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Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Shawn Curtis
Created By: Shawn Curtis
Created Date/Time: 3/9/2017 9:14 am
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 2447
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Shawn time and other general stuff
Start Date/Time: 3/9/2017 1:00 pm
End Date/Time: 3/9/2017 2:00 pm
Main Status: Active

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On a quick call and GoToMeeting session with Shawn. We talked about the payroll 1099's and some printing options. We also talked about a small plan going forward.

After that, I was recording notes and Steve popped in and had a quick code question on showing sub inventory and parent inventory items. After we talked about some things, I scribbled down some small notes from our chat.

- We need to wire up the connections between sub inventory and the PO/invoice line items table. Currently, we have to run multiple queries to see if a line item has any subs. Not that that is bad, it just takes time and you can't easily tell what is going on. We may want to look into this and tighten things up a bit. Think about search options and speed that way.

- I mentioned to Steve and that Eric and I were talking earlier and how so many crazy projects were all somewhat converging at the same time. I mentioned smart cart logic, sales and promotions, custom labeling, sub inventory (parent/child relationship), mini conversion, discounting, pricing tiers, loyalty points (special accounts), and other things. He added to the list... ecommerce and sales tax as also being more and more in the mix and coming together.

- The reason that Steve mentioned sales tax is that I told him that Eric and I were planning on doing something similar to a user-maintained balance sheet item for loyalty points and gift card stuff. He made the comment that sales tax is very similar... almost a mini account of sorts. He then started talking about a special sales tax homepage, searchable database stuff (already summed entries vs. full transactional entries), the need to go to multiple decimals for taxes and withholdings, etc. Kinda interesting that I didn't even think of sales tax in the same boat as in-store credit or loyalty or gift cards but they are very similar.

- This made me think about some old ideas we had back in 2010 dealing with watchers, feeders, and standalone declarations. I wonder if it may be time for that type of stuff to come into play.

- As Steve and I talked about converging projects and how they all interconnect, he made the analogy of a steeple on a roof or a church. Lots of different angles and roof lines all coming in together. That analogy was fun to think about and added some depth to the converging concepts, ideas, and projects. I really liked how it could go up (be built up virtually) in order to make room for all of the pieces to match up and play well together. Kind like a capstone or elevated portion of a building. My original thinking was sort of flat. Don't be afraid to add some depth (settings, permissions, time, etc.) in order to bring everything together. Good stuff.