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Sort Value: Developer's Notebook Report - 12/1/2022 to 12/7/2022 - (25)
Time Id Color Title/Caption Start Date   Notes
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Shop 9553 Adilas Time 12/1/2022  

Going over custom labels and being able to configure those labels through dynamic settings. Steve's next settings page is going to be for the printable invoices. They started to talk about Metrc (state tracking system). Steve was also reporting on what Mike is doing and what he is pitching and throwing. Mike owns Herbo and eXpo, two different companies that are integrated with adilas as 3rd party solutions and even virtual white labels of the adilas platform. He is pitching adilas as a possible option under some different labels and umbrellas.

The guys got into a subject of adilas phones and what we could offer there. This is a phone tree type software package that adilas acquired a few years back. It has kind of just been sitting there, being used by a small number of clients but not really being pushed. They pulled it up and were looking around the adilas phones section and pages. Getting deeper into the phone tree stuff.

Danny was saying, software is only as good as the setup and the usage of that software. I would agree. We also were talking about some of the salespersons and what they could do and offer. There are some great skills out there.

We started talking about a new shopping cart and being able to switch back and forth between a possible new look and feel and the older more stable versions. Talking about adding more cart settings. Ideas about being able to flip over to toggle switches vs checkboxes. This is a more modern look and feel thing. What we would really like is nice interfaces that have the one-pager type feel where you can do all kinds of things from just one page. It still interacts with the server, session (memory stuff), and database queries, but there is a minimum or no full page refreshes. It all happens on one page (one-pager apps). This is a more modern way of doing web code.

Steve is excited to get John helping out with some new look and feel stuff and pages. I too am excited to get John going on some GUI (graphical user interfaces) and UI/UX stuff (user interfaces and user experience). Here we go, just need the funding and the green light.

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Shop 9657 check and push code 12/1/2022  

Bryan and I working on dynamic searches out in ecommerce to show and correctly display unique events and online scheduling options. Looking into conditional logic to help keep things consistent and as smooth as possible. Good work session.

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Shop 9675 Working on a new graphic 12/1/2022  

Working on a new image to show progression of things over time. Decide to use bikes or bicycles and how bike brakes have changed over time. Grabbed a number of images off of web searches, just gathering resources.

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Shop 9660 check and push code 12/1/2022   Another session with Byan going over code changes and clicking through links and settings on the unique event settings and how they show in certain displays. Going deeper and getting into product and time level details and options.
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Shop 9676 General 12/1/2022  

Quick code merge for Eric. Working on the progression of things image (new graphic). Phone call with Eric going over projects and auto updates. Phone call with Stee talking about plans and what is going on. Lots of stuff swirling all around us. Just trying to keep an eye on potential and opportunities.

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Shop 9661 EOY Payroll Oklahoma Tax Rates 12/1/2022  

Work session with John and going over state payroll and tax withholdings for the state of Oklahoma. We had to add a new database column for some additional add-ins per state tax table record. Code review, number verification (two sets of eyes on new table values), and documentation (what are we doing and why). Good little session.

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Shop 9662 check and push code 12/1/2022  

Working with Bryan on code review of the unique items for online scheduling. Small bug during checkout. We got into advanced cart logic and adding and removing items, duplicating items, and other deeper topics. We finished up and he virtually passed the code branch over to me to review and beat it up a bit.

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Shop 9677 New graphic - progression of things 12/1/2022  

Finished up a new graphic called the progression of things. I wanted to use bikes or bicycles to show how bike brakes have evolved over time. I have images of fixed gear bikes (direct brakes - as you pedal the bike moves forward or back). That is where things started. I then added graphic for feet, shoes, skidding, coater brakes, direct tire pressure breaks, cantilever brakes, center-pull brakes, V-brakes, and hydraulic disk brakes. Trying to show the progression of things over time.

As a fun side note, most of us, have even been around long enough to see some of these advancements in our lifetime. I was born in the early 70's and it's currently the end of the year 2022. Almost 50 years and who how fast things change. See attached for a number of fun images.

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Shop 9678 Tech Support 12/1/2022  

Emails and checking on an error from (merchant processing company). It was on their end, and we sent an email to the client explaining the issue. Light tech support.

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Shop 9640 Adilas Time 12/5/2022  

Monday morning sales meeting. Nine of us on the meeting. I was taking notes and Sean and Steve were running the meeting. See attached for the meeting notes. Planning on doing sales meetings on Monday's and Thursdays, as of right now.

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Shop 9664 Misc Items - QR Code and Label Settings 12/5/2022  

Steve and I on a work session. Looking at email settings. Then we switched over to QR codes on invoices. We got into some debugging and found an error where we were looping over a query that had 0 records. We added in a check prior to the loop and it fixed it. Deeper looks into some debugging techniques and little tips and tricks. Good work session.

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Shop 9663 meet on next project 12/5/2022  

Looking into needs and wants for the date/time pickers. Created a small to do list. We then jumped into unique event settings. We talked about new possible time settings (see element of time # 8004). We got pretty deep going over potential and where we want things to go. The goal is to make and create an "Any Scheduler" or an "Any" Scheduler. We also went over some look and feel stuff and where we are headed there. I showed Bryan some recent news and updates and how we are planning a full facelift for the time or elements of time section. Just for fun. Here are some our notes that we were passing between the chat session over GoToMeeting.

Meeting with Bryan on time templates and sub templates for availability

- Define what we want...

- How are we going to tie things in?

- What will it look like?

- How will they control it?

- Permissions?

- Settings?

- Availability?

- Just time slots that are open (appointments, hair salons, PT-physical therapy, etc.)

- Book a range (campgrounds, cabins, rooms, etc.)

- Internal - able to do this right now... - it would be cool to speed it up

- External - only able to do reoccurring one-to-many and unique events - we need the 1-1 (one-to-one) or one party to a certain event or place or timeslot.

- "Any Scheduler" or "Any" Scheduler >> and go online with it - what are the rules to make it easy for a user but flexible and powerful (backend)

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Shop 9665 EOY Payroll Oklahoma Tax Rates 12/5/2022  

End of year payroll stuff with John. Going over numbers for new Oklahoma state tax withholdings. He would be looking at the documentation and I would read off the code and we would compare numbers (second set of eyes to validate the numbers). We then got into the deeper code where it pulls the values and does the look-ups, queries, and actual calculations. We went through a number of scenarios. It's looking good.

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Shop 9679 Project management 12/5/2022  

Cory, Steve, Sean, John, and I were on going over project management stuff. There was an error in the gram controller, but it was poorly passed to us from an outside party. We went over some ideas and ways to make our code more bombproof, even if we get back bad data from an outside call. Talks about error handling and responding to both good and bad data.

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Shop 9634 Adilas Time 12/6/2022  

Some of the guys were chatting about some of the new happenings and progress with clients and/or demos. Lots of stuff going on all around us. Steve and Sean were talking about the value of a recipe/build type process. The recipes can hold the ingredients and the outputs and then be used over and over again.  Inside of both cultivation processes and production processes, they use the recipe/build processes.

Dealing with recipes - This also includes things for SG&A (selling, general and administrative expenses - aka accounting for general costs by attributing them to a single unit and thus incorporating the true costs into an item). Basically, you take a normal expense like the electric bill or rent and build it into the individual cost of each unit by unitizing the expenses and virtually spreading a bigger general cost to smaller pieces. Sometimes that type of process (SG&A) is required for certain manufacturing and/or production type products. Basically, they (the IRS) don't allow you to expense off the whole expense (rent, insurance, waste, electric, etc.) as a bulk item. It has to be distributed to each smaller piece. If you do real SG&A, it helps assimilate those costs in smaller percentages and thus passing on a truer look at real costs of goods sold. That's the goal.

After the guys finished up on the recipe stuff, John reported on some of his payroll updates that he is doing. He is really helping to tighten things up on the yearend processes for payroll and withholdings. Good stuff. Next, we got into some discussions about projects that get stalled out, why, and how can we help that process (meaning get them all the way finished and into production). Sometimes we have to leave certain projects due to budgets, time, and other demands. Sadly, if you are bootstrapping things (running on a tight budget), you have to follow the dollar sometimes. Even if you really want to do something, you still have to live, eat, sleep, and keep the ship afloat.

We also talked about proactive and reactive maintenance. Once again, sometimes that depends on budgets, time, and other resources. If it's not broken, sometimes we have to leave it alone or deal with it until it either fully breaks or it really needs some help. All part of the game.

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Shop 9649 Server meeting 12/6/2022  

Cory was talking about projects getting stalled out and how to help push them through the finish line. We were talking about this earlier but she just barely joined at 10 am. Light rehash of some of what we were talking about.

For the server meeting, we allowed Steve to talk to Wayne about emails and how things are going. Wayne was reporting on the gift cards and refactoring some of the cart logic. As soon as he is finished, he will get his code out to different parties to look at and do some testing. Cory and Wayne were doing some planning and scheduling of releases.

We then talked about passing certain branches of code back and forth and who is going to test, merge, and deploy certain things. We are trying to get better at working as a team. Some of the branches need to be strategically placed and tested on certain servers before going live. With that process, it opens up a whole new subset of needs for being able to merge, sync, and reliably deploy and execute code, branches, versions, etc. Currently, we are all pushing up code daily to a code repository using both Git and bit bucket. Wayne is the one who primarily changes which servers are pulling from which branches. Ideally, they all pull from the master branch, but we do tweak that every now and again, based on other projects, testing, requirements, etc. It's a pretty big job.

After that, the topic switched over to differences in display and page outputs. We talked about code differences, data differences, and even things like settings, permissions, and other custom code. It all plays into the mix. Light discussion on how to best help convey or communicate any errors or differences. All of those factors may or may not play in (code, data, settings, permissions, or custom stuff). It can get interesting.

All of the other guys jumped off (Wayne and John) to meet on a different Zoom session. Cory is doing a great job trying to keep up with billing and what not for custom work. At the end, Steve, Cory, and I got on a small work session and chased down a small bug in the dynamic PO labels. It ended up being a blank query for parent item attributes that wasn't populating in the correct spot. Small work session.

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Shop 9448 Steve, Cory, Brandon-Catch up on projects and updates 12/6/2022  

Props to Cory! She is really learning and growing as a project coordinator. She has a lot of traffic control and directing traffic (requests, quotes, bids, projects, promises, billing, scheduling, budgets, etc.). I've been impressed. She is doing great!

Both Steve and Cory did some planning and scheduling of things. Crazy times, right now. Things (all kinds of stuff) are going on all around us. Cory and I then jumped in and checked on some new logging and backend (hidden) histories and update logs. We were also talking about some advanced shipping options for a client. We could build out some crazy API socket stuff, do custom code, or maybe help them with a small workaround using my cart favorite buttons and custom shipping to known (repeat) areas. This is for a manufacturing company that distributes to the same customers over and over again. Anyways, we also discussed our internal deliver options and maybe building that out a bit more or connecting to outside 3rd party solutions as needed. Other project management stuff.

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Shop 9667 check and push code 12/6/2022  

code review session with Bryan. He is helping me out by combining about 5 branches of code that Chuck did into one single branch. We reviewed some of the code and he will be coordinating with both Cory and Wayne to get things tested. Once tested, we will merge the new files into the master branch and push things up live on all servers. The 5 or so branches were dealing with new changes to elements of time. New time homepage look and feel, new working with time page, new printable time page, and some tweaks on the add/edit main time pages and time history pages. Good stuff. Looking good.

Bryan has really been a key helper in getting these projects off of my desk and getting them making progress and being pushed forward. I'm super grateful for that.

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Shop 9666 Unique events - code review 12/6/2022  

Pulled up the branch and started reviewing code from Bryan on the online scheduling and unique events settings and code. Did some local testing and pushed up the small clean-up changes that I made. Most likely, it will take a couple more hours to go through all of the other pages. Making progress.

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Shop 9670 Recording notes 12/6/2022  

Daily clean-up and recording notes from other meetings and work sessions today. It's amazing how quick all of the little notes (post-it notes) can add up, even from just one day. It may not be the most effective, but sometimes I can't record the notes digitally while on or in a meeting. Especially if I'm helping, coding, writing, or drawing. It's so much quicker to scribble quick notes and then expand on them later.

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Shop 9642 Adilas Time 12/7/2022  

Morning meeting. Sean joined and was just checking in. Danny joined and we started chatting about different subjects. Sean had some questions about SG&A costs (selling, general and administrative costs or internal manufacturing and unitizing costs to specific units). We talked about recipes and the potential there to keep track of things and to virtually unitize different costs through the recipe/build process.

We switched gears and started to talk about pitching "potential". We already have tons of that. This is a quote from a business consultant that we were working with at one time. He said - "Part of what I pitch is hope, the potential to be and do better!". I would like to help us keep pitching potential and hope. That is awesome!

We talked about new companies and helping to keep them up to date with new training and getting them started. We talked about how much to bite off at a single time. If you take smaller bites, it works better, but you have to be willing to circle back around. If you give too much, you could overwhelm them or flood them out. Baby steps and smaller bites. It takes longer, but the experience is better over time. Basically, get comfortable and then move on to the next thing.

Lots of discussions and talk about "custom". Most software systems are just as is, they really don't allow for custom solutions over and above their base product. We, on the other hand, love custom and can either do the whole thing or fill in the gaps as needed. This is from Russell Moore, back in 2016, "Adilas is a great companion software package for any business." We can fill in or virtually fill in the gaps wherever there is a need. We got into talking about how you can virtually use any part of the system or any part of the whole. Everything is an option but not required. That really leads us to do more customization of things. We are ok with that. It is part of our model.

One of our biggest benefits is being able to pull things together in one place. We even want to keep expanding on that concept and make other homepages or bring it together type pages or sections. We talked about getting all of the settings together into one page. That conversation caused us to get into the four different types of settings (that we know of right now). We have world or corp-wide settings, group level settings (invoices, customers, products, etc.), page level settings, and user level settings. After talking about that for a bit, we got into talking about world building and where we are headed there. Literally, the deeper you get, one thing will lead right into the next, in a true system or world building experience.

The guys were talking about a client who has a running list of things that they want us to do (once we or they have some funding). That is part of world building and deals with - what do you need, what do you want, and how will we get there?

The next part of the session was me, going off and giving an impromptu history lesson on where we came from and a series of events that lead to where we are now. I was having fun. I hope that the guys liked it. We bounced into adilas, looked at numbers, projects, histories, etc. I showed them a new graphic that I was working on called the progression of things and we chatted about that. I jumped into an old Excel file that had some numbers to show growth, etc. Anyways, I thought it was a fun history or historical session of sort. Good stuff. See attached for some of the files that we were going over.

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Shop 9669 check and push code 12/7/2022  

Small BioTrack merge and push for New York. Small review of other projects that he is working on.

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Shop 9680 Code review 12/7/2022  

Recording notes and looking at Wayne's add to cart testing branch (new code). Light code review. Still need to run it through some physical tests and actual use it on my local machine. Ran out of time.

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Shop 9672 EOY Payroll Code Review 12/7/2022  

Merging in a couple of branches for John and yearend payroll stuff. He still needs to run the updates, but we got the bit bucket merges done and in place.

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Shop 9668 Merging in code 12/7/2022  

Quick merge and push to  help Bryan with some custom code. The guys and gals need it for a demo tomorrow morning. It was gram control stuff out in ecommerce for a New York demo.