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Sort Value: Developer's Notebook Report - 1/8/2025 to 1/13/2025 - (8)
Time Id Color Title/Caption Start Date   Notes
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Shop 11710 Meetings 1/13/2025  

On a Zoom session with Cory. Fixing some deposits for a client. Emails. Meeting with John Maestas (old adilas developer). We were talking about the state of the union type discussion. Basically, where are things at and who is doing what, inside of adilas. Just catching up a bit. After that, more emails and recording notes from 1/8/25 to 1/13/25.

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Shop 11707 Lucky Puppy planning 1/13/2025  

Meeting with Bryan to do some planning for the Lucky Puppy folks. Going over notes (see EOT # 11333). He went through my notes and bolded some pieces. We then did some budgeting and rough planning on stuff.

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Shop 11714 Emails and Recording Notes 1/13/2025  

Emails and recording notes. A quick phone call with Suzi to talk about POS cashdrawers and settings.

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Shop 11687 Meeting with Cody 1/13/2025  

Meeting with Cody. Going over the infinite scroll stuff. He was showing me some of his code. Doing some code review on the label builder. Working on new help files for the label builder. Making plans for our next steps.

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Shop 11713 Meeting with Steve and Chuck 1/11/2025  

Working with Steve and Chuck. Going over reports. Working on and building the dream - that's what we are pitching and selling. Talking about showing them the mock-ups. Helping to put a visual with the pitch. Steve has been kissing a lot of frogs (potential investors and venture capital stuff). He's hoping to find the one (just being silly... like a fairytale). Sell the sizzle...

Switched over to the website proposal and series of questions. I took a bunch of notes here:

- Need for website to be tied into the inventory management system.

- They want a CMS (content management system). They want to control all of the pieces and be able to make the changes. Steve was pitching our own mini CMS type system. Chuck was pitching WordPress with some plugins.

- Talking about running all of the services (one-place shop) for the client. We are your dev team.

- We have so many pieces that are close... they just aren't fully done.

- We may have to help them with a mashup right now. Then, later on, we may be able to build out all of the pieces for them (internally). Chuck is worried about the time to really build it out (right now).

- The power of mock-ups. If you have 14 different plugins... to install, configure, and manage, it can get messy. If WordPress goes down, it makes us look bad.

- Maybe pitch two options... one for WordPress and plugins route - the other, just adilas, we build it all and keep it all up for you.

- If we build it, things take time. real time is needed for planning, building, and we need real budgets, etc.

- We really need to control all of the pieces. They want full control and speed to market. If we build it internally, we have assets that we can throw at it. Basically, fully outsource it to us and we will run with it. We are your one stop dev shop.

- Maintenance fees to keep things going.

- Back to selling them the dream.

- We will save you so much time and effort by systemizing things.

- Talking about social media... that (social media posts and such) becomes the changeable web content, the main website is more of the backend stable piece, that's where you order and interact with the actual products and inventory.

- Talking about real native "mini" apps that tie into the adilas system backend. Keep them small, open or create the doorways, we will go from there. Basically, just a mini portal into their world. Mobile first approach.

Chuck had to take off. Steve and I were talking about inventory thresholds. We were also talking about the future of where things are heading. Lots of mobile stuff. Everybody wants efficiency. Josh is really helping to push on things. That is huge.

Small side note - Brandon was riding snowboards with Aaron Hill, on Friday 1/10/25, up at Beaver Mountain. They were talking about ways to make their clients sticky. When they had to go their different directions, for the day. Here is what Aaron said to Brandon - "Really make those clients sticky! Win that battle! Make it good!". Great advice!

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Shop 11706 Meetings 1/9/2025  

Various meetings, throughout the day.

On a Zoom meeting with Cory. Looking over some gram control settings.

On a meeting with Cody. He got a few things tweaked for the check write stuff. Looking at pagination on the label builder. He was also showing me some work that he was doing on the infinite scroll (scroll, get more results, scroll, get more results, repeat until finished).

Working with Steve. Debugging things. Found problem with list contains vs list find functions. Pushed up the new file.

Emails and reading over a response from Chuck about a custom website.

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Shop 11705 check and push code 1/8/2025  

Meeting with Bryan. Working with packaging and production stuff. Fixed a merge conflict and then pushed up code for testing. We then went over a few other automation questions. Bryan has a need to be able to build a CSV upload for some of his clients. We talked about making sure that we get everything standardized before we just build upload pages. We want the data to be good and tight.

After the meeting, I had to pay a credit card bill for adilas. Other to do list items.

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Shop 11614 Meeting with Russell 1/8/2025  

Meeting with Russell. I was showing him where I was going with a new report. He had lots of questions and such. We did some consulting and talking about options. Lots of drawings and playing around with ideas. I wrote down a few notes. It was good to talk things over with him.