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Sort Value: Developer's Notebook Report - 3/1/2017 to 3/31/2017 - (138)
Time Id Color Title/Caption Start Date   Notes
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Shop 2429 Brandon out of the office all day 3/31/2017  
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Shop 2535 Working with Bryan 3/30/2017   On a GoToMeeting session with Bryan. We were looking into some new changes for invoice line items that were not treated as revenue. We added some code to exclude things that we pointed to "unassigned (black hole)". We then looked at some other tweaks to show some adjusted payment amounts that subtracted the convenience fees and such. Lots of custom payment options.
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Shop 2364 Russell Moore 3/30/2017   On a Zoom session with Russell. We had just started our meeting when we got a ton of calls about some of the new code that I had pushed up. As a funny side note, at one time, I was on a Zoom session with Russell, who was talking to Steve on the phone, and I had a different guy on the phone with another person conferenced in. My other phone rang and I picked it up to talk to Shannon. We were all trying to figure out what the problem was. That was kinda crazy... Anyways, just wanted to record that funny side note.

After we got the issue fixed, we went on with our meeting. The issue was a multi-part if statement. Everything that we ran and tested locally had the new code changes. However, once it went live, we had users with other options and settings and it was trying to pull similar values from the other side of the if statement and it wasn't there. It took a bit, but we figured it out and all was well.

Russell and I spent the rest of the session talking about where we want things to go. Russell is really pushing for a tighter management type platform where we can control the human resources (HR stuff) as well as the funding and monies. Currently, there is a bit of the old west feeling with anything goes as long as nobody gets killed... Long story made short, we need to add some rules and tighten some things up. We talked about processes, funnels, and work around(s) (leaks in the process).

It may end up coming down to what are the goals of the company and how big do we want to get? Once we answer that, the rest of the pieces may start falling into place. Lots of options and we are open for discussion.

One concern I have is, how much would it cost in management money to get full control? Is that what we want? Also, does that help and hinder growth and creativity? What about open market and a heavy independent and/or dependable model? Do we really want employees? We may need to strike a balance of some sort. Just ideas, nothing set in stone at this point.
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Shop 2326 General 3/30/2017   Working on files to upload. Going over changes and doing some tests locally. Pushed up a number of new database updates and ran the scripts. I then pushed up about 20 new files and lightly tested things online. Unknown to me, there was a problem with one of the files. We didn't find that out until partway through the next meeting. The bug only affected certain people as it was buried in an if statement and required certain settings and a certain header and footer configuration.
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Shop 2420 Calvin Time 3/30/2017  
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Shop 2402 Lunch 3/30/2017  
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Shop 2533 Virtual Post-It Note 3/30/2017   We had a small blow-up today. I launched some files and they tested out locally. Once they got pushed live, we had tons of phone calls. There was an if statement that ran similar queries. One of the queries was good to go and the other was missing the new code. That was causing some major errors.

As a side note, Kelly Whyman, one of the main reps and consultants asked up please to only push up new files in the mornings and after hours. That is a good idea. Some of our clients really rely on our services almost 24x7.
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Shop 2534 Virtual Post-It Note 3/30/2017   There is a known issue with the default expense types for employee/users. I think it is because they can span corps where as a normal vendor/payee can not. Anyways, just making a small note.
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Shop 2384 Adilas Time 3/30/2017   On a GoToMeeting session with Steve. We talked about tons of different things. I showed him some of the database things that Alan and I have been working on. Steve is trying to get a list of all of the adilas features together in one place. We have tons of pieces of the puzzle, they are just spread out throughout the whole system. Steve wanted to get some of the new table descriptions we were working on. We also talked about gathering up all of the features and making it available to the public.

We talked about some wage increases for some our guys and a plan for that. We then rolled into some of the new reports and such that Shawn and I made yesterday for the adilas content server. We talked about our pricing plan and where things are going.

Towards the end of the session, we just worked on our own little projects. I worked on fixing the master corporation list and adding in the new fields that would help us record up to four deep commissions, customer id tie-ins, percentages, notes, and a general monthly amount to base commissions off of. Steve had done some of the prep work, I was just finishing some of it up and such.
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Shop 2351 Alan Time 3/29/2017   On a GoToMeeting session with Alan. We spent the whole time looking over database tables and finishing up the first round of basic table definitions and what the tables do. We flip flopped who was the presenter and I did a little bit of show and tell on what some of the pieces were and/or did. Towards the end, we had a good talk about goals, wages, and timelines. We put together a small mini budget and timeline for the world building pieces and database project. See attached.

Also, by way of documentation, we talked about potential wage increases and some rough timelines for those increases. They should be documented on the attachments.

Emails and recording more notes and such for the last half an hour.
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Shop 2424 Shawn Time 3/29/2017   Shawn and I jumped on a GoToMeeting session. We talked about doing multi-file uploads for media/content (the pig server) as well as multi-file uploads for photos and scans. Shawn helped with both projects - media/content server and the photo galleries. That should be good to have him jump back in there and help out.

We spent the last half of our session talking about how we have the pig server (media/content server) but haven't charged anybody for the virtual file and cloud storage that they are using. I started to build a small media/content report and then Shawn helped me tweak it out a bit. We added some dynamics to help with playing with pricing models for the overages and such. See this link below for the temp report. - as a side note, this same report is on every server (data 0 - data 7). Just change the domain name and resubmit the page.

With the current storage values, we are pretending that we will give 500 MB as free storage. We will then charge $5 per 50 MB over the original 500 MB. We may have to up that and change the ratios, but just for fun, we ran our little report and the content server could be generating close to $8,000+ per month if we actually monetized the cloud file storage option. Anyways, we may want to take a look at that.
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Shop 2419 Calvin Time 3/29/2017  
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Shop 2401 Lunch 3/29/2017  
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Shop 2383 Adilas Time 3/29/2017   On the GoToMeeting session. Will popped in (over a phone call) and asked some questions about the advanced time and advanced customer search results pages. He is trying to code certain buttons to show specific things for a custom interface. After Will hung up, I got to thinking about the saved favorites and saved report settings. I called him back and explained to him what to do. That will save him tons of time and be super cool. After that, Alan then popped in and just checked to see if anything was needed from him.

I jumped back in and tried to debug an error on the new tooltips and the snow owl theme. I ended up texting Russell and asking him for help. We looked at and got it all fixed up. That is pretty cool that I had to ask Russell for help debugging something. Talk about full circle... good stuff.

Recording some notes and such at the end of the session.
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Shop 2471 Bryan - API Stuff 3/29/2017   On a GoToMeeting session with Bryan. We were looking into the 3rd party API socket calls. We started to add more security and authorization checks. We grabbed some older code and then worked on revamping it for the new API socket calls. As a side note, some of this code was stripped out in an earlier API standardization process. Turns out, we still needed it. Live and learn.

After that, we went over a number of other small questions and talked about different options. Bryan seems to be doing great and is working super hard. Good stuff.
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Shop 2477 Tracking down a tooltip bug 3/28/2017   Working on some new code for the snow owl theme. The new code has some link tooltips. One of the headers was working and the other was not. Trying to figure out what was going on.
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Shop 2465 Black Box Project/ AFB Branding 3/28/2017   Nick and I were on a GoToMeeting session. We talked about his current project and report for the Adilas Branding company. We worked on adding a new field to the custom HTML (web) report and export to CSV. We finished that up and worked on the budget for that project. After that, Nick and I did some merging and code sign-off on a project that adds tooltips to custom links in the header and footer of the snow owl theme. We didn't push the files yet, but they are pretty close. We ran into a small bug there at the end that stalled us out for a bit.
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Shop 2363 Russell Moore 3/28/2017   On a Zoom session with Russell. We spent some time and talked about the current projects that Russell is involved with. He had some questions about a rough budget that we had proposed. I tried to show him our goal and how we wanted for him and the other guys to run through some mock training scenarios. Basically, keep practicing and building smaller projects and pieces to prep for deeper and bigger projects.

Russell and I then worked on a global database update to help setup some default settings for people and users. We covered some other light topics and got some files ready to push live.
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Shop 2332 Alan Time 3/28/2017   Alan checked in to talk about an update problem with some database updates. After some light testing, we found that it was a domain name pointer problem.
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Shop 2418 Calvin Time 3/28/2017  
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Shop 2400 Lunch 3/28/2017  
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Shop 2475 Virtual Post-It Note 3/28/2017   On quotes, we need a way to void them and virtually hide them. This could be the word "Cancel" in the notes or some other flag or status. As a note, on invoices, to void an invoice we set the store id (main and line items) to a value of 22 (the void location). Anyways, we may need something like that for quotes.

If we do this, we will need to cascade some of that same logic to homepages, reports, restore to cart pages, and even ecommerce history stuff.
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Shop 2476 Virtual Post-It Note 3/28/2017   Quick photo and image from Steve on conversions and what options might be available. Just part of the documentation process. This is for the mini conversion project that Calvin is on. See attached.
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Shop 2382 Adilas Time 3/28/2017   On a GoToMeeting with Steve. We started out the meeting going over some meeting recaps and discussions we have had with other team members. Some fun stuff is going on.

- Steve and I talked about how the new way of building stable features in Adilas is by getting multiple facilities to build things to spec and then virtually ship them to the jobsite for assembly and finishing. We used to build everything onsite with one or two developers. Now we are trying to coordinate teams and get pieces and products from multiple places like a bigger construction site. Interesting analogy.

- On priorities and delegating... we already do some of that by not getting to certain things. When you start delegating, start with the small things that you don't get to. You may not be able to get to them anyways, may as well let someone else take a crack at it. Also, if they do a bad job, you may have to help fix it or guide them on what to do. That is progress.

- Some of delegation is letting people do what they like to do. It then becomes easier because they have an internal motivation of sorts.

- Working with pallets and visual displays. Think of an artist and how they arrange their colors and tools. An artist's pallet may change day by day if needed. Steve was comparing this to how he wants to be able to setup custom dashboards, customer interfaces, and giving clients and users options to use any tool in the shed and set that display or interface up as they see fit.

- Sometimes things need to happen in order for the next action to take place. Often that is easier to see looking backwards but those chains of events are very important and provide the basis for what is really going on and happening.

- Eric called but didn't have any wi-fi. I told him I would switch and work on the sub queue project.
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Shop 2472 Media/Content Questions 3/28/2017   On a GoToMeeting session with Bryan. We went over how media/content stuff was stored and how to get files back out and off of the content server. Bryan is building a menu board application and wanted to allow the clients to upload data and images that would work as the menu board background. We also covered some other small questions and such. Light catch-up session on what else is going on around in the adilas world.
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Shop 2350 Alan Time 3/27/2017   On a GoToMeeting session with Alan. Great conversation and talk about where we have been and where we are going. We started out the meeting by going over the flow for the web pages and why we wanted to record all of that information and what was the goal. We talked about how the principles and concepts we are built on are huge and how our code is one of thousands of possible options. The golden nugget is the concepts and how we have intermingled them together (mixing and blending).

We talked database flow, drew out mappings, talked about goals (past, present, and future), etc. Supper fun. Alan then asked if we were happy with how things are going... we talked about pros, cons, successes, frustrations, etc. The whole way through we were bouncing between graphics, drawing, and looking at an Excel file that has versions and features listed. We talked about break throughs and barriers and how those items play into the mix.

We went over timelines, a rough history of where we started, and even a small projection of where we want to go. We talked world building, splitting up databases, servers, progression, options, etc. I really enjoyed it.

One of the gems of the day was when Alan said, "It looks like originally you guys would build out something until it was done and then move on. Do you guys want to get back to that?". As we talked about it and drew what was happening, we can see that tons of new projects and features are being built (by different developer and/or parties) but none of them are fully done. It is somewhat of a crazy madhouse or random cluster. The answer is yes, I would love to get to finishing up a project and seeing it all the way done.

Sadly, we currently have some code and projects that have never been looked at, never been checked or signed off on, and some that have potential skeletons in the closet. If we had the time and means, I would love to leave the current platform somewhat alone and do a total rebuild or reconstruction project. Take what we've learned, apply it, and cascade it forward. That would be super cool. Huge, but super cool.

Anyways, I had a great time and Alan and I had a good conversation. Lots of back and forth questions and dreaming and remembering. If I had to start all over again, I would keep drawing and recording notes and ideas. That is what allows us to keep going and building on the past ideas and concepts. Fun times.
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Shop 2470 General - Project Work Time 3/27/2017   Emails, recording notes, and trying to get caught up.
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Shop 2417 Calvin Time 3/27/2017   On a Zoom session with Calvin. He was showing me some of the progress on his mini conversion project. We popped around and lightly simulated some conversion and template building stuff. It is still very tiny but he is making progress. We lightly looked at some code and then talked about how tight to lock and un-lock things.
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Shop 2399 Lunch 3/27/2017  
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Shop 2381 Adilas Time 3/27/2017   On a GoToMeeting session with Steve. We were talking about how we wanted to set things up and who was going to do what projects. We talked about some problems with the duplicate expense/receipt process. It pulls across the old person's id, it pulls across the old payments, you also have to void or change some status values to make it work. That conversation, along with other ones, lead us down a path where we started talking about our team and who does what and what do we want them to do.

Long story short, we need help and there are people who can help. The problem comes back to education, delegating the tasks, and who is going to follow-up, communicate, and make sure everything gets done as needed. Putting all of that together is a pretty tall order.

Steve and I talked about how we may need to shrink our team down and make it more focused. Currently we have 6-10 guys who are helping us on a part-time basis. What if we had 1 or 2 that were helping us on a full-time basis. Would that be better? We are not sure. Anyways, we were batting thing around and such.

As part of the conversation, I was complaining about having so many things to do... I told Steve that I have 50-75 post-it notes all around. He asked me to gather them all up and send them to him. That is kinda scary for me, but I'm going to do it. I think he will have Craig go through them and help organize them and such. I kinda want to hang on to them because I know what they mean, but I honestly won't have a chance to do anything with them right now. Interesting spot to be in... :)

We then broke into individual work sessions. I recorded some notes and then started looking over code for project that is on my plate.

Will Hudson joined us about 11:45 am. We talked about some of the adilas branding project stuff and tying into the flex grid. We talked about the upcoming custom labels project. We also went over a few things on the multi-upload for media/content stuff. We all got on the same page and had a good talk.

Steve and I talked afterwards on some of our new direction and how to keep the ship going where we want it to go and who will play what role as things unfold and go forward. Good session.
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Shop 2428 Brandon out of the office all day 3/24/2017  
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Shop 2466 Recording notes 3/23/2017  
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Shop 2446 Nick Time 3/23/2017   On a GoToMeeting session with Nick. We were talking about the adilas branding project. Nick was on a demo meeting earlier today and the client was wanting something completely different than what we were building. Nick relayed the info and we started building a small custom report. They were looking for a virtual data dump of sales per day. Nick and I made a CSV export page and pushed it up and online. Pretty quick turn around and a quick little custom report.
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Shop 2362 Russell Moore 3/23/2017   Working some more on the sub queue stuff. I then joined a Zoom meeting with Russell. He was pitching and proposing a new customizable dashboard that he and Steve were talking about. Basically, it was a drag and drop board that could show tons of different options, widgets, and components. He proposed a PHP (open source - server-side scripting environment) option so that other developers would be able to add/edit content and widgets with ease.

We went over some demos and other visual stuff that Russell has been gathering and researching. They have some great ideas and can show similar concepts using other tools and such. Lots of potential. We also talked about other smaller modules such as getters, setters, and such. Russell also wants to make the model and/or platform very open. Basically, imagine being able to mix and blend different sites, software packages, web sites, and other tools all into one dashboard-type interface.

Almost a year ago, Russell said - "Adilas is a great companion software package for any business." He is trying to push that to a new level and with open arms, embrace multiple different tools and options. Pretty cool idea. Some of what he wants to do is allow for sub widgets, custom widgets, iframes, and other CSS popups, menus, and off canvas options and menus. Cool stuff.
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Shop 2331 Alan Time 3/23/2017  
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Shop 2416 Calvin Time 3/23/2017   On a Zoom session with Calvin. We went over where to show the mini conversion stuff inside of adilas. We popped into sub inventory pages, view pages, detail pages, add/edit pages, and other template oriented pages. Anyways, light conversation but some good direction on where things are going to show up.
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Shop 2398 Lunch 3/23/2017  
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Shop 2380 Adilas Time 3/23/2017   On a GoToMeeting session with Eric and Steve. Eric and I Worked on the sub queue stuff. We reviewed our plans, made some minor adjustments, and started to code the database with new tables, new fields, and new settings. At the end, we setup two other future sessions to circle back around and work on the project.
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Shop 2451 Out for a Dentist Appointment 3/23/2017  
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Shop 2467 Logos and graphics 3/22/2017   Working on some new logos and watermark graphics for a client. They had two different sites and I fixed logos, watermarks, and colors for both sites. Emailed the client to let them know.
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Shop 2349 Alan Time 3/22/2017   Alan sent me a text and said he was on another project.
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Shop 2464 Shannon Meeting 3/22/2017   On a meeting with Shannon. We talked about a couple of custom projects and then chases some numbers around on the P&L (income statement) and balance sheet. We logged in on data 0 and used McCorvey's Bowling World as a data source to check the different drill-downs and reports.

They, McCorvey's have tons of data and we bounced between different reports and such. We are seeing more and more the need to circle back around and add the watchers, feeders, and standalone declarations. We talked about how cool it would be to see a report that could show where things might be off or out of balance (known issues report) and also how things play into the mix over time.

I took some notes and we had a good chat. I was grateful for Shannon and here listening skills. We talked about all kinds of stuff. She is doing awesome and has really bloomed as a tech support, teacher, customer care person. Pretty cool.
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Shop 2462 CCC fees 3/22/2017   Working with Bryan on a GoToMeeting session going over ways to help hide/show fees on an invoice from being claimed as revenue. We went back to the corp-wide settings and worked with the roll call actions and destinations. We also talked some other light concepts and project questions.
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Shop 2415 Calvin Time 3/22/2017  
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Shop 2397 Lunch 3/22/2017  
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Shop 2473 Virtual Post-It Note 3/22/2017   We really need to add in the 3rd party validation for the adilas API sockets. It was somewhat stripped out during a standardization process. Currently, they are not very well protected.
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Shop 2474 Virtual Post-It Note 3/22/2017   - On the P&L... We have a possible difference on the main report vs. the quick drop-down options (once on the printable report). They were giving different numbers. We need to check to see what arguments are being passed. Somewhere there is a small disconnect. Also, we need to check to see what the balance sheet is sending for the same report. We need to be consistent to help give our users confidence in the numbers.

- We also found a difference in the balance sheet drill-downs... grouped report from the URL drill-downs vs. grouped report from the FORM scope.

- We also found a difference on the printable parts report with a date look-back as compared to the balance sheet and the grouped report. It could be a filter or something really small but a slight disconnect.

- Petty cash needs to be more dynamic. Currently it is just a fixed piece tied to each location.

- When ready, go back and add in beginning and ending dates to all known balance sheet items. They need to have a life cycle and an active and inactive status. We need to know when they were playing through the whole digital story.
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Shop 2379 Adilas Time 3/22/2017   On the GoToMeeting session. We were actually on since 9 am, but I was here at my house working with Nick on a project. Once Nick left to go to school (BATC), Steve and I started talking for about half an hour. We had some great discussions and talked about a number of other pieces that are starting to play into the mix. Some of the subjects were:

We are going to be starting a new wave of balance sheet projects and financial reports. Steve and Kelly have an adilas power user who wants to help us get things lined up better and faster for the financial reports and such. She has been an adilas user for over 5 years and is quite good. Her name is Danielle (spelling).

Steve is finding more people who want to help with sales and have some experience selling software and such. We also talked about trying to bring everything we have under one roof vs. charging for this widget and that widget or special function. In some ways, we are actually impeding virtual progression by not letting our clients use all of the tools in the closet. For example, Steve just helped a client do a bank reconciliation. That has existed for a couple of years and the client didn't even know it because it is somewhat controlled by an independent developer. Anyways, the goal will be to charge them enough that we could just include everything in the closet vs. charging them extra for this and that.

Around 11 am, Eric popped on and we did some work on the gift cards, loyalty points, and special accounts. I did some more research and then showed Eric some of what we have been learning through our research. I showed a number of the deeper balance sheet stuff and how the new special accounts would or could tie in. Lots of drawing on the screen and showing how we've learned things as we go.

I spent quite a bit of time going over how operations and accounting play together and how we've learned tons about allowing things to flex and then come back together at specific checkpoints. As part of the conversation, I drew the parallel lines, the lines with a flex zone, and then showed how Steve's new analogy of building off of a base of operations (like a church or steeple type building) related to the difference between operations and accounting. Basically, you always have to start with operations and then let it lead into the accounting side. Sometimes you have to know where you are going, but if you can catch the data in a central location, you can get what you are looking for. Letting operations lead is a huge part of the puzzle. It also allows us to build things quicker, then test them to see if we are getting everything, and then connect the good data to where it needs to show up for a proper roll call and accounting. Good stuff.
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Shop 2469 Working with Nick 3/22/2017   Nick came over to my house and we worked on the Adilas Branding project. We were making dynamic forms, custom validation, custom mappings, etc. Lots of training on how to string things together and make it all play well using forms, web, validation, loops, arrays, variables, and structures. Great session.

This is a funny side note... Nick showed the client the progress on 3/23/17 (the next day) and the client had changed their minds on what they were looking for but we never got the message. We are not sure if we are going to finish this project or just leave it alone. Either way, Nick and I had a great session. Kinda funny.
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Shop 2468 Adilas Branding Project 3/22/2017   Emails and working on the code sign-off for the Adilas Branding (3rd party bottles and labels stuff). Going over some code that Will had written.
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Shop 2445 Dave Time 3/21/2017   On a GoToMeeting with Nick. We had some technical difficulties and had to start and stop the meeting a few times, but we were able to talk and somewhat get things done. Nick will be coming over to my house tomorrow to work on things in person.
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Shop 2463 General 3/21/2017   Emails and light tech support. Pushed up a logo for a client. Light graphic work to make it look good.
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Shop 2361 Russell Moore 3/21/2017   On a Zoom session with Russell. He showed me some of the progress on his blog stuff and we briefly talked about some pricing structures. Small meeting and we were done in under half an hour.
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Shop 2330 Bryan Time 3/21/2017   Reviewing emails and reading up on companies and how they deal with pain. Sometimes that pain is what stimulates action, one way or another. After that, Bryan popped into the GoToMeeting session and we talked about multiple checkout and payment options. He has some custom code but it currently only works with a single payment vs. one of five or one of unknown number of payments. We looked at some code and I made some suggestions and gave Bryan some ideas of where he could go. Good stuff.
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Shop 2414 Calvin Time 3/21/2017  
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Shop 2396 Lunch 3/21/2017  
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Shop 2378 Adilas Time 3/21/2017   On the developer meeting with Steve and Calvin on a GoToMeeting session. Calvin showed us where he is at on the mini conversion project. He is just starting to code things and get some of the new pages started. We then talked about the abundant model we are in and where we are headed. Lots of clients, lots of projects, and tons of options. Calvin then showed us some info and code he and another guy are working on for a mobile app using adilas data. Great start and making progress.

Steve and I worked on some database updates and talked about some of our guys and who needs what. Good chat.

After that, Eric popped in and we went over some ideas for the sub queues. These are an extension that will be built into the existing customer queue. Basically, a way to sub classify or categorize the normal customer queue (who is next or who is next in line). Good session and we made a full page of notes. See attached for the brainstorming documentation and such.

At the end of the session, Steve and I chatted about elements of time, rentals, reservations, and what we could do there. I showed him the Beaver Mountain horizontal time view page and we talked about basic calendar type features in adilas. Steve has a demo in a day or so for a campground that might be interested. As a side note, the campground host said that the existing software for campgrounds is not that good. That might be something to explore.
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Shop 2348 Alan Time 3/20/2017   On a GoToMeeting session with Alan. We were going over the world building project of splitting up the databases. We started out reviewing some of the cluster control level stuff for corps and payees. This was dealing with who has access to what and what corps are on what servers (boxes or clusters). We went over a graphic from last week and did some review on the flow.

After that, we then went back through the database and were recording notes about different tables. We were mostly in the "t's" but we did do a couple of other lower tables that we had skipped. We did spend quite a bit of time looking up tables, usage, and what they were for or used for.

The last part of our session was dealing with web/API documentation and such. We didn't detail out those tables but spent some time talking about what they were and what was held in them. We got into API socket settings, 3rd party settings, custom page settings, general JSON storage for pages and even saved report settings. Good stuff. Our next session will be to detail out what goes where and how to structure the database in the web/API stuff (pages, methods, functions, 3rd party stuff, and custom page settings).
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Shop 2423 General 3/20/2017   On a GoToMeeting session. This was Shawn's scheduled time but I wasn't able to hear anything from him. I did some note recording, emails, and helped Bryan out with some sub inventory queries and such.
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Shop 2413 Calvin Time 3/20/2017  
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Shop 2395 Lunch 3/20/2017  
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Shop 2460 Virtual Post-It Note 3/20/2017   - The Adilas API sockets need some loving - many of them have not yet been fully tested. We need to check the documentation, the JSON samples, etc.

- Anything that returns an image or image value (reference) needs a bigger or expanded path to the full URL. We need to help with the custom client folder names (corp id with a special hash value).

- When checking the Adilas API sockets, also check the code inside the secure folder. It has not yet been checked and may need some help. Also, currently, the username and passwords are setup on a one-to-many basis. There may be a need for both one-to-many and one-to-one. Just making a note here. This could come later.

- Once changes are made, cascade changed to all servers.

- The Adilas 3rd party API sockets don't have any special security on them yet. It had some but got taken off due to an earlier push on the API's to make them more standardized. We need to circle back around on that.

- On the Adilas API sockets and settings, we may want to circle back around and allow for custom usernames and passwords for certain doors and windows (internal socket connections). Maybe use the other custom fields (there are 10 custom fields) in the web API assignments table to handle password and username overrides. This could allow the main API to keep the same usernames and passwords as other settings but still have a custom override of sorts. This idea came while Brandon and Alan were going over web/API pages and settings and what fields hold what values. Good stuff.
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Shop 2377 Adilas Time 3/20/2017   On the daily GoToMeeting session for developers. Light clean-up, emails, and tech support. Alan checked in and showed me some progress on the Campaign Rise project. He is fixing up the initial pages and navigation stuff.

Most of the session was spent working on the Adilas API sockets. We found an error and had to do some debugging to get it working. It ended up being a problem with JSON objects inside of other JSON objects and how things got URL encoded (special web format stuff).

Anyways, got things done and pushed live to all servers.

I have tons of post-it notes that need to be gone through, cleaned up, and cataloged.

10 am Meeting with Calvin to talk about flow for mini conversions.
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Shop 2459 Bryan Time 3/20/2017   On a GoToMeeting session with Bryan. We were going over a new custom API for getting sub inventory. We had to tweak some things and then do some testing. Good session and we are making progress. The biggest scary thing is that we are building on sub inventory and it still feels somewhat unstable in some ways. That is just my opinion.
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Shop 2458 Beaver Mountain Horizontal Time View 3/17/2017   Finished up the Beaver Mountain horizontal time view page. This was dealing with multiple instructors (employee/users) being assigned to a single lesson (element of time). The custom page will now show, in the custom horizontal time view, what lessons are assigned to whom, even if the assignments are extra and done through flex grid tie-ins. This was about a 10 hour project just by it self.

I pushed it up this afternoon and showed them how to use it. On to the next request.
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Shop 2427 Brandon out of the office all day 3/17/2017  
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Shop 2457 Manually moving pdf's and images 3/16/2017   Manually moving tons of PDF's, Excel files, and images from different data servers to the adilas content server. This was part of a clean-up project due to a small oversight in the media/content upload page. It was changed for some testing and then never flipped back (until earlier today). We had to migrate all of the files from server to server to make it correct.

As a small side note, there were a couple companies that were 15 to 20+ GB in storage size for just documents alone. Each of those documents was uploaded and tied to a section of the site and/or adilas platform. That doesn't count for normal photo galleries and any database storage. Just the extra documents. That is pretty serious storage. I would love to flip the model and sell services such as hosting, storage, and such vs. the actual code and/or product. When I can afford it, I'd love to make the product free and then charge for other services such as hosting, storage, database bandwidth, consulting, training, setup, custom code, education, marketing, etc. Currently, that is still just a dream.
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Shop 2439 AFB Branding project 3/16/2017   Nick also canceled this afternoon. So, I started going through all of the misplaced media/content files and putting them where they should be. It is amazing how many files people are uploading. Potentially hundreds and hundreds of files per corp per day. Crazy numbers...

I also did a little bit of tech support and emails while downloading and then uploading files.
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Shop 2360 Russell Moore 3/16/2017   Russell canceled his meeting for today. So, I worked on a bug we found with the media/content server. We had a developer upload some new code a couple of days ago and he forgot to change some of code between test and live. So, for the past couple of days, we have been pushing content to the data serves vs. pushing content to the actual content server.

I wrote a quick report and pushed it to all servers. I also called and talked with Will about the media/content stuff. He and his wife just had a new baby girl. He fixed the file and I will round up all of the uploaded documents and push them manually over to the content server.
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Shop 2329 Dave Time 3/16/2017   Exported some images and added some notes to the elements of time # 2430 here in the shop. Pushed up 15 pages worth of images to the same time id as assets for that project. Contacted both Alan and Dave to let them know.
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Shop 2412 Calvin Time 3/16/2017   Met with Calvin earlier today on the GoToMeeting.
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Shop 2394 Lunch 3/16/2017  
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Shop 4950 Virtual Post-It Note 3/16/2017  

    -Doing research on loyalty points and gift cards

-Search: loyalty, gift, credit, watcher, feeder, declaration.

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Shop 2376 Adilas Time 3/16/2017   On a GoToMeeting session with Steve and Calvin. They were talking about different development tools such as Ruby on rails, Apple devices, etc. Where is everything going? We still need desktops, laptops, mobile devices, servers, hardware, software, web, and other applications. Not everything will fully migrate one way or the other. We need it all.

If it is small enough and simple enough (the task or program), people will use mobile devices. If it needs more, they will use the tools that they need. For example: Calvin says that developers keep adding more and more monitors. They don't want to scroll and scroll. They need real estate.

We are seeing more and more needs to be able to help monitor and/or control the browsing environment. We need features that are available in native software applications but still play over the web and in the cloud. We have people switching between machines in order to get the tasks done that need to be done.

Calvin did a demo on where he is at with the conversion and mini conversion process. He showed us some queries and how things flow and work. We also talked about the difference between the processes of making and creating vs. printing the actual labels.

Questions from Steve:
- Can we return things back to what it was (undoing a conversion)? The answer is yes, we can go both backwards and forwards.

- Can we do these conversions just in time - at the time of adding them to the cart?

- How long do things stay in reserved status? What about quotes, carts, duplicating invoices, etc. Are there time restraints? How can we tell? What are the settings? Maybe some kind of time settings.

- What do we do if all we have is a product that is marked as reserved? Meaning, everything is either sold or in reserve. What would you do then?

- We need a way to flush things that are in reserve. This could be a quick query to show what is in reserve. We then click the checkboxes and say flush. This process would flip the status on the conversion process table.

- On a different note, we need to get the sub part categories done before we finish up sub inventory and get sub inventory out to ecommerce. People in ecommerce don't have a way to search things like a power user do. They need a way to virtually find their way through your inventory items. They need both sub part categories and sub attributes.

- In the future, we can see more one-to-many relationships from child and sub inventory and mini conversions.

- As a side note, on stock/units, we had usage options, common features, etc. We are seeing a similar need out in normal inventory items. This could be sub flags, tags, categories, types, etc. We may want to circle back around and check out the common features, usage options, etc. This could be cool to circle back around and really tie things in. Stock/units were and still are a good starting playground for one-to-many relationships. Help get things out to the marketing level.

- On sub inventory, we are seeing a need for more options and settings on how the items are displayed. Show/hide the disabled packages, or show only these ones, or whatever. Currently we are showing tons of data.

- On mini conversions and sub inventory, we may want to show what is out in package land and then allow them to alter things as needed. Show the whole trail (can you see your way back). Also, Steve is seeing the sub or child as the bin and/or hopper for the item.

- On the child inventory stuff - show options for adjusting right from the child and/or sub inventory item. Take the user to the source and allow things to happen from there.

- We need the whole team. We couldn't do this thing alone. Not a chance. Good stuff.

- Training and maintenance are huge. Keep helping our clients through training and planned maintenance. We need to keep a good balance and we need to stay ahead of the curve. Steve was talking about how important being aligned for a landing in a plane is, and what factors need to be in place and maintained for a successful landing. A giant balancing act.

We were going to be meeting with Eric at 10 am to go over the plans for special accounts. That got delayed and we will reschedule for next week. All is well.
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Shop 2456 Research and planning 3/16/2017   Doing research for loyalty points and gift cards. Printing out documents and outlining and highlighting things, concepts, ideas, etc.
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Shop 2347 Alan Time 3/15/2017   On a GoToMeeting session with Alan. We started out and talked with Dave Forbis about some of his projects. We then setup some testing for a new merchant account type. After that, we spent the rest of the session talking about database tables and what they do. We decided to remove a couple of the old un-used tables and define some others.

As a fun note, part of our session was in the cluster level database tables. We spent some time and did some drawings to figure out the cluster level login process. We took some older tables that have not yet been used and chopped them down a bit. We then tried to run through some scenarios on how the login would work. See attached for a rough scratch drawing of how the process works. The attached media/content also has some verbage that goes along with the drawing.

After the meeting, I spent some time and recorded some notes and did some email stuff.

Key words that might be searched: cluster_payee_id, cluster payee id, home planet corp id, home_planet_corp_id, cluster, solar system
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Shop 2444 Dave Time 3/15/2017   On a GoToMeeting session with Dave. We worked on the Adilas Branding & Supply project. Most of the session was used up by looking over code that has already been written. It got launched without going through any kind of check or sign-off.

Dave was encouraging me to keep training my guys to clean-up after themselves and also be willing to proof read and check other developers code. We really need this and it will help keep things tight and good to go. Dave mentioned that we might even take turns and shifts on who is checking in code and what the sign-off process is. We are getting a number of projects that are 85% done. They work and function under ideal circumstances but may fail under heavy loads and/or different circumstances. We need things to be tight and ready for loads and be scalable.
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Shop 2411 Calvin Time 3/15/2017   Brief phone call with Calvin. We just touched base about his mini conversion project and set a time to talk tomorrow.
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Shop 2393 Lunch 3/15/2017  
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Shop 2375 Adilas Time 3/15/2017   On the morning developer's GoToMeeting session. I helped out with some tech support, helped Bryan with some questions, and then worked a little bit with Alan. After that, I finished recording notes and then started doing some research on the loyalty points and special account tracking stuff. Trying to prep and show a plan to Eric and Steve by tomorrow. Printing things off and making notes and highlighting ideas and concepts.
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Shop 2438 AFB Branding project 3/14/2017   On a GoToMeeting session with Nick. We went over some questions he had about storing custom JSON settings and such. We then went in and looked at a number of pages that have those same concepts. Somewhat of an exploratory session of sorts. We then built a small page to show the concepts in action.
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Shop 2359 Russell Moore 3/14/2017   On a Zoom session with Russell. He showed me the progress he is making on the AFB blog stuff. We then spent the rest of the time working on sub part categories and what pages that effects. I would say a page, we would browse to it, look at the page, and then note it as a page that needed some loving for this project. We went through about 20 pages like that. Lots of drawing and concepting.
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Shop 2328 Alan Time 3/14/2017  
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Shop 2410 Calvin Time 3/14/2017   Phone call and Zoom session with Calvin. Lots of drawing to show the overview of the mini conversions and how they tie in. Calvin then showed me some database tables and sample queries on how he is trying to get things to work and function. He recorded the session with his Zoom account. See attached for one of the small drawings.
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Shop 2392 Lunch 3/14/2017  
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Shop 2374 Adilas Time 3/14/2017   On a GoToMeeting session with Steve and Eric. We were talking about the special tracking accounts for loyalty points and gift cards and such.

- We had some question on taxes and with tax included and how that plays into loyalty points. Technically, some of this stuff should not be taxes but is due to the fact it is an invoice line item.

- We are seeing that special account stuff is heavily tied to payments and is almost like a mini bank account in some ways

- We may want to steer away from the line items area... that brings up tax issues. We may want to play more in the payment area or a standalone area that interacts with the payments.

- Mini bank accounts are totally mini balance sheet items. Keep it separate.

- What about special money types (corp specific) and then tracking that (logic) back to payment and to the special accounts. Or we could add a new one called special or use the internal payment and record some notes to help tie things together.

- Loyalty points are like "cash power" - in a way, they can use for future payments on invoices. Basically a discount (reduction in price) that is available to be applied as needed. Think of a delayed discount.

- If we track things clear out to a mini bank account level, we could really show the total liability that is owed back to the clients. Sum and group things for them.

- If a gift card is purchased, that can't be revenue, it has to be a balance sheet item. This may cause a small problem. Currently, all line items get mapped directly to the revenue portion of the P & L (income statement). We may need a destination switch of sorts. Similar to the special line items.

- At some point, we have to move the balance sheet liability over to revenue (say the amount collected from gift cards that hasn't been redeemed). How does this transaction take place. As a side note, we have a concept of a standalone declaration (back in 2010 ish). One of the motivation of doing gift cards is taking in money that never gets redeemed. Big return on investment. At some point you have to claim that revenue vs. just leaving it hanging on a balance sheet.

- All of these items are balance sheet items or user-maintained items. Also, a lot of these accounts are somewhat of a "funny money" type concept. As a side note, we started way back with stock/units. They have all kinds of phantom costs, slush funds, trade-in allowances, actual cash values, etc. All kinds of funny money stuff.

- On parts and general inventory items, we need to allow a switch that allows for a user to declare if the item was a revenue item, cost of good sold item, or a liability. Maybe think about all options for the P & L and the balance sheet.

- Credits (vendor and customer) - These could be either assets or liabilities. It comes back to who owes who. These also need to be tied to both invoices and possibly expense/receipts. They may also play into deposits and PO's if you get into credits. Maybe think about all 5 of the major players... invoices, PO's, expense/receipts, deposits, and other balance sheet items. Or we could just say something like main id, app type id, and table name. That would handle all possible tie-ins.

- We need a special accounts homepage. These special tracking accounts will be showed as system-maintained balance sheet items of sorts. Some what of a cross between a system-maintained and a user-maintained framework. Think of a mini bank account or mini tracking account.

- On a different note, we talked about a client need to be able to break the customer queue into sub queues. This could be sub locations, sub categories, or sub types. Crazy how everything keeps fracturing and breaking into smaller and smaller subs. We are also seeing how things need to be summed up, counted, and treated as a whole as well (stats, logistics, and aggregate analyst stuff). It goes both ways.

- Anyways, on the customer queue, we can see that a new option to sub categorize or add a sub location could totally work. That doesn't seem to be as big of a project. We will tackle that project next week.

- We are so grateful for the pressure and ideas from the people who use our product. We are trying to focus on operations and it is leading us to the accounting level. We are actively cultivating ideas from the "adilas idea farm". Pretty fun and crazy.
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Shop 2455 Shannon Time 3/14/2017   On a GoToMeeting session with Shannon. We logged into a company and looked at some P & L drill-down reports. We found out that the report was filtering by the main part category and the vendor. Thus it was only showing smaller sub sets of data. We also talked about flex grid and sub inventory attributes and how they could play together.
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Shop 2454 On the phone with Shannon 3/13/2017   On a phone call with Shannon. She had some custom reports that need to be quoted and also some deeper tech support questions. We chatted and decided to setup a session tomorrow where we could login and check a few things out. Good stuff. She is doing awesome.
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Shop 2453 Working with Bryan 3/13/2017   On a GoToMeeting session with Bryan. We were looking at his code for a menu board setup. He has been working on this project for quite some time. We were going in and adding select/deselect checkboxes and other small tweaks. We also talked about uploading things (dynamic background images) to elements of time and then mapping to those things.

We touched base on a couple of other small API questions and setup some custom help files for Bryan's menu boar pages.

Recording notes and wrapping things up. Lots of projects at different states rolling and flying around. Fun yet kinda crazy... :)
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Shop 2450 Dave Forbis 3/13/2017   On a GoToMeeting session with Dave. We were working on a special end of day report for AFB Branding. This will end up being a 3rd party API.

As part of the planning, we got into their site and started to look around. We found that some of the custom code had some small holes in it and didn't follow the standard building processes and requirements. We tweaked a few things and decided that we would need to do a small code sign-off and clean-up session to get everything ready and future proof.

Currently, there are a number of custom queries that work but don't work if you try to run things normally. It just needs a little bit of loving. This will delay the end of day report that was originally planned. The outcome should be a better product and good stuff.
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Shop 2452 Beaver Mountain 3/13/2017   Working on the Beaver Mountain horizontal time view page. Trying to show the extra employee/user tie-ins on the horizontal time view. These are flex grid tie-ins that basically book an instructor on a lesson that has already been assigned to a primary employee/user or instructor. It gets pretty deep. Making progress.
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Shop 2422 Shawn Time 3/13/2017   On a phone call with Shawn touching base. He is getting somewhat behind on some school stuff.
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Shop 2409 Calvin Time 3/13/2017   On a phone call with Calvin. We were talking about the mini conversion stuff and how to keep track of where the inventory is at. We decided that we will enter a new record when the items gets created. We will then enter a new record as it enters the cart (middle ground - somewhat claimed or potentially used). We decided that we would also flip that same record from middle ground into a sold record if it goes through the process correctly. Lots of talk about flow and options for the mini conversions.
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Shop 2391 Lunch 3/13/2017  
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Shop 4949 Virtual Post-It Note 3/13/2017  

-On duplicate E/R's/ go in and add some loving . . . They are duplicating too much.

-Be able to edit reoccurring E/R's - This whole section needs some loving

-Get with Steve for some specifies.

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Shop 2373 Adilas Time 3/13/2017   On a GoToMeeting session with Steve. We chatted and talked about funding, developers, progress, and then rolled into some code tweaks. We were looking for a potential bug, but it ended up being an after the fact sort that was messing things up. Kinda interesting. The problem came when using the new display template that allowed for sorting and special exports. Unknown to us, it was taking whatever the data was and then sorting it by the first visual column. This new sort was different than what the database was sorting by. We didn't ask it to do that, it was just kinda hardcoded or happened automatically. This little flip flop messed up a running total that went from line to line and summed things up as it went. Once you added the other sort option, the sum was out of order. It took us a while to figure out what was happening.

After that, we both worked on different projects and did a small work session. I did some more work on the Beaver Mountain horizontal time view page. Steve was doing phone calls and custom reports.
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Shop 2449 Beaver Mountain horizontal time view 3/11/2017   Working on the Beaver Mountain horizontal time view. Going through and making sure that the logic is tight and good. Lots of testing and recording variables on scratch paper. The current goal and/or project is showing results for additional employee/users that are assigned to an element of time (ski or snowboard lesson).
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Shop 2448 General 3/11/2017   Recording notes, emails, and paying bills.
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Shop 2426 Brandon out of the office all day 3/10/2017  
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Shop 2431 Dave Forbis 3/9/2017   On a GoToMeeting session. I was recording notes until Nick joined in. He is doing some projects for Dave Forbis and AFB (adilas for business). I helped out Nick with some questions and got him pointed in a good direction. He was well organized and had a list of questions. We just went through them one by one and got him going. Good stuff.

After that, I went back to recording more notes from the day.
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Shop 2358 Russell Moore 3/9/2017   On a Zoom session with Russell. Part way through I got kicked off due to internet problems. We talked on the phone and then I was able to get back with him. Crazy day for random technical issues.

Anyways, most of our conversations today were dealing with sub part categories and sub attributes and how to mix and blend those two pieces. We started out looking at some ecommerce templates and how to show sub part categories and sub attributes. Russell had a couple of good sites that we looked at. Most of the sub filters were listed down the sided (right or left) and then submitted for processing.

- We talked about having some settings per sub attribute that allowed for both show/hide on the web and allow/don't allow searching on the web.

- We spent quite a bit of time talking about main categories and how to show sub part categories in the right spot. We also talked about cross showing sub categories under other main categories. For example: Say you had main part categories of "garden" and "tools". Then under the "tools" category, you had "garden tools", "hand tools", and "power tools". You don't want to create multiple items, but you may want the garden tools to show up under the main garden section. The list goes on... as far as buddies, crisscrosses, multi view items, recommendations, etc. This brings it to the question, which category rules, how are things searched, how are they displayed?

- What about sub tags and flags for items and item categories. There is already a section that is optional and setup per item. It is called special part web options (see the web_part_options table). This allows for things like video links, long web descriptions, specs, reviews, etc. What if we expanded that list and allowed for things like: flags, tags, keywords, similar products (list of product names or id's), people who bought this also bought, recommendations, etc. Optional and searchable fields to hold extra ecommerce level settings.

- As we were talking about this, add in extra part or item settings for ecommerce, I was thinking about SEO (search engine optimization) and how that is very similar to flags, tags, and keywords. Anyways, we may need other SEO type fields to help with this stuff as well.

- These same multi part or item web options could allow for options to allow items to be shown under other normal or sub part categories as well. Basically, build a small list of where it is allowed to go. Almost like a mini permission for items so they know where they can and can not go. Very interesting.

- Towards the end, Russell was asking how long some of these changes and ideas would take. I honestly don't know. And to be honest, it kinda scares me to see how many huge things (inter-related projects) are all being brought together at the same time and/or in a similar timeframe or scope. Crazy.

- Anyways, we talked about planning and brainstorming and then at some point, you have to jump off the platform and start swimming. We talked about brainstorming vs. try storming... It is ok not to know everything right this minute. Take the time, look at things, do some brainstorming, plan things out and then take a leap and do some try storming, knowing you may be circling back around over and over again.
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Shop 2447 Shawn time and other general stuff 3/9/2017   On a quick call and GoToMeeting session with Shawn. We talked about the payroll 1099's and some printing options. We also talked about a small plan going forward.

After that, I was recording notes and Steve popped in and had a quick code question on showing sub inventory and parent inventory items. After we talked about some things, I scribbled down some small notes from our chat.

- We need to wire up the connections between sub inventory and the PO/invoice line items table. Currently, we have to run multiple queries to see if a line item has any subs. Not that that is bad, it just takes time and you can't easily tell what is going on. We may want to look into this and tighten things up a bit. Think about search options and speed that way.

- I mentioned to Steve and that Eric and I were talking earlier and how so many crazy projects were all somewhat converging at the same time. I mentioned smart cart logic, sales and promotions, custom labeling, sub inventory (parent/child relationship), mini conversion, discounting, pricing tiers, loyalty points (special accounts), and other things. He added to the list... ecommerce and sales tax as also being more and more in the mix and coming together.

- The reason that Steve mentioned sales tax is that I told him that Eric and I were planning on doing something similar to a user-maintained balance sheet item for loyalty points and gift card stuff. He made the comment that sales tax is very similar... almost a mini account of sorts. He then started talking about a special sales tax homepage, searchable database stuff (already summed entries vs. full transactional entries), the need to go to multiple decimals for taxes and withholdings, etc. Kinda interesting that I didn't even think of sales tax in the same boat as in-store credit or loyalty or gift cards but they are very similar.

- This made me think about some old ideas we had back in 2010 dealing with watchers, feeders, and standalone declarations. I wonder if it may be time for that type of stuff to come into play.

- As Steve and I talked about converging projects and how they all interconnect, he made the analogy of a steeple on a roof or a church. Lots of different angles and roof lines all coming in together. That analogy was fun to think about and added some depth to the converging concepts, ideas, and projects. I really liked how it could go up (be built up virtually) in order to make room for all of the pieces to match up and play well together. Kind like a capstone or elevated portion of a building. My original thinking was sort of flat. Don't be afraid to add some depth (settings, permissions, time, etc.) in order to bring everything together. Good stuff.
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Shop 2408 Calvin Time 3/9/2017   On a Zoom session with Calvin. He showed me some table mock-ups for doing the mini conversions. He had about 4 tables that held the data. One was a template table that allowed for either category and/or part number tie-ins. This is where the person names the new unit of measure, sets up the original unit of measure, and adds the multiplier. The next table dealt more with the pricing and tying things to a sub inventory package. The other tables dealt with processes and how that affects inventory. Does it increase, decrease, possible decrease, or do nothing. That is also where he would collect the actions and/or transactions of what happened. For example, what was made, what was sold, what was added to the cart, etc.

We will need more info, but this was the rough outline of what Calvin was proposing. Good start.
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Shop 2390 Lunch 3/9/2017  
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Shop 2372 Adilas Time 3/9/2017   Started out the day looking over notes and doing some review. Around 10 am, Eric joined in and we did a GoToMeeting session to go over the database tables for the special tracking accounts (loyalty points and such). We had a good session and I was taking a bunch of notes. Part way through the meeting, my computer did a full reboot (unannounced) and we loss the whole page of unsaved notes. Bummer.

Here are a few things that we were talking about:

- UI or user interface, that is huge. If you can store it, great, but how is it going to be used, accessed, and/or manipulated. What is the interface and does that help the process?

- We have tons of converging projects. We spent quite a bit of time talking about how the smart cart logic, sales and promotions, tiered pricing, discounting models, loyalty points, sub inventory (parent/child inventory), mini conversions, and custom labeling are all somewhat intertwined and all hitting us at once. That is pretty intense, as each of these projects is fairly big by itself. When you combine everything, that really gets pretty intense.

- Along with that convergence, we talked about what pieces dealt with what part of the process. We saw that sub inventory, mini conversions, and labeling mostly deal with things that are pre-cart or ways of helping to get things into the cart. The smart cart, sales and promotions, tiered pricing, and discounts are all fairly closely inter-tied together. That is the heart of the shopping cart. The loyalty points and special account tracking options plays in towards the end but still plays a part of the overall cart logic. These things are somewhat post checkout logic but still trickle into the main cart logic.

- One of the topics today was why we use parts (normal invoice line items) in the cart to control the loyalty points. We talked about the fact that we don't have anything standard and different companies are using either items and/or different functions. We talked about maybe adding in a new one-to-many relationship to handle all of the visual items dealing with the special accounts. This would be a new one-to-many to the invoices but with a specific purpose. Great idea, we may want to push this further.

- Currently, the users are settings up all kinds of buttons, barcode scans, and other flow processes to either assign and/or redeem the loyalty points. We need to remember that part of the interface when building out the next phase of how things work. People (users) want quick access to those loyalty type features and special accounts. As a side note, some of the buttons and current scans force the line quantity to a negative, that helps us reduce and/or redeem the loyalty points. If we went into a different model, we may not need that (standalone option for special accounts).

- One other topic of the day was how labeling could potentially create a by-pass to the normal database look-up logic. We are seeing people already use QR codes, barcodes, and other scan options to pull in a quantity, a price, and a sub package. No look-ups are done, it just takes things as is. That is both good and bad. Just noting it here that that may become an issue in the future.
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Shop 2345 Alan Time 3/8/2017   On a GoToMeeting session with Alan. We spent the whole time going through database tables and writing down a brief description of what each table does. As a fun side note, most of the tables we were talking about today were in the t's. We spent a lot of time talking about flex grid tie-ins and elements of time. Lots of the tables dealt with the subs of time. That made the day fun and somewhat focused. We talked about progress, current state of things, and lots about future development of some of the pieces. I'm excited to see what we can do there and how to keep pushing things.

Here are some fun help files that we were using for our conversations today: - flex grid help file - flex grid custom fields and custom title/names help file - elements of time help file - time templates help file - subs of time help file
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Shop 2440 AFB Branding project 3/8/2017   On a GoToMeeting session with Nick. He was working on stuff and I was recording notes from yesterday and today into elements of time. After a while, I started working on the Beaver Mountain horizontal time view project. Nick and I touched base and worked together for the last 20 minutes or so. Light review and small question and answer stuff.
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Shop 2407 Calvin Time 3/8/2017  
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Shop 2389 Lunch 3/8/2017  
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Shop 2371 Adilas Time 3/8/2017   Eric and I were on a GoToMeeting session. We were doing some research. I did some looking in the adilas university site. I found a couple of gems that talked about loyalty points and gift cards.

AU - time id 2265 - 12/14/12 - concept of corp-wide settings for loyalty points. This was just an idea.

AU - time id 1199 - 4/25/13 - punch card concept. This is a giant wish list and things that still need to be added.

AU - time id 1233 - 5/10/13 - lunch cards and other needs for the same type of account. Some kind of special tracking account. Load, unload, check balances, etc.

AU - time id 1240 - 5/20/13 - concept of a reloadable account of sorts.

AU - time id 2898 - 10/18/14 - dynamic and broad, be able to name, use for multiple options, auto id's, user assigned id's, quick searches, homepages, etc.

AU - time id 3818 - 4/27/15 - sub locations and unique ideas about promotion codes, referrals, drop shipping, gifting circles, and gift to get (points and credits), other gift card stuff.

- Idea from Eric - On loyalty points and such, what about number of visits. This is something that may have been left out. This could be extra points for every 5th visit or a special discount on the 10th visit, etc.

In the adilas shop (this site):

AS - time id 2253 - 2/15/17 - cart logic plus loyalty points

AS - time id 2257 - 2/22/17 - brain dump on ideas, tables, and flow for loyalty points. Some graphics and such with ideas on special accounts, transactions, and how to relate the account to different parties (customers, vendors, users, or generic).

- What about doing some processes during a checkout. That would help with transactional data. Also, what about voids, what about changes to an invoice after the fact. We need to include some logic on those actions.

- We really need some kind of a transactional accounting. What about time based options such as double loyalty points for the next couple of hours.

- We need to record both the ins and outs on the points and redemption stuff. We looked at the current balance sheet items (say a loan or something). It allows for a name, a type, and recording of manual transactions (bump up or down). Eric wanted to have both a manual transaction feature (like the balance sheet) as well as automated stuff (cart and invoice logic). We also talked about having a main account table (what to call it - say lunch card), a table for account rules (what adds points, what takes things away - logic for the account), a table to hold the individual special accounts (say lunch card 1, 2, 3, etc.), and then an account transaction table. See screen shot for ideas and light flow.

- One other note, we wanted to make sure and add one special column on the main account for a JSON object if needed. This would be for a developer to add something special. Not for the general public. The goal here is a special access point in case we need to go a little bit deeper and more custom.

- The account rules would be setup like the iTunes builder, where we could catch all known rules. Such as: include items, exclude items, part categories, quantity rules, customer types, visit counts, special promotions, limited usage, and other special flags.

- On the account transactions, we need to set it up similar to the balance sheet item transactions. That allows for bump values (+ or -), amounts, notes, and dynamic tie-in's to invoices and expense/receipts. Most of the transactions will be on the invoice side but we wanted to allow for other outbound monies if needed. Say an affiliate program where you actually earn cash or get a commission check or something.
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Shop 2430 Dave Forbis 3/7/2017   On a GoToMeeting session with Dave Forbis. We were going over some new changes for the Campaign Rise project. I showed him some of the new files that Russell and I pushed up. We then jumped into a session talking about what the next steps are. I explained that we are somewhat ready for step 3 of 4 (ish). Here are the rough steps:

1. Paper and pencil drawings (planning and wire frames). Then into static graphics and mock-up screen shots. Nothing moves, it is just the concepts. Dave has already done these, see attached.
2. Rough HTML (web) mock-up with light placement. A couple of static pages. Starting to get colors, look and feel, and light motion. Russell has done this and started the process.
3. Take the static HTML pages and turn them into real pages and get the framework, wiring, and general page flow down. (this is the next step). Our goal here is to create a basic template, common header, common footer, and then start putting the pages together into a working set of pages. Our goal for right now is to make each page, include the common header, common footer, and put the correct image (see attached) as the body of the page. We will really code things later on.
4. Wire it all up and make it happen. This may be divided out to different designers and developers. This is real code inside of real pages.

Dave sent me a bunch of mock-up photos.We will be using those files to help with some setup stuff on the step 3 stuff. We will setup dynamic headers, footers, and add custom body pages to all known files. For the time being, we will add the mock-up photos to the pages as the body content until we are able to wire things up. Good session and making progress.

See attached for some additional notes and page mock-ups.
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Shop 2357 Russell Moore 3/7/2017   On a Zoom session with Russell. We did three main things. First we merged in some new files and tweaks that he had been working on. Some of it was dealing with new videos for the ecommerce settings, new tweaks to the snow owl theme, and light CSS changes for mobile.

Second, we pushed up some files for a company called Campaign Rise to the data 6 server. This will allow the other developers to get in there and start the building process. We are building a customer facing website that will be pulling live data from elements of time, subs of time, media/content, flex grid, customers, and online ecommerce and invoicing. Big and fun project. Dave Forbis is running as project manager on that project.

Third, we spent the rest of the time talking about sub part categories, sub inventory, sub inventory attributes, and how we could get that stuff out to the ecommerce level. We looked at images, scans, and did tons of drawing. We looked at database tables, live data, current page flow, etc. We had a pretty good session and talked about how we really need to get sub part categories in place before we push too much further. Great discussion.

As a side note, we had a request from Kelly and Molly (adilas consultants) to add a new setting per sub inventory attribute. The new setting would be a show/hide on the web option. We also thought that it might be nice if certain attributes were searchable and even combo searchable.

If the sub part categories are added correctly... that could help filter things going up and down a logical chain. Then the sub attributes would allow additional and multi filtering options for the underlying products. We did a sample mock-up (drawing) using clothing, men's and women's clothing, ages, and styles. These were all part categories and sub part categories. We then went into sub attributes such as color, size, fabric type, brand names, etc. Those would all be sub attributes. Good discussion and good progress.
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Shop 2406 Calvin Time 3/7/2017   Calvin met with us earlier on the GoToMeeting session.
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Shop 2388 Lunch 3/7/2017  
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Shop 2443 review cart 3/7/2017   On a GoToMeeting session with Bryan. He had some special code for a payment company and just wanted someone to look over things. We went through some of the code, made a few tweaks, did some testing and pushed it up live on one of the servers. He is going to get with Alan to go over things tighter and get a valid sign-off. Somewhat of a quick session to help with a meeting he had scheduled at 1 pm with the client.
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Shop 2370 Adilas Time 3/7/2017   On a GoToMeeting with Steve and Eric. We helped Steve with some questions and then talked with Eric. While talking with Eric, they were talking about coding things for a drive-through pharmacy type model with digital signatures, photo captures, video captures, remote file upload stuff, etc. All kinds of digital paperwork stuff.

Calvin joined the call just after 10 am. We chatted and talked about mini conversions up until about 12 pm. Calvin and I divided and started doing some light research. I was looking in the adilas university site and inside of adilas for info on conversions. Calvin was doing some looking inside of the adilas shop site. Here are some of our findings:

7/16/09 - adilas university - Time Id: 2377 - Photos – Lots of loose pages and playing with ideas.

- Idea - catch the lowest possible increment (or value of 1)
- Everything needs a base of 1
- Cost per 1
- Weight/measurement per 1
- Weight/measurement per type
- Idea - there may be a difference between quantity and weight. We need to account for both.
- Idea - part of this element of time was around the time when we added multi decimal point accuracy (code name – adilas dewy decimal).
- Question - How are items sold? Quantity, Weight, Length, Package, Volume, or some other measurement?

7/22/09 - adilas university - Time Id: 1435
- Idea - New corp-wide setting for allowing part number (item) conversions. This was created but has sat dormant for years.

7/28/09 - adilas university - Time Id: 2380
- Photos - Multiple pages that show questions and answers for a single company and their flow. This was from Trinity Fasteners and how they work (buying and selling nuts and bolts). Good flow and ideas. Real life scenarios, needs, and requirements.

12/11/09 - adilas university - Time Id: 1590
- Photos - Notebook entries with some ideas and bullet points. Basically, there will be some dust (+ and -) - play in a ball park level and allow for rounding errors.

2/1/14 - - Time Id: 838
- Photo - whiteboard session with some ideas on it
- Idea - Qty in, u of m in, qty out, u of m out, multiplier qty
- Idea - add a conversion qty and a conversion u of m
- Idea - add a flag that says use or don’t use the conversion
- Idea - reverse recipes (preset things, hold all of the details, distribute pieces and products as needed)

/// notes from Calvin.
Time Id's from the shop...
2062 * good stuff
2157 * (good stuff - grid drawing)
2167 * (good stuff - screen shot of conversion/pring: steves_mini_convesion_page_for_qr_codes.jpg)
2258 * (good stuff - more notes)
2260 * (good stuff - spreadsheet)

/// notes from Steve
- We have pricing needs, conversion needs, etc. Kitting, recipe/builds, batches, lots, packages, sub inventory, packaging and repackaging (unlimited number of times - make a box, put x number of boxes in a bigger box, take y number of bigger boxes and put into a case or palette).
- Every time you break down a child, we need to be loose-y-goosy. The parent and child needs to be the same unit of measure. Then below that, we can have all kinds of different price to quantity relationships. (quantity discounts, pricing matrix, cost of goods sold, etc.)
- We need a dynamic tool that could hold user-defined data.
- Steve sees the interface as part of the solution - (see his prebuild template for a starting point)
- The interface will have parent info, vendor info, child quantity and/or weight, child id, package tag, etc.
- Be able to name it (what to call the unit of measurement - example: cones, shake, trim, eighth, quarters, etc.), setup the underlying relationship to the parent and child unit of measure, set a price per, etc.
- We also need to track all items being tracked in carts, sold, made, created, available, reserved, etc.
- Be able to create a mini conversion template and/or conversion matrix. These would be standalone pieces that could be setup like a template and then used over and over again. Think one-to-many.
- Maybe have the parent item be tied to a certain conversion matrix and/or template. We may also see that the templates might need to be tied at the part category level (this may help cascade things out better and more efficiently).
- We need a tool that allows for individual business to decide what is what... and how they want to convert things, break things down, sell things, and display things. Very dynamic.
- We allow them to build as many main conversion templates as needed. They could copy, duplicate, remove, reuse, etc.

/// other notes...
- We talked about of the history behind a few of the bigger pieces such as the dewy decimal system, flex grid tie-ins, sub inventory, sub attributes, and current mini conversions. They are all somewhat inter-related and we have built from one thing to the next.

- We talked about building in a one-to-many traditional database model and go vertical vs. horizontal. This will help things be smaller and more agile vs. heavier and lots of unused fields and extra columns. Think just in time as a sub or mini conversion of the sub inventory packages, batches, or lots.

- We also talked about what is needed to show the mini conversions on a quote and/or invoice line item. We need at least three fields (maybe more). They would be the visual unit of measure (conversion uofm), visual quantity and/or weight (conversion number of some kind), and a flag to use or not use the visual (mini conversion) fields.

- Dealing with the show/hide options on the quote and invoice line items, what about setting the normal fields like we already do (main line quantity and main unit of measure), then we could either duplicate that data on the show or special visual fields or we could set it to some kind of blank or default value. The goal here is to decide if we want to use one set of fields to do the backend accounting and then have another set of fields that show what was really going on. If we made it consistent, we could run certain reports off of certain fields and other reports off of other fields. That way we would have to add any special logic, it would be real values vs. show values. That might be nice. Just an idea.

- When Steve and Calvin talked, they made it sound very simple and straight forward. When Brandon talked, it got technical and went into other requirements. As a side note, we may need a little bit of both simple and technical.
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Shop 2344 Alan Time & General 3/6/2017   Touched base with Alan on his projects and then started to work on the Beaver Mountain horizontal time view page. I spent quite a bit of time writing out a code summary to help me get the full flow. This is where you take hundreds and thousands of lines and write it in a summary type view. By the time you are done, you can see the logic tree without all of the super tiny details. This can take a huge scary page of code and make it look approachable and not as scary.

See attached for the simple logic tree and/or code sample files. I pushed up both the simple logic tree and the real file for comparison.
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Shop 2421 Shawn Time 3/6/2017   On a phone call and then a GoToMeeting session with Shawn. He has been sick the last little while. We talked about 5 main things...

1. Working with Russell (new team stuff)
2. More state withholdings - we need to break up the CFC into at least two pieces. It is getting too big (over the max number of characters for a method).
3. Printing and doing PDF docs - What about looking into Flash for printing? This would be nice but we may have some time here.
4. New trailers docs - Fairly new stuff.
5. Email stuff - We looked us notes, I sent him a photo of our whiteboard session, and we got Shawn setup with FTP access to the adilas university site for email stuff. This is one of our biggest needs right now.
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Shop 2405 Calvin Time 3/6/2017   On a phone call with Calvin talking about next steps and where and when to plan out the next part of this mini conversion project. We will be meeting tomorrow from 9 am to 12 pm to get the project started and hopefully lightly mapped out.
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Shop 2387 Lunch 3/6/2017  
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Shop 2369 Adilas Time 3/6/2017   Steve and I got on a GoToMeeting session. We talked about who is managing what, internal communications, external communications, and using version control systems more globally. We are currently having a number of guys who are using the version control software and some who are not. We are seeing some problems and disconnects between the guys who are on the version control and those who are not. Sometimes it feels like we are going so fast, we can't even slow down enough to all get on the same page. However, if we did, things would work so much better and be all together smoother.

Part way through the session, we split up and did our own little work sessions. I worked on the Beaver Mountain stuff. Trying to finish up this project.
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Shop 2442 Server to server migration 3/3/2017   Migrated 2 corporations from the data 4 server to the data 7 server. I used Calvin's MySQL Editor tools and that made it much easier. Close to a million records between the two companies. They have some custom code, custom labels, custom cart top mini pages, logos, watermarks, and about 10,000+ images and uploads.

Also as a note, I updated a file called temp/corp_data_counts.cfm. That files helps us look on the different servers and does a count and check of all of the files to see how much data for each client is on what server. That files helps me with the migration and also helps me know if I got everything migrated over to the new server (side by side comparison stuff). Anyways, it is late and it has been a long but good day.
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Shop 2425 Brandon out of the office all day 3/3/2017  
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Shop 2441 Server setups 3/2/2017   Setting up Calvin's MySQL Editor on data 6 and data 7. I also got a ticket going to transfer 10,000+ images from data 4 to data 7. Other little tasks and such.
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Shop 2433 Black Box Project 3/2/2017   On a GoToMeeting session with Nick. We covered a couple different projects and such. They are listed below.

1. New custom project that is needed. From Dave Forbis. We spent almost an hour going over this project. Nick took notes while I read and explained the PDF that Dave had created. See attached for the PDF and see below for the sub notes from Nick.

2. We talked about a mini team with Russell. We would like to get a team of 4 players up and rolling. Russell would be the captain of the team, Alan - as the lead developer, Nick - developer, and Shawn - developer.

We talked about how this concept is somewhat - wet paint here... just came up with this... Basically, Adilas will authorize hours, projects, and funds. 6 hours per person per week x $25/hour = $450 (we've told Russell that we have a $500/week budget for this pilot program). This equates to around $2,000 per month that we can run through this project team.

These projects could be AFB projects or projects or Adilas Shop projects or custom. The whole adilas project and platform is really one giant project. We are taking a small pool of developers and trying to structure them into teams with captains and leads. The developers will be paid from, Adilas Shop, AFB, and from custom projects.

We need to get in and see how this works. If we need to, we can tweak it around. Think of water, snow, ice. We are in the water stage.

3. We merged in about 18 new files for elements of time as part of the system-wide black box project. Good session.
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Shop 2356 Russell Moore 3/2/2017   On a Zoom session with Russell. We merged in tons of new files to help make the pick a color stuff work for the AFB snow owl theme. This is a project that Russell has been working on for that last little bit. Tons of new database settings, new color pickers, new CSS and JavaScript preview stuff. Pretty cool. As you change the colors, the mini preview changes to let you know what piece you are changing. Super cool.

As we were merging and uploading the new files, we talked about a mini team option where Russell could be the team captain. We talked about some light budgets, players (what developers would be involved), and who would do what. Fun stuff and we are going to give it a go. As a side note, in my meeting with Nick (time id # 2433) I explained some more details about the new mini teams. Just an idea and concept right now.
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Shop 2327 General 3/2/2017   Recording notes and doing emails.
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Shop 2404 Calvin Time 3/2/2017   On the phone with Calvin. We talked projects and also timelines. He is trying to fill up his project queue and was looking to see when we will need him. We talked about options and projects. While we were talking...

I had the idea - What if I could plan and prep things and projects for our guys? Then, I could hand those projects out to our guys as they have time and skills. Currently, I am scrambling to get things together to hand off to them. Instead of doing all of our project planning and project management just in time, we could save a ton of stress if we prepped and were prepared. That would be awesome.
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Shop 2386 Lunch 3/2/2017  
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Shop 2368 Adilas Time 3/2/2017   On a GoToMeeting session with Steve. We talked and covered a number of different topics. We talked taxes, balance sheet stuff, funding, developers, sales, etc. Good multi point conversation. We did a little bit of work on our own projects and even fixed a bug with sub inventory. While I was working on my own, I was working on the Beaver Mountain horizontal time view page. That one gets pretty deep.
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Shop 2437 Beaver Mountain 3/2/2017   Working on the Beaver Mountain horizontal time view report. We are trying to add some scheduling that mixes flex grid tie-ins and elements of time. It gets pretty deep.
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Shop 2436 Working on the Beaver Mountain project 3/1/2017   Working on the Beaver Mountain project. They have requested some changes to the horizontal time view (where they schedule out their lessons and instructors). That page gets pretty deep. Rereading things, commenting, and testing code as I went.
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Shop 2343 Alan Time 3/1/2017   On a GoToMeeting session with Alan. We were going through database tables, listing out data types, sizes, indexes, and other notes. We then switched documents and started going through the tables and defining what each table does and how it interconnects. Alan was recording the verbage as I was talking and/or dictating what each table was and/or did. Fun session.

As part of the session, we took a couple of side trips and I showed Alan existing tools and how the tables played into the mix. We looked at statements, recipes, reoccurring invoices, and other tables and features. Good stuff. This is all part of the big world building project we are working on. When we get all done, I'll make sure and get the new updated documents from Alan. The new ones have lots more data and information.
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Shop 2435 General 3/1/2017   General clean-up, email, phone calls, and recording notes. I also went in and added a note to the emails that are sent by the system that they are coming from a non-reply and non-monitored email address. Trying to cut down on the number of replies that come back to me from clients using the system tools. To fix that more fully, is a whole other project.
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Shop 2365 API code 3/1/2017   On a GoToMeeting session with Bryan. We jumped in and made a couple of report fixes and talked about some other projects. Fairly short meeting. We bounced between a few projects and got things done.
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Shop 2403 Calvin Time 3/1/2017   On a phone call with Calvin. He said that he doesn't want to get involved with the mini conversion project. I told him that would be fine. He has tons of other stuff to do.
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Shop 2385 Lunch 3/1/2017  
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Shop 2367 Adilas Time 3/1/2017   Spent the first hour and half doing some bills, expenses, clean-up, emails, and phone calls. I then worked on the Beaver Mountain stuff. I still have some tweaks to make for them on their custom horizontal time view page. It gets pretty deep.