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Sort Value: Developer's Notebook Report - 7/1/2021 to 7/31/2021 - (91)
Time Id Color Title/Caption Start Date   Notes
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Shop 8230 Sub inventory data extract 7/30/2021  

Working on the sub inventory custom data extract for Emerald Fields.

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Shop 8075 Working on a custom data extract 7/29/2021  

Back on the sub inventory searches and custom data extract reports. Working with sub inventory attributes, packages, and data. Lots of planning out ideas and working through the process. Lots of scratch level planning. It gets pretty deep. Imagine thousands of parent items with multiple child or subs per parent. Then you have to check almost 60 sub attributes and do a text based match from 60 down to 7 attributes that need to be displayed. Major funnel type project of slimming things down for a custom data extract.

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Shop 7875 Work with Shannon 7/29/2021  

Working on Emerald Fields and prepping for an email update to the client.

Shannon joined and we started working on the adilas core concepts. We were working on decisions, choices, consequences (cause and effect), and accountability. See attached for where we are working.

Email out to the client with an update on the custom data extract project for Emerald Fields. Other emails.

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Shop 8020 Brandon projects- check in on paypod 7/29/2021  

Quick merge for John on some balance sheet font changes and new social icons for the ecommerce footers.

Cory joined and she and Steve were talking about different parts and pieces. I reported on the Emerald Fields custom data extract project. We talked about a few other projects as well. Lots of good back and forth with questions and replies from both Steve and I. Cory was reporting on some of her news and updates that she has been working on. Some of them (news and updates) get pretty deep as well.

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Shop 7924 Adilas Time 7/29/2021  

Steve and I doing a little bit of brainstorming. Mapping flex attributes out and how we could apply those flex attributes to specific time templates (or other templates - in general). We thought that maybe we could have a section, very similar to selecting money types for carts, invoices, expense/receipts, and deposits - allow the users to click and point and choose which flex attribute was applied to what template or list of templates. Basically, a flex attribute would be global for that main player group (12 main application players) and then you could limit it to show up and/or play with only certain templates.

Danny was saying "properties" or "characteristics" for flex attributes. The flex attributes are what we ended up calling the in-line database extensions. Flex attributes seemed to stick better (naming and wording).

Danny is adding some new email templates (5 new ones). Steve had me give Danny a small demo on what we were trying to do and get done for elements of time and new time settings. We also tied in how the flex attributes for elements of time would play into these changes as well.

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Shop 8015 Reading Paypod documentation 7/28/2021  

This didn't happen. I decided to focus on the custom data extract project instead. Sometimes you lose a lot of traction if you switch around and transition too many time. Opted to put this off for another day.

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Shop 7935 Working on custom data extracts for a client 7/28/2021  

Custom data extracts and special queries for a client. Deep SQL queries and reading up on outer joins with aggregate functions. Helping John with some data for his local balance sheet. He has a project that deals with special formatting of columns and data totals on the balance sheet. After that, back on the advanced data extracts. Ended on the sub inventory extract. It got pretty deep with all of the sub attributes and custom mappings.

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Shop 8010 Checking in with Developers - Alan and John 7/28/2021  

Cory and John checking in on different projects. John is working on payroll, new W-2's and 1099's. He is also working on new settings and still trying to get a handle on the server stuff.

Alan checked in with Cory on some of his projects as well. He is finishing up stuff with the delivery systems. He is back on transitional invoices and restore to cart processes. Also working on wholesale recalcs and talking about sub invoice types and further surfacing some of those pieces. We talked about EMV chip payment stuff and past projects. Bryan may need his help on some of those things.

Another topic that came up was white listing vs black listing (what is allowed and not allowed). We were talking about automating things and saving time. Some times, a white list (allow) or a black list (don't allow) will help to speed up the processes.

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Shop 7940 Meeting with Chuck 7/28/2021  

Working with Chuck. Both Steve and Sean were on the meeting as well. We were talking about the presentation gallery and getting some feedback. Lots of good back and forth on the layout, navigation, and what not. I sent Chuck some content for the adilas core concepts that Shannon and I have been working on. Sean was giving some feedback from his angle as well.

Towards the end of the meeting, it was just Chuck and I still on the meeting. We touched base on some of the new settings for elements of time and talking about online bookings and campgrounds. Trying to switch some of our focus. I also did some light training on reimbursements with Chuck.

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Shop 7915 Adilas Time 7/28/2021  

Guys checking in. Dustin launched some new stuff yesterday and was looking for some feedback. They did some live testing with one of the biggest clients and had good reports. Merging in some code for John for some new social media icons out in ecommerce. A couple new ecommerce settings. Sean was checking on security and privacy and wanted to know if we had anything in writing. I pointed him to a couple of places. See attached for a security PDF and a Q&A about the adilas database and other security type questions.

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Shop 8229 Working on new time settings 7/27/2021  

Merged in some more asynchronous page loading for Dustin on his cultivation homepage.

Back working on elements of time and new time template page settings. Lots of new master time template settings and values. Also went over some usage for the new settings. I'm recording all of the info inside of an Excel spreadsheet.

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Shop 7926 Time Settings 7/27/2021  

Working with Bryan. Pitching some of the new time settings and potential to him as part of our meeting. Small show and tell of where we are headed.

Going over some converge connect and EMV chip reader stuff. Pushed up some new Elavon payment pages. Also pushed up flex attributes for elements of time. Talked with Bryan a bit about next steps and where we are headed. Eventually, flex attributes for time templates, employee/users, and invoices - all with flex attributes. Eventually (we know that is a bad word, but...) all 12 application player groups will have and/or need flex attributes. As of today, we already have customers and elements of time.

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Adi 2030 Expand email template settings 7/27/2021  

7/27/21: Expanding email templates from 5 to 10.

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Shop 7885 Work with Shannon 7/27/2021  

Brainstorming on core concepts. Why do we do what we do? Lots of world building pieces and what do we gain from that. Working on sections for relationships, trouble, problems, needs and goals. See attached for where we are at in the process.

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Shop 7998 Server meeting 7/27/2021  

Cory, Steve, and I on a meeting. Small show and tell - fusion of ideas - adilas is a giant puzzle.

We were checking in on projects. Cory had a small list of projects to follow-up on. We talked about image caching and possible ways to bypass things for part categories and product images (out in ecommerce). Those ones are viewed externally and our clients really want to be sure that they are up to date and what they think that they are set to. They, the images, really change, but the browser caching is messing with it. If they look at it, it appears to remain the same (behind the scenes it has the same name, so the browser thinks that it already has a copy of it - caching).

We also were looking into a possible bug on sub prices on sub inventory. Alan joined and they were looking into things.

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Shop 7922 Adilas Time 7/27/2021  

Steve and I going over ideas and options. Steve was just going off (in a good way) and I was scribbling things down as fast as I could. Fun little session!

- Using adilas to run adilas - so many things are available - discover what is out there that we already have - harvesting elements of time - Steve is working on forward looking inventory planning - demand, work orders, recipes, supply, ending inventory

- We have lots of great developers, maybe tap into them and help us all learn some new skills - JSON, AJAX, Bootstrap, jQuery, etc.

- We have a great team all around - Sales and deployment is getting better and better

- More predictive stuff is coming - What to order, What to get rid of, finding that balance point

- Keep building the foundation

- The value of templates - Steve sees those concepts (templates) being used for invoices and employees - Maybe add template id to the flex attributes table.

- SaaS (software as a service) is developing, people are starting to trust the cloud more and more - Netflix, Google, etc. - They have taken the edge off a bit.

- Predictive loading and just in time events based on settings

- Fracture is already starting to morph (what we think it to be) - Helping users predict what they want - Break it all down into smaller and smaller predictive outcomes

- Simple pages that allow a customer to preset or only use what they need - like an artist pallet - pick and choose and put the pieces that you need, where you want it - All based on settings and permissions.

- We are seeing three (3) levels of users or programmers - They are full backend, middle end users, and frontend users - You will need all three as it gets more complex.

- The reality of the constant state of improvement(s) - It just keeps going! New tech (new technology) and new services are needed and wanted - All the time!

- Helping our clients succeed - That's the main goal!

- Minimal load but allow them to add weight and depth as they need - Helping to match price with what our clients are getting.

- I was showing Steve some screenshots from Chuck's presentation gallery project - super cool stuff. That (the presentation gallery) will be a great sales tool! So much potential!

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Shop 8228 New time settings 7/27/2021  

New settings for elements of time. Checking for usage of each new field on known pages for elements of time and marking down yes/no usage per page. Going through real pages and making notes on a big spreadsheet that we are putting together for the project. Trying to find all of the different spots where different fields and values are used. Started into new time template settings inside of Excel.

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Shop 7936 New Elements of Time Settings 7/26/2021  

Working on main elements of time and custom verbage and naming using the db_field_settings table. Lots of real values and settings as well as display names, short display names, and other custom verbage. The current time project is turning into a hybrid of new actual settings (do this or that) and tons of custom filed level settings with dynamic verbage and what not. Almost two different flavors... One is what it should do or shouldn't do and the others are what to call or name things. Interesting.

Going through pages (in the adilas site) and noting usage and which pages use what pieces of the elements of time. Planning out the new settings and where they will end up going.

I talked to my dad on the phone, he was hoping to get me back out to the campground to show the progress, but most of what I have to show right now is just planning. It's still progress, but not as spectacular as real code doing what we want. We'll get there. Anyways, I sent him an email with notes and a few links to what I was working on.

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Shop 8017 Meeting with Steve McNew 7/26/2021  

Meeting with Steve McNew. We started out talking about volunteering and helping in our communities. Invest in the youth. Give, give, give. Good stuff.

He will be giving me some new white papers. Light touches to keep things together. Impact analysis, gather the small nuggets that we gain and find, and keep moving towards some more technical white papers. Steve also stated that he is willing to help us out with technical input and consulting, if we ever want to go in that direction.

After Steve McNew left, Steve Berkenkotter and I chatted over the GoToMeeting session. We can take our product out to custom levels, out of the box, better than some companies can do plain custom. We are built for that, in a way.

We talked about moving towards flex attributes (in-line database extensions) for employees and invoices. The employee stuff could be for HR (human resources) and other internal things. Invoices are so used in our system, allowing flex attributes to those would be huge. Once again, custom options right out the box. Build your own - whatever!

The shelf (code repository or code graveyard) - We would love to get some of the older projects off the shelf and make them part of the big picture (really deploy and launch them). We have some projects like: dynamic sales tax naming and new sales tax buckets, invoice due dates, save reports for stock/units, and tons of others. They are sadly, just sitting on a shelf, getting older and further and further away from the current master branch. It takes time and resources to get in there and revitalize those pieces and make them part of the bigger picture or part of the whole.

We would also love to make things as dynamic as possible from the get go. Build with that mentality in mind.

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Shop 7920 Adilas Time 7/26/2021  

Pretty casual. Lots of guys touching base and what not. Topic moved over to sales. Danny, Sean, Steve, and others talking about customer logs, quotes, and tag teaming on sales and client support.

Helping John with some small questions that he had. Pretty casual today.

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Shop 8224 Working new time setting for time templates 7/24/2021  

Working on the database field settings for elements of time and time templates. Working on a spreadsheet for default verbage and field settings - defaults, sort values, names, aliases, special instructions, show/hide, max and mins, etc.

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Shop 8223 Ideas on some time settings 7/24/2021  

Recording some more ideas for time settings. got into database field settings and custom verbage (names and aliases and instructions) planning.

These notes were added as of 9/3/21 - Original date was 7/24/21. All of them are dealing with elements of time and new time settings

- We need validation on the add/edit time action page to reflect the new template settings and verbage settings

- If a frequency is selected, help it automatically show in the add/edit page for adding time (all settings and verbage settings). It may also be nice to do the same thing for the sub dates and times and sub flags and tags. For example: Say I mostly deal in hours, if that is selected, i'd like to see hours preselected in the frequency drop-down. As a side note, we will use a new setting to take care of this.

- Some pieces of elements of time get pulled into the shopping cart. We may need to check settings and template values there as well.

- With all of these changes to names and defaults, we will need to update a number of help files.

- List of subs
Action Status Logs & Changes
Additional Date/Times
Additional Categories and Special Flags
Additional Comments/Notes
Additional Sign-Off's
Additional GPS or RFID Tag Tracking
Additional Payroll/Time Sheets
Additional Notification/Reminders
Additional Tie-In's/Assignments/Pools ("any" person, place, or thing)

- On sub sign-off's - Take off the under construction note on the template page.

- Add a date/time frequency id for general dates - this will be a new template setting - use it for start dates, end dates, and target dates - make sure it replaces the total time frequency id and also populate things in the edit mode for flipping dates quickly.

- On the time templates, add a budget frequency preselect, including a custom one. Currently, you can just turn on budget stuff but can't set anything.

- There is an awesome function called buildCustomFieldSettings in cfc/basics_3.cfc - We may need to add an alternate table name to allow for time templates to be pulled, as they are different then the main defaults. Once done, make sure and search other usages and update them with an alternate table name as well (for customers and such).

- Took a small break and went outside and walked around my house. Came up with a couple of things for me... 7/24/21

- Create a whole excel spreadsheet with the new verbage changes that are needed. Include a usage column to remind me or whoever where these changes need to go or show up. Very important, so that we don't miss anything.

- On horizontal time views (and vertical time views) make sure and show conflicts or double, triple bookings - expand as needed.

- Keep planning it out... it may be faster in the long run, including options to delegate parts and pieces.

- Figure out the dynamics - say $$custName$$ or $$locName$$ for the corp-wide settings for customers and locations. just an idea.

- Not worried about time or money to do and finish this. Do it right and build as if for years. Part of this is showing that fracture (future project) is possible. Small exercise and experiment. I know that it is possible.

- My current job is focusing on project management and planning

- Sell and pitch the vision

- It doesn't have to be done to pitch it

- Keep prepping things and be your own style

- On the db_field_settings (custom field names and aliases), we may need to update the db_field_rules_min from unsigned to signed (allow negatives).

- On the new db_field_settings... do a check to make sure that _display and _short_display values all match up. Check excel before doing a final commit. Maybe add some temp columns to the spreadsheet to see what is where.

- We had the idea to make the advanced search be template specific. What about being able to make the main time homepage be template specific. That would be really cool!

- Speak their language. Everywhere that is possible. Make it easy. Less training will be needed later on, that way.

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Shop 8222 Time settings - planning 7/24/2021  

Going field by field on elements of time and time templates and looking over things and planning things out. Tons of verbage changes, new settings, expansions of existing settings, and new template decisions and settings.

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Shop 8221 Time settings 7/23/2021  

More work on the new time settings. Comparing web version (what we see on a page inside of adilas) to what I have on my new spreadsheet with the new settings. Checking for changes and small differences.

These are some other notes that ended up on a post-it note with today's date on it... still dealing with elements of time:

- Be able to show the last know flag and tag on the main element of time in the working with time and printable time pages. Currently, those values are hidden.

- Check the searchability of the flags and tags on the main elements of time - make sure that they do what we hoped and coded them to do. You can't really tell because they (the sub flags and tags) don't show up on those pages.

- Cory helped me set some priorities for all of the new time settings on 7/20/21. They are: be able to dynamically name the subs of time, be able to dynamically name the main elements of time - the fields, visual blocking of time... horizontal and vertical - big bars, be able to slim down the searches based on the templates - cool but not the top priority, give them a taste and solve some problems - ticket in - go from there

- Use a spreadsheet to get all of the settings lined out with different columns and values for usage, default, techy stuff, and human readable stuff.

- It's not all code - some of it is just planning

- Use a URL.template type value to be able to limit the advanced time search pages. That URL variable will work just like it would if they submitted a form on the top of the page to limit the advanced search page based on a time template. We could do the same things for the time homepage - be able to limit the time homepage based on a template (filter it, change verbage and custom naming, etc.)

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Shop 8220 More time settings work 7/23/2021  

Back in the spreadsheet, working on more time settings for elements of time.

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Shop 8219 Time settings 7/23/2021  

Working on a spreadsheet with field names and values for the new time settings and time template settings. Working through existing fields, settings, and defaults.

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Adi 2029 Surface sub invoice types on sales and profit reports 7/23/2021  

Surface sub invoice types on sales and profit report

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Shop 8218 Working on time settings 7/23/2021  

Recording notes on the new and expanded time settings. Planning out the new settings. See element of time # 8004 for more details. Started moving towards Excel to make lists of new settings.

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Shop 8008 Project-1988 Payroll Updates 7/22/2021  

Catching up with John. We decided to push up the payroll stuff, but not for a solid week. We need to let some other, more demanding projects pass through first.

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Shop 7929 Projects 7/22/2021  

I had to go into town for a Dr. appointment. On the phone with Cory going over projects and doing some quoting.

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Shop 7883 Work with Shannon 7/22/2021  

Shannon and I working on adilas core concepts and brainstorming on content. See uploaded or attached document for more info.

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Shop 8022 Emerald Fields - Data Extract 7/22/2021  

Working on the custom data extracts for Emerald Fields. Advanced customer searches with lots of SQL if statements to flip flop values around to be more human readable.

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Shop 7914 Adilas Time 7/22/2021  

Watching some new mini YouTube videos that Danny and Marisa were working on. John was sharing some new client leads from a gun shop. Merged in code for Eric. Merged in code for Dustin and had to fix some merge conflicts. Just busy to do list stuff.

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Shop 8217 Working on new time settings 7/21/2021  

Recording notes for the new time settings. See element of time # 8004 for more info. Lots of new ideas for time and using time in a dynamic level.

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Shop 7987 check and push code 7/21/2021  

Bryan is already working on flex attributes for elements of time. This is where you can virtually extend the database and create your own custom fields and data points for elements of time. You can add data and details, show the data, and even search by those custom fields or in-line database extensions. Anyways, it looks like he is halfway through that process already.

Finished up this timeslot doing emails and light tech support.

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Shop 7985 Developer meeting Alan and John 7/21/2021  

Alan, John, Cory, and I got on a meeting to check in with the developers. Alan was reporting on multiple projects. One of the topics was the delivery API and doing some tweaks and changes. Loosening up things and tightening up other things - back and forth.

John reported on the payroll project and letting Cory know that we are 95% done with the payroll and timecard project. John also wanted to know about flyers and doing sales calls. Small projects that act as fillers or the in between other bigger projects.

Once the guys left, Cory and I talked about projects and getting things done and off their plates. Constant battle.

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Shop 7937 Projects 7/21/2021  

Working on a custom data export query for a client. Pushed it up to their server and sent an email to let them know to try it and check it out.

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Shop 8007 Project-1988 Payroll Updates 7/21/2021  

Chuck and John talking about analytics for Google. We then switched and John and I jumped back on the payroll and timecard project and doing code sign-off. We went through sections for adding new timecards, clock in for a user, multi clock in/out, and the payroll summary report. We finished the first round of code sign-off for the project.

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Shop 7939 Meeting with Chuck 7/21/2021  

Meeting with Chuck. He is working on the presentation gallery. Light training report. We also talked about design and WordPress security stuff. Tons of new screenshots. Really trying to simplify things.

See the photo gallery for this entry to see 20+ screenshots. Also, some of the screenshots have some marketing and good summaries for the different sections (photo/scan description or image captions).

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Shop 7919 Adilas Time 7/21/2021  

Emails and reviewing some of the outlines that Sean was working on. Watched a number YouTube videos from Marisa and Danny (adilas YouTube channel). Here is the link to the YouTube channel that they are working on. They are hoping to add to it. - new adilas channel - older adilas channel (100's of videos)

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Shop 8206 Emerald Fields 7/20/2021  

Back on the Emerald Fields custom data queries and custom data extract project.

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Shop 8006 Project-1988 Payroll Updates 7/20/2021  

John and I going over code for the admin time clock report. This is part of the payroll and timecard flags and timecard totals project.

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Shop 8000 Emerald Fields report 7/20/2021  

Working on the database queries and prep work for the custom data extract for Emerald Fields.

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Shop 8016 Working with Eric on some cross-corp loyalty points testing 7/20/2021  

Meeting between Eric, Cory, and I. Eric and Cory were testing cross-corp loyalty points. Small back and forth during the testing. We eventually merged and pushed files up to all servers. Towards the end of the meeting, we switched gears and Eric was reporting and talking about EMV chip reader stuff for USAePay. Apparently, he has submitted a fix it ticket with them to review some of their stuff so that we can use it in our stuff. Nice to know that we aren't the only ones who need to keep fixing our stuff. It's just part of the game.

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Adi 2027 Flex Attributes for EOT's 7/20/2021  


7/23/21: $$600

7/2021: Bryan will add flex attributes to EOT's

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Shop 7927 Projects 7/20/2021  

Working with Steve on some string manipulation practice for a process where he was pulling out the recipe/build id number from a bunch of notes and user inputs.

Shari O. joined and needed some help with some internal email stuff and getting rid of some old ones and adding Sean and Cory as new email users in our custom internal email programs and app.

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Shop 7884 Work with Shannon 7/20/2021  

Working with Shannon on priorities. We were brainstorming on a number of places that need some loving. Here is what we came up with:

1. New verbage and content for the adilas core concepts - Chuck needs these for the presentation gallery project (sales tool)

2. Business plan

3. Info graphics - More research and harvesting existing pieces - Pushing out new entries on the photo galleries and teaching tools

4. User guide - We were working on the alternate route for doing financials. We would like to get back to this.

See attached for what we got done on brainstorming on the adilas core concepts. We are just starting, more to come later.

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Shop 7996 Server meeting 7/20/2021  

We were going to have a server meeting, but it ended up just Cory and I. Steve was on the meeting as well, but just on mute listening in the background. I ended up showing Cory where we are heading with the new time settings and doing a huge visual overview. The more I do some of these overviews, the better I can see the picture in my head. I went over almost all of the pieces in the 8004 element of time - new time settings and did a verbal and visual overview. That was fun and got me all excited.

Ideas from the discussion with Cory - Use the client portal to help deal with bookings and changes. Build bulk time and scheduling tools. Book the small stuff and being able to do sub bookings and be able to name those sub components and subs of time - that is huge. Also being able to break it down into smaller and smaller steps.

I asked Cory what she thought the priorities should be. This was her order of importance:

- Be able to dynamically name the subs of time

- Be able to dynamically name the main elements of time - the fields and field names

- Visual blocking of time... horizontal and vertical - big bars to show taken time slots

- Be able to slim down the searches based on the templates - Cool but not the top priority

- Give them a taste and solve some problems - ticket in - go from there

Anyways, a great meeting and good for me to pitch and show some of the things that we want to do and where it could go. Fun stuff.

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Shop 7923 Adilas Time 7/20/2021  

A bunch of the guys were on the meeting this morning. There was Sean, Danny, John, Dustin, Steve, and myself (Brandon). Steve and I were working on some string manipulation stuff. This is where you take a string (notes or alphanumeric data of any sort), find sequences and then do certain actions based on those findings. After we made some progress we switched gears and got into some sales type talks and discussions. Danny had some great questions and was asking the group for some feedback. Sean presented some sales outlines that he was working on.

I ended up grabbing the screen and pitching some ideas and doing some drawings. We talked about how adilas is a great companion software package for any business, regardless of what else you have. We can fill in the gaps or be the whole solution. We are able to play at all of those levels. I gave my 3 point elevator pitch and explained it a little bit. The 3 points are: 1. Adilas is a high-end software as a service type product (SaaS) - meaning web based software solution. 2. We cover anything dealing with operations and accounting - very broad but still direct enough. and 3. We have a standard package (the software application or site) and then we are able to customize on top of that.

We got into a small discussion on selling what you have, even if it is not fully finished. I showed some of the guys my old LTF (learn to freeride - snowboarding interactive product and multi-media app). I told them that I got the whole thing done and then tried to sell it. A marketing guy had us repackage it, go to some trade shows, and then we ran out of money before we could really push it all the way. I still have some older products and pieces at my house, under my stairs. I related this to selling adilas and even the concept of what we are trying to do. Steve has been great on that and has landed client after client, even if all of the pieces weren't done.

By way of a history, the adilas corporation id is in the 20's and all of the earlier corporation numbers either already existed or wanted in even through things were just barely functional back in 2008. We started in 2001-2002 but didn't officially become adilas until 2008. Prior to that, it was called the Morning Star System and was a custom write up software package for Steve's used car dealerships and trailer dealerships. If you want more info, here is a couple pages of a brief history document (pdf).

It takes all of us. No one person could tackle the adilas monster. It literally takes all of us. Whether it is ideas, coding, tech support, sales, development, maintenance, servers, etc. It takes all of us. Be your own style. You will fit in and be a great part of the adilas team! We love it!

Towards the end, Steve and I were lightly pitching some vision and where we are headed as well. Fun little session for those who were on the meeting. Good stuff.

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Shop 8005 Project-1988 Payroll Updates 7/19/2021  

Going over code for managers and admin timeclocks with John. We did a page the day and were using it as a template for changes on the other reports and pages. We were going through the good master code and replacing code on the other reports. Everything worked pretty well until we got to the admin time clock report page. This one goes a little bit deeper and we had to do some custom modifications and such. Good work session.

Small side note, sometimes it helps us developers to get into tons and tons of data. It helps us feel like a real user and instantly we are looking for ways to show/hide things, shrink things down, simplify, and sum things up. It is good to see the amounts of data and flow from the user's perspective at times.

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Shop 7986 check and push code 7/19/2021  

Talking about new updates to the query params project (security upgrade stuff for SQL injections). We then talked about new time settings and adding in flex attributes to elements of time. That would be huge and would be super cool. I then shared with Bryan some of where I'm headed with new elements of time settings and changes to time templates (tons more time settings).

After that, Bryan wanted me to look at his custom project for a guy who is making some kind of wikipedia type style forum. We looked at some plans, layouts, and talked about storage and logic and flow. Making progress.

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Shop 7930 Projects 7/19/2021  

Recording notes from last week and different entries that were recorded on post-it notes and needed to be digitized.

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Shop 7965 Steve, Cory, Brandon-Catch up on projects and updates 7/19/2021  

Merging in code for Dustin and his bulk batch functionality for cultivation pages. Talking about ways of speeding up the deployment process and getting new clients and customers (corporations) up and going quicker and quicker. New systems and doing data imports. We talked about ways of getting things setup quickly and being more and more efficient. We then moved into QR codes and what they can and should do. We went a little deeper on this topic and went over some known uses of QR codes.

We then started talking about projects for Bryan. We would love him to start working on flex attributes for elements of time (in-line database extensions for time and time templates). We also talked about getting Bryan to help clean up the shelf (existing code that hasn't been fully tied in). We know we have projects like sales tax version 5 (v5) project, invoice due date project, and many others.

Steve and Cory were talking about inventory forecasting and usage pages. Watching and monitoring supply and demand of items and such. Inventory planning type functions and options.

Towards the end of the discussion, Steve and Cory were talking about independent reps and consultants and some pros and cons. We have had great results in the past, however, things are changing and we are on purpose trying to bring things more internally to provide those services from inside of adilas. This is a conscious effort. We will continue to work with a few select individuals, but all new accounts will be helped and supported from internal resources. That's the plan.

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Shop 8001 Paypod Scope Meeting #2-Costing 7/19/2021  

Cory, Steve, and I were on an hour long meeting going over a outline and adding some details to the proposed phases of the project. Brandon has the outline on his home computer. We also did more planning and work and decided that the next steps are to go through all of the documentation and doing some looking around.

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Shop 7918 Adilas Time 7/19/2021  

We had six or seven guys on the morning meeting. Dustin and Steve were touching base on the bulk batch options for the cultivation homepage. Dustin was reporting on some of the changes and asynchronous querying that he is working on. Making progress, just not quite finished yet. They were also talking about new pages, options, and settings for a general nursery (growing different plants and trees) type flow and options. It is amazing how many new settings need to play into each industry and/or vertical. We have some similar things, but even that would need to be tweaked a little bit.

After that, we had Steve checking in with John on servers, me checking in with John on the payroll and timecard project, Danny checking in with Steve and Sean on some sales stuff, Steve asking me about some inventory planning (future supply and demand stuff), and other small meetings. Eventually, we all just ended up working on our own things and projects. 

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Shop 8009 Recording ideas and notes 7/16/2021  

Working on some documentation and ideas for new settings for elements of time.

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Shop 8004 New settings for elements of time 7/16/2021  

I've got a project coming up that needs some new settings for elements of time (calendar, scheduling, and events). I woke up this morning and couldn't stop thinking about some ideas for some new settings. I scribbled them down on a 3x5 card (front and back). I was saying a prayer and the ideas kept coming. Kinda fun. Also, the other fun thing was almost being able to see how to do some of these things and the potential that they could unlock. Really fun.

Anyways, here are the ideas. After I got them all scribbled down, I texted Steve to see if he would want to meet for a bit to go over the new settings and ideas. We jumped on a GoToMeeting session and he and I had a good 45 minute chat, with drawings, proposals, pitches, and lots of ideas going back and forth. Good session. Here is an expanded version of some of my little notes and scribbles.

- Dealing with time templates - what if we allowed for a basic mode and an advanced mode? Some people may not want to see all of the pieces. The basic mode would be what currently exits and/or something pared down from that. The new advanced mode would allow for all kinds of other settings, verbage changes, field name aliases, special instructions, sort order (where the fields show up), settings, required options, etc. The time templates page would have a toggle switch to go between the basic mode and the advanced mode. There would also be links directly to the advanced and basic modes from the list of time templates page. Same permission, just a toggle switch between the page modes. As a side note, Chuck recommended that we maybe have a "custom" mode.

- We already do this with customer database field names (allow for field names to be controlled). We want to do the same thing for elements of time. We will use the db_field_settings table to store specific info (field name options) for each time template, if the users wish to. If not, we will use a default set of data stored in the db_field_settings table for basic time_templates. We will use the field called db_table_name to store the value "time_templates" to store the default values assigned to corp 1. Just like the customers stuff. For each time template, we will change the name from "time_templates" to "time_templates_[555]" where the number will be the corp specific time template id number. Tons of sweet options there already. Aliases, defaults, placeholders, build your own drop-downs, required yes/no, max, min, show/hide, sort order, etc. As a side note, we currently let the main time templates handle the show/hide options. Somehow we may need to sync those up and/or figure out which one is the master. For right now, I'm still leaning on the time template being the master and the db_field_settings table holding the naming, aliases, special directions, defaults, etc. I hope that makes sense.

- On the advanced time search page. I would really like to add a master template switch at the top of the page. This would be a drop-down form field that shows all of the time templates. If a time template is selected (or preselected through a URL.template value), at the top, and submitted, then the page would be able to virtually slim down based on the settings, naming, and custom pieces per time template. The current advanced time search has everything plus the kitchen sink. If a template is selected, then the page could only show those pieces that are turned on, the correct naming, the correct filters and search criteria, and hide all unused sub searches as well. The time template settings would also affect the sub time searches and use the correct verbage, info, naming, show/hide, filters, etc. Basically, be able to dynamically convert the advanced time search page into a time template specific search form or page. That would be super cool. Also, if a template is selected, the search results could also translate and show the correct fields, verbage, settings, and make it feel round trip (search, results, and details). Higher in this entry, it is alluded to the fact that we could control the page with a URL value (URL.template) and then we could link to it, store quick buttons, etc. That would be really handy. As a side note, Chuck recommended that we look into a tab or tabs based page for all of the different searches - make it more digestible vs all in-line down the page. We could still have the template switch, but show the different searches in a vertical or horizontal tab display. Great idea.

- On the sub flags and tags, we need some more template settings. You can turn 5 different sections on with this sub (one of the bigger subs). A section within the sub tags and flags, was one that that was added later on (for phase tracking and location moving) it deals with possible sub tie-ins (PO's, invoices, quotes, etc.). Currently, we can't control that piece through settings. It just kinda got added out of necessity vs through the normal development process (planning). All we need to do is go in and add those settings, flip some of the old values (existing data) and make it more straight forward as people set those things up in the future. Along those same lines, the sub flags and tags may need some help on the output and display and the add/edit process. All of those pieces were altered and got the sub tie-in hardcoded to them. We may need to remove or make that more settings based.

- On sub flags and tags, I would like to be able to show the last flag or fag on the main. It holds the data right now, but doesn't show the entry. Light tweak to make it show up on the working with time page and the printable time page. Also, check the searchability of the last known flag or tag on the main, through the advanced search.

- There are two pieces of the main elements of time that we can't control via settings yet... they are the make private and admin only checkboxes. We need to be able to turn those two settings on and off. Currently, every element of time automatically gets those. They are not used that often and need to become settings so that we can show/hide those options. As a side note, those two settings do have some hardcoded text values like "private" or "admin only" that show up on other reports and report types if someone searches for something that is marked as private or admin only. Just a heads up. We may want to limit the verbage on these settings.

- The general amount field on the main elements of time is currently locked to showing dollars. I would love to add some settings to allow that field to be named and formatted. I was thinking of dollars and cents, decimals, plain (no formatting), and integers (remove the decimals). That would make it more useful. For example: I have a time template called mileage and I use the general amount field to hold the number of miles. It holds the correct value but when I pull the report, it always shows the miles in dollars and cents vs just a plain or decimal number. Anyways, I think that could help. Also, along those lines, there are some budget and estimate settings (different settings but still tied to the main element of time)  that could use similar number formatting options. See notes at the bottom for some other mileage ideas.

- What about allowing for the sort order of the fields? This is more complex, but it would be cool. You could put whatever makes sense to you first and move other fields around (up and down or sorted). We may have to circle back around to make sure this is possible.

- Recently we added a thing called flex attributes to the customer section or player group within the system. The flex attributes are virtually real in-line database extensions. We allow for new fields to be configured, added in, able to search, able to show-up, etc. These flex attributes are datatype specific (dates, times, strings, numbers, decimals) vs just plain text fields like the flex grid tie-ins. We eventually want to add these flex attributes to all 12 main system wide player groups (customers - already, invoices, quotes, parts and items, stock/units, elements of time - coming soon, I hope, employee/users, vendors, PO's, expense/receipts, deposits, and balance sheet items). One more thought on this topic of flex attributes. We may need some flex attributes on a global scale (able to cross time templates) and we may need time template specific flex attributes. We may want to do the global ones first, then limit or tighten things down for the time template specific flex attributes after the global flex attributes are added and stable.

- Horizontal grids - show time blocks with main categories or values going down the left and time across the top. We would love to allow for saving settings, allowing for special homepages, and custom buttons, just like my cart favorite buttons. See element of time 6967 for more info on horizontal grids. This is a form of blocking out times and who or what is scheduled, called for, or booked. Ideally, we want to be able to configure these horizontal and vertical time views, so that we could have and use more of them. That would be really cool. Once again, see element of time 6967 to get more details and information on horizontal grids. We used a custom horizontal time view for the Beaver Mountain Ski School. They have been using it for 5-6 years now. We would love to keep building off of that type of a model and make it even more configurable and savable without tons of custom code. Make it a tool for all of our users.

- Visual blocking of time... both horizontal and vertical blocking or showing bars or blocks of time. This is a visual way of showing what is booked and what is not booked or called for. Both directions, horizontal (side to side) and vertical (up and down). We need them both. We currently have the time slot view which is close to vertical blocking, but it still needs to be more bold and handle the blocking in a better way. The logic seems to be there, but it still needs a little visual help to really bock and virtually claim those slots or segments of time. It might be nice to ask for certain visual blocking right from the advanced time search - kinda like a report type. We already have a calendar view, time slot view, grouped view, and detailed view. Maybe add horizontal block view, and vertical block view. That would be cool.

- We would like to add in some dynamic dates. These special dates would allow reports to be saved with the dynamic dates vs a physical date range or custom fixed date rage. The dynamic dates would and could be things like: current day, current week, current month, current quarter, current year,  yesterday (prior day), last week, (prior week), last month (prior month), last quarter (prior quarter), last year (prior year), tomorrow (next day), next week (future week), next month (future month), next quarter (future quarter), next year (future year), etc. These would be really handy, so that saved reports could just pull relative info (based off of the current or today's date value), without having to worry about updating or flipping date ranges. Anyways, I think this will be awesome and we could use it all over the system on other reports and pages. Especially, wherever we are saving reports and pulling up saved data. These dynamic dates may make it super awesome and powerful.

- Be able to use the calendar view and calendar overlay for tons of new reports. Be able to save almost anything in an calendar type view. That would be awesome. Once again, the dynamic dates, mentioned above, would be really cool with this. Maybe even have an advanced search page that could save and filter the data and then show it on a calendar type report view. Great visual for what is happening on what day over time. We could call it the advanced calendar page or report. It would also be super cool if we could point subs of time to some sort of calendar type report or other visual time blocking type report. Currently, most of the subs only show up in detail view (normal tables with rows and columns). Being able to see the subs in other report formats (calendar, time slots, time blocking, horizontal, vertical, groups, etc.) would be sweet.

- On the template settings (techy stuff behind the scenes), currently, when adding and editing a main element of time, you have to pass in the template settings when adding or editing the main element of time. I would like to automate this process. It would make it easier for the developers. This is more of a behind the scenes switch on the methods and method calls. Most of those template settings don't change very often. We should have the methods themselves do the look-ups and make the changes (adds and updates to the fields on the elements of time table). This would really simplify the add and edit main elements of time processes.

- Being able to control the names and settings on the subs is going to be huge. This means what they are called (like sub dates and times, sub comments, sub sign-off's, sub flags and tags, sub payroll, etc.) and what fields they hold. Be able to change that on a per template basis. It also includes the sub fields and what they are called. For example: Say the default sub section is called "Sub Dates & Times". We may want to rename that "Amenities" or "Sub Bookings" or "Project Timecards". We could also control the field names with the sub section. Say the origianl or default field name is "Sub Title or Caption". Say you wanted to change it to "Extra Booking" or "Follow-up Reason" or "Sub Event" or whatever. Being able to change what the main things are called and also what the sub fields, within each sub of time are called and how they act. That will be a game changer. Here is a list of the current subs of time.

- On the working with time page, make the add/edit subs easier. Add in buttons to help with the add new process. The current way is just a simple link. It kind of gets hidden. Make it a little bit more bold and obvious.

- Some of these settings and concepts would be super cool for the fracture project. We really want to hide whatever we can, show what we need to, and allow for the whole thing to be dynamically (through data vs code) controlled and configured. That would be a super cool piece for fracture. See the above entries for some ideas.

- Futuristically, we would love to be able to switch elements of time between time templates. Currently, you get one time template and that is it. We don't allow an element of time to switch templates due to all of the background settings that are being held, monitored, and used.

- We may also need to add in some settings to deal with the general name for elements of time. That is very broad. Each time template can be named individually, but we have had clients that want it called the calendar, scheduling, etc. We may need some bigger corp-wide settings that control the main name and smaller abbreviations. For example: The defaults may be "Elements of Time" and "Time" for short. However, they could be set to Calendar, Lessons, Schedules, Reservations, Rentals, Bookings, Assignments, Tasks, To Do's, etc. The more that people can call it what they want, the less they end up fussing later on. That key piece of speaking their language is huge.

- It's not all code, some of this is just planning and dreaming

- It may be nice to use a spreadsheet to help with some of the planning. We have lots of rows, columns, and complex data that is needed for the planning portion.

- As a side note, it was so tempting to see a need, and then jump and try to fill that need. I on purpose spent some additional time (hours and hours), trying to get ideas and thoughts out of my head and on to paper (virtually) so that all of the pieces became public knowledge. My normal urge was to figure out a portion of it and then just do it vs writing all of these things down for the benefit of others (and myself).


On 8/10/21 added some ideas for advanced job costing.

- Mini P&L per element of time. If we can tell that an invoice or expense or PO was tied to the element of time, have it automatically show up in a mini P&L (profit and loss) statement. This may be done with flex grid tie-ins right now (currently - but somewhat manual). We would love to automate it and build it into the mix. That would be really cool. Maybe do some searching for "job costing" to get other ideas.


On 9/2/21 added some ideas from Chuck Swann

- Chuck read through these ideas and gave Brandon some feedback. Some of the ideas have been listed above with Chuck's name (search above). Here are some of the highlights - What about adding in some custom CSS (cascading style sheets) or custom display options? Maybe think about using a tabs based display for the advanced time search. The word or mode of "custom" may be better than "advanced" - technically, the advanced mode could be the custom mode, it just sounds better and more fitting to what we are really doing - dealing with time templates. Lots of the existing pages need an update to work better with the snow owl theme (style and face lift for pages). Make elements of time easier to use, in general.


On 9/2/21 added ideas and projects from Cory

- Build out the online and customer facing scheduling options - this is a big project, all by itself. There are more details on other pages. We have a bike shuttle company that needs online scheduling (from ecommerce) and there are many others who are looking for this. Any business could use customer facing, online scheduling.


On 8/21/23 added some ideas from a buddy - Josh Hanks

- On mileage. Maybe add a sub of a sub to do mileage. We may also need a standalone option (list way up higher using the general amount field) or adding it to a sub date and time entry. Not all entries would need mileage, thus a one to many off of the subs (sub off of sub dates and times). Imagine template settings under sub dates and times to say something like: Need mileage? If yes, do you want to enter a simple number (x number of miles) or use start/stop odometer readings (then we automate and do the math when submitted). Anyways, I had a great meeting with Josh Hanks on 8/21/23. He's a water master, ditches and irrigation stuff, he has a need for these things mixed together - projects, hours, notes, and mileage. The other benefits would be reports, exports, and math that is done for you. We may also add in photo galleries, document management stuff (media/content), etc. We have all of the pieces, we would just need to mix it together better and make it a small industry specific skin. Eventually, when we build out fracture or adilas lite, we want to include some industry specific skins as part of that project or platform (part of the value add-on core model). This may be a fun little venture into that world.

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Shop 8002 General 7/15/2021  

Recording notes. Also working with Eric on testing and pushing some code for his cross-corp loyalty point stuff. Lots of back and forth with Eric, pushing up test code and running it live on a production server through a temp scratch file type approach. Also merged in some code for Dustin.

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Shop 7982 Project-1988 Payroll Updates 7/15/2021  

John and I met up and went over some code for the holiday chooser and payroll project for timecard flags and total time. We are making great progress. We took a break from this project (crazy summer stuff like training conferences, vactations, family stuff, and busy schedules) but getting back to it. We are doing great, but sometimes it is hard to rebuild prior momentum.

Today we finished up the manager's time clock page. John is going to take the same things that we did and tested today and cascade them to three other reports that have similar report/output. Small tweaks and changes, but he has a nice working model to follow now.

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Shop 7934 General 7/15/2021  

Updating account information with Kabbage - business funding and line of credit. They shutdown during Covid to help with payroll protection loans. They are coming back online and trying to get some of their old clients back. Spent some time reviewing documents and submitting online applications to be re-accepted as one of their clients.

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Shop 7878 Work with Shannon 7/15/2021  

Shannon and I met up and did some Q and A stuff for a company called Twinkle Beds. They are looking to use adilas for the CRM functionality (customer relationship management). They had some questions regarding security of data, affiliate programs, tracking commissions, payroll, and using the flex grid. Shannon and I went through a number of possible use cases and made some notes. I ended up sending Shannon our notes and she will communicate with the client.

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Shop 7964 Steve, Cory, Brandon-Catch up on projects and updates 7/15/2021  

Cory, Steve, and I going over projects. We spent most of our time working on two projects. One was some special data mapping and exports for Emerald Fields and the payment processing project for the bill recycler and coin recycler. I took some extra notes on each project and have them saved on my local computer under folders for each client.

Small side note, some of the our old ways of doing stuff are starting to bite us in the rear. Things like letting our independents or reps do their own marketing, using the adilas name, separate branding, etc. Not the end of the world, but it is making it more difficult to figure out who is building, supporting, and selling what. We are currently in a phase where we are trying to bring more of those pieces (services and hardware) back under the main adilas umbrella. It may take some time, however we are making great progress.

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Shop 7917 Adilas Time 7/15/2021  

Talking about sales and being our own style. Lots of people have their own take on how and where to do marketing and sales. I was advising the guys to be their own style. Right now, we'd rather the guys and gals do what they feel like vs waiting and waiting and never getting out there. Something is better than none at this point. Granted, eventually, we do want a plan and a process, but we'll take whatever at this point.

Steve was working on an API socket usage report. Some of the servers (dedicated boxes for certain clients) have a ton of third party usage and activity (3rd party API sockets). We need to keep a close watch on this. The 3rd party API sockets have even brought down a production server before, due to the number and size of the API socket calls. Another variable that we need to be aware of.

Eric joined the meeting and was working with Cory and I on some cross-corp loyalty points logic. We pushed up some code and had to reverse it back out. Not quite right. It's ok to go backwards, if needed. Sometimes, that is the best direction.

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Shop 7981 Project-1988 Payroll Updates 7/14/2021  

John and I working on code sign-off for the payroll project that we are working on. We did some line by line checking and testing.

Once John bailed out, I got on a small meeting with Eric and did a small cross-corp loyalty points merge for Eric. After we pushed things up, we got some complaints and rolled back the changes. We'll hit another day.

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Shop 7974 check and push code 7/14/2021  

Quick meeting with Bryan on query params. We made some plans and touched base.

Dustin joined the meeting and he and I spent the rest of the time testing and doing some error handling on some of the code that he is working on. Lots of testing, validation, and soft error handling (easy roll over options). Good work session. We pushed up some new code.

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Shop 7932 General 7/14/2021  

Working on getting the Kabbage line of credit back up and all linked in. They have been off line for awhile due to Covid and payroll protection loans. Made numerous phone calls, emails, and logging into banks and the Kabbage account.

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Shop 7963 Alan and John project review 7/14/2021  

John, Alan, Cory, and I got on a small weekly update. John and Cory were touching base on projects and priorities. After that, Alan and Cory touched base on some projects. Alan is working on sub inventory, tiered pricing, and had a few questions about sales tax on subs and tiered pricing. Good reports from both of them (John and Alan).

After the other guys left, Cory and I spent some time going over projects, code sign-off procedures, next steps, and cause and effect chains if there are errors or issues. We touched base on the paypod project scope and also the custom data push for Emerald Fields and custom database tables that they need.

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Shop 7938 Meeting with Chuck 7/14/2021  

Meeting with Chuck. We haven't been able to meet the past few weeks due to training conferences, vacations, and crazy summer stuff. Chuck is wanting to get going on some new website status and analytics. I told him to coordinate it with Danny, Marisa, and John. He has the full go ahead other than coordinating with the others on the web site team.

We jumped into the presentation gallery project. Chuck is starting to code more of the pages in web code vs just being mock-ups inside of Adobe XD. We went over some questions that he had regarding certain pages, layouts, and content. It is fun to see it starting to come into real code vs just graphics.

We also talked about that we have a number of Adobe XD files from other R&D projects in the past few years. We are not going to be doing anything with those files right this minute, but we have tons of stuff dealing with fracture, click through mapping, and virtually what is in the closet. Tons of potential there. Brandon has the original XD files.

Chuck would like to get a few new Adi (blue adilas dog) images from the artist. We chatted and Chuck is going to follow-up with the rest of the web team on ideas and choices. The last topic of the day was other projects and reworking existing pages.

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Shop 7916 Adilas Time 7/14/2021  

There were a bunch of guys and gals checking in. Kinda fun, Cory was on the meeting and coordinating with the developers. We had some guys jumping on certain bugs, and others working on other things. It felt pretty cool and we got a few things done and pushed up. I was working on a corporation stats issue. We used to have two corp stats methods (functions to get corp stats). The new code broke up one of the stats methods into a third corp stat function. The error was dealing with exceeding the size of a possible function or method. We got it all fixed. Dustin and John were working on another small bug. Good work session.

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Shop 8122 Went out to Cinnamon Creek 7/13/2021  

Went out to Cinnamon Creek Campground to give them an adilas demo and show them what we could do for them using adilas and elements of time - scheduling and sub scheduling for their amenities and smaller events and stations. They have a different site that allows members of their church to schedule the main campground, but they are really struggling with changes (the main site doesn't allow them to change very easy) and it also doesn't track the sub events and sub scheduling things very well.

We were talking about getting the main scheduling from the other site and then entering things in bulk into adilas to allow both sites to have the correct info. Once the information gets into adilas, we could show it on calendars, horizontal time views, filter, search, and edit things. It would become real-time access and could be easily shared with other volunteers (missionary couples) who help run and facilitate the campground.

Here were some of my notes:

Cinnamon Creek

- Real-time access

- One sheet wonder

- One sheet for amenities

-- Including what camp they are in

- Public and secure access

- Show special requests

- Show late reservations

- Able to quickly update and repost

- Contact info

- Real campground number (aka Lehi 6 or Manti 7 or whatever)

- Able to keep track of notes or contact logs

- Simple formats to display the data based on time slots, calendars, etc.

- Look into a custom import tool (csv files)

-- Get data from church website and be able to enter or select the data really easily – copy and paste

- Full master schedule

-- Also mini sub schedules

- Simple training for those who will be playing the scheduling game

- Everybody having edit rights – track the history

- Plans for internal communication – changes or tweaks

- Trying to make it more simple and automate what we can – keep it simple

- Less printing or just in time printing vs weeks and weeks out

Some other notes, on the back of a post-it note... Main element of time, subs for the amenities, show group name, single and bulk entry like the Bear 100 race event, easy to remove, simple interface with some mappings, use group name as title, sub titles will be the extras (amenities).

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Shop 8021 Working on custom code 7/13/2021  

Working on a custom time view - horizontal time view report for Cinnamon Creek Campground. Using pieces of the Beaver Mountain horizontal time view report to recreate a similar function for a campground and their sub amenities - such as the archery range, the challenge course, the luau firepit, service projects, and cooking pavilions and kitchens.

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Shop 7980 Project-1988 Payroll Updates 7/13/2021  

Meeting with John and doing some code review for the payroll holiday chooser portion of the timecard and total time payroll projects.

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Shop 7933 Projects 7/13/2021  

On a phone call with my dad. He is working at a church owned campground as a volunteer (service missionary). They are having major struggles keeping track of scheduling, changes, and sub amenities (things to do or schedule there at the camp - like a challenge course, an archery range, food pavilions, kitchens, special events, and service projects). We talked about a number of ways that adilas could help them virtually fill in the gaps and help them track some of the smaller pieces. They, the church, already has a booking system for the main pieces, it just isn't very easy to get in there, make changes, or keep things up to date. They, the service missionaries, are having to do data exports, printouts, spreadsheets, and tons of manual - by hand writing - changes to the schedules that they are getting. Lots of pain.

I did some planning and brainstorming on some new and older settings that we could use. Here is a small list.

- See element of time 6967 in the shop for ideas on horizontal time view reports

- Time across the top, main category down the left side, show a visual relationship based on time. Configurable horizontal grids for time.

- Name each horizontal grid template

- Be able to create new horizontal grids, assignments, filter by search criteria, edit, delete, search, view, etc. We would hope that eventually, each horizontal time view would even get its own URL address (quick and easy access).

- Possible new settings - setup times - start/end, block sizes, and what would show down the left side (people, users, customers, vendors, locations, items, hardcoded lists, etc.)

- Other settings - what will it look like? What will be pulled? Make the whole thing configurable.

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Shop 7984 General 7/13/2021  

Expecting a phone call but it didn't come in until later, after lunch. Doing little odds and ends.

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Shop 7921 Adilas Time 7/13/2021  

Fixing an error with a missing ending tag for the query params. I was merged in last night but wasn't pushed up until the nightly deploy from the master code branch.

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Shop 7979 Project-1988 Payroll Updates 7/12/2021  

John checked in on the payroll and timecard project. We talked about a plan and John took some notes. After that, I kept working on the query param stuff for Bryan. I ended up finishing up some code review and merged in a small branch of code.

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Shop 7973 check and push code 7/12/2021  

Working with Bryan. We went over some of the cfqueryparams and other projects. We talked about a custom wikipedia type page and search format. Light planning and layout conversations. At the end, I did some more query param testing and code review.

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Shop 7931 General 7/12/2021  

Steve, John, and I talking about printable flyers and getting printable information into the hands of our guys and gals - sales and marketing. We used to have a small dynamic flyer section that built flyers on the go with custom contact info. Those flyers have not been updated with our newest stuff. We may have to go back and do some upkeep and maintenance. It may be worth it to check it out and fix any errors.

Steve and I spent some time talking about funding, budgeting, expenses, payables, and other business stuff.

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Shop 7977 Steve, Brandon and Wayne talk about Emerald Fields elt 7/12/2021  

Both Wayne and John were on the meeting going over server speeds and stats. Wayne was showing some logs and pages. Steve and Wayne were looking at logs and server availability and usage. Some of the clients keep growing and are putting more and more demands on the servers. Looking at pure traffic. They got into comparing usage, stats, CPU's, RAM memory, connections, data bandwidth, for some of the bigger boxes. We decided to upgrade a few of the boxes with more specs and options.

Servers can only go so far. If we can streamline the code, it helps way more than just adding new CPU's and more server memory (RAM). That also takes time though. We may have to come up with a balance.

Switching to Emerald Fields and their custom data dumps. They have tons of data but not knowing all of the data relationships. Too much data and they want us to help minimize those technical and almost back-end level needs. Steve and Cory met with Josh on 7/8 and discussed what he needs. As we talked about it, we came up with some thoughts. See below:

- Lots of our API sockets deal with simple data calls and showing that data. The Emerald Fields API sockets are more of deeper look into the database as a whole vs just simple pointed API sockets.

- We need to plan, quote it, break it into pieces, and then follow-up on the smaller pieces. Sometime, too big of a bite is harmful.

- Wayne said - it is like they need a custom report, but instead of giving them a finished report, we are building them new database customer report tables - where they can then pull and filter data from a more raw type source. Interesting view. We build custom reports all the time. This one just happens to be a custom view or custom dataset, in database mode or version, vs a normal custom report.

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Shop 7925 Adilas Time 7/12/2021  

Lots of guys checking in. John M. checked in on his payroll project. Dustin was showing and talking about AJAX stuff on his new cultivation pages. AJAX stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (asynchronous data going back and forth). The new AJAX stuff helps with quick loading of pages and data. Dustin was looking into an error  message from Metrc. Sean checked in on the SAR custom gun registration stuff. Steve was talking with the guys and checking in on server speeds and stats.

Steve and Dustin were talking about companies growing and dealing with load times and more and more data. Part of the game. Steve and Dustin were then talking about allowing the user to control what loads first, second, third, etc. This is part of what we want to do for fracture - allowing settings and presets to show what needs to load first, second, etc. Help the customers get their data quickly and in the correct order. What is your flow?

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Shop 7983 Emails 7/10/2021  

Tons and tons of emails. I was out for the week.

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Shop 7978 General 7/10/2021  

Paying bills, scanning receipts from the adilas training conference - back in June (I have been busy since then) and checking on payables, banks, and new payments.

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Shop 7972 Server meeting 7/6/2021  
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Shop 8019 Bug fixes 7/5/2021  

Small bug fixes with Dustin. Pushed up new files and code.

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Shop 8018 Code stuff for Dustin 7/5/2021  

Scanning receipts and helping to merge in some code from Dustin and his bulk cultivation tools. First round.

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Shop 7976 Emails 7/3/2021  

General emails and a specific email to a client regarding what they wanted and needed for a custom data export. Lots of questions and trying to get the correct answers from the client. Their needs will dictate what we make and/or deliver.

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Shop 7975 Checking some client data 7/2/2021  

Built a small test page to pull and show client data. They had some questions on queries to use on their own system. I went in and built some super simple queries to demonstrate what they could do and the integrity of the data. Lot of playing with and testing the sample page. I uploaded new changes like 15 times, as I was building it. Trying to make a page that helped and pointed them in a good direction.

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Shop 7840 Projects 7/1/2021  

Phone call with a loan officer. Emails, text messages, and recording notes. General to do list stuff.

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Shop 7873 Work with Shannon 7/1/2021  

Shannon and I were supposed to meet but it never happened. She and her husband had gone to meet with a friend/client and the meeting went over. She did text me later on and told me what was going on. No problem, that opening allowed Cory and I to go on a deep dive into chasing down a somewhat hidden issue or problem. Glad we got it fixed.

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Shop 7960 Bryan, Brandon and Cory review Paypod 7/1/2021  

Originally, we were going to have meeting with the Paypod folks. Cory found notes from 4/29/21 meeting with Aaron Stone and Bryan has a recording from meeting. We will review and determine steps of project/strategize. Will wait to meet with Aaron until we have next round of questions.

Just Cory, Sean, and Brandon were on the meeting. Cory asked me to help chase down a small invoice line item but. We looked and looked, but couldn't find anything. Finally, Cory found it after looking everywhere else. It ended up being on some new code that was added for mini units and sub inventory stuff. It took both Cory and I to find it. I honestly would have missed it, if it were just left up to me on this one. I was checking everywhere else, but Cory found it and we got it fixed. Great catch on her behalf.

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Shop 7833 Adilas Time 7/1/2021  

Danny, Sean, Steve, and I were on the morning meeting. John popped in later. Steve and guys were talking about finding the sweet spot between clients, needs, custom, standard, training, setup, deployment, and satisfaction rate.

There were some questions posed by Danny about some of the existing ecommerce settings and switches. We were talking about being able to turn ecommerce shops on/off based on rules. You can already do that, we just may have to either revisit it and/or roll some of the newer code that Danny and I did backwards a bit. We got close, but we are slightly off the mark of what is needed. That target keeps moving and changes depending on the clients wants and needs. Eventually, we need some good logic mixed with pretty (look and feel).

There is a trend toward more and more settings. Each person wants to do things completely different with granular control levels.

Lots of talk about the use of ecommerce. It is a client portal, a customer portal, ecommerce, online bill pay, message marking portal, etc. Maybe just call it "portal activity". Sometimes things get pigeonholed into smaller pieces, when the potential is really quite large.

Towards the end of the meeting, the topic returned to networking with business owners. Maybe focus more on production, manufacturing, and cultivation stuff. We are deep enough to handle this and there isn't as much competition in those areas. We currently have a huge head start in some of the those areas.