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Sort Value: Developer's Notebook Report - 7/17/2024 to 7/17/2024 - (5)
Time Id Color Title/Caption Start Date   Notes
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Shop 11261 Recording Notes 7/17/2024  

Recording notes for today (7/17/24). Recording some log notes about potential clients inside of adilas.

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Shop 11260 Meeting with Cody 7/17/2024  

Meeting up with Cody to go over his progress on the label builder. He is doing awesome. Today he was showing me how he integrated it with Adobe ColdFusion and all through custom tags. Super cool. We talked about next steps and what else is needed. He will start working on basic CRUD stuff for the database actions (create, read, update, and delete). We will also be building out navigation between a label homepage and the add/edit label builder page. We spent some time and went over how adilas normally handles the add/edit processes in existing pages (passing modes and id numbers). Good stuff and making progress.

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Shop 11259 Data clean-up for a client 7/17/2024  

Small data clean-up project for Cory. She sent me an email with detailed instructions. Gave her a call to confirm and then started working on it. Had to unroll some sub inventory and changed some unlimited items to normal parents vs sub inventory items. Lots of backend database work and clean-up (query and sub query stuff). Sent them an email once everything was finished.

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Shop 11254 Helping Steve with labels 7/17/2024  

Meeting with Steve and Suzi and going over the changes in the cart. I showed them both the touch popup for changing the line item quantity in the cart. We also looked into Steve's new drink level PDF labels (what goes in what drink - for the frozen yogurt company). We talked about some other ideas and ways to take steps off of the current process (refinement process). Suzi is sending emails, screenshots, and communicating with the client what things have changed and been updated/altered. Fun to see all of the changes.

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Shop 11255 Recording Notes 7/17/2024  

Recording notes from yesterday (7/16/24). Small to do list items. Light research on pdf forms and dynamically creating those forms.