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Sort Value: Developer's Notebook Report - 7/16/2024 to 7/16/2024 - (4)
Time Id Color Title/Caption Start Date   Notes
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Shop 11258 Phone call with Steve 7/16/2024  

Phone call with Steve to talk about ecommerce options. We have an existing ecommerce platform. We also allow for black box takeovers of any pages or deep level API socket stuff. We talked pros and cons and recommending that they start with what we have for free and then go from there. We also talked about the FlyHi company that did an awesome job on the API socket build up process. They have been the best so far, of what I've seen.

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Shop 11239 Meeting with RSM in Logan 7/16/2024  

Went into town to meet with the folks at RSM (restaurant supply place) in Logan. Good meeting. They had a bunch of questions, and we talked some scenarios for a bit. They had owners, finance people, operations, accounting people, and salespeople there to ask questions. We mostly talked. Towards the end (last 20-30 minutes) we jumped on the computer, and I bounced around. They were firing off questions and I was jumping and literally bouncing around (all over the place). I think that they would like to think about pros and cons and get an actual demo as the next steps. 30 miles.

These are some other notes:

- Mike, one of the owners, was asking the other people what they want, need, have to have, and what they are afraid of. He did a great job, and it was fun to watch him ask those questions, even the hard ones. Good response from his people.

- One small request was an ecommerce option where we could show all items that a customer has ever bought before, no prices, and just let them select how much or how many to order (like an online order or quote). No monies, just take the order and fill it out later on (including the pricing stuff). I thought that was interesting.

- They had lots of questions about their data. How to get it back out (exports), and how to load in some of their older data (they want some of the back story). I kept telling them that they could download or export their data at any time.

- There is a growing need for doing the data warehousing and building out the business intelligence (BI) level. We need to move from the transactional core to the aggregated data or the data warehousing functionality. It's all there (the date, the relationships, and the date/time stamps), it just needs to be taken to that next step.

- I lightly introduced some world building concepts and data assembly line pieces. Trying to help them both learn and understand what is possible and where we are heading.

- Really trying to encourage them to think about distributing the load and getting people to do things as they happen vs batching things - moving more to permissions, settings, and real-time transactions.

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Shop 11256 Meeting with Bryan 7/16/2024  

Meeting with Bryan and showing him the progress on the upload options for stock/units. I finished that up last night. We talked about a client and helping them learn but not get too frustrated (learning curve stuff). We will circle back around and check on them next week.

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Shop 11204 Meeting with Shannon and Abby 7/16/2024  

Meeting with Shannon. Going over some of the latest happenings. Doing some catching up and deciding that today would be a good work session day (individually). We jumped off the meeting to keep working on our sub projects. Shannon is working on the business functions section of the presentation gallery (new bullet points). She is basing her efforts off of a 50-page document that we did awhile back - presentation gallery - outline.

Recording notes from yesterday (7/15/24).

Got a call from Abby and we jumped on the GoToMeeting session. Working with Abby to show her some concepts of object carrying their own luggage (their own data, relationships, sub details, and history). Lots of drawings and demos. She showed me a new graphic that she was working on of some worlds and such.