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Sort Value: Developer's Notebook Report - 7/1/2009 to 7/31/2009 - (40)
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AU 2932 Daily Tasks 7/31/2009  
  • Went in to work on a client's stuff.
  • Worked on a small logo for a fake airport company for a demo later today.
  • Talked with a client's accountant and listened to Steve give a demo and answer questions.
  • Did a demo for a prospective client. The demo went really well.
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AU 1442 Daily Tasks 7/30/2009   • Went in to work with a client. More work on the PO request section. Did some training and got a lot of new ideas. The flow is starting to come together.
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AU 1447 Daily Ideas 7/30/2009   -Create the export tool. Extract to Excel.
-On the line item pages, maybe add a line number to help with communication (dep, inv, e/r’s, po’s, bsi, etc.) Maybe a corp-wide permission.
-On corp-wide settings, put options for pre-checked check boxes like re-calc taxes, re-calc payroll, etc.
-Set up a dynamic list of e/r types for all of the special start new pages. (Start payroll e/r, start rei, start split, start stock, start PO, etc.) This would help limit and control the options.
-On update PO’s and add bin-numbers to the output. Also add a link to refine the search to get more detailed.
-When doing a request PO – have the option to do a flexi save as and create other PO’s. Kind of like a shopping cart. It may also be nice to have the option to add other vendors or customer (additional customers) to the PO.
-On the PO’s and invoices – have the option (corp-wide setting) to include bin-numbers on the output line items.
-On the customer side, if sold, just show sold not the price. Other nav and price options. Include info on developer’s site.
-Motto: You can do that! or You can do that? – both question and statement
-Hide the bank id numbers
-Change Steve and I’s payee_id number to admin “mask”
-Payroll – talk to our associated on payroll reports. Quarterly and annual reports. Optimize for outsourcing.
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AU 1441 Daily Tasks 7/29/2009   • Went in to work with a client. Did some brainstorming with him and decided to have a mixing bowl or funnel effect on his parts. They will be their own main vendor and all other vendors will be subs of their in house part numbers. We will use PO’s to bring product in and the force the payment (take away the a/p). We will then run the payables through the splits (payments on account).
• Started working on the PO request. Added options to start a cart from the customer pages.
• Working on the PO line items page. Working on the new request PO fields and values.
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AU 1440 Daily Tasks 7/28/2009   • Went and worked over at a client’s on clean-up and multi-decimal points. Ended up doing a bunch of consulting and watching their processes. Took a bunch of notes and did some brainstorming.
• Had a dinner meeting with a contact. Talked about web services and creating skins for adilas data feeds. Need to work on web services for .net applications.
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AU 1446 Daily Ideas 7/28/2009   -Additional corp-user history items
- PO received date
- PO special line items – freight, other, etc.
- Internal payments on invoices or e/r’s
- Invoice line items for part # (collected fee or tax)
- Invoices & e/r’s with paid dates (new dates and flags)
- Check requests and approved check rear
- Different PO types and by different dates (PO date & received date)
- Deleted units
- Voided items
- Inactive items thinking b.s. items or subs
From post-it note:
- Last non-zero date search transaction_date DESC
- Pre or back payments
- (Check math) flag on edit line items pages
- Need to finish up the corp-wide settings for taxes and fees
-What about editing the main location on an invoice. Does this cascade down to the line item? It does now.
-Need to be able to sell unlimited parts from any location.
-Add a payroll link from expense/receipt line items and printable
-Fix the payees not yet assigned to your corp on the search_receipt_payee_results.cfm
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AU 2380 Brainstorming - Questions & Ideas for Inventory Tracking 7/28/2009   1. Retail or Bulk?
a. If retail use 1 to 1 ratio
b. If bulk use facto of 1
Table & notes – Please see scan in photo gallery
Example: Starting order #: 14,400 items – Each box was 1800 – take each box of 1800 and measure out quantities of 100,
also need color of what is being done,
need order number,
did a sample of a known quantity (say 1, 10, 25, etc.),
once sample was known weight of 1, they could measure out rough quantities of whatever amount would fit in a bag (smaller sub count 100 or 1,000).
Then they would bag of the smaller counts and store them.
They could also ship them out or have a known product quantity on hand.

I see two different parts or challenges: (Either way I might need to go by any of the measurements.)
1. How do I get thing in qty or weight/measurement or both? How do I want to show that (qty, W/M, or both)?
2. Once I have it and know what I have, how does the customer want to buy it? (qty, W/M, or both)

1. What are you standard UM values:
- Could be anything:
o D = 10
o M = 1000 (mil)
o EA = 1
o C = 100 (cien) (guessing… Latin based)
o CW = 100/weight
o LB = pound
o PC 1 (piece)
2. How do you handle back orders? Are they important?
- Stays open until closed
- Version numbering on back orders
- Same invoice number with an extension on it
3. What is the flow… starting from the customer saying “I need this… & that”
- Get an order via phone/fax/email/PO
o On PO
o With request date
o With request quantity/cost/& details
o Their part number or reference
- Create an order with their info and PO info
o With the confirmed ship/delivery date and pricing
- Send a confirmation (customer side)
- Packing ticket (internal side)
o Internal order to process
- Warehouse gets the ticket
o Our part, desc, expected date, qty, weight, loc or bin #, how many in stock, cust part #, extended, possible different expected dates, total weight, notes, order # & customer PO #, no cost & prices, all other details
o On order and PO need a line item note that is required
- If you need to order, do some shopping
o How much
o How do they come packed
o Where and when (availability) (they may need to come in from out of state)
4. What is the process when you have stock (something) and then customer wants it, but needs it waxed, painted, coated, etc.? How do you track part numbers and quantities? (raw goods and outside service/labor = new items)
- Work in progress – build and hold – build and sell – or build and build
- Possible different types of transitional invoices
o Paint ticket
o Bagging ticket
o Plating ticket
o Etc.
o (May need a history as to what it was…)
5. If things are coming and going, how do you track where it is and at what time? How do you track what orders are for whom?
- Bin locations – all under WIP, limbo state
6. If we allow conversions (qty/lbs, lbs/qty, qty/length, length/qty, qty/case, case/qty, etc.)
- Which value do you show?
o System needs to help with the conversions and then step away and let the user enter their own numbers or help with the rounding.
- What do you want to see?
o On PO’s
o On Quotes
o On invoices
o On inventory counts
o On financials
o On recipes
7. What is the time frame from order, processing (possible labor and out sourcing) packaging, and delivery?
- 24 hours to a week
- Some longer than a week – depends on order and availability
- Some jobs have a hot shot or rush fee
8. If you were to simplify the process, what would you do differently?
- Better communication between parties
9. Where are the current bottle-necks, problems, and disconnects?
- Vendor doesn’t have it
- Right info/paperwork
- Order process/build getting the pieces and letting the others know their status (front of house to back of house)
10. What is the most labor intensive part of the process?
- Putting everything together
- Reordering
11. How accurate are we trying to be? Right on, ball part, what? Scary tight?
12. What would make the operations side work smoother? Don’t even worry about the accounting side of things.
- Record all of the pieces at once
o I want this to become, this, and sorted and bagged like this – ready… go!
o Artificial intelligence – where are we going
o Life cycle or path
13. What pieces are tradition and what pieces are necessary to get the job done?
14. What things do you like in your old system?
- Very simple – single screen – short cuts with keyboard – unchanging interface
15. What things do you dislike or hate in your old system?
- Single window – unable to print – unable to back-up or change modes
- Dot matrix – triplicate forms – old system – no way to change current work flow – server issues
16. How can we build the road so that it doesn’t have the gaps? What is the dream or ideal?
- Tell the system the desired outcome or story at the beginning. I started as this, I then want this and that, eventually I will be this… start to finish processing with a monitor or virtual history built-in.
17. What about cross reference and different part numbers?
- This needs to be by each customer and also by vendor.

Tech – Current Parts Table (as of 7/28/09) & Playing around with tables & possible values:
(Please see scan in photo gallery)

Weight Measurement Tables
(Please see scan in photo gallery)

Items that are sold in different quantities – Table
(Please see scan in photo gallery)

Same item can have
- Multi vendors
- Quantity price breaks
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AU 1439 Daily Tasks 7/27/2009   • Working on the invoice and accounts receivable logic.
• Went over to a client and worked on invoices and expense/receipts. Made a number of changes and added flags for no line items, check math, etc.
• Added the a/r and a/p paid status on the invoices and expenses.
• Worked on files for accounts payable.
• Launched new files and did system updates. Steve and an associate helped me do thousands of updates. Tested new files.
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AU 2381 Other - Wish-list for a Client 7/27/2009   Wish-list for a lady:
- Comments per line, separate from the description line
- Cross reference by customer and vendor
- Customer part #’s
o Package qty… 100/per (etc.)
o Printable or not. Basically, once we know the customer, we use their part numbers for the same part as a visual piece.
- On invoices – add the customer PO #.
- On invoice terms
o Net 30
o Net 45
o 2% 10 Net 30
o Roll the extra to a system maintained discount or allowance
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AU 1438 Daily Tasks 7/25/2009   • Went to client’s and worked on the A/R (invoice & invoice payment) patch for the accounts receivable
• Ran update files for receipt payment status.
• Meeting with associates going over numbers and details. Drove back to Dallas. Had fun rehashing our week with our client.
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AU 1445 Daily Ideas 7/25/2009   Ideas on sales tax
-We are catching all of the details (incoming tax) on the invoice line items. This provides the positive piece. There are 3 known containers (state, county, and city) and a number of other dynamic containers (for taxes).
-We need a way to watch for payments going out (paying for sales tax). Each outgoing payment will need to be tied to an expense/type. We are thinking that each location could have a pointer, for each tax container (within that location), to a specific expense/type.
-The math would be: on the system-maintained B.S. Item
Sum of taxes on invoice line items
Sum of the e/r types that are setup as pointers
The difference would be “Owed Sales Tax”
-Changes to make to the store_location table
state_account_id - int(10)’
county_account_id - int(10)’
city_account_id - int(10)’
other_1_account_id - int(10)’
other_2_account_id - int(10)’
other_3_account_id - int(10)’
other_4_account_id - int(10)’
other_5_account_id - int(10)’
Ideas on user-maintained balance sheet item:
- Original idea was to tie the B.S. expense types to a single user-maintained B.S. item. This would put the load on the e/r types tables. This would also require a tie-in to a user-maintained b.s. item id.
- Steve’s idea was to go from the user-maintained b.s. item in a 1-many back to the e/r type. This would not be required but would allow for 0, 1-1, 1-many, etc. It also takes out the need to the user to know the B.S. item number.
- Once a user clicks on the e/r type and uses it on an expense, we could help to automate and/or prompt for action. The main reason for the prompt would be to let the user know and to get the bump valve (+/-) and any custom verbage.
- Maybe we could add a setting, when setting up the relationship, always bump up (+), always bump down (-) or prompt for action.
Going back to the sales tax idea:
- We need six new corp-wide settings for dynamic sales tax and fee buckets. These corp-wide settings would be the dynamic names for the system-maintained b.s. items.
- The locations table would also hold a new filed that would relate back to the new corp-wide settings. Basically this would allow the user to set-up which system-maintained bucket to use.
- New fields on corporations table:
o tax_fee_1 - varchar(100) “Owed on Sales Tax”
o tax_fee_2 - varchar(100) “Owed on Tax/Fee 1”
o tax_fee_3 - varchar(100) “Owed on Tax/Fee 2”
o tax_fee_4 - varchar(100) “Owed on Tax/Fee 3”
o tax_fee_5 - varchar(100) “Owed on Tax/Fee 4”
o tax_fee_6 - varchar(100) “Owed on Tax/Fee 5”
- New fields on location table:
o state_tax_fee_id - smallint(3)1
o county_tax_fee_id - smallint(3)1
o city_tax_fee_id - smallint(3)1
o other_1_tax_fee_id - smallint(3)0
o other_2_tax_fee_id - smallint(3)0
o other_3_tax_fee_id - smallint(3)0
o other_4_tax_fee_id - smallint(3)0
o other_5_tax_fee_id - smallint(3)0
Ideas on invoices and expense/receipts:
- Need to add a physical paid date and paid flag for both
- Invoices table:
o invoice_paid -tinyint(1)0
o invoice_paid_date -date 0000-00-00
- Receipts table:
o receipt_paid* -tmyout(1)0 *already
o receipt_paid_date -date 0000-00-00
- Possible problem with the Having clause logic.
-Be able to change out the vendor/payee id’s on e/r’s
Ideas on a/r’s & a/p’s
- What about prepaid items (expenses)
- What about prepaid deposits
- What about overpayments
- What about nay nonlinear actions (not the normal flow)
- Do I catch all normal flows
-Add a next and previous link on all main items – deposits, PO, invoices, e/r’s (an associate’s idea)
-From Post-it note:
- What about showing the paid date on e/r’s and invoices? Where? Yes, no?
- Default main check writing bank on deposit and e/r mains(add) and e/r payments.
- Check receipt_paid and invoice_paid logic. AR’s and A/P paid status on basic reports. Use new date instead of looking up pmts.
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AU 1437 Daily Tasks 7/24/2009   • Went in to client’s and went over payroll plan one of their associates. The plan was to use both our payroll system and ADP numbers. Instead of using ours (adilas) for each person, we were pretending that all of the employees (21 persons) were all the same person. We then would make a single entry and take it all the way through until the expense was created. We then broke it down even more and added the withholding back in to get the full effect on the income statement.
• I talked with Steve and we decided to implement a new date field and flag to help with A/R’s (invoices getting paid) and A/P’s (e/r’s getting paid). This will help the system keep better track of the accrual portion (date gap) that occurs. We also had a meeting with other companies about interfacing adilas and an eCommerce interface.
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AU 1436 Daily Tasks 7/23/2009   • Went in to client and started working on PO and stock payments.
• Posted files and ran the updates.
• Met with one of their associates on payroll and had a meeting with Steve on sales tax stuff.
• Brainstorming on sales tax and creating a system maintained B.S. item. Other brainstorming on user-maintained balance sheet items and automating the double entry for those items.
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AU 1435 Daily Tasks 7/22/2009   • Worked on corp-wide setting.
• Launched changes and worked with Steve on the client’s balance sheet.
• First round of corp-wide settings included physical year dates, parts mark-up, default tax category, ice-down or lock-down date, multi decimal points, and allow part number conversions. The last three were launched but disabled for now.
• Worked on the problem with using a current cost (parts) when doing a balance sheet.
• Over lunch came up with the idea to use the actual cost instead of the floating (changeable) current cost. Made changes and posted files.
• Worked with Steve on other problem areas and known issues with PO payments and how things were dated in the past.
• Created an update page for PO payments.
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AU 1444 Daily Ideas 7/22/2009   -Check PO admin permission
-Payroll – need to know that adilas can do it – commissions
-Notes in notebook including more details of working with some client’s in TX.
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AU 1434 Daily Tasks 7/21/2009   • Drove with Steve from Dallas to Houston. Talked the whole way down (4 hours). Tons of ideas and tons of subjects.
• Worked on corp-wide settings. Went to a client’s and worked with Steve and our client’s on starting balances on the balance sheet.
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AU 1433 Daily Tasks 7/20/2009   • Went in to town to meet Steve at the airport. Flew to Dallas for our Texas trip. 15 miles.
• Working on the corp-wide settings.
• Worked on the default physical year and back figuring the physical year dates.
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AU 2379 Tech - Working on Logic for Physical Year 7/20/2009   Tech - Working on logic for physical year:
If (from month is 1) use current year (this assumes a January start date),
Else, this assumes a different start date, this will require a custom setting
(Please see scan in photo gallery for details and examples)
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AU 1432 Daily Tasks 7/18/2009   • Working on corp wide settings.
• Added new setting values to the correct subpages.
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AU 1431 Daily Tasks 7/17/2009   • Brainstorming on corp settings and multi decimal points and how to keep things small and concise.
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AU 2378 Brainstorming - Corp-wide Settings 7/17/2009   Corp-wide settings:
1. Default tax categories
2. Decimal points and rounding
3. Default mark-up for parts and units
4. I.S. title for Parts & General Inventory (already in db)
5. Show measurement/conversions or invoice
6. Allow part number measurement/conversions
7. Physical year date range (months and days) (years will roll)
8. Lock down date (going back in time, allowing edits and changes)
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AU 1430 Daily Tasks 7/16/2009   • On the phone with Steve going over a client and running expenses to COGS. Also talked about multi decimal points.
• Went into town to see what a company uses for their parts inventory tracking system. It was an old DOS system but I got a couple of ideas. 10 miles.
• Brainstorming on how to track parts, quantities, sub quantities, and correct costing.
• Spent an hour on the phone going over things with Steve about his day and how to get things in the system (multi decimals and sub quantities).
• An associate came over to do some adilas training. Did some review and covered the flex grid, new customer info, corp/user history, and other new changes. Also did some review on basics like PO’s, invoices, parts, vendors, and customers.
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AU 2377 Brainstorming - Inventory Tracking & Decimal Places 7/16/2009   Decimal Examples:
Ideas for Tracking Inventory:
Entering a new part:
- The first thing we need to catch is the lowest possible increment (or value of 1).
o Cost per 1 = cost/qty
o Weight/measurement per 1 = weight/measurement/qty
o Weight/measurement type = text or look-up value
- Once we have the base of 1. We can start doing conversions to other measurement type.
- Main at value of 1:
o Qty = 1
o Cost =
o Price =
o Other measurements =
o Measurement type =
- Conversion at a value 1
o Other measurement = 1
o Measurement type =
o Cost per pack =
o Price per pack =
o Items per pack (qty of main) =
- Main goals for this little project
o Corp wide settings
o Catch multi point decimals and details
o Allow for different measurement conversions
o Allow for conversions to be used on PO’s and invoices
o Show conversions and measurements on invoice

Questions and ideas about breaking parts into different smaller pieces – also multi decimal point questions – Basically, deeper detail on inventory tracking and selling.
- Currently, as of 7/16/09, we are able to bring in any quantity of items (parts) via a PO. We take the qty time a cost to get the extended value. This seems to work fine for basic items (retail or singular items).
- The problem occurs when we buy at bulk and want to sell on an individual level or someone wants a partial amount (splitting a package) that is a portion of the original.
- Because of the problem listed above (splitting a package) we have a problem with costing, quantities, and rounding errors. This is where the need for multiple decimals comes in to play.
- I’m wondering if part of the problem lies in how we bring things into the system. Currently all we have is a quantity and a cost. I’m wondering if we need some additional fields.
o Cost each
o May need to combine – weight each, dimensions each, length each – dealing with a single item or qty of 1
o Price each (sale price)
o Items per pack, cost per pack, [weight per pack, dimensions per pack, length per pack] – size or measurement, pack type, price per pack
o This might be a multi if they sell the item by the pound, by the foot, by the gallon, by the sheet, by the bundle, etc.
Deeper inventory tracking continued:
- What other possible things do we need to track?
o Color
o Sizes
o Seconds/defects
- Just for fun… I wanted to list a couple of items that are sold and how they are sold
o Item
• Cost Per/Price Per
• Special Requirements
o Item: Bottles of water
• Cost per: 0.25 per bottle, or 7.95 per case (32 units)/ Price per: 1.00
• Could be sold each, by gallon, by case, by whatever
• May be a different price or cost depending on amount and container type
o Item: Nuts & bolts
• Cost per: 0.00025 per pound/ Price per: 0.0007
• If only one is sold must be 0.01
• May be sold as individuals, per pound, or per box
• Quantity or weight are important
o Items: Services
• Cost per: 0/ Price per: set or variable price
• None
o Items: Wood or steal
• Cost per: 1.50/foot/ Price per: 3.00/foot
• Sold by length
• May be sold by sheet or some other measure
• May have other dimensions w, h, L
o Item: Gas or oil
• Cost per: 2.159 per gallon/ Price: 2.599 per gallon
• Liquid volume
• Maybe sold at higher volume like barrel or a tank
o Item: Fruit
• Cost per: 0.25 per piece, 1.99 per pound/ Price per: 0.5 per piece, 3.99 per pound
• Sold at lower quantities by the piece
• Sold at higher quantities by the pound
• Purchased by the box (pounds)
o Item: T-Shirts
• Cost per: 7.87 per shirt/ Price per: 14.95 per shirt
• Need colors
• Need sizes – xs, s, med, lg, XL, XXL, etc.
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AU 1429 Daily Tasks 7/15/2009   • Finished up the new eval format for a client. Posted files online and tested pages. Invoiced for 15 hours from 6/25 to 7/15.
• Brainstorming and research on multi decimal values. Not sure if I should extend each decimal field to six decimal points or use a text field to capture the special numbers. The other options is a whole new table with extra details per line items. Leaning towards the new table.
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AU 1428 Daily Tasks 7/14/2009   • Worked on client’s evals. Posted all new pages online and left a message for the client contact. Worked on a new Java Script and started working on the eval action page.
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AU 1427 Daily Tasks 7/13/2009   • On the phone with Steve a couple of times and also called and talked with a client. Went over multi decimal points and other system needs.
• Working on the new evals for a client. Centered up all of the pages and wrote a large email to the client contact explaining that the project was bigger than expected. Gave a small update and asked permission to continue.
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AU 1426 Daily Tasks 7/11/2009   • Working on a client’s new eval format.
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AU 1425 Daily Tasks 7/10/2009   • Playing with multiple decimal points. Played with formatting and rounding options.
• Working on a client’s evals and new changes. Changed the header logo to a new graphic. Started going through eval fields and writing down names and notes.
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AU 2376 Brainstorming - A Custom Piece 7/10/2009   Working on a custom customer piece:
- Customer specifications and what they want
- Rework ticket same as work order or work in progress basically a prep step (maybe multi) before actual invoicing
Cost & quantity are the most important.
- Qty
- Cost
- Lot cos factor
- Lbs. cost factor
- Mark-up/margin
- New cost
- Due date
- Comments per line
Weight is relative & secondary
- On order:
o How many are out
o Total on order
- On hand:
o Rework
o Stock
o Total committed
o Available
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AU 1424 Daily Tasks 7/9/2009   • Working on the image/scans drill-down report.
• Other minor changes to bank report default settings.
• Added pagination options for stock/units and image/scans reports.
• Brainstormed on multi decimals and how to allow for their usage.
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AU 2375 Brainstorming - Questions & Ideas for Multiple Decimal Places 7/9/2009   Questions & Ideas for Multiple Decimal Places:
1. Currently (as of 7/9/09) all numbers that allow decimal places are forced to two decimals. We have a need for companies to be able to track factions of items and also fraction of pennies per item (both cost and price related). We also have a need to track weights and fractional weights extended to multi decimal points.
2. A couple of known issues:
a. Database Storage:
- Currently all decimals are set to (9, 2) where nine is the max digits and two is the decimal places. (9,999,999.99 – 9 total digits, 2 decimal places)
- I don’t want to expand all tables and fields. The default is two decimal places and should work for 95% of our users.
- I’m thinking that a separate table might be in order. I would like to keep everything else as small as possible especially since this (multi decimals) is not the default.
b. Output and formatting:
- Currently al output is formatted to two decimal places. What would it look like with some formatted to 2,3,4,5,6… places. I would think that it would look funny or inconsistent.
- How would I control the formatting? One of the problems would be lining up the decimal point for adding.
- It might require a dynamic mask value to be generated and then assigned during page output.
- If I have to do different math, it might slow the pages down. This could include page queries and drill-down options.
- How do I control permissions and options?
- What about rounding error?
c. Where do these values (multi and extended multi) need to show up?
- When entering parts on a PO
- When adding or editing a part number in the database
- When using parts in the shopping cart
- Quotes
- Invoices
- Printable invoices
- Pdf’s
- Profit per line
- Recipes
d. How do these changes effect the financials?
- I.S.
i. Revenue
ii. COGS
- B.S.
i. Inventory counts & values
ii. Payables & amounts
iii. Indirectly – net profit
3. Possible ways to control the use of multi decimals:
a. Corp-wide settings
b. User maintained (open) allow user to set detail level – default to 2
c. Dynamic (limited open) watch from the background
4. On weight output, I think a var char (25) field would be best. That way the user could put the value in lbs., oz., grams, or mixed. It could be left blank, straight numeric, or any alpha-numeric combo.
Multi decimal samples:
(Please see scan in photo gallery)
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AU 1423 Daily Tasks 7/8/2009   • On the phone with an associate and Steve talking about the upcoming Texas trip and trying to coordinate things.
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AU 1422 Daily Tasks 7/7/2009   • Added a deleted stock/unit report to the search inventory and search sold stock/unit pages.
• Posted files.
• Worked on corp/user history drill-down pages and reports.
• Worked on the image/scans drill-down report.
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AU 1421 Daily Tasks 7/6/2009   • Went into Steve’s house to brainstorm on balance sheet and next steps for adilas.
• Created a new tick list. 10 miles.
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AU 1443 Daily Ideas 7/6/2009   -On user maintained balance sheet report show starting date.
-On new starting B.S. drill-down report, add the item value.
-On new starting b.s. drill-down report, add a column that shows Asset, Liability, and Equity.
-On flex grid, when showing a b.s. tie-in, show the title asset, liability, equity.
-On corp history – show a drill-down for invoice line item other
-Offsetting COGS as a COGS Adjustment
-Add a flag on special line items that allows for:
Revenue or COGS switch also a show/hide switch (special line item)
- Dealer Handling Fee, off, Rev
- Discount, on, Rev
- Freight, on, Rev
- Labor, on, Rev
- Lien Payoff, off, Rev
- Other, on, Rev
- Rental, on, Rev
- Shipping, off, Rev
- Shop supplies, on, Rev
- Sublet, on, Rev
- Supplies, on, Rev
- Trade-In, on, Rev
- Warranty – F&I, off, Rev
-Sales tax permission – this deals with edit invoices and sales tax reports
-Add a section on the add_item_to_cart.cfm page for corp wide unlimited parts. Maybe just a quick link to all of the corp-wide unlimited.
-Work on transitional invoices and dynamic naming
-On invoice type drop-downs show transitional types
-Add price on recipes
-Add a sort option to invoice line items
-On weights and costs – need up to 10 decimal places. Also need additional flag on parts table. If the permission allows, show calc on weight on the invoice.
-Corp-wide settings
-Bad debt (revenue adjustments)
-Pre-payments (liability until date roll past)
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AU 1420 Daily Tasks 7/4/2009   • Full database back-up.
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AU 1419 Daily Tasks 7/3/2009   • Worked on corp history drill-down.
• Balance sheet starting date report, stock/unit payments, floorplan, and stock/unit sub line item reports.
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AU 1418 Daily Tasks 7/2/2009   • Working on corp history reports and drill-downs.
• Worked on PO payments, paycheck stubs and balance sheet line items drill-downs.
• On the phone with Steve for an hour going over what needs to be done and where we are going.
• Posted files online.
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AU 2374 Brainstorming - Ideas for Corp History 7/2/2009   Ideas for Corp History
- All Deposits
- All Line Items
- All Line Items – B.S. Type
- All Line Items – Other Revenue – I.S. Type
- All Line Items – Revenue Adjustments – I.S. Type
- All Line Items – Normal Dep – I.S. Type
- All Deposit Scans/Images
- All Invoices
- All Counter Sales
- All Customer Invoices (includes WIP)
- All Internals
- All Transfers
- All Invoice Line Items
- All Invoice Payments
- All Invoice Scans/Images
- All Statements
- All Quotes
- All Invoice Line Items with part # “Other”
- All PO’s
- All PO Line Items
- All PO Payments
- All PO Scans/Images
- All E/R’s
- All Reimbursements
- All Written Checks
- All Payroll Stubs
- All E/R Line Items
- All E/R Line Items – B.S. Type
- All E/R Line Items – COGS – I.S. Type
- All E/R Line Items – Normal – I.S. Type
- All E/R Payments
- All E/R Scans/Images
Balance Sheet Items
- All New Balance Sheet Items
- All New B.S. Line Items
- All B.S. Scans/Images
- All Flex Grid Tie-Ins
- All New Stock/Units
- All Sold Stock/Units
- All Stock/Units Paid Units
- All Floored Units
- All Stock/Unit Payments
- All Stock/Unit Sub Items
- All Stock/Unit Scans/Images
- All Parts
- All Parts Scans/Images
- All Customers
- All Customer Scans/Images
- All Vendors
- All Vendor Scans/Images
- All Employees
- All Employee Scans/Images
Time Cards
- All Time Cards
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AU 1417 Daily Tasks 7/1/2009   • Working on corp history drill-downs.
• Worked on invoice payments, PO line items, expense/receipt line items, and e/r payments.