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Sort Value: Developer's Notebook Report - 2/1/2015 to 2/28/2015 - (39)
Time Id Color Title/Caption Start Date   Notes
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AU 3587 Daily Tasks 2/2/2015   • Emails, paying bills, phone calls, follow-ups, etc.
• On the phone with our Colorado developer going over the code for in-line discounts and items that have a setting of with tax included. Kind of tricky stuff.
• Paying bills and trying to get caught up.
• Looking into a possible bug in the add code for new item with in-line discounts. Tech support calls, emails, and other code checks. General clean-up.
• Working on code logic for items with tax included and with in-line discounts.
• On the phone with an intern and tech support from Newtek. Going over server settings and tweaking some memory settings and options.
• Working with two interns on different projects. One was doing data uploads and the other was working on servers and boxes.
• Working on order or operations for in-line discounts and with tax included tax calcs.
• More work on changing with tax included and in-line discounts logic around.
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AU 3661 Tech - Working on New Discount Logic 2/2/2015   Problems with the logic between a with tax included piece vs. a with tax included piece with a cart as a whole discount.

- Qty
- Price
- Discount
- Discounted price
- Tax cat
- Original tax cat
- Tax

- Add to cart cfm
- Update cart cfm
- Update cart 2 cfm
- Edit cart line cfm
- Java script
- Bulk edit cart action cfm
- Add unit to cart cfm
- Quote to cart cfm
- Submit cart cfm
- Submit wholesale cart cfm
- Duplicate to cart cfm
- Search “calculate taxes”

Temp vars:
- Line qty
- Line discount value
- Line discount price
- Line campaign
- Line tax

Deleted keywords & descriptions out of the meta tags
Sample CSS file
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AU 3345 Adilas interns - mini project requirements 2/3/2015   See attached for a list of adilas interns - mini project requirements to finish up training.
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AU 3588 Daily Tasks 2/3/2015   • Working on logic for tax calculations for with tax included and in-line discounts. Flipped the process around and put the tax calculation first and then the in-line discounts. Emails and small verbal quotes.
• Went in to Bridgerland to start a session with the interns. Setup some requirements to help guide them on their mini project. See elements of time id #3345 inside of adilas university for a pdf version of the requirements. Working with different interns on their projects. Lots of white board time and helping to lead them down the learning path. 30 miles.
• Working with interns on projects. One intern was working on a tree project, another was working on the eCommerce API stuff, another was working on subs of time and GPS and RFID tag subs, another was working on a weather and fishing app, another was working on data imports, another was starting on a gift card and loyalty points system, and another showed me some of his graphics that he has been working on. Crazy but exciting times. Lots of learning going on and happening today.
• Emails and recording notes from loose pages.
• Recording notes in my notebook. It is a lot of work to keep caught up. However, I feel so much better when I am caught up and recording things as they happen. In the last two days, I’ve going through a stack of about 20 post-it notes and recorded notes back into my notebook. Normally I try to record directly into my notebook but if I get behind, I record things on loose pages or on post-it notes. I then have to go back through the notes and write things a second time to get them into the real notebook. I know that it takes more time but sometimes the process of writing things over and over again makes it stick better in my head. It is probably a blessing in disguise. Anyway, I’m currently caught up and ready to go! Yee haw!
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AU 3662 Tech - Scenarios for Testing Discounts 2/3/2015   Scenarios for testing: (Discounts)
Add to cart cfm:
- Plain:
o 0 tax
o Normal tax
o With tax included
o No discount
- With a discount:
o Preset cart or customer discount
o 0 tax
o Normal tax
o With tax included
Update cart cfm:
- Back out a discount
- Qty of 0
- Change a qty
- Recalc taxes
o 0 tax
o Normal tax
o With tax included
o In-line discount
o No in-line discount
- Don’t recalc taxes
o In-line discount
o No in-line discount
- Standalone discount
Edit cart line cfm:
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AU 3589 Daily Tasks 2/4/2015   • Recording notes and expanding on the process. It does feel good to be caught up.
• Working on the logic for items with tax included and in-line discounts. Those two pieces together make a double back flip of sorts. Lots of moving pieces.
• Went in to Bridgerland to work with the interns. An intern and I worked on Git and bit bucket stuff for version control and source files. We signed off on some API pieces and posted files where they needed to go. This intern was also working on the new data 3 server. Two other interns were working on their mini projects. The intern and I were helping them along the way. 30 miles.
• Worked with an intern on the advanced add to cart page. He added some pieces for in-line discounts and new java script changes. Another intern and I spent quite a bit of time doing some white board planning. We filled the whiteboard a couple of times. An intern came and we signed off on a couple of his pages. These guys are keeping me hopping.
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AU 3590 Daily Tasks 2/5/2015   • Recording notes and brainstorming on watchers and feeders. Those topics were the catalyst for elements of time. See other notes.
• Went in to Bridgerland to work with interns. Started looking into some JQuery stuff. Worked with 6 of the interns on different projects. All over the place. Everybody is working hard and there is lots of learning going on. The guys are helping each other and they are all getting along. That is awesome! One of the neat things is how the guys are expanding their minds and starting to think outside the box. It is fun to see them embrace new ideas and concepts. 30 miles.
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AU 3601 Daily Ideas 2/5/2015   Back on 1/20/15 we were brainstorming on a project called round 2 of elements of time. See entries from that date for details. Anyway, when I was driving home, I started thinking about how we needed elements of time to advance the ball for our balance sheet and financial records. When I got home, I scribbled some small ideas on a post-it note and stuck it on my scanner. I’ve been meaning to record those pieces but have been slammed. Here they are:
- Use elements of time behind the scenes to record daily records per categories. No other math other than the daily sums is needed. We will then pull reports based on those daily sums. Watchers and feeders.
- The different categories will be updated and maintained as they happen in real time. This includes normal actions such as adds, edits, deletes, voids, etc. This is possible as most pieces are manipulated on a one by one basis.
- There are tons of entries in the adilas university site on watchers. Search for the key word watchers. Some of the entries go back to 2008, 2009, and 2010. Things started getting hot in 2010. Lots of planning and mapping sessions were being done. That whole process was the prep and foundation for elements of time – round 1. We just ran out of time to get it all done. See specifically the entries for the month of October 2010. Interactive map, watchers, feeders, roll call, mappings, etc.
- On the daily records per categories (watchers and feeders), these would be accounting level subs of time. They could be done daily per location as needed. The subs would only be added as something happens. Keep it small and tight. Simple sums would be sufficient. Relate the subs back to pieces of the financials. Use the P&L (profit and loss or income statement) and the balance sheet as the categories to keep track of. For example: part categories, revenue, cost of goods sold, expense types, deposit types, balance sheet pieces, taxes, receivables, payables, etc.
- The goal is daily sums per location per category. The word category is kind of broad but record key pieces per day. These feeders could then be used to support and/or feed other reports including the P&L (profit and loss) and balance sheet.
- I really need to get these records (my notebook) out to the public. There is a lot of good stuff here that could benefit the whole human race. The ideas, knowledge, and planning are free. Making it happen… that takes resources.

See notes back on 1/24/15 about new custom black boxes for custom code. Today while doing a whiteboard session, we may end up adding other options for custom headers and custom footers. These would be more global type pieces but available if needed. The word global means more system wide vs. per page like most of the other custom code.
Standard page inside of adilas – black box custom code options:
- Top – full takeover or custom logic
- CSS – Global or system wide
- Top custom header – Global or system wide
- Top mini – under the header
- Main body black box
- Bottom mini – above the footer
- Bottom custom footer – global or system wide
Be able to switch out any piece of a page as if it was a Lego building system. The page name would remain the same but the display and logic could be customized with no problems.
-To take the black box concept even further… What if each page had options to use a point and click interface to show/hide criteria, custom naming conventions, change display order, and even add or subtract links, navigation, buttons, graphics, and even database fields. The extra database fields might need to be tied to the future project called real in-line extensions. See notes from 10/2/14 through 10/9/14.
-I wanted to record a miracle… We’ve been working with new interns for over a month now. They are growing and developing some great skills. We are really excited about that. The scary side to that is how much it costs to get them to a level where they can play the game. Anyway, I was telling my dad and he asked me if I could get a loan or something to help bump these guys over the hump into a producing level. I told him that I didn’t think so… He immediately said – “Let me talk to mom and see if we could get you something.” You have to realize that my parents aren’t rich or well to do. They scrape and pinch like most of us. Anyway, I end up heading home, ran some errands, and finally get home. Later I get a call from my dad and he says – “Come by tomorrow and mom will give you some money.” They are planning on loaning me $5,000 to help bump the interns into a producing level. That will really help and is literally a miracle. I feel very blessed. I told my mom and dad… “I want to be just like you when I grew up.” I love how quick they give, serve, help, and jump in. They are and have been a huge blessing in my life. I’m very grateful!
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AU 3591 Daily Tasks 2/6/2015   • Recording notes in my notebook from yesterday. Lots of neat things (miracles) are happening. Good stuff!
• Up at Beaver Mountain. I didn’t have a morning lesson so I reviewed a couple pages from an old notebook. I looked at 9/29/14 to 10/9014. Lots of fun ideas about dynamics, needs, and future projects. It is fun to see how things keep coming together.
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AU 3602 Daily Ideas 2/6/2015   -On new and upcoming projects. Set up a standard in flow process. This may take some time, but could really help with multiple developers and team leaders. I would also help with assigning out the projects.
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AU 3592 Daily Tasks 2/7/2015   • Recording bills and deposits. Emails.
• On the phone with Steve. We did a GoToMeeting session and covered a number of different subjects. We talked about API projects, options for custom black boxes, we also talked about new interns and what projects we could assign to what interns. Steve had a list of questions and we went down his list and chatted about them. That helped to keep us focused. We also talked about doing page specific settings and how to use those pieces. As a random side note, Steve made a comment that I wanted to echo. “Who is going to maintain that? I sure don’t want to.” I love that the answer is you empower the people, at the source, and they maintain it through permissions and settings. That’s the key.
• Recording a loan from my parents. Recording notes and other bills. Setup new accounts. Scanned documents, email, and other to-do list stuff.
• Working on logic changes for in-line discounts.
• Working on code to help with the adilas black boxes and custom includes for the eCommerce pages. We are going to add seven black boxes to each page in the prebuilt eCommerce section and see how that goes over. It is kind of an experiment to see what people think. Tons of custom options.
• Working on the black boxes for eCommerce.
• Finished up a demo file for eCommerce black box options. Sent Steve a couple sample files showing black box layouts, a sample starter CSS page, and a live file with the black boxes in place and mixed with live code. Steve is going to run with that project. These pages were just to get him going in the right direction.
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AU 3593 Daily Tasks 2/9/2015   • Emails.
• Working on the logic for items with a discount and a tax setting of with tax included.
• Crazy busy day today. I started out with more work on the discount and tax calculations. An intern came over, we worked on the SSL for the data 3 server. We also ran database updates and other server configuration pieces. Steve called and we worked on some code to hold and store custom page settings for his mini black box stuff for the main view cart page.
• My brother came over and we worked on his laptop a little bit. Another intern came over and was working on some updates for a client. Steve called back and we did another session on his custom page settings. The pages allows the user to set some values and choose other options from a list of database values. We then convert everything to a JSON object and store it in the database. We then use that JSON object tin some logic that goes into the top mini black box in the main shopping cart page. Fun project.
• Emails, checking on new SSL installation on data 3, and recording notes.
• Emails.
• Working on the java script for the advanced edit cart line logic for in-line discounts and variable tax settings.
• Changing up the page logic for discounts and items with tax included settings.
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AU 3664 Tech - Discount Work 2/9/2015   Discount Planning:
Column Headings:
- Qty
- Original
- Extended
- Tax
- Total

Column Headings:
- Qty
- Original list
- Original list extended
- Price
- Price extended
- Discount
- Discount per
- Discount extended

Discount Planning & Notes:
(See scan in photo gallery for details)
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AU 3594 Daily Tasks 2/10/2015   • Working on the logic between the items with discounts that also have a tax included setting.
• Went in to Bridgerland to work with interns on their projects. Kept working on the discount logic. Worked quite a bit with an intern on configuring the data 3 server. We exported some SQL tables, imported them, checked settings, and updated files and settings.
• Two interns and I had a great whiteboard session on version control and how to configure servers and code repositories. Good stuff. 30 miles.
• Working with an intern and showing him some vision about where elements of time needs to go. Took out an old notebook and went over some sketches, drawings, and brainstorming pieces. We talked shop and potential. Working with an intern on signing off on API socket connections for web presence and eCommerce settings. Great sessions!
• Recording bills and making credit card payments.
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AU 3595 Daily Tasks 2/11/2015   • Lost a couple of days’ worth of work. We are using a program called git and bit bucket to keep track of code changes. I pulled down the master branch and it over wrote two pages of code. There was probably about 12 hours’ worth of work that got written over. That kind of hurts. To top that off… the code was new changes for in-line discounts. That has been a very large project and has taken quite a bit of time.
• Working with an intern on invoices for in-line discounts and showing photos. We lined out a project and then started into it. I worked with an intern to get my lost code back using Git. We then worked on the flow for using Git and bit bucket. After that, I helped an intern doing some pagination (next and previous pages) for multiple record counts. 30 miles.
• Emails to a client about distributions and user-maintained balance sheet items.
• Worked with interns on some code review. This intern is doing awesome on his mini project. I’m trying to get this other intern into the role to help with code review. I also worked with an intern on updating data and pulling values of out a Google API (map stuff) call. Somewhat of a random afternoon. I’m seeing the need to get a list of projects ready for these guys to work on. That would really help.
• Finished up the java script on the advanced edit cart line item page. The page is now capable of doing up to a triple back calculation such as – an item with tax included, and unknown quantity, a discount, and a fixed price per.
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AU 3596 Daily Tasks 2/12/2015   • Working on the logic for bulk in-line discounts and discounts on a cart as a whole basis.
• Went in to Bridgerland to work with the interns. My first project was to create a small list of projects that needed to be quoted. I then made a list of internal projects. After that a small list of already quoted projects. We will start chipping away at those pieces as we go. There are tons of projects. That is awesome.
• An intern and I worked with another intern on signing off on his mini project. They, both the interns, worked on their first dynamic search mixing normal SQL with dynamic ColdFusion if statements mixed together. Powerful stuff. I worked with an intern on some code and data clean-up. He has really been very diligent, I’ve been very impressed. Lots of bouncing between pieces and things and different projects. Worked with interns. An intern and I spent an hour going over permissions and how things are organized behind the scenes. Great day with lots of learning and progress. 30 miles.
• Talking with my dad about the new guys and what they are learning. He recommended that I have them work together on different projects. Let them build a good inter relationship. I enjoy talking and chatting with my dad. He has been an awesome cheerleader and example to me. I really appreciate that.
• On the phone with Steve. We did an hour long GoToMeeting session to work on his code projects. We worked on custom page settings, black box includes, and cart alerts. Lots of new dynamics.
• On the phone with a developer. We talked about the adilas API and different web services. He is a tech guy that loves to see what is hot and upcoming. He recommended that we keep going with JSON stuff but also check out a thing called AngularJS or Angular Java Script. I am grateful to guys who keep their nose to the air and watch for trends. That really helps us all be aware of what is out there and upcoming.
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AU 3597 Daily Tasks 2/13/2015   • Recording notes from yesterday. Reading up on Wikipedia about AngularJS. Lots of neat things coming down the pipeline.
• Emails and small to do list stuff.
• Working on logic for in-line discounts with tax included. Working on the bulk discount page.
• Working on flow and logic for more in-line discount stuff.
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AU 3557 Brainstorming Ideas on a 3D Calendar 2/14/2015   Jared Moore (my brother) let me scan a sketch out of his notebook dealing with a 3D calendar idea. See the photos and scans for details.
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AU 3598 Daily Tasks 2/14/2015   • Brainstorming on a way to teach developers how to work with data. See previous pages for notes. As an interesting side effect, the brainstorming session came back to a foundation of settings and permissions. That foundation leads into 3D World Building concepts of time, resources, and space. Kind of interesting. I think that I need to teach my guys about the foundation of permissions and settings. Help them get a solid base and then build from there.
• Research and adding notes to my other notes. Having fun with flow and processes of working with data.
• More brainstorming on moving and changing things over time.
• Working on the flow for bulk and line by line in-line discounts.
• Working on more on in-line discounts.
• Emails
• Working on outputting in-line discounts on printable invoices and save as pdf versions of invoices.
• My brother came over and we got him paid for some training. He gave me a fun 3D idea for blocking elements of time. See next page.
• Working on the printer friendly invoice page and showing in-line discounts. Sent an email update on custom code progress.
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AU 3603 Daily Ideas 2/14/2015   -New graphic idea for helping developer understand the process of working with data – almost like a construction worker. (Please see scans in photo gallery)
Inputs: Make a list of known inputs. What do you get or start with?
Tools: Make a list of tools that you use to get the job or project done.
Outputs: What did you make or get as an output?
Imagine a funnel to slowly take a bigger raw input and get it ready for an output.

-Elaborating on the new graphic idea to help developers with the concepts of working with data… (Please see scans in the photo gallery)
Mini Version:
Inputs: Start with?
Outputs: Goal or end with?
Funnel and reverse funnel effect – mix and blend as needed

-Bigger Version:
(Please see scans in photo gallery – lots of ideas)
Input Types:
- JSON – var1: value
- Text – “something as text”
- Mixed Data
- Objects or structures
- URL Data
- FORM Data
- Query
- Array
- Variable
- List
- Other/Custom
- As a note… data could be any of the inputs – all kinds of stuff.
- Graphics
- Tables
- Reports
- Links
- Navigation
- Pages
- Data
- Other/Custom
- As a note… data could be any of the inputs – all kinds of stuff.

- Database
- Spreadsheet
- Text/Word Processing
- Libraries
- Traffic Control
- Functions
- Paper & pencil
- Mind & head
- Functions
- API sockets
- Parameters (windows & doors)
- Conditional logic (if, else if, else)
- Loops & steps
- Graphics
- Page Redirects & Reroutes
- Dumps
- Includes
- Web
- Apps
- Software
- Hardware
- Data – see inputs & outputs
- Includes
- Validation
- Server side code
- Client side code
- Multi-media
- Custom tags
- Other/Custom Tools
- Settings
- Permissions
- 3D – Time, Resources, Space
Start simple and work up from there
-I’m running out of room… I’ll have to put this on its own page – these are just ideas.
-The goal is to mix and blend as needed!
-I’d love to add graphics or icons to all of these inputs, outputs, and tools.
-See adilas university and search for “foundation” to get some good results.
-As a small note… You start with known values that are simple… As you mix and blend and as things get more complicated… Things always seem to trend to “other” or “custom”. The word custom usually requires things like settings and permissions. Settings and permissions lead into our 3D World Building Model of Time, Resources, and Space. (3D World Building Concepts: X = Time, Y = Resources, & Z = Space)
-Everything is inter-connected.

-Permissions and settings may need to change over time. Think of how God works with His children… He places them in certain circumstances and gives them talents and trials. As time goes on and as cause and effect actions take place, God is willing to virtually change permissions and settings as needed. Change doesn’t have to be up or down. It could also mean front to back, left to right, diagonal, add or subtract, multiply, divide, etc. Granular or micro controls. God loves His children and helps us learn and grow along the way. I know He loves us!
-This is a design idea that was submitted by my brother. My brother sketched this design while listening to part of an adilas intern training class.
3D Calendar Idea by my brother:
- Imagine days of the month as 3D cubes or blocks:
- (Please see sketches on scans in photo galleries)
- Month:
o Week 1:
o Week 2:
o Pretend it went from 1-7: S, M, T, W, Th, F, S, 8-14: S, M, T, W, Th, F, S and so on… Days and months
Each day could be broken down into 24 hours. Each hour is a mini block.
- Break each day into 24 hour blocks – single day
- Take each day and block and expand it into 24 smaller blocks… Hours
o This could go 0-11 am, 12-11 pm or 12-23 if on a 24 hour block
- Days and hours
Each hour could be broken down into 60 minutes. Each minute could be a small block of time.
- Example: Monday, May 9th at 10:00am – single hour block of time
- Break each hour into 60 minute blocks.
Each minute could be broken down into 60 seconds.
- Break each minute into 60 second blocks
- Single minute
- Minutes & seconds
- Example: Monday, May 9th at 10:45 am
It could go deeper but I think the point is made. Basically, a 3D calendar that could show any level of detail. I showed my model going from months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds. The model could also go up if needed to things like: months, quarters, years, decades, centuries, millenniums. Whatever you want. Think levels both big and small.
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AU 3665 Brainstorming: Inputs, Outputs, & Tools 2/14/2015   Graphic ideas: (See sketches on scan in photo gallery)
- Inputs:
o Funnel & reverse funnel effect
- Outputs:
- Tools:

Input Types:
- Query
- FORM data
- URL data
- Structure
- Object
- Array
- List
- Variable
- Text
- Mixed data

Output Types:
- Same as inputs plus:…
- Graphic(s)
- Table(s)
- Report(s)
- FORM(s)
- Link(s)
- Navigation
- Page(s)
- Data

- Variables
- Lists
- Arrays
- Structures
- Queries
- Database
- Spreadsheet
- Text/word processing
- Paper & pencil
- Mine & head
- Functions
- API sockets
- Graphics
- Loops
- Conditional logic (if, else if, else)
- Includes
- Validation
- Parameters
- Reroutes & redirects
- Dumps
- Stops & alerts
- Server-side code
- Client-side code
- Libraries
- Apps
- Web
- Outside sources
- Other resources
- Software
- Hardware
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AU 3558 Sample Screen Shot of an Invoice with In-Line Discounts and Line Item photos 2/16/2015   See the photo gallery to see a sample screen shot of an invoice with a couple of new pieces applied. The new pieces are: A new corp-wide setting for invoices with a photo per line item called a photo invoice. New in-line discounts applied per line. Original invoice totals, a total savings value, and quick peak at the general look and feel.

Many of these new changes were launched earlier this morning. This entry is mostly for historic purposes.
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AU 3599 Daily Tasks 2/16/2015   • Emails.
• Working on invoices and outputting in-line discounts and total savings. Also added a new corp-wide setting to allow invoice line item photos to show up by default. Basically making the photo invoice a valid default invoice type. Posted some files online.
• Recording notes from an idea that my brother gave me on a 3D calendar model. He came over on Saturday 2/14 and showed me a 3D design for showing the calendar. He broke it into days, weeks, months. He also took it down from days into hours, minutes, etc. See notes from 2/14/15. See elements of time #3557 in adilas university for scans on the 3D calendar.
• New logo for a client out of Texas.
• Going through emails and responding to requests. I’m seeing a number of new requests that are based on the sub permission level. This deals with a permission but the permission also needs one or more settings. It is interesting to see how both permissions and settings need to play together (compound concepts) to create the foundation of what we do inside of adilas.
• On the phone with Steve for half an hour talking about custom settings. He was also asking about flow for his swipe driver’s license project. Basically, swipe the license and then have the system parse through the magnetic data and store the values. We talked about using temporary tables, the session scope (cloud or memory), and step-by-step pass through values.
• Wrote a large email to an adilas rep/consultant about ideas for mixing sub permissions and sub settings. It is crazy to see how everything is headed to sub control levels. The email also talked about real in-line extensions. The email was a light proposal of sorts. It is fun to see things starting to come together.
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AU 3600 Daily Tasks 2/17/2015   • Writing and email and light proposal on breaking things into subs and doing some custom work.
• Went in to Bridgerland to work with interns. Started out by helping an intern get an adilas system setup. We took about 2 hours and went over three main concepts. We covered permissions, settings, and time. I really enjoyed that session. It helps me see how each of those sections are part of the foundation. An interesting piece of that foundation is that all three parts move and change or may be changed.
• I then worked with an intern on two different projects. We did a lot of white boarding and talked about the web/API socket project and new adilas black boxes for all eCommerce pages. We planned out the admin page for virtually opening and closing API socket doors and windows. This is part of the API socket project and starting to expose those pieces to the outside public. I
• I then worked with two interns on World Building and splitting out the databases. We drew out the 10 levels of World Building and how the solar system level (databases) needed some help to become a one-to-many relationship so that each company could have its own database. After the brainstorming session, we put an intern on a small database copy project.
• I worked with another intern on his mini project and we spent a lot of time working on validation and page flow. He has been doing good and well. Another intern was also there today and he was working with another intern. Very good day. 30 miles.
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AU 3604 Daily Tasks 2/18/2015   • Went in to Bridgerland to work with the interns. Spent some time working with an intern helping him to copy and duplicate database tables. I also got another intern lined out on a part number migration for a company out of Orem, UT. 30 miles.
• Went back to Bridgerland after a doctor’s appointment. Worked with two interns on world building and getting the database split up. I helped another intern with his API socket assignment page. This is a section where a user is able to virtually able to open and close API socket connections to the outside world, using a simple point and click interface. I also helped out another intern with his mini project and inserting data.
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Adi 940 Custom code - Cann Build 2/18/2015  
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Adi 933 Custom code - Kent 2/19/2015   Some things I'd like to cover:

- brief intro / walkthrough of existing Adilas systems

- general overview of the top 10 markets Adilas has a footprint in

- open discussion about American Green / ZaZZZ tech roadmap, and how we envision it working with Adilas
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AU 3605 Daily Tasks 2/19/2015   • Emails to a lady about speaking at a conference and emails to a client about a custom code project.
• Went in to Bridgerland to work with interns. Spent most of the morning working with an intern on functions and ColdFusion components. We used the white board and then went through things on his computer. We use the whiteboard every day there at Bridgerland. It is huge and we fill it up, erase it, and fill it up again as needed. It has been really fun for us that way. Met with an intern and got him setup to work with a client and some of their custom eCommerce needs. He will do great.
• More work with an intern on methods and functions. Spent some time with an intern doing CFC’s and method calls. I worked with an intern on his web/API documentation project. Hopefully it will be live soon. I also worked with an intern on helping him to migrate some parts and products for a company. Great day and very busy. 30 miles.
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AU 3606 Daily Tasks 2/20/2015   • Recording notes, emails, and invoicing clients.
• Rereading notes from back in October of 2014. Tons of cool stuff on subs and elements of space and time. Worth going back and reading again. Lots of good insight and direction.
• Singing off on code from Steve. The code is for his driver’s license field and data stuff. Trying to get caught up.
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AU 3613 Daily Ideas 2/20/2015   -Small side note… I’m thinking that we need to plan out a number of new phases that we would like to do internally. I then want to make that proposal available to the public. Maybe even see if we can get some investors, community funded projects, or sponsors to make it happen. I’m not sure of all the details yet. That is still coming.
-On sub action status logs… what if we allowed the users to add and edit the status pieces. This could be used for sub phases, sub locations, and other sub action status options. As a note, the sub action status logs could also use a note section. It might help it out. See elements of time and sub action logs for details.
-On elements of time being added to the cart… Currently, the total time changes between hours and days based on totals. It might be nice to leave things as original totals and then also show conversions as they increase. For example show 27 hours vs. 1.? something days. The hours may still need to be shown. Check the printable time, working with time, and the view cart pages to make changes.
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AU 3607 Daily Tasks 2/21/2015   • Working on getting up the data 3 servers. Working towards releasing the server today. Signing off on code to push up to new servers.
• On the phone with Steve going over things. He has been working on new black box custom code stuff. Funny enough, he has done enough special includes that he is looking for ways of providing a generic or global custom skin or option. Our whole phone call was talking about custom black box skins and ways to apply a skin as a paid or non-paid choice. Very interesting. He would like to run things through the chooser interface. Basically a sub selection of what the user could see, use, show, hide, or how to skin a page.
• An intern came over and we spent some time talking about new code changes. We talked about new global skins, black boxes, web/API sockets, security, and page id numbers. We got out a small whiteboard and brainstormed on authentication and user access to the adilas API sockets. We were kind of stumped on internal vs. external usage of the same virtual data highway. We are going to add some database flags to help us know whether or not the methods are internal or not. We will also hardcode access only to master corporations. Steve called and had questions on adding a new black box to the submit cart page. We have only just barely started to say the word black box and it is already starting to blow up – meaning more and more needs. I think that custom is like looking at an iceberg… You only see a portion of the whole until you get into it a little deeper. It gets deep quick!
• Recording notes and working with an intern on validation and flow for pages. Sometimes being so dynamic has its challenges. Pros and cons.
• Approving and signing off on code. Steve even sent me new black box code for the submit cart page. This is the second page in the secured environment to get a black box for custom code. The first one was the view cart page. Our plan is to keep adding them (black boxes) as needed.
• Also spend some time and talked with an intern about creating a start-up development shop to do adilas custom code projects. Basically a small sister company to handle the custom projects. Working on code for the data 3 server.
• Tightening up the image and photo monitor report for all servers. Added a new user filter, added totals, and showed output for time, deposits, quotes, users, and vendors.
• On the data 3 server updating SQL to add in an adilas corporation.
• Working on the data 3 server. Approved it to go live. Light testing and browsing to check settings and flow.
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AU 3666 Phone Call with Steve 2/21/2015   Phone call with Steve:
- Chooser
o Sections
o Black boxes
o Generics – skins & logic
- Default homepage
- Page level settings
- Black box skins
- Full takeover or custom
- People want to skin things
- All 7 black boxes
- We need to go past custom & into custom skins – run through chooser
- Start with view cart
- Fix the generic black page - Add new code logic to the page
- Think about page level components, plug & play, drag & drop, parameters, arguments, attributes, subpage settings
- WordPress – hooks, widgets, plug-ins
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AU 3608 Daily Tasks 2/23/2015   • Emails.
• On the phone with Steve going over some code. We fixed some black box code for resorting invoice line items. We also worked on some code to search invoice sales by date and time such as… Between 2/1 to 2/23 from 5pm to 8pm. We got in pretty deep and got some of the queries running. We also talked about developers and what each one is doing and/or assigned to.
• Recording notes and helping an intern get started on the day.
• Working with an intern on page flow, custom tags, validation includes, and method calls. We spent quite a bit of time going over error handling. Lots of concepts. Worked with an intern on signing off on code.
• We had a number of conference calls. We did more code sign-offs and worked on some new functions for approving method calls. At one point, we had 3 interns at my house. We talked with other developers on the phone, clients, and did some brainstorming and even some tech support. Busy day!
• Recording notes and small code tweaks. Burning back-up files.
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AU 3614 Daily Ideas 2/23/2015   -We need to create some standards for code review and code sign-offs. Simple, fair, and consistent.
-Steve and I worked on some time based sales and profit reports this morning. We keep getting requests for that type of reports.
-Code review seems to take a long time. Lots of details and fine tooth combing. We would love to speed up that process.
-On black boxes (custom cod includes)… I’m starting to catch the vision on what is possible and I love the options and flexibility. I’m excited to see what options that will bring into the picture.
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AU 3609 Daily Tasks 2/24/2015   • Went in to Bridgerland to work with interns on their projects. An intern and I spent the first two hours on World Building without any interruptions. Good session.
• An intern came and we worked on his project for a client. He showed me his progress on the custom report and measurement form. We also talked about next steps and where things are headed. He is catching the vision and doing great.
• I worked with another intern on his API stuff and looking over code. He is very fast and is flying and making progress on his projects. I spent some more time with an intern on splitting up databases and he was using my computer to do the code work. At the end of the day I worked with an intern again and then some with another intern. Currently, this intern is working on a dynamic search and output report for his fisherman’s app. The other person that I worked with today was another developer/intern. We spent a good 45 minutes together today working on creating and populating database tables based on functions and steps. Very busy day today. These guys keep me hopping! 30 miles.
• Emails, paying bills, and recording notes.
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AU 3610 Daily Tasks 2/25/2015   • Emails and updates on projects. Sent a number of large emails dealing with eCommerce, custom code, splitting databases, dedicated servers, and world building. Lots of good stuff.
• Went in to Bridgerland to work on projects. I ended up talking to the Custom Fit manager from Bridgerland about a custom class and course tracking database project. He showed me their current Access database program and explained some of the ins and outs of what they do. I was quite impressed and enjoyed seeing the flow and options. We ended up spending just over an hour and a half with talking and a quick lunch. They need a system that tracks classes, teachers, students, costs, invoices, state funding, etc. Good little meeting.
• I also worked with an intern on his mini project, his table joins and options for his little app.
• An intern and I spent a couple hours signing off on his projects. He is doing super and has really taken off. Lots of work on the API socket pieces. I also helped an intern with some SQL and database questions. He is working and making progress on splitting up the database. Busy day today. 3o miles.
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AU 3615 Daily Ideas 2/25/2015   -I am seeing a bigger and bigger need for round 2 of elements of time. I met with manager of Custom Fit at Bridgerland. He needed a number of pieces that we have planned for round 2. Things like sign-offs, approvals, time cards, reminders, notifications, class rosters, job costing based on time, and being able to assign any person, place, or thing to time. These are all planned pieces, we just need to get a funded project to help push the ball along. We may end up bidding on the BATC Custom Fit project to get that going.
-Another good sub section for time is sub payroll and sub phases. They all relate to time, space, and resources. Good stuff.
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AU 3611 Daily Tasks 2/26/2015   • Emails, tech support, and writing an email RFP (request for proposal) for a custom database and web development project for Bridgerland. The email was just a teaser and highlighted a few key pieces that we could help with. If they get back with me, I would imagine that a full RFP will be needed. That was fun! : )
• On the phone with a client talking about payroll and how to edit paycheck stubs.
• Wired up the new corp-wide setting for switching the salesperson when restoring a quote to the cart. This setting was commissioned by a company.
• Adding new fields to help with searching for campaign tracking as part of the in-line discount project. The campaign tracking allows for a hidden field for what marketing and promotion campaigns are being used. The new fields help so that you can then look-up things are part of the different reports.
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AU 3612 Daily Tasks 2/27/2015   • Emails.
• Uploading files for campaign tracking and restore to cart settings. Wrote a couple email updates.
• Started working on new code for the advanced add to cart page. Working on adding in-line discounts to that page. Did some page clean-up and prep.