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Sort Value: Developer's Notebook Report - 11/1/2017 to 11/30/2017 - (89)
Time Id Color Title/Caption Start Date   Notes
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Shop 3274 Auto login 11/30/2017  
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Shop 3273 Campaign Rise - Planning 11/30/2017   GoToMeeting with Dave Forbis and Alan Williams about the Campaign Rise Project

- Jared (owner) is getting pressure and starting to ask about progress and timelines.
- They have some family that has made some investments and they are starting to put pressure on when will it get done
- he calls Dave once a week or every other week - he is very invested in this... he really wants to get it done
- Alan already has a small to do list of what is needed.

- list from Alan and Dave
-- change search by # subscribers to "trending, popular, near me" for both campaign and events pages.
-- check the style on comments if they are long so that it scrolls down instead of side to side.
-- Facebook integration for logging in
-- Facebook integration for sharing
-- Accept/decline follow request
-- limit view of profile to only allow accepted people to view which events you are attending/campaigns subscribed to
-- upload multiple pictures at once
-- linking video/photo to updates for campaign and events.

- adilas could pay for the development and then we could bill them out - through payments or something
- take the list and see what the bare minimum to get it to first base (something stable)
- Have them (the client) start using the words - beta testing or still under construction
- We have lots of the main functionality... we are getting closer
- We still need to look at the impact points
- We need to prioritize on their to do list. Needs vs. wants
- Functionality vs. cosmetic changes
- What about merchant processing?
- Jared (the owner) really likes to push his dreams and vision forward - he is a great client and worth helping him out.
- They have been really easy to work with and they are in a totally different vertical.
- As far as a client, they are awesome and worth the risk to help push things forward.

See attached for another list of needs. This list came from both Dave and Alan.

See element of time # 3261 for more details and our meeting agenda list (just ideas and concepts).
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Shop 3234 Adilas Time 11/30/2017  
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Shop 3192 Lunch 11/30/2017  
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Shop 3170 Adilas Time 11/30/2017   On the morning GoToMeeting session. I talked with Calvin a little bit about requirements for independent developers and sub contract labor. He has gone through similar audits and such before. I wrote an email and sent it off to the auditor. I included all of the guys and gals in the Shop on the email as well. I then tried to get caught up with recording notes, attaching documentation to elements of time, and then back to merging files between branches. The other guys were all working on their own projects for most of the session.
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Shop 3262 AFB Time 11/29/2017   Zoom session with Russell. We were doing some code review on his AFB quick employee time clock. We merged in code and pushed it up to all servers. Russell then did some live testing. Eventually, he wants to make it a new paid feature.
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Shop 3233 Adilas Time 11/29/2017   Research on the unemployment insurance stuff. Reading through tons of documentation and files sent by the unemployment insurance auditor dealing with rules and laws for independent contractors. Built a small list and/or page of the independent developers used by the Adilas Shop and included their contact info. See element of time # 3232 for all of the documentation that was sent as part of the audit including the original email, the PDF's (documentation, rules, and laws). I have uploaded the list of developers to both this element of time and the other element of time that provides contact info for our guys and gals.
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Shop 3191 Lunch 11/29/2017  
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Shop 3169 Adilas Time 11/29/2017   On the morning GoToMeeting session with Alan and Steve. We talked about our involvement in other businesses and helping to make them succeed. Nobody has a crystal ball and we can't fully see the future. We have to just keep going and trying to make good decisions. We talked quite a bit about the Campaign Rise project. It is lightly in trouble and we need to see what is still needed to help save that project.

Steve was working on an email back to the guys in Canada. We took some time and laid out a small plan. Basically, the gist of the email was we want to be the backend processing/storage engine. The front end could be skinned to whatever level is needed. We want to stay at the account end of the puzzle. We also talked about requirements for monies being paid back to adilas. We would require upfront money to spin up a cluster of servers in Canada, we need the initial setup fee per client, we also would need 70% of the monthly. That is basically a 40% cost and a 30% profit. The other 30% profit would be the Canadian company. We also said that if we do a custom code project, we would need to bill the entire thing directly to the client (no middle man on that deal).

As a side note, the Canadian company could set their own prices, and sell all kinds of other supporting services such as setup, training, consulting, marketing, custom code, etc. Basically, a Canadian Shop type model. Of those other outside services, they could keep 100% of that revenue. The main Adilas, LLC ( would just be the backend processing, storage, and data engine. Kinda like the Intel chip inside of a computer. Intel sells its chips to Dell, HP, Sony, Toshiba, etc. Those other companies sell their products that include the Intel chips inside.

On a different note, I was merging in code. Alan was coding new changes. Steve was going through other emails and communicating with other reps and clients. At the end of the session, Calvin popped in to give a small update and report. We all reported and made some small plans. Good session.
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Shop 3272 Shield: edit records 11/28/2017   GoToMeeting session with Bryan. We did some light planning on the after the fact data changes and special audit trail table and stuff. We did some planning, light playing, and talking about our plans. I challenged Bryan to step away from the computer and make a plan... then get an approval... and then build to the plan. I need to take my own advise and step away from the computer to make a few plans of my own on my own projects.
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Shop 3261 AFB Time 11/28/2017   On a Zoom session with Russell. We merged in some code, talked about some projects. As part of our conversation, Russell gave me some advice on a past project from the Shop era that is still outstanding. Here are a couple of my notes to help me remember what he was saying:

- Make a list of what is still needed.
- Make a list of what was promised.
- In the future, try to go more with estimates vs. a full bid or set price.
- Figure out how much it will cost to bring the project all the way to completion.
- Reset some budgets and try to stick by them.
- Have a meeting with the client.
- Figure out where the communication gap was and/or managing expectations.
- Rebid or re-estimate if possible.
- We may have to do some matching of funds.
- We need to educate our clients about feature creep and how that affects timelines, budgets, and expectations.

Later on, I was talking to my dad and Steve and they had some ideas as well. These are from my dad and Steve (I talked with both of these guys on 11/29/17 - the day after the initial talk with Russell):

- It might be worth the time and money to setup a face to face meeting.
- Maybe take Dave, Alan, and Russell. Each of these guys has and/or brings a certain flavor to the table.
- Be a peacemaker.
- Adilas may need to fund some of the development or I may need to do it myself.
- At the same time, it takes money and we may not want to jump in and save someone.
- We don't have a crystal ball to see if this company is going to make it or not... there is some risk there.
- Using our top developers and guys, there is a cost associated with that including opportunity costs.
- If you look at other projects, they have much bigger price tags on them and there is still no guarantee that things will work out perfectly. Steve had tons of examples of big projects that have failed, even with millions of dollars invested.
- Even if you paid more money, is it enough to get you to first base? What will it take to get all the way home? These things tend to grow and grow and need tons of maintenance along the way. Usually, it is not just one push and your done.
- We need to meet and figure things out.
- See elements of time # 3273 for some notes between Brandon, Alan, and Dave Forbis talking about this project.

Towards the end of the session, Russell and I spent some time and looked into the AFB employee time clock app and started in on a small code review. We weren't able to finish due to time.
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Shop 3232 Adilas Time 11/28/2017   On a GoToMeeting session. I was basically just merging code. Steve came on towards the end and we chatted a bit. We also had a phone call from an auditor asking questions about the Adilas Shop and if the guys and gals were employees or true independents. We feel that they are and were true independents, but they are asking questions and trying to determine the status. The guy is from the Department of Workforce Services and is an Unemployment Insurance Auditor and a Field Auditor. Anyways, we had a nice half an hour talk and I told him some of what we do and how we did it. I hope he got the info he needed.

See attached for the verbage, documentation, and email that are part of this audit.
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Shop 3190 Lunch 11/28/2017  
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Shop 3168 Adilas Time 11/28/2017   On the morning GoToMeeting session with Steve, Calvin, and Alan. We mostly worked on our own projects but we did chat back and forth here and there about different questions and what not. Each of us are working on different areas. Calvin is going through a video and recording steps and use cases. Alan is working on the edit cart line item (advanced and basic modes). Steve is doing some custom code, answering emails, documenting processes, and doing phone calls. I was answering questions and merging files to catch-up our project branch with code from the master branch. Good work session.
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Shop 3260 AFB Time 11/27/2017   On a Zoom session with Russell. We spent some time looking into the new AFB email settings. We then did some code sign-off and had to fix some merge conflicts. We did a huge merge, ran update code, and then pushed files to all servers. Russell then did some live testing while I was uploading files to other servers.
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Shop 3231 Adilas Time 11/27/2017   On the afternoon GoToMeeting session with Steve. We mostly just did a basic work session. Wayne Andersen popped in and we helped him setup some new local corps for testing. He is working on custom database updates and data imports. The remainder of the session was used merging code between projects.
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Shop 3189 Lunch 11/27/2017  
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Shop 3167 Adilas Time 11/27/2017   On the morning GoToMeeting with Steve. We had Wayne Andersen from Portugal pop in and ask about some invoice field defaults. We then worked on fixing a bug we found last week. I ran an update page on all of the servers to flip a few inventory types around. I paid some bills and then went back to merging code for the sales tax expansion project.

Small side note, we did talk with Wayne a little bit about business objects and setting up an internal project queue of sorts to help us manage our own projects and what not. I'll be we can use the existing queue and sub queue system with minimal tweaks. We could tie it out to elements of time and go from there. Great idea and we just need to do it.
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Shop 3175 Brandon out of the office all day 11/24/2017  
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Shop 3171 Thanksgiving - Enjoy 11/23/2017  
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Shop 3227 Russell Moore code review e-mail project 11/22/2017   On a Zoom session with Russell. We were looking over code for the email project.
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Shop 3188 Lunch 11/22/2017  
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Shop 3259 Checking for duplicate checks 11/22/2017   Steve let me know the other day that a client was having problems with some of the bulk payment options due to duplicate checks. Currently, the system is setup to watch for duplicate check numbers from the same bank. If it finds one, it stops the process and shows an error.

The problem is that the process doesn't complete fully. You then have a new expense/receipt with or without line items and with or without all of their payments. It basically only does part of the full process.

Steve and I were talking and we would like to put a duplicate check or duplicate payment search at the beginning of those processes so that it would prompt before getting into the process half way and then jumping out. It is better to stop the process from the beginning before we go too deep.

Most of these are in the payables sections. Here are the processes that need to be looked at:
- bulk pay for PO's
- bulk pay for splits (payments on account)
- bulk pay for reimbursements (REI's)
- bulk pay for stock/units - base prices
- bulk pay for stock/units - floorplan stuff
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Shop 3166 Adilas Time 11/22/2017   On the morning GoToMeeting session with Calvin. We talked a little bit about our goals and vision of the future. I tried to explain to Calvin where we are headed and what we are trying to do and get done. I was drawing and used a number of photos and graphics from the teaching gallery that Russell setup for me. Kinda fun for me at least to be able to present our goals and vision in my way and style. I like that, it is fun.

Later on in the session, we got some tech support calls and had to fix a server and the timezone offsets on the data 6 server. I then got on a call with Steve and he showed me some pieces that he was working on and fixing. Most of the session was used by little odds and end and light tech support stuff.

Towards the end, I started building an update page to help with a global fix that Steve and I discovered yesterday dealing with inventory types. The code will fix a bug with the cross-corp invoice to PO functionality.
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Shop 3258 Recording notes 11/21/2017   Recording notes and going over things from today. Busy times.
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Shop 3257 API time URL encoding 11/21/2017   On a GoToMeeting session with Bryan. He had a few questions and we chatted and talked. One of the subjects was allowing our users to edit things after the fact. That is pretty common for adilas - it is part of our model. We also have to report to other outside entities and they don't like it that things can change. They virtually want us to lock things down. I was telling Bryan that if you lock things down too tight, you end up forcing people to adjust things in a different way. It is almost like making a vehicle and not allowing it to go in reverse... that just doesn't fly in real life. Real life is dynamic and changes constantly. You have to be able to go backwards and forwards. Sometimes we wish certain things were static, but they keep changing. Thus is life.

Anyways, we talked about a possible new option to setup a watcher table that could historically keep track of certain changes and then report those changes. Basically, nothing gets recorded in this new table or area unless you make a change. You still allow the users to change things as they need and as their permissions allow but you also have a log to go back on to either notify an outside entity and/or use for a deeper audit trail or report. Great idea. We talked about a couple different options and ideas.

Bryan was going to mull over things and get back with the client to see what they are willing to fund and how important some of that edit/update log info really is. Once we know, we'll make more plans and go from there.
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Shop 3226 Russell Moore code review e-mail project 11/21/2017   On a Zoom session with Russell. We chatted and talked and he had to listen to me blow off some steam for a bit. Sometimes there feels like so much going on. It doesn't seem to stop and it keeps piling up. Thanks Russell for listening and putting in your two cents.

We spent most of the session going over his new email functionality and doing a pretty big overview of the new features. I was commenting about good, bad, and asking questions. Russell was showing me options, features, and benefits. Pretty cool. We also talked about other topics such as: code review, some new CSS displays and using cards, tabs, buttons, etc. We also talked about doing a visual major re-write of certain pages and how to prioritize things. We also talked about some budgets, finances, plans, and limits. Good meeting.
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Shop 3187 Lunch 11/21/2017  
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Shop 3165 Adilas Time 11/21/2017   GoToMeeting with Alan, Calvin, and Steve. Recorded a new video for some of the deeper invoice functionality for the sales tax expansion project. We covered adding items after the fact, edits, look-ups, smart group buttons (tiered pricing), and other reports that deal with discounts and taxes. After we recorded a small dog and pony show (me talking and Alan and Calvin asking questions), we talked about Thanksgiving plans and what not. Pretty casual and fun. I sent Steve a link to a video that talks about how a guy went to cut wood, got his truck stuck, prayed for help, then proceeded to get some firewood. Finally, "the load" was what he really needed to get unstuck. This is fun church movie but it has a great lesson about trials and adversity.

Here is a link to that video.

Also, see attached for the new video that we recorded this morning.

After Calvin and Alan left the meeting, Steve and I spent some time looking into a few reported bugs and/or problems. We spent a good hour or more looking for a bug in the cross corp invoice to PO section. We finally found that some of the main inventory type id's had been flipped to a value of 1 (the dummy record) instead of a value of 5 for normal parts and general inventory (widget inventory). The balance sheet was picking up this error and that's how we found it. That was kind of a fun little perk. We are glad that it is doing it's job.

On a side note, I am so grateful for our clients and how much they beat up our application and virtually act as a testing pool of thousands and thousands of users. We honestly couldn't pay for a live testing bank like we have. That is a blessing. Sure it comes with some pain sometimes in the form of phone calls, texts, emails, and complaints, but look at what we gain... :) Totally amazing and awesome.
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Shop 3256 General 11/20/2017   On a phone call with Steve. He was reporting a couple of different bugs that were found. Some of them were dealing with duplicate checks on expense/receipts. If a duplicate is found, it stops the process mid-stream and leaves some things hanging. Basically, as soon as the duplicate is found, no other backend actions take place. We may need to move some logic around to help it do what is needed.

He was also saying that he (or a client and they told him) found an error with the cross-corp invoice to PO process. We will look into some of that tomorrow.

I also recorded some notes and did some light clean-up.
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Shop 3253 Location, phase and groups 11/20/2017   On a GoToMeeting session with Bryan. We went over some API socket questions and then into a custom report and tool to bulk move PO's tied to sub inventory. We went over a number of tweaks to his current code and then finally ended up looking into the database structure and seeing if we could get the data in a different way and/or path. See attached for one of the drawings and how the database tables are connected.
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Shop 3230 Adilas Time 11/20/2017   Emails, clean-up, and recording expenses. Finished uploading a video capture from this morning.
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Shop 3186 Lunch 11/20/2017  
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Shop 3164 Adilas Time 11/20/2017   On the morning GoToMeeting session. Most of the time was spent with Alan, Calvin and I going over processes from the user side for editing carts, applying discounts, doing quotes, and doing different types of invoices. We recorded a video of most of the talking and have posted it on this element of time as well as element of time # 3199 for the sales tax expansion project. In the conversations, we cover a number of key points, processes, pages, backend details, choices, settings, permissions, etc. The video is more for developers vs. the general public but it does have some good info.

Both Eric and Steve were on the call at different times. Steve was touching base, listening, and doing his own projects. Eric popped in a couple of times but we were recording stuff. When the session was done, I helped him get a couple of pages that do simple searches and then export data in a CSV file. We also looked into the black box logic for external shop or ecommerce pages.
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Shop 3255 General 11/18/2017   Paying bills and recording expenses. Started back into the code merging project to get the sales tax expansion project more in-line with the master code branch. It is behind the master branch almost 5-6 months. Lots of moving pieces.

Calvin called and we chatted for a bit. He is frustrated with the lack of organization and feeling like he is going in circles. We are trying and I told him that we are happy with where things are going. We have 3 great developers on this project and all of us are trying to help the whole. We need to circle around and around until we get it all taken care of. To really plan this thing out to the nines... it would take another month of just planning. We need to keep working together, communicating, and being willing to circle around and around. Think of try storming vs. just brainstorming. I told him to do what he can and put in something like ***need*** where the value was unknown. I think that helped him get past some mental hang-ups of not knowing exactly what is going on in all places. This is a huge project.
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Shop 3254 General 11/17/2017   Emails, phone calls, texts, talking to Calvin, and helping Steve with a bug on his CSV Metrc report.
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Shop 3174 Brandon out of the office all day 11/17/2017  
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Shop 3229 Meeting with Will about API sockets 11/16/2017   On a GoToMeeting session with Will talking about how to open up the API socket assignments. Currently, we only allow one assignment per socket. That makes it hard for different parties to use the different sockets. We need to open it up and allow for a one-to-many relationship between the sockets (business functions) and the assignments to those sockets. We did a lot of drawing on the screen and talked about some options. Will is very sharp and was following along great. He should be good to go. Busy day today.
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Shop 3228 Working with Bryan 11/16/2017   On a GoToMeeting session with Bryan. He is working on a custom project to help show and manage plants. He is a nut and peach tree farmer, so this project is perfect for him. Anyways, we got out a blank file and started to write down what we needed to do (a basic scenario or use case). Once we had a good plan, we went into the system and set up the pieces that we needed. We did everything manually and I tried to help him see the processes and what id number (technical stuff) the system generated behind the scenes.

Once we had the manual process down... I spent some time pitching an idea to Bryan how we could combine vendors, PO's, PO line items, parts or items, locations, elements of time, subs of time, and flex grid all together from one page. Basically a custom wire job or custom interface. I pitched a page that asked for 10 pieces of info from one page. Then when that page gets submitted, we could build a certain number of PO's with one plant or item per PO, we could build one elements of time per PO (per plant), and then crisscross everything together including notes, dates, times, phases, locations, and subs phases of time. It would be pretty cool

The goal of the meeting was to show Bryan some of the existing tools in the shed. The second goal was to expand the vision of how we could harness some of that into a custom solution of sorts. Lots of moving pieces and it takes quite a bit to think it up and then to plan it out. I think that kind of stuff is fun... :)
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Shop 3221 Adilas Time 11/16/2017   On the afternoon GoToMeeting session. I was merging files, Alan was building and checking out advanced JavaScript, and Calvin was going through issues on Bitbucket. All of these projects were dealing with the sales tax expansion project.
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Shop 3185 Lunch 11/16/2017  
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Shop 3163 Adilas Time 11/16/2017   On the morning GoToMeeting session with Steve, Calvin, and Alan. Steve was dealing with the Canadian guys and their letter of intent for setting up adilas up in Canada. We had Eric chime in for a bit and we did a global update for one of his clients on the data 4 box. They, Eric's client, needed some tax categories globally flipped to normal taxable vs. with tax included. Meanwhile, we were all working on individual projects for the sales tax expansion project. Calvin showed us some of his visual merging tools and how he was merging things.

Part way through the session, I had Russell call me and chat for a bit about his upcoming projects and progress. He is pretty swamped but making progress. As part of our conversation, he mentioned a small saying that I wanted to record. Apparently, Ruth uses this little saying at school as she teaches some of her kids... "I do, we do, you do". What that means is I do it and show you how, we then do it together and I help you, eventually we get to where you can do it on your own. I thought that was a great little saying and wanted to record it.
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Shop 3225 Working with Bryan 11/15/2017   On a GoToMeeting session with Bryan. We were working through a number of small issues and questions. We merged some code in, re-cloned his code repository, and worked on some code that did some auto emailing for a company.

After that, I finished up my cloning process for the sales tax expansion project. I had to go through almost 100 files today checking for differences and doing soft merges on the files.
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Shop 3220 Adilas Time 11/15/2017   Alan, Calvin, and I were on the afternoon GoToMeeting session. Most of the time was just working on our own projects. Good work session. I was merging files and changes that have been made by both Alan and Calvin into my branch for the sales tax expansion project.
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Shop 3184 Lunch 11/15/2017  
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Shop 3162 Adilas Time 11/15/2017   On the morning GoToMeeting with Calvin, Alan, and Eric. Alan assigned me to help with a database update for stock/units and the allinv table. Eric had some questions for Alan on Git and Bitbucket stuff. We went over a small tutorial about branches, merging, and pull requests. Eric had a couple of other questions. We then broke into individual work sessions. I started to work on merging in code from Alan and Calvin into the main sales tax expansion branch. The other guys were pushing forward on what they were working on. Good stuff.

Steve would normally be on but he was up in Denver today helping out up there.

Just for fun, at the end, we had a small break where we talked about some of our hobbies, fun stories, and some other fun things like that. A great 15 minute break in the action.
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Shop 3223 Inyo API 11/14/2017   On a GoToMeeting session with Bryan. We had to fix and track down a time zone offset issue. It was in some custom code that was using a now function vs. an adjusted date/time stamp that had a time zone offset. We then worked through a number of other questions. Some of the session was dealing with training and talking about session values and how the main adilas application compares to the shop or ecommerce session values. They are completely different. The main adilas application is more like a full world, while the shop session is more like a small moon of sorts. Anyways, just working through some questions.

Steve and I authorized Bryan to start the process of getting the data 9 server up and spinning. Things are growing.
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Shop 3219 Adilas Time 11/14/2017   On the afternoon GoToMeeting session with Calvin and Alan. They were working on the sales tax expansion and I was finishing up the sub inventory to my cart favorites.

See attached for a copy of my project scratch file for the sub inventory to my cart favorite buttons project. There is some good database/field mapping and some other notes that I used to do the project.
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Adi 1313 Early adilas photos 11/14/2017  
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Shop 3183 Lunch 11/14/2017  
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Shop 3161 Adilas Time 11/14/2017   On the GoToMeeting session with Steve, Calvin, and Alan. We pretty much just did a work session today. We did chat here and there, but most of it was just a work session. As a funny side note, Steve showed us some old photos of the early days of adilas with Brandon and Scotty in the old Morning Star Office in Salida, CO.
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Shop 3224 General 11/14/2017   Working on connecting sub inventory to the advanced grid for my cart favorite buttons. Writing a new method/function to help look up possible parent items and do a substitution from parents to subs if they meet the correct criteria.
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Shop 3218 Canada License - Integrated Brands 11/13/2017   On a GoToMeeting session with Steve. The two of us chatted and talked about some options for the Canada license stuff with Integrated Brands. We tried to structure the letter of intent (LOI) to have more of a flavor a software license vs. purchasing anything. We thought that purchasing sounds more like ownership vs. being extended a license to sell or operate a tool like MS Excel or Adobe Photoshop. We wanted to structure things more around the existing tool and what we services we provide vs. the actual code. I think Steve made some great changes to the letter of intent and then sent it back to them. We also put in some clauses to basically create a retainer of 10K for a limited time period to see how the project progresses. See attached for a number of photo/scans and files dealing with the letter of intent.

As a side note, Steve and I got a number of suggestions from both Calvin Chipman (internal developer and programmer and project manager) as well as Alan Williams (internal developer and programmer and project manager). Both had some good insights.

The rest of the session was spent back on our individual projects, doing email, tech support stuff, and other general tasks. I was able to get some work done on the my cart favorite buttons and using subs in that area. Making progress all around the board.
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Shop 3222 Adilas Time 11/13/2017   On a group GoToMeeting session with Calvin, Alan, and Steve. Each of the guys were working on their own projects and then chiming in every now and then. Steve and I worked on a small letter of intent from a company in Canada and then back on our own projects. Alan is working on the update cart pages. Calvin was making changes and cascading code for the invoice side of the sales tax expansion project.
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Shop 3182 Lunch 11/13/2017  
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Shop 3160 Adilas Time 11/13/2017   On the morning GoToMeeting session with Steve, Alan, and Calvin. We started out the session talking about possible white label options up in Canada. We have a client that is looking to do some work up in that neck of the woods. We had some good comments by both Steve and Calvin as we chatted. After that, we broke up into small work sessions. Alan and Calvin were working on the sales tax expansion project. I was doing stuff with my cart favorite buttons and getting them tied into sub inventory. Steve was making calls and other outside code projects.

"Start where you are and go from there..." - Calvin

Towards the end of the session, Calvin and Alan were talking about more object oriented programming and what was trending thus far. Calvin did some graphs and showed a comparison between C#, PHP, Python, ColdFusion, and Java. There were some interesting trends. These were searches done on Google. We also briefly looked at JavaScript, C++, JQuery, Angular, AJAX, Ruby,, etc. See attached for some screen shots.
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Shop 3217 General 11/13/2017   Working on the my cart favorite buttons and being able to use them with sub inventory.
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Shop 3216 Working on my cart favorite buttons 11/11/2017   Spent another hour working on the my cart favorite buttons and showing correct sub quantities on the button displays. Pushed up code. Still need to finish up the project.
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Shop 3215 General 11/11/2017   Paying bills, doing emails, and trying to get caught up. More work on cascading sub inventory through the my cart favorite buttons section. Lots of smaller clean-up and detail work stuff.
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Shop 3214 Meeting with Will 11/11/2017   On a GoToMeeting session with Will. We were going over options for expanding the web/API socket assignments to both internal persons and 3rd party solutions using the same API socket. Basically, we need more than one option per socket connection. The conversation and meeting were mostly just talking about concepts, where to put the new logic, and then how to use it. Will is doing great and I encouraged him to make a plan and then go for it.

After the meeting, I recorded some notes and did some looking around on the adilas site and how people are starting to use the online bill pay portion of the site. Pretty cool.
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Shop 3173 Brandon out of the office all day 11/10/2017  
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Shop 3212 APIs 11/9/2017   On a GoToMeeting session with Bryan. Steve and Bryan started out talking about bulk move PO's and other bulk tools. I then worked with Bryan on a number of different issues and topics. First we worked on converting a text value into a numeric sortable date value. We ended up doing some custom aliasing of database fields, loops, and custom data types and casting within flex grid queries. Lots of flip flopping to get the reports to work well. We then spent some time and talked about 3rd party API's and how to secure them. We went over creating custom admin logins and making sub pages protected for both normal pages and custom 3rd party API socket calls. We then worked on some other query questions, and concept and flow for building complex data structures.

After Bryan was done, Steve and I wrapped up talking about how crazy things are. Tons of requirements and request from all levels. It is really fun to see things starting to play out in different areas as well. We are both really busy and just getting slammed with requests. We are also still standing and mostly having fun... :)
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Shop 3205 Sales Tax Project Time 11/9/2017   On the GoToMeeting session with Alan and Calvin. Alan was planning and documenting changes to functions, methods, and pages for the sales tax expansion project. Calvin was doing deeper testing on the calculateTaxes method and then on to in-line discounts and adding those to the cart.

I was helping where needed and then working on the advanced grid part of the my cart favorite buttons and tying them in to work with sub inventory. Pretty deep. I was following logic, mapping things out, and creating new quick sub inventory methods to check quantities on hand.
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Shop 3181 Lunch 11/9/2017  
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Shop 3159 Adilas Time 11/9/2017   On the morning GoToMeeting session with Steve, Alan, Calvin, and Eric. We started out and Steve and Eric had to leave pretty early. We did get to cover some needs that Eric brought up. We have tons of features, but the education level is far below that. Some people (our users) complain or think we can't do certain things because they haven't been taught and/or don't know what is available. That is a tough battle.

After that, Alan and Calvin were working on the sales tax expansion project and I was working on the adding sub inventory to my cart favorite buttons project. We were all working on our different projects and then just chiming in as needed. Good stuff and making progress on all sides.
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Shop 3210 Working on my cart favorites with Steve 11/8/2017   On a GoToMeeting session with Steve. I spent the first half an hour cleaning up from the sales tax expansion project and pushing my new changes up and online. After that, Steve and I transitioned into the options to add a sub inventory package (child item) directly to a my cart favorite button. I spent most of the session following logic and outputting new display values and actually coding the logic to make it work on a one-by-one basis. We still have to make it work in bulk, but the one-by-one logic is finished and at least tested locally. Making some good progress.

While Steve and I were on the call, we would chat with each other and talk about the progression on some of our guys, reps, and developers. It is kinda fun to see small teams forming, certain persons gravitating towards certain tasks and responsibilities, and others wanting to be involved and catching the vision. Those are some fun developments and some fun people developments. Good stuff.

See attached for my latest working doc for the sub inventory and my cart favorite buttons project.
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Shop 3204 Sales Tax Project Time 11/8/2017   On the GoToMeeting session with Calvin and Alan. We worked on the sales tax expansion project. Each of us were doing our own parts. Calvin was doing deeper testing, I was cleaning up a to do list, and Alan was pushing things forward (pioneering of sorts). Great session. We touched base every once in a while and helped keep each other up to date.
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Shop 3180 Lunch 11/8/2017  
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Shop 3211 Changes for the developer's homepage 11/8/2017   Make sure and disable the domain level drop-down on the developer's homepage. We are having problems with the developers pulling things from the wrong servers. We only want the master service or master domains listed. Such as data 0 or something along that lines.
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Shop 3158 Adilas Time 11/8/2017   On the morning meeting with Calvin, Alan, and Steve. We got started and did some light project review. We then split up and did a small work session. Steve was helping Danny with demos and marketing. I was merging in code and doing some detail work behind what Alan had done. Calvin was testing the calculateTaxes method and all of the internal logic. Alan was pushing forward and somewhat pioneering and cascading code changes where he thought that they were needed. We re-met a few times to give each other some updates on what we were doing. Good session.
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Shop 3209 Finishing up the my cart favorite buttons 11/7/2017   Switching gears and working on the my cart favorite buttons and allowing sub inventory to play through on the different buttons. Got in about an hour on the project and rebooked tomorrow for some more time. Making progress and getting into the deeper logic part of the project.
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Shop 3203 Sales Tax Project Time 11/7/2017   On the afternoon GoToMeeting session with Calvin and Alan. We were listing out cart values and how they will be mapped. We went through number of decimals, what fields make it out from the cart session scope out to invoices and quotes. We also went through a proposed logic flowchart for the calculateTaxes method. See element of time # 3199 for sub details. Once we got the pieces relatively done, we posted the info on that element of time. Trying to get all of the pieces in one place.
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Shop 3179 Lunch 11/7/2017  
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Shop 3157 Adilas Time 11/7/2017   GoToMeeting session with Steve, Calvin, and Alan. We were working on the sales tax expansion project. We did some review and then jumped into the add_to_cart.cfm page. That led us into a number of other side places. We did some light testing and found an error dealing with URL encoding and decoding. We spent a bunch of time there, but it may have helped to show the difference between in-line discounts and standalone discounts. We then started defining specific decimal points, rounding errors, and light calculation specifics. Good morning meeting.
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Shop 3201 Working on my cart favorite buttons 11/6/2017   On a GoToMeeting session with Steve. We were working on the my cart favorite buttons project. He was doing his own stuff and I was doing my projects. We kept getting called out and having to answer texts and phone calls. Not a super productive session.
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Shop 3202 Sales Tax Project Time 11/6/2017   On a Zoom session with Alan and Calvin. We were going over plans and trying to help everybody get on the same page. We ended up finding a number of older to do lists. We fixed a couple small bugs and got everybody on the same branch and moving forward. Alan was tagged with checking for reusable code pieces. Calvin is going to start looking into the add_to_cart.cfm page and I was going to get Calvin some new test data. See element of time # 3199 for more details, notes, and the older to do lists.

Around 3 pm, both Alan and Calvin left. I used the last hour to record more notes and get some new data for Calvin. At the end of that session, we switched back over to GoToMeeting and I helped out a developer by the name of Justin with some ColdFusion settings. Justin is one of Russell's developers.
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Shop 3178 Lunch 11/6/2017  
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Shop 3156 Adilas Time 11/6/2017   On the morning GoToMeeting session. Steve and I started out talking about funding and goals. We then got on with Calvin and Alan to go over the sales tax expansion project. We ended up having problems with GoToMeeting and switch over to a Zoom session to finish up. The entire time was spent trying to paint a good picture of what was needed and/or wanted. Lots of drawings and talking about things.

At the end of the session, I got some calls from some of the other developers with a couple of questions. Light tech support for Shawn and Bryan.
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Shop 3207 General 11/6/2017   Emails, clean-up, scanning, and filing pages and paper.
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Shop 3206 Timezone changes 11/4/2017   Logged in and changed all of the time zone offsets on all servers (data 0 - data 8).
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Shop 3198 Sales tax project planning 11/3/2017  
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Shop 3172 Brandon out of the office all day 11/3/2017  
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Shop 3196 Working with Steve on my cart favorite buttons 11/2/2017   GoToMeeting session working on adding sub inventory options to my cart favorite buttons.

Working on branch BWM-31

See attached for a small planning page and some scratch notes on my cart favorite field names and mappings.
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Shop 3177 Lunch 11/2/2017  
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Shop 3200 Random notes while I'm thinking about them 11/2/2017   - We need to expand all of the external_alternate_id fields. They have already been added to all 12 main player groups. Currently, they are somewhat hidden and only used behind the scenes. These would be really cool if we could also add some corp-wide settings for what to call them.

- Elements of time need to have a generic barcode field. Currently, that doesn't exist, but it might be really nice especially as we get deeper into lots, packages, groups, and batches. We could just use the number in the general title or general notes, but it might be nice to have a specific sport for a special barcode number or QR code number (alpha numeric - 50 chars).
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Shop 3155 Adilas Time 11/2/2017   GoToMeeting
Talking with Steve about options
Talking with Calvin about new options
Alan came on and the three of us were going over the sales tax expansion project
Steve and I talking about how things could progress and how to harness different projects and custom work. Just pull things into the hive and then who ever is available will take the plan and run with it.
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Shop 3151 Meeting with company in Smithfield 2pm 11/1/2017   Hey Brandon let's meet at 2 PM at their location.
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Shop 3176 Lunch 11/1/2017  
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Shop 3154 Adilas Time 11/1/2017   Morning GoToMeeting session with Steve. We met with Wayne about defaults for the parts or general inventory table. This is for imports of general items (part numbers). We met with Alan about questions on the sales tax expansion project. I then started to do some planning for sub payroll project for Beaver Mountain (see EoT # 3197).

Towards the end of the session, I was talking with Steve about using elements of time to help track the _z axis and sub phases and sub locations. The _z axis deals with space or layering type details. What happens to something inbetween or as it goes from stage to stage or phase to phase? Does it move, change, morph, expand, contract, build, destroy, etc.

We also talked about some requests from a client dealing with their specific needs and processes. See attached for a copy of the email. It is requesting some help with the PO process and basically asking for the _z level tracking options that Steve and I were talking about.