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Sort Value: Developer's Notebook Report - 3/7/2023 to 3/12/2023 - (16)
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Shop 9924 Adilas Time 3/7/2023  

One huge advantage of our system is the visibility and transparency of who does what inside the system. If we don't have it, we could easily add it. We currently have tons of histories, log notes, historical data, and data broken into tons of small transactions, all being monitored and recorded in the background. That is awesome.

The sales guys are gearing up to help sell gift cards. Sean and Michael have been pitching some of our existing clients to see if they could help them get started, for some practice runs (doing gift cards and gift card setup).

As part of the sales meeting, Steve asked me if I had any sales ideas. We started getting into a small pitch of where I think things need to go. Basically, a pitch of our pitch (parts of the adilas master plan). Nothing is in stone, but I had been thinking about some ideas and options over the weekend. I pitched the idea of maybe selling some percentages of adilas in order to raise some money. We are shooting for 2 million and basing a budget off of that. As we were talking, Steve was liking what he was hearing, but he also had some hard or tough questions. I wrote a number of these questions down in a Word Doc that I have been working on, but some of them dealt with things like client acquisition costs, life expectancy for clients, what do our clients really like and need (MVP stuff), and how can we roll things out in packages or make the process smoother? How do we get paid back? What are the timelines? What is the ROI (return on investment)? And other great questions. Good discussion.

Eventually, Steve had to bail out and jump on another call/meeting. He wanted to stay but had to go. He told us to keep planning things out. Sean, Michael, and I kept going, talking and laying out the basic pieces of the plan and/or pitch. It's not ready yet, but we want to build and make our own pitch deck (files, assets, and a presentation) for potential investors and co-owners.

As we were talking and drawing things out, Sean said that he heard this from one of our clients - "You (meaning adilas) are sitting on a gold mine." - Renee Grossman - "You just need to finish it!" - Meaning we have a great thing going and being developed. It just needs to be taken to the next level and fully get the i's dotted and the t's crossed. This comment of "You've just got to finish it" inspired some more discussion on helping people catch and believe the vision of what we have and where we are going.

I was giving the analogy of the Death Star from Star Wars and how it was mostly a work in progress but it finished enough to give you the vision of what it could be. I realize that not everybody likes Star Wars, but I liked the analogy. We went through a number of drawings, light sketches and talking about options. I had a fun time, and the guys were chiming in and having fun as well. Basically, I was trying to pitch them on the adilas master plan and recruit their help in building it out further.

Just for fun... I added a small Star Wars graphic that I modified on 3/13/23 to this element of time, just for fun. See attached.

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Shop 9937 Server Meeting 3/7/2023  

Small pitch to the guys and gals of what we are planning. I did a small recap of our last sales meeting and went over a few ideas and options. The first two pieces of the plan are the adilas jellyfish model and the value add-on core model. Just trying to keep all of the players up to date and in the loop. Even though it's not done and fully ready yet.

We flipped over to server stuff and going over servers, bugs, questions, and what not. Cory had a list of questions to follow-up about. Wayne was telling Cory about new ways of building and checking objects and memory objects. We went over some options for testing code on data 5 and the value of both data and documentation. Cory asked about a few other client requests. One of the last topics was - Being able to finish and get the projects across the finish line.

For me, I really want to build the value add-on core graphic in put it in the teaching photo gallery. I have to keep drawing it over and over again, and it doesn't really show the whole vision of where we are headed yet. I'll get there.

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Shop 9956 Scheduling plan 3/7/2023  

Working with Bryan on planning for scheduling stuff. I showed him a small pitch on what I showed the guys earlier in our sales meeting. We then flipped over and did a good session on the time settings and scheduling stuff. We were looking at reservations and what else we have already built. So far, we have a fully functional one-to-many assignments that can be attached to reoccurring events (similar to the bike shuttle company). We can do a one-to-many assignment for unique events (similar to what we built out for ski area and their special events). The next major round will be dealing with single events and flow.

We talked a lot about settings, and even reverse settings (what don't you want to schedule may be less than what you want to schedule). We were talking about booking nights, booking days, timeslots, and individual appointments. We got into talks and discussions about showing calendars with availability, restrictions, and taken dates and time. We talked about web availability layers and other calendar layers and ideas.

Bryan is going to build out a small scratch file using the existing date-picker and see if we could use that widget to show availability without having to build the whole thing on our own. We will feed it (the date-picker calendar) with real data, but if it can help us show available and unavailable dates, that would be huge. We will build out a quick scratch file to test things out with hardcoded data and dates before we fully build it into the ecommerce page flow.

One of the last topics was talking about getting data both in and out of the database. This is where the forethought and layering of the calendar comes in. Thinking in database language, what would the SQL (queries) look like to figure out what is taken vs what is available vs what is potentially available (maybe in flux or being modified)? Being able to go backwards and forwards from a known date range or timeslot and figure things out. Maybe even on a multiple or over multiple layers, locations, persons, places, or things. It could get a little interesting.

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Adi 2295 E-Commerce upgrades 3/7/2023  

Notes from meeting with HG, KW and SB on 3.7.23:

Has some redirects that aren’t user friendly. 

  1. When you sign in, take to the main order or have shop home more prevalent. ** Put a setting to skip the first page. Take you right to the category page. **You have successfully signed in.
  2. Add item to the cart, should allow you to keep shopping instead of taking you to the cart. 

   3. Setting to show/hide the display mode. Don’t need to show it.

   4. Can’t sort and prioritize by the item. ie. HG first, then Green Dot as it is alpha-numeric.

**Steve talked about icon app for phone. Michael is interested in this. Will need to add the email templates to HG.

**Steve talked about tiered selections. Ex. Sell burrito, choose what cheese they want to add.
Talked about Leafly integration. There will be some changes in how tiered pricing is set up.  We will need to make sure HG’s settings are all good when the new code comes into place.

You’ll be able to have 10 tiers and name it what you want. It can have a variety of amounts ie 1.3 grams, for example.

Kelly mentioned suggested products… lead customer to an equivalent item or suggestion.

Steve talked about related items (that is more like a cord needed for a product that you purchase)

**Predictive… you may want this as well. Algorithm.  Build in a default so something shows up

Showed Mike Message modal: 

Would be helpful to be able to choose people to message in other ways besides customer type.

Schedule recurring messaging off of birthdates. 

Eric can help with bubble that would show up on your icon app.

Another thing would be to have the customer to reply back.

**Not ready yet: Transitional invoice= instead of doing a quote, you can do this so it holds inventory/reserved. Assures inventory is held.

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Shop 9954 Duplicate Recipes Feature 3/7/2023  

Emails and then rolling into the duplicate recipe functions and new pages. Took the recipe build prep page and started to recondition it. Working through the main add/edit recipe build form fields and values.

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Shop 9921 Adilas Time 3/8/2023  

Both a pro and a con - there are so many custom integrations that we have done, nobody knows all of them. Sean and spent 45 minutes going over credit card gateway problems, issues, and options. This could be how credit cards get entered into the system (manual keyed, swiped, or chip reader and other hardware options) or how each gateway acts or reacts (different variables, paths, and requirements).

I'm going to request some documentation from Eric, Alan, and Bryan. They have all worked on different merchant processing integrations within adilas. We need to help and gather some of that documentation up for tech support and our sales team. That is much needed information. Otherwise, we are somewhat blind as each integration is so different.

Dustin jumped on the meeting, and I helped him get pointed in the right direction on a required file for doing QR codes. Cory had an icon app email issue and we looked into it for a bit. There seems to be a duplicate number in the email settings. We also chatted with John about the chooser and choose more interfaces. John and Cory were going over changes to the chooser. Lots of different opinions - some like numbered, others like alphabetical, and some want to be able to search.

Once again, nobody knows all of the pieces. That creates a mystery of sorts. Also, it is hard to pick things up (projects) after the fact. Without the knowledge of what was going on and what was requested, some of the pieces, by themselves, don't make much sense. It's all part of a bigger puzzle.

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Shop 9961 planning 3/8/2023  

Bryan and I working together on scheduling stuff. Bryan was showing me some date-picker stuff with date ranges, restrictions, and options. This is just on a scratch file, but great for learning, playing and concepting. We did some research and worked on some logic together. It turned into a small practice session. I was showing Bryan how to mix Adobe ColdFusion (server-side code) with JavaScript (client-side code). I also gave him a small list of things that we need to try and test before going forward.

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Shop 9963 planning 3/8/2023  

Bryan and I met up again after lunch. Going over progress on his date range date-picker page. He is trying to build out an MVP product for booking a cabin rental. He is mixing it with some of the existing stuff that we did for the bike shuttle and the ski resort for reoccurring and unique events. I see where he is going. We are just trying to make sure we build on what we have but don't get too locked in. The events are a one-to-many where more than one person is participating on an existing event that is already in the calendar. The cabin reservations have to make their own reservation and make a brand new entry or one-to-one relationship with the calendar (new element of time). Anyways, making progress.

We went over the progress, talked about the next steps, cause and effects, and how to get all of the pieces collected together to really make it happen. Hopefully, I wasn't bursting his bubble. They (the scheduling subjects) are close and somewhat related but different animals (a preset trip or event vs claiming a new event on a blank calendar). Trying to drive that point home. Good meeting and making progress.

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Shop 9960 Check clock in/out issues 3/8/2023  

Looking into the timecard issue for a client. It was skipping the clock out. This was only happening for a single client (to our knowledge). I read over a number of pages, changed variable names, and did some local testing. It looked pretty good to me. Sent them a note with what I did and what I found.

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Shop 9955 Duplicate Recipes Feature 3/8/2023  

Working on the duplicate recipe project. Cascading new links from page to page to get to the new duplicate recipe page. Working on the bulk line items form and prepping data.

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Shop 9927 Adilas Time 3/9/2023  

Sean and I started out the morning talking about deployment and how we need to keep offering that as a service. Certain clients are so busy, they really don't have time to deploy or devote time to training and setup. It's not that they don't need or want it, they are just spread too thin. Sean was talking about a current deployment that he is working on and I told him a story of us going into a kitchen ware store and helping to set them up. It took a couple of weeks with a few of us onsite to make it happen. At one point, the lady in charge of the kitchen store said, "If it wasn't for you guys helping us out, we never would have been able to make this transition." That is totally true.

Anyways, I wrote down in my notes that part of the fracture project that we are planning has to take into consideration training, deployment, setup, and other marketable services. We need the support staff to help support what we are trying to do, build, and accomplish. Taking the time to get it done and make sure that the parties that be are in the know and can function on their own. They need to know how to get help, but ideally, they have been trained sufficiently for the task(s) at hand. Another plug for the concept of "education mode" as a setting for helping people to get started.

Steve was on some phone calls and somewhat listening in the background. Sean and Shari O. were talking about merchant processing and where we want to go with that. I mentioned the company Datacap and let them know that we may want to look into doing a 3r party integration and solution with them, as it would open up a number possible merchant processing options. We can do merchant processing right now, but we have to spend time and resources integrating with each gateway, merchant, and/or device. We could really use something to help speed up that process.

As the meeting ended, I was doing emails and other small to do list tasks. I was thinking about small nursery rhymes and how we have used some of those same analogies and stories in our own story. Things like stone soup, the little ren hen, and many others. Kinda fun. We are daily building and hoping that someone will catch the vision and help us along the journey. Like the tortoise and the hair, slow and steady wins the race.

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Shop 9969 Recording Notes 3/9/2023  

Recording notes and making digital entries in the developer's notebook.

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Shop 9964 planning 3/9/2023  

Bryan is working booking rentals and reservations in ecommerce land. Quick check in to make sure we are heading in the right direction. Some of our future development efforts will be going into appointments, reservations, rentals, etc.

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Shop 9970 General 3/9/2023  

Emails, phone call with Eric about bulk tools, enterprise item catalog features, and storing user selections in the session scope. Merged in some code for Dustin. Reviewed some documentation from Bryan on the Digitech payment solution. Paid some bills.

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Shop 9953 Duplicate Recipes Feature 3/9/2023  

Pushed up some files for Dustin. Working on the duplicate recipe page. Back working on the line items. Prepping to go live, even though it isn't done yet. Pushed up code and sent an email out with the update info to Steve, Cory, and Kelly.

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Shop 9968 Time zone updates 3/12/2023  

Time zone switches on all servers for daylight savings. Doing this off hours so it wouldn't interrupt normal flow.