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Sort Value: Developer's Notebook Report - 2/10/2025 to 2/11/2025 - (8)
Time Id Color Title/Caption Start Date   Notes
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Shop 11792 Recording Notes 2/11/2025  

Quick meeting with Steve to go over things. We talked about the Canada deal, where that is at, what we have learned, and what are plans are. We also talked about ecommerce needs and little tweaks that we can make there. We keep refining things every day. That's part of what we do.

Recording notes from 2/10/25 to 2/11/25.

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Shop 11788 Recipe flow with Grand Peaks 2/11/2025  

Still on with Bryan, but we switched over to some questions on recipe/builds and how to get your items all lined up. A client had some questions. Jumped on a Zoom session with Amy and Bob Tippetts from Grand Peaks Prime Meats, up in Idaho Falls. We spent some time trying to help them be willing to go in and play around and try things (use the system). We want them to write down their questions and then we will help them out. Hopefully they enjoyed the small training session.

Side note, it is crazy to see how much training can either make or break a deal. Often the system can do it, but they (the users) don't know how or what to do. It then becomes our job to help train them and help them know what to do and how best to run or deal with things. It's fun, but it does take time.

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Shop 11756 Adilas B ChatGPT 2/11/2025  

Intro to ChatGPT with Bryan. Trying to login and get setup. Their security code (2-Factor authentication stuff) to my email inbox kept timing out. Anyways, Bryan was showing me around using his account. It can really help with thinking outside the box. Bryan showed me a couple of usages that he does with ChatGPT. Things like: revising emails and email helps, summarizing data, code hints, itineraries, building business plans, sales stuff, notes and journaling, and asking it questions. Prompt it to keep refining it into what you really want. Start somewhere, then refine it. Sometimes, it (AI or ChatGPT) is great to help generate ideas that you may not think of. Asking it to change and/or alter the flavor as needed (once again, adding in the prompts). Good session.

I'm kinda slow on the AI adoption process (I'm resisting it). I know that I could use it and save time, I just haven't done it yet. This was a good intro for me.

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Shop 11773 Meeting with Shannon 2/11/2025  

Emails, light tech support, and meeting with Shannon. Also working with Wayne (briefly) and looking over some automatic email code. He jumped on the GoToMeeting session with Shannon and I for a bit. Once we were done, Shannon and I went back to working on things. We made a plan for Thursday. Light tech support and changing some settings for Suzi.

Light plan for working on the presentation gallery. We have 4 main topics, about 50 slides (pages), and we want to work on each section, one thing at a time to make sure that the site seems cohesive and works as a group.

Presentation Gallery
link -

Business Functions
- Solid bullets - Make sure that the bullet points are good and solid
- Top Level Modals - Make sure that every page has a top level popup modal description
- Sub Level Modals - When ready, make sure that each bullet point has its own popup modal description and images (or videos)
- Images and Refine - Go back through things and make it look really nice, tight, and fine-tooth combing of the data and content.

Application Players
- Solid bullets - See above
- Top Level Modals
- Sub Level Modals
- Images and Refine

- Solid bullets - See above
- Top Level Modals
- Sub Level Modals
- Images and Refine

Core Concepts
- Solid bullets - See above
- Top Level Modals
- Sub Level Modals
- Images and Refine

Starting on Thursday we want to go back through each one at the top level. Review the bullets we have done (business functions and core concepts) and look to what needs to happen for the Attributes and Application Players.

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Shop 11789 Yogen Fruz Meeting 2/11/2025  

Meeting with Yogen Fruz about the website and POS system. Six of us on the call together, talking about where we are at, and how to do things. Josh, Steve, and I were on the meeting from adilas. Light talks and small frustrations, both sides. This has gone on quite a while (over five months). Trying to figure out the next steps. We kept going back and forth between the POS and the website. They are somewhat tied together (projects as a whole). It seems like timing and figuring out comfort levels is the next logical step. Still in the waiting game a bit. I showed them a quick view of the new Knox report.

As a side note, when we were talking about the website... we are proposing a combo of a fully integrated POS system, CMS (content management system), and eCommerce. That's a pretty powerful combo, when you mix all of those pieces together. Other companies either do one or the other or have one or more plug-ins to connect with the other pieces. If any outside changes are needed, they have to be directly involved, meaning the outside vendors or companies. This happens over and over again (with other companies) vs a CMS that lets the users control things from an integrated system like adilas.

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Shop 11791 Building part of the Knox report 2/10/2025  

Back working on the custom sales breakdown report. Spent some time on the math percentages stuff. Building out a small function.

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Shop 11790 Various meetings 2/10/2025  

Phone call with Bryan. He has a customer that is requesting ecommerce functions with a standard item (parent item) and then being able to just pick a size or a color. We do that with sub inventory, but need to make it easier for customer facing ecommerce functionality. Those two things are super common (sizes and colors).

Paying bills and going through emails. Jumped on a GoToMeeting session with Steve to go over some updates and look at a database update question for the inventory snapshot stuff.

Working on the custom sales breakdown stuff for Phillip. Small little tweaks and starting to work on the math stuff (percentages).

Bryan jumped on with Steve and I and had a bunch of questions about recipe/builds and how to convert a bottle (item marked as an each) into ounces in order to use certain products in bulk. We showed him some new stuff and how to do advanced adds on PO line items.

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Shop 11776 Meeting with Cody 2/10/2025  

Working with Cody. Going over his UML diagrams (using drawio - an online drawing tool) to map out the adilas database. We then flipped over to the latest build of the adilas label builder and did some code review. We merged in some files. He then helped me with some CSS debugging on one of my projects.