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Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 2/27/2017 11:44 am
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 2376
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Adilas Time
Start Date/Time: 3/16/2017 9:00 am
End Date/Time: 3/16/2017 12:00 pm
Main Status: Active

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On a GoToMeeting session with Steve and Calvin. They were talking about different development tools such as Ruby on rails, Apple devices, etc. Where is everything going? We still need desktops, laptops, mobile devices, servers, hardware, software, web, and other applications. Not everything will fully migrate one way or the other. We need it all.

If it is small enough and simple enough (the task or program), people will use mobile devices. If it needs more, they will use the tools that they need. For example: Calvin says that developers keep adding more and more monitors. They don't want to scroll and scroll. They need real estate.

We are seeing more and more needs to be able to help monitor and/or control the browsing environment. We need features that are available in native software applications but still play over the web and in the cloud. We have people switching between machines in order to get the tasks done that need to be done.

Calvin did a demo on where he is at with the conversion and mini conversion process. He showed us some queries and how things flow and work. We also talked about the difference between the processes of making and creating vs. printing the actual labels.

Questions from Steve:
- Can we return things back to what it was (undoing a conversion)? The answer is yes, we can go both backwards and forwards.

- Can we do these conversions just in time - at the time of adding them to the cart?

- How long do things stay in reserved status? What about quotes, carts, duplicating invoices, etc. Are there time restraints? How can we tell? What are the settings? Maybe some kind of time settings.

- What do we do if all we have is a product that is marked as reserved? Meaning, everything is either sold or in reserve. What would you do then?

- We need a way to flush things that are in reserve. This could be a quick query to show what is in reserve. We then click the checkboxes and say flush. This process would flip the status on the conversion process table.

- On a different note, we need to get the sub part categories done before we finish up sub inventory and get sub inventory out to ecommerce. People in ecommerce don't have a way to search things like a power user do. They need a way to virtually find their way through your inventory items. They need both sub part categories and sub attributes.

- In the future, we can see more one-to-many relationships from child and sub inventory and mini conversions.

- As a side note, on stock/units, we had usage options, common features, etc. We are seeing a similar need out in normal inventory items. This could be sub flags, tags, categories, types, etc. We may want to circle back around and check out the common features, usage options, etc. This could be cool to circle back around and really tie things in. Stock/units were and still are a good starting playground for one-to-many relationships. Help get things out to the marketing level.

- On sub inventory, we are seeing a need for more options and settings on how the items are displayed. Show/hide the disabled packages, or show only these ones, or whatever. Currently we are showing tons of data.

- On mini conversions and sub inventory, we may want to show what is out in package land and then allow them to alter things as needed. Show the whole trail (can you see your way back). Also, Steve is seeing the sub or child as the bin and/or hopper for the item.

- On the child inventory stuff - show options for adjusting right from the child and/or sub inventory item. Take the user to the source and allow things to happen from there.

- We need the whole team. We couldn't do this thing alone. Not a chance. Good stuff.

- Training and maintenance are huge. Keep helping our clients through training and planned maintenance. We need to keep a good balance and we need to stay ahead of the curve. Steve was talking about how important being aligned for a landing in a plane is, and what factors need to be in place and maintained for a successful landing. A giant balancing act.

We were going to be meeting with Eric at 10 am to go over the plans for special accounts. That got delayed and we will reschedule for next week. All is well.