
Main Status: Active

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Meeting with Wayne and Alan to go over options for database configuration options (code words... datasource project or bus to motorcycle or world building project). Light catch-up. Wayne was going over options for running a base service to figure out the corp and datasource (what database to use). The old datasource is the default.

Talking about efficiency and combining corporations and servers. Going over scenarios. The idea is to make the code and the schema unaware (more open - able to connect to any database). For me, I have a bunch of older notes under clustering, solar systems, and galaxies (all kinds of cross-schema options).

For us, internally, database updates may get more crazy, especially for our developers. Talking about possible load balancing stuff. We were talking about master databases, sub databases, and efficiency questions.

- Wayne was recommending a more company related approach (which businesses are connected or have a relationship) vs corp related (single worlds, all by themselves). Widen it out a bit.

- Wayne's branch... WLA/DynamicDSN

- Alan was talking about a wish list to help update things from one spot (one page or one server) vs logging into each server to run it on each server (current process).

- Wayne already uses a script (test script) to run his database updates. He doesn't like to do things over and over again. He would rather build a script or make a tool to do that.

- Wayne wants Alan and I to help pitch it to Steve and Cory.

- We may need to look at and check the edge cases (on the datasource look-up project). They were talking about some known caching issues.

- Places that we need to check... (list of us, internally)
>> shop folder - there is some session stuff but it is different then the top_secret stuff.
>> web folder - API's - most pass in a corp key that we can figure out a corp id number from.
>> public folder - hardcoded per page or FORM or URL scoped controlled.
>> temp folder - hardcoded per page or FORM or URL scoped controlled.
>> database_updates folder - may need to query (get all known datasources), then loop and do updates per schema. basically, layer and nest things vs just plain doing a single update.
>> check the process to create a new corp - some questions there (we are currently using the main datasource and building tables and inputting values based on our create new corp routines).
>> caching - check the daos, services, and cfc's - make sure we do what we need to here to make this still function correctly.
>> search for corp_id IN (? whatever the list or arguments are) - multi corp queries. Maybe be able to set a temporary master/primary corp id where needed.