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Sort Value: Developer's Notebook Report - 6/3/2024 to 6/6/2024 - (12)
Time Id Color Title/Caption Start Date   Notes
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Shop 11135 Time Tracker Project List 6/6/2024  

Recording notes. Got on a meeting with Eric. He had an issue with a DAO (database access object) for elements of time and it not returning the correct record set. We could run the exact same query using raw SQL prompts or inside code but not as part of a component that runs things through the DAO. We did what we could. He may need to consult with Wayne, for a deeper database master to take a look at it. Recording notes from the week thus far (6/3/24 to 6/6/24).

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Shop 11094 Meeting with Shannon and Abby 6/6/2024  

Meeting with Shannon and Abby. Catching up and showing each other what we are working on. Abby was showing us some of her graphic ideas and sketches. She is hoping to use images to really show how each thing (concept) relates to real life. She had a number of images to show us. I'd like to get copies of them from her. She is catching the vision.

Shannon is working on summing things up (summaries) and working on flow and flavor for the presentation gallery. We then jumped into a small work session and fixed a couple of pages based off of Shannon's notes. We were working on core concepts and did some work on characters and relationships pages.

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Shop 11133 General 6/5/2024  

Emails and reading over a letter of intent from Kindcard, Inc. Recording notes.

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Shop 11123 Meeting with Russell 6/5/2024  

Recording notes. Working with Russell on AJAX stuff and playing with loaders (see sample code in the extras folder - ajax_loader_sample_view_cart_mini_scan_cart.cfm - dated 6/5/24). Good work session.

We also spent some time talking about time management. Things like bounds, limitations, priorities, etc. From Russell - If we don't manage our schedule, it will manage us. He was very kind and was drawing and making some analogies. One of them was a guy holding up a bag and multiple people adding things to the bag. Each person didn't see their load as too big, just a couple of hours here and there, but what they couldn't see was multiple people doing the same things (all small loads but multiplied by the number of people and transitions and switching back and forth).

At some point, we either learn or get taught (schooled). Learning to manage it. I really liked this... from Russell, "You have power to choose some of these things. Only bite off as much as you can chew and swallow.".

After that, we spent some time looking at CSS loaders.

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Shop 11130 Bulk labels with Steve 6/5/2024  

Working with Steve on the bulk print summary labels for the cart line groupings. Small work session and doing some custom code.

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Shop 11128 Meeting with Bryan 6/4/2024  

Meeting with Bryan to work on the new edit main cart options. Small work session. We then did some planning on being able to flag the parts as main items. This will help with auto numbering in the cart.

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Shop 11129 e-Commerce Gift Card Payments 6/4/2024  

Meeting with Eric and going over using gift cards out in ecommerce. He wanted to know where to put things and what pages did what. We touched based on some key pages and logic areas. We looked at code, recorded a few notes, and got him going in a good direction.

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Shop 11126 Demo with Cory 6/4/2024  

Phone call with Shari O. She had some questions and spent time going over merchant processing stuff. Meeting with Cory and Bryan (over an hour) doing a mini scan cart demo and walking through the different settings. We didn't cover all of the settings, but we did walk through a bunch of them. Cory had some great questions. This was the first time she had seen some of the new pieces.

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Shop 11092 Code review 6/4/2024  

Looking over Bryan's new code changes for updating and editing the main mini scan cart values. A bunch of new settings and then a popup modal to make the changes.

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Shop 11134 Meeting with Bryan 6/3/2024  

Another meeting with Bryan. Small work session on the main cart edit or update main cart options. We are probably about 80% there. Just a few more changes, layout tweaks, and some verbiage stuff. He is going to push up code and then I'm going to do some detail work on it.

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Shop 11125 Meeting with Bryan 6/3/2024  

Emails and recording notes. Quick meeting with Bryan to look at his progress on the edit main cart details modal popup with settings. Looking good. We may make a few small changes, but looking really good.

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Shop 11127 Phone calls 6/3/2024  

Phone calls with Bryan and Steve. Talking with Bryan about options for updating the main cart inside the mini scan cart (subset of the main cart). Later on, talking with Steve about priorities, projects, and needs.

We may circle back and work on the discount engine and build in one-to-many rules and assignments. That would be pretty cool. We may end up making part of it (the discount engine) into the smart cart logic or overarching cart engine. We are seeing more and more needs for discounts and logic such as buy one, get one, and 2 for x or 1 for y (dollars). As well as other combo type discounts and logic. We may need to look into this deeper to really get our heads around it.

Our last topic of the call was talking about investments and possible next steps.