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Sort Value: Developer's Notebook Report - 1/29/2025 to 2/1/2025 - (6)
Time Id Color Title/Caption Start Date   Notes
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Shop 11767 Recording Notes 2/1/2025  

Recording notes from 1/29/25 to 2/1/25.

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Shop 11766 Working with Steve 2/1/2025  

Saturday morning meeting with Steve. He and I going over the inventory snapshot project. Lots of drawing and going over ideas and concepts. This is basically a mini aggregate (sum or count) of the parts and items per item and per location. We then started to code our own version of the inventory snapshot. We were putting new code on some of our internal components where we were updating item quantities.

As we were working, we started talking about machine learning and all of the new AI stuff. We have so much data... that is huge. We have to deal with both machines and people. Wach one may need different sets of data. We briefly talked about banks and getting transactions as they happen (in the field and at certain locations) and how to make that stuff hit our database (expenses and deposits automatically hitting the adilas system per corp as setup).

The rest of the session was building out the code and then testing and debugging. We merged the new changes into the master branch and it will auto deploy tomorrow morning.

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Shop 11742 Meeting with Hamid 1/30/2025  

Work session on breaking down the big PDF's into smaller pieces. Hamid was working on web modals in the business functions of the presentation gallery, and I was physically adding links and footers to the smaller PDF files. Good little work session. Pushed up files into the master branch. See attached for the 12 business function PDF's (mini versions).

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Shop 11765 General 1/30/2025  

Emails, paying bills, phone calls, texts, going through things. Small to do list stuff.

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Shop 11639 Meeting with Russell 1/29/2025  

Meeting with both Russell and Chuck. They were recommending sub districts (maybe for enterprise level grouping) for multiple locations (corporations). Good work session with both guys. That wasn't the original plan, but it worked out pretty well. We spent some time going over the pdf dashboard mock-up from Chuck for Yogen Fruz (see attached).

After Chuck left, I was talking with Russell about showing and selling subs out in ecommerce land. We may have to reverse out the structure. He also recommended that we abstract the process to use the same code for each option (show and sell parents, show parents and sell subs, show subs and sell subs). Ideally, we will setup the ecommerce so that it can use any of these selling types, and the data all gets passed to the cart correctly. Basically, format it all to go down one pipe... with possible branching logic. Russell did some fun drawings that helped me see what he was pitching (see image).

We then jumped into Affinity Photo and played around with some of the tools. Kind of a show and tell lesson on some of his favorite tools. Recorded some notes and pushed up the supporting files to document things.

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Shop 11747 Meeting with Cody 1/29/2025  

Meeting with Cody. Looking over his new database queries (lots of left joins) on some of stock/unit queries. We then looked at the bug we were working on Monday. He got it fixed. It was a case sensitive thing with JavaScript. Pushed up a bunch of code. Then, Cody, helped me fix a bunch of other small JavaScript errors. One of the ones was dealing with a bounding box issue (imposed margin of sorts on a page). You could see it (a form control piece) but couldn't interact with it. We got that fixed and a couple of other small issues. Small work session.