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Sort Value: Developer's Notebook Report - 11/14/2022 to 11/16/2022 - (19)
Time Id Color Title/Caption Start Date   Notes
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Shop 9546 Adilas Time 11/14/2022  

Steve and Sean were on going over new custom label settings that Steve was working on. He is doing tons on the labels and tying in everything to dynamic page settings. He had a few questions about version control (Git stuff). We got him all squared away and headed in a good direction. Next, we chatted about upcoming online scheduling settings and where to go next with those pieces. Bryan and I are making some good progress. I was doing some drawings and showing the guys where we are headed and what some of Bryan's new setting will do for unique calendar events and being able to book those from online or ecommerce.

Steve was talking with a lady and virtually gave her a small demo just by talking to her over the dinner table (concepts and principles). The lady loved the concepts of what we are trying to do and how it could help make things better and smoother. Basically, I think that people do like what we are doing, they just expect it to be done and ready to pull off the shelf (walmart style) where it looks nice, has a set price, and you can just pick it up. We will keep heading in that direction, but the reality is, it takes time and money, tons of settings, permissions, and even custom pieces. We are really going in a great direction. Keep going!

Shari O. and Danny joined the meeting. We did some light sub inventory training with them. Sean was chiming in as well. We've got some great team members. That is awesome. Hopefully we can all keep learning together along the way.

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Shop 9445 Steve, Cory, Brandon-Catch up on projects and updates 11/14/2022  

Project management stuff. Cory and Steve were going over projects, custom labels, and progress in those areas. We jumped into talking about server issues, email issues, and where are we heading. That lead to a conversation about the lack of education and training. Things keep changing so fast, it makes it hard to keep on education and training aspects of the system.

All three of us started talking about permissions and new permissions. We have a need to help secure up or tighten up who has access to certain settings. We decided that we needed a new master page level setting to help control those page settings. As we talked, we decided that eventually, we may need other settings or be able to assign sub permissions to a user based on their higher up settings. Similar to what we do with the manager's time clock settings. It has to be turned on and then we have a whole other page where an administrator turns on certain departments for the manager. We can see the need for similar type things in a settings admin or master settings mode. Basically, a person gets a main permission (part of the permission list) and then we/they configure what underlying access the users get. This becomes somewhat nested, but really opens up options and granular control of who has access to what and who can do certain things but not do other things. More ways the system is breaking or fracturing into subs or smaller and smaller controllable pieces.

We are getting really close on the gift card stuff for the system. Making plans and trying to see if we can push that new feature out before Thanksgiving. We have wanted this for years and years now. It's kinda fun that it is almost there and within a couple of days of being fully launched.

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Shop 9583 Short meeting with Intellpeer 11/14/2022  

Client Zoom meeting with one of our clients and an outside 3rd party solution. The whole thing was dealing with API sockets and socket connections to push and pull customer data back and forth. The client is looking for a number of special use cases and seeing what already exists. They don't want to do any custom development, if possible.

As a side note for me, we really need to get into out API socket documentation and samples and make sure that everything is updated and good to go. We got into some of that today and it really could use some good time and loving. Not hard, just takes a lot of time. Light research into what else we need to do and expose on the public API socket level.

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Shop 9599 Recording Notes 11/14/2022  

Recording notes and ideas from earlier today.

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Shop 9577 General 11/14/2022  

All kinds of random stuff. I logged into our Kabbage account (business funding) and flipped everything over to American Express accounts. They changed hands. Pulled down Eric's gift card branch and spent over an hour going through things and making small tweaks to his code. Light code review. I then got on a phone call with Steve. We were on the phone for well over an hour. We covered a ton of different topics. Most of it was geared towards updates, check-ins on different people and projects, and making plans. Trying to keep things going. It takes time and effort to make the ball go around. Trying to help it along. Good conversation.

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Shop 9603 Working on bulk flex grid tools 11/14/2022  

Spent some time working on some custom black box code that we did for the bike shuttle company and trying to make it more global (for everybody inside of adilas) vs just custom for a couple of companies. Finished up the black box removal process and launched some new code with the standard pages looking at a series of settings and then exposing the bulk flex grid tools based off of settings vs custom page includes (custom code just for a single company). Pushed up the new pages and physically went in and removed the older custom black box pages. It feels good to get rid of some of those older custom code files and make the features generally available to all adilas users. Good stuff.

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Shop 9544 Adilas Time 11/15/2022  

Looking over code for gift cards. Checking emails. Ended up pushing up some code and ran into a problem (crossing two code branches). Eric joined, Wayne joined, and we ended up rolling things backwards (back to the master branch). We talked about the need for unit testing as well as integration testing. Eric and Wayne were talking about software lifecycles and us maturing as a company. We are getting better and better but still need some improvements.

We could use some internal training on writing tests and how best to make sure that we have good coverage. We have so many different levels of coding skills (junior devs, senior devs, full stack devs, designers, etc.). We got into a big conversation about where certain logic needs to go and how best to handle errors and logic for checking for record counts.

That lead into a conversation about MVC (model, view, controllers) and how we are currently doing some of that but we are also mixing things. For example: We have some of the view and the controller in-line or on the same page. Some of our logic is intermixed with the display vs the business logic. Some of the code is older and some of it is newer. We need to make some plans and then go and head in that direction. Currently, we tend to go in a number of different directions. It gets done, but it looks more like patchwork vs tight, smooth, standardized code. Getting a plan and being united in that rollout, even if we have to do a little bit at a time, would be awesome for our fracture project and plans.

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Shop 9576 Working on the rafting demo site 11/15/2022  

Working with Danny, Sean, and Shari O. on the rafting site (demo site). They, especially Danny, were requesting and wanting some kind of SOP's (standard operating procedures) or some kind of a quick start guide. See attached for our notes. New notes are at the bottom. Mostly the session was just checking in and some light communications for today.

One of my observations is we have things all over the place. We have things inside elements of time, in physical notebooks, in emails, on adilas university, on YouTube, in help files, on different google drives, and the list goes on. We have a ton of resources, but they are not yet linked, cataloged, and organized for use. It's too spread out. That would be an awesome project to get all of that together and available to the public. That could be a future fracture type project. Training and education are huge spokes that we need in our wheel. There is a whole other side to this thing and it's on the education and training level.

Totally random, but a fun side note or thought - Think how cool it would be to go through the different system players (all 12), all of the different system business functions (12 of those as well), and the underlying core concepts. That would be awesome. Beginner, intermediate, advanced, and deep dive or backend levels. Show how things act, cause and effect relationships, where they show up for roll call, how things happened historically, how they effectually show up for roll call, and even how they financially affect inventories, banks, P&L's, balance sheets, and other financial relationships. That would be sooooo cool! I would love to work on that project.

I would love to get into the how, why, and what we are doing. The how and why really seem like fun topics. The "what" is pretty normal but allow us to do the other parts of the puzzle or passing the data along the virtual data assembly line. Getting into 3D world building and all kinds of cool stuff. So many things that we want to do and build. We just need help getting to that next level.

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Adi 2256 Bulk update parent core values-unit of measurement and categories 11/15/2022  

Adding u of m to global parent core updates. Also categories down the way.

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Shop 9575 Server meeting 11/15/2022  

While we were waiting for Wayne, Cory and John were going over payroll and yearend forms and updates. We then started to talk about email servers, changes, web servers, and general web API documents, samples, and general documentation. Wayne joined and we touched on some of those same subjects again briefly. Cory then had a list and we started to go through it. One of the crazy things that she is doing is helping to schedule and coordinate releases and updates. We've never had that problem before.

Cory is planning a rolling blast of server updates spread across different days and for different servers. We then rolled into a small discussion about a bug bounty program and possibly offering compensation for individuals who help us find bugs, vulnerabilities, or ways to fix and enhance the system.

Helping Cory with some tech support questions and answers. Wayne then took us into a deeper realm of DNS (domain name server) records, SPF records, DKIM, and DMARC records and errors. All kinds of deep email server stuff. He was going over public and private keys and how they all interact and work together. It got a little bit technical but good to know (or at least be aware of).

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Shop 9602 Phone call with Steve 11/15/2022  

Good phone call with Steve. We were going over some new options and just talking about plans going forward. Steve was saying that we need these basic departments, inside of adilas: sales, training, support, development, admin, and deployment. He was also talking about how to help extend ourselves by selling some our adilas percentages or shares. We talked about how we need a virtual bridge between the current adilas leadership and the next generation of that leadership. It (a virtual bridge) could be either through our SBA loan (debt and equity) or shares/percentages (revenue and equity). Steve had tons of good ideas. Just bouncing things off of one another. It was a fun and interesting call.

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Shop 9597 Meeting with Cory to go over transitional invoices 11/15/2022  

Meeting with Cory and going over transition invoices and some of the logic behind the scenes. I was showing her the old way that we used to update transition invoices by adding line items after the fact. We looked into some code and tried to fix a small bug. We opted to send it over to Alan and let him take a look.

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Shop 9556 Adilas Time 11/16/2022  

As I joined the meeting, Cory was already on there. She invited Alan and we had a good discussion about transitional invoices (QTI stuff - between a quote (Q) and an invoice (I) - thus QTI - quote, transition, invoice).

Cory showed us the problem and then I showed Alan, in code, and we ran a number of simple queries on the live server to look at data. I did lots of drawing to help illustrate what is going on. We talked about things and Alan is going to look at the code and make some changes. Good session.

Right at the end of the meeting, both Wayne and Eric joined the meeting. They are working together on the new gift card stuff. They are both very smart and I'm glad that they can work together. More good progress. Cory and I had to jump off to get on another client meeting. We left them in charge and on the GoToMeeting session.

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Shop 9588 Trailer Solutions meeting 11/16/2022  

On a Zoom meeting with a client. They wanted us to go over a custom data extract with some other tech guys who may be helping them with some of their data needs. Adilas has a ton of things built-in that may be hard to replicate. Anyways, there were six of us on the call. I ended up showing my screen and we virtually dissected the JSON data and looked at a basic visual dump of the data and what it means and does. I was drawing and trying to explain things as we were going. I was having fun. Hopefully they were enjoying it and getting the info that they needed.

Towards the end, the client was using adilas to show the new tech guys how it works and flows inside of adilas. I think that the other tech guys were impressed as well. Interesting conversation.

This may be overstating things, but I kinda feel like Adilas is a mix between Salesforce, QuickBooks, woocommerce, and high-level Oracle of SAP type level software packages, all in one. There is some real value there.

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Shop 9601 Emails and recording notes 11/16/2022  

Recording notes, emails, follow-ups, etc.

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Shop 9604 Recording Notes 11/16/2022  

Recording notes from the past couple of days. There has been some fun brainstorming on education and training plans. Here is a summary of the last few days.

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Shop 9605 Business phone call 11/16/2022  

On a phone call with a business investment company out of Canada. Talking about options and possible growth stuff.

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Shop 9606 Recording Notes 11/16/2022  

Finishing up with notes and transferring meeting notes from post-it notes to digital records for the developer's notebook.

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Shop 9607 New admin settings permission 11/16/2022  

Added a new permission for some of the page level settings. We called it "Admin Level - Page Settings" permission. Cascaded the new permission to all servers and updated a number of files to watch for the new permission. The new permission id number is 176.

Side note for me - while syncing up all of the servers, I had to pull data from the data 0 box for multiple tables. Currently, the data sync grabs the entire table and its contents and syncs that data (inserts or updates). We really need to add a last modified date to those tables. Instead of pulling thousands and thousands of records, we would be pulling super small record sets. That would really help speed things up. Along with that, we could keep a history to help us know when the last pulls were made so that we could efficiently request and pull (sync up) the data.

The other thing that I was thinking about, while waiting for full tables to sync up, was daydreaming about using the web/API sockets to build the next generation of our software. I'm not sure if this is the fracture project or the next one beyond that. I think it would be really cool if we use our own API sockets and build some super cool pieces. They wouldn't have to follow any of the existing rules, look and feel, or whatever. We could build the whole app using the web/API sockets and host it on any server that we want. Just some thoughts. I think it would be really cool to do that. Even for the fracture project.

Along those same lines, if we build out the web/API socket interface, we could teach and train others to use the same thing (web interface or API level interface) to build all kinds of cool things. You could make it a way to teach other people and virtually invite other developers to build out cool add-on's, custom apps, or skinned down apps of what we currently have. Just some