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Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 8/31/2024 3:26 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 11371
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Client meeting
Start Date/Time: 9/4/2024 10:00 am
End Date/Time: 9/4/2024 11:45 am
Main Status: Active

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Zoom meeting with a client. We had Steve, Cory, Sean, and I on the meeting and two of their people. These are some small notes and request:

- On PO's, they want the part reference number added to the PO creation section (multiple pages). Basically, they want another column on a number of pages so that it flows through the PO or inbound inventory section.

- Mins and maxes per item (single quantities as well as case or box size values). They want these values to help with the ordering and re-ordering process. We talked about possible use of parent attributes. I'm not sure about that. They want those (parent attributes) to play into the mix with rules or then enforce those rules. That's the part that I'm not sure about. They want the mins and maxes (along with case sizes) to help build the PO for them.

- When receiving the PO's - they bulk flip the quantities. That works great. They would like some help with the subs or sub inventory counts on that process. Basically, a bulk flip on the subs as well.

- Remove "on account" options for counter sales - invoices where no customer is assigned.

- We did some training and drawing (scenarios) dealing with dual payments or mixed payments using multiple credit cards, cash, and gift cards - small training.

- Small demo on the deli style barcodes and how that will work. Basically, an on-the-fly barcode that has item numbers and prices encoded into the barcode. We have to split things apart and basically interpret the barcode vs just reading it and matching it up to an item in the database. You break it apart and do some reverse look-ups of sorts.

- On PO's, show current activity (per vendor for a given date range) and/or a show all items button - quick links.

- Talking about other stores going live and some possible timeframes (rough).

- Quick internal talks after the client had left the meeting - who is going to do what - tasks and projects?

- Cory and I stayed on the meeting once everyone else had gone. Going over some existing bulk pricing tools and other upcoming projects.

- One upcoming need is for a client that needs help with the adilas API settings. They are requesting new info, a few new columns to be returned, and easy access to backend data and values.