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Sort Value: Developer's Notebook Report - 9/3/2024 to 9/5/2024 - (11)
Time Id Color Title/Caption Start Date   Notes
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Shop 11381 Recording Notes 9/5/2024  

Recording notes from earlier this week (9/3/24 to 9/5/24). Then back working on the dynamic placeholder values for the adilas label builder app. See attached for a 6-page document of what some of the dynamic placeholder values look like. Not the easiest reading, but it will help out the developer who is working on the adilas label builder app.

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Shop 11353 Meeting with Shannon and Abby 9/5/2024  

Meeting with Abby and Shannon. Talking about removing friction out of processes and sub processes. Constant work of refinement. We were commenting on how we are trending and creating new settings so that people can configure their own tools that they use. They are not required, but if used, they may be customized. I gave them a small demo on the deli style barcodes and how that works.

We then switched over and started doing a small work session on verbiage and new icons for the business functions in the presentation gallery.

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Shop 11380 Code review with Bryan 9/4/2024  

Code review with Bryan. Small fix for the mini scan cart. Pushed up code to data 0 for testing. Going over Bryan's plan for some QuickBooks API socket fixes and changes. We talked about building out a scratch file vs just coding the new changes. It would be nice to check things without having the hassle of doing the full API back and forth stuff.

Back working on the dynamic list of placeholder values for the adilas label builder.

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Shop 11374 Meeting with Cody 9/4/2024  

Quick meeting with Cody to see progress and answer some questions. Cody is still learning the system but getting much faster. He was showing me some local filters based on JavaScript stuff for showing certain page results. We talked about next steps for the label builder. I told him that I would get him a list of dynamics (text placeholders) per application type to help with substituting or swapping out dynamics (on the labels) with real data.

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Shop 11367 Working with Steve 9/4/2024  

Meeting with Steve. Responding to the problems and requests, that's what we do (just in time problem solving). Steve jumped off and I started working on implementing the new deli style barcode (complex barcodes) stuff into the mini scan cart. Before I did that, I spent some time and beefed up the sample deli style barcode tool. I also checked in with Bank of America about some funding options. Reviewing some documents from Cory on deployment practices and light budget numbers.

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Shop 11379 Phone call with Bryan 9/4/2024  

Emails and then a phone call with Bryan about credit card numbers (reporting - comparing adilas numbers with the gateway numbers). We also went over some changes for the QuickBooks API that are wanted. Our client is wanting AR's and account receivable info sent over via the QuickBooks API. Light feature creep (that project is growing) and talking about setting lines and expectations. We don't mind doing all kinds of custom code, but we have to have it flow in the correct channels and paths. We also need to make sure that people are paying for the custom code work. We kinda struggle there.

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Shop 11371 Client meeting 9/4/2024  

Zoom meeting with a client. We had Steve, Cory, Sean, and I on the meeting and two of their people. These are some small notes and request:

- On PO's, they want the part reference number added to the PO creation section (multiple pages). Basically, they want another column on a number of pages so that it flows through the PO or inbound inventory section.

- Mins and maxes per item (single quantities as well as case or box size values). They want these values to help with the ordering and re-ordering process. We talked about possible use of parent attributes. I'm not sure about that. They want those (parent attributes) to play into the mix with rules or then enforce those rules. That's the part that I'm not sure about. They want the mins and maxes (along with case sizes) to help build the PO for them.

- When receiving the PO's - they bulk flip the quantities. That works great. They would like some help with the subs or sub inventory counts on that process. Basically, a bulk flip on the subs as well.

- Remove "on account" options for counter sales - invoices where no customer is assigned.

- We did some training and drawing (scenarios) dealing with dual payments or mixed payments using multiple credit cards, cash, and gift cards - small training.

- Small demo on the deli style barcodes and how that will work. Basically, an on-the-fly barcode that has item numbers and prices encoded into the barcode. We have to split things apart and basically interpret the barcode vs just reading it and matching it up to an item in the database. You break it apart and do some reverse look-ups of sorts.

- On PO's, show current activity (per vendor for a given date range) and/or a show all items button - quick links.

- Talking about other stores going live and some possible timeframes (rough).

- Quick internal talks after the client had left the meeting - who is going to do what - tasks and projects?

- Cory and I stayed on the meeting once everyone else had gone. Going over some existing bulk pricing tools and other upcoming projects.

- One upcoming need is for a client that needs help with the adilas API settings. They are requesting new info, a few new columns to be returned, and easy access to backend data and values.

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Shop 11378 Working on the deli style barcode project 9/3/2024  

Back working on the logic for the deli style barcodes and interpreting complex barcodes. Testing and merged it into the master branch.

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Shop 11377 Meeting with Bryan 9/3/2024  

Meeting with Bryan to go over a few different projects and new code. Light code review. We pushed up some code and even did some live testing. We also got into a small discussion about a couple of bugs that we found. One was a co-dependency on a new touch level setting in the shopping cart. Another one was a column disconnect (report headings vs report data - missing a column heading). The other one was a filter (search by age on a receivables report) but we weren't sure how to use it (just need to look up the logic and then record our findings to help our users).

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Shop 11366 Working with Steve 9/3/2024  

Working with Steve. Talking about priorities. Started on a scratch file to read complex barcodes (deli style barcodes - the item number and the price are encoded into the barcode). Spent the session working on the new logic and testing via the scratch file.

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Shop 11352 Meeting with Shannon 9/3/2024  

Quick meeting with Shannon. We touched base and then jumped off to work on our own projects. We will hit it again on Thursday. Emails and paying bills. Phone call with Bryan. Quick code merge for Cory - restoring quotes to cart and helping flip the invoice type. Yesterday was a holiday. Today felt like a Monday, even though it was a Tuesday. Random odds and ends.