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Sort Value: Developer's Notebook Report - 5/1/2021 to 5/31/2021 - (114)
Time Id Color Title/Caption Start Date   Notes
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Shop 7856 Fixing some errors 5/1/2021  

Working on fixing a null null error out in ecommerce and getting rid of a perpetual loop. Basically, an error calling a page that creates an error that calls a page that creates an error (over and over again until it fails). You get the idea. Made one of the pages a hundred percent independent and it only deals with itself. That stops the possible loop problem.

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Shop 7857 General 5/1/2021  

Sent an email out to Calvin and Chuck dealing with the online adilas label builder and some new changes that were pushed up. It is getting closer but still needs a little bit of work. After that, I spent the rest of the time prepping files to switch primary web sites and homepages. Changing thousands of links from www to data0 sub domains. Lots of water under the bridge (years and years of development).

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Shop 7816 Up early - prepping for the new website 5/3/2021  

Big push. Up early changing files and prepping things for the new website going live and the domain and sub domain name changes. We went from www to data0 on the main domain ( to Going through pages and pages inside the site. Lots of changes to links, buttons, headers, footers, database values, etc. Met up with Wayne over the GoToMeeting at around 3 am. Marisa and Chuck joined around 5:30 am to 7 am. John joined at 7:30 am ish. Uploaded files, merged in new code, and switched to the data side of the upload and changes (all of the web references stored over the years in the database - non code, but still needed to make the full transition). Long morning.

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Shop 7703 Adilas Time 5/3/2021  

A few more guys and gals joined the meeting at 9 am. Still working on getting all of the domain name changes populated through the system. Talking with Danny about custom labels. Cory, Shari O., and John and Wayne were on and off the meeting at different times. More database changes to help with the domain name changes. Pretty deep. That was a major change.

Wayne popped back in and we added some things to his auto deploy script to manually flush certain variables. Steve and I then looked into some looping logic on some of his custom pages. Busy morning!

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Shop 7767 Steve, Cory, Brandon-Catch up on projects and updates 5/3/2021  

Cory and Steve checked in but we were all too busy to meet. Trying to help the database and domain name changes go over smoothly. We ended up skipping this meeting for today.

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Shop 7768 Steve, Shari, Brandon and Cory outline conference 5/3/2021  

Had to skip it due to the other burning fires of the day. Rescheduled the planning meeting for the upcoming training event and conference.

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Shop 7721 Projects 5/3/2021  

Took most of the rest of the day off, busy times.

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Shop 7772 Parent Attribute Upload 5/3/2021  

Rescheduled this meeting with Steve as well. Too tired.

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Shop 7817 Database updates 5/3/2021  

More database updates and changes - fixing stored links, custom navigation, and tons of user-defined shortcuts to point to the correct web URL and domain names.

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Shop 7708 Adilas Time 5/4/2021  

Light feedback on the new website that was launched yesterday. Looking good and we got through a few little bumps. Steve was working on a new CSV upload tool for items with parent attributes. We worked on that little file for a little bit. We worked on some logic and also on his new advanced part number search. As part of that, we ended up looking over some raw data, as it wasn't pulling in the correct items. It ended up being a small flag that was set one way, but the query that was looking for the items was set another way. That's why we weren't seeing the new data. We made the switch and all was well.

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Shop 7419 Quarterly client services meeting with Euflora 5/4/2021  

Client meeting. Good meeting, see attached for some notes.

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Shop 7641 Work with Shannon 5/4/2021  

Working with Shannon. Even our internal team needs some training on different things. Everything changes so quickly. Eventually, we got back on to the info graphic project and making some plans. See attached for our progress.

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Shop 7809 Small bug fix 5/4/2021  

Fixing a small WordPress error on the news and updates page with Shari O. WordPress changes their API socket output and we didn't know. We had to put some code around some of our output.

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Shop 7730 Projects 5/4/2021  

Working with Steve on getting data and tracking down an error on some new upload code that he was working on.

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Shop 7773 Project #1988 - Payroll Updates 5/4/2021  

Chuck and John checking in. After that, John and I worked on the payroll project. We had a nice little work session. Working on the managers and admin timecard tools. Working on new timecard flags and calculating total time per timecard.

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Shop 7810 Demo 5/4/2021  

Went with Bryan up to talk to Joe, a perspective new client. We did a demo for him and I took some notes. He is trying to marry in 6-10 totally different systems into one set of tools. I could feel his pain. I gave him some flyers, he seemed interested, but also very committed (money wise) on his other pieces. As a side note, one of his other software programs was over $90K, just for that one piece. Very painful, in multiple ways. Joe knows both Bryan and I and lives here locally. I put it in his court if he wanted more info or to talk about other options. Joe is trying to run a milk processing plant (production facility). We have tons of tools that could help him out, if he chooses to go that way.

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Shop 7811 General 5/4/2021  

Trying to help with the website change (changed domain and sub domain names). Updating database URL's and references to and changing them to Some of the changes were in the save custom navigation on a per user basis. These are called payee top links. Anyways, switched a bunch of those around and pointed them to the correct server on the data 0 box.

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Shop 7692 Adilas Time 5/5/2021  

There were a couple of guys and gals checking in this morning on the meeting. Both Chuck and John were working together on the WordPress site. I was working on backend database changes for the new domain name changes.

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Shop 7742 Meeting with Chuck 5/5/2021  

Chuck and Steve going over the new website. We also talked about going back to the presentation gallery project and pushing that forward. New security updates on the WordPress site. After that, I helped Chuck enter some reimbursements into the system. We then started talking about some training that Chuck is working on for our developers using bootstrap and the grid system.

We also talked about a back-up plan for our new website and how to bill for that. We will be working to point our internal developers more and more to the internal adilas docs and establishing standards and well beaten paths.

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Shop 7746 Developer weekly update 5/5/2021  

John was giving Cory and I updates on some of his projects. Our basic outline was a great start, but the actual code gets crazy deep - talking about the holiday chooser and payroll updates for timecard flags and calculating total time per timecard. We ended up getting into some discussions on project management and different docs for different levels. John is also working on some new code templates and style guide stuff for our internal teams.

John also reported that he already received new W-2 and 1099 forms from the IRS, so we can start working on those earlier this year. Good stuff!

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Shop 7769 Alan , Steve, Brandon and Cory-debrief vendor-outline items 5/5/2021  

Alan gave Cory and I an overview on what he is working on, as far as progress and projects. Alan is majorly doing a refactor job on how new corporations are created inside of the system. The new process copies dummy tables vs static create new database SQL statements. This makes sure that we get the latest versions and helps with updates and changes. Good changes both coming and being mixed in.

We then switched over to enterprise level objects for corporations and vendors. Alan is doing a great job and marrying some code together in different places. Session objects. Both Wayne and Alan are working on similar projects with object models. Wayne, Alan, and Eric have also been working together on some other high level aggregate projects. That is awesome and I'm excited to see what comes of some of that interaction.

There were tons of other topics. Here are some of my notes:

- Lessons learned

- Memory management

- Referencing different instances

- Sharing object between corps

- Trade-offs on speed and performance

- Enterprise level mapping

- Trade-offs on simple vs complex

- Independent modules

- Unit testing

- Alan sees two main pieces or components in the testing. They are: 1=confidence and 2=testing from the get go and then going through things again later (built-in history and conservation of efforts).

- Going back allows you to get rid of bloated code and removing the extra pieces without breaking things

- Choosing which direction to go and then building those pieces or things independently

- Prepping for more future automated testing

- Certain testing practices may be a personality level decision, level of comfort on writing tests, complexity of the projects, and overall cost/benefit ratio

- Alan would love to encourage us to do more testing, where possible

- More and more small independent pieces of the code - knit together to make the whole

- Mentoring and helping others, hands on training and learning, one-on-one options for watching and learning

Towards the end of the meeting, we switched gears and talked about budgets and Cory had some questions for Alan about the delivery pieces and sending delivery information over the API sockets or endpoints. We have another project that will need to tie into those existing pieces. Lastly, we talked about a few other smaller projects and where they were at. Good meeting with lots of good ideas and reminders.

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Adi 2013 Website SEO Maintenance 5/5/2021  

5/5/21: New website launched 5/3/21. This is for ongoing maintenance.

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Shop 7729 Projects 5/5/2021  

Building on the database single field find and replace tool. This will be a backend admin database tool.

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Shop 7774 Project #1988 - Payroll Updates 5/5/2021  

The meeting started out with both Chuck and John on the meeting. We were working on new default templates pages and other parts of the adilas style guide for developers and designers. Lots of back and forth on ideas, includes, don't include, head this way, not this way, etc. We are trying to standardize things across the board. We went over new features such as adding cards, containers, drop-down menus, and other elements. Getting a good direction for pages and flow. Good stuff.

After Chuck left, just John and I looked over his payroll project for a little bit. Mostly just planning where we are headed next.

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Shop 7710 Adilas Time 5/6/2021  

There were six of us on the morning meeting this morning. Guys and gals checking in. Danny and Steve were talking about their message marketing project. Throwing around ideas and such. We had to reset the WordPress server (new main site). I then helped a couple of guys with their local development environment and getting those into good shape so that the guys could do their development tasks. Sometimes there are some big changes and fixes that have to be implemented.

I spent some time pitching Marisa on some info graphics to see if she wants to help with that project. That was kinda fun!

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Shop 7776 Steve Palmer, Brandon, Steve and Cory 5/6/2021  

Follow-up meeting with a client. The main topics were ways of handling delivery and Metrc API endpoints and sockets. Alan and Cory from adilas were some of the main contributors on our side of the fence. We spent quite a bit of time going over how we process deliveries inside of the system and what possible endpoints or API sockets we could open up for them. Lots of back and forth transactions, ideas, and proposals. Trying to figure out the best options for both sides of the fence.  This client has used our existing API sockets quite a bit and has developed their own standalone product that harnesses those sockets. Pretty cool. Lots of good back and forth.

We got into digital uploads, digital filing, manifests, and other printable options. Towards the end of the meeting, we spent some time talking about cashless payment solutions, outside 3rd party solutions, and using transitional invoices to accept payments and then doing fulfillment on those transitional invoices. Good meeting!

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Shop 7634 Work with Shannon 5/6/2021  

Super awesome meeting between Shannon, Marisa, and I. We were going over some of the existing concepts for the info graphics, presentation gallery, and digital story telling options. I was on a roll and having a blast trying to convey some of the concepts and what not. I was having fun. The core concepts that adilas is built on are way more valuable than the code that we used to build it. I really want to help promote and protect those core concepts. I feel it my duty and I love it! I had a blast in this meeting.

Just for fun... I will include the chat log from this meeting. Part way through, Marisa's audio (being able to speak and us hear it) went out. So we had to use the chat feature. We were passing along URL's (web addresses) and other good thoughts and ideas. See attached for the copy of the chat logs. Kinda fun!

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Shop 7720 Projects 5/6/2021  

Paying bills and working on the admin database field find and replace tool.

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Shop 7775 Project #1988 - Payroll Updates 5/6/2021  

John and I back on the payroll update for holiday pay and timecard flags. Today we were working with the multi-clock in/out functions and edit timecard page.

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Shop 7804 General 5/7/2021  

Working on the database table, field level, find and replace tool.

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Shop 7805 General 5/8/2021  

More work on the database find and replace tool.

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Shop 7711 Adilas Time 5/10/2021  

A bunch of guys popped in to touch base. Eric and I setup some time to meet, later on. Steve was helping both Eric and Sean with different projects. I was working on the find and replace database columns tool, while the others were working.

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Shop 7779 Brandon, Shari Steve Cory conference planning 5/10/2021  

Shari O., Cory, and I on a planning meeting for the training event that is coming up. We met using GoToMeeting and going over some planning and Google docs. We talked, did some planning, and then made some assignments.

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Shop 7762 Meeting with Steve McNew 5/10/2021  

General topic: Adilas docs and whitepapers - structure and design behind what we are building

Steve McNew and Cory joined me for a meeting to go over some backend structural planning. We were looking into how we deal with builds, software integration, plans, and configuration options. Lots of talk about architecture, configuration management, guides, checklists, etc.

We build and break, build and break. We want to capture the benefits of what we are doing and then polish and market those pieces. Figuring out what is working and other options that would fit well with our company. We talked about project management, ideas, and other possible options. We will end up cherry picking things and turning them into marketing messages. I'm really excited about that.

We talked about quick check-ins and communications within our group. Going to the next level on standardizing our processes.

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Shop 7726 Projects 5/10/2021  

Working on the find and replace database column tool. Added in some security options and message logging. Pushed up new code and started running updates.

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Shop 7777 check and push code 5/10/2021  

Working with Bryan on some system setup stuff. Switching between different 3rd party solutions. Also working on some cfqueryparams and some other security updates.

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Shop 7781 Brandon, Steve and Cory Project Review 5/10/2021  

Cory and I going over projects and doing quotes. Prepping stuff for developers. We did a  bunch of smaller projects for Bryan. After that, paying bills.

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Shop 7702 Adilas Time 5/11/2021  

Merging in some code for Danny and working with Steve on his save report settings for the advanced parent attribute search page and report. We were trying to make the save as code more simple and more reusable to get it setup to pass the correct info.

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Shop 7737 Weekly Server Meeting 5/11/2021  

Weekly server meeting with Wayne, John, and Cory. I took a bunch of notes, see attached. There seems to be a trend moving from tons of inline code to more classes and object oriented designs. At the end of the meeting, Wayne was having fun showing us some stuff that he is working on with his own new solar panels at his house. He loves to tinker with things. That is fun!

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Shop 7640 Work with Shannon 5/11/2021  

Shannon and I prepping and pushing up files and images to the teaching tools and photo gallery page. We were trying to figure out the best process to harvest some of the existing photos and images (both concepts and real or finished images and graphics). We did a couple of them and then decided that Shannon would go and do some searching and filtering to help the process out.  Not a whole lot to show, but we now have a plan and have gotten in there a bit. Good stuff.

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Adi 2014 API's for Delivery 5/11/2021  

5/11/21: Open up API endpoints. See document attached.

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Shop 7802 General 5/11/2021  

Looking over the upcoming training conference event schedule that Cory had made up and making a few small tweaks to the schedule. We are excited to offer another adilas training event and conference. It should be fun!

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Shop 7722 Projects 5/11/2021  

Working with Eric. We looked over some code tweaks to the EMV chip reader payment stuff for USAePay. We then jumped into the sales tax aggregation and integration project. We were checking code, merging in files, and pushing files up for testing. We ran into some errors and ended up getting Alan on the meeting with us to help us out.

Major debugging between the 3 of us. Steve and Cory joined for a different meeting, but we were still up to our eyeballs in debugging and tweaking code. We ended up making some assignments to Eric, some to Alan, and some to me. We had to somewhat leave things in a not fully finished manner. Not the best but what had to happen.

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Shop 7783 Alan review Item catalog 5/11/2021  

All of us were on the meeting, but Alan and I were occupied with other tasks and bug fixes. Steve and Cory hung out for a bit and then bailed out to work on their own projects. This meeting didn't happen as planned. We were hoping to go over the item or enterprise part level master catalog project.

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Shop 7784 Project #1988 - Payroll Updates 5/11/2021  

John and I working on the payroll and timecard flag project. We were working on the edit mode for timecards and allowing the system to auto figure out the timecard flags (with possible holidays) and the timecard total time calcs.

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Shop 7694 Adilas Time 5/12/2021  

On the morning meeting, helping Sean with an error. He has been doing some testing of new features for Steve. The error was a cfqueryparam that was set to an integer but needed to be set to a decimal and allow for both numbers and decimals. The error was forcing an updated value to a plain integer vs the more detailed version using the decimals. We made the switch and pushed up the code. Grateful that this is a new feature and nobody else was really using it.

Danny had some questions on his modal message marketing project. He will end up adding a number of new settings that allow for the message marketing to be used (yes/no) and other defaults such as verbage, info, and images on the popup modals. Danny and I also chatted about some custom labels and small tweaks in that area.

John and I went over some custom look and feel colors and being able to swap out custom error message colors.

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Shop 7740 Meeting with Chuck 5/12/2021  

Both Chuck and John were on the meeting this morning. They were going over options for predictive selects and dynamic drop-down menus. Their main goal is to create a number of starting templates for the developers to know and use to get started on new projects (code based style guides and template stuff). With the dynamic drop-down menus, they ended up getting into all kinds of deep topics such as absolute positioning vs dynamic pieces. Lots of outside libraries and outside dependencies. That is both good and bad.

Chuck has been working on some bootstrap training for all of the adilas developers and designers. Chuck went over his presentation and what he wants to teach us. Light back and forth giving feedback and bouncing ideas off of each other.

One of the goals is to help the guys/gals translate from old (what they know) to new ways of doing things. For example: older forms, tables, rows, table data columns to newer things like containers, flex boxes, divs, and responsive rows and columns. Lots of new look and feel type objects and layouts.

The last topic for the day was dealing with the adilas docs and being able to get the standards and page templates into the adilas docs as standards. We'll get there. Sometimes it feels like it takes awhile.

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Shop 7744 Developer weekly update 5/12/2021  

Alan and Cory were on the meeting. The main topics were transitional invoices and new Metrc changes. We got into sub inventory assignments and moving things up and down the chain. We also talked about table locking and managing any possible duplicates (dups). It always comes back to accuracy vs speed.

Cory and Alan then spent some time going over the vender aggregates and permissions (vendor catalog). They were going over corporation switching, some small errors, and how much people are going to love some of the new enterprise level tools that are being built. Good stuff.

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Shop 7794 Project #1473 - Adilas Docs 5/12/2021  

John and Cory were on this meeting. John was reporting and going over the payroll project and how deep it gets. John has been working with Chuck and Dustin on some code templates and style guides. There is a mixing between frontend designers and backend developers. That is great and I encouraged that. Cory and John were commenting on different things and going back and forth a bit. Good dialog.

Our clients really like the ability to change whatever they want, inside the interface. This could be colors, look and feel, logos, watermarks, navigation, menus, verbage, etc. It gets pretty deep. Some people don't like dealing with change. We talked about the old icon menus (hidden menus under the more options buttons) and the new look and feel for the more options links and buttons. Pros and cons to making the changes. The old way was more in your face with buttons, lots of white space, mini screenshots for icons vs a more subtle way to get to the menus with simple graphic icons and a more sleek and stylized feel.

We talked about creating more work for other people by making changes. Sometimes we just look at what we want to do vs thinking about those who help and support our clients. If we just change something, it has cascading effects to clients, staff, and others who help provide support and compliance. It trickles down pretty fast.

We talked about other client expectations and helping our users move into more modern ways of seeing, filtering, and exporting their data to CSV and Excel files.

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Shop 7800 Email to Marisa 5/12/2021  

Email to Marisa about a new your dream it, we'll wire it up flyer and info graphic. See attached for the new flyer from Marisa.

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Shop 7725 Projects 5/12/2021  

More find and replace stuff dealing with to (sub domain name change from www to data0) - small work session on the data0 box flipping references in multiple tables and records.

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Shop 7778 check and push code 5/12/2021  

Work session with Bryan going over the cfqueryparams project. We also touched base on the new delivery API sockets, arguments, defaults, and validation pieces.

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Shop 7785 Project #1988 - Payroll Updates 5/12/2021  

Working with John on his payroll project for timecard flags and total time. We lost some code and had to go get it from bit bucket (code repo).Then going through some edit timecard logic and tweaking the code to match what we are doing.

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Shop 7801 General 5/12/2021  

Using the database find and replace tool to switch references between www and data0 (sub domain name changes).

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Shop 7697 Adilas Time 5/13/2021  

Eric and I checking the sales tax aggregate code. New daily sums per corporation per location. Good stuff. This is one of the first data warehousing and major aggregation of data projects that we have done and/or are working on. Good stuff.

As Eric was going through things, we could see tons of potential and wanting more of everything. Poor Eric, he just wanted to finish the project, but almost immediately, we were already requesting more and more. I've been on the other side of that before, being the developer who just wants to finish his project only to get 50 more requests on top of what is already done and needing to be done. It ends up making it better, but it can be pretty harsh on the developer who is trying to get out from under the weight of a big push or big project. I really felt for Eric trying to protect and finish things up on his project before the rest of us wanting to push it to the moon.

Sort of the old debate between users (I want this and that) and developer (I'm just trying to make it work). Interesting mindsets.

As we were looking at Eric's aggregated sales tax project, we decided to add in a current row to show real-time calcs along with the existing daily aggregates. That allows the report to pull from both pre-calculated aggregates and sums as well as current data for the current day (non aggregated data - as the aggregation routines happen after business hours).

The other topic for the morning was dealing with page templates, guides, style guides, and closing the gaps between what is wanted and what is available. Good session dealing with existing aggregates and mixing in a small piece of current or future fake aggregates to close the gaps on the reporting. A mix of real-time with prior date-specific aggregates.

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Shop 7782 Brandon and Cory projects 5/13/2021  

Cory and I jumped on a meeting. Questions on integrating with browsers and different hardware setups. That can get complicated. We talked about adding new settings and going over the pros and cons of those settings. We also covered a couple of other projects and basic questions.

Sean and Steve were chiming in and talking about 3rd party solutions and making sure that we are charging for our time. We tend to get pulled in all kinds of directions by these 3rd party solutions.

Towards the end, Steve and Cory were talking about the message marketing ideas and project. Steve is really pushing hard on that concept. The basic concept is to use customer facing log notes to communicate with the customers/clients through the ecommerce and customer facing portal. They are making great progress. Both Steve and Danny are tag teaming on the different pieces.

Debugging some flow and talking about other ideas.

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Shop 7635 Work with Shannon 5/13/2021  

Shannon and I working on the photo gallery pieces and harvesting images. See this link for the current photo gallery. I added a new 15+ photos and entries today during the session. All of the ones that show the adilas core interface and the interactive map combos for the business functions, plus a few others.

As I was doing that, Shannon was doing research on other images and documents that we have been uploading and pushing up over the past couple of years. We have tons of content, it just isn't very organized yet. Keyword, yet... it will get there. See attached for her progress.

After Shannon left, Steve and I were chatting and working on things behinds the scenes on his message marketing options. I uploaded tons of new graphics and info graphics to the teaching tools and photo gallery site. Steve and I also talked about a possible SBA loan, different documents that we need to fill out and sign, and how we could use some of that funding to help push and promote sales.

We talked about the potential of the presentation gallery project that Chuck has been working on. We would really like to get the sales engine up and going for what we currently have to offer. Steve and I spent the rest of the session bouncing a couple of different ideas off of each other. Good session.

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Adi 2015 Fix field for custom gun store homepage 5/13/2021  
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Adi 2016 High Q Kush Cart edits 5/13/2021  

Add customer type
Don't cross off price when there is no change in price due to discounts on other items
Add pink warning for not enough sub inventory

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Shop 7798 Conference details meeting two 5/13/2021  

Shari O., Marisa, Cory, and I met and talked about the upcoming adilas training conference. We went over some topics like pricing, planning, catering, food, budgets, and scheduling. Lots of good stuff.

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Shop 7786 Project #1988 - Payroll Updates 5/13/2021  

John and I working more on the payroll project and timecard flags and total time pieces. This is part of the holiday date chooser project inside of the payroll section. Good work session working on the edit timecard logic.

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Shop 7799 Paying bills 5/15/2021   Paying bills and uploading scans
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Shop 7699 Adilas Time 5/17/2021  

Monday morning. Merged in some new label changes for Danny and a client on data 17. Looked into some math calcs for the orders and backorders homepage. Made a few changes for Sean and Steve and pushed up files. We did some live debugging and testing. Found a small update statement that was not corporation specific, but should have been. Made the changes and pushed up new files. The update was dealing with a column called sub invoice type (fairly new feature) so it didn't effect that many quotes.

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Shop 7789 Steve, Cory, Brandon-Catch up on projects and updates 5/17/2021  

Cory joined our meeting and had some questions about projects and doing some follow-up with both Steve and I. We looked into making some visual changes on the CSS for horizontal tabs to make the other tab headings more bold. We made the changes and pushed up new code. John was helping me with some of the CSS changes.

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Shop 7787 Project #1988 - Payroll Updates 5/17/2021  

John and I met briefly about the payroll project. We will get back to it later on. John reported on some other projects that he is working on. I then jumped into a small recording notes session. I'm somewhat behind. I have two to three weeks worth of notes on my desk that need to be recorded. It's been busy with server changes, domain name changes, and planning an upcoming training event. I'm hoping to make some progress today and get some of the older meeting notes recorded. Thank goodness for pen and paper, those tools save my bacon (refresh and extend my memory by seeing a few scratches for each meeting and/or session).

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Adi 2017 Misc code issues 5/17/2021  

Fixing bridging user to another corp

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Shop 7718 Projects 5/17/2021  

Recording notes from post-it notes from days gone by (past couple of weeks).

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Shop 7803 Meeting with Eric 5/17/2021  

Eric and I trying to advance the ball on the sales tax aggregates. Back and forth on fixing errors and merging things in. Sort of stressful, but making progress.

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Shop 7795 check and push code 5/17/2021  

Working with Bryan and touching base on some projects. He made a few changes to the Kush cart for a client. They were all needed changes. Merged and pushed up the new changes. We then switched gears to API sockets for delivery and other API endpoints.

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Shop 7797 Alan Brandon Steve item catalog deep dive 5/17/2021  

Alan, Cory, Steve, and I on a recap and planning meeting. Alan was going over a recap of the enterprise models and the enterprise vendors. Our next goal is to get into enterprise items and enterprise parts.

We did some planning on the next steps. Moving into the enterprise levels for parts and core items in the system. We talked about locks, permissions, images, media/content, and sharing or using enterprise level catalogs. The upcoming needs will be enterprise level vendors (done), part categories, parent attributes, sub inventory attributes, core parts and items, etc.

Cory went in and showed Alan some pages with parent attributes. Light training.

We then had some small talks about reworking sub inventory options before we turn them into high level catalogs and enterprise level models. They need to be refined a little bit deeper on the transactional systems first. Our current priorities are: part categories, units of measure, core part values, photos, and media/content. The parent attributes and sub inventory attributes will need to wait for a bit.

Lots of talks about conserving data and conserving space on the database, based on these mappings and enterprise level tools. Lots of data normalization and control.

Steve and Alan talking about funding and what the future plans are - new markets, refining our product, and playing into new markets.

If we make these high level catalogs - what if a vendor could almost dictate to their distributors what they get and what they want? That would be so cool! Steve and Alan were dreaming about ideas and where things could go! It was fun to listen in and hear some of their ideas.

After Alan left, Steve and I chatted for a bit about our crew and future plans.

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Shop 7705 Adilas Time 5/18/2021  

When I joined the meeting today, Steve and Danny were going over some plans and talking about things. After that, both Steve and I helped Danny get some info on pulling in customer logs into his ecommerce pages. This will help him out with his message marketing project that he and Steve are working on.

After that, Sean and I looked into some possible math errors on the orders homepage (page for orders, fulfillment, and back orders). We made a couple small tweaks and pushed up new files. Worked on emails and other small to do list stuff.

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Shop 7735 Weekly Server Meeting 5/18/2021  

Weekly server meeting with Wayne, John, Cory, Steve, and myself. See attached for some notes. Making good progress.

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Shop 7637 Work with Shannon 5/18/2021  

Steve and Cory were on for a bit talking about finances, plans, billing, and other options. After Cory left, Steve and talked about harnessing user clicks as a way to get things done. We keep coming back to that as a possible option for getting big migration tasks done without us (our internal team) doing all of the clicking and migration of the data. A way of harnessing what is already happening with small side tasks that need to be done. We've considered this and thought about this before. Somehow, we keep coming back to it. I'd love to see it get put into play.

Once Shannon and I got on our part of the meeting, we did a little bit of review and then split up to work on our own part of the info graphic harnessing project (picking up the pieces from years of doing the developer's notebook and other concepts and drawings). Shannon was doing some research. I was going through folders with screenshots for R&D on the adilas café and our future project called fracture. Going through screenshots from Jonathan Wells. As a side note, I made a small folder on my local box to pull the best shots into one place. Eventually, they will be part of the R&D photo gallery. Part of this page (we'll add a new section).

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Shop 7788 Project #1988 - Payroll Updates 5/18/2021  

John and I jumped on a meeting to work on the payroll and timecard flags and timecard totals project. Danny also joined us for a bit and I was able to get him some code samples to help him on his message marketing project for customer logs out in ecommerce land. After that, John and I did a work session on some new reports and adding a couple of columns to the my hours timecard report. We reworked some logic and added some new flags and such.

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Shop 7806 Recording Notes 5/18/2021  

Recording notes from tons of post-it notes. Kinda behind but trying to catch up.

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Shop 7698 Adilas Time 5/19/2021  

Some of the guys were on bouncing ideas off of each other. Steve was working on some report sorting and fixing some filtering options. Danny needed some help with pulling specific files from other branches. Helping Steve with more report sorting tweaks. Working on and reading emails.

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Shop 7738 Meeting with Chuck 5/19/2021  

Meeting with Chuck. We started out looking at some new mock-ups for Global Designs and their custom dashboard. See attached. The original layout was created by Bryan and Chuck is reskinning it to make it look a little bit better. Part of the game.

Chuck is back working on the presentation gallery project (dynamic and exploratory sales tool and system overview). He also reported on some new security updates on the main website ( He is also working on the adilas docs, templates, and style guild. He and John are heading up that project.

As part of our meeting, we watched a 30 minute video going over a presentation on Bootstrap basics (CSS layouts, grids, contains, rows, columns, breakpoints, and other design elements - along with samples from inside of adilas). After watching the video, Chuck and I talked about it and swapped some feedback back and forth. I enjoyed it, he did a good job. We will end up putting it into our adilas docs section for future reference. We also sent out an email inviting the other developers to check it out as well.

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Shop 7747 Developer weekly update 5/19/2021  

Weekly meeting with Alan to go over projects and code stuff. Both Cory and Sean joined us on our meeting today. We started out with Alan reporting on his current projects and findings. He was working on a page and did a search and found a number of other similar pieces (say 500 ish). He is currently refactoring that part of the application and going to be replacing code so that it runs more efficiently. The code happens to be dealing with custom page settings. We use these custom settings to store both corporation specific settings as well as user defined settings for different pages and sections. We gave him the go ahead to do a little bit of maintenance and refactoring - prepping for the future. Maintenance sometimes isn't that fun, but it plays a key role in the life cycle of a system.

The last half of the meeting was turned over to Sean to show Alan, Cory, and I some of the new stuff that he and Steve have been working on. We logged into a client's site and Sean gave us a great demo and tour of the orders homepage, backorders, fulfilling orders, training amounts requested, remaining, filled, etc. Steve and Sean have been busy. Here are some other notes from the meeting.

- As new features are developed and released, we need to make sure that everybody knows about them - sometimes distributing that information is a big challenge.

- We build special quotes without having real inventory to back them up... Then as the real inventory comes in, we distribute and fill the correct orders. This is a whole new section of the application and Steve and Sean are out there pioneering things.

- The quotes just hold parent items or parent placeholders. Then as the invoices are created, the real parent/child relationships get put in place on the outbound invoices.

- The orders and backorders homepage has three main ways of viewing and sorting the data. It may be vied by quote (order), by item (what orders want what), or by customer (what other things are they still waiting for). Pretty cool!

- Lots of great demos and showing us flow, approval processes, pagination (next page of n), drill-down and filtering options.

- We are gaining some good traction by getting a client who wants something, doing some planning, putting a MVP (minimal viable product) out there, beating it up and refining it - with some hand holding, and then officially releasing it to the public as a new feature. Nice little process.

- Sean also went into some new pages and sections for mini units. This is serialized units that are within the realm of parent/child inventory. The parent is the primary placeholder. The sub inventory or child inventory are the new batches or packages. Then within the new batches or packages, the individual mini unit data is help and recorded. It also shows usage on where it came in, where it went out, etc. (PO's and invoices). The whole process has a tons of great new features.

- Lots of talk about relationships and one-to-one, one-to-many, and one-to-many-to-many. It can get deep, but sometimes that is needed. We play in bulk where possible and then record individual data (and maybe even hide it unless asked for). It makes it look simple, but the whole story is really all there, just nested and/or strategically buried or hidden.

- We spent a bit of time talking about the pains of trying to keep multiple sets of records and juggling multiple systems. We are trying to relieve this burden, but sometimes the transition process is difficult. We have found that clients are so busy, they almost always need a person or small team to help them transition and get the training that they need. Without this, they end up failing on the transitions (switching over).

- Sean did a great job. I was impressed with his demo and knowledge of the system. I can see him doing more and more of that type of thing. He gets in there and spends the time to learn things (tips, tricks, etc.). That makes a difference.

- The value of real live data and real live work flow testing. You have to have a client who will play along, but you gain a ton from that tight of an interaction and/or relationship.

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Shop 7807 Meeting with John 5/19/2021  

John gave Cory and I a nice update on where he is at with some of his projects. One of his projects has been working with Chuck to create basic code templates and starting places for the developers to incorporate some of the newer design elements and layouts. We also talked about how the support for the classic system needs to remain (older pages and older sections) but some of the new features will only be built going forward - using the snow owl theme (newer look and feel). Eventually, it starts costing more than it is worth to make it compatible on every conceivable level. Decisions have to be made some times.

We are trying to push both users and developers into a more standard and maintainable model. I love to hike, and I can't tell you how many times a trail gets modified and eventually the older trails get forgotten, as long as the newer tails are easier, more manageable, and easier to maintain. It just gets better and better. We are trying to do similar things inside of the adilas system and application platform. Hopefully good and maintainable changes.

John showed Cory where he was at with the payroll and timecard project that he and I are working on. They went over some new look and feel and display options as well as new backend changes. I've been working on this project with John, so I have a pretty good bead on where things are at, but John filled in Cory so that she could follow along.

More education, when wanted and needed. John is really into including the educational pieces, but helping them to be somewhat hidden unless needed. That is awesome.

At the end of the meeting, Cory and I were talking more about training and the upcoming training event and conference. Cory told me that she, Kelly, and Marisa are working on some new curriculum for the upcoming training event and conference. I'm excited to see what that looks like. I love the direction.

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Shop 7719 Projects 5/19/2021  

Recording notes from the morning and other past days. I use post-it notes because they are quick and they don't interrupt the flow of the meeting. I then have to go back and transcribe them into the developer's notebook (type and make a digital record). I can't think and type and stay involved with the meeting if I try to do both at the same time. This way works for me.

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Shop 7790 Dustin projects review 5/19/2021  

Meeting with Dustin and Cory. Dustin has been helping John and Chuck and acting as a consultant for the new templates and style guides. Dustin was showing us some of his new code and changes for the cultivation pages. He is working on bulk actions for batches. Cool new layouts and flow on his bulk tools. We eventually got into managing popups, windows, and handling sub routines.

I did a little demo on how we used to use special popup windows for stock/units and different configuration builders. I showed Dustin some of the existing code and showed him how it looks and works. He has a need for similar functionality. Lots of high-end JavaScript and AJAX stuff.

Dustin and Cory were talking through questions and using a virtual sounding board for flow and options. After that, Cory showed Dustin that they have more testing and certification stuff with Metrc for other states. Dustin wants to stay on his current project dealing with the bulk actions for batches inside of the cultivation process. Let's keep him going where he has momentum.

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Shop 7796 check and push code 5/19/2021  

Merging in some code with Bryan dealing with API sockets and endpoints for after the fact delivery for invoices and products. The new API was developed and exposed at a client's request. It already existed internally, but did not have an API socket (outside access option). We merged and pushed up some new files. Bryan will still have to go in to each server and sync up some common table to cascade all of the new settings and API documentation to all of the other servers.

We fixed an email problem with an image in the signature line. We then looked into some code to bridge users between corps. We couldn't find any problems and will report back to Cory that it appears to be working fine. She had Bryan looking into a possible code change, where that feature didn't work any more. We did it both locally and remotely and it seemed to work fine.

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Shop 7695 Adilas Time 5/20/2021  

A few of the guys checked in and what not. Danny and Steve were working on parent attributes. Helping Dustin with some JavaScript popup windows and such. The rest of the session was a mini work session and recording notes.

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Shop 7808 Quick Add Part 5/20/2021  

Original plan: Meeting to plan out how to quickly add a part and auto create a PO using as much of the existing functionality as possible.

What ended up happing: Steve and John were on the meeting. Working on a custom page report and playing with the sort order. The page was pretty big and had some other possible variables that were messing it up. We did what we could. We may need to go into the page and flatten it a bit (pare it down). We ended up chatting and talking about new tech and maybe upgrading to a new theme with newer bootstrap integration and new or more robust data tables. At the end, Steve and I looked into his snow owl payee top links. Somehow they got changed. He will just go in and recreate them.

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Shop 7639 Work with Shannon 5/20/2021  

Shannon and I were in harvesting info graphics. I was cropping images and screenshots and Shannon was doing research and finding other ones to use. See attached for some of her progress.

At the end, I pushed up some files for Danny and a custom label.

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Shop 7715 Projects 5/20/2021  

I had to push a few more label files and changes for Danny. I then jumped back in and worked on recording notes and info and doing emails.

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Shop 7791 Brandon and Cory projects 5/20/2021  

Great meeting. We went over a few projects and follow-ups. Then we switched gears and talked about the upcoming training event and conference. Cory was reporting on what plans she, Kelly, and Marisa have been up to. They are doing a knockout job and getting everything prepped and planned out. I'm excited to see how it goes and turns out. My props go out to Cory, Kelly, and Marisa. Also some props to Mrs. Shari O. behind the scenes.

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Shop 7815 General 5/20/2021  

Small code changes in the shop section (ecommerce code) to help check to see if the validation and session values had been setup correctly. The old way just included a file. The new way checks to see if the variables and pieces already exists, if yes, the include is skipped, if not, the page gets included. Better flow and error handling.

Emails and following up on some billing issues and questions.

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Shop 7814 General 5/21/2021  

Emails, recording notes, and doing some catch-up stuff. Printed out a bunch of flyers and printout for the training conference in a couple of weeks.

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Shop 7706 Adilas Time 5/24/2021  

Steve and I jumped on the meeting and some other guys were there as well. Small touching base and checking in session. We also did some light follow-up. Steve will be building some new advanced, choose your own fields, and filter your own reports for a client. They will also be savable reports.

We also had some discussions on info graphics and what we want and what would be cool. Steve would like to see the stack of our inventory stack - how deep it gets, 3D levels, parent and core values, sub or child inventory attributes, parent attributes, categories, mini units, PO/invoices, line items, locations, mini conversions, recipes, etc.

Wayne popped in and wanted to show us his Application.cfc code and stuff. The old code used to use an Application.cfm (small difference in the page extension .cfm to .cfc). The new .cfc code is event driven and plays more with some object oriented code with functions, methods, and event watchers.

We ended up talking a little bit about some of the old AFB (adilas for business) stuff and how things got setup and added into the system. Originally, the AFB stuff was going to be a high-end (paid) standalone package that could run on top of the classic adilas package. Sort of like a white label, but completely a paid for add on layer, if you will. Good stuff, but there is some older history there.

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Shop 7792 Steve, Cory, Brandon-Catch up on projects and updates 5/24/2021  

Cory checking in on projects and doing some follow-up. She had me do a quick update to a page and add a link from an older page to a new report that Steve just launched. Quick fix.

Steve had to take a phone call but when he got back, it added a great flavor to the meeting. He was on the phone with a CPA firm that want to offer their services to some of our clients. We have some clients that are looking for that same thing and we thought that it would be great fit. Sean chimed in and mentioned the upcoming training event and pitching that training event to our clients, CPA firms (start small at first), etc. Great tie-in.

As the backend accounting services get deeper, we, as adilas, may need to lean on CPA firms to help with compliance and oversight for our clients. Steve was mentioning a village type approach (it takes a village to raise a child) and how we can all play into this together, whether it is the software package, custom code or custom processes, training, oversight, and other professional services. Good direction. We need to capture and spread out some of those supporting services that are needed. If we dump everything on our core team, they will be swamped and crushed. We need some of these other virtual teams and service layers.

Anyways, great flavor from the meeting. Somewhat of a mixing between services that we offer directly vs services that we could help support, train, or educate others how to do it certain ways. I liked the direction of the offering training, oversight, and other supporting services. Good stuff.

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Shop 7763 Meeting with Steve McNew 5/24/2021  

Meeting with Steve McNew - consultant and software engineer who is helping us refine, define, and standardize our processes and procedures.

He is working on some adilas docs and whitepapers - structure and design behind what we are building.

We started out our meeting with me reporting to Steve McNew (steve mac) about harvesting graphics, creating training curriculum, and refining some of our processes. All of those are things that we are trying to nail down and get ready before the upcoming training conference in the middle of June. Steve then asked about some of our refinements that we are making and also asked if we could quantify (counts, status, ratios) any of our claims. He is trying to get me to think about taking what we do (normally) and being able to repurpose those same tasks as marketing messages.

Here is an example of taking the normal and making it into a marketing message: I told Steve that we moved and migrated some domain names and servers. Tons of code changes and database reference changes (hundreds of thousands of path and pointer changes). With that project, we created a new database, field/column level, find and replace tool. I explained it that way, how I just wrote it. Steve said, you could take that same thing (find and replace tool) and say something like - Able to handle end of life transitions in a fast and effective manner. His way sounded a lot cooler than mine...

Steve showed me some of the white papers that he is working on. See attached for a small screenshot. He is starting to take our old images, graphics, and core concepts and mixing them with other technical documents. Our goal is to slowly step towards a more refined stack, role, and define what tools and techniques we use to get there. We talked about promoting and highlighting some of our proof of concept pieces, end-of-life tools and transitions, cost-benefit analysis, etc. Basically, using what we already do and adding to it to bring it up to par (a higher level, whatever that may be). This means using our concept drawings and analogies and putting more technical terms and drawings to make it seem more professional.

We went over some other topics such as document templates, risk management, and connecting the dots. We have a ton of content and do a lot of good things already. We just need to bring them out more and fully connect all of the dots. Along this way, I was amazed at how I could say something and Steve would rephrase it as a virtual marketing message. I would explain something and he would take the same thing and flip it so that it sounded cool. Sometimes with just the slightest word, phrase, or verbage change. Almost a virtual positive spin on things... like lemons to lemon-aid type flip/flop. Lots of opportunities.

Towards the end of the meeting, Steve showed me some quick and dirty drawings (simple boxes, flow charts, arrows, and text labels). He wants to help us capture the how and the why. That is awesome. Exposing the layers and looking at things from different perspectives on what we are doing and how things flow together. That sounds exciting. Great meeting.

Here is a link to an online drawing app that Steve recommended.

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Shop 7731 Projects 5/24/2021  

Recording notes from this morning and setting up my calendar for June. Summer is coming, some crazy times ahead. If not crazy, at least random. :)

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Shop 7848 check and push code 5/24/2021  

Bryan and I jumped on a meeting. He has a number of branches that are done and just needing to be pushed up. We went over some plans and briefly looked at some of the code. Bryan also wanted to know if there were any other projects that needed some loving. I sent him over a couple of emails that I had on my plate for some bug fixes and a small code branch that I started, but never finished. After Bryan left, I went back to the ones that were done and started going through things with a fine tooth comb. Got two more big files done. Minor tweaks.

Recording notes, emails, and other clean-up from the day.

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Shop 7696 Adilas Time 5/25/2021  

Helping Danny with his message marketing and being able to popup and hide the actual messages and modal message marketing output. It turned into a small training session. I'm not sure if he wanted that or not, but that's what ended up happening. After that, Steve and I worked on some time templates and trying to figure out what settings on elements of time would work best for a specific client need.

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Shop 7736 Weekly Server Meeting 5/25/2021  

We started out and Wayne wasn't on the meeting to begin with. Steve and Cory were going over some page and report sort issues. Very random, it works for some corporations and not for others. We may have to look into actual data to see if that is the issue.

Wayne joined up and we checked in on a few small topics. Most things are going very good. No major issues to report.

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Shop 7636 Work with Shannon 5/25/2021  

Shannon and I did a small work session on researching and harvesting some info graphics from past meetings. We posted the screenshots and drawings as they happened, but we are needing to gather them into one single place. Shannon was doing more research (see attached for her progress) and I was actually exporting images and attaching them to a new photo gallery called the R&D gallery.

We have so much to offer, we just need to get it out and make it available for others to consume and view and use as needed.

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Shop 7727 Projects 5/25/2021  

Harvesting images and info graphics for the R&D photo gallery and other concept art work. See the online photo gallery for more info. This photo gallery was designed for a teaching tool for Brandon.

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Shop 7813 Info graphics for training 5/25/2021  

Emails and pushing up some new info graphics to the photo gallery page.

Signing up for lodging for the upcoming training event and conference. On the phone with Shari O. going over plans and details for the conference. Talking about flyers, hardware, projectors, power supplies, snacks, meals, handouts, schedules, etc.

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Shop 7855 General 5/25/2021  

Recording notes and catching up on the developer's notebook entries.

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Shop 7707 Adilas Time 5/26/2021  

A few different guys on the morning meeting today. Some of them were talking and chatting before I joined. Steve had me help with a small math fix for a number that was getting formatted with commas and such. We made some changes and pushed up some new code. I then helped John with some permission checks and changes on his payroll project. the other subject for the morning meeting was some of the guys were stating some requests that they would like to see in our group meeting and training meeting here in a couple of weeks. I took a few notes.

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Shop 7741 Meeting with Chuck 5/26/2021  

Chuck joined the meeting and gave me a report on what he is working on. He has done a great job. Here are a few of the things that he is working on.

- New live chat feature for our main website

- Changes to the adilas docs project. Added a new training page, videos, new components and code, and working on some new education mode or bigger dynamic show/hide tool tips. We want to use some of those education mode pieces as we transition over into the fracture project (future project or future release).

- He showed me some progress on the presentation gallery and some alternate layouts. See attached for some screenshots.

- We finished up by talking about the WordPress back-ups and some light direction there.

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Shop 7743 Developer weekly update 5/26/2021  

Alan, John, Cory, and I were on the meeting. We started out with Alan reporting on some of his projects. Alan gave me a list of ideas and topics for the upcoming training event for the internal adilas core team. They were things like: SOP's (standard operating procedures), get all the developers on the same page, flow and unit of the code, getting more into the adilas docs, cool tips and tricks, writing script, query params, abstract DAO (data access objects), services and models, debugging, and unit testing. Great little list.

Next we got into some new corp-wide settings. We will need to go back and do a database updates to backfill some data for new corporations. The new code doesn't default certain values like the older code did. We will build it into the new code, processes, and database defaults - so that it becomes a fixed standard. We will still let them edit it, we just need to make sure that the correct defaults are being set.

Alan then reported on his code changes for the web page settings (tons and tons of custom corp or page level settings). He is doing a project to refactor all of those calls and pieces. We are trying to standardize our code wherever possible. Cory and Alan touched base on a few other projects as well. Kind of a small priority list of sorts.

In between the meeting with Alan and the meeting with John, Cory and I made a few small spelling and verbage changes to our code.

John Maestas then reported to Cory where he is at on the payroll and timecard flag project. Cory took some screenshots. John also reported on his new page templates and trying to help Chuck get some templates and defaults for the adilas docs project. At the end of meeting, John was asking about some other projects to fill in and keep him busy. We have plenty of those.

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Shop 7732 Projects 5/26/2021  

Met with my daughter Aspen Moore. She has been taking an online class dealing with writing HTML and CSS (web code stuff). We met for an hour and she taught me what she had learned. She did a great job. We got her paid and cut a check for her out of the main adilas system.

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Shop 7812 CSV files for client 5/26/2021  
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Shop 7818 Project-1988 Payroll Updates 5/26/2021  

John and I went over a number of smaller and random questions. We did a little work on the payroll and timecard flag project, worked on custom CSS and pulling in default success and error message colors. We also did some other links to payroll settings, and light review of where we are headed.

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Shop 7860 General 5/26/2021  

Emails and transferred notes form post-it notes to the developer's notebook in digital format.

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Shop 7861 Recording notes 5/26/2021  

Trying to play catch-up and recording notes - transferring from paper to digital.

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Shop 7701 Adilas Time 5/27/2021  

Danny and some of the crew on the morning meeting this morning. There was a small sales theme going on in the meeting. Danny was commenting about sales and getting good communications between sales and the developers. The developers, me included, build and build, but don't let anybody know. Constant moving platform. Good communication is key. We talked about ways of improving those communication lines.

I ended up showing those on the meetings some of the Adobe XD files that I got from Jonathan Wells, just the other day. It was like Christmas. I was showing them stuff, zooming in, panning out, scrolling, drawing, and pitching some of the ideas and concepts for fracture, new shopping carts, and the adilas café. For the record, Brandon has a whole folder that has tons and tons of Adobe XD files that were done in 2019/2020 by Jonathan Wells. All of it was graphic R&D and research. Very much a little treasure box. Here is the file path (www_adilas/extras/jonathan_wells/xd_from_jonathan)

Marisa  was on the meeting this morning as well. She was getting excited to see some of the prototypes and mock-ups. We want to start harvesting some of those R&D projects. Lots of work and efforts have gone in there and some of the mock-ups look great and make us (and our clients) excited. As a small side note, we somewhat switched gears and talked about outside investors and seeking outside funding sources. I pointed them to a document that we made a couple of weeks/months ago that talked about some of our plans. We called it the questionnaire summary report from an internal questionnaire. Here is a link to the doc (pdf) - questionnaire summary. Light talk about investors and seeking funding. Danny, Marisa, Sean, and Steve were chiming in. Good meeting!

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Shop 7867 Small code changes 5/27/2021  

Emails and added a small button and some icons to the ecommerce customer portal page (view my account, once you get logged into ecommerce). After that, John and I looked over some of his payroll and timecard flags project.

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Shop 7638 Work with Shannon 5/27/2021  

Shannon and I had a good little work session. Shannon was doing research and recording notes for good elements of time (in the developer's notebook) that had some content and images that we could harness for the R&D gallery and concept gallery (photo galleries). See attached for her notes and research.

Going along with the harvest type mentality for the day, I showed Shannon some of new Adobe XD files that I got from Jonathan Wells. Super fun and I was trying to share the dream with Shannon! Lots of potential and vision out there for the taking!

While Shannon was doing her research, I was working on an old training site that Russell did way back in 2015. No ones knows about it. I went through a few of the pages, fixed some links, removed some really old stuff, and pushed the files up into the master code branch. This is the address: 

It is kinda fun to try to harvest some of the older stuff. It's old to us (me) but some people have never seen it. Almost like a little treasure hunt. I'm trying surface what I can without going super deep and getting majorly involved (aka sucked into the black hole). Other small changes and pushing files up and live on the servers. Fun little project.

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Shop 7793 Brandon and Cory review projects 5/27/2021  

Cory and I going over projects. We got into a discussion about - being able to search for all of the pieces - "all data is live and searchable". The deeper we go, it becomes a challenge to keep up with all of the new changes. The thing that brought up the topic was the new sub invoice types. They have been added in, but have not yet been fully exposed to all searches and export pages. As we develop things, we need to keep rolling out the searchability of those features.

We talked about payroll and state tax calcs and getting people involved with helping us to do that maintenance work (all 50 states and their payroll taxes and state withholding formulas). We may end up getting John to help out with some of that payroll stuff. He is already working on some other payroll and timecard projects.

We spent the whole last part of the meeting looking into a math level (rounding error) issue for recipe/builds. Not on all recipes, but we were having a penny off error in Steve's production pages. We made lots and lots of changes. We ended up rolling things back, so as not to cause problems. Kinda nuts.

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Shop 7849 check and push code 5/27/2021  

Bryan joined the meeting, but we had to reschedule due to the penny off rounding error in recipes. He hung out for a bit and then we decided to reschedule.

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Shop 7866 Playing catch-up 5/27/2021  

Recording notes, emails, follow-ups, and small code changes. Work session.