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Sort Value: Developer's Notebook Report - 6/24/2024 to 6/25/2024 - (10)
Time Id Color Title/Caption Start Date   Notes
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Shop 11187 Recording Notes 6/25/2024  

Recording notes from 6/24/24 to 6/25/24.

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Shop 11172 Meeting with Cody 6/25/2024  

Meeting with Cody to check out his progress on the adilas label builder. He is playing with a JavaScript Canvas and getting interactions to show back and forth on a small webpage. He is mostly going to be playing with the JavaScript side and I will help with the backend connections. I sent him some video references on the adilas label builder. I spent a little bit of time looking over the videos that we have on file for the label builder. I thought that this one was a fun one, showing where we are heading (video link - 5 minutes - promo video for the adilas label builder - next steps).

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Shop 11186 Meetings and prep work 6/25/2024  

Bryan had some questions on the QuickBooks API connections. Just looking around a bit. Lots of OAuth stuff. Back and forth, back and forth. Small graphic fix for Shari O. and the adilas internal email stuff. Emails and follow-up. Non-compete for Cody Apedaile. Prep work on the adilas label builder app.

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Shop 11098 Meeting with Shannon and Abby 6/25/2024  

Meeting with Shannon and Abby. We did some new icons, new sub text, and some new bullet points on the presentation gallery pages. We worked on the following pages in the core concepts: systems, vision & future, maintenance, and data over time.

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Shop 11185 Recording Notes 6/24/2024  

Recording notes from 6/20/24 to 6/23/24.

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Shop 11170 Meeting with Cody 6/24/2024  

Meeting with Cody. I set him up as a user inside adilas and inside of the adilas shop. We briefly started into looking at JavaScript canvas stuff with the intent to build a label builder. We have been through multiple versions already. We are hoping to make it simpler and more interactive and easy to use. Those are big requests... :)

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Shop 11184 Tech support 6/24/2024  

Emails and tech support. Sent a bunch of chat messages through the chat bot on Hostek's website. I copied down a bunch of the info that was sent to them. Trying to document everything.

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Shop 11169 planning 6/24/2024  

Meeting with Bryan. Restaurant stuff. We went over some ideas and wish list stuff for a new restaurant interface. Color changes for states and status and different flow options. Scenarios, tables (multi), rooms and sub locations (multi), item countdowns (inventory controls), send off items to the kitchen (possible hardware connections - auto print or different monitors), items level modifiers (forced and unforced), and split check (split ticket) options. We also talked about tips and how that will also be important. We already have some stuff there, but we need to refine it. We would also like to come up with ways of holding things in a side queue of sorts to pull them back and forth into the carts. Possible need for level 2 and 3 cart line groupings. Level 1 is finished.

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Shop 11183 Phone call with Shari O. 6/24/2024  

Phone call with Shari O. - touching base on life. Going over emails, need for logos and other graphics, and settings. Multiple topics.

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Shop 11182 Working with Bryan 6/24/2024  

Small fix with Bryan on some session variables out in pdf land. Changed them to normal look-ups of the settings vs pulling from session scope. Worked with Wayne to track down a potential hacker. I took a bunch of notes. I did add them to the media/content section, just not tied to this element of time.