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Choose your default homepage using the Chooser link.

Choose Your Interface
The chooser page is a special page to help you choose and set your interface. By default, there are three pre-built interfaces that you may use as your "default homepage". The term "default homepage" means once you set one of the interfaces as your default, every time you click the main logo or the home link, you will be re-directed to that page (think of a hub or starting spot).

The three pre-built homepages are the interactive map, the my favorites (custom buttons), or the classic homepage - main switchboard. The classic homepage is the system default due to the fact that it was the main interface from 2006-2012. Thus the term classic.

You are allowed to switch interfaces at any time. This is done by either clicking the icon or link for the interface (temporary view or change - not stored in the database) or actually selecting the button that says "set as default" (records that value in the database). Once a default is selected, a small flag will indicate what value has been chosen. Once again, feel free to flip between interfaces as you see fit.

There is also a link and option to see other free interfaces besides the main defaults. Click on the photo icon under the section called "more choices - other free interfaces...". This will show you 20+ other interface options that are available at no cost. They, the other interfaces, may be flip flopped as needed just like the main three default interfaces.

On an advanced note, there are also custom or special homepages or interfaces that may be added to your choices of defaults (beyond the three pre-built options). This basic chooser page is setup to look for a special admin controlled corp-wide setting that tells the system if your corporation or company has any other custom homepages (specific to your industry). The system is setup to handle any of the current system pages or we can help you create a custom homepage that perfectly meets your needs. This could be a small subset of buttons or just specific repetitive tasks that you do over and over again. Please contact an administrator or your rep for more details. Use the contact support form to get started (see link on this help file page).

On a fun note, we use the slogan - "Dream it up, we'll help you wire it up!" This slogan goes along with another one that says - "Your Data, Your World, Your Way!" Enjoy!