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Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Cory Warden
Created Date/Time: 5/11/2021 4:07 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 7797
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Alan Brandon Steve item catalog deep dive
Start Date/Time: 5/17/2021 4:00 pm
End Date/Time: 5/17/2021 5:45 pm
Main Status: Active

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Alan, Cory, Steve, and I on a recap and planning meeting. Alan was going over a recap of the enterprise models and the enterprise vendors. Our next goal is to get into enterprise items and enterprise parts.

We did some planning on the next steps. Moving into the enterprise levels for parts and core items in the system. We talked about locks, permissions, images, media/content, and sharing or using enterprise level catalogs. The upcoming needs will be enterprise level vendors (done), part categories, parent attributes, sub inventory attributes, core parts and items, etc.

Cory went in and showed Alan some pages with parent attributes. Light training.

We then had some small talks about reworking sub inventory options before we turn them into high level catalogs and enterprise level models. They need to be refined a little bit deeper on the transactional systems first. Our current priorities are: part categories, units of measure, core part values, photos, and media/content. The parent attributes and sub inventory attributes will need to wait for a bit.

Lots of talks about conserving data and conserving space on the database, based on these mappings and enterprise level tools. Lots of data normalization and control.

Steve and Alan talking about funding and what the future plans are - new markets, refining our product, and playing into new markets.

If we make these high level catalogs - what if a vendor could almost dictate to their distributors what they get and what they want? That would be so cool! Steve and Alan were dreaming about ideas and where things could go! It was fun to listen in and hear some of their ideas.

After Alan left, Steve and I chatted for a bit about our crew and future plans.