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Sort Value: Developer's Notebook Report - 1/15/2025 to 1/16/2025 - (9)
Time Id Color Title/Caption Start Date   Notes
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Shop 11726 Recording Notes 1/16/2025  

Recording notes from 1/15/25 to 1/16/25. Busy day for meetings today.

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Shop 11712 Meeting with Hamid 1/16/2025  

Working with Hamid. We haven't met up since before Thanksgiving. We jumped back into it. We spent some time going over the sales presentation gallery and what is needed there. Hamid may help me get some new content up and moving along. Getting him back into that process. One of his first tasks is going to be splitting up a huge 50 page PDF file into 12 smaller files for the adilas business functions.

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Shop 11722 Meeting with Bryan 1/16/2025  

Working with Bryan on swapping out the vendors and part numbers for a client. It got deep into a bulk find and replace tool with looping logic. The tool is just on Brandon's machine, not part of the master branch. It was built to help this client. If it is needed again, we may have to lightly tweak it.

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Shop 11721 Meeting with Cory 1/16/2025  

Meeting with Cory over a Zoom session. There are two reports that are giving different information. Looking deeper into the reports and which items are not matching up. Lots of deep diving and looking under the covers. We were running raw queries against servers and databases. Really trying to figure out dates and values. We have to circle back around and re-write some logic on the sub inventory reports.

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Shop 11720 Cove PO cleanup 1/16/2025  

Cove PO cleanup - Working with Bryan on switching out vendors and parts on a bunch of PO's. Deep find and replace in bulk. We got part way done and then thought about another part of the puzzle that needed to be acknowledged. We couldn't finish it in the amount of time that we had. We just made some quick notes and setup a time for later in the afternoon to get back to it.

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Shop 11725 Reviewing Code and Options 1/15/2025  

Checking out assets and code samples in the project CSS theme. Playing around with different pieces. Visual research stuff.

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Shop 11635 Meeting with Russell 1/15/2025  

Meeting with Russell. Working in Adobe XD and playing with report mock-ups. Russell likes to do just enough to get going (don't overdo it on XD). We spent most of the time in XD building a report mock-up. I was driving and he was telling me what to do (design backseat driving). Fun session.

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Shop 11724 Helping others - build out their platforms 1/15/2025  

Just a thought... We are trying to build our own application and system (platform). What if we helped out either our competition or another company that wants to do what we are doing? Combine our efforts. We don't have to be the name (main player). We could be like the Intel chip (or any other AMD type chip set). We help power things. Powered by adilas!

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Shop 11709 Meeting with Cody 1/15/2025  

Quick meeting with Cody to touch base and setup another meeting. He is working on the infinite scroll stuff.