[reset the page]

These are some mock settings for the page. Make sure that they are saved before interacting with the bottom part of the page.

The reason this will be called a secondary scan is that these barcodes are created on the fly (like from a deli scale or whatever) and don't really exist inside the system. Basically, the system will try to scan it normally (when used in real life) but won't be able to find a matching result. At that point, it will throw an internal error and then check to see if it (the system) should do other actions or a secondary scan based on the interpretation of the complex barcode. To the end user, it will feel like a single scan, but technically, it will be doing a secondary process. Hopefully that makes sense.

Mock Settings:
Setting 1 - Use secondary scan/look-up:
Setting 2 - How many total digits:
Setting 3 - What is the opening character(s) for the secondary scan: (optional)
Setting 4 - Item number mapping (in character counts): to (ex: say a 12 digit barcode of 205433618109 - mapping 1 to 6 would be 205433)
Setting 5 - Price mapping (in character counts): to (ex: say a 12 digit barcode of 205433618109 - mapping 8 to 11 would be 1810)

Play with the scan (pretend... that you scanned something):
scan length
Optional - Price of item: (must be 0.01 or higher)

Info about your scan: ...