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Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 2/27/2017 11:43 am
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 2371
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Adilas Time
Start Date/Time: 3/8/2017 9:45 am
End Date/Time: 3/8/2017 12:00 pm
Main Status: Active

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Media Name   File Type Date Description
special_accounts_diagram_loyalty_points.jpg   Image/JPEG 3/8/2017 This is a brainstorming doc from a meeting between Brandon and Eric talking about loyalty points and special accounts for tracking in/out's and transactions.

Eric and I were on a GoToMeeting session. We were doing some research. I did some looking in the adilas university site. I found a couple of gems that talked about loyalty points and gift cards.

AU - time id 2265 - 12/14/12 - concept of corp-wide settings for loyalty points. This was just an idea.

AU - time id 1199 - 4/25/13 - punch card concept. This is a giant wish list and things that still need to be added.

AU - time id 1233 - 5/10/13 - lunch cards and other needs for the same type of account. Some kind of special tracking account. Load, unload, check balances, etc.

AU - time id 1240 - 5/20/13 - concept of a reloadable account of sorts.

AU - time id 2898 - 10/18/14 - dynamic and broad, be able to name, use for multiple options, auto id's, user assigned id's, quick searches, homepages, etc.

AU - time id 3818 - 4/27/15 - sub locations and unique ideas about promotion codes, referrals, drop shipping, gifting circles, and gift to get (points and credits), other gift card stuff.

- Idea from Eric - On loyalty points and such, what about number of visits. This is something that may have been left out. This could be extra points for every 5th visit or a special discount on the 10th visit, etc.

In the adilas shop (this site):

AS - time id 2253 - 2/15/17 - cart logic plus loyalty points

AS - time id 2257 - 2/22/17 - brain dump on ideas, tables, and flow for loyalty points. Some graphics and such with ideas on special accounts, transactions, and how to relate the account to different parties (customers, vendors, users, or generic).

- What about doing some processes during a checkout. That would help with transactional data. Also, what about voids, what about changes to an invoice after the fact. We need to include some logic on those actions.

- We really need some kind of a transactional accounting. What about time based options such as double loyalty points for the next couple of hours.

- We need to record both the ins and outs on the points and redemption stuff. We looked at the current balance sheet items (say a loan or something). It allows for a name, a type, and recording of manual transactions (bump up or down). Eric wanted to have both a manual transaction feature (like the balance sheet) as well as automated stuff (cart and invoice logic). We also talked about having a main account table (what to call it - say lunch card), a table for account rules (what adds points, what takes things away - logic for the account), a table to hold the individual special accounts (say lunch card 1, 2, 3, etc.), and then an account transaction table. See screen shot for ideas and light flow.

- One other note, we wanted to make sure and add one special column on the main account for a JSON object if needed. This would be for a developer to add something special. Not for the general public. The goal here is a special access point in case we need to go a little bit deeper and more custom.

- The account rules would be setup like the iTunes builder, where we could catch all known rules. Such as: include items, exclude items, part categories, quantity rules, customer types, visit counts, special promotions, limited usage, and other special flags.

- On the account transactions, we need to set it up similar to the balance sheet item transactions. That allows for bump values (+ or -), amounts, notes, and dynamic tie-in's to invoices and expense/receipts. Most of the transactions will be on the invoice side but we wanted to allow for other outbound monies if needed. Say an affiliate program where you actually earn cash or get a commission check or something.