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Sort Value: Developer's Notebook Report - 7/25/2024 to 7/25/2024 - (5)
Time Id Color Title/Caption Start Date   Notes
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Shop 11277 Meeting with Chuck 7/25/2024  

Working with Chuck. Talking about preparedness stuff. Looking at the subs of time advanced search report and all of the exports. He needed some directions, where to turn things on/off, settings, and how to load in the data. We bounced through a few of them (different sub reports) and got things going in a good direction. He will go back and fix the pieces that he didn't know how to get to, and we'll go from there. Good stuff.

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Shop 11264 Meeting with Hamid 7/25/2024  

Checking in with Hamid on his budget project. He sent me a small wireframe via text message, and we talked about some of his notes. He has 4 pages of handwritten notes on what he wants to do. Not a lot to show today but he is working on it. We'll hit it again next week.

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Shop 11280 Meeting with Bryan 7/25/2024  

Meeting with Bryan to look over his QuickBooks API code. He did some refactoring and got it a little bit smoother. We did a little bit of clean-up on the branch and got it ready to go. Merged in his branch and pushed it up to data 9 for some live testing. We had to turn some permissions on to get at the special custom error messages and special system history stuff (3rd party error logs).

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Shop 11278 Meeting with Cody 7/25/2024  

Meeting with Cody on label printing. He was running into some cross site scripting stuff. Having issues with graphics, barcodes, and QR codes being able to be re-rendered by sending things to another page for printing. We looked around and then I ended up sending him some older existing files that are currently being used to help with the label builder process. One of them was 33,000 lines of code long. That's a super long file. The other ones were only around 1,000 lines long (pretty normal).

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Shop 11276 check code 7/25/2024  

Meeting with Bryan. Going over the QuickBooks API setup. Going over auth keys and tokens - lots of them. Looking over Bryan's code. He is going to fix a few things and then get back with me.