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Sort Value: Developer's Notebook Report - 5/30/2023 to 5/30/2023 - (6)
Time Id Color Title/Caption Start Date   Notes
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Shop 10088 Adilas Time 5/30/2023  

Sean and I talking about dreams and plans. Where do we want it to go? I love those kinds of talks and conversations.

John and I were talking about budgets and hours. He is concerned. Shari O. joined and John and Shari O. were talking about layouts and interface stuff. We have a client that is requesting some custom navigation. They want to shortcut things by one click or put buttons and/or links where they want them to show up. This is more of a "controlling space" meaning what you work with and where things are located. Custom space - think of your desk or bedroom, you put certain things in strategic places in order to be efficient or effective.

Shari O. was asking questions about some of the new payroll settings for a client. We went in and looked, and it looked like the client was in there changing things around. Some of the changes that Shari O. had made were gone. We fixed it and will get ahold of the client and do some training.

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Shop 10108 Server Meeting 5/30/2023  

Cory was asking about a deploy that had a bad file. Somehow one of the servers was showing that it was on the master branch but had a corrupted file or something happened. Light back and forth between her and Wayne. Cory was asking about emails and trying to get some answers. Our email servers are struggling right now. We then switched and were talking about the sales tax aggregates project. It is fully live but just needs that little bit of a push. We've got a couple of things really close, but they just haven't fully landed.

We started talking about Wayne's new framework stuff. He was showing us some of his dynamic add/edit pages using a database or a data dictionary stored in a database. He then created a smart page that uses dynamics, cascading code and populating it all from database records or dynamic objects. Pretty cool stuff. Light years ahead of what we've got right now.

Some time was spent looking at and making suggestions to the data dictionary idea and concept. The more that we can make this whole thing data driven vs hardcoded, the better. Think of all of the things that show up on a web page, what if we could turn that whole thing into data driven pages and be able to pull the data and dynamically render the pages. That would be awesome! We already do tons of that, but Wayne was showing us options on a whole new level.

Steve was asking some questions and Wayne was answering them. Good conversation between them. Steve was talking about percentages of ownership, deferred payments for hours worked, and other forms of investment. We all see the potential. Steve was saying, "I'm sold, how are we going to do this?" Tons of potential, we just need to figure out how to do it, fund it, and sell it. That takes a lot to make everything happen and work.

Next, we rolled into talking about stability of the code and servers. Steve put the words - "what about the ice down dates" - through chat. We talked about how all of that is possible, we just need to make a plan and get it included. Nothing is just going to happen. We have tons of awesome ideas, it just needs to go the next level. That lead into talking about the plan and making it airtight. We also talked about getting that good plan and then being able to pitch it to investors to get some or all of the funding. That seems to be what needs to happen. We need our plan to be almost at the blueprint level with details, requirements, flow charts, and all of the specifics. Basically, a full-on business plan and full technical plan as well. We need it all. That's the goal.

Original notes are from 5/30/23. This little note was added on 6/3/23 (only a few days later) - As a small side note, this was actually a turning point for Steve in deciding what needed to be done. Nobody knew it yet, but I think that he was seeing that we are having a hard time finishing up things that need to be done (close but not quite finished) and yet we are totally lost in what could be. We know we need it, no one denies that, but how do you stop, control, and/or manage that. Maybe you don't. You may have to let it flow.

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Shop 10205 Include others in the planning of the next level - fracture 5/30/2023  

This is mostly for me... but last night I couldn't sleep very well. I kept having the idea that I needed to include others and other business owners in the fracture project. This could be helping them build out their own systems and/or helping them get started on the white label journey. Anyways, meeting with them, helping them get things lined out, making plans, and getting their feedback, ideas, and suggestions. Group or community effort of sorts.

This is by no means official, but I was thinking about a six-month planning period, six months prototyping and getting funding, and then rolling things into a two-year build out. Once again, just putting things on paper. In reality, we'll need to check scope, project requirements, and who we have that can help. Lots of other variables. That's just what I was thinking.

I know some of the local business owners at the technical college, local ski resort, a bike shuttle company, a special race event, a high-tech manufacturing facility, and my dad (great resource to a number of other business owners). Anyways, just recording this as an idea for fracture.

This may not go here, but I was also thinking, if they commit to working on the white label projects (multiple versions) I could even cut them in on a small percentage of the main adilas system. Basically, a way to get them to help us push things forward. Once again, just thoughts and ideas.

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Shop 10172 Working on the plan 5/30/2023  

Meeting with John and doing some planning. We were going over themes, ins and outs of how to make a new theme in our existing code, folders, paths, settings, and page level controllers. We talked about some of the new code and R&D that Jonathan Wells did. We are looking for feedback. We may end up offering options and pushing the choices over to the users. Tons of toggle on/off switches for the different features.

People don't want to scroll and they want a minimal number of clicks to make something happen. We talked about getting the information (all kinds) into the database. Minimal on the hardcoded pieces. The whole thing becomes data driven.

I was drawing and talking about different things. We would love to create a master plan. John and I started a small google doc to gather some the of the master plan info so we both could access it.

Shari O. jumped in and had some payroll questions. We did some quick research, pulled some records, and helped her make some changes. We got it all figured out.

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Shop 10179 Planning with Aspen 5/30/2023  

Working with Aspen to go over our plan for making the plan. Light review and discussing expectations and where we are going. Started in on adding some research links to part of our plan. Pushed up the new stuff to the google doc that John and I had started.

Here is a light version of where we are heading... (just barely starting - for the record, it looks nicer in the google doc)

Master Adilas Plan or Adilas Master Plan

  1. Company Structure - Adilas Jelly Fish Model
  2. Product Development - Adilas Value Add-On Core Model
  3. Education & Training - Adilas University
  4. Community & Outside 3rd Party Solutions - Adilas Marketplace
  5. Social & Efficiency Options - Adilas Cafe & Community
  6. Deeper Product Development - Adilas Lite - Fracture Project
  7. Budgets, Finances, Marketing, & Sales - Other Business Plans

New note added on 8/14/23 - For a pretty good breakdown of these projects - just at a high level, see this element of time 10377 and it's photo gallery.


Table of Contents. To-do

All time id's are inside of adilas

2283 - Main Index

2284 - Jellyfish Model

- Research on the Jellyfish model - link

2285 - Value Add-On Core Model

- Research - link

2286 - Adilas University

- Research - link

2287 - Adilas Marketplace

- Research - link

2288 - Adilas Cafe & Community

- Research - link

2289 - Fracture - Future Project

- Research - link

- Adobe XD mock-ups with options

2290 - Budgets & Finances

2291 - Marketing & Sales

- Adobe XD mock-ups with options

- World Building Concepts and Concepts of the Data Assembly Line - Pitching the concepts

- Research on world building, research on data assembly line

- Presentation Gallery - great start for an outline of what adilas does

2292 - Other Timelines, Plans & Projects

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Shop 10178 Meeting witih Hamid 5/30/2023  

Final sign-off for a promotional website done by Hamid. We looked at code and I printed him out a check. We chatted for a bit and he handed me over the code for the business zipper website that he was working on. I'll look over it a little bit better and then get it pushed up to a live server to be an actual site. This promotional site was going to be kinda like a billboard that talks about a certain topic and then points the users or visitors to the main website. We are calling them billboard sites, a form of light advertising.