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Sort Value: Developer's Notebook Report - 6/1/2023 to 6/1/2023 - (5)
Time Id Color Title/Caption Start Date   Notes
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Shop 10098 Adilas Time 6/1/2023  

New transition today. I popped onto the morning meeting because that is what I normally did. I let the guys know that I wasn't going to be doing that any more. Sean was on the meeting and we chatted for a bit. By way of an update, he is doing great working with the dynamic adilas label builder. He is also willing to do some checking out of what our competitors are doing and providing me some competitive research. Nothing too huge.

John joined the meeting, and we were looking at some mock-ups. We would like to allow our users to interact with options to setup their own space, look and feel, etc. We would also like to do some early prototyping. Get it out and in their hands. Even things like settings for click vs hoover and other simple choices that affect their space (what they do and use - their space, their flow). We already have a bunch that we have paid for and haven't been able to use it yet. We have a ton of R&D stuff that Jonathan Wells did in Adobe XD for fracture, adilas cafe, and a new shopping cart.

A picture is worth a thousand words. Dramatize it, push up XD docs from Chuck on the content server. We have done tons of really cook R&D. Let's use that. This is how we are going to get fracture up and going and off the ground.

John and I talked about trying to centralize all of the data and assets. I have a bunch of it. We have pushed up a bunch to the adilas content server. We also still have quite a few assets and raw authoring files with the guys/gals who made them - Jonathan Wells, Chuck, Russell, Marisa, etc.

As part of our discussion, John was showing me some of the projects that he worked on for school. He's got business design docs, pitches, proposals, flow charts, etc. I'd like to tap into some of those planning and system scope documents. Not necessarily for his project, but more for what we could do for our projects. Once again, show them don't tell them. That is huge and reoccurring theme. Show them, don't tell them.

Here are some other notes from our meeting:

- We could make some awesome customizable dashboards

- Realtime data on what is going on (tables, graphs, charts, and quick aggregates), help them see everything without overwhelming them. Full visibility.

- "Show them" and then do it over and over again.

- Talking about dream salaries between John and I. Where would you like to be, salary wise?

- Keep idea farming - that's what we do

- Shari O. joined the meeting. She loves to do some gaming. I'd love for her to come up with some ideas on how to turn adilas and the daily work into a game of sorts (the game of business). Shari O. said that she could do some light research and maybe come up with some ideas. As we were talking, she said that she changes games based on moods. That's good information. We may want to come up with something similar - what mood are you in? Ok, let's play that way. This is just a dream right now. I'd like to see where it goes.

- Keep gathering things together. Eventually, we will make our own world.

- More ideas for the application and/or system - education mode, game mode, nuts and bolts mode (just get it done - speed mode).

- More talks with Shari O. about Facebook groups, other social groups, having meetings, setting up schedules, and giving people power to run what they want to do. Make the whole thing a team effort.

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Shop 10276 Phone call with Steve 6/1/2023  

Phone call with Steve to go over hours and commitment for adilas (ship A stuff). I wanted to chat with him and ask permission to have a team meeting to discuss direction, options, and next steps. I've got a bunch of other notes... not sure if they were before the phone call with Steve, during, or after. I'm recording these notes on 6/24/23 from post-it notes that I made on 6/1/23. Anyways, here are some of my notes.

- Look for it - Seek and ye shall find - What are you looking for? Often, you find what you are looking for (good, bad, ill, faults, goodness, blessings, etc.).

- Ask for it - Knock and it shall be opened unto you.

- Bring what you can and throw it in the pot - We're making stone soup.

- Following a dream - The next phase or step of the journey

- Plans for adilas percentages - 20% of my percentages to go to help both teams A and B (normal adilas - ship A and fracture or ship B). 5% for getting the plan prepped and ready. 5% getting the funding. 5% for releasing an MVP (minimal viable product), and then 5% for ROI (return on investment). The ROI part was right from Steve during our conversation. I remember that much. That was brilliant.

- All of us would like to be able to fully turn all modules on/off at any time. That would be huge.

- I will give adilas (ship A) 10 hours a week. The rest of the time I will be working on ship B (fracture stuff).

- My biggest job is helping and dealing with people - the code and projects and products come later.

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Shop 10277 Emails and phone calls 6/1/2023  

Emails and personal phone calls to key adilas players. Touching base and answering questions about some of the new pivot stuff. It's all new for everyone. Trying to help where I can.

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Shop 10197 Working on the plan 6/1/2023  

This didn't happen with everything else going on. Busy day.

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Shop 10189 Planning with Aspen 6/1/2023  

Meeting with Aspen. We worked on an outline for the meeting on Tuesday with the rest of the team. We have lots of planning ahead of us, but we have to figure out first things first. Our current goal is getting things ready for the Tuesday team meeting. See attached for some handwritten notes.

- I'm stepping down as the lead developer. My new title will be the project coordinator for the adilas lite project.

- Note for me - stick with wireframes and pencil and pen drawings for right now. Enough to get things started. We'll refine it later on and make it look awesome.

As a side note, Aspen is good at organizing things. I'm excited to tap into that a bit. I'm kinda all over the place sometimes. Just part of who I am... :)