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Sort Value: Developer's Notebook Report - 6/1/2015 to 6/30/2015 - (43)
Time Id Color Title/Caption Start Date   Notes
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AU 3860 Daily Tasks 6/1/2015   • Up early working on splitting out invoices and invoice payments.
• Signing off on code and testing new changes.
• Went in to work with the guys at the office.
• I helped a developer with some saved settings for stock/units.
• Roughed out some project outlines with our project manager and helped here and there with other projects. 30 miles.
• More work on signing off on splitting up invoices and invoice payments.
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AU 3861 Daily Tasks 6/2/2015   • More work on signing off on code for splitting up the invoices and invoice payments table.
• Recording bills and invoices.
• Went into Logan to work with my guys.
• Worked with an intern to line out his custom code project for adding a city filter to the advanced customer queue page.
• Worked with a developer on his saved settings for stock/units.
• My brother showed me a fun trailer and vehicle website that he built.
• Went over to Bridgerland to meet with some developers and my dad about GPS and GIS tracking.
• Spent about 1.5 hours talking about our goals and dreams for GPS tracking and even tracking.
• On the phone with a developer going over ideas for PayPal stuff.
• Went over some email settings and flow on being able to send emails to customers using simple settings and a strategic button(s) or subpage.
• Spent about an hour on the phone with a developer’s brother. He is a business consultant and has a fun product for strategic project planning. We may be able to integrate with him using API socket connections and other computer to computer type interactions. Lots of options. 30 miles.
• Exporting some bigger logos for a custom invoice for a company.
• Did some code sign-off on invoices and invoice payments.
• Pushing on the sign-off for invoices and invoice payments. Lots of testing and debugging.
• Finished up the main core cfc’s. Pulled down all of the custom pages and went through those pages on a page by page basis. Quite the process. Got too tired to finish…
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AU 3886 Daily Ideas 6/2/2015   Notes from a conference call with a developer and his brother:
- Having good tools is a huge key!
- The 1 page plan concept
- Organizational effectiveness
- Scorecard – analytics
- Task management
- Performance management
- Ready-made tools
- Project management and strategy management
- Consulting – both customized consulting and standard consulting
- Complete the system!
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AU 3862 Daily Tasks 6/3/2015   • Went in to Logan to work with my guys. I spent most of the day signing off on code for splitting out invoice and invoice payment tables.
• I helped with random questions but mostly worked on code today.
• I did however see some great things the project manager was contacting people and doing project management.
• A developer was helping some other interns with custom projects.
• My brother was doing mock-ups and graphics.
• Another developer was finishing up stock/unit reports and another developer was doing PayPal stuff.
• It was kind of fun to watch the guys work.
• I was really impressed with how well a developer did helping the guys with their custom projects. 30 miles.
• Finishing up the first round of code for the invoice split up project.
• Signed off on code for the data 2 server. It was the most unstable of all the servers.
• Migrated tons and tons of invoices and invoice payments on that server. Each corporation now has their own main invoice table, PO/invoice line items table, and invoice payments table.
• During testing, the server seems to be running much faster and more responsive. Yea! Time for bed! : )
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AU 3863 Daily Tasks 6/4/2015   • On the phone with a contact talking about investment options. Sent him an email with documents, numbers, flyers, and links to different pages and sections.
• Went into Logan. Put some new code into our safe deposit box for safe storage.
• Dropped off a digital key at Bridgerland and headed over to the office.
• Emails, phone calls, and tech support.
• Worked with a developer to sign off on code for his stock/units, save report settings, and exports to Excel.
• Light debugging.
• Singed off on some tweaks that an intern did for the customer queue.
• Talking with the project manager about custom projects. 30 miles.
• Pushing some of an intern’s code to a live server.
• I then did some prep and clean-up for the next round of invoice migrations. I then got on a video chat with a developer to go over some payroll pieces and new payroll changes. I’d like to get him on a monthly commission to help with payroll and updating records, state and federal withholdings, and other tax settings.
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AU 3864 Daily Tasks 6/5/2015   • Went in to Logan to work with the guys. The day started out pretty quiet. We only had four of us in the office for the first hour or so.
• We had some good chats and talked about marketing strategy and ideas. Good conversation.
• I worked online with a developer tons today to finish up his PayPal project.
• I spent quite a bit of time with a developer learning about GPS and how things work.
• The project manager and I roughed out some projects on the board (wall) for five new projects.
• I worked with my brother on some web stuff and talking about mock-ups, dashboards, and web pages.
• An intern worked on projects and participated in some project outlines and rough out sessions.
• Our project manager is doing a great job with customer service and project management. Good day today. 30 miles.
• Prepping custom files for the data 0 server invoice and invoice payments split up migration.
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AU 3865 Daily Tasks 6/6/2015   • Working on getting custom files ready for the data 0 server update to split out invoices and invoice payments.
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AU 3866 Daily Tasks 6/8/2015   • Finished up the custom wire job for the adilas community funded projects. This includes cross tying invoices, elements of time, and updating budget settings. Launched code and ran a couple of invoice through to test live settings. Fun little wire job. Pretty cool!
• On the phone with Steve talking about projects, funding, and custom code. Lots of ideas and direction.
• Went in to Logan to work with my guys. We talked about transitioning off of the adilas internal pay system into fully client funded projects. I worked and helped different people with their projects and questions.
• Most of my day was spent prepping files for splitting invoices and invoice payments on the different servers (data 0 & data 1).
• Developers, interns, and the project manager are getting ready to do some cool stuff for the trailer and used vehicle market.
• A developer was helping an intern today with an email invoice project. 30 miles.
• My girls (daughters) helped me migrate invoices on both data 0 & data 1 servers. I wrote and recorded hours in my notebook while they clicked buttons and migrated invoices and invoice payments on different servers. Uploaded new files to both servers. Light testing. Late night.
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AU 3887 Daily Ideas 6/8/2015   -On adilas eCommerce, we need to check to make sure that the classic shipping options are fully connected. This means we need to check to make sure that the additional customer/contact gets added to the invoice. This deals with a shipping address as a sub invoice assignment.
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AU 3867 Daily Tasks 6/9/2015   • Checking on new code for both data 0 and data 1 servers.
• Checked custom pages for changes dealing with invoice and invoice payments.
• Went in to Logan to work with guys. After our stand-up meeting, I started prepping a file to allow the guys to play with the adilas headers and footers. This includes the CSS (cascading style sheets) for the look and feel of the system.
• Basically, we are looking to upgrade and/or give our users options on how the pages look and feel. This will be the start of the header/footer/css competition.
• I worked with different people on projects and ended the day talking with the project managers about adilas, the hub model, services, and how to do things to make the hub model or store ideas work. That was fun. We pulled out a laptop and looked right at numbers inside of adilas. We then talked shop and did some projections.
• My dad came to visit with me today as well. We talked and chatted for a while about the Bear 100 race and what we could do for them using adilas. My dad then talked with some of the guys and looked and my brother’s graphics. Fun stuff. 30 miles.
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AU 3868 Daily Tasks 6/10/2015   • Emails and viewing a Ted talk by Simon Sinek. See notes above and on other page.
• Updating the main login page. Took off a couple of ads.
• Fixed an invoice bug and prepped some developer update files for helping developers migrate and update their local systems.
• Went into the Logan office. I spent the first couple of hours working with a developer on sales, goals, and vision of how the adilas model works. We spent quite a bit of time drawing things out and going over numbers.
• We also had a discussion about a hybrid independent model vs. a full traditional employee model. Good stuff.
• I helped to rough out a project for an intern. We even got to start working on it. It deals with grabbing the last known RFID tag numbers for shopping carts that are restored to a cart.
• I got another intern helping me do some prep work on the data 3 custom files. He was prepping them for the invoices and invoice payments switch and migration project for data 3.
• A developer and I had a great meeting with a client. My dad brought them over to our office and we chatted for a bit. We spent quite a bit of time talking about concepts of the data assembly line and how that works. We also talked about concepts of systems and how to interconnect things together. They want a product demo tomorrow. 30 miles.
• Went over to Bridgerland to meet with my dad and the Ham radio guys for the Bear 100 race. My dad and I pitched the adilas concept and tying in everything for GPS, automated data entry and retrieval, and custom searches and special interfaces. Good stuff, great meeting.
• Recording notes, paying bills, and emails.
• Working on custom files for the data 3 server.
• Migrating and splitting all invoices and invoice payments on the data 3 server. Testing new code. This marks the completion of the project to split up invoices and invoice payments on all 4 data servers. Yea!
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AU 3888 Daily Ideas 6/10/2015   Ted talk by Simon Sinek about inspiring leadership:
-I got a fun email from my brother. It had a video link in it to a Ted talk given by Simon Sinek about how great leaders inspire action and vision. The talk was from back in September 2009. Anyway, a great talk. I took a whole post-it note full of ideas. The nuts and bolts… teach the why!
-Golden Circle – why is the core – what is your purpose – reverse the order and teach the why – Driven by a cause –
(Target sketch – from the center and working outward – why, how, what)
-People don’t buy what you do they buy why you do it.
-Innovation and adoption cycle: inventors and early adapters (Teach people the why!) Why, how, what.
-Tell people what you believe.

Random sketches of board – meeting with a developer on flow and options….:
- Clients, direct pay, adilas. Rep, own relationships, commission for development or sales.
- Hub model – this could be duplicated over and over again. Adilas – world building & a hub that provides other features such as:
o 3rd party products
o Developers
o Customer service
o Project management
o Sales
o Training
o Consulting
o Other services
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AU 3869 Daily Tasks 6/11/2015   • Phone calls and tech support.
• Went into Logan to work with my guys.
• A developer gave us a demo on where he is at using the google API sockets and GPS data from a trip that he went on.
• I worked with an intern on adding a new auto populate RFID tag setting. Lots of training on what is going on.
• Some contacts came over and we did a demo for them. These are the guys that came over yesterday that my dad brought over. The demo included vendors, PO’s, items, recipes, builds, quotes, customers, invoices, and expense/receipts. This was about a 2 hour demo with lots of questions. One of the contacts does training and simulation models. He also deals with wind farm hardware systems. He is out of the Provo, UT area.
• A developer and I signed off on code for a fulfillment and processing invoice flow and process. Good stuff. We cleaned up some code and pushed files live.
• At the end of the day a developer, project manager, and I talked about a percentage back to adilas to help fun new developers as well as project management. We talked about a 10-20% managing fee on a project. That money would go to help with sign-offs, pushing files live, and all billing and follow-up for the projects. Fun but crazy day! 30 miles.
• Emails and working with a developer on data import sign-off for some clients. We did a couple of phone calls and even jumped online for half an hour to do a GoToMeeting session.
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AU 3889 Daily Ideas 6/11/2015   -On quotes, carts, and invoices… It may be a cool admin feature if we could allow open costing or a phantom cost (ghost or virtual cost) to be added to an invoice or quote where the items will be purchased from someone else but still plan a part of the deal. Instead of direct costing on unlimited items, maybe add a phantom or virtual cost field to help figure out profile and mark-ups. This new option (permission) would even allow cost changes inside the shopping cart. This is just a concept at this point but thinking about making this an admin (red) permission.
-On the new client ecommerce demo site, include a blurb that talks about using the phone app for eCommerce. We want people to start using their phones to browse and view adilas stuff.
-On quotes, we need a way to be able to email a quote directly from the printable quotes page. We are working on this option for invoice but maybe expand it to be both for emails and quotes.
-On the media/content add/edit form, add a link to the HTML helper help file. This is for the main description field for media/content.
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AU 3870 Daily Tasks 6/12/2015   • On the phone with Steve talking about both current and upcoming projects. He is trying to get custom code jobs for us to do. His goal is $1,000 a day in custom code stuff. We talked quite a bit about our developers and the talents, skills, and their levels. We’ve got some great people helping to play the game.
• After the phone call, I did a quote for the contacts that had been in this week out of the Provo, UT area. They sell services and eLearning packages for wind power plants and simulation software. As a fun side note, the quote was pretty simple but also included options for training, data migration, and some custom code. I’m going to try to include those pieces on most of the new quotes that I do.
• Went into Logan to work with my guys.
• I spent a little bit of time helping a developer get a bigger database copy to get the data he needed in order to work on a multi corporation bank reconciliation project.
• I worked with an intern on the email invoice project. We only got about halfway through before I got pulled off on something new.
• I talked with a developer about GPS stuff and we looked into some different options. He is going tons of research including into Arduino microprocessor chips to deal with GPS tracking. All kinds of stuff.
• A contact and family friend came by to meet and talk about a new exercise start-up company. They need some tech help to help them store tons of data. We had a great meeting and have another meeting setup for next week.
• As a fun side note, this was the first time that I heard that there is starting to be pain for consumers with all kinds of app data spread out between tons of different phone or mobile apps. I’ve heard that same thing between software packages for business for years. However, this was the first time to hear the same data problem between apps and mobile apps. It makes sense, an app is just another piece of software but designed to be small and mobile. It is amazing how the lack of a full system trends towards future pain in pulling things back together. Interesting…!
• The last part of the day was working with a developer on a GoToMeeting clean-up of a data import. We had to go in and fix a number of pieces and do some after the fact modifications. We spent about an hour and a half and got everything all cleaned up. Busy day today. 30 miles.
• Took my brother home to his house. On the way we talked about how much he is helping with his positive attitude and entrepreneurial spirit. He is going great and creating a number of fun and fresh graphics. Fun stuff. He will go far! : )
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AU 3890 Daily Ideas 6/12/2015   -Keep planning to help interconnect multiple software packages… this could be business packages, apps, phone or mobile packages, and even custom or niche products. The goal is to eventually make or allow them to play as a system. Things like alternate external id numbers, application flex grid, and real in-line extensions are going to help with these needs. JSON (java script object notation) may also help to hold special data, values, rates, and mappings, keep things dynamic (aliases, permissions, and settings) and plan for the future.
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AU 3871 Daily Tasks 6/13/2015   • Recording notes, emails, and research. Watched a couple of videos on Arduino microprocessors and how to set them up. Just trying to get familiar with what is out there as options.
• Updating and signing off on code for icon menus. Reposted a number of files online.
• Prepping files for a developer/client. He wants to work on the internal cost corrections and update cost PO process. This is also tied into a possible project dealing with a setting for using average costing models. Some of the pieces of the project I believe in and want, and some of the pieces I really don’t want – like average costing.
• More prep work for getting files and database pieces ready for this developer/client.
• Trying to prep world building code to migrate corp specific records for a client. Ended up reviewing a developer’s code from back in March of this year. Crazy how time flies.
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AU 3872 Daily Tasks 6/15/2015   • Working on code prep for a client. More work on code that a developer did for the full database split and migration back in March of this year (helping people get off the bus). Full world building pieces.
• Went in to Logan to work with my guys. I got a room setup to help do some training on the sub inventory and cost controls (packaging).
• We did a multi hour session on the project and recorded the session. We used a couple of laptops, a digital microphone, a projector, and lots of talking and interactions. Good stuff!
• A contact came by and chatted with a developer and I about setting up radio packet data and working with CSV (comma separated values) files. He was giving us ideas on how to get and chew up text and packet data. This project deals with runners and even tracking of data for the Bear 100 mile race event.
• I spent some time with an intern signing off on code to be able to email invoices to clients from inside of adilas. This is a new general tool for all users. 30 miles.
• On the phone with a developer doing a salvage job on a data upload that went weird. We used GoToMeeting and were able to retrieve almost 100 lost customers and customer records based off of invoices and dates. Good stuff.
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AU 3873 Daily Tasks 6/16/2015   • Emails, recording bills, and recording notes.
• Went in to Logan to work with my guys. After stand-up meeting I gave some of the guys FTP (file transfer protocol) assess to push up new demos and marketing content.
• Worked with an intern to line out his new corp-wide setting project. This is part of the auto retrieve RFID tag values when restoring a quote to the cart for final checkout.
• Other interns and I did a small session on the packaging project. We built the database table and talked about the sub inventory fields, columns, and associated tables.
• I then worked with a developer on what he is going to need in order to get his multi corp sales report done. I showed him some live data to help him get an idea of how this report would be used in real life.
• A developer showed me his print multi pdf labels project.
• A contact sent us a referral. He does a think called medical tourism. Basically, they offer a trip to Mexico, a nice hotel, an American doctor, and a full remote recovery package. We chatted and talked about options and what adilas could offer and bring to the table. It was a fun visit.
• I’ve been using a couple of graphics and printouts to help explain what, how, and why we do things. The graphics really help get the concepts across.
• After the sales meeting, I met with the project manager on a couple projects. We figured out assignments and rough timelines. He has been a huge help to keep things going.
• I helped a developer and intern with some new high admin permissions. I gave the developer access to setup new adilas accounts and worlds.
• My brother came by and I helped him get started on cataloging video clips and YouTube videos. We are going to use the media/content tools to catalog the YouTube videos.
• Another brother showed me some of his design work that he has been doing He is doing awesome. I’m excited! 30 miles.
• Went over to a family friend’s house to talk with him about projects. We ended up talking about concepts of watchers and feeders. Good stuff.
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AU 3874 Daily Tasks 6/17/2015   • Emails and recording notes.
• Going through files and methods to split up database tables for world building pieces.
• Went in to Logan to work with the guys.
• Worked with an intern to give him some admin permissions on all servers for uploading and helping with client look and feel and client logs.
• A developer grabbed me and we had a good meeting about moving forward with the hub or adilas shop model. We talked about getting things back to an organic growth model. Things have been kind of crazy lately. We talked about adilas feeding the shop between $1,500 to $2,000 worth of internal work a week. This is $6,000 to $8,000 a month (roughly). We talked about a feeder period of 6 months and how much we could gain by an arrangement of that kind. We talked all kinds of numbers, break even projections, direction, vision, etc. This was probably a two hour meeting with whiteboard drawings with lots of talking and discussing options.
• After that, some interns and I did another session on the sub inventory and cost controls (packaging) project. We scripted the database creation process and then got into a small business lesson. We ended up talking for about an hour on where adilas is at as a company.
• Sadly, only the lead up portion got recorded using GoToMeeting. Someone else had a demo and needed the GoToMeeting account. Fun conversation.
• I think that interns got into it very well. That was fun.
• Another fun part of the conversation was the why we do what we do. I really enjoyed that.
• After that session, I talked with a developer about options for GPS and internal 3rd party solutions. He would possibly like to get into providing the GPS units, setups, installations, etc. I told him that the market was open and we didn’t have a problem with that.
• I also spent an hour or so with the project manager roughing out projects at the wall (whiteboard wall). We did about 6 projects with different options and costs. It really helps to bat the projects around with someone else to talk out details, flow, complexity, options, and costs. Busy but great day! 30 miles.
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AU 3875 Daily Tasks 6/18/2015   • Recording notes from yesterday. Lots of numbers and business talks yesterday.
• Reviewing video footage from yesterday. I watched the last 20 minutes of the packaging GoToMeeting section (start at 1:38-1:58). It has a great dialog on how our model has changed, grown, and how we are positioned to really move into the different markets. Kind of fun. The last five minutes talked about some pieces that make adilas unique (1:54-1:58).
• Tech support calls and fixing a small bug with the teacher/student interface.
• On the phone with a developer going over business plans and decisions. He wants to get things under control very soon and quickly. I hope that everything goes well with some of the transitions that are needed.
• Went in to Logan to work with my guys.
• A developer and I went on a walk around the block. We chatted about sales, numbers, and shop dynamics. There are some concerns with decisions and management stuff. Normal HR (human resources) stuff between people and personalities.
• Met with a guy today who is a technology consultant that works with another friend who I’ve been chatting with. We met and talked about options and what adilas could bring the table. I used the interactive map flyer and the GPS core layout flyer to explain what we can do. Those graphics really help to explain the concepts of 3D world building and the data assembly line concepts. Those pieces are part of the story or why we do what we do.
• After he left, we had our normal morning stand-up meeting. As part of the meeting a developer presented some of his plan. It was received with mixed reviews. We all talked about some options and what we want to do. Lots of emotions and different people somewhat jockeying for positions. Basically, debts are high, funds are low, and spirits are somewhere in between. Things aren’t super bad but finances and money are definitely tight. I’m hoping and praying for a miracle.
• There is a lot of potential but it is hard to convert raw potential into raw money, capital, and cash flow. If we got paid for all of our outstanding invoices we would be okay. However, our receivables are kind of slow and our payables are mounting daily. Anyway, I didn’t see how the meeting ended. I had to leave and go get a Boy Scout physical for Scout camp next week. When I came back to work, everybody was busy working.
• Around 1:30pm a client came by to our shop for an appointment. We met and talked for a good 45 minutes to an hour before his partner came to participate in a group brainstorming session. We all had fun and used up the whole whiteboard (wall) going over a two-deep affiliate program. We talked needs, listed out ideas, options, goals, rules, and various dreams.
• There was good dialogue between the group of us there. Lots of drawing, sketching, and consulting going on. My sister took some notes of the session. There was also lots of good learning going on. Both of the partners have been involved with numerous businesses over the years. They are both quite seasoned and are a wealth of knowledge.
• See entries back from 12/4/10 for some notes that I took while watching one of the partners do a foam clothing class (cold weather survival stuff). Some of the concepts and principles that I learned from him have played a huge part of what adilas has become. Concepts such as systems, acquisition of knowledge, function over fashion, they why and how that is developed over time, etc. Great stuff and very pivotal both now and especially back then.
• Just for fun, I looked up my notes that I did back in December of 2010 and showed them to him from inside the adilas developer’s notebook application (elements of time). That was kind of fun.
• After those guys left, I worked with numerous different developers on their different projects. Crazy day! Fun, long, emotionally charged, and a lot of learning and applying concepts. Good stuff! 30 miles.
• Spent the evening defining multiple different developer pay models. I created an hourly system, titles, qualifications, add-ons, prices and costs, and other options. There are developer models for training, interns, developers, trainers, leads, independents, 3rd part solutions, and custom or open models. Lots of options
• Anyway, I created a spreadsheet for the different models and what each one gets, requires, and may or may not need/use. Lots of different options. Trying to create a hybrid solution of sorts. I sent out an email to Steve, the project manager, and developers and asked for their feedback.
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AU 3891 Daily Ideas 6/18/2015   -“Principles last and endure. Sometimes you can tell if it is a principle if it stands the test of time.” Jim Phillips. By way of a note, he was in our shop today doing a whiteboard session with us on a 2-deep affiliate program. He taught a class on foam clothing (survival stuff) back on 12/4/10. See that entry for some other good notes.
-We have had more requests for customer credits and being able to easily apply those credits back to a customer. Basically, automate the in credits (accumulation) and automate the out bound usage of those credits (usage or applying the credits).
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AU 3876 Daily Tasks 6/19/2015   • Recording notes, paying bills, and phone calls.
• On the phone with Steve going over funding, projects, and needs. We talked quite a bit about the different developers.
• I got an email and a small urgent bug fix. I got it fixed and emailed one of the developers to let them know about the problem.
• I then talked on the phone with a developer about numbers and business stuff. I had him look at his email and read through my new levels and such. We are trying to figure out solutions and ideas.
• Went into Logan to work with my guys. We started to wire up my brother’s interface mock-up. Great breakthroughs and fun to see things get wired up and started. This will add a whole new level to adilas and what is possible. That is exciting.
• I finished up the page for the header, footer, and css competition. I pushed it up online for the guys.
• The goal is to develop a new look and feel for adilas by just altering the headers, footers, and backend css.
• I then worked with interns on a project to clean-up and split up database tables.
• I had a great phone call with my sister. She is really helping out tons with tech support and training.
• I spent some time with an intern working on his multi corp monthly report project. Busy and productive day.
• I also spent some time with the project manager and verbally presented the developer pay schedules and options to some of the guys. I thought that it went over pretty well. 30 miles.
• Recording notes onto loose pages. Lots of review and trying to get things figured out. Good day today! : )
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AU 3877 Daily Tasks 6/20/2015   • Emails, tech support, phone calls, and prep work.
• Lined out a project for interns.
• Quick call with Steve.
• On the phone with a developer going over ideas and options to help with both funding of projects and payments for interns and developers. Great conversation! Lots of open communication going back and forth. He has been awesome. We also decided to hold off on any major changes until he gets back from New York.
• Phone calls, tech support, and checking out a bowling software package called Drill Spec Coordinator. We have a number of bowling Pro shops that use adilas. Many of those pro shops want a feature similar to this package inside of adilas.
• I installed the software and did a couple generic screen captures to get a flavor of the program. I then uninstalled the software from my machine. The vendor’s name is Ebonite that makes the current software package. They are a bowling standard and deal with balls and special drilling specs for holes and grips on bills.
• A developer came over and we chatted about a number of office models and pay structures. He pitched a performance based commission model. We both took a bunch of notes and worked through some scenarios. Great meeting and we made a lot of progress. He also pitched a number of ideas dealing with teams, rotations, job sharing, cross training, and other performance based concepts. Great meeting!
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AU 3892 Daily Ideas 6/20/2015   -I could really help out by planning things and projects fully out. Once the plans are made and presented, they could be made and/or created by another developer. My job would be vision, direction, and showing potential.
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AU 3878 Daily Tasks 6/22/2015   • Recording notes from Saturday 6/20/15. Light brainstorming and prepping for the day. Lots of good stuff going on.
• Adding a commission model to the different developer models for adilas. Most of the ideas came from a developer on this model. I also added some additional verbage.
• Working in both Microsoft Excel and Adobe PDF to create the developer models, commission, pay rates, and add-on’s.
• Wrote an email to the developers to let them see what is going on.
• Writing checks, paying bills, and doing emails.
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AU 3893 Daily Ideas 6/22/2015   -Contact Ebonite International Inc. about the Drill Spec Coordinator system. Maybe propose a web based model and 3rd party solution for them to be on adilas.
-Add some smaller graphics to the login page.
-Maybe three across to show some of the new features.
-Start using slogans such as… adilas – all data is live and searchable – your data, your world, your way – You dream it up, we’ll wire it up – think custom.
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Adi 1166 API documentation 6/23/2015   API documentation
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Adi 1168 Custom code 6/23/2015  
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Adi 1169 Custom code 6/23/2015   API documentation
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AU 3879 Daily Tasks 6/23/2015   • Up at Scout Camp (Hull Valley, Cub River, ID). Recording notes from loose pages into my notebook.
• Recording notes.
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AU 3894 Daily Ideas 6/23/2015   -I head a great story about a wise man who lived on top of a high mountain. A young man went to see and test him. He caught a small bird and brought it before the wise man. The young man asked the wise man what was the state of the bird? The wise man responded… it is what you will it – meaning that depends on you. The young man asked for more information. The wise man said – If I tell you the bird is dead, you will release your hands and simply let it go and it will fly away. If I say it is alive, you will tighten your grip, squeeze the bird and it will die. Therefore, it is what you will it to be! This was a great story given by the camp director. He related it to scout camp and told the boys that this week would depend on them and what they got out of it. The week may hold hot days, cold nights, crazy weather, bugs, ups, downs, etc. The experience depends on the boys and what they will it to be. Basically, it comes down to attitude and desire.
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Shop 3814 Virtual Post-It Note 6/24/2015  
  • 3-D World Building
  • Adilas Community funded projects
  • More flyer graphics on home page
  • Dream it up-theme for custom
  • News + Updates under construction
  • Adilas-All data is live and searchable, your data, your world, your way!
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AU 3880 Daily Tasks 6/24/2015   • Recording notes from loose pages.
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AU 3881 Daily Tasks 6/25/2015   • Recording notes from loose pages.
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AU 3895 Daily Ideas 6/25/2015   -As part of Scout Camp the boys and I participated in a thing called the “Polar Bear”. Super cold spring water coming out of a big metal pipe. Anyway, the boys and I had to go under the big pipe and let the cold water fall on us as we repeated the scout oath and scout law (both). The female camp staff member was helping the boys with the process. I watched in amazement as she helped also 50 boys and leaders do the Polar Bear. The water was so cold that it took your breath away and you could not speak or talk. So, she said the scout oath and scout law 50 times each. She got soaked, helped boys in, out, say what they needed to, and helped to encourage them. Awesome service and it was fun and humbling to watch. I want to be like that. Thanks to that staff member for the great example.
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AU 3882 Daily Tasks 6/26/2015   • Recording notes from loose pages. I was able to finish from 5/5/15 to 6/11/15 while up at Scout Camp. It was fun to relive the drama, crazy times, and new and exciting changes. I’m so grateful for these notebooks and for the ride. It has been crazy, but I love it!
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AU 3883 Daily Tasks 6/27/2015   • Recording more notes from loose pages.
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AU 3884 Daily Tasks 6/29/2015   • Recording notes from loose pages.
• On the phone with Steve going over projects, quotes, and options for developers. We went through the favorites (saved report settings for elements of time) and went through the different projects. Kind of fun to see us using adilas for project management stuff. A huge thanks to Dave for entering things and setting up a flow process. Steve and I talked about a number of different projects based off of Dave’s preset favorites and saved report settings.
• Went into Logan to work. My brother showed me a bunch of graphics and such. He also showed me his Flash bubble navigation system. I worked quite a bit with Dave on project requirements, costs, and time quotes.
• A developer and I did some debugging on a PDF invoice and email link issue. Posted new code on all servers.
• Spent some time with another developer talking about GPS and flow.
• I worked with another developer on a consolidated bank report. He is going to be adding in his first system permission for the multi corp bank consolidation reports. Other emails and random stuff. 30 miles.
• Finished up recording notes from loose pages. I’m actually caught up as of right now. Yea! These notes take a lot of time but have been a huge comfort to me to get the stuff on paper and out of my head. The other blessing for me is to go back and re-read the different entries. As I do, I see the hand of the Lord in my life. Good stuff! : )
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AU 3896 Daily Ideas 6/29/2015   -The simplicity of a child’s approach. I needed to prepare a small lesson on Sunday for some families that I visit. My son came up with some simple coloring pages for the kids, a small lesson called “it’s a short flight”, & a little bag of gummy bears. I was amazed at how simple it was!
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Adi 1167 Custom code 6/30/2015  
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AU 3885 Daily Tasks 6/30/2015   • Going through tons of new emails that come in while I was gone to scout camp. Lots of new invoices, logos, and project requests. Entered all bills and invoices into the system.
• Working up a budget from $10,000 to $150,000. Created an Excel Spreadsheet with various options. If I had $150,000 right now I would use it as follows:
Category ---- Value:
People – Wages – Interns & Developers -- $60,000
People – Wages – Other Team Members -- $10,000
Site – Internal Look & Feel -- $5,000
Site – External Look & Feel -- $10,000
Sales & Advertising -- $25,000
Site – Adilas World – Adilas Community -- $2,500
Training – User Guide – Videos -- $2,500
Site Automation & eCommerce -- $10,000
Adilas API Socket Connections – Development -- $25,000
Total: $150,000
• On the phone with two different lenders to talk about options and loans and funding. Trying to figure out where we are headed.
• Went in to Logan to work with my guys. I helped here and there – all around I spent some time with a developer talking about funding options and numbers.
• I also went on a walk with a developer and chatted about what is needed. I know that I need to make some tough decisions that affect other people. That has been weighing on my mind and my heart. That is tough and not very fun. I’m also trying to figure out what to do. Kind of a rough but good day today. We’ve made a ton of progress, we just need to change focus a bit. 30 miles.
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AU 3897 Daily Ideas 6/30/2015   • Working up a budget from $10,000 to $150,000. Created an Excel Spreadsheet with various options. If I had $150,000 right now I would use it as follows:
Category ---- Value:
People – Wages – Interns & Developers -- $60,000
People – Wages – Other Team Members -- $10,000
Site – Internal Look & Feel -- $5,000
Site – External Look & Feel -- $10,000
Sales & Advertising -- $25,000
Site – Adilas World – Adilas Community -- $2,500
Training – User Guide – Videos -- $2,500
Site Automation & eCommerce -- $10,000
Adilas API Socket Connections – Development -- $25,000
Total: $150,000