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Sort Value: Developer's Notebook Report - 6/20/2024 to 6/23/2024 - (11)
Time Id Color Title/Caption Start Date   Notes
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Shop 11179 Building a new tool for Cory 6/23/2024  

Building the helper tool for sub inventory for Cory. Ox in the mire (early morning on Sunday). She needs it later today and I didn't get it done. Going through the build logic - PO's, items, PO line items, and sub inventory stuff. I didn't quite get it done so I texted her. Come to find out, the project is going live next week, not later today or tomorrow. My bad.

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Shop 11178 New tool for Cory 6/21/2024  

New code for Cory and being able to auto add a sub (child inventory package) to an existing item in the database. Building a small helper tool to populate the data.

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Shop 11177 Domain Name Stuff 6/21/2024  

Fixing payments methods on our domain names. The old credit card on file had expired.

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Shop 11176 Phone call with Steve 6/21/2024  

Phone call with Steve. Went over a bunch of things that are happening. We talked about projects, code, staff, and both current and future development. We also talked about investors and some possible options there. Good catch-up session.

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Shop 11175 Code review with Bryan 6/21/2024  

Emails. Meeting with Bryan to go over new bulk tools. Code sign-off on flagging main items as main items for cart groupings. Small work session to fix a few small things. Merged and pushed code. Also looked at his new code to remove a line item via a garbage icon.

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Shop 11163 Meeting with Cody 6/20/2024  

Meeting with Cody to see his progress on his website project. He is building a small story book website for a practice project. His code and ColdFusion is looking good. He is getting it. We then talked a little bit about jQuery, AJAX, and how to cross JavaScript with ColdFusion. I showed him a few examples and hopefully got him on his way. I would really like to use him on our adilas label builder project, if Steve will allow it.

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Shop 11162 Meeting with Cory 6/20/2024  

Meeting with Cory on importing inventory for a client. They are wanting a bulk tool to help with adding subs - only active items that are normal parts (not the unlimited ones). The plan is to make it into a small migration tool for Cory so that we can use it for other corporations. Email tech support with Wayne.

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Shop 11161 check and push code 6/20/2024  

Code review with Bryan. Looking over his mark items as main items code. If yes, we mark things as bold in the cart, quotes, and invoices. This project included some new bulk tools, single update/edit pages, and lots of display changes. Going page by page and doing review, testing, and making small tweaks.

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Shop 11152 Meeting with Russell 6/20/2024  

Russell got tied up today. We weren't able to make this happen.

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Shop 11167 General 6/20/2024  

Merging in code for Eric. It was a quick USAePay gateway fix. Recording notes from 6/17/24 to 6/19/24.

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Shop 11097 Meeting with Shannon and Abby 6/20/2024  

Meeting with Shannon. Going over current projects and challenges (helping people, maintenance, security, etc.). Easy to see solutions, tricky to solve... tons of requests, minimal time, lots of needs, helping with training and planning. Overcoming barriers and implementing solutions really takes a lot of time and effort. Shannon and I worked on the permissions and settings page in the presentation gallery today.