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Sort Value: Developer's Notebook Report - 5/1/2015 to 5/31/2015 - (46)
Time Id Color Title/Caption Start Date   Notes
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AU 3845 Daily Tasks 5/30/2015   • Recording notes, light brainstorming, and checking on domain names.
• Working on splitting up the invoices and invoice payments tables. Somewhat of an internal surgery to help with server stability and application query speed.
• More work on the invoices and invoice payments for different corporations.
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AU 3859 Daily Ideas 5/30/2015   -Plan and setup a meeting to pitch the adilas service hub model. Include a number of key players and persons who could make it work. Allow the meeting to be an open forum and even assign different persons parts of the presentation as part of the pitch. I think that would give it a good flare. Sell the sizzle!
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AU 3846 Daily Tasks 5/29/2015   • Finished up the payroll changes and calculating commissions based off of either profits or gross sales. Also added an option to save the commission reports as pdf documents.
• Uploaded files and tested.
• Went into Logan to work with my guys. I talked quite a bit with the project manager about the adilas service hub model and other options. It just keeps growing in size and options. That is kind of fun.
• I worked with a developer on his project for stock/units and saving report settings.
• Three developers were working on icon menus.
• The project manager talked about projects. We went through them, defined them, and then started to assign them.
• A developer, the project manager, and I had a conference call with a client. We talked about GPS/RFID tag tracking. We are building some GPS and logistic tracking pieces to help him out. Great phone call. Lots of options.
• Signed off on code for Steve.
• Started into some code sign-offs for a developer and his GPS/RFID tag tracking stuff for elements of time.
• Emails and tech support.
• Spent the last hour or so talking with project managers about how to open up and build out the adilas service hub model. We also talked about development grants, training interns, and helping people excel at what they are good at. Fun stuff. 30 miles.
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AU 3858 Daily Ideas 5/29/2015   -Add my saved favorites (as a link) to the interactive map (part of the side bar). Also add links to the media/content home, all advanced searches and exports, retail quick cart, YouTube videos, adilas world, adilas university, adilas hub, adilas GPS core layout, etc.
-On the GPS core layout, put the multi interface chooser as an option from the core or center. (Link to the multi interface chooser from the core of the GPS core)
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AU 3844 Daily Tasks 5/28/2015   • On the phone with Steve pitching the idea of setting up an adilas training center and/or a hub or service shop for different adilas services. These could be things such as: customer service, training, setup, consulting, sales, web design, eCommerce, graphics, custom code, project management, data entry, migration and data imports, etc.
• Tons of possible services and different options. We also talked about creating industry specific niches for training, sales, consulting, design, setup, compliance, etc. The other subject of our conversation was franchises and franchising out any part of our model. Awesome phone call and lots of ideas.
• Went into Logan to work with my guys.
• A developer set me up with a headset and a Google voice account.
• I was on a GoToMeeting session with a developer going over shipping and eCommerce stuff.
• I worked with my brother on some of his graphics, flyers, and mock-ups.
• The project manager and I had a good conference call with some guys from a cash management and compliance company about GPS, RFID tag tracking, cash management, kiosks, and loyalty cards. Good stuff!
• I worked with a developer some more on other eCommerce stuff and questions that he had.
• Another developer and I worked on splitting invoices.
• Four of us got on a GoToMeeting session with Steve to show him icons, graphics, flyers, app mock-ups, and adilas university training stuff done by my brother. Fun demo.
• My brother and I were kind a tag teaming and pitching a number of ideas and concepts. Fun phone call and GoToMeeting session. 30 miles.
• Recording notes for the day. Lots of good stuff going on.
• Signing off on code for splitting up invoices and invoice payments. Testing and even migrating some local database records.
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AU 3857 Daily Ideas 5/28/2015   -Customer service is a major part of the SaaS (software as a service) model. – Steve
-Sell the real-estate around adilas
-Concept shops – Adilas centers or Adilas hubs, dealers, resales, training centers, shops, and “niching adilas”.
-Add some SEO (search engine optimization) to help people find adilas and what we offer.
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AU 3843 Daily Tasks 5/27/2015   • Checking in on the data 2 server. It got upgraded from ColdFusion 10 to ColdFusion 11.
• Light testing and checking other servers.
• Recording notes.
• Also as a note, last night I updated some settings for doing stock/unit trade-ins.
• Light tech support.
• Emails and ordering printer toner and supplies.
• Recording bills and invoices.
• Went into Logan to work with the guys.
• My brother showed me a bunch of cool graphics and new sales icons for some new flyers. He is doing a great job.
• I spent quite a bit of time today with a few developers. We were signing off on code for icon menus. I also showed them how to push files live. I’m hoping that will help open up the code sign-off bottle neck. Currently that is one of our bottle necks in the process.
• After that, some developers and I started in on the migration process of splitting up the invoices and invoice payments. That’s going to be a big project. 30 miles.
• Signing off on code and posting files online. Small tweaks.
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AU 3841 Daily Tasks 5/26/2015   • Checking the data 1 server. Upgraded from ColdFusion 10 to ColdFusion 11. Small tweaks and checks to make sure all was well.
• Working on payroll options to show sales commissions based off of gross sales vs. commissions based off of profits.
• Working with sub reports, totals, and output displays.
• On the phone with Steve talking about internal projects like splitting up database tables for invoice and invoice line items.
• Other projects are packaging and full database split or world building concepts. We talked about funding options and how to work and play the game.
• Went into Logan to work at the office.
• A developer called in from New York via video chat.
• Another developer called and let us know that his Reno, NV, thing was going to be more intense than originally planned.
• We had a full house and staff there today. We had 10 of us guys here today.
• All of these guys know generally where they are headed and it is exciting to watch them. I bounced between people and helped where possible.
• I also did some email stuff and did a number of tech support related things.
• We got a developer some new data and got him lined out to work with stock/units and making sure that we could refine searches, save report settings, and exports to Microsoft Excel.
• Some developers were doing sign-offs on icon menus.
• My brother and the project manager were working on sales ideas and such.
• I worked with a developer a bit on the eCommerce API socket connections. That section is somewhat of a mess right now. It is going to take some time. I also met with the owner of the building and talked about rent, needs, options, and ideas. Busy day! 30 miles.
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Shop 3813 Virtual Post-It Note 5/25/2015  
  • Prep for the packaging project
  • developer's notebook
  • GPS + RFID tag
  • Subs of time
  • Icon menus-merge with master
  • Stock/Unit pages
  • HTMIl Buttons/Flash
  • ICC's + average cost
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AU 3842 Daily Tasks 5/25/2015   • Memorial Day and major server outage.
• Tons of phone calls and emails.
• We had ordered a server upgrade on the main data 0 box. The upgrade went well but no database connection were setup.
• We then had an incorrect login to the ColdFusion Administrator so we couldn’t get in and tweak things around.
• Anyway, we finally got it fixed and the servers are all up and running at this point. Crazy day! Plus, today is Memorial Day of course! : )
• I had some help and inspiration on getting things back online. Answers to prayers.
• Working with a developer to sign off on some code for some custom invoices. We did some debugging and testing. Posted new files online.
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AU 3840 Daily Tasks 5/23/2015   • Working on payroll changes. Going through emails and code updates from a developer for payroll changes. Light debugging and testing.
• Working on a new payroll switch to calculate commissions off of gross sales vs. commissions off of profits.
• Worked on cascading changes to different pages that deal with payroll and commissions.
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Adi 1103 Additional Vendor/Payee Tracked As Part Of An Expense/Receipt - Great For Credit Card Transactions 5/22/2015  

This project allows for a second and/or additional vendor to be tracked per expense/receipt. This would work awesome for businesses who use a credit card for their transactions. Say we used the Bank of America credit card but bought things from Home Depot. Currently we can only record one vendor/payee per expense/receipt. It would be really awesome if we could record both, Bank of America (who we still owe or the payable) and also Home Depot (who we actually purchased from). Anyways, that is the concept.

If we add this, we would be able to search either vendor to get the transactions.

Bryan Dayton completed in 2017

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Adi 1104 When Restoring A Quote To The Cart - Automatically Pull In The Known RFID Tag Numbers 5/22/2015  

This project deals with restoring a quote to the cart. Once it does that, the user needs to click a couple of buttons to get the latest RFID tag numbers. Basically, this feature would be a setting and would allow us to skip those extra 2-3 clicks. It would happen automatically. All of the pieces already exist, they just need to be wired up.

Might need a little more lovin'

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Adi 1105 Project Time Card App - Clock In/Out On A Per Project (element of time) Basis - Sub Date/Times 5/22/2015  

Russell Moore already has a mock-up of this proposed feature. This would allow us to track any in/outs, times, dates, hours, etc. per project. This could be very handy for any business that bills hourly or per project.

All tools and database capacity exist. Just need a little interface to help the time clock play through.

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Shop 3812 Virtual Post-It Note 5/22/2015  

As of 5/22/15


Corp 542. 1.15 GB. 1,323 files.

Corp 617. 1.98 GB. 902 files.

Corp 621. 561 MB. 284 files.

Corp 686. 707 MB. 418 files.

Corp 432. 4.49 GB. 2,458 files.

Corp 463. 484 MB. 963 files.

Corp 472. 1.12 GB. 1,604 files.

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AU 3839 Daily Tasks 5/22/2015   • Answering emails and doing tech support stuff.
• Added a new community funded project of adding a second vendor/payee to an expense/receipt. This would allow a credit card transaction to hold who was still owed (payable or bank name) and who the items were purchased from (additional or servicing vendor).
• Checking servers, resetting passwords, and setting each server to restart every day. Hopefully that is not an overkill.
• Went into Logan to work with my guys. Smaller crew today.
• Most of my day was spent with a developer testing and signing off on code. We launched the Green Bridge gateway and pin debit code today.
• I helped a developer with a layout on a custom invoice.
• The project manager came by and we talked ideas for over an hour.
• A consultant came by and we talked sale and features for about half an hour.
• Lots of fun and exciting things are happening. Good stuff. 30 miles.
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AU 3838 Daily Tasks 5/21/2015   • Printing off checks to pay interns and developers.
• On the phone with Steve going over projects, servers, and funding. Those seem to be the biggest topics right now. Steve is very excited for some of the upcoming changes that we will be making to the servers. I also proposed to him that we work on the sub inventory and cost controls (packaging) project and invite others to watch and participate via GoToMeeting or after the fact from saved video recordings that we post online. Steve liked that idea.
• Went into Logan to work with the guys. I spent the whole morning working with a developer, dressing up pages, and going over code. He even showed me around his C# code for the software bridge.
• On a different note, it was awesome to pay all of the guys their checks today. Funds have been very tight lately.
• I worked with a developer and our project manager on a project dealing with average costing. As I was explaining it, I almost talked myself out of it due to the new problems that it makes.
• We ended up talking tons about the new and upcoming project for sub inventory and cost controls (packaging). That is the real answer.
• Average costing fixes some small pieces but then opens up other holes and problems going both backwards and forwards. It also requires lots more math and looking things up on every hand. It kind of muddies the water.
• Lots of good drawings on the whiteboard (wall).
• Did some work with a developer on signing off on code for eCommerce and shipping.
• I also spent some time with a developer working on the new eCommerce code and API socket connections.
• I was kind of lost for a while but finally started to get an idea of how to tackle that project. As a side note… I’ve got weeks and weeks’ worth of code sign-off in front of me. Huge load! 30 miles.
• Recording notes from the last couple of days. I’m feeling like I need to get back into payroll stuff. I’ve got a few loose flags flapping in the wind.
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AU 3837 Daily Tasks 5/20/2015   • Recording notes and reviewing.
• Working on the action page to accept credit cards on the adilas community funded projects. Lots of copying and pasting from existing code inside the secured site.
• Basically, we are doing a custom wire job for ourselves. It sure helps to have things built into internal API sockets and functions calls. Good stuff.
• Went in to Logan to work at the office. Busy day.
• The project manager has been going through tons of emails, trying to get projects out and into the open. He is doing quite well that way.
• I worked with a developer on his gateway payment integration project.
• I got to look over a bunch of code that a developer did for GPS stuff. He has been doing very well.
• I spent a couple of hours with a developer going over code and signing off on parts and shipping stuff. We fixed a few things and had a good session. This was the longest session that I have had to work with this developer.
• I also spent a little bit of time working with my brother on his graphic projects. 30 miles.
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AU 3856 Daily Ideas 5/20/2015   -Create various niches within adilas. This could be flow, functions, graphics, interfaces, client types, industries, needs, etc. My brother and the project manager had some fun talking about these kind of ideas. It is fun to listen and dream along with them.
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Adi 1089 Bulk Uploads for Photos, Scans, Images, Files, Media, & Content 5/19/2015  

Currently you can do some bulk uploads on media content. Not yet on photo section. Might change as we roll over to AWS. Photo gallery section has been revamped by Wayne. Could have some advances soon.

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AU 3836 Daily Tasks 5/19/2015   • Recording notes and ideas.
• Recording bills, invoices, and a loan from a developer’s company.
• Added a new project to the adilas community funded projects for bulk uploads of photos, scans, images, files, media, and other content.
• I also applied the developer’s loan to the sub inventory and cost controls (packaging) project.
• Working on the community funded projects code. Wiring up the backend to allow for credit card payments and donations.
• Emails and sending a possible sales rep some info on adilas. Sent him a number of PDF’s and Excel files.
• Went in to Logan to work. It was raining like crazy. I worked with an intern on logos for clients.
• I helped a developer with an invoice project. We totally redid the entire top section to make it more packing slip friendly.
• On the phone with a developer and the project manager going over an invoice payment integration project. This developer does an awesome job of writing down the steps and making a plan. That is a huge key to help him succeed.
• I looked at my brother’s graphics and helped developers with their shipping and FedEx project. That has been a nightmare of sorts.
• The data 2 server has been struggling and went down today. We’ve got some big clients on that server. I think the database needs some help and needs to be split up and optimized to help with the load crazy times.
• The project manager has really been helping out with leadership and consulting for me. He’s been doing phone calls, emails, and documenting projects right and left. Big help! 30 miles.
• Small graphic layout change for a client out of Washington State. He does or wants to do armored car transport and logistics.
• Small graphic changes to a layout mock-up for a presentation. Emails and follow-up.
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AU 3835 Daily Tasks 5/18/2015   • Recording bills and invoices from my guys. Printing out some checks.
• Making a few more tweaks to the adilas sales, stats, and features packet. Added a couple more graphics and some light verbage.
• Re-exported files and uploaded to adilas elements of time using the media/content section.
• Signing off on code, small tweaks, and posting new files online. Light testing.
• On the phone with Steve going over projects, funding, and direction. We covered a lot of ground and batted around a number of different ideas. Kind of all over the place.
• Went in to Logan. Met with a developer and he gave us a check for $10,000 to help fund the developers. What a huge blessing.
• After our morning meeting, I went out and ran some errands. I put the $10,000 in the mail and visited a number of folks at Bridgerland.
• I talked with both the college president and the manager of Custom Fit and said thank you for letting us come and use Bridgerland for four months straight. That was awesome!
• All of the guys signed a card for the Custom Fit manager.
• I then went and got some cleaning supplies and snacks for the office.
• The project manager worked on cleaning out my email inbox. I’ve got tons of emails that I haven’t been able to get to.
• I signed off on some code for a developer and then worked with another developer on some icon menus.
• I also worked with a developer on uploading logos and how to do that.
• Developers were working on FedEx shipping and another developer was working on GPS tracking stuff. Lots of progress was being made.
• Also, my brother has been coming in the last couple of days. He brings a lot of new energy and excitement.
• My sister also came in and worked with the project manager on project management and sales ideas.
• At the end of the day my sister left me a little note saying – Brother – keep going! I really appreciated that. 30 miles.
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AU 3855 Daily Ideas 5/18/2015   -Lots of fun ideas about taking part of adilas and making small niche or industry specific apps. Lots of talk about sales teams, industry specific interfaces, special teams, and different marketing approaches. Great ideas!
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AU 3834 Daily Tasks 5/16/2015   • Recording notes and light review of progress.
• Spent time reviewing my notebooks. I was looking for some stats that showed growth (actual numbers)… What I found was growth of character over time. Kind of interesting. Trying to prep a document for a business loan.
• Prepping with numbers for total and yearly sales figures.
• On the phone with a sales rep and consultant going over the process of doing an internal build PO. Lots of inventory related questions and such. Light training.
• Working on some sales figures to give to investors. Making charts and graphs in Microsoft Excel. Used the phrases – adilas – all data is live and searchable – Your data, your world, your way!
• Finished up the adilas sales, stats, and features packet. Added some fun graphics and a sales forecasting and projections worksheet to play with numbers. It took a while, but I was having fun. Hopefully it will work to help us get some outside funding. Yee Haw! I sent a copy to a developer and his wife to help get a small loan. Our plans are to use this packet for other investors and other funding ventures.
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AU 3833 Daily Tasks 5/15/2015   • Went into the Logan Office. I was busy all day long.
• I saw a lot of good things going on without any help of mine. I saw more seasoned developers helping newer developers, people sharing dreams and goals, and people actively talking and interacting together. I saw guys stepping up, making decisions, and then going for it. I really enjoyed what I saw today. Good stuff.
• I worked with developers on data imports, icon menus, black boxes, and custom code. We also wired up a remote pdf option for push email notification that contain links to pdf invoices.
• Our project manager was going through my email inbox and helping to record projects and quote requests.
• My brother and the project manager had a good discussion on reskinning adilas and doing mobile apps.
• A developer showed me some of his new code for FedEx. We had a couple of conference calls with clients and made some progress there.
• My sister came by and went around and met with each developer. She has been such a great helper.
• I also met with a developer a couple of times on his Windows Software integration project. We keep hitting road bumps with that project. He also approached me to offer a loan to help cover some developer costs. What a huge blessing. Great day. 30 miles.
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AU 3832 Daily Tasks 5/14/2015   • Adding new logos and colors for 5 different corporations. Most of the new ones are on the data 3 server.
• Went into Logan to work at the office. Did some code sign-off on icon menus.
• Worked with a developer on using cookies to help with his software bridge.
• Meeting with a consultant to go over sales and features.
• Meeting with my brother and seeing his Flash interface (adilas university stuff). Good day. 30 miles.
• Phone calls, tech support, and messages. Called clients in Colorado.
• Called a consultant about gross sales commissions for payroll. Emails and more tech support.
• A contact came over to my house for an interview. We met and chatted about tech stuff as well as about training options. He is a very talented teacher and instructor.
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AU 3831 Daily Tasks 5/13/2015   • Went in to Logan to work with my guys. We had a group meeting for over an hour talking about funding. I shared some goals and vision and tried to be as honest as possible. I thought it was a great meeting and really helped to dispel rumors and misunderstandings.
• Once we got back to work, my guys were in pretty good spirits.
• Finished up the email push notification code. Tested and pushed new code and files live.
• Worked with the guys on project management and flow processes. This included a list of upcoming to do items.
• One of the developers did a group developer training on using Git and Bit Bucket for version control, branches, pushing and pulling files, etc.
• I signed off on some files and icon menus. 30 miles.
• On the phone with Steve talking about preset attributes, sales, packaging, advertising, commissions, and options. Steve really wants to get some advertising going.
• Created a new ad to highlight custom code work. The new ad features for project managers. Added the new graphics and news and updates to the main login page. Linked out to a custom 3rd party training class flyer and pushed up the community funded projects page. Late night.
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AU 3830 Daily Tasks 5/12/2015   • Emails, tech support questions, and paying bills.
• Went in to Logan to work with the guys at the office.
• As part of the daily stand-up meeting, we talked about transitioning each developer into a model of working from a list of customer funded projects. Currently, there is too big of a draw and drain on adilas for us to handle all of the developers on an internal project mode or model. We are burning through $5,000 to $6,000 a week just on internal projects.
Anyway, the discussion went over okay but I think it made a number of the guys nervous and what not. Cash flow is really tight right now.
• Worked with a developer on some Java Script to help add up totals to help with the community funded projects.
• He and I worked on the email notification project together. We were working on being able to pass HTML content through a JSON object. We had to do some research and jump through some hoops.
• Steve, 2 developers and I were on a conference call going over database options and logic for sub inventory and cost control (packaging). We did a group GoToMeeting session. Lots of database flow in Microsoft Excel. We went through a number of different scenarios. Some of the other guys were working on FedEx shipping for eCommerce, icon menus, and a software bridge for a pin debit card reader. 30 miles.
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AU 3829 Daily Tasks 5/11/2015   • Working on the app modes and adding 3D World Building concepts to the adilas GPS core graphic. Trying to get things ready for the new interface.
• Went in to Logan to work with the interns. I helped migrate some files and cleaned up an older branch from bit bucket dealing with icon menus. 30 miles.
• Working with a developer on an API socket connection to help handle event driven email communications. We spent the afternoon building the socket connecting and testing along the way.
• I also had a talk and discussion with a developer about transitioning all of the interns off of internal projects into client funded projects.
• Today stress levels were higher and you could feel it. All in all a god day today.
• Recording bills and expenses.
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AU 3854 Daily Ideas 5/11/2015   -New interface idea: Mini adilas GPS core with main nav as sub options.
-Add the links for the classic homepage, interactive map, and my favorite buttons.
-On time templates… Setup the sort order on the subs of time and which ones show up in what order. For example: Say I wanted sub comments before sub dates or something like that.
-As far as sort orders, we may also want to allow sort orders with in each sub. This could be for things like sub dates and times from oldest to newest or newest to oldest. We have also had request for sort orders on sub comments and notes. I would imagine that people want higher levels of control as we go forward.
-On time templates… allow for custom titles, captions, and aliases. Allow for tighter controls of the options.
End of another chapter and notebook…. : ) The story keeps unfolding!
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AU 3828 Daily Tasks 5/9/2015   • On the phone with Steve going over a number of custom projects and special bids. We talked quite a bit about current projects and how we plan on moving forward.
• Our clients are wanting to move more and more to custom high-end systems with back-ups, mirrors, roll-over features, consolidated books, and consolidated financials. Lots of talk about servers, cloud storage, API socket connections, bids, and custom code projects. Lots of exciting things happening all around us.
• Prep and getting organized. Recording bills and invoices for interns. Other bills and expenses.
• Working on adding credit card payment options to the community funded projects page. It isn’t wired up yet but working on getting things set and in place.
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AU 3853 Daily Ideas 5/9/2015   -On the adilas world site… Maybe think about custom black box code per page id number… Say vendor or person A wants a page that has a little bit of this or that while vendor or person B wants it to have something else. This is a customer or vendor specific black box vs. a corporation or world specific level black box. This deals with more subs and even page subs based off of id numbers.
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AU 3827 Daily Tasks 5/8/2015   • Recording notes from loose pages. Worked on some new graphic concepts for the adilas GPS core layout graphic.
• Added some custom options and verbage as well as some new “app modes” to switch between interfaces. This helps us use the same graphic layout but for different purposes.
• On the phone with a trailer company going over bank stuff.
• Went in to Logan to work at the office. I gave all of the guys a copy of the adilas GPS core layout graphic to help them know where we are headed.
• I helped the guys with placement and organization questions on the icon menus. We have 3-4 guys pushing on that project.
• I went through my email inbox and sent 10 logos over to one of the guys to help me get the prepped, ready, and posted online.
• He cranked them out and sent them back to me.
• A developer and I worked on the email project to wire up email options for clients. This will be an API socket method that we can call at any time. We anticipate that the email communications will be triggered by specific events scattered around the site as well as scheduled tasks and notifications.
• I worked with a developer on sub GPS pieces for over an hour. The code is looking very good. This is in preparation for future GPS projects and logistics.
• On the phone with a developer getting an update on the Green Bridge software bridge. Good progress there as well.
• Chatted with developers about eCommerce shipping and general plans.
• As a fun note… we all went outside today and played 4 on 4 ultimate Frisbee, in the field across from our new office. That was really fun. Good stuff. 30 miles.
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AU 3852 Daily Ideas 5/8/2015   -For example, say the adilas GPS core model, but use the model for showing data, usage, flow, training, permissions, settings, and even tech or concept stuff.
- Add different modes to the GPS core layout model. Be able to switch as needed… Call the different modes “app modes”
- Date & work mode
- Usage & stats mode
- Education & training mode
- Permission mode
- Settings mode
- Relationship & tech mode
While we were talking about the core layout, add a 3D cube on the top of the world building pieces.
3D World Building: x=time, y=money, z=space
-We need to make things a little bit easier and put things or display things in a visual way. We’ve got tons of great data but it is hard to get it all back out without knowing where it is and how it is stored. Make it simple and obvious. Use grids, graphics, charts, direct changes, simple layouts, etc.
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AU 3826 Daily Tasks 5/7/2015   • Went in to Logan to work at the office. Worked with a developer on adding the Green Bridge as a merchant processing gateway option.
• We spent a couple of hours going over flow and direction of how the cart checkout process works.
• I worked with a developer on project management stuff and billing. He, Steve, a consultant from Colorado, and myself were on a conference call going over database flow on sub inventory and cost control (packaging) stuff. We spent over an hour and a half working on a spreadsheet to nail down the anticipated flow and relationships. Great session.
• We introduced a new self-referencing id number to help show subs of subs.
• I then spent about an hour working with some developers on concepts of 3D world building, burning platforms, re-building models, and running things (data & values) through time and space. Kind of out there a bit but a fun conversation. As a side note, sometimes it takes a problem or breaking something in order to stimulate change. It also sometimes takes weeks, months, and years to understand and apply certain concepts. Line upon line, precept upon precept. Slow and steady wins the race. 30 miles.
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AU 3851 Daily Ideas 5/7/2015   -Self-referencing data to help with groups and sub groups.
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AU 3825 Daily Tasks 5/6/2015   • Prep, emails, and light clean-up.
• Signing off on code for the adilas 3rd party solutions page. We added code and an ad for a developer’s appLab, Ltd. We also did code an ad for cash management and kiosks. Posted all files online.
• Phone calls, emails, and follow-ups with reps and developers.
• Went into Logan to the office. Worked with a developer on some small code tweaks for a client. We had a brainstorming session on the email and text message options that are going to be needed. We were up at the whiteboard wall (you can actually write on the wall and then erase it. Kind of fun.) We then had a great sales call with a company out of North Carolina that sells sheds (garden and tool sheds).
• A consultant here set up the demo. We had a good talk and then ended up giving him a demo and showing him around for about an hour and a half. We used recipes, buttons, customers, photos, scans, media/content (files), and custom documents. Fun demo.
• My next meeting was with a web developer about other possible options for point of sales systems. He also has a ton of experience with ERP’s (enterprise resource planning) and bulk manufacturing and production. He is also very good at sales and SEO (search engine optimization). Lots of things to talk about.
• After that meeting, I met with our project manager about setting up a sales team as well as other projects.
• The last thing I did today was help a developer and the guys with their icon menus. A team of 4 guys are pushing on icon menus with this developer as their leader. He is doing awesome. Fun stuff. 30 miles.
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AU 3850 Daily Ideas 5/6/2015   -It would be cool to have an outline builder and be able to add sub notes on the fly.
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AU 3824 Daily Tasks 5/5/2015   • Working on a graphic mock-up for a secured transport company out of Washington. Added mock-up data, GPS tracking mock-up, buttons, driving directions, data drill-downs and other sub buttons for elements of time.
• Went into Logan to work at the new office. My day was still crazy but not quite as crazy as yesterday. I helped lots of different people with projects. I signed off on code, did some consulting, worked with Steve on eCommerce through GoToMeeting, answered emails, and saw lots of great peer training going on. Great stuff! 30 miles.
• Emails, recording notes, and light brainstorming.
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AU 3849 Daily Ideas 5/5/2015   -On the affiliate programs and promotion codes, allow them to be tracked to the person level if needed. That is customers, vendors, and employee/users. Also allow for campaign tracking options. The important thing is tying a campaign or promotion code to a specific person or entity. It could also be internal or unassigned.
-Setup all adilas guys with some access to elements of time in both adilas as well as adilas university. Get everybody assigned and help them use the tools.
-Add categories and types to sub dates and times. If applicable, even show items sorted and separated by type and category. This could be all kinds of stuff. Expand and think of different options.
-Go through the elements of time section and update a bunch of tables to get things prepped for round 2. This includes things like app-types, main id’s, sub id’s, table names, bigger category options, more settings, and more date and time options.
-Add new subs of time – sub checklists, sub budgets, sub locations, sub phases, sub packaging, etc.
-Beef up the sub assignments table – Be able to handle any connection to any other application player and/or sub player… Expand!
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AU 3823 Daily Tasks 5/4/2015   • A developer came over and we pushed some invoices and changes live.
• Went into Logan to the new adilas developer’s office. A developer his wife had some fun drawings on the whiteboard wall – they made it fun.
• We got an office tour and prepped for a phone call with a client. The phone call was pretty tough. The client was making demands and requests and I was trying to set bounds and times for what we are still going to do. It got a little bit rough.
• After the call and after I calmed down a bit. I called him back and we chatted. Much better.
• I talked to a developer about project management.
• Worked with a developer on his software bridge. Trying to find a cookie cutter – type project that we could do over and over again.
• Currently every project is custom and different. That takes a lot of time to explain and train my guys. Did some planning and worked with some developers. Super busy day.
• Today was the first day at the new Logan office. 30 miles.
• Emails and tech support.
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AU 3848 Daily Ideas 5/3/2015   -While watching “The Mountain of the Lord” – movie on building the Salt Lake City temple – one of the next goals is to coordinate the whole plan so that others may see what we are doing. If we get the plan and are able to present it, that will help all others know where we are headed. We may be able to coordinate work and efforts and allow more people to help work with the master plan as a guide. (Present the whole master plan… : )
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AU 3822 Daily Tasks 5/2/2015   • Recording hours form loose pages into my notebook.
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Adi 1040 Shipping API Connections for eCommerce and Retail - Including Custom UPS, USPS, and FedEx Labels 5/1/2015  

We can do basic shipping, some dynamic numbering, free shipping. Not yet tied to UPS/Fedex.

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AU 3821 Daily Tasks 5/1/2015   • Working on the community funded projects. Trying to get something up and online. Sprinting to get the projects posted online and the new ads created and pushed online. Somewhat of a pressure cooker. Created a new page and two new graphic ads to say that the community funded projects were released. One of the ads had a guy’s set of work boots that were randomly tied together and duct taped. This was our starting ad for the community projects. Kind of fun. (duct tape, string, old work boots)
• Went into Bridgerland to work with my guys. It felt so good to get the first round of community funded projects at least up and online.
• I showed a developer and my dad how to add and subtract from the community list of projects.
• I spent quite a bit of time talking with other developers about eCommerce and overall site structure and models.
• I also worked with a developer on two different subjects. He is working on a software bridge to work between adilas and a pin debit card reader. His other current project is dealing with GPS coordinates and mapping things out using Google maps. Making lots of progress.
• This was our last day at Bridgerland for this round. We have spent the last 4 months there using Bridgerland as our make shift office and group meeting area. What a blessing. I am very grateful for all of the help that I have received. Awesome stuff! 30 miles.
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AU 3847 Daily Ideas 5/1/2015   -I had this thought the other day, but what if we invited our users to participate in the development process through GoToMeeting? We could choose times and subjects and allow them to login and watch as we build and work on certain projects. They could chime in through the chat box and watch as we go through the planning, building, debugging, and full development and deployment process. The whole nine yards.
-This process may be boring to some people, yet it could be fascinating for others to see. Think of how fun it is to watch doughnuts being made at Krispy Kreme or something like that. Granted, doughnuts taste way better, but the concept could be fun.